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"12 Meses de Vendas Para Seu Micronegcio + 3 Cursos EXTRAS"
"Depois de Finalizar Este Curso Prtico, Voc Ser Capaz de:Ter Clareza de Quanto o Seu Micronegcio Pode Ser LucrativoCriar Novos Produtos Ou Servios eConduzir o Seu Marketing com Meta de Vendas!Sempre com o mesmo objetivo: _____________________________________________________________________________________________12 Meses de Segurana e Previso de Vendas para Seu Negcio._____________________________________________________________________________________________Se voc chegou at aqui, eu o conheo. Voc vende servios ou produtos e est sozinho! No sabe o que fazer com as vendas e acredita que tudo culpa do marketing ou ningum quer o seu produto..Pare agora e pense: qual o volume de vendas dos seus ltimos 12 meses?Visualizou? Achou o nmero de vendas? E o faturamento? Quanto de esforo voc fez nos ltimos 12 meses?Aposto que voc encantado pelo o que faz, mas nunca encontra tempo e nem tem segurana quando o quesito vendas e marketing. Sem contar que l no fundo voc acredita e pensa: Eu preciso aprender marketing online. realmente isso que voc quer fazer?Nos ltimos anos, os problemas que chegam para mim sempre algo do tipo:Estou dando o meu produto de graa!No sei lidar com marketing online. um monte de post que no se encaixa no meu perfil de negcio.;Danny, estou pagando uma agncia, coloco R$650 por ms em redes sociais e no vem uma venda.;No gosto de fazer vdeos e o freelancer fica pedindo contedo neste formato. Nem sei se as pessoas que veem os vdeos podem ser meus clientes.;Quero fazer um lanamento e ningum me passa confiana.Isso s para citar alguns!Muitos destes empreendedores que acabam virando clientes, so profissionais com autoridade, bons resultados e timos conhecimentos tcnicos. J encararam h muito tempo o movimento de profissional solo e CANSARAM DE NO TER UM NORTE quando o assunto Vendas e Marketing.So verdadeiros Empreendedores Solitrios, que esto dentro de seu escritrio em casa, em uma sala comercial ou at compartilhando espaos em coworking.Este o NICO curso de empreendedorismo que vai te mostrar o caminho certo para ter vendas previsveis, com um marketing consistente, a partir da clareza do seu prprio Modelo de Negcio Pessoal.Resultado de anos de consultorias/mentorias para Empreendedores Individuais das mais diversas reas, os quais apresentam problemas e dificuldades comuns e que, facilmente, podem ser solucionadas atravs da aplicao dos conhecimentos e tcnicas que veremos neste curso, mesmo que voc no saiba nada sobre o assunto hoje.ALERTA: Este curso extremamente simples e prtico, onde voc entender tudo de forma rpida e fcil, com modelos prontos para ter o seu Plano de 12 Meses de Vendas.#################   BENEFCIOS   #################Este curso tem a participao de Gustavo Farias, um dos TOP Instrutores da Udemy, com cursos que esto entre os 3% dos PRINCIPAIS CURSOS DA PLATAFORMA! 4 dos 4 cursos que ele leciona esto qualificados como BEST-SELLERS, com mais de 100.000 alunos!""Fiquei muito feliz com o convite de Danny Botelho para participar em seu curso, pois j trabalhamos juntos em outras oportunidades e ele um profissional e empreendedor realmente incrvel! Ele precisa mesmo compartilhar com o mundo as suas experincias, habilidades que desenvolveu e vejo claramente que ele levar milhares de empreendedores individuais a atingirem o mesmo sucesso que tem tido por onde passa."", Gustavo Farias ainda o nico curso que vai alm do tcnico e oferece gratuitamente vrios cursos extras para sua formao complementar em habilidades interpessoais que potencializao seus resultados (confira mais abaixo).[Extra] 14 Documentos Guia prontos para serem aplicados na estruturao e gesto do seu negcio e das vendas.[Extra] Plano Exclusivo: 12 Meses de Vendas Previsvel. Voc com foco e controle das vendas a um clique de voc.[Curso Extra 01] Curso Intensivo: Meu Cliente Certo. Quando voc diz SIM para o cliente errado, voc est dizendo NO para o cliente certo.[Curso Extra 02] Curso Intensivo de Produtividade com Gustavo Farias (TOP Instructor na UDEMY)[Curso Extra 03] Curso Intensivo de Negociao com Gustavo Farias (TOP Instructor na UDEMY)[EXCLUSIVO] 1h de consultoria particular com Danny Botelho com 50% de desconto.OBS.: para agendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo, seja para alavancarmos o suas vendas, seja para realizarmos um planejamento de marketing prprio para o seu Negcio Pessoal.[CONTE COMIGO] Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 579.99

"Matemtica do Ensino Fundamental"
"Este curso inclui aulas com explicaes em vdeo e em cada aula h um passo a passo da resoluo de pelo menos uma questo (exerccio). Alm disso, ao final de cada seo voc encontra dois arquivos em pdf com exerccios (e suas solues!) para que voc possa praticar os conhecimentos adquiridos.O curso Matemtica do Ensino Fundamental est organizado nas seguintes sees: Teoria dos Conjuntos Nmeros reais Razes Expresses algbricas Equaes e inequaes do 1 grau Equaes do 2 grau"
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentos de Economia"
"Este curso inclui aulas com explicaes em vdeo sobre os principais conceitos de Economia.O curso Fundamentos de Economia est dividido nas seguintes sees: Fundamentos de Microeconomia, abordando noes sobre oferta, demanda e equilbrio de mercado; e Fundamentos de Macroeconomia, discutindo as definies de PIB, inflao, taxa de juros e taxas de cmbio."
Price: 39.99

"Cmo perder peso, adelgazar y mejorar tu salud."
"Aprende cmo bajar de peso y no recuperarlo nunca mediante un cambio de hbitos.Hola, soy Vctor Herrero, tu entrenador personal. Este curso est diseado  para cualquier persona que quiera perder grasa, estar saludable y sentirse bien.Este curso esta diseado para aquellas personas que tienen malos hbitos en su vida y quieren dar un giro 180 grados, cambiar sus hbitos, adelgazar y sobretodo sentirse a gusto con su cuerpo. Es una pena que Internet est plagado de falsos entrenadores que te venden planes de entrenamiento, dietas y suplementos que no funcionan. Es por eso que quera compartir contigo este mtodo que he creado para darte el empujn que necesitas para empezar a cuidarte y dejes de pensar que eres un barco a la deriva, que es imposible salir del agusejo en el que te encuentrasAqu est lo que hay dentro del mtodo:HBITOS NEGATIVOS QUE DEBES ELIMINARTRUCOS PARA DEJAR DE COMER MALCMO EMPEZAR A HACER DEPORTEESTRATEGIAS PARA VER SI ESTAMOS ELIMINANDO GRASAHBITOS POSITIVOS QUE DEBES ADQUIRIRAPRENDIENDO A COMER BIENEJERCICIO PARA VER RESULTADOSLISTA DEL SUPERMERCADOSEGUIMIENTO SEMANA A SEMANARUTINASRUTINA PARA ABDOMINALESRUTINA DE 10 MINUTOSRUTINA DE 15 MINUTOSRUTINA DE 30 MINUTOSEn general, el programa incluye ms de 1 hora de contenido sobre prdida de peso y ms de 6 guias descargables.Entonces, si lo que quieres es perder peso, sentirse bien y vivir una vida ms saludable, este es el curso adecuado para para t.Este curso es ideal para cualquier persona y ayudar con la prdida de peso de ms de 50, la prdida de grasa para los hombres y la prdida de grasa para las mujeres. Le ensear la planificacin adecuada de las comidas que es ideal para su dieta de prdida de grasa y planes de prdida de grasa para lograr el dominio de la prdida de peso.Recuerda, hay una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das. No hay razn para dudar. Inscribirte ahora  y  a ver resultados desde hoy!"
Price: 49.99

"7 Ways to Increase Your Personal Power Through Selfawareness"
"Self-awareness is the most important aspect of personal development. It determines nearly everything else, including whether youre able to stay motivated and achieve your goals. With self-awareness, you can and will increase your personal power. First, you will begin to identify ways in which you give your personal power away and then, stop it! Second, you will begin to align your actions with your goals. Third, you will be able to appreciate all the parts of you that contribute to a greater quality of life. This all, and more increases your personal power in unlimited quantities...this course will show you how to begin."
Price: 19.99

"Motion graphics techniques in After Effects"
"  . 360          "
Price: 199.99

"character animation 2D in after effects"
"in this course we are learning how we can animation character  using joystick and slider plugin on after effectwe are beginning in design the head character after that we are adding joystick for the head character and finally we are adding expression slider to the head character   This course contains very important information , about how to use  joystick and slider  plugin and move the character through it , in a very fun way"
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a Radically Happy Teacher"
"Are you burning out on teaching, tired of grinding through day after day of frustration, even though you used to be convinced that it was what you were meant to do? This course is for you. The instructor is a veteran teacher with experience inside and outside the US, and he walks through the four big ideas you need to rebuild a healthy teaching mindset. The course is interactive, with each chapter followed by thoughtful reflections that help you apply what youve learned immediately. The steps are applicable to any teacher, regardless of the subject, age of the students, or type of institution where you teach. Everyone in the education world knows that teacher burnout is a major problem, but most of the conversation is about how to change the external factors that cause it heavy workloads, poor support, insufficient funding, etc. This course recognizes that todays teachers cant afford to wait around for those things to change. They need to take action with the tools they already have within reach, starting with their own minds. Gonzlez knows from experience that even when you feel oppressed by the people and systems around you, there is a way to take joy in the act of teaching and do meaningful work, despite the obstacles. Burnout happens when you live in a constant state of stress and negative emotions, and theres freedom in recognizing that all that stuff is happening in your own head. Even if there are legitimate external triggers for that negativity, you have power over your response to those situations. This course will teach you a mindset that can transform your teaching days from something to grind through into something to look forward to."
Price: 19.99

"The Art Of Teaching: The Secret To Teaching Anyone Anything!"
"This course is dramatically different from anything else you mightve taken in the past! And heres why: Most of the teaching methods & techniques that you are going to learn here are unique & unconventional (in a good way).Although, these methods and techniques contradict what is mostly taught out there, theyre incredibly effective and i say this from years & years of experience. Because we all know that..                                  THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IS FAILING                                      BOTH TEACHERS & STUDENTS!!...and not just in America, but in most of the countries worldwide. The education systems have made very little progress throughout the years in making education better and more effective. Today, teachers still use outdated, ineffective teaching methods and approaches in the classroom that produce mediocre results at best.Heres what its boiled down to: This is the curriculum for the year. Do your best to finish it. Oh and plan lessons in advance and make sure you test students knowledge and skills to assign them grades.Theres so much wrong with this approach, but just to name a few things:Planning lessons ahead actually kills creativity (not to mention students find it extremely boring).Homework, Tests, & exams dont serve students long term. Forceful methods of teaching (which most teachers use) rarely produce positive results.The truth is, when schools continue to use this same approach, this can only mean that education will never change for the better. Teachers & students alike will continue to suffer in the classroom until new changes have been made.No wonder we constantly hear things like this..                                TEACHING IS A DAMN STRESSFUL JOB!And it really doesnt have to be. The only reason its so damn stressful is because teachers dont have the right tools, strategies, methods & techniques they need to make learning fun, engaging, and effective (all of which youll learn inside this course).You know, doing any task wrong and not getting the desired result can cause stress. No matter what it is or how insignificant it is. Teaching is no different. When its done improperly, this can cause feelings of frustration, stress, anger, and burnout.According to stats, nearly 50% of new teachers leave the profession within their first 5 years. Also, nearly 56% of teachers report high daily stress all because of the aforementioned reasons. The crazy thing is we can put an end to all of this today by making small, yet powerful changes!Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world. Its a very noble and highly respected job. Teachers play a huge role in the lives of their students as they make sure their students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to become tomorrows thinkers, influencers, & builders of their community. Thats a hell of a responsibility!                         THE WORLD NEEDS MORE QUALIFIED TEACHERSTheres a high demand for qualified teachers, especially in math, science, and foreign languages. In the US for example, theres a large shortage for teachers which makes teaching a very reliable and smart career choice right now.The purpose of this course is to help you become a very qualified, highly respected, and successful teacher. So, inside this course, well arm you with the tools, strategies, methods & techniques you need so you can build a very successful teaching career for yourself.The advice, methods and tools inside this course are applicable to any teacher, regardless of the subject, age of the students, or type of institution where you teach.                                        NOW, YOU HAVE 2 CHOICES:Either, you can conform to the outdated advice and information thats given to you in other courses or at school and continue to produce poor resultsOr you can take this course right now and get started on a totally different path. Making the much-needed change in our education depends on us teachers. It is our duty & responsibility to make this change so we can increase our impact & success in the classroom and beyond. Join us on this journey now!"
Price: 199.99

"Get the Job You Want: Dominate the Job Search in Just 1 Day"
"If you are ready to reach for your dream job but cant afford to spend days or weeks figuring out how to do it, you are in the right place. There is loads of information on the web about finding and applying for jobs, but plenty of job seekers still make basic mistakes that take them out of the running. Thats because all that info is so overwhelming! Don't let that be you. With this course, it takes less than one day to learn everything you need to know to become a star job candidate.Master the Skills to Find and Get Your Next-Level JobIn this course, youll get all the advice you need in just 90 minutes. That includes:How to create a resume that stands out from the packHow to use LinkedIn to find opportunities and boost your chancesHow to write a cover letter that recruiters actually want to readHow to ace the job interview with poise and confidenceThis course is for anyone who wants to take their career to the next level, from new grads to seasoned professionals.New graduates: youll learn everything you need to go from a blank page to your first office.Seasoned professionals: youll learn how to step up the quality of your job application to get the next-level job you deserveCareer switchers: youll learn how to translate your skills and tell a career story that recruiters understandReturning to the workforce: youll learn how to demonstrate the value of all your life experiencesI give you step-by-step instructions for every part of the process. If you cringe at the thought of writing about yourself or practicing interview answers, dont sweat it! Ill tell you exactly how to figure out what you want to say, get it down on paper, and polish it up so that its ready for prime time.You can fit this course into even the busiest schedule. Everything you need to know is packed into less than 90 minutes of video, and each video is just 3-10 minutes long. In addition to that, you can expect to spend 3-6 hours total on all the brainstorming and writing exercises in the course. You can do it all in just one afternoon, or dedicate one hour each night and get it done in a week.Ready to go out there and get the job you really want? Then join me and put your job search on the fast track to success!"
Price: 199.99

"Milhares de vendas no Instagram com tcnicas simples"
"Tudo isso possvel graas descoberta do que hoje eu chamo de mecanismo 3C's, onde voc vai construir uma base, consolidar essa base e converter. Para isso a gente utiliza 3 passos em um treinamento curto e simples, mas muito poderoso, que vai direto ao ponto. E ele vai funcionar mesmo que voc ainda no tenha conseguido fazer uma nica venda, mesmo que voc ache que no funciona para o seu produto ou para o seu servio, mesmo que voc no tenha estoque e no saiba como atender uma demanda como essa e no importa o quanto voc est cansado e prestes a desistir, essa tcnica vai funcionar para voc."
Price: 69.99

"Saiba como tratar imagens com o Editor do Windows 10"
"Nesse curso, voc que gosta de fotografia, profissional ou no, desde que seja uma pessoa querendo aprender e, que utilize o Windows 10, saber como deixar suas imagens muito melhores utilizando o Editor de Fotos do Windows 10.  As aulas sero feitas atravs de vdeos e com PDFs  como material de apoio. No necessrio pagar nada alm do curso ou baixar nenhum programa, sendo muito prtico, pois o Editor de Fotos o aplicativo padro para abrir imagens no Windows 10.O assunto de cada vdeo ser feito explicando a definio e o conceito de cada ferramenta do programa, mostrando como funcionaro quando forem feitos os tratamentos."
Price: 129.99

"Dating With Confidence For Men In 2019"
"This is a 30 day course designed to help the men (the good guy) date more confidently in 2019 so that he can attract an awesome woman into his life and build a wonderful relationship with her. The question is can you successfully reach the point of an interaction where the woman you like goes, ""I don't know what it is about you, but I like you"".If not, its ok. It's not completely your fault since you've most likely been pointed into the wrong direction when it comes to attracting awesome women into your life. At least I know that was the case for me.The problem with most romantic and dating advice is that it limits your true character from shining through. Here are some examples of ""good advice"" that you might hear.- Never act nice- Never reveal your interest or your intention to her- Always play hot and cold in an interaction to keep her attention- Always talk in a low seductive voiceWhile I don't think that any of this advice is necessarily ""bad advice"", this type of advice restricts your authentic attactive personality from coming out to the surface. This means that these awesome women never get to experience you at your best self because they are only experiencing the masked version of you.I believe that good romantic and dating advice brings out the unique personality of the individual rather than restrict it.In Dating With Confidence I am going to bring out the most attractive version of yourself so that you can attract someone who is equally as awesome as you in your romantic life."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate PHP, CSS And SASS: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills!"
"Welcome To Ultimate PHP, CSS and SASS: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills!This course will offer more than 380 lectures and lifetime access to 79 hours of HD quality videos at this moment.Requirements:Basic HTML, CSS and PHP skills are desirable, but anyone basically can follow me on this course. No need for buying any extra software, your computer and text editor for writing the code will be sufficient.DescriptionHave you have been taking courses that are not up to date or courses that after finishing them you will immediately know that is not what they promised to be in the promo video? Have you joined multiple courses for basically learning the same thing over and over again? Have you been thinking why there is no complete course out there where you can learn how to become master of front and back end development with the latest, greatest and the most modern programming/designing techniques?Great news: Then This Is The Right Course For You!Welcome to ""Ultimate PHP, CSS, and Sass: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills, course ever"". This is the most advanced, the most modern, and the most up to date course ever on this platform. It's everything you need to become master and advance your career as a graduate student, junior developer or programmer. Look at the end of why I create this course to be for everyone.There are multiple parts to this course. The first part is the designing process where you will learn how to use HTML, CSS, and Sass. You will be able to design and create modern layouts on your own after finishing this part. You will learn the most complex and advanced responsive design techniques, CSS GRID and Flexbox layouts and yes you will get familiar with Bootstrap as well. You will become a master of Sass, and CSS architecture also you will be able to design 3 very many different landing pages for these projects so you can get experience and practice what we have learned and put that in practice. You will have 2 complete guides for CSS GIRD and Flexbox in this section in order to make your life easy. This course is all about design, and you will be the architect of 3 different and beautifully designed and crafted projects.FIRST PART OF THE COURSE CSS AND SASS, FLEXBOX, CSS-GRID AND BOOTSTRAP INTRO:1) Create layouts of every kind with the latest cutting-edge layout technologies.2) You master Flexbox and CSS Grid and Bootstrap;3) Design carefully for all kind of devices with media queries;4) Understand the concepts of CSS and how you can make reusable code that is easily maintainable with Sass.In this course, you will get familiar with background-clip, transform and perspectives when we are making rotating/flipping cards. You will use clip-path to shape the footer and header. Also, you will be able to create animations using @keyframes, transitions, and animation.Working on these projects you will be able to use CSS selectors and pseudo-classes, elements that are the foundation of the modern CSS. Dealing with complex scenarios you will learn parent, child inheritance, box types and positioning elements using abstract and relative positioning. This course will be based on 7-1 rule and we will stick with the BEM methodology so you can create massive code components that will be very easy for maintenance and in the same time expandable and scalable. With Sass, we will use variables where we declare their values and after that, we will use them in our project whenever we need them. You will learn how to use media queries and create ones where our design breaks, meaning that you can adjust your design to fit all kinds of screen sizes by simple and advanced calculation.Flexbox and CSS grid will give us the opportunity to learn the process of organizing our website into a layout that is easily fits different screen widths. I have two crash courses and examples for these two particular layouts. Additionally, we will use font awesome icons but we also will learn how to use the modern SVG icons in our projects so we can understand the difference between them. You will know how to change SVG color and generate SVG sprites with a breeze. On top of this, we will use the NPM so we can compile Sass and every code changes will automatically be reloaded on the browser. You will get familiar with the processes how to concatenate, prefix and compress and compile CSS file;SECOND PART OF THE COURSE PHP, PDO, MYSQL, SECURITY AND OOP INTRO:The second part of this course is PDO PHP and OOP using Classes, methods and etc. We will not use the entire MVC framework but we will get familiar with how to use M from that framework which stands for MODELS. Inside this model folder, we will create our core functions that will interact with the database in a secure manner. Security is the number one feature of PDO so that is why we are going to do our projects with PDO. I have created a crash course on how to use Classes and PDO just for this project so if you are a person with limited PHP understanding you will not have a problem after the crash course to follow this part.What you will learn in this part:You will learn that PDO represents PHP data objects and a lean and consistent way to connect to a Database. Also, PDO can work with multiple different databases like MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL and lots more. PDO provides secure data access layer no matter what type of system you are using, you can still use the same functions to access this data. You need to use a PHP 5.4 or latter version in order to work because PDO will need OOP features. The biggest advantage for which I choose to use PDO is that we can write prepared statements that will prevent SQL attacks and injections that can destroy what we have stored in the database. PDO is very usable and reusable, usable because have lots of functions out there that we can use like fetch and error handling, and reusable means that it can access multiple databases because of its unified API. We will write so many create, read, update, delete queries that by the end of this course you will become the master of PHP. You will become a master of PHP PDO and get to know the three main Classes like PDO, PDOStatment, and PDOexception. For these reasons, I have also included lectures about OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Classes where I discuss what is Class and how to use them in our project. You will learn how to instantiate objects of that Class and how these objects can interact and use the methods/functions of a parent class. In addition, we will discuss Abstract and Extend Classes. In addition, you will learn how to take payments using PHP Stripe API, and PHP SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs. After that, we can send emails to our users/customers using PHPMailer and we can install it via Composer. In short, you will learn how to use a composer or dependency management tool for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.Other smaller things worth mentioning:1)Password Hashing & Security in PHP2)Variables, Constants & Super Global3) Arrays in PHP4)Loops like While, foreach, for and etc5)Control Structures 6)Methods or Functions7)Sessions8)Store and move FILES9)Authentication10)PHPMailer to send emails and files11) Take Payments With Stripe and Paypal THIRD PART OF THE COURSE JAVASCRIPT, AJAX and JQUERY INTRO:Although there will be no separate third part but it will be included with the PHP part because we need to do a lot of the things on the website using JavaScript and JQuery. So in this last part, I want to discuss why we are going to use JavaScript and Ajax to finish our project. Although this course is not about learning JavaScript and Ajax you will still learn a lot during this course. So what is AJAX?AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it describes a set of development techniques used for building websites and web applications. Ajax's core function is to update web content asynchronously (the ""A"" of AJAX), meaning you will not need to reload an entire web page when only a small portion of the content on that page is updated. ""J"" stands for JavaScript and JavaScript will be used to hide and show notification or messages when we are deleting and saving data. Also, we will display alert messages with the help of JavaScript. Login and registration will be done using JavaScript regular expressions so we can validate input form data before storing it in our database. With the help of Ajax, we will create Ajax dependent drop down select. Because this is a real project that requires a lot of things to be done, we need to use Ajax and JavaScript in order to keep our design feels and look very modern.Finally, we will use Google Maps JavaScript API and Geocoding to display lat and lng, search for live places or particular addresses and finally store them into the database. Geo-coding will be used to convert the address that is in our DB into lat and lng to display into the map on other pages. Additionally, we will learn how to place a marker, how to make custom icons for marker such as beach flag because I think that adding google maps into any website will make the website look more professional and clean.Why should you take this course?Before buying any course my recommendation is to look into the specification and curriculum of that course and also look at the project tour or how the application will look like. After reading and watching what has been created by the instructor/instructors then join that course.My promise to you?I will always try to make you happy during the entire course, maybe sometimes over boring but that's me. I know that life is hard on its own and everyone has it's own problems so sharing info about my day and wishing you to be strong and positive is something that I will do in the lectures. It's never about how much money I will make from this course, it's what you will get out of this course. So promise that I will update the course constantly and listen to your requests and desires. Info that you need to know: In some lectures, the cursor pointer of my mouse is not visible but that should not stop you from taking this course, because this is a web development course where you can see me coding and my mouse is not going to be the problem. This is my mistake and is only there in the first part of this journey. My honesty is number one and I want you to know before joining the course. Also, I'm here for you in the Q&A section, we will do everything together and I hope you will enjoy it.My StyleI like to create things and achieve things that most the people think that it's not possible or I'm not able to do this by myself. So don't be the person that will listen to others and never take the step forward. What I suggest is to listen what your heart & guts tells you and follow them.My GoalMy goal is to make you a better programmer/designer and developer so you can get your dream job, get more money or even start your eCommerce or any other business with my help. So, should you take this course? The answer is a big YES YES YES!The reason is that I packed so much great content into one course and I can easily split this one into 3 smaller courses so I can get more students and money. But that is not the case I want to create one that will stand out.Can I make money with PHP and CSS, AJAX and JavaScript?The answer is yes, the senior PHP developer in Australia can take from 80 to 130 thousands per year.PDO PHP is must programming language for anyone that deals with web development.CSS is underestimated and is true must because as you will see in this course it can be very powerful. The reason why i put this complete course in one is because I know that the entry job is very hard, and they are thousands and thousands like this on job advertisement companies. So look bellow what they require and also what you will learn.Some of the PHP Junior/Graduate or entry Level Web Developer graduate will earn from 50K-70K for the first years:Outline of what they request and want from job applicant: This is a short summary of the skills they want today in 2019/2020.Follow Best Practices Apply the best practices of web design and development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.Have a passion for clean code Take pride in creating reusable, easy to read, scalable code.Have an eye for detail and designCSS Pre - processors Sass, Less or similarGood verbal and written communication skillsCan work Independently and problem solve difficult issues on the flyExperience with command lineHighly regarded but not necessary:Development experience with other eCommerce platformsObject Oriented Programming A clear understanding of OOP or experience in any kind of backend development.SQL experience A good understanding of or experience with SQL databasesExperience with build tools Gulp, Grunt or similarHave a good understanding of Web Accessibility and SEOAfter all, being said, I hope to welcome you as a new student in my course. I'm sure you're gonna love and enjoy the content because there is so much you can learn from. You will start with zero and end up being a hero!Thanks,Rick"
Price: 204.99

"Modern Web Bootcamp, Design with PHP, SASS, CSS-GRID & FLEX"
"Welcome To Modern Web Bootcamp, Design With Sass, PHP, CSS-GRID, Flex, and Bootstrap. Learn how to use Node js, NPM, and PHP!This course will offer around 100 lectures and lifetime access to more than 21 hours of HD quality videos at this moment.Requirements:You will learn PHP front to Back from the beginningBasic HTML, CSS and PHP skills are desirable, but anyone basically can follow me on this course. No need for buying any extra software, your computer and text editor for writing the code will be sufficient.You Will learn about Flexbox and CSS-Grid from the beginingDescriptionThe aim of this course is to help anyone that wants to create stunning websites for its business or as a portfolio page so you can attract more customers.This course will help everyone that wants to learn how to create modern and fancy websites. There will be 3 crash courses at the moment and I'm planning to create more crash courses in the future.So Have you have been taking courses that are not up to date or courses that after finishing them you will immediately know that is not what they promised to be in the promo video?Great news: Then This Is The Right Course For You!This course if for every IT developer working or for every student out there that want to land is its dream job. It will take you from the basics until the very advanced stages of designing and programming.Welcome to the best and ""Modern Web Bootcamp, Design with PHP, SASS, CSS-GRID & FLEX, course ever"". This is the most advanced, the most modern, and the most up to date course ever on this platform. It's everything you need to become master and advance your career as a graduate student, junior developer or programmer. Look at the end of why I create this course to be for everyone.There are multiple parts to this course. 1. The first part is for absolute beginners in PHP, starting from the basics like variables, to handling errors and creating simple CRUD application.2. Second is designing layouts with Flexbox highly used by Boostrap3. The third part is CSS-GRID4. The fourth part is creating a modern website for your portfolio or company needsWhat You Will Learn in this courseYou will learn about the Bootstrap framework and how to use the 12 column grid system.You will learn how to create a very important build process with installing Nodejs and NPM packagesYou will learn how to create animations with @keyframesTransitions and TransformsYou will learn how to add video in the backgroundYou will learn about opacity, visibility z-index and much moreBox-shadow and Text-ShadowYou will create a responsive website and payouts with media queryYou will learn how to use NPM and install packagesYou will learn how to use CSS GRID to create layouts very fastSass and componentsComplete Folder structure and organizationFixed menu on the topCheckbox hack for the menuParent, Child relationshipBEM methodologyCSS pseudo-classYou will learn how to position items old with the absolute positioning and new way with CSS GRID and FlexboxYou will learn about PHP Object-Oriented ProgrammingYou will learn about Classes in PHPSessions and CookiesPHP LoopsPHP AlertsPHP ObjectsPHP PolymorphismPHP Inheritance.PHP Abstract Classes Design to fit all kinds of screen sizesIons and FontsPHPMailer ComposerEmails Sending and ReceivingCreate a database and tablesStore information in the tables using PDO named parametersJavascript time functionSmooth ScrollingWow JsAnimate CSS =======================================In future without Time Frame================================================1.I will include more crash course like Laravel from the begining2. All advanced course I create you will have the chance to see what I will do there with small crash course so if you are intereted then you can continue with your studies with meMy promise to you?I will always try to make you happy during the entire course, maybe sometimes over boring but that's me. I know that life is hard on its own and everyone has it's own problems so sharing info about my day and wishing you to be strong and positive is something that I will do in the lectures. It's never about how much money I will make from this course, it's what you will get out of this course. So promise that I will update the course constantly and listen to your requests and desires.There will be a Q&A section where I want you to be involved and interactive with other studentsMy StyleI like to create things and achieve things that most of the people think that it's not possible or I'm not able to do this by myself. So don't be the person that will listen to others and never take the step forward. What i suggest is to listen to what your heart & guts tells you and follow them.My GoalMy goal is to make you a better programmer/designer and developer so you can get your dream job, get more money or even start your eCommerce or any other business with my help.So, should you take this course?The answer is a big YES YES YES!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic HTML, CSS and PHP skills are desirable, but anyone basically can follow me on this course. No need for buying any software, your computer and text editor for writing the code will be sufficient.Who this course is for:This course has been created to assist students, IT graduates, IT developers at varying levels of expertise that want to upskill in both Advanced CSS and Advanced PHP PDO"
Price: 204.99

"Ace Your Job Interview System"
"Master your next interview-Never be nervous again- Prepare for any question- Become more self-awareWhat youll learn... Self-Awareness (key to a successful Interview) How to create an effective resume Five major categories of interview questions How to prepare for the interview How to deliver a killer closing statement The halo effect How to be more affective in your interview Interview communication DISC overview Resume template and hoe to create a resume WorkbookThis course includes...Ace Your Job Interview course Resume Template How write a resume DISC overview assessment Workbook"
Price: 29.99

"Master Productivity and Time Management : Ultimate Guide"
"Are you feeling like you are not doing enough or not productive?Having a hard time focusing on your work for long hours?Well, If you have those problems, this is the course for you. Not only this course will give you proven time management methods but also you will gain knowledge on how to work efficiently and effectively with maximum productivity.How is this course designed?This course is designed in a way in which students can listen while performing other activities such as commuting or exercising. It means that you will not have to sit infront of your phone or monitor throughout the entire course. Just plug in your headphones and you are good to go!Course Updates!This course will be continuously updated by adding new lectures to make sure I am providing students with the best up to date knowlege out there."
Price: 24.99

"How to Turn Your Idea into an Income Generating Business"
"Stop working the 9-5 grind for ""the man"" and turn your idea into extra income. In this course you will learn;How to determine you have a good ideaIf you should copyright, trademark or patent your ideaHow to find your paying customersHow to build a simple website and drive traffic to itHow to get information from your customers so you can sell to themHow to manage your time and know prioritiesHow to create a budget to forecast and manage your new business"
Price: 19.99

"C# ile Sfrdan Bakm Takip Program Yapm"
"- Eitim hakknda bilgilendirmeGerekli Programlarn Kurulmas- Visual Studio Community ndirme ve Kurma- SQL 2017 Express ve SQL Management ndirilmesi ve KurulmasAna Menlerin Hazrlanmas- MDI Ana Formun Hazrlanmas- Veritaban Hazrlanmas- Kullanc Giri Formunun Hazrlanmas- Pencereler Menlerinin Hazrlanmas- Hakknda Formunun HazrlanmasAyarlar Mens Formlarnn Hazrlanmas- Personel Ekleme Formunun Hazrlanmas- Arza Kodlar Ekleme Formunun Hazrlanmas- Makine Ekleme Formunun Hazrlanmas- Blm Ekleme Formunu Hazrlanmas- ifre Deiiklii Formunun Hazrlanmas- Tarih Kilitle Formunun Hazrlanmas- Form Sorgulama Formunun HazrlanmasKayt Mens Formlarnn Hazrlanmas- neriler Formunun Hazrlanmas- Duyurular Formunun Hazrlanmas- Planlar Formunun Hazrlanmas- Periyodik Bakm Formlarnn Hazrlanmas- Bakm Formunun Hazrlanmas(Profilimden youtube sayfama ulaabilirsiniz.)"
Price: 409.99

"The complete Machine Learning Data Science Course in Python"
"In this course you will learn all the machine learning models that has  vast applications and mostly used. We will cover all the mathematics behind every Machine Learning Model so that you understand what actually happens behind the scene and how we actually train the machine to make future decision. We will then move on to implement all machine learning models in Python. We will build the template of every machine learning model and will look at its visual representation as wellAfter taking this course, you guys should be able to know not just the implementation part but also you will have a genuine understanding of every model behind the scenes. Good Luck"
Price: 109.99

"Learn Advanced Python Concepts"
"In this course i will assume that you are familiar with the Basics of Python and from there i will take you to start learning Advanced Concepts in Python. We will cover the Intuition behind each and every advanced topic before moving to on to the coding part so that you come to know not only what it is but why we are covering it and what is the use of that concept in real life. I will try by best to relate as real life examples with every topic so that later on you can use it to develop something useful out of it.This course is for those who have learnt some Basics Python and want to deepen the knowledge of Python and are looking for the next step. You will never be able to succeed in Programming Field until you learnt Advance concepts so that is why i have made this course to make you guys capable to be a professional programmer. I am looking forward to see you in the course"
Price: 94.99

"Banish your overwhelm declutter your home"
"Do you have ADHD?  Are you fed up with your clutter? Are you living from one self-made  crisis to another?Are you a creative busy professional mum, struggling to balance your life? Only you know of the dark side lurking behind your front door. The clutter, the mess and general chaos. I know, because I have ADHD myself.  I have struggled mightily for many years to find systems that work for my brain. I searched high and low. I have found the answers. There is currently only one layer of mess and clutter  in my home...with my 5 children...If you have ADHD then you understand what a daily achievement that is...Are you desperate to move forward in your life, but you don't know how to?You can create your successful ADHD life.As an ADHD coach (Focus with Faigy)  and a professional organiser (Organise Pro)  I get your challenges. This course  is for you. You will declutter and organise using The Focus with Faigy 4 step  proven clutter-busting system.When properly understood the four steps work together in helping you understand and address the root of your problems with your clutter. If you have ADHD, you need specialist tools that tailor to your ADHD brain.  The regular tools out there don't work! Your ADHD brain is uniquely wired. When harnessed right, you can achieve far more than the neuro-typical people out there.  I have authored two books, one on declutter, which is the perfect complement to this course, ""Organise Your Home Like a Pro - Declutter Your Life.""  My second book, ""Own Your ADHD - Discover Your True Potential"" will open the door to your self-understanding and give you tools to create your ADHD success life. Yes you can!I cant wait to meet you on the other side. Join me right now."
Price: 49.99

"First Steps in Successful Reverse Aging Process"
"Learn how to reverse your aging successfully.This 60-minute class covers everything you need to know to reverse your aging process. Did you know that health issues, signs of premature aging of the skin, hair, brain or body may add decades to your chronological age?But ... what if you can turn back the clock with few easy anti-aging tips?In this course we will discuss how to reverse your biological aging process as chronological clock continue ticking. We will discuss different supplements available to you, beauty ingredients that you're perhaps missing out on and are vital for your skin on everyday basis and we'll look at food, diet and routine changes.You know, chronological age is the number of years a person has been alive, while biological age refers to how old a person seems or looks. As they say, even botox can freeze your face, but it cant freeze time. So we will discuss tips on how to reverse your biological clock.Of course, there are plenty of cosmetic solutions that can help someone look younger. Many are easy and relatively harmless, such as coloring your hair, using makeup, and whitening your teeth. There are also attitude solutions to the challenges of growing older.But, this class is for you if you're not looking for such short term solutions, and want to learn how to reverse aging for longer term. This class is filled with tips, tricks, and insights for all levels.So, what are you waiting for? Let's Get Started!"
Price: 69.99

"219 YouTube SEO"
"219 , 4 4 YouTube SEO :-  .-  .-  .-  .-  .- .- .- .- .- . 1- , . .2- , . :1- , .2- . : 219 , 2017, 4 , , ."
Price: 119.99

"- , . :- , , . - .- , , , , , .- , .- , . , . : Matrix219, , ."
Price: 19.99

"Compassionate Management: Learning to reduce stress at work"
"Bickering employees, unattainable targets, information overload, shifting prioritiesthe first-line manager is in the hot seat for stress.Todays managers need more than the fundamentals of people management, they need to know how to manage stress and stressful situations with compassion. Compassion for themselves first, and compassion for the people they are working with.In Compassionate Management : Learning to Reduce Stress at Work, Angela Fresne provides insight to the core skills needed to be an effective manager, with a deep focus on stress management techniques. She draws from her corporate career and studies in Cognitive Behavior Therapy to provide ways to : Explore and self-assess key management skills Build a management framework Apply principles of compassionate management Manage emotions, stress and the top workplace stressorsYoull find tons of practical tips and techniques, stories from the front line and exercises to get to know yourself better. This education series will teach you to minimize and manage stressful situations a manager faces every day. Read it now and start applying the techniques. Come back to it again and again as you are faced with new, challenging situations at work."
Price: 19.99

"Javascript: fundamentals (for absolute beginners)"
"Who should use this course?This course has been created for absolute beginners. You don't need any prior coding experience because you'll go through, step-by-step, how a website works, installation and each fundamentals topic. This course is for you if:You've never written a line of code before! This course will get you started on the right track.You're curious about Javascript as a coding language and want to understand the fundamentals well.You want to be taught by an experienced Web Developer who has extensive experience in teaching and training and understands how students learn best.You want to become a Web/Front-end Developer and want to understand Javascript well before you make a deep dive into the more advanced and complex topics.What exactly will you cover in this course?The fundamentals of Javascript are the topics you'll be using day-in and day-out as a Developer, so it's important to know them well. In this course, you'll be going through each of them properly: you'll know how to code them and you'll also understand what's actually happening in the background. Most importantly, you'll go through real-world examples to help you learn and consolidate the key concepts.... and all in 1 hour of video lessons.The fundamental topics you'll cover include:VariablesVariables and memoryOperators and expressionsData typesConditionals (if-statements)and how to use programming logic (think like a programmer!)What can you expect after taking this course?At the end of this course, you'll know and understand the fundamentals of Javascript.You'll also have the confidence to stretch yourself further to learn more advanced and complex topics.You'll also have a high-level understanding of how a website works and how Javascript fits into the bigger picture of a website.You'll also be using a very popular tool that is used in industry by Professional Developers called Visual Studio Code.What comes with the course?This course comes with video lessons and a free Exercise Book for you to keep.How should you use this course?You should go through the video lessons in order because the concepts build on each other. At the end of a video lesson, you should then attempt the exercises in the Exercise Book (these exercises are also available as online assignments in the course). It's been carefully designed to help everything sink in properly and you are encouraged to complete it. The answers and solutions are also available in the book, so you get the most out of it.What is Javascript and why should you learn it?Javascript is one of the most in-demand coding languages used. Javascript skills are highly-sought after by nearly every company in the world with an online presence. It is incredibly powerful and makes websites interactive. So, when you click on buttons to purchase products, fill in a form, or use interactive maps, Javascript is what powers these interactions. By learning Javascript to create dynamic websites, you'll also gain the skills to build mobile-apps and browser games. In the UK, the average salary for a full-time Mid-level Javascript Developer is ~44,000, which could rise to 66,000+. Senior Developers can expect salaries well over this range.In the UK, contractors (aka freelancers, or self-employed) can expect *daily* rates of up to 750 (have a look online what the average salary and contractor rates in the UK and USA for an idea).This course is not for everyone and that's okay. Everyone learns differently. This course is *not* for you if:You already know and understand how a website works and the fundamentals of Javascript (variables, data types, operators and expressions, conditions (if-statements)).You do not consider yourself to be an absolute beginner.You are not interested in any Javascript theory.You do not enjoy attempting exercises to consolidate your learning. You wish to learn only by watching the videos. This course encourages you to pause, think, and solve-problems outside of the videos and course itself. To maximise your success, you are encouraged to use the free Exercise Book (in PDF) along with the video lessons. These exercises are also available at the end of each video/section for your ease."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Master in Making Leather Bag"
"In the turbulent and industrial life of today, we can clearly feel the absence of art. Art expresses the soul and spirit, and brings life back to us and makes life in this industrial world easier for us. One of these fine arts is the art of leather work. As we associate art with natural, not artificial leather, it gives us more motivation.With this art you can create and use exquisite works of art like wallet, shoulder bag, purse, bracelet, shoes and all kinds of accessories with your handy crafts. You can also gift them to your loved ones and surprise them.As you know, buying natural leather accessories such as handbags and shoes is especially expensive. But you can learn the art at your own expense with the art of crafting your own handmade items and design them to your style and enjoy.You can also make progress and sell your products at a good price. Alternatively, you can make money by educating others.This art needs creativity. You can make beautiful designs with your creative art and implement them to leather. In this case, create new and new bags and shoes. You can also draw the pattern and pattern if you like the quality and produce the color you need and you're favorite color.In this course we tried to start with the simple and basic language of the art and learn the advanced and professional steps. Training is well-segmented, as we first introduce the quality we are going to look at when sewing training together and show its internal components.Then we teach all the sewing needs in this bag individually. Then we introduce all the tools for leather. Next we apply the pattern to the cardboard according to our needs and preferences, then apply it to the leather and teach the other steps sequentially.This art is not difficult at all in appearance. Rather, if you are interested in this course you can easily learn everything about the art and continue to do so more than ever before.Watching this course will teach you almost all the tips on leather work. As a result, you can easily draw a pattern and start sewing it with this tutorial. . So with this course you will not only get acquainted with making this bag but you will also be able to sew and implement any bag model"
Price: 49.99

"Become a Master in Making Leather Shoulder Bag and Wallet"
"In the turbulent and industrial life of today, we can clearly feel the absence of art. Art expresses the soul and spirit, and brings life back to us and makes life in this industrial world easier for us. One of these fine arts is the art of leatherwork. As we associate art with natural, not artificial leather, it gives us more motivation.With this art, you can create and use exquisite works of art like wallet, shoulder bag, purse, bracelet, shoes and all kinds of accessories with your handy crafts. You can also gift them to your loved ones and surprise them.As you know, buying natural leather accessories such as handbags and shoes is especially expensive. But you can learn the art at your own expense with the art of crafting your own handmade items and design them to your style and enjoy.You can also make progress and sell your products at a good price. Alternatively, you can make money by educating others.This art needs creativity. You can make beautiful designs with your creative art and implement them to leather. In this case, create new and new bags and shoes. You can also draw the pattern and pattern if you like the quality and produce the color you need and you're favorite color.In this course, we tried to start with the simple and basic language of the art and learn the advanced and professional steps. Training is well-segmented, as we first introduce the quality we are going to look at when sewing training together and show its internal components.Then we teach all the sewing needs in this bag individually. Then we introduce all the tools for leather. Next, we apply the pattern to the cardboard according to our needs and preferences, then apply it to the leather and teach the other steps sequentially.This art is not difficult at all in appearance. Rather, if you are interested in this course you can easily learn everything about the art and continue to do so more than ever before.Watching this course will teach you almost all the tips on leatherwork. As a result, you can easily draw a pattern and start sewing it with this tutorial. So with this course, you will not only get acquainted with making this bag but you will also be able to sew and implement any bag model."
Price: 39.99

"Fortnite - How to Build Like A Pro (Faze Sway, Mongraal)"
"Hello, My name is Ben and welcome to my course on ""How To Build Like The Pros (Faze Sway, Mongraal)"" In this course you will learn:- How To build Like Faze Sway (The Best Builder In Fortnite)- Learn Most Of Faze Sways Building techniques and High Ground Retakes- Learn How to Fake A Build and Some Key Strategies In Arena Mode- Decision Making- Higher your K/D & Win Rate- OutBuilding OpponentsBuilding is the core mechanic of Fortnite. Making it one of the most important mechanics to learn and master. In this course you will learn everything you need to know (Building Wise) to win games regularly.Why should you trust me? Well, in Fortnite Battle Royale, I am currently in Division 8 (Champion Arena).  This is very hard to achieve as you are playing against some of the worlds best players. I look forward to teach you all the skills required to reach champion arena.Enrol now, Work Hard and i hope to see you soon in champion."
Price: 19.99