"Dein Online Business System fr Anfnger" |
"Mchtest Du endlich wirklich mal online Geld verdienen?Dann bist Du genau richtig hier.In diesem Kurs lernst Du von A - Z die Grundlagen und den genauen Aufbau deines eigenen Online Business. Angefangen vom Gewerbenschein anmelden bis hin zur fertigen Facebook ADS Anzeige.Du bekommst sehr wertvolle Tipps und Trick und genaue Anleitungen wie Du was machen musst. Um am Ende des Kurse dein eigenes Online Business zu starten und sofort mit z.b. Digistore24 online Geld verdienst"
Price: 199.99 |
"Der 21-Tage-Fit-Kurs fr Anfnger" |
"Du mchtest unbedingt dein Bauchspeck los werden und wieder statt Fett Muskeln besitzen?ja genau dann bist Du hier vollkommen richtig. Dieser Kurs ist sowohl fr Mnner zum Muskelaufbau als auch fr Frauen geeignet.Du bekommst zu diesem Kurs auch sehr hilfreich Ratgeber die dich dabei Untersttzen und begleiten. Aber schau selber und berzeuge dich davon."
Price: 199.99 |
"Geld verdienen mit dem Amazon Kindle Ebook Business" |
"Entdecke das einfachste Rezept, wie Du mit Deinen eigenen EBooks erfolgreich wirst.Schau Dir diesen VideoKurs an, um die genaue Strategie zu erfahren, wie Du das umsetzt:In diesem Kurs lernst Du von A - Z die Grundlagen und den genauen Aufbau des Amazon Kindle Business.Angefangen von den Grundlagen bis hin zum fertig erstellten Ebook, Taschenbuch und HrbuchDu bekommst sehr wertvolle geheime Tipps und Trick und genaue Anleitungen wie Du was machen musst, um am Ende des Kurse dein eigenes 1. Amazon Kindle Online Business zu starten und sofort mit Amazon online Geld verdienst.Amazon sorgt fr richtig viel kostenlosen Traffic und macht eigene Promotion auf deine Ebooks. Ist das nicht genial?Noch genialer ist es wenn Du am Ende des Kurses die Mglichkeit hast schon fertige Ebooks zu bekommen um Sie dann bei Amazon einzustellen."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Copywriting Course" |
"Your business needs great copy that sells, and who knows your business better than you do? With a little training, you can pick up the tools to become the copywriter your business needs. This very course will show you how to use words to sing your brands song and become your companys best marketer even if thats not your background."
Price: 29.99 |
"Working with Americans: Effective Communications" |
"This Effective Communication module is part one of the CMD Framework (that stands for Communication, Meeting Management, and Documentation), that will cover context, direct vs. indirect style, words and phrases to use and avoid, and information formatting and design. Apply these tips to demonstrate you understand how to effectively work with Americans. Doing so could help you qualify for an American client-facing role and earn faster promotions and pay hikes."
Price: 24.99 |
"The Way of Energy Alchemy" |
"Empaths Should Not Have To Experience Crippling Emotions.Being a deep feeler is a profound gift, not a problem to be solved. It's time for deep feelers to use their untapped innate abilities and transform crippling emotions into enlivened experiences.Empaths have the tools within them but often don't realize it. Often, the only thing missing is an easy to use emotional guidance system that puts the feeler in control instead of the emotions themselves.With this simple, yet extraordinarily powerful system, empaths can be free to live a life of deep feeling, love, care, and belonging without the crippling fears that make daily experiences feel terrible. Imagine staying centred in peace regardless of the environmental energy...Welcome to...The Way Of Energy Alchemy - Energy Healing through the Sacred ElementalsEnergy Alchemy is a process a lifestyle, if you will that helps to transmute experiences and emotions into fulfilling expressions of mind, body & spirit. The following are some experiences that Energy Alchemy is designed to help clarify and transcend:Be told, feel or assume you're 'too sensitive'?Troubled by heavy thoughts from yourself or others?Confusion over your own or others energy sometimes?Get involved in the emotional dramas of others?Have trouble saying no when you should?Forget to have clear emotional boundaries?Want to help those in need but don't always know how?Experience a hard time staying centered and calm during social with others around?Time to Feel Life's Miraculous MagicWe don't tell you what to do, think, feel, or say. Instead, we get you in touch with your Self-guiding system which knows all of that anyway. What we will do is help guide you through fundamental principles that you can use anytime, anywhere.The Way of Energy Alchemy encourages and fosters:Presence of emotional and mental clarity.Detachment from negativity (ie. and an on switch for peacefulness).Becoming a positive influence on others (being an invisible, yet potent, beacon of truth & light).Feeling emotions with 99% clarity, without the confusion of others in the vicinity.Developing control and mindfulness over seemingly out of control situations.Expressing authenticity and empathy without being caught up in the moment.Finding good people who can feel as deeply as you do.Availability for others, but staying grounded in your own needs.Having a deep sense of care for the world, but being innocently carefree (reclaiming the inner child, as an adult).Remembering that we are living in heaven right now.Energy Alchemy develops the ability to shield from negative emotions while holding positive ones at the same time. This comes with a strong sense of positive (and humble) self-confidence. As empowered empaths we can sense energy clearly, moment to moment. Through channelling healing energies we can feel lighthearted and at peace throughout all life's endeavours.Whether you feel hopeful about the current state of spirituality or not, nurturing positive energy through Energy Alchemy will strengthen your world view..."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Videography Masterclass: How to Film Videos" |
"This online video production course is a training programme for beginners to teach you how to set up, film, Create and produce an engaging videos, whether you use a DSLR camera, mirrorless, professional camera or a smartphone.If you are a YouTuber, blogger, beauty blogger, beauty influencer, blogger, business owner, aspiring filmmaker, or just someone who wants to create videos, you will not only learn and practice how to make professional videos with this course, but also how to Boost your view and online presence, drive traffic to your brand or business and create visibility in the eyes of other brands and Pull clients to your brand through your contents.Master Video Production Techniques to Create Amazing Videos that would boost Your Views, Revenue and Drive Traffic To Your Brand or BusinessWhile there are plenty of tutorials and courses that focus on specific cameras or styles, or generalised video editing, there is NONE that focuses on creating, producing and delivering ENGAGING HIGH-QUALITY BEAUTY CONTENTS. This course is the most comprehensive course out here, which covers everything from coming up with great video ideas, setting up, mastering your equipment s, filming your contents, executing them in production and post-production, and distributing and promoting them to a wide audience online."
Price: 154.99 |
"* * =======================================Enter This Coupon And Get Discount 84% : D3CBD5ED7FE3174F9CED======================================="
Price: 119.99 |
"Introduccin a la actividad Inmobiliaria (8 cursos en 1)" |
"Bienvenidos colegas! El presente curso contiene las bases ms elementales y trascendentes que cualquier agente de bienes races debe conocer al derecho y al revs. Este curso es perfecto para todo aquel emprendedor que desea incursionar en el sector inmobiliario o al agente experto que est buscando repasar los principios bsicos de esta bella profesin."
Price: 24.99 |
"Yeni Nesil Matematik Soru Bankas" |
"Merhaba renci arkadalarmHepinizin bildii gibi gerek SYM gerekse MEB; TYT, LGS ve KPSS gibi snavlarda artk klasik matematik soru mantndan uzaklayor.Yani snavlarda matematik ilem kabiliyetinizden ziyade hayatn iinden modellenen matematiksel bir probleme zm retip retemediiniz llyor.te bu etim setiyle hayatn iinden modellenen matematik sorularn nnze getirerek sizleri snava daha hazr hale getirmeyi amalyoruz.Eitimlerimiz 10 ar soru ieren ksa videolardan oluacaktr. Sadece soru ve zm olacak ekilde hazrlanmtr.Testlerde klasik matematik sorular yani ilem kabiliyeti gerektiren sorularda iermekte ancak bunlar miktar olarak ok dk seviyede tutulmutur. Genel itibariyle yani olabildiince ok farkl alandan sorular hazrlayarak sizleri matematik sorusu olabilecek durumlara vakf klmak amalyoruz.BELRL PERYOTLARLA YEN TESTLER EKLENMEYE DEVAM EDECEKTR."
Price: 59.99 |
"The Blueprint Photography Workshop (Vol. 1)" |
"Introducing The Photography Blueprint Workshop! The complete, A-Z solution designed to help you save time, save money and take better photos faster than ever. The Photography Blueprint Workshop teaches you a system of thinking, preparing, shooting and editing that is predictable, easy and consistent. This is what youve been searching for.Would you like to be given a blueprint that helps you deliver consistent, repeatable results and become a more confident photographer even as a beginner? Do you struggle with shooting in manual mode? Do you struggle with natural light? Are you tired of watching dozens of youtube videos and never really learning much? Need to learn Lightroom?If you said yes to ANY of these questions then you are in the right place.Who is The Blueprint for?Photographers struggling to shoot in manual modeBeginners who have purchased their first DSLR camera and are just getting startedPhotographers who struggle with Lightroom and finding a consistent stylePhotographers who want to start charging more but lack the confidence/skillPhotographers that dont have a system for organizing and storing their imagesPhotographers that dont understand the exposure trianglePhotographers that have trouble seeing and understanding light.Does this sound like you?Every world class photographer was once in your shoes. Watching video after video and attending seminar after seminar. One thing ALL great photographers eventually develop is a system! A predicable way of thinking, shooting, editing and delivering their final product. Whats stopping you from becoming a better, more consistent photographer is having your own system that you can depend on time and time again. Thats where the photography blueprint comes in.The Blueprint Workshop is designed with you in mind. Its a 1-day, hands on workshop that allows you to see STEP-BY-STEP exactly how beginners become professionals and how you can to. When you leave youll have a detailed gameplan to help you think, prepare, shoot, edit and deliver better photos the very next time you pick up your camera.Imagine how confident you would be knowing that you could deliver quality images regardless of location or circumstance. Imagine having a system in place that is efficient and easy to use. Imagine taking better photos of your family, loved ones and children. Think about how cool it would be to take amazing photos the next time you go on vacation.Some of the topics well discuss include.the exposure trianglethe 4 stages of learninggeareditingconfidence and creativityshooting in manual modedeveloping an editing stylehow to navigate Lightroomhow to export imagesand much more"
Price: 49.99 |
"Faa Planilhas Incrveis e Profissionais no Excel" |
"Se voc j tem uma experincia razovel no Excel, mas quer apresentar planilhas mais profissionais, esse curso pra voc.Neste curso voc vai apresentar a fazer uma planilha financeira com links que a tornam parecida como um site de internet, totalmente dinnica, bonita e profissional. Voc poder usar os conceitos aprendidos aqui em todas as planilhas que voc fizer!!!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Hydraulics 101" |
"The only course in hydraulics you will ever need!This course covers the basics of hydraulic systems. In the beginning of the course we will cover how systems function, then we will get to the various fluids that can be used in hydraulic system.After every section there is a quiz so you can review what you learned and what you should maybe revise again. The plan is that when you finish this course you will know enough about hydraulics to continue to learn about more advanced systems. I will be releasing a Hydraulics 102 course very soon which will cover hydraulic pumps, motors and cylinders in detail. As well as diagrams and schematics."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende Derivadas Fcil y Rpido - Matemticas, Pre Clculo" |
"En este curso aprenders a derivar funciones, en primera instancia en forma prctica aplicando la tabla de derivadas y luego en forma terica aplicando la definicin de derivadas. Aprenders a derivar funciones matemticas de una variable. Entenders y aplicars la regla de la cadena o teorema de la funcin compuesta y de esa forma derivars cualquier tipo de funcin. Logrars derivar funciones exponenciales, logartmicas, seno, coseno Derivadas de la suma y la resta Aprenders a derivar Productos, Cocientes y funciones compuestas Aprenders a calcular las derivadas por definicin. Sers capaz juntando todas las lecciones de derivar la mayora de las funciones sin problemas"
Price: 39.99 |
"Aplicaciones de la Funcin DERIVADA" |
"En este curso aprenders a determinar varios clculos importantes los cuales se basan en la derivada. Aprenders a calcular los Mximos y Mnimos de una funcin con la derivada primera y sus races y signo, con esta tambin determinars Crecimiento y decrecimiento. Con el signo y las races de la derivada segunda determinars la concavidad y puntos de inflexin de una funcin. Aparte aprenders a determinar la ecuacin de la tangente de una funcin en un punto. Adems logrars calcular los Polinomios de Taylor y Mc Laurin de una funcin en un punto dado. Es el curso que ests necesitando para tus estudios."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso de GEOGRAFIA para ENEM, Vestibulares e Concursos" |
"O curso perfeito para quem precisa de conhecimento rpido e objetivo.Aulas completas e interativas abordando todos os assuntos cobrados pelos exames seletivos mais concorridos. Geografia humana, Geografia fsica, Geografia poltica e Atualidades esto presentes nesse curso que vai te preparar para qualquer avaliao.Tudo isso com um professor experiente no assunto."
Price: 69.99 |
"Curso de MATEMTICA para ENEM, Vestibulares e Concursos" |
"O curso perfeito para quem precisa de conhecimento rpido e objetivo.Aulas completas e interativas abordando todos os assuntos cobrados pelos exames seletivos mais concorridos. Matemtica bsica, lgebra, Aritmtica, Geometria e Trigonometria esto presentes nesse curso que vai te preparar para qualquer avaliao.Tudo isso com um professor experiente no assunto e aulas interativas com os alunos."
Price: 69.99 |
"Quick Java Programming MasterClass" |
"Java is a statically-typed, high-level programming language that revolutionized the way languages were developed post its release. It did this by providing complete support for cross-platform execution through its JVM system. Due to this, it has been widely adopted by most all companies and institutions in the industry going strong for 20+ years.In this amazingly quick in Depth Course you will learn how to Completely Code using JAVA Programming! I have been learning Computer Programming, App Development, Game Creation for over 9 yrs+ & I would like to share my almost Decade worth of Experience with you! I have spent countless hours creating my programming courses & I even had my Mom be the Spokeswoman on my courses! Please message me if you have any questions at all as I would be truly happy to help! I am a Great Teacher & Explainer! Thank you Students!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Forex Trading Made Easy as ABC - With LIVE Examples Part 2" |
"The MT 4 Trading Platform is a free-of-charge program, specially designed for online trading. It has a user-friendly front-end trading interface. The MetaTrader 4 platform provides technical analysis, charting and Expert Advisors (MT4 EA) to help individual traders develop their own trading strategies.Knowing all the features and capabilities of the MT4 platform is essential. MetaTrader 4 offers customization tools and shortcuts that can help with your trading needs.MT4, is designed to provide technical tools that can be used by Forex traders to make informed buy or sell decisions. With MetaTrader 4, traders can analyze financial markets and perform advanced trading operations. The platform supports two (2) trade execution modes, including 1. Instant Execution and 2. Pending Orders With MT4 you can streamline your trading and automate certain processes to save you time. By enrolling in this course now, you will benefit from my 10+ years of experience. Learn from industry expert!I am more than honoured to be your instructor, I can't wait to see you inside! Enroll now!You will be forever glad enrolling in this course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Nutrition et alimentation : de Meilleures habitudes FACILES" |
"APPRENEZ MATRISER VOTRE CORPS ET VOTRE MOTIVATION !Je mange Bien est un programme de rquilibrage alimentaire durable bas sur des cours de nutrition et de coaching. Votre objectif est dapprendre le fonctionnement de votre corps et de votre motivation pour amliorer vos habitudes alimentaires facilement et durablement.conomiqueVous apprenez de bonnes habitudes alimentaires que vous conserverez toute votre vie. Toutes nos recettes et conseils sont conus pour les petits budgetsFacileVous navez qu consulter vos vidos et quizz pour apprendre inconsciemment mieux manger. Tous nos conseils sont ultra faciles appliquer au quotidien.InnovantNotre programme est bas sur lapprentissage de la nutrition pour des rsultats durables. Ce nest pas un rgime ! Cest une pdagogie de rquilibrage alimentaire.ScuritPas de faim ni de carence, En rquilibrant votre alimentation base sur + de 40 tudes scientifiques, vous amliorez votre apport en vitamines et nutrition pour plus dnergie.------------------------------TMOIGNAGESVous aussi, essayez notre programme sans engagement. Ce programme vous donnera les cls pour crer vos propres bonnes habitudes pour manger sainement.Jai imprim les fiches pratiques et affich dans la cuisine pour les enfants, mon mari et moi.Le programme avec le coach sur Facebook sont trs pratiquesChristine DubonComptable Arles, 37 ansJe regarde la vido de nutrition dans le mtro. Jen profite pour me prparer des goters quilibrs quand je rentre puis un vrai repas. En + les jeux sont sympas !Laura DumarchetSecrtaire administrative, Paris, 26 ansAprs mon divorce, jai d tout reprendre : faire les courses et prparer les repas pour les enfants, etc. Pas facile quand ils ne veulent rien manger. Jai appris plein de choses et des astuces de cuisine pour faire simple et bon.Jerome LatchAgent immobilier, Strasbourg, 52 ans---------------------------COMMENT PRENDRE LE CONTRLE ?En rejoignant notre programme, vous apprendrez le fonctionnement de votre corps et ses mcanismes. Vous allez galement dcouvrir ce que lindustrie alimentaire veut vous cacher au mpris de votre sant. Vous allez pouvoir ensuite vous fixer des objectifs sant trs faciles atteindre et prserver votre motivation grce nos outils de coaching nutrition.8 VIDOS POUR COMPRENDRE VOTRE CORPSDes vidos, des jeux, des questions faciles pour comprendre rapidement comment faire plaisir votre corps. Vous dcouvrez comment reformaterer facilement vos habitudes sans vous en rendre compte.8 VIDOS DE COACHING POUR SE MOTIVERDes vidos coaching pleines de jeu et questions faciles pour vous valuer et vous tester. Des outils coaching qui vous aideront prserver votre motivation et rester focalis sur vos objectifs nutrition.8 LIVRES NUMRIQUES POUR TOUT SAVOIRPour aller encore plus loin et mmoriser les cls de votre changement, dcouvrez des ouvrages utiles pour avancer dans latteinte de vos objectifs. Idal bouquiner dans les transports sur son portable ou tranquillement la maison !8 CHALLENGES POUR TRE LE MEILLEURPour chaque cours, un challenge facile et volutif pour mettre en place de nouvelles habitudes alimentaires. Des objectifs et dfis aisment atteignables qui vous feront redcouvrir votre rel potentiel.20 FICHES PRATIQUES POUR APPLIQUERGardez loeil sur vos objectifs ! Nous vous proposons des fiches utiles et pratiques imprimer, pour vous accompagner dans vos objectifs et vous simplifier la vie au quotidien.8 JEUX ET 16 QUIZZ POUR MMORISERDes quizz et des jeux pour vous mettre en situation dans la bonne humeur ! Vous pouvez vous prparer de manire ludique mettre en pratique vos nouvelles bonnes rsolutions pour manger sainement.---------------------- COURS MINCEURS !un programme, pour vous permettre d atteindre facilement vos objectifs, 4 cours de nutrition et 4 cours de coaching EN VIDEO sont votre disposition en accs illimitCOURS 1 : SHABITUER* Je mhydrate pour un corps plus jeune et une peau plus ferme* Jtudie mes habitudes pour rveler le meilleur de moi-mme.COURS 1 : FAIRE DES CHOIX* Je choisis mes fculents gourmands pour mincir* Je me fixe les bons objectifs pour russir facilement.COURS 3 : PRENDRE SOIN DE SOI* Je cuisine des lgumes facilement pour me sentir lger.* Je fais de mon bien-tre ma priorit, je me recentre.COURS 4 : SE MOTIVER* Je renforce ma sangle abdominale en douceur pour tre plus fine* Jentretien ma motivation et mloigne des personnes toxiques-----------------------------------+ DE 20 FICHES PRATIQUES OFFERTESChaque cours de nutrition est accompagn de nombreuses fiches pratiques imprimer pour vous mettre de matriser votre alimentation et votre motivation en toute facilit.Vos fiches pratiques dune valeur de 150 vous sont offertes !---------------------------------Lalimentation est le carburant de votre corps et de votre sant !HABITUDES ALIMENTAIRES POUR TOUTE LA VIEVous souhaitez apprendre tous les secrets pour manger sainement ? Je Mange Bien vous propose de rinitialiser vos habitudes alimentaires grce nos outils de coaching nutrition bass sur des dizaines dtudes scientifiques.8 livres, 16 vidos, 16 quizz, 9 jeux dapprentissage, 30 fiches pratiques, 42 recettes, +BONUS = 150 de fiches pratiques offertes !-----------------------------------COMMENT MANGER SAINEMENT ? MTHODE RAPIDE ET PRATIQUENotre mthode est base sur plus de 40 tudes internationales (coaching pdagogiques, nutrition, dittiques, auto-discipline ) Nos cours vous expliquent comment manger de mieux en mieux et comment vous sentir plus fort, sans mme vous en rendre compte !16 VIDOS SYMPAS POUR CHANGERRetrouvez en vidos toutes les animations pour comprendre et apprendre manger sainement. Idal pour mmoriser long terme !4 COURS DE COACHINGDans votre compte, vous accdez 4 cours de coaching pour vous apprendre rester motiv. Toutes les astuces pour conserver votre motivation.20 MINUTES PAR SEMAINEDans le mtro, aux toilettes, dans une salle dattente, utilisez vos temps morts pour rvler vos nouvelles habitudes et prendre soin de vous.16 COURS POUR APPRENDREVous recevez un LIVRE numrique et des cours en VIDO remplis dillustrations et de JEUX pour apprendre prendre soin de votre corps. Un vrai moment de dtente mais surtout dapprentissage pour changer sur la dure.42 RECETTES RAPIDES ET GOURMANDESVous accdez des recettes que nous cuisinons au quotidien. Ce sont des recettes .----------------------------COMMENT MANGER SAINEMENT, SE SENTIR MOINS FATIGU ET PLUS NERGIQUE ?Dcouvrez nos ASTUCES pour donner votre corps ce dont il a besoin pour rester en forme. Comment se faire plaisir tout en vitant les aliments qui font grossir ? Comment garder le contrle sur votre alimentation pour prendre soin de votre corps et vous sentir bien ?"
Price: 49.99 |
"TensorFlow 2.0 Practical" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is here and TensorFlow 2.0 is finally here to make it happen much faster! TensorFlow 2.0 is Googles most powerful, recently released open source platform to build and deploy AI models in practice.AI technology is experiencing exponential growth and is being widely adopted in the Healthcare, defense, banking, gaming, transportation and robotics industries. The purpose of this course is to provide students with practical knowledge of building, training, testing and deploying Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning models using TensorFlow 2.0 and Google Colab.The course provides students with practical hands-on experience in training Artificial Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks using real-world dataset using TensorFlow 2.0 and Google Colab. This course covers several technique in a practical manner, the projects include but not limited to:(1) Train Feed Forward Artificial Neural Networks to perform regression tasks such as sales/revenue predictions and house price predictions(2) Develop Artificial Neural Networks in the medical field to perform classification tasks such as diabetes detection.(3) Train Deep Learning models to perform image classification tasks such as face detection, Fashion classification and traffic sign classification.(4) Develop AI models to perform sentiment analysis and analyze customer reviews.(5) Perform AI models visualization and assess their performance using Tensorboard(6) Deploy AI models in practice using Tensorflow 2.0 ServingThe course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of how to build and deploy models in Tensorflow 2.0. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this course will master AI and Deep Learning techniques and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems using Googles New TensorFlow 2.0."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprendizagem por Reforo com Augmented Random Search (ARS)" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender um novo tipo de inteligncia artificial, que quase to poderosa quanto o algoritmo usado pelo Google Deep Mind para treinar uma IA caminhar e correr por um ambiente! O nome dessa tcnica Augmented Random Search (Pesquisa Aleatria Aumentada), foi criada em 2018 e em mdia 15 vezes mais rpida do que algoritmos tradicionais!Esse algoritmo est dentro da rea de Aprendizagem por Reforo, que um tipo de aprendizagem usado em sistemas multi-agente no qual os agentes devem interagir no ambiente e aprenderem por conta prpria, ganhando recompensas positivas quando executam aes corretas e recompensas negativas quando executam aes que no levem para o objetivo. A inteligncia artificial aprende sem nenhum conhecimento prvio, adaptando-se ao ambiente e encontrando as solues sozinha!E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica sobre o treinamento da simulao de um rob que precisa aprender a andar em um ambiente. Usaremos a tcnica ARS (Augmented Random Search), o Python como linguagem de programao e o Gym como ambiente de simulao. O contedo do curso est dividido em duas partes:Teoria sobre ARS (Augmented Random Search)Construo passo a passo da inteligncia artificial para controlar o rob. Implementaremos o algoritmo ARS totalmente do zero, sem o uso de nenhuma biblioteca de aprendizagem de mquina!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 |
"TensorFlow 2.0 Practical Advanced" |
"Google has recently released TensorFlow 2.0 which is Googles most powerful open source platform to build and deploy AI models in practice. Tensorflow 2.0 release is a huge win for AI developers and enthusiast since it enabled the development of super advanced AI techniques in a much easier and faster way.The purpose of this course is to provide students with practical knowledge of building, training, testing and deploying Advanced Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning models using TensorFlow 2.0 and Google Colab. This course will cover advanced, state-of-theart AI models implementation in TensorFlow 2.0 such as DeepDream, AutoEncoders, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Transfer Learning using TensorFlow Hub, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks and many more. The applications of these advanced AI models are endless including new realistic human photographs generation, text translation, image de-noising, image compression, text-to-image translation, image segmentation, and image captioning.The global AI and machine learning technology sectors are expected to grow from $1.4B to $8.8B by 2022 and it is predicted that AI tech sector will create around 2.3 million jobs by 2020. The technology is progressing at a massive scale and being adopted in almost every sector. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience in training Advanced Artificial Neural Networks using real-world dataset using TensorFlow 2.0 and Google Colab. This course covers several technique in a practical manner, the projects include but not limited to: Develop, train, and test State-of-the art DeepDream algorithm to create AI-based art masterpieces!Implement revolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks known as GANs to generate brand new images.Develop Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks to generate new Shakespeare-style text!Deploy AI models in practice using TensorFlow 2.0 Serving.Apply Auto-Encoders to perform image compression and de-noising.Apply transfer learning to transfer knowledge from pre-trained networks to classify new images using TensorFlow 2.0 Hub.The course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of how to build, train, test and deploy advanced models in Tensorflow 2.0. Basic knowledge of programming and Artificial Neural Networks is recommended. Students who enroll in this course will master Advanced AI and Deep Learning techniques and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems."
Price: 199.99 |
"Qlik Sense for Data Science and BI" |
"If you want to ditch the confusion of Excel? Or diversify your data visualization for the enterprise, then Qlik Sense Basics is your key to career success. Whether your focus is Data Science or Business Intelligence (BI), or you are simply preparing for a Qlik Sense certification - look no further!Were bringing you a 100% hands-on course, that takes you on a journey through the basics from using Qlik Senses interface to data visualization fundamentals.After learning how to navigate the Qlik Sense interface, connect to data sources and build your first chart, you will then move on to more advanced visualization techniques using complex data files. Along the way, you will learn valuable tips & tricks that will make working with Qlik Sense a piece of cake.Plus, we've packed some bonus quizzes at the end of every section for you to test your skills and prepare yourself for on-the-job challenges!In the end, you will be fully equipped to use Qlik Sense on both personal and professional projects and you will be more than comfortable creating your own charts, dashboards, and storytelling of analysis.From connecting to different data sources to identifying impactful insights and building a stunning dashboard, Qlik Sense Basics will prepare you for data visualization mastery in the enterprise world."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to become effective in consultancy" |
"This is a basic course for guidance on how you can build your own consultancy emperor by applying the skills which you possess. Its your time to take into consideration the experience I have had in consulting and make it a starter for your success whether you are employed or self employed get into the consulting sector and capitalize on your expertise."
Price: 179.99 |
"Qlik Sense Masterclass for Data Science and BI" |
"Hi, data scientists and business intelligence heroes! Are you tired of building basic charts and tables in Qlik Sense? If youre ready to deep-dive into the world of scripting and high-performance mapping and analysis, then this course is for you.Qlik Sense Advanced takes you through the step-by-step process to mastering advanced techniques used by enterprise-ready data analytics pros. From scripting to geo-analysis, set analysis, extensions and more, this course prepares you for complete mastery of this top business intelligence platform.Building on the basics taught in Qlik Sense Basics, you will learn how to conduct comprehensive mapping (heatmaps, density maps and more), master basic and advanced scripting techniques, perform set analysis and connect extensions with ease!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Forex Trading for Dummies: Learn To Trade Today!" |
"Who is this course for:Would you like to start trading but don't know where to start?Is the amount of various information making your head spin?Are you afraid of loosing your hard earned money?Or are you just looking for a new trading system and a strategy?Take this course now and learn from my 12+ years of experience. Avoid the 90/90/90 club. The most common club in the markets where 90% of all uneducated traders loose 90% of all their money in just 90 days!This course is for complete beginners! But advanced traders are welcome to refresh their knowledge and maybe fill some gaps too.With this course you will also get:the one and only D1 strategy that made me the successful trader I am todaymy 24/7 support team is at all disposal to you if you get stuck or have a question See you on the inside.Dale"
Price: 49.99 |
"Modern Natural Language Processing in Python" |
"Modern Natural Language Processing course is designed for anyone who wants to grow or start a new career and gain a strong background in NLP.Nowadays, the industry is becoming more and more in need of NLP solutions. Chatbots and online automation, language modeling, event extraction, fraud detection on huge contracts are only a few examples of what is demanded today. Learning NLP is key to bring real solutions to the present and future needs.Throughout this course, we will leverage the huge amount of speech and text data available online, and we will explore the main 3 and most powerful NLP applications, that will give you the power to successfully approach any real-world challenge.First, we will dive into CNNs to create a sentimental analysis application.Then we will go for Transformers, replacing RNNs, to create a language translation system.The course is user-friendly and efficient: Modern NL leverages the latest technologiesTensorflow 2.0 and Google Colabassuring you that you wont have any local machine/software version/compatibility issues and that you are using the most up-to-date tools."
Price: 199.99 |
"Tensorflow 2.0: Um Guia Completo sobre o novo TensorFlow" |
"Bem-vindo(a) ao Tensorflow 2.0!O TensorFlow 2.0 foi lanado recentemente e introduziu muitos recursos que simplificam os processos de desenvolvimento e manuteno de modelos de aprendizagem de mquina. Do ponto de vista educacional, a nova verso est mais fcil para trabalhar e simplifica alguns conceitos complexos. Com relao a aplicaes comerciais, os modelos so muito mais fceis de entender, manter e desenvolver.O curso est estruturado de forma a abranger os principais tpicos da rea de Deep Learning, desde a modelagem e treinamento de redes neurais at sua produo.Na parte 1 do curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos e a sintaxe do TensorFlow 2.0, principalmente algumas diferentes importantes se comparado com o TensorFlow 1.xNa parte 2, o foco ser em Deep Learning! Voc implementar vrios tipos de redes neurais: redes neurais simples, redes neurais convolucionais e redes neurais recorrentes. Alm disso, no final desta seo voc aprender a utilizar a tcnica de Transferncia de Aprendizagem (Transfer Learning) que alcanar resultados considerados do ""estado da arte"" em uma base de dados para identificao de imagens!Na parte 3 voc aprender a criar o seu prprio ""bot"" de negociao no mercado de aes utilizando Aprendizagem por Reforo, usando especificamente o algoritmo de Deep Q-Learning! No final das execues e simulao com uma base de dados real, teremos lucros de mais de U$ 1.300 dlares!A parte 4 trata do TensorFlow Extended (TFX), na qual voc aprender como trabalhar com dados e criar seus prprios fluxos de dados (pipelines) para produo. Inicialmente verificaremos se o conjunto de dados tem alguma anomalia usando a biblioteca de validao de dados do TensorFlow (TFDV). Logo aps, voc aprender como utilizar o prprio TensorFlow para aplicar pr-processamento em bases de dados usando TensorFlow Transform (TFT).Por fim, o foco da parte 5 ser em como disponibilizar um modelo em ambiente de produo utilizando a API Flask com acesso via web e tambm utilizando comunicao REST por meio do TensorFlow Serving. De uma maneira muito fcil, voc criar sua prpria API de classificao de imagem que pode suportar milhes de solicitaes por dia! Atualmente, est se tornando cada vez mais popular instalar um modelo de Deep Learning dentro de um aplicativo Android ou iOS, portanto, na prxima seo do curso voc aprender a salvar um modelo para dispositivos mveis utilizando o TensorFlow Lite! Por fim, voc tambm aprender como utilizar tcnicas de treinamento distribudo para otimizar o processo de treinamento.Este curso indicado para todos os nveis, ou seja, caso seja seu primeiro contato com Deep Learning e o TensorFlow, voc conta com um apndice que contm aulas bsicas sobre aprendizagem de mquina e redes neurais! Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 |
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Price: 29.99 |