"Force and Newton Laws of Motion" |
"In Kinematics course we described motion of an object along a straight line path in terms of its position , velocity and acceleration . We also saw that motion is of two types uniform and non uniform. But we did not discuss what causes motion? Why does the speed of an object change with time ? Do all motion require cause ? If so then what is the nature of this cause? Answer to these critical questions we seek to answer through this course."
Price: 1280.00 |
"1- 2- SPSS .3- . 4- 5- "
Price: 69.99 |
"Virada Financeira" |
"Este curso tem como meta principal a transformao das relaes de qualquer pessoa com o dinheiro. Para que o aluno seja capaz, atravs de anlises simples de identificar quais as suas dificuldades bsicas com o dinheiro e sua forma de administr-lo.O Curso possui tcnicas e estratgias para voc transformar seu comportamento e comear de uma vez por todas uma verdadeira jornada de sucesso Financeira"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso photoshop - o guia completo" |
"DESCRIO COMPLETA DO CURSOMdulo 1 - Mudana de CorToda a estrutura do curso segue de conhecimento bsico at o mais avanado, as aulas so todas praticas, isso quer dizer que estaremos fazendo exerccios simples at os mais complicados.Nesse primeiro mdulo vamos comear com o simples, aprenderemos como selecionar qualquer cor de qualquer elemento em qualquer lugar, no comeo vai ser to simples quando s rodar o valor do Hue Saturation, para ver o que acontece, que pode parecer extremamente facies para alguns. Mas conforme o mdulo avana, aprenderemos a fazer coisas mais complicas, precisaremos trabalhar com conjuntos de ferramentas, mascaras e vrios tipos de seleo. Ao final do curso j vo dominar qualquer mudana de cor, estaremos terminando o mdulo com um exemplo bem complexo que a mudana de cor do cabelo de uma mulher, estaremos fazendo de forma profissional, precisaremos criar vrias mascaras, alm de de trabalhar com highlights (brilhos) e shadows (sombras).Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: magic wand, quick selection, mask, pen tool, colorize, subject selection, Hue Saturation, color, gradiente, replace color...Mdulo 2 Remoo de ElementosNo muito diferente de mudar uma agora aprenderemos a remover qualquer elemento em qualquer lugar, precisamos ter um pouco mais de cuidado quando removemos um elemento de uma imagem, porque no podemos deixar marcas na imagem que parece que tinha algo antes, cada caso exige uma ferramente diferente fundos desfocas so simples como fazer uma pintura por cima, j imagens mais focadas com texturas igual madeira, precisa de muito mais trabalho, aprenderemos tudo isso e muito mais.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: path selection, spot healing brush tool, healing brush tool, patch tool, brush tool, opacity, flow, clone stamp tool, pattern stamp tool...Mdulo 3 RecorteComo eu havia falando cada mdulo vai aumentando a dificuldade, alm de precisamos das ferramentas apredendidas anteriormente aprenderemos novas, e como combinas elas para novos trabalhos. No mdulo de recorte aprendemos a recortar qualquer elemento em qualquer imagem, cada caso de recorte precisa de uma ferramenta, recortes simples podem ousa apenas o click de um comando como focus area, ou elementos mais complexos com muitos detalhes que precisamos um recorte ao mximo da qualidade possvel usaremos ferramentas poderosas como pen tool.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool, magnectic lasso tool, pen tool, mascaras e refinamento, quick seletion, focus area, transparecia , blend modes...Mdulo 4 Recorte AvanadoQuando estava gravando o curso, percebi que as pessoas que fazem recorte de imagem seja para qualquer uso, geralmente encontro mais dificuldade em fazer recortes de cabelos, barga, e outros tipos de fios. Conseguem fazem um bom recorte do corpo usando a pen tool, mas quando chega na parte do cabelo, percebe-se a falta de qualidade no recorte, pensando nisso criei esse mdulo ainda mais avanado de recorte, para ajudar nesses casos.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: recortes com mascaras e refinamento, criao de brush personalizado, para cabelos lisos, curtos, encaracolados, barbas, pelos de animais, reconstruo de cabelos...Mdulo 5 RetoqueUm mdulo inteiro sobre a arte do retoque, existe profissionais que s trabalham exclusivamente com essa parte de retocar uma imagem, seja de modelos, ou de produtos, a gente sempre procurar mostra o melhor lado possvel do nosso objeto em questo. Um pouco mais complicado que coisas como recorte e mudana de cor, o retoque exigem conhecer tcnicas que normalmente esses profissionais de retoque no ensinam, e existe pouco material na internet sobre esse assunto. Nesse mdulo eu vou te ensinar tudo sobre como retocar uma modelo, ou produto. Voc ser capaz de retocar qualquer estilo de foto, seja um casamento, um recm nascido, uma festa de 15 anos, j que as ferramentas de retoque so as mesmas para qualquer caso, no precisa comprar um curso separado de retoque para cada estilo, aprenda tudo aqui.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: pr produo, Camera Raw, limpeza de pele, pintura, separao de frequncia, Dodge and Burn, detalhes, diferentes tipos de peles, retoque de modelo em estdio, retoque ao ar livre, retoque de tnis, liquify, Curva Solar...Mdulo 6 Color e ToneColor e tone, correo de cor, color grading, look, vrios nomes, mas sempre e sobre as cores da nossa imagem, eu pessoalmente gosto e gostei muito de gravar esse mdulo, a arte de criar uma clima na nossa imagem pelas cores, algo bem divertido de fazer at porque vai depender do nosso toque artstico, nesse mdulo eu vou te ensinar tudo sobre luz e cor, harmonias das cores, RGB, e tudo mais para voc aprender a criar qualquer tom, qualquer clima na sua imagem, se voc fotografo, esse mdulo sem dvidas vai fazer muita diferena na sua carreira, j que muitas pessoas ficam pressas ao uso de LUT ou preset, quem so um look j feito de outra pessoa, aqui voc vai ter o conhecimento necessrio para criar o seu prprio estilo particular e ser reconhecido pelas suas imagens. Vamos aprender os fundamentos, criar tons simples como deixar as folhas verdes mais laranjadas, at coisas mais complicadas, como criar um Color Grading cinematogrfico.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: color wheel, HUE, saturation, luminosidade, solid cor, blending mode, levels, curves, exposure, vibrance, color balance, photo filter, channel mixer, LUT, gradiente map, selective color, camera raw, sunset, hora dourada...Mdulo 7 ManipulaoManipulao, tambm conhecido como montagem, ou matte painting, a arte de se criar imagens novas, normais ou surreais, seja coisas simples como colocar pessoas em outros lugares, ou ainda mais grande como criar mundo novos. Isso ser o nosso ultimo mdulo, aonde usaremos tudo que aprendemos anteriormente para criar belas e nicas imagens, aprenda os segredo usados para se criar imagens realistas, usados por grandes empresas de marketing, com publicidade de carros em locais improvveis, ou qualquer outro tipo de arte que voc queria. Criar uma imagem usando vrios elementos de lugares diferente pode parecer um pouco difcil, mais com tudo que aprendemos anteriormente, ser fcil, voc s precisara aprender os segredos finais para juntar tudo em um unica imagem realista.Algumas das ferramentas e conceitos que aprenderemos: imagens e seus copyrights, perspectiva, aerial perspective, criando uma ideia, principio da forma, as cores do cu, fumaa, neblina, nevoa, sombras, composio, correo de valor de saturao e de luminosidade, color match, e vrios exemplos de matte painting e manipulaes."
Price: 204.99 |
"1Z0-068 : Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Infrastructure" |
"You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 |
how-to-code-faster-zh |
"VimVSCode,IDE Sublime Text,IntelliJ IDEA(IDE), Emacs.. ,... 7...,.. ,,,100.mergeEmacskeyfreq,. keyfreqEmacs LispBozhidar Batsov.,(regular expression)155.10.(gradle, webpack)glob pattern,5., ,,search/replacemulti cursor, """"."
Price: 94.99 |
"Automatically Extract Data From Any website" |
"in this course we are going to learn how to get any data from any website automatically using PHP and jQuery.prerequisite for this course is knowledge about basic php and basic jquery.in this course you will fully learn how to get some desired data from a desired website.like informations of a movie or exchangeRate and whatever you think.at the end of this course we make two projects as a practice.in first project we create a webpage which has a text input which takes the imdbCode of a movie and by press submit button , you can see all informations about that movie.in second project we make a system that automatically save exchangeRate in database every minute.hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn HTML5 Programming - Absolute Zero to Hero" |
"In this course you will fully learn about HTML5.This is a practical course and i tried to teach you everything in the least time possible.As you know HTML is first step in web development learning path , so it's so important that you start your way with a powerful course.After this course you are an HTML programmer and you can safely enroll to next course in your learning path."
Price: 44.99 |
"Desarrolla sistemas Web en ASP Net Core, SQLServer y Vuejs 1" |
"CURSO EN LNEA CON ACCESO PARA SIEMPREEste es el curso en espaol ms completo y exhaustivo que encontrars sobre Python 3 en Udemy. Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla, gradual y 100% prctica (incluye configuracin del entorno en Windows, Ubuntu Linux y Mac OS X).Dividido en cuatro fases con 130+ lecciones entre presentaciones, apuntes, ejercicios solucionados paso a paso y quizs:Fundamentos de programacinOptimizacin y manejo de datosProgramacin Orientada a ObjetosTemas avanzados (mirad el el programa para saber ms)En muchas lecciones se ensea con ejemplos y ejercicios reales de mi propia experiencia como programador, en lugar de simples ejemplos tericos.Es un curso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje, como Jupyter Notebook, gracias al que sers capaz de crear tus propios apuntes a la vez que aprendes cada lnea de cdigo, y el editor SublimeText para ejecutar tus programas con una simple combinacin de teclas.No esperes ms y descubre por qu Python es el lenguaje de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelante en tu carrera profesional."
Price: 199.99 |
"Film Acting Instructor- online Certificate, open your Class" |
"You can open your film acting school just by learning our course modules.The course with video tutorials that so simple to understand, the teaching of basic acting behavior, besides you will get also an online certificate from Baliwood Film Community Online College.So let's open acting class to support your neighborhood. Or by joining the course, you are no doubt go to film casting anymore.Baliwood Film Community Online College, the online class to become an instructor, to teach the beginner acting class with a really fun method. Welcome to learn and enjoy the course."
Price: 64.99 |
"Smart Contract Solidity" |
"solidity DLT (ethereum blockchain) LTS (support 2 )"
Price: 600.00 |
math-learning-ege-one |
"( ) . 1 "". "" , , . 1. 3 : , , . ( , ), . 1. , , . . , . . 1 ( ). . . . , . :1. . , .2. , 1 . - : 1. 2. 3. 4. . 5. , , . , . .3. . , 1 .4. . (10 ). . 1 . , ."
Price: 11299.00 |
"How to Create a Beginners iOS App" |
"USE CODE N0RM34 TO GET THE COURSE FOR $9.99In this course, we will help students with a decent understanding of programming fundamentals create their first big app with Xcode and Swift. If you do not understand computer science basics such as variables, functions, and classes, this course is not for you. It helps if students are not complete strangers of Xcode and Swift because we will be going through big topics such as Core Data and Interface Builder pretty quickly. This course utilizes a teach-by-doing approach. We don't spend much time explaining each topic to death; we learn about the tool or skill by using it to create our app."
Price: 19.99 |
"Key Performance Indicators - The Complete Course" |
"KPIs are simple yet powerful tools to measure the health of any businessIn this class, I show you the best practices on setting KPIs and a step-by-step design of a KPI Dashboard. I will teach you how to interpret and speak about commonly used KPIs that are used by the most successful financial financial analysts.We will go through two different businesses:1) GutBuddy Yogurt Inc.A manufacturer of yogurt. We will learn KPIs around sales as well as cost optimization. 2) SpaBooker Inc.An online marketplace. We will learn KPIs around Take Rate, Customer Acquisition Cost, and many more.I will cover Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)This KPI gives a snapshot of the health of customer relations. How fast are you invoicing & collecting from customers? How favorable are your customer payment terms? These are all factors we will talk about in the course. I will walk you through Days Payables Outstanding (DPO)This KPI helps a business keep track of it's Working Capital optimization. I will teach you all the factors that could impact this KPI and how to improve it.I will teach you how to structure your worksheet in Excel.I will show you the model used by the most successful analysts. You will learn how to segregate your raw data from your formulas and finally create a separate great looking dashboard.How to write your Excel formula like you are telling a story in your head!If you are not familiar with the Index/Match formula, I will show you how to always remember how to write it like you are telling a story. This way you will never forget!Bonus lectures - We will cover the Accounting basicsWe will go over the flow of data in Accounting from business activities all the way to the Financial Statements. I am a CPA and controller of a tech startup in New York City and have a wide range of experiences ranging from public/corporate accounting to financial planning & analysis over the past 12 years.This class is meant for:Accounting/Finance major students and those who are thinking about majoring in the field. Accountants, financial analysts, controllers and CFOsAccounting and/or Finance major college students.Business owners"
Price: 24.99 |
"Practical Software Testing [In Arabic]" |
"Software Testing Basics Software Testing Cross Browser Testing Multilingual Testing Smoke Testing Test Process Seven Principles of Testing"
Price: 19.99 |
"Azure DevOps Server / TFS [In Arabic]" |
"Microsoft TFS Tool : What Is ALM What ALM Tools Creating requirements Creating tasks Creating test cases Creating bus Bug life cycle 01002958751"
Price: 19.99 |
"Software Test Process [In Arabic]" |
"In this course , you'll learn the ""Test Process"" step by step with very good practical examplesyou'll learn about the following :Test PlanTest ScheduleHow to control your test planTest conditionsTest ScenariosTest cases sheetBug sheetTest log"
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete Mughal Painting In India" |
"This is a one time course youll take and get a grip on theory practice! 100% Guaranteed with 30 days money back & With life time access to course!A Mughal Painting in India Theory course in just one month! with practice exam activity short questionsWHO THIS COURSE IS FOR :Learn Mughal Painting in India and have no prior knowledge.Get a grip on Indian Mughal Art History with miniature paintings Art History teachers ,Fine Arts students and professional practising student's, professional artists Homeschooling parents looking for extra support with Fine Art Theory and History for allLearn & study Mughal Painting In India History for fun after being away from school for a while gain an extra skill.People looking for a career in teaching and becoming a future professional Artist.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Mughal Painting In IndiaFriendly all time support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guarantee"
Price: 129.99 |
"Sketchup bsico: trabalhe do jeito certo!" |
"O Sketchup um software de modelagem 3d de fcil aprendizado, muito utilizado por arquitetos, designers de interiores, designers 3d, ou por qualquer pessoa que queira visualizar sua ideia em trs dimenses. Esse curso aborda o funcionamento do programa atravs de exerccios bsicos - ""mo na massa"" - para que voc aprenda fazendo e v direto ao ponto. Assim, os exerccios vo desde as ferramentas mais bsicas de desenho, uso de materiais, etc. at uma introduo arte de renderizar e uso do programa de diagramao Layout."
Price: 29.99 |
"Pilates de elementos, meditacin activa y Danza-Forma (agua)" |
"Este curso combina las disciplinas de Pilates Progresin, Yogalates, Danza Forma y Respiracin de los Elementos (agua), para trabajar la conexin entre movimiento, respiracin e imagen, con el objetivo de conseguir un cuerpo y una mente eficaces, sanos y conectados.Con este mtodo conseguirs recuperar o mejorar la forma fsica: alargando los msculos y aumentando el tono muscular, recolocando la columna, corriendo desequilibrios posturales e investigando diferentes formas de respirar y su relacin con el movimiento. Y tambin la forma emocional: mejorando el vnculo entre cuerpo y mente, practicando las respiraciones del elemento agua, trabajando la consciencia del cuerpo y explorando el poder de las visualizaciones en el entrenamiento.Este curso va dirigido a personas que busquen un programa de acondicionamiento que integre cuerpo y mente. Las secuencias de este curso son aptas para cualquier edad, nivel y capacidad fsica y para seguir este programa no hace falta tener conocimientos de danza ni ser un gran deportista; ni siquiera de Pilates o Yoga. Pero obtendrs mejores resultados si tienes algo de base en esas disciplinas.El curso incluye material en vdeo con secuencias de ejercicios, respiraciones y danzas forma, textos que permiten ahondar en los aspectos tericos del mtodo y audios para la meditacin-relajacin guiada.Los cursos de esta coleccin se ofrecen por primera vez online. Pueden tomarse en cualquier orden, en funcin del inters y gusto del alumno, pero estn diseados segn el grado de dificultad de las secuencias en el orden siguiente: agua, tierra, aire, fuego y metal.Recuerda consultar con el mdico y hacer una revisin a fondo del estado de salud, especialmente articulaciones y sistema cardiovascular, antes de comenzar cualquier actividad fsica nueva."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pilates de los elementos, meditacin y Danza-forma (tierra)" |
"Este curso combina las disciplinas de Pilates Progresin, Yogalates, Danza Forma y Respiracin de los Elementos (tierra), para trabajar la conexin entre movimiento, respiracin e imagen, con el objetivo de conseguir un cuerpo y una mente eficaces, sanos y conectados.Con este mtodo conseguirs recuperar o mejorar la forma fsica: alargando los msculos y aumentando el tono muscular, recolocando la columna, corriendo desequilibrios posturales e investigando diferentes formas de respirar y su relacin con el movimiento. Y tambin la forma emocional: mejorando el vnculo entre cuerpo y mente, practicando las respiraciones del elemento tierra, trabajando la consciencia del cuerpo y explorando el poder de las visualizaciones en el entrenamiento.Este curso va dirigido a personas que busquen un programa de acondicionamiento que integre cuerpo y mente. Las secuencias de este curso son aptas para cualquier edad, nivel y capacidad fsica y para seguir este programa no hace falta tener conocimientos de danza ni ser un gran deportista; ni siquiera de Pilates o Yoga. Pero obtendrs mejores resultados si tienes algo de base en esas disciplinas.El curso incluye material en vdeo con secuencias de ejercicios, respiraciones y danzas forma, textos que permiten ahondar en los aspectos tericos del mtodo y audios para la meditacin-relajacin guiada.Los cursos de esta coleccin se ofrecen por primera vez online. Pueden tomarse en cualquier orden, en funcin del inters y gusto del alumno, pero estn diseados segn el grado de dificultad de las secuencias en el orden siguiente: agua, tierra, aire, fuego y metal.Recuerda consultar con el mdico y hacer una revisin a fondo del estado de salud, especialmente articulaciones y sistema cardiovascular, antes de comenzar cualquier actividad fsica nueva."
Price: 19.99 |
"macroeconom. ed indici azionari, trading system, calendar" |
"Il corso ha una finalita' divulgativa, spesso e volentieri si affronta il trading on line come materia basata su se stessa, difatti esistono una miriade di corsi dove si affrontano i mercati finanziari supportati da rudimenti di analisi tecnica. tuttavia un modello di trading non puo' essere applicato ad ogni strumento finanziario sperando che funzioni in qualunque condizione. difatti uno studio a priori dello strumento consente di catalogarlo come strumento trend following o mean reversion. l'individuazione a priori del ""carattere"" dello strumento in cui si opera consente di sviluppare modelli ben piu' solidi. E' utile ricordare che un modello di trading si dice riobusto se questi oltre che continuare a funzionare in futuro si sia rivelato profittevole nel passato, ma questo puo' dirsi robusto nel passato solo se il numero dei trade e' molto elevato, tutto cio' manualmente e' impossibile, ecco perche' negli anni si sono andati affermando i trading system , ossia algoritmi che comprano e vendono in maniera autonoma e che fondano la loro operativita' su come si e' comportata in passato quella tecnica , allo scopo si utilizzano programmi di trading su cui e' possibile sviluppare delle strategie. cio' presuppone il trader sappia programmare e spesso cio' e' un limite, ecco perche' i moderni software di trading system utiilizzano dei linguaggi di programmazione di alto livello che sono facilmente comprensibili anche da parte di chi non ha una base di programmazione. Ben piu' importante e' l'analisi macroeconomica rispetto al ciclo economico, giacche' esso ci fornisce il trend di lungo periodo dell'indice , il che consente di operare a favore di trend portandoci un vantaggio nelle nostre operazioni di trading, impareremo quindi a stimare le variabili macroeconomiche fondamentali, in questo caso non ci servira' nessuna conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione. non e' finita' andremo a studiare modelli calendar, ossia modelli che incrociano diverse scadenze temporali dello stesso strumento al fine di individuarne la tendenza di fondo,. insomma l'approccio di questo corso e' ben diverso dai soliti corsi che troviamo in circolazione e mira a formare piu' l'investitore che il trader , non per questo saranno esclusi modelli intraday"
Price: 19.99 |
"Agile Marketing Training" |
"This Agile marketing training will help you understand that Agile marketing is not just about using Scrum or Kanban, it is a customer-centric approach to strategic planning and execution. You will learn how to avoid mistakes and how to adapt Scrum and Kanban to the context of marketing. Learning from or hiring a Scrum Master or Agile coach without marketing background is often a recipe for disaster due to their lack of subject matter expertise in marketing. In my experience, the application of Scrum and Kanban in its pure form does not work for marketing due to differences in structure, operating models and output. This course will help you understand how to iterate your ways of working through adaptive planning in order to achieve value-adding business outcomes. You will get familiar with the tools that can help you improve the teamwork and overall performance of your marketing teams in order to accelerate growth and deliver value to the sales and other functional areas of your business.Case studies will continuously be added to the training course to show you some approaches to practicing Agile marketing. The current case study focuses on the context of individual marketers, small vs large marketing teams, and working with agencies. You will also have email access to the Agile marketing coach and trainer, who will be happy to answer your questions in order to support your adoption of Agile marketing processes within your business.The move from rigid to flexible and adaptive ways of working requires a mindset shift that incorporates an understanding of the what and why behind Agile marketing. Marketing teams in all sectors and levels must strive to overcome the negative perception from other stakeholders by becoming more accountable for their results and impact on the overall business growth. This will only be possible if and when the marketing teams put their house in order from a strategy, people and process perspective. The values and principles of Agile marketing provide the necessary structures and practices that can help marketing teams focus on growth marketing through iterative strategy planning and execution.A certificate of completion is emailed to you after the completion of this Agile Marketing training course.Start your Agile marketing journey with this crash course. Marketing operations often exist in a rigid and siloed structure, which makes campaign execution slow and less responsive to customer expectations. Marketing technology is evolving at pace, but marketing management is still stuck in the pre-internet era.This on-demand Agile marketing training video course will teach you how to evolve your marketing operations to increase task completion, whilst aligning outputs to ROI-focused marketing outcomes.Femi Olajiga is a qualified marketing professional with a Master's Degree in Marketing and a wealth of practical experience of working within Agile marketing teams, as well as consulting with senior teams for some of the largest brands across industries. You will learn from practical and relevant case studies of Agile marketing implementation in both in-house and agency teams within small, large and globally distributed marketing teams.Course Curriculum:The History of AgileAgile ValuesAgile PrinciplesWhat is Agile Marketing?Agile Marketing AdoptionBenefits of Agile MarketingImplementing Agile MarketingLeading Agile FrameworksThe Scrum FrameworkThe Scrum TeamThe Product OwnerThe Scrum MasterEmpirical Process ControlScrum ValuesThe Sprint Planning MeetingThe SprintKanban PrinciplesThe Kanban BoardThe Product BacklogThe Daily ScrumThe Sprint Review MeetingSprint Retrospective MeetingCase Study - Agile Marketing in Small and larger teamsCase Study - Agile Marketing in AgenciesThis is the start of the Agile marketing learning roadmap for people who are looking for a cost-effective learning opportunity, as opposed to paying $$$ for a lengthy face-to-face training course.The course learning outcomes are three-fold:Why Agile Marketing?How To Implement Agile Marketing.Agile Marketing Examples - case-studies.The course will also give you free access to contact the training instructor directly in order to ask questions and get tailored guidance on your Agile marketing implementation journey. Click the enroll button and start the course now."
Price: 199.99 |
"Vaincre la Procrastination et Devenir Productif (vraiment)" |
"radiquer la Procrastination de sa vie est la premire des choses faire pour ceux qui veulent raliser de grandes choses.Si vous avez une liste de chose faire qui sagrandit de jour en jour sans jamais diminuer. Ou si vous ne savez pas encore comment crer une bonne liste de tches, alors vous tes au bon endroit.=================================================Pourquoi il est crucial pour vous de voir cette formation ?Faire disparatre le foss entre la personne que vous rvez d'tre et la personne que vous tes l'heure actuelle.Arrter enfin de repousser tout et n'importe quoi au lendemain.Pour commencer mettre facilement en place les actions ncessaires qui vous guideront vers la ralisation relle de vos objectifs, de vos projets personnels et professionnels.Tlcharger mon Systme de Planification qui est un moyen innovant et efficace de donner de la valeur votre Temps et vous rend naturellement Productif.Connaitre les bonnes habitudes prendre pour ne plus Procrastiner et devenir Productif.Adopter le bon tat d'esprit pour devenir un individu Pro-ductif et qui passe l'ACTION.Savoir quoi manger, quoi mettre dans son appartement, et tous les autres astuces pour devenir Productif et supprimer la Procrastination de sa vie.=================================================Formation complte haute valeur ajoute sur la destruction totale de la Procrastination, sur la mise en place d'une Productivit maximale et la libert d'Entreprendre une ide, un projet, une tche le plus efficacement possible.=================================================Matriser votre double personnalit (!).On a tous cette double personnalit : Celle qui veut travailler et aller loin. Et celle qui rpond directement aux pulsions instantanes et infructueuses pour vous construire la vie de vos rves.Je vais vous apprendre tirer pleinement avantage de la personnalit ambitieuse, de la personnalit qui sait tre Productif car elle le veut.=================================================116 vidos simples comprendre et avec des plans d'action tlcharger. Des quizz pour vous aider valider vos comptences et votre apprentissage.=================================================Cette formation vous donne toutes les cartes en main. Elle rpond toutes les questions que vous pouvez avoir sur comment supprimer la Procrastination de sa vie, sur comment tre plus Productif, et comment Entreprendre une ide, une tche facilement.En finir totalement avec la Procrastination en utilisant des astuces, un tat d'esprit, et un mode de vie digne des plus grands.Devenir et tre au quotidien Productif de faon automatique grce mon Systme de Planification.Entreprendre volont en crant des plans d'action.=================================================Vous avez 2 choix :A) Rester dans votre schma de vie actuel et ne rien changer. Alors rien ne changera dans votre vie et dans l'acquisition de vos rves. Etre un spectateur de la russite des autres.B) Vous procurer cette formation pour tre l'acteur principal de votre vie. Faire bouger les choses, aller construire vos rves facilement avec le contenu donn dans cette formation.=================================================Pour ceux qui ont fait le bon choix, on se retrouve tout de suite de l'autre ct !VictorFormation accessible vieMise jour gratuite vieRessources tlchargeables"
Price: 164.99 |
"Luke/Acts for Beginners" |
"This course will review Luke's two-volume historical narrative concerning Jesus' life and ministry as well as the beginning and spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire as he experienced it. Course Outline:Introduction to the Course Mike begins with a critical review of all four gospels in order to prepare for a focused study of the Book of Luke.The Beginning This lesson reviews the section in Luke that provides information on John the Baptist, Jesus' early life and the beginning of His ministry in Galilee.Jesus in Galilee - Part 1 Luke describes the many miracles and teaching sessions by Jesus performed in and around his home town and neighboring area.Jesus in Galilee - Part 2 This section continues the description of the rise of Jesus' ministry with amazing miracles and includes the Lord's commendation of John the Baptist and his work now completed.Jesus in Galilee - Part 3 In this final part of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, Luke continues to describe Jesus' miracles but adds a section explaining how He prepared and sent out disciples on their first missionary journey.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 1 Luke turns his attention to Jesus' preparation for His journey south to Jerusalem and the opposition that awaits Him there.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 2 Now that Jesus approaches Jerusalem, He is met with stiff opposition from the Pharisees and Priests who question both His teachings and legitimacy to teach.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 3 In this section, Jesus relays several parables in response to those who questioned His authority and mission, and as a way of teaching His disciples on the unseen reality of the Kingdom of God.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 4 Jesus heals 10 lepers and makes a prophecy concerning the coming judgment on the city of Jerusalem for having rejected it's divine Messiah.Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Part 1 Luke describes three key events during Jesus' time in the city of Jerusalem: Prophecy concerning His death and resurrection; healing of a blind man; His triumphal entry into the city riding a donkey.Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Part 2 Here Jesus confronts and rebukes the religious leaders (who should have been first to recognize and accept Him) for rejecting Him and blocking people from going to Him.The Consummation - Part 1 The first of a two-part lesson describing the early events leading to Jesus' death on the cross.The Consummation - Part 2 Luke describes the final scene of Jesus' death and burial as well as the glorious aftermath of His resurrection on the 3rd day following His crucifixion.The Ministry of Peter In the first lesson of Acts, Mike explains the difference between the empowering and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The class will also review the events surrounding the day of Pentecost and begin to follow the ministry of Peter the Apostle.Peter's Post Pentecost Ministry The amazing success of Peter's Pentecost sermon is quickly followed by another miracle, a subsequent arrest and Peter's defense of the Gospel.Persecution of Peter and Apostles Luke describes the amazing case of Ananias and Sapphira's sudden death and the continued persecution of the Apostles by the Jewish leadership.Persecution of the Church - Part 1 Luke describes the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.Persecution of the Church - Part 2 Luke continues to describe the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.Peter Preaches to the Gentiles In this class, Luke describes the important breakthrough for the early church as Peter begins to proclaim the gospel to non-Jews for the first time.The Ministry of Paul: Paul's First Missionary Journey Mike traces out the beginning and completion of Paul's first missionary journey with the many interesting and challenging stops along the way.Paul's Second Missionary Journey Mike continues the section describing Paul's second missionary journey and an important meeting at the church in Jerusalem to decide the future of Paul's work among the Gentiles.Paul's Third Missionary Journey Luke describes Paul's final journey as a free man working primarily in Ephesus establishing the church that would eventually spread the gospel throughout Asia Minor.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 1 Paul returns to Jerusalem where he is arrested and a long period of confinement in various locations begins.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 2 In this class, Luke describes Paul's appearances before Roman governors Felix and Festus and the outcome of those hearings.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 3 Luke describes Paul's hearing before a third Roman official, Agrippa, and his subsequent appeal to be judged at the Imperial Court in Rome by Caesar himself.Paul's Journey to Rome Luke's excellent historical and nautical record of Paul's voyage to Rome and final scene preaching and teaching while awaiting trial."
Price: 24.99 |
"Life of Jesus" |
"This series follows the events of Jesus' life in chronological order. There are 154 individual events and each is given in order with appropriate Scriptural references in each gospel as well as background information for every event. Join us in the fascinating study as we follow the life of Jesus."
Price: 19.99 |
"Grace for Beginners" |
"This 6 part course explores the meaning and value of God's grace expressed in Jesus' cross as well as some common misconceptions concerning this blessing. Join Mike Mazzalongo as he helps you get a grasp on the concept of grace and the confidence it can bring to your spiritual walk."
Price: 19.99 |
"Azure Data Lake, Data Factory and HDInsight for beginners" |
"Hello Friends,My name is Eshant Garg. I am a Data Specialist and I am playing or messing around with data for more than a decade now.I am very excited while developing my first course, I said developing because I am and I will continue develop this course.So far I have uploaded modules on Data Lake, Data Factory and HDInsightIn near future I will be adding modules on Databricks, Database and Data warehouse, No-SQL or Cosmos DB, PowerBI and other Database storage, security and analytics related technologies.In these modules I am trying to cover fundamental understanding of these concepts and a demo to grasp these fundamental concepts. I am not touching complex scenarios at this time, also I am not able to add many examples or demos at this point, but I will do that certainly in near future.""So if you are already experienced and working on these technologies, this may not be the best course for you.""By the end of module, you will have good foundational understanding of that topic.With the hope that it adds some value in your life, I once again welcome you to join me in this course.Thank you."
Price: 99.99 |
"Affiliation AliExpress" |
"Vous apprendrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'affiliation AliExpress, de A Z. Vous pourrez commencer gnrer vos premiers revenus trs rapidement si vous appliquez les cours un un.Cette formation que je propose sur l'affiliation AliExpress s'adresse aussi bien des personnes dsireuses d'arrondir leurs fin de mois, tout comme d'autres souhaitant en vivre un jour.Seul vos efforts dans le travail et la constance ferons votre russite !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Weight Loss Masterclass" |
"**Brand NEW November 2019**The UPLEVEL Weight Loss Masterclass is the 2 PHASE system including the nutrition and fitness framework that I personally used to lose and keep off over 60 pounds. Have you struggled to lose weight throughout your life? Is your body fat level higher than you would like?Have you lost and regained the same weight more than 3 times in your life? Do you identify as a yo-yo dieter and feel like you just can't seem to hit your optimal weight and maintain it?Then the UPLEVEL Weight Loss Masterclass is for you!___________________________________Following my own transformation, and after becoming an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I have implemented this science backed, lifestyle system with hundreds of busy men and women with great success. This framework allows you to lose body fat and improve your overall body composition to move towards your best body without highly restrictive diets, gimmicks or excessive workouts. MOST traditional diets allow us to lose weight in the short term, only to regain all or more back relatively soon after. The UWLM is about losing weight and keeping it off for the long term in a way that is doable, maintainable and easily fits into your busy life.We ALL deserve to live in a body that we feel CONNECTED TO and comfortable in; not just for a SEASON, but for a LIFETIME.The UWLM Nutrition Guide is personalized to YOU and allows FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY. There are NO ""off limit"" foods. No eliminating specific foods or entire food groups.The UWLM Workout Guide is designed for maximum results and requires only a set of dumbbells and can be done at the gym or in the comfort of your home. The journey you are about to embark on will CONNECT YOU to your BEST BODY; a body that you feel comfortable, confident and at home in. You will learn...Basic Fundamentals of NutritionWhy Most Diets Fail UsHow Fat Loss actually worksYour Personal Macronutrients for your specific goal (no cookie cutter numbers or online calculators ""winging it!"")How to strategically implement DIET BREAKS to fast track your progress.How to travel without stress or anxiety surrounding food.How to monitor your progress.What you'll receive...The UWLM Full Nutrition Guide (PHASE 1 ""Weight Loss"" + PHASE 2 ""Weight Maintenance"")The UWLM Full Workout GuidePrintable trackers and worksheetsAccess to private accountability groupLifetime access to the ULWM course with updatesI am so excited to walk through this journey with you! If you have been struggling in that ""lose weight and regain"" cycle, ENROLL NOW and let's get started!Your Trainer friend,Rebecca ForcierACE Certified Personal TrainerNutritionist"
Price: 129.99 |