"Create your own email marketing platform (AWS EC2 & Sendy)" |
"We came across Sendy, a self-hosted newsletter application, while searching for an email marketing platform thats affordable and is on-par, in terms of quality, with other premium ones available out there. We have been using it ever since, not only for our company but for our clients as well.Since we work with a lot of startups and small businesses, we thought that they can really save big on their email marketing costs if they use Sendy. However, not much information was available (except for a few Sendy setup tutorials) on how to set it up and how to use it. Thats why we created this course.Through this course you will be able to setup Sendy from scratch and learn how to use it and integrate it with your business. With this knowledge, you can even offer Sendy as a service to your clients or start your own email marketing home business.To leverage the full power of Sendy, you can set it up on an Amazon EC2 instance and get approximately 62000 email sends free per month. You can do this with the full version of this course. This full version also covers Sendy in-depth via hands-on approach. You can see our efforts in creating this course as a testament to the value Sendy brings on table. Heres what Ben Ho, creator of Sendy, says about the full course:Looks like a very comprehensive course. I wish you great success with your course."
Price: 3840.00 |
"5 Razones por las que EMPRENDER" |
"Tras muchos aos de Coach Personal, Ejecutivo y Empresarial habiendo Emprendido y ayudado a Emprender a muchas personas por los 5 continentes he recogido algunas de las claves por las cuales los mejores y ms destacados Emprendedores iniciaron sus proyectos.Hoy te las traigo para que te den ese empujn que te falta para lanzarte a Emprender. Si tienes dudas sobre si es el momento correcto o no de Emprender, con este curso conseguirs una nueva visin y localizar tu momento actual.Te apuntas? Vamos..."
Price: 19.99 |
discipline |
"(5 ) . 4 , ( ) : , , , ... . ? - . . , . """" , - ..."
Price: 34.99 |
gufayijing |
Price: 39.99 |
"Secrets of entrepreneurship (from Vision to Reality)" |
"Quick and easy to learn how to become an entrepreneur. You will have some tools to work with, but remember, you need to take the time and actually answer the questions for yourself in the areas that best apply to your business or future business.Information is power, to get the correct information, you'll need to ask the right questions and I will help you to get them."
Price: 19.99 |
"Permutations and Combinations :Class 11 Mathematics" |
"This course is for you , if you find Permutations and Combinations tricky. Here, you will learn what is a permutation, permutations of distinct and similar objects, circular permutations. You will learn what are Combinations and how to distinguish between permutations and Combinations. You will learn mixed problems on both. As a bonus, you have a complete list of formulas for Permutations and Combinations needed for Class 11 Mathematics."
Price: 19.99 |
"Probability:A comprehensive guide for Classes 11 and 12 Math" |
"Welcome to my course on Probability. Probability is also called the science of uncertainty. In my years of experience as a teacher, both at the high school level and undergraduate level, I have seen that students find problems in probability quite tricky. Each problem follows a different approach. A good knowledge of Probability is useful for Statistics, Computer Science and also for the GRE and GMAT QUANTITATIVE reasoning. This is a very comprehensive course. The initial part is introduction to Probability followed by Addition theorem, Multiplication theorem , Conditional Probability, Total Probability and Bayes Theorem. We also discuss Random variables, their probability distributions, mean and variance and Bernoulli/Binomial distributions, their probability distributions, mean and variance.I conclude with all the formulae of probability put together in a nutshell for you to read and brush up before the exams."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner's guide to Graph Theory: Discrete Mathematics" |
"This course introduces you to Graphs, directed and undirected graphs, degree of vertices and properties. You will also learn about isomorphism in graphs, walks, trails, paths, cycles. The course concludes with Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs. This is useful for Computer Science students and students learning Discrete Mathematics. So tune in to my course. Feel free to send me your feedback."
Price: 19.99 |
"Relations and Functions: Class 12-Important questions" |
"This course gives you a complete overview of Relations and Functions which will immensely help you if you are in Class 12 and especially if you are studying the ISC, CBSE curriculum.You will start with Sets and basic set theory terminology. You will be introduced to word problems in Set Theory which will help you in SAT or GRE QUANT exams.You are then introduced to relations as a cross product of 2 sets and the types of relations. You will learn about reflexive, symmetric and transitive relations.I then start with functions, You will start with the basic definition of a function and most importantly the domain and range of a function.This is followed by the concept of injective, surjective and bijective functions and how to find the inverse of a function. Solved examples will help you understand this better.I then introduce you to binary operations, a part of Group theory. You will learn how to identify a binary operation, check for commutativity and the associative property and the identity element.I conclude this session with the complete set of formulae needed for you in this section.There is also an assignment at the end which covers all the topics.So come and learn!"
Price: 24.99 |
i-qalsss |
Price: 2400.00 |
"A surpreendente verdade de como Viver Em Alta Performance" |
"Este curso est dividido em 3 mdulos. O 1 onde falarei sobre emoes e corpo, o 2 sobre a mente e a meditao e o 3, o bnus onde revelo uma das verdades mais eficazes para viver em alta performance. Os contedos nasceram do resultado de 20 anos de profisso e milhares de sesses com alunos em busca de uma vida longa e realizadora. Esse o sonho de muitos mas alcanado apenas por alguns. Todos temos o potencial de fazer coisas grandiosas e na sua maioria usamos menos de 10% das capacidades. Acreditando nisso, partilharei conceitos basilares que permitiro usar melhor os seus super poderes naturais e obter uma vida longa, sem qualquer uso de ferramentas ou substncias ilcitas. Chama-se a a isso Viver em Alta Performance, ser um biohacker de si mesmo e do seu destino.Aproveite ao mximo esta semente para aperfeioar a sua vidaNO ESQUEA O BNUS! Uma aula completa sobre o jejum (que fao desde os meus 18 anos), os seus benefcios, protocolos e quem deve fazer e no deve fazer."
Price: 49.99 |
"Como dar um boost na meditao e viver em alta performance" |
"Com mais de seis mil milhes de mentes ativas a todo momento, h fluxos interminveis de pensamentos sobre todos os aspectos do mundo.Alguns pensamentos so reais, alguns so imaginao e outros so simples enganos. Enquanto h mitos e verdades sobre vrios assuntos, um dos mais populares a meditao.Diga a palavra meditao a uma amigo(a), e todos os tipos de imagens e opinies surgem: isso para mim? Eu no consigo ficar sentado em silncio por muito tempo. Quem afinal quer meditar?Uma coisa certa, meditar est a deixar de ser uma prtica restrita aos alternativos ""zen"" para se tornar uma opo para quem quer viver mais e melhor, num estilo de vida de Alta Performance.Para atingir a alta performance da sua mente, e ter um boost na meditao, precisa de adquirir mais conhecimento. O que vai aprender neste curso?4 mitos que no nos deixam levar a meditao a srio3 verdades sobre a meditao que nos faro viver em alta performanceOs tipos de pensamentos da nossa menteOs 2 segredos para dar um boost na meditaocuidar da mentemais foco e menos disperso em 4 etapas:preparar o corpoaprender a respiraraprender a relaxartreinar diariamenteConcluso"
Price: 19.99 |
zhmwpove |
"Turquoise Design "
Price: 5400.00 |
"Redao Enem em 5 dias!" |
"Este curso contm as informaes mais importantes para voc que precisa alcanar uma boa pontuao na redao do Enem.Alm do contedo bsico relacionado estrutura, voc tambm encontra dicas e truques para desenvolver as habilidades necessrias para uma boa dissertao.A # oficial do curso ""#essemilemeu"".Isso no significa que comprando o curso voc j ganha a nota mil.Mas com certeza ele pode ser o primeiro passo para voc caminhar rumo a esse objetivo.So aulas curtas, com materiais extras e formato extremamente didtico.Ainda d tempo.Vem buscar o seu 1000."
Price: 69.99 |
"Story Design" |
"Do you have one or more ideas for a story but arent sure how to develop it?This lecture will show you how to take your story ideas and embed those ideas into the elements of the story. The net effect of the lecture is to show you how to create your story.Learn How To Develop Characters, Build A Plot And Much More.Topics covered in this lecture include:Determine the settingDevelop your charactersBuild a plotLearn to design scenesLink the plot and the scenes to build an emotional arcPut it all togetherAfter working through these topics, youll be ready to write the first draft of your story.This story design process can be used on any type of story. It can be used to develop a short story, a novel, a script, a play and even a memoir. After all, each of these types really is just a story, and all stories use the same story design elements.The only difference between all these types of stories is the output. A novel manuscript is much different from a screen play, but both stories need to develop characters, a plot and must use all other elements as well.Bring your story ideas along and lets work on it together!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Self-publishing Starter Kit" |
"If you are unfamiliar with self-publishing, the Starter Kit will get going in the right direction. The four lectures in the Kit are:Self-publishing Mini-course: a discussion of issues on self-publishingConverting a Manuscript to an Ebook: a manuscript must undergo significant revisions before it is ready to become an ebookStrategic Marketing Plans: all book marketing starts with a strategic planScams: the internet has many scam artists searching for inexperienced authors. Learn some of their tricksThese four lectures have been developed and presented over the last few years and bundled together for the first time to address issues that are important to new self-publishers"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Self-publish and Market a Book" |
"Most books on publishing deal with publishing by itself. Most books on marketing deal with marketing as a stand-alone project. I think there is a better approach. Publishing and marketing should be considered as an integrated project. That is what this book does: it treats publishing and marketing together to create a complete project plan."
Price: 29.99 |
"Plots+Scenes=Emotional Arc" |
"If youve ever sat on the edge of your seat in a movie as the climax unfolds, you have experienced an emotional arc. Have you ever stayed up late at night because you couldnt put a book done? One of the main reasons you kept turning the pages was because of the bookss emotional arc.This class will show students how the plot events create conflict, tension and emotions. When these results are integrated into the scenes, the combination produces the storys emotional arc."
Price: 19.99 |
"Forex Trading Get up to 85% Monthly returns" |
"A forex course with a technical strategy which is designed for purely the purpose of making as much money(profits) from forex trading as possible. Along the course you will learn proper risk management and be introduced to the world of prop-firm trading. You will also be supplied with the necessary tools(indicators) to implement the superior technical trading strategy."
Price: 199.99 |
"Analyzing , creating and injecting packets using python" |
"in this course first the TCP/IP model has been discussed and then main protocols in different layers are explained in detail so that you could understand them better when we enter python world. then using the knowledge from last lectures we start creating packets using a high level and then at the lowest level possible in python which is python raw sockets. after we inject and send and receive them on different system we analyze all packets in the communication by wireshark."
Price: 19.99 |
"encoding and decoding in python" |
"in this course , first we talk about different numerical data types and also different representations of numbers . and we start to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal and binary and vice versa both manually and in python . after that we define deep concepts of encoding and also the definitions of unicode , utf-8 and so on. and then we introduce different encoding methods in python and where they could be applied."
Price: 19.99 |
"Applied Statistics in Business Practices" |
"This course is an introduction to basic statistical concepts and methods that are widely used in economics, finance, accountancy, marketing, and business more generally. Emphasis is placed on applying statistical methods to draw inferences from sample data in order to inform decision-making. The course covers two main branches of statistics: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes collecting data and summarising and interpreting them through numerical and graphical techniques. Inferential statistics includes selecting and applying the correct statistical technique in order to make estimates or test claims about a population based on a sample. Topics covered also include time series analysis. In this course, students will learn to solve statistical problems in an Excel spreadsheet environment.The aim of this course is to examine various concepts in probability and statistics. This course also discusses various statistical techniques and the use of them in practical situations. Key topics of this course include: descriptive statistics, discrete and continuous random variables, sampling and sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, simple linear and multiple regressions."
Price: 29.99 |
"Life Coaching : FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE your goal" |
"you'll learn the japanese secret of living a purposeful life, and learn how to find your biggest goal in life you'll see how to find your raison of getting out the bed every morning you'll be inspired from concrete exemples of successful peopleyou'll learn how to be more positive , more productive and more creative.you'll learn the way to increase your Daily achievements .you'll learn how to reprogram your Brain in positive.you'll learn how to be your best/ positive friend , how to encourage yourself you'll learn how to increase your commitement toward any thing you have to do you'll learn how to increase your self-confidenceyou'll learn how to enter in connexion with yourself you'll learn how to reach your inner peaceyou'll learn how to start your change , your transformation"
Price: 99.99 |
"PNL Aplicada Liderana" |
"A PNL (Programao Neurolingustica) uma ferramenta que fornece direes para conhecermos como nosso crebro e corpo interagem, j que uma de suas pressuposies a de que todo comportamento possui uma estrutura. Conhecendo como formada a estrutura, possvel encontrar meios de faz-la funcionar melhor para alcanar os resultados desejados. PNL o nosso manual particular para entendermos porque fazemos o que fazemos.No campo empresarial, podemos citar alguns benefcios da PNL:1)- Otimizar a comunicao entre os membros de uma empresa. 2)- Fixar objetivos com xito.3)- Assumir uma posio de liderana de maneira consciente.4)- Modificar crenas limitantes.5)- Permitir uma reengenharia do profissional.Hoje podemos encontrar PNL aplicada nas reas da educao, do esporte, da comunicao, nos relacionamentos, no meio empresarial, etc."
Price: 189.99 |
"Como Encantar Clientes e Vender Muito Mais com Ciro Bottini" |
"Vender uma arte e requer tcnicas especficas. Parece difcil? Que tal se tornar um especialista em vendas com o melhor e mais famoso vendedor televisivo do Brasil: Ciro Bottini?Neste curso voc vai aprender: automotivao;como encantar o cliente;marketing pessoal;tcnicas de prospeco e abordagem; mdias sociais como ferramenta de vendas e muito mais."
Price: 159.99 |
"Aprenda a arte de cuidar de seus filhos" |
"Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para voc, pai, me, cuidador e educador de crianas. Nele iremos explorar as ""Top 10"" competncias indispensveis para educar e cuidar bem de filhos. Vivemos em um mundo em contnuas mudanas. E os desafios para educar filhos tambm so novos e enormes. No basta ter boa vontade para atuar na educao da criana. O adulto precisa estar preparado para a ao de educar. O presente curso oferece conhecimentos sobre o assunto e muito mais que isso: visa a desenvolver suas competncias comportamentais. Ao longo do curso voc ser desafiado a fazer um mergulho profundo em seu universo interior. As reflexes propostas e os exerccios de autoanlise o conduziro a uma verdadeira transformao na maneira como voc se v enquanto pai, educador ou cuidador e na maneira de enxergar a criana. E o que mais importante: voc descobrir a chave de ouro para exercer seu nobre papel de educador e cuidador de crianas. Educador, a criana tem o direito de ser bem cuidada. Pais, preparem-se para dar o melhor de si para seus filhos, eles merecem. Entre nesta jornada e seja feliz."
Price: 39.99 |
"Aumentando o Foco e alta performance" |
"SOBRE O PROGRAMA DE TREINAMENTOO programa possui prticas, rotinas e estudos de filmes e documentrios de alto desempenho para voc Aprender mais e mais rpido; Aumentar a performance no trabalho;. Ter mais controle emocional em todas as reas da vida; Desenvolver o foco e aumentar a produtividade; Expandir o crescimento pessoal, profissional e o aumento do nvel de inteligncia emocional; Encontrar todas as possibilidades e brechas de mercado a serem preenchidas por voc."
Price: 54.99 |
"Curso de Day Trade Avanado no Mini ndice" |
"Operaes focadas nos minicontratos futuros na modalidade Day Trade utilizando o grfico de 5 minutos do Mini ndice Bovespa. Ensino os alunos a olhar o mercado e entender o contexto de uma forma totalmente diferente dos outros cursos que tem por ai. Mtodo vencedor e muito lucrativo para operaes curtas ou mais longas, atendendo a todos os tipos de Traders que esto em busca da consistncia e de um curso completo, simples e que realmente funcione. O aluno poder estudar com as vdeo aulas e tirar dvidas comigo sempre que precisar."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de Day Trade para iniciantes no Mini ndice" |
"Neste curso mostro de maneira clara e objetiva como o iniciante deve comear no Day Trade operando Minicontratos Futuros de ndice Bovespa, tambm mostro todos os passos para comear de forma correta nesse mercado to promissor que vai lhe proporcionar a chance de ter uma renda extra podendo se tornar a principal."
Price: 99.99 |
"7 Figure Secrets - How To Profit From Internet Like a #BOSS" |
"7 Figure Secrets - How To Profit From The Internet Like a #BOSSIs a STEP by STEP video course to help you profit from the internet like a #BOSS by banking huge commissions and to help youbecome TOP PRODUCER in ANY Company you choose!I was stuck in a rat-race working paycheck to paycheck... struggled 4 years in my first MLM network marketing company... then everything changed for me and I made multiple 7 Figures Online!What can you learn from a world-class team builder without having to pay his hefty $2,500 coaching fee?In this course you will learn:The Five Most Important Success ComponentsHow To Develop Strong Leadership and Create Massive Duplication On Your TeamThe 4 Top Traffic Sources I used To Build Multiple 7 Figure CompaniesAll Essential Tools You Need To Generate Leads And Convert Those Leads Into Sales And Raving Reps And DistributorsAnd much more!If you are excited about starting your own business without the problems that come from designing cutting-edge products, looking after Customer service, handling warehousing issues, accounting and so much more, then this course is a powerful starting point for you.You will also get BONUS training on how exactly I used online tools to generate over 7 Figures in commissions in one particular company.I left no stone unturned: all my traffic sources and online tools are revealed inside.Register today!"
Price: 199.99 |