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Price: 24.99

"Terapeuta Integrativo"
"Voc no ver esse curso em nenhum outro lugar! J ouviu falar nas cinco emoes bsicas da Medicina Chinesa? No?Raiva, Ansiedade, Preocupao, Tristeza e Medo. Elas representam as energias dos Cinco elementos da Natureza.E se voc pudesse promover o reequilbrio dessas energias em seus clientes e familiares? E se pudesse tratar o impacto fisiolgico que essas emoes causam no corpo quando desequilibradas? Nesse curso voc ter acesso a um mtodo simples e passo a passo para fazer exatamente isso!Voc conhecer combinaes de pontos de acupuntura chamadas de Cintures Energticos e ir aprender a utiliz-los em seus clientes e familiares.Ir conhecer o Stiper (Pastilhas de Reequilbrio Energtico) para aplicao nos pontos de Acupuntura que dispensar o uso de agulhas, maca etc. Tornando muito fcil e prtico seus atendimentos.Aprender sobre os Cinco Elementos e o Yin e Yang para diagnstico de desequilbrios energticos.Um Curso que preza pela Simplicidade, Praticidade e Resultados.       "
Price: 339.99

"Forme Professores de Yoga"
"O Yoga te faz bem? Voc j ministra aulas de Yoga e gosta muito de ver a felicidade de seus alunos?Agora imagine aumentar esse sentimento de realizao exponencialmente!Isso mesmo, quando voc forma professores de Yoga o seu retorno imenso.Nesse curso voc aprender com um professo experiente a montar o seu prprio curso mdulo por mdulo.Ter a parte mais trabalhosa pronta: A Apostila do seu curso bastando apenas fazer suas adaptaes.Explicaes de vivncias e como ensinar cada parte do curso.O Curso aborda:Teoria, Prtica e didtica.Voc ser capaz de montar seu prprio negcio unindo misso de vida e prosperidade.Conte comigo nessa jornada!"
Price: 579.99

"Yoga em 30 minutos"
"Chegou a hora de voc cuidar de si mesmo e dedicar um momento para sua sade integral.Corpo, Mente e Esprito so beneficiados com essa prtica que foi concebida com muito cuidado e carinho para voc.  Aqui voc encontra uma sequencia de tcnicas de Yoga para realizar todos os dias e manter seu corpo forte e flexvel e sua mente serena e focada.Tcnicas de respirao, posturas corporais, relaxamento e meditao reunidos em uma sequencia preparada por quem tem muitos anos de experincia no ensino e didtica em Yoga.No Curso Yoga Integrativo voc encontrar:Um E-book com uma srie criteriosamente elaborada para dar sade, serenidade, flexibilidade e equilbrio. Cada postura realizada no E-book demonstrada em vdeo para melhor aprendizado.O E-book pode ser baixado e impresso e realizado em qualquer lugar.Ganhe udios de relaxamento e meditao orientados em mp3 para baixar e ouvir em qualquer lugar.A forma mais simples e prtica de encontrar o equilbrio e sade em um dia a dia corrido.Dedique 40 minutos dirios a voc mesmo. Ser um investimento com grandes retornos para todos os aspectos de sua vida.Caso tenha algum problema de sade um mdico dever ser consultado."
Price: 204.99

"Master in Screw Flight Layout Development in Hindi"
"In this Course Screw Flight Layout Development Used in Fabrication of Screw Conveyor Blade is Discussed. In This Course Numerical Method for Screw Flight layout Development is discussed in details and also given practical example with solution to  learn easily. In this Course you can learn formulas used in Screw Flight Layout development. In this Course Method of Checking Solution using computerize tool is shown. You will get Detail Knowledge of Screw Flight Layout Development and by learning this course you will become master screw flight layout Development."
Price: 1280.00

"Master in Miter Bend Fabrication Layout Development in Hindi"
"In this Course You Will learn Fabrication Layouting Methods of Miter Bend, Segmental Bend, Fabricated Bend. In this Course Both Geometrical or Graphical and Numerical Method is Explained in easy method with detailed explanation. In this Course Practical Example is also take for better understanding of Numerical Method So that you can also followed same procedure and easily learn calculation. we had also explained method of checking solution of layout example so that you can verified your layouting calculated values. This Course provide you detailed knlowledge of Miter bend fabrication Layouting Method so that you will become master in fabrtication layouting of Miter Bend, Segmental Bend or Fabricated Bend."
Price: 1280.00

"Master in Petal Layouting of Sphere and Dish Ends in Hindi"
"Master in Petal Layouting of Sphere and Dish Ends Course in designed to Learn Petal Layouting process for Sphere and Dish Ends in Easy and Simple way with in Depth knowledge. In this Course we had Discussed Geometrical or Graphical Method of Petal Layouting of Sphere and Dish ends. You Can Learn in Step by Step with descriptive images so that you can learn easily. In this Course We had also discussed Numerical Method of Petal Layouting of Sphere and Dish Ends with Practical Example Solution so that learning of numerical Method is  understand in details. You can learn Numerical Formulas for petal layouting process. we had also discussed checking method of layout so that you can get standard reference initially. After Learning this course you will become master is petal layouting and solve your actual problems in fabrication or insulation Industry."
Price: 1280.00

"Laravel Framework 2020 Complete Professional Project Course"
"One of the Best Laravel Framework Course on Udemy.Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.Why We Should Learn Laravel ?Laravel is a first development life cycle and less code functionality it's easy to learn making web applications faster configuration error and exception handling automation testing work. URL Routing Configuration is very high in Laravel.Scheduling tasks configuration and management It has a huge community Unlimited resource.Most importantly it's very easy to get a job if you have Laravel skills. What is your benefit ?As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete online news portal. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. And most importantly you will get my support with in 24 hours. If you have any issues just let me know about this i will be in your touch. What is the Best Part of this Course?You will learn how you can install Laravel Different Packages. Adding Different Template in LaravelMultiple User Privilege  Controller View And Model In ActionImage upload with 3 different Sizes for light your page Post control as Publish / Publishing and hot news User Comment Control.User Authentication, Role and Permission This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you in the course!Sincerely,easy Learning"
Price: 199.99

"Laravel 6 PHP Framework for Beginner to Advance with Project"
"One of the Best Laravel 6 Framework Course on Udemy.Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.Why We Should Learn Laravel ?Laravel is a first development life cycle and less code functionality it's easy to learn making web applications faster configuration error and exception handling automation testing work. URL Routing Configuration is very high in Laravel.Scheduling tasks configuration and management It has a huge community Unlimited resource.Most importantly it's very easy to get a job if you have Laravel skills. What is your benefit ?As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete most advanced Blog Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. Add this project in your profolio and university assignment And most importantly you will get my support with in 24 hours. If you have any issues just let me know about this i will be in your touch. What is the Best Part of this Course?Create Complete Project with Laravel 6Get a Deep Understanding of Laravel 6Laravel User AuthorizationMultiple Permission for UserCreate Different User with RoleSend Email NotificationUser Subscriber List and Send NotificationMany to Many RelationshipMulti-Auth Users and RolesAdding Professional Theme for BackendAdding Professional Theme for FrontendMultiple CRUD FunctionChange Password OptionPost Favorite with Count OptionUser Comments with Count OptionPost View Count OptionAdvance Post Search OptionImage Intervention for Different ResizeImage Upload SystemAnd Lots of More Cool ThingsThis course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you in the course!Sincerely,easy Learning"
Price: 199.99

"Criminologia per tutti"
"In questo corso - che adatto a tutti, sia a principianti che a curiosi e appassionati della materia -  impareremo a comprendere cos' la criminologia analizzandone le varie teorie, con un accenno particolare al DSM. Durante le lezioni metteremo in pratica quanto appreso affrontando diversi argomenti di attualit come lo stalking, il bullismo, le truffe agli anziani e la manipolazione mentale, rivisti in chiave criminologica."
Price: 19.99

"Unity C# 2019 ile 2D ve 3D Oyun Tasarlama"
"steyen herkes bu kursa katla bilir c# bilmeyende c# bilende usta olanda olmayanda herkes burada Unity ve C# 'n oyun yapabilmek iin gerekli olan temel tm bilgileri reneceksiniz :) Kursumuzu bitirince herhangi 2 tane projenizde sizlere her trl konuda destek olacaz.Projenizi Play Store gibi bir ok platformda sunmay reneceksiniz. Kursumuz bittikten sonra bitirme sertifikasn alan herkese 2. kursumuz olan Unity de multiplayer oyun tasarlama kursumuzu %80 e varan indirimle vereceiz. Bu sayede hem oyun gelitirmeyi bu kursta reneceksiniz. 2 Kursumuzda ise Multiplayerin temellerini atacaksnz. Muhteem 2li olacak :) Hayd Bala! - SYGNA YAZILIM"
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan C# FORM Ve Access Veritaban rnek Uygulamalarla"
"C# Batan Aaya reniyoruz!Access Programnn Arayzn reniyoruz.Temel SQL Sorgularn reniyoruz.C# Form ile Access Veritabanna Erimeyi Giri Ve Kayt Olma Uygulamas Yapyoruz.Profil Bilgilerinden rnek Uygulama Yapyoruz.Kursu Bitirdikten Sonra Dier Kurslarmz in ndirim Kodu Alabilirsiniz!C# FORM VE VERTABANI LEMLER in Mkemmel Bir Balang!SYGNA YAZILIM olarak birok C# FORM Projenizde Elimizden Geldii Kadar Destek Veriyoruz, Yardmc Oluyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"Basics of Motorcycle Maintenance"
"Whether you are a seasoned rider or new to motorcycles, this is a practical guide to maintain your motorcycle. This course is designed keeping Harley-Davidson Owners in mind, however the basics can be applicable to most other motorcycles. In this course, we will cover over 20+ topics which covers basics of motorcycle operations, pre-ride check list, post ride care, Do it your self maintenance guide, post ride check checklist and surface care for your motorcycle."
Price: 1280.00

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Price: 29.99

"Caring for people with dementia"
"This is a course to support you caring for someone with dementia and will include topics such as:Early signs that someone may have dementiaSupporting someone through the diagnosis processThe legal framework around mental capacityDifficulties in arguing with people with dementiaInvolving people with dementia in important life decisionsDifferent medications that are used in treating dementiaWhat are powers of attorney?Finance and property powers and health and welfare powersAdvanced care plans and preferred places of careHow to have difficult conversations with someone with dementiaHow to access adult social careThe Care Act and the legal rights that gives carersCare Act assessments and carers allowanceThinking about admission to a care or nursing homeDealing with aggression and angerRepetitive questions and using distractionManaging pain reliefRecognising when people are getting near deathManaging your own mental wellbeing as a carerThe impact on your sleep and on your emotionsThe value of support groups and networksRecognising the moments of joy in caring"
Price: 19.99

"Dynamic Gymnastics for babies is a method for improving their body structures and enhancing their immunity systems. This course offers techniques to improve breathing and oxygenating baby's brain for a better cerebral blood circulation. It allows through a series of exercises to strengthen the joints, tendons and ligaments of babies. It helps in improving digestion and reducing baby colics. These exercises are not only helpful in strengthening baby's body but also in overcoming their fears and the fear of the mother and the father while dealing on a daily basis with their babies. Each exercise focuses on a particular part of the body and is presented in a separate video showing its benefits and the way baby should be held."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Avanzado de modelado en SolidWorks 2018"
"Este curso est pensado para que el alumno aprenda todos los conocimientos necesarios para el modelado tanto de piezas como el de ensamblajes en SolidWorks.Para ello, el curso se divide en varias secciones:1 Unas clases tericas sobre el mdulo en el que se valla a trabajar (croquis, operaciones o ensamblajes)2 Una serie de ejercicios a modo de ejemplos para facilitar la adquisicin de conocimientos sobre el tema3 Una serie de ejercicios propuestos, los cuales sern revisados y corregidos para ayudar al alumno an ms en su aprendizaje4 Se mantiene una lnea de comunicacin profesor-alumno para poder solucionar todo tipo de dudas o consultas"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Avanzado de Simulacin en SolidWorks Flow Simulation"
"En este curso, se impartirn todos los conocimientos necesarios para realizar simulaciones en el modulo de Flow Simulation de SolidWorks. Ademas, se darn conocimientos comunes para cualquier simulacin en CFD (no solo el software de SolidWorks).El curso consta de 2 partes:La primera parte es mas terica en la cual se dan los fundamentos necesarios para la realizacin de este tipo de simulaciones La segunda parte es mucho ms practica y se vern una serie de ejercicios resueltos a modo de ejemplo para terminar de comprender todos los conocimientos."
Price: 49.99

"Human Skeletal system Part 1- The upper Limb"
"This course is part of a multitude of courses that will tackle human anatomy. It includes the anatomical description of the bones of the upper limb of the human body. In the videos you will be introduced to the different bones of the upper limb as well as their anatomical description, the attachment of different muscles and the important landmarks found on them. In the downloadable lectures you will find what is mentioned in the video as well as clinical relevances and pictures to  illustrate what was explained.This course is based on two important references : Grey's anatomy for students as well as teach me anatomy site to make it more student friendly and relevant to the topics tackled in medicine. The application used for the 3D model is complete anatomy 2020 application. I hope you enjoy this learning experience. Be free to contact me by email if you need further information or questions about exams or study techniques. Subscribe to my channel: ""Jeanette EL Hajj"" where I will be uploading some extra work and if you are interested to see another parts of other courses I have!"
Price: 139.99

"Human Musculo-Skeletal System- Part 2- lower limb"
"This course had videos related to the bones of the lower limb using a 3D model by complete anatomy 2020!This course is for free for a short period of timeFor all of you freebies out there who are trying to learn anatomy enjoy the videos!This course is for students who are trying to learn anatomy. There are no prerequisite for the course. My reference is grey's anatomy students edition. The is no need for a medical background for this! Subscribe to my channel: ""Jeanette EL Hajj"" where I will be uploading some extra work and if you are interested to see another parts of other courses I have!"
Price: 139.99

"Viruses from diagnosis to treatments"
"In this medical virology course, we will explain all the viruses that are if medical importance. For every virus there is  corresponding video along with a pdf lecture that you can download and study. Please note that the lectures are lectures related to medicine and not taxonomy or describing the viruses in another way. In every lecture we will explain the structure of the virus, the disease caused by it, diagnosis, treatments available and vaccines. Furthermore, at the end of the course there is a section containing eleven quizzes (every one contains a medical case and multiple choice questions) to evaluate your understanding of the course. I will always be posting cases and assignments that we will solve together. this course will be very interactive and I hope you enjoy your learning experience!If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me I am always available!Good Luck!!Subscribe to my channel: ""Jeanette EL Hajj"" where I will be uploading some extra work and if you are interested to see another parts of other courses I have!"
Price: 199.99

"Self discovery, relaxation & guide to attaining your goals"
"In this course, you will have one on one sessions with me. In every session I will be asking you to do different activities that will help you discover something new about yourself probably you did not know before. The aim of this is top actually help you accept your flaws, your mistakes and everything about you so you  would be able to relax. To help you learn more about your beliefs and make you more tolerant to others and allow you to achieve your goals. I am not telling you what to do in this course I am just giving you the raw material to help you on a daily basis and in the most private way discover what is inside of you. Subscribe to my channel: ""Jeanette EL Hajj"" where I will be uploading some extra work and if you are interested to see another parts of other courses I have!"
Price: 19.99

"Prepare early and get a higher score- Part 1"
"Use these sets of questions and clinical vignettes to score higher on your test after you have studied your lectures.Section 1- General Principles of Disease; Questions, answers, and explanations.Section 2- Dermatology; Questions, answers, and explanations.Section 3- Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, and Throat; Questions, answers, and explanations.Section 4-  Respiratory System; Questions, answers, and explanations.Section 5- Cardiovascular System; Questions, answers, and explanations.Section 6- Gastrointestinal System; Questions, answers, and explanations.The timing of each section will take into consideration a minimum of one min per question which is the usual given on medical exams. The minimum to pass each testis 45%.What is great about this practice set is you have an unlimited access. The questions and answers are randomized at every time so if you decide to take it more than once it will not be repetitive!This is part one. In part two I will continue the questions related to the different systems."
Price: 19.99

"Prep test for medical school- Part 2"
"These are practice sets that contain medical cases with randomized multiple choice answers. You will get a detailed explanation for every right and wrong answer!What is amazing about this tool is that everything is always randomized so if you repeat to practice more you will get a random new test every time!"
Price: 19.99

"Helping People with Parkinson's"
"This is a 5 week smovey exercise program  based on the very successful Helping People with Parkinson's 5 week Education and Exercise course. It is aimed at improving your BalanceCoordinationMobilityCore strengthCirculationPostureRaise your general level of fitness and also helping to relax you to reduce stress and anxiety. This easy to follow course is introduced by Irene Treacy course creator of the Helping People with Parkinsons 5 week education and exercise course, Smovey Coach and PD Warrior, Parkinson's Regeneration training, NLP Practitioner, owner of Helping People with Parkinson's and Smovey Health.If you do not have Smovey rings please contact"
Price: 19.99

"The digital marketing crash course for online marketing"
"Originally written for a bachelors study, our online marketing training has now made it to Udemy as a crash course. We'll guide you through all the history, terminology, tools and targets within online marketing. But more importantly, we'll teach you how to use this knowledge and get your first online marketing campaigns running in just a day! Get started right now and discover the possibilities of online marketing for your business, career or studies!"
Price: 89.99

"Anlise Trmica - 1 parte - Termogravimetria (TG/DTG)"
"Curso inicial com conceitos sobre anlise trmica e sobre Termogravimetria e Derivada primeira da Termogravimetria.O curso deve promover o entendimento da tcnica de Termogravimetria e Termogravimetria derivada 1 em aplicaes em diversos ramos da cincia e discutir os fatores que podem afetar os resultados obtidos.Numa prxima fase ser explorada a Calorimetria Exploratria Diferencial (DSC)."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 4299.00

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Price: 2299.00

"Hair styling. Magic of Curls"
"Voluminous, strong curls without backcombing/teasing or crimping, even the largest length.Are you dreaming of magnificent curls and a large volume? But your clients are afraid of teasing or crimping...I know everything about curls. And in this lesson I honestly share all the secrets. You even didnt think that everything is so simple. Anyone with any level of training can master the skills.I will tell about hair preparation. This is the most important step. Skipping this particular step, you are making a gross mistake.Next, let's talk about the tools and the right temperature to create strong curls.We are finishing  with a hair fixation. Millions of brands and varnishes. But many do not hold hair and make dust. As a result, the styling is untidy.I will tell you which styling products are ideal for finishing fixation."
Price: 24.99