"IELTS Speaking Success - Get a Band 7+" |
"IELTS Speaking Success - Get a band 7+ is a complete speaking course taught by me, Keith, a British, DELTA-qualified, English teacher and ex-IELTS examiner.You will learn all the tricks, strategies and language you need to get an IELTS Speaking Band 7 or above.The course is both fun and professional.It includes:A framework for improving your answersTips and strategies for each part of the testThe most common question typesModel answers for Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3Complete language analysis of the model answersAssignments for you to practiceQuestions from the 2019 question bankFuture updates with new questions as they appear in the IELTS testThis course will develop your speaking skills and build your confidence.Through watching the classes, you will learn a methodical approach to help you improve your vocabulary, grammar and fluency. Likewise, you will learn how to master native-like pronunciation.Through continuous practice you will learn how to use new language flexibly and with confidence.Finally, with a deep understanding of the IELTS speaking evaluation system, you will be able to produce better answers, and so reach your goal of getting an IELTS 7 or above."
Price: 99.99 |
"A Beginner's Guide to IELTS Speaking" |
"A Beginner's Guide to IELTS Speaking is a short, professional course taught by me, Keith, a British, DELTA-qualified, English teacher and ex-IELTS examiner.If you are not sure about how to do well in IELTS Speaking, then this is the course for you.This course tells you how the test works, how it is scored, what the examiners are thinking, and the best preparation techniques to get a band 7 or above in the test.It includes;Preparation techniquesPractice techniquesStudy Plan TemplateSpeaking test tipsA Model answer for Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3This is a guide to all three parts of the test and how best to prepare for it.This course will give you a study plan, professional and reliable study techniques, and get you familiar with some of the common question types in the test.Join me today, and start preparing the right way for the IELTS Speaking test."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ethical Hacking - Complete Fast Track Course in 2019" |
"This course focuses on Ethical Hacking and Network Security in 2019.Take this course to become a network security pen-tester for companies and for individuals. You should also be able to protect any computer after taking this course.You should be able to:setup virtualboxinstall kali linuxinstall windows 7scan for network vulnerabilities.do footprinting and detect footprintingscan for major and minor attacks.detect major and minor attacks.use your firewall to protect your network.use honeypots and vpn to protect your network.use proxychains and macchanger to also protect your network.learn the best techniques in protecting your network.After taking this course, you should be able to work in any network security company."
Price: 19.99 |
"WordPress Portfolio - A Complete Fast Track Course" |
"This course focuses on developing a portfolio page.Take this course to become a web designer/developer.You should be able to to create all the following:Bio Page Personal and Professional SkillsEducation PageWork experience pageProjects PageCertificates PageContact PageBlog PageAfter taking this course, you should be able to design a portfolio page for yourself, friends and family."
Price: 19.99 |
"LEED Green Associate V4.1 Exam 700 Questions ,6 test(Proven)" |
"LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE practice exams consists of multiple-choice questions. Each exam contains 100 questions to be answered in 120 minutes like the actual exam, except the last exam 6; which contains 200 questions to be answered in 240 minutes. The last exam is supposed to push limits of the student.LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation course contains 700 questions in real time Exam format with questions ranging from Various LEED concept Categories as tested in USGBC Exam. The Categories are divided into knowledge areas and are outlined as:LEED Process.Integrative Strategies.Location & Transportation.Sustainable Sites.Water Efficiency.Energy & Atmosphere.Indoor Environmental Quality.Materials & Resources.Project Surroundings and Public Outreach.At the End of Each Exam, You can know your weak areas of knowledge and focus on those areas to improve. The course also gives you explanations on correct or incorrect answers to help improve your concepts.The Exam was prepared by a group of Accredited LEED professionals who passed the exam in first try with minimum 190/200 scores each."
Price: 19.99 |
"Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos - O Curso Completo" |
"O Curso Online de Lgica de Programao o primeiro treinamento para quem deseja ingressar no mundo da TI. Na verdade, voc utiliza a lgica para tudo em seu dia-a-dia.Quando prepara o seu almoo, voc utiliza lgica. Quando voc vai faculdade, utiliza lgica. E at para investir em um curso na Udemy voc utiliza lgica. Enfim, utilizamos lgica para quase tudo em nossas vidas, nada mais justo que utilizarmos tambm para a rea de TI. Voc ver que todos os assuntos relacionados a TI obrigatoriamente utilizam conceitos e prticas que sero ensinados durante este curso:Voc precisa desenvolver um site, lgica de programao; Um software, precisa de lgica de programao; Aquele relatrio sensacional no Excel, lgica de programao;Um aplicativo mobile para o seu chefe/cliente acessar a qualquer momento, de qualquer lugar precisa de lgica de programao! Ou seja, para voc crescer e evoluir dentro do enorme universo que a TI abrange, necessrio que voc possua uma excelente base de conhecimentos sobre lgica de programao, o qual o objetivo principal deste treinamento! Aqui voc alm de aprender Lgica de Programao, aprender uma simples e fcil linguagem de chamada de PHP. Voc ir aprender o suficiente para construir alguns projetos aqui no curso e ver que desenvolver um sistema, ou um site bem mais simples quando se sabe lgica. Adquirindo agora o treinamento voc tambm ter acesso benefcios exclusivos: Acesso vitalcio ao curso; Suporte especial do Instrutor; Direito as atualizaes do curso; Mdulos Extras; Certificado de concluso do curso; OBS: Lembrando que voc ir aprender Lgica de Programao mesmo no sabendo nada de Informtica e finalmente poder dar os primeiros no vasto mundo da Tecnologia e se tornar um profissional super requisitado. Te espero na sala de aula!"
Price: 114.99 |
"Mercado Livre do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O Mercado Livre do Bsico ao Avanado um Curso Prtico, todo em vdeo aulas onde vou te ensinar passo a passo, como ter resultados incrveis no maior marketplace do Brasil, atravs de estratgias exclusivas. exatamente o que voc precisa para chegar no status de Mercado Lder em cerca de 6 meses.O que significa ser Mercado Lder?Um vendedor s pode se tornar Mercado Lder aps completar, em 3 meses, 36.500 reais ou mais vendas.Isso significa ter vendido uma mdia de 12 mil reais ao ms.Incrvel, no ?Imagine agora voc faturando 12 mil reais por ms.E no para por a..Ao se tornar um Mercado Lder a sua reputao melhora diante dos demais vendedores, o que afeta positivamente seus anncios, sua visibilidade dentro da plataforma e, claro, o desempenho dos seus produtos.Seus produtos, portanto, ficaro melhor posicionados, o que vai trazer mais visibilidade para o seu negcio e, consequentemente, mais vendas.Ou seja: voc vai sair na frente dos seus concorrentes!No mais, voc ainda tem at 60% de desconto em frete do Mercado Envios e diversos outros benefcios na plataforma.Alm disso tudo, voc vai aprender como:Ter uma viso geral do que Mercado Livre, Mercado Pago, Mercado EnviosCriar anncios de qualidade suprema que tero muito mais destaque na plataformaAtender clientes da melhor maneira e aumentar suas vendas atravs do atendimento ps compraUsar nossa Estratgia matadora para se tornar Mercado Lder em 4 mesesCONTEDOS EXTRAS incrveis como estes:Como precificar os produtos para turbinar a lucratividade no Mercado LivreComo encontrar fornecedores e negociar da melhor maneiraComo conseguir emprstimo do Mercado CrditoAgora s depende de voc dar o primeiro passo para mudar a realidade financeira da sua vida, criando seu negcio de vendas pela internet, utilizando o poder de um dos maiores marketplaces que existe.Tudo que voc precisa fazer clicar no boto que est aparecendo nesta pgina e realizar a inscrio no Curso Mercado Livre do Bsico ao Avanado."
Price: 294.99 |
"Elaboracin impactante de Analtica en Salesforce" |
"Con nuestro curso, podrs entender, practicar, evolucionar e impactar, tu empresa y tu crecimiento personal, desde una perspectiva analtica, basada en mejores prcticas tanto de la solucin, Salesforce as como tambin de los conceptos universales de la analtica de informacin, desarrollars habilidades para crear informes, paneles y listas en Salesforce, por medio de cada vdeo podrs practicar funcionalidades asociadas a cada sesin como por ejemplo cuando y de forma usar la sincrona de colores como alertas de datos importantes, as como tambin cundo y cmo usar cada tipo de grfica en Salesforce as como tambin crear alertas de los informes o cmo hacer publicaciones importantes en los objetos etc. Para apoyarte en tu proceso de aprendizaje y de crecimiento personal y profesional realizarnos actividades en cada curso, como por ejemplo:Ejercicios prcticos de cada proceso de negocioIntroduccin completa a terminologa y esquema de configuracin de SalesforceTips de configuracin y anlisis que hemos desarrollado en procesos de ImplementacinGuas de anlisis de datos basados en los resultados de cada informe"
Price: 94.99 |
"Teora y Ejercicios de Pentatnicas para Guitarra Elctrica!" |
"En el curso vamos a tratar los tres pilares para poder crear msica, que son: Armona, Ritmo y tcnica. La Armona. Esto es lo que llamamos la ""msica"". Es un pilar fundamental para aprender a tocar la guitarra de manera correcta. Gracias a la armona no dependemos tanto del odo para tocar y conseguimos recursos para componer msica y tocar cosas que no hemos escuchado nunca.El Ritmo. El ritmo es lo ms importante a la hora de tocar un instrumento, todo debe ir acompasado y a tiempo. Vamos a aprender las figuras musicales y como tocarlas con la guitarra, aprendiendo patrones, licks de guitarra, escalas y ejercicios.La Tcnica. Es un factor muy importante para poder desempear un papel bueno tocando la guitarra. Vamos a conocer las tcnicas mas utilizadas en la msica como los Bendings, slides, hammer On, Pull Offs, y sobre todo el porqu se utilizan y donde quedan mejor.El curso:Todo el curso est grabado con calidad HD y sonido de alta fidelidad para mejorar el aprendizaje.Todos los vdeos y lecciones del curso de guitarra tienen ejercicios en forma de PDF para descargar y poder aprender mejor.Hay varios exmenes muy tiles en los vdeos para poder comprender la teora musical y la armona de la guitarra.Explicaciones de los ejercicios a dos velocidades para aprender el curso de guitarra mejor.1 En los intervalos musicales podemos encontrar mucha informacin para empezar a construir nuestros primeros ejercicios, licks y escalas para la guitarra, tanto guitarra elctrica como guitarra clsica o acstica.Con toda esta teora musical lo que pretendo es que entendis lo que vayis a tocar, ya sea por medio de ejercicios de guitarra o improvisando con una backing track o componiendo una cancin propia.Al tener informacin terica no dependes tanto del odo y puedes crear cosas que nunca has odo!2 Escalas de guitarra! Las escalas son unos recursos muy interesantes para los guitarristas. Gracias a ellas conocemos las notas importantes de una tonalidad a lo largo del mstil de la guitarra. Pero como bien he dicho antes... Si no conocemos las notas que tenemos que tocar lo nico que vamos a hacer es ejecutar la escala sin darle ningn tipo de sentido a lo que tocamos. Hay mucha gente que pierde mucho tiempo aprendiendo escalas raras y mejorando en tcnica. Personalmente creo que lo mejor es aprender que suena bien en las escalas mas bsicas y a partir de ah seguir progresando.Las escalas pentatnicas son las ms utilizadas para tocar punteos de guitarra por medio de ejercicios y licks. Es por ello que las tenemos que aprender lo antes posible, as como la escala mayor y la escala menor. Vamos a aprender como la teora pasa a la prctica. 3 Ya tenemos nuestras herramientas para tocar la guitarra. Sabemos como se crean de manera terica y como las hemos planteado en el mstil. A partir de aqu es cuando ya viene el trabajo de verdad y tenemos que aprender a hacer cosas diferentes a lo que hacen la mayora con la guitarra.4 Teora musical lo llaman algunos.Para mi esto es lo ms importante a la hora de tocar la guitarra. Tenemos que conocer las figuras musicales y como aplicarlas al mstil de la guitarra. Para ello os recomiendo hacer estos ejercicios que aparecen en el vdeo y todos los que os queris inventar, siempre movindonos por blancas, negras, corcheas y semicorcheas haremos que nuestro solo funcione bien!.5 Los tresillos son la clave. Si quieres cambiar la esencia de un solo es muy importante conocer este recurso musical. A mi me encanta cambiar los licks que me se en otras figuras musicales y los tresillos hacen que suene muy interesante.Crea ejercicios de tresillos con la guitarra para mejorar! 6 Por fin!! Los ejercicios de guitarra!!Bueno... No os torturo mas y aqu tenis unos cuantos ejercicios de guitarra para aplicarlo en toda la teora musical y armona que hemos estudiado antes. Estos licks de guitarra NO TIENEN SENTIDO si no lo aplicis con los conocimientos que hemos adquirido en los vdeos anteriores. Es mejor volver a estudiarlos y repasarlos bien antes de ponernos a aprender estos ejercicios de guitarra.7 Mucha gente hace los bendings mal.As es... Mucha gente o no afina los bendings o no los hace donde deberan de hacerse. El bending es un recurso muy importante en los guitarristas, y es algo que tenemos que hacer bien. Como siempre tenemos que verlo de manera terica antes que tocarlo con la guitarra.Aqu aprendemos donde se hacen los bendings de manera mas habitual.8 No solo est la escala pentatnica menor!.El mstil de la guitarra suele dividirse en 5 posiciones o 5 escalas. Yo personalmente no lo veo as y me gusta unir todas las notas por donde me apetezca, pero para aprender est bien jejeje.Tenemos que entender que lo nico que hacen las escalas en la guitarra es transmitir la teora de la msica al mstil. Si sabemos la teora tocaremos con mas confianza y seguridad.Este curso de guitarra lo he hecho fijndome en los fallos que normalmente los guitarristas autodidactas y noveles tienen, de tal manera que vais a acelerar vuestro aprendizaje con la guitarra."
Price: 44.99 |
"Tcnica de Guitarra! Pentatnicas, Sweep picking, Tapping..." |
"Os presento el Curso NIVEL 2 Tcnica de Guitarra elctrica! Pentatnicas, Sweep picking, Tapping...En este curso vas a poder dar un salto de calidad en tu aprendizaje con la guitarra elctrica.Despus de un primer curso hablando de como se crean las escalas y las primeras tcnicas de guitarra elctrica pasamos a un segundo curso en el cual vamos a trabajar muchas cosas:Escalas pentatnicas a un nivel superiorLa mayora de gente conoce estas maravillosas escalas de guitarra y las usa habitualmente, pero en el curso vamos a entenderlas de un modo diferente, en el cual por medio de ejercicios podremos improvisar con la guitarra de una manera alternativa a como hace la mayora de gente.Trabajaremos Licks, con sus partituras 100% precisas en modo SLOW y a la velocidad original.Conoceremos tcnicas especficas para sonar con las escalas pentatonicas y todos los trucos que hay en ellas.Aprenderemos de manera terica y prctica las escalas diatnicas.Vamos a estudiar a nivel terico como se crean las escalas diatnicas y las colocaremos en el mstil de una manera lgica y fcil para poder ejecutar estas escalas. Trabajaremos ejercicios especficos para ganar velocidad con la guitarra y trabajar el maravilloso Shred con la guitarra elctrica.Arpegios: Los aprendemos, conocemos como se forman y los practicamosAlgo muy importante en el aprendizaje de la guitarra son los arpegios. Mucha gente no los aprende y se centra mucho mas en escalas (Cosa que creo que es un error). Vamos a estudiarlos y a practicarlos para poder progresar en el aprendizaje de como tocar la guitarra elctrica.Por medio de ejercicios con tcnicas de Tapping y Sweep picking vamos a conocer el mstil y aplicar los conceptos de los arpegios sobre las tonalidades.Licks a medida de todas las tcnicas y teora cursadas.2 Canciones creadas especficamente para ensear esta teora y esta tcnica con todos sus ejercicios y licks explicados lentamente para que a partir de ellos podis desarrollar muchas mas cosas Acompaamiento! Algo que mucha gente deja a un lado es el acompaamiento de guitarra elctrica. En este curso vamos a aprender todo el acompaamiento de las canciones utilizadas en el curso para que podis aprender a crear canciones, tanto con guitarra rtmica como con guitarra solista."
Price: 49.99 |
"Profitable Forex Robot(EA) Simple way to create a Forex EA" |
"Start creating your own EA with profitable formula and good money management. There are two type of Robots, the first is Semi Automatic Robot and the second is Full Automatic Robot. For this time, the EA that I will teach is a Full Automatic Robot, it is suitable for anyone who want to get extra income but no have much time to monitor or analyze the market. This EA is as simple as just plug and play.I have use this EA for more than three years and it is profitable. In this course, I will show you how I create this formula in detail and step by step. So after you finish my course, I hope you will get some clue of how this EA work and be able to modify by yourself according how you trade all this time. And I also will give you how to calculate your money management, risk and recommended currency pair.Enroll this course now. Have fun and happy trading."
Price: 149.99 |
"Finding work in European football (soccer)" |
"When most of us think of jobs within the football (soccer) industry, the list is usually exhausted after the players, officials and coaching team. But behind the scenes are the inner-workings of one of the fastest-growing industries in the world comprising a vast array of careers that keep the beautiful game ticking.If you are interested in getting management or operational roles within the football industry, you have a difficult job ahead. Football management careers can indeed pay very well, however, getting your career started and becoming successful can turn out to be more difficult than you think.Moreover, while getting a degree in football or sports management can boost your chances of success, you will need reliable information and strategies to be able to figure out the rules.Saam Momen is the creator of this course and has worked at reputable sport marketing agencies and at the heart of the European football (UEFA) and knows what it really takes to succeed in the industry. He has condensed years of knowledge together with some extensive study, research and conversation with other experts and turned it into an all-inclusive, informative guide.With women and girls becoming more interested and involved in all aspects of football, employment opportunities are increasingly available for them in what has been a male dominant environment. This online course is targeted at both genders and the opportunities described within are available for males and females. However, there is a specific module where additional opportunities for women and girls can be found.This course intends to break down all of the difficulties mentioned previously into practical steps you can take immediately and start to focus your career into the right direction. This is a rare opportunity to get your football management career started (or back on track), connect and access the best opportunities in the football industry, and get insights amongst other things of industry-recognised institutions providing educational degrees in football and sports management.Here are the key areas this course will be covering:Networking in the football industryNetworking is one of the essential tools for growth in any career and football is no exception. However, the rules are slightly different when it comes to football management. During the course you will learn how to locate the right networking environments within the football industry and how to seize the opportunities when you are faced with them.Job fairWith Saams experience and extensive connection within the sports industry, he will introduce you to what is considered arguably the best football and sports job fair in Europe. This is a unique occasion to be face to face with the recruitment departments of the best football entities in the world, an opportunity not to be missed.How to prepare for an interviewA comparison of interviews for normal jobs and those for jobs in the football industry will be found in this course. A look at the interview formats involved, the skill set that you should display, the questions you may be asked and the questions that you can be asking your prospective employer will also be provided.Women in footballWomen and girls have long faced bias and discrimination that has seen a low representation at the top of the sport. These days, however, women are finding increasing opportunities to succeed in the football industry. We will discuss here the events, organisations and courses which help to increase the diversity and impact of women in football around the world.Career Websites for Football Management ProfessionalsSaam will be sharing with you some of the best career websites which in some cases host head-hunters focused on the football industry. Here you will also find a guide with over 500 job websites for men's and women's football in Europe.Best Undergraduate degrees in sports/football managementIf you want to pursue an undergraduate degree in sports/football management and you dont know which colleges/universities to apply to, information will be shared about some of the best universities offering undergraduate courses in this area. You can be sure that these are reputable institutions often preferred by sports recruiters.Masters degreesThis is the hardest and at the same time easiest way to secure the job you are looking for in the football industry and you will find out why in this course!Literature/podcastsContinuous education is an important way to stay up to date with career trends in football and sports. Saam will delve into some interesting findings on how you can learn more about the industry from books and podcasts that he will recommend.Football SeminarsFootball Seminars are ideal for networking opportunities. Insights on the best seminars available will be given.VolunteeringFrom Saams personal experience, this is the best way to start your football management career. He will be sharing recommendations about why, how and where to engage as a volunteer.Football startupsOne approach to entering into the football industry is to create your own enterprise or startup. Creating a startup can be an effective alternative for some recent graduates or even those who are changing career paths to gain access to the sports industry using their current skills. Insights to the best ways on doing so are given.Executive EducationWant to learn more in-depth knowledge and how to super charge your sports analytics and technology knowledge? This course will delve into two courses provided by the best universities in the world, Harvard and MIT.FreelancingYes, you can be a freelancer as a sports/football management professional. This course will show you how you can be free to work from anywhere you wish and take up multiple jobs at the same time.Words from the Author, Saam Momen:I have a true passion for teaching! I have proudly taught university courses in Switzerland, USA and Brazil. My career spans over 15 years in the sporting industry with jobs at the London Olympic Bid Committee, UEFA, CSM and TEAM Marketing. I possess a Master Degree in Sports Management and an Executive Education diploma at Harvard Business School on The Business of Entertainment, Media and Sports. I hope that throughout this course you are able to have a wonderful learning experience and that ultimately this motivates you to follow your dream path!Enrol now 100% risk-free since you receive 30 days, unconditional money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied, no problem, you are one click away from a refund. No hassle, no hard feelings!Please go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now and lets increase your chances of having a successful career in football!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Lightning Web Component Development" |
"Lightning Web Component is a new methodology to develop Salesforce Lightning Components. This course is designed to help you understand three basic things:What are Lightning Web Components?Why Salesforce has introduced Lightning web component?How can you develop Lightning web components?What are all the best practices to develop the lightning web components?What are various patterns anti patterns to develop the lightning component?How to use Lightning Web Component in various places?In this course, we will mainly focus on the Lightning Web Component Development where we will be providing the examples in each section which we prefer as mini project so that you can be master of the Lightning web component.As we know that LWC is the new concept and still new to the market and this course will make you the master of the Salesforce Web Components and make you a valuable salesforce gem which will give you the boost to your career.If you are thinking that you are ground level in web component or salesforce then no need to worry I am here to help you which will make you master of lightning web component."
Price: 199.99 |
"Practical Laboratory Automation with Autoit - basic course" |
"Scientific laboratory devices are expensive. On top of that, they are incompatible with each other. Because of that, scientists become hostage of the manufacturers of scientific equipment: if they buy an analyzer, they need to buy the autosampler from the same seller, even if they know a better autosample made by a different manufacturer.In this course this changes. By learning AutoIt for laboratory automation, you will see how easy it is to integrate scientific equipment made by different manufacturers. This includes open-source hardware, which is made by scientists to scientists, and cost a fraction of commercial devices.Learn AutoIt and become a more versatile professional. You will be able to solve many problems in the laboratory in a easy and cheap way. Impress your peers and your boss!"
Price: 24.99 |
"AutoCAD desde cero paso a paso" |
"Aprende AutoCAD desde cero, de manera sistemtica y ordenada. A diferencia de los dems cursos en este pondremos nuestra experiencia pedaggica comprobada para que aprendas AutoCAD de manera lgica y secuencial.La diferencia entre este curso y los dems que hay en linea es la forma pedaggica y organizada del contenido. Con nfasis en una alta calidad de imagen, video, presentacin y audio."
Price: 49.99 |
"AutoCAD con enfoque a la impresin" |
"Este nivel del curso de AutoCAD desde cero paso a paso estar enfocado en que, ya sabiendo y dominados los comandos de dibujo y edicin, se puedan realizar impresiones de planos a escala, con tamao de textos y cotas adecuados y con calidad de linea de impresion.En la segunda parte del curso se proceder a estudiar en detalle la creacin de todos los tipos de bloques que se pueden crear en AutoCAD, desde el bloque bsico, pasando por el anotativo hasta llegar a la creacin de un bloque dinmico, anotativo y con atributos.En la ltima parte se proceder a la creacin de una plantilla para evitar la tarea de realizar las configuraciones aprendidas en este curso siempre que se vaya a iniciar un dibujo."
Price: 49.99 |
"vol3""""" |
Price: 24000.00 |
"vol2""ES""" |
Price: 24000.00 |
vol1 |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Master Vector Algebra: The Practical Guide" |
"Vector algebra is an Essential Topic for most science fields like engineering, mathematics and physics with a critical use. in physics, we use the vectors to describe velocity, momentum, acceleration, position, etc.this course will cover the fundamentals of the vector algebra and implementation of vectors algebra in a various field in mathematics.gaining the maximal benefit in this course will be through practicing. in every exercise you need to try figure out how to solve before watching the solution.you will definitely have a hard time trying to figure out how to solve it. However, when you got the ""Ah,Ha"" moment sure you will feel the passion to continue practicing. "
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Score Good Marks in Academic Exams" |
"Module 1: Planninga) Goal Setting for each subject (Grouping Technique)b) Critical To Success Factors (Six Sigma Technique)c) Aligning Thoughts & Actions (Shift Perspective Technique)d) Disaster Prevention (Critical Checklist)Module 2: Stress Managementa) Test Your Exam Stress (Simulator of Exam Stress)b) From Stress to Freedom in 7 minutes (Multiple Technique)c) Taking Good Decisions (The Impact Technique)Module 3: Time Managementa) Doing the Right Things (Substitution Task Technique)b) Creating More Time (Fixed Tasks Optimization Technique)c) Reducing Time Wastage (Hidden Time Technique)Module 4: Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Leading A Brilliant Team" |
"Leading A Brilliant Team is a practical course offering knowledge, ideas and tools to improve the performance of a team. The course shows how a team leader can develop the skills to best motivate a team. It is packed full of downloadable exercises for the learner to keep and share. Written by a highly successful team of leadership trainers from Know and Do Ltd, this course shares practical tools and techniques to enhance a team leader's skills and improve the performance of a team. It is structured with carefully selected exercises that encourage a leader to reflect on their own performance and that of their team, in order to set clear actions for improvement."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduo ao Microsoft Bot Framework + QnA Maker" |
"Crie um chatbot em poucos minutos com o servio cognitivo QnA Maker da Microsoft utilizando o Microsoft Bot Framework.Extraia pares (pergunta-resposta) de documentos semi-estruturados, como FAQ's, pginas web, arquivos excel, manuais de produtos e mais...Conecte seu chatbot aos servios de troca de mensagens mais populares como: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Facebook Messenger e outros...Criaremos uma conta gratuita na Azure para a criao dos servios que sero utilizados nas aulas.Para realizar este curso no necessrio nenhum conhecimento em programao. Voc no escrever nenhuma linha de cdigo."
Price: 129.99 |
"SAP PP Module Online Practical Class" |
"Goals of this Course:This course provide you with the step-by-step approach to configure & implement two different production types in PP: Discrete & Process manufacturing. This course will lay the initial foundation in the form of configuration, & will then explain how the configuration impacts actual business processes. The configuration to business process approach is maintained throughout the live course."
Price: 12800.00 |
"SAP Plant Maintenance(PM) Module Online Classes" |
"Goals of this Course:This course provide you with the step-by-step approach to configure & implement Plant Maintenance Module. This course will lay the initial foundation in the form of configuration, & will then explain how the configuration impacts actual business processes. The configuration to business process approach is maintained throughout the live course."
Price: 12800.00 |
"Artificial Intelligence: Practical Essentials for Management" |
"According to a recent IBM report, 120 million workers will need to be retrained in AI over the next 5 years! Artificial Intelligence today is where personal computers were back in the 90s: a new skill that everyone will become familiar with over the next few years. What if you could know how to use AI as well as you now know MS Office?Why this course: The problem at hand is that while there are not enough data scientists and engineers to create AI solutions, there are even fewer managers and leaders who know how to apply AI to business or organizational problems in the right manner, or have the time to learn it in detail. The good news, however, is that just like with computers, most of us do not need to learn coding to understand and use AI well. This course will help you get a thorough understanding of AI techniques & how to use/manage them with rare managerial frameworks, to support your career as well as your organization's growth. It will also clear the confusion around what AI can or cannot do, and will allow you to spot strong or weak AI solutions - all in 2.5 hours.What this course covers: 1) Section 1 covers what Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep Learning, Data Science & Business Intelligence are, why it's useful and how AI models are created on Python or R.2) Section 2 covers all major techniques, including Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics methods like Regression, Classification, Decision Trees & Ensemble Learning, Clustering, Association Rules and Search Algorithms, as well as Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning.3) Section 3 provides step-by-step guidance on how to prepare for and approach using AI successfully. It includes frameworks to get data ready, qualify whether AI is needed to do a certain task, decide what kind of AI will suit the task at hand (based on the techniques learnt in Section 2), whether to build or buy an AI solution, determine costs, measure performance, get others to use the AI solution, and ensure strategic and ethical AI adoption in the team.Ideal for: The classes have been designed to provide in-depth practical knowledge on AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning if you: 1) Are interested in AI/ML/DL to advance your careers or to use it effectively to accomplish tasks at work2) Have limited time but would like to get a thorough managerial understanding of AI/ML/DL3) Do not need or are not interested in learning how to code AI/ML/DLBenefits: 1) Learn both technical & managerial aspects of a powerful in-demand skill in only 2.5 hours, & get recognized in AI/ML/DL use and management by getting certified.2) Identify the right AI solution to solve problems and automate tasks, thus helping you utilize resources (time, money, personnel) effectively and efficiently.3) Get access to rare managerial frameworks that guide you step by step on how to prepare for and use AI.4) Gain competitive advantage in a hiring process or at work by being AI ready.5) Enjoy a convenient and flexible pace of learning with lifetime access to this course & reduce risk of your investment with the money-back guarantee.6) Have educated discussions on AI. Bonus: At the end of each lesson, you will also get access to reports on some of the amazing & scary ways in which AI is being applied on you. I'll be updating the course with newer articles as and when they appear, which you will have free lifetime access to.Special Thanks: Wife, Partner & Creative Support, Pooja Chitnis."
Price: 119.99 |
"Learn HTML and CSS with Fun" |
"Learn HTML and CSS with Fun- this is a beginner's course covering a huge area of HTML and CSS for the beginners. Things those are been covered in this tutorial are: Part1: HTMLWhat is needed to initiate your first ever project?How to create your first HTML page with a text editor?How to create the Basic structure of HTML in your page?Understanding the general discussion in tag and elements in HTML.HTML list from scratch; How to nest our HTML list item?HTML table Element; Understanding rows and columns.How to loop a table inside another table?Working with Images and hyperlink references.HTML marquee tagPart2: CSSIntroduction to Inline CSSIntroduction to Internal CSSIntroduction to External / Imported CSSGeneral layout and float properties in CSSMargin and Padding property explained in CSSBuilding up two-block structure in CSS with 'float' and 'clear' options.Building up Three-block structure in CSS.Format your text with CSS properties.How to change the image properties in CSS?Advanced CSS - How to create a horizontal menu bar in HTML and CSS?Advanced CSS - How to work with Background images in CSS?Position properties in css - a detailed discussion.How to create a sticky menu bar on the top of the pageHTML form Elements - A little discussion on customizationAnd last, but not the least; a downloadable, supporting PDF book at the end of the video lectures presented over here. This book is detailed with all the necessary instructions, source codes to a template design and links to the additional specific videos in our channel. Key features of this book are:Template coding in pure HTMLTemplate coding in HTML and CSSDefinitions and screenshotsSource codes with proper examplesSystematic Image or graphical presentationAdditional video links for specific and relevant subjectsQuestions related to CSS (And whatever needed in HTML and CSS) for interview purposeVideo links to some css tricks in order to understand the subject better++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do not forget to download the pdf ebook at the end of the video tutorial; it was crafted for a longer time with the utmost care taken to the definitions and examples. They will definitely come handy in understanding the subject better."
Price: 19.99 |
"Iniciacion a Flutter para todos" |
"Curso de introduccin a Flutter desde cero para todos, sin necesidad de saber nada de programacin con anterioridad.En el veremos cmo creas una aplicacin desde cero, que componentes bsicos proporcionados por Flutter podemos combinar para crearla y cmo empaquetarla para distribuirla.No se necesita ningn conocimiento anterior, vamos paso a paso."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de contrabaixo intermedirio ""AVANAR""" |
"Durante muitos anos da minha vida de msico e professor, tenho percebido que muitos alunos absorvem assuntos variados durante sua vida de estudos musicais, porm no conseguem evoluir de forma satisfatria. Neste curso reno os principais conceitos de forma estruturada para compreenso de assuntos relacionados a percepo, conduo, campo harmnico, grooves, improvisos e slaps."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de desenvolvimento em Java" |
"Curso de programao java para os amantes ou curiosos na rea de programao. Toda as aulas criadas mantm uma dinmica independente, facilitando a aquisio de conhecimento a cada aula assistida. Caso voc seja um estudante ou j tenha algum conhecimento prvio de programao, poder avanar para aulas especficas do curso. "
Price: 129.99 |