"Yoga At Home - Flexibility, Fitness, Strength & Weight Loss" |
"Lose fat, gain muscle, and jumpstart your life on all levels in just one month with Tristan CoxThis fun and simple yoga routine and life methodology is taught by Tristan Cox, an experienced Certified Yoga Teacher, and an expert in combining yoga with diet & healthy living.This online yoga course is designed to teach you a 30-day routine that you can follow throughout your life to reduce fat, gain muscle, and kickstart healthier habits. His methodology of teaching shows you how effective yoga can be for your mind, body, and soul. Simply follow his guidance by taking one step at a time for 30 days. After you're done you'll feel transformed, energized, and ready to jumpstart a new chapter in your life.Complete all 30 days and youll receive a certificate. This is more than just a piece of paper. It is proof of the commitment you made to yourself for a better life.Three new bonus workouts have just been added for the 30 day program! It will help you shake things up, and give you an option that you can use anytime, during or after the 30 days.The Four Pillars of the Yoga At Home program are:Yoga strengthGain muscle and improve strength through the ancient technique of yoga. Get yoga strong, fast.Yoga flexibilityStretching the body can relieve pain. Increase your flexibility through yoga with these at home workouts. Go on, touch your toes.Yoga weight lossYes, you can lose weight through yoga. Improve body awareness through yoga and watch the weight melt away. Try and see the results for yourself.Yoga fitnessFitness is the ability to move your body freely, with zero pain. These at home yoga workouts will improve your mobility. It's as simple as doing yoga at home for better health.What is the Yoga Diet?Included in the Yoga At Home program is a curated collection of recipes straight from exotic India. These yoga for weight loss recipes provide nourishment without extra calories. Get the strength you need for doing yoga at home. Eat healthy, delicious food tested and trusted by yogis for thousands of years. You can wait for the science to catch up or you can eat what yogis have eaten for eons.Dieting is complicated.Don't diet.Just eat like a yogi.Tristan will show you how.What is Tristans Health Philosophy?Transformation happens in many ways: in the way you treat your body through exercise and diet, in the quality of your relationship with yourself and others, and the quality of the choices you make.Tristan provides not just yoga, but also a way to stay fit. Yoga is a multifaceted practice that helps you lead a healthier, happier, more empowered life. This is Tristans Health Philosophy.Who is Tristan?Tristan is a yogi. He founded Shanti Yoga School India where he trains future teachers how to help people through yoga fitness. Join him on Om Beach to see what the magic of India and yoga is all about.#yoga #weightloss #strength #flexibility #fitness"
Price: 129.99 |
"Learn DevOps: Deploy Highly available Jenkins on AWS" |
"This course help you understand, design and deploy a highly available Jenkins master node on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in your production environment. This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of Jenkins as build server, an intermediate knowledge of AWS, compute and storage service offered by the platform. We will look into a one of the deployment architecture for Jenkins in production environment. Then we will start implementing the solution using AWS Web Console. Thanks and Happy learning!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Postural Massage Course for Posture & Relax" |
"Postural Massage is a bodywork technique that combine Acupressure and Stretching in order to eliminate the muscle tensions that force the body to an incurrect posture.Postural Massage in the solution to address many patologies and disorders connected to stress and posture. If you want to learn an innovative technique this course will unleash your full potential as a Postural Massage therapist!You'll study the posture of the human body and how to correct it in a natural way. After this course you'll be fully prepared to give your customers the best care and the best massage connected with Posture and Wellness. Also the theory of Postural Massage is very important for the communication, to explain your client the innivative technique and to grow your business.Attributes and skillsUnderstand the Anatomy and Physiology of Posture.Give correct and relaxing massage to relieve your clients from stress, tension and physical problems.Connect Western and Eastern approuch in a unique Technique.Start your own successful Postural Massage practice.Future prospects and new career opportunitiesPostural Masseur/Masseuse (self-employed) Postural Masseur/Masseuse in a Beauty CenterPostural Masseur/Masseuse in Fitness CentrePostural Masseur/Masseuse in Holistic CenterThe Postural Massage Course is the only course that teaches you how to connect the Massage to the Posture Correcion, is also the only course that explains in details every step in Western and Eastern way (Muscle Chains, Trigger Points, Energetic Meridians).This means that the Postural Massage is all you need to start a job connected with posture and massage, relax and posture correction, to open your studio or to improve your own business.Enjoy!Celestino Breccione MattucciPhysiotherapist, Sport ScientistCreator of Postural Massage"
Price: 199.99 |
"Trade Forex to win by a 20 years experience trader" |
"This course makes you win on the Financial markets.You will learn from a Professional trader that trades for his account more than 20 years.I will show the rules to follow to win in finance, you will learn the true things that will make you successful.You will benefit of years of study and experience to have directly The BEST Tools to be successful."
Price: 119.99 |
"Trader les actions par un trader de 20 ans d'exprience" |
"Trader depuis plus de 20 ans avec une exprience ingale, vous apprenez dans ce cour la faon pour faire fructifier votre capital de manire professionnelle, c'est dire pour gagner et de faon durable.C'est avec la plus pure tradition et la meilleure thique financire que cet enseignement a t fait pour vous donner les meilleures bases et acquis financiers qui feront faire fructifier le capital que vous avez investi en bourse sur les actions.Ce cour se remboursera de part lui mme en appliquant ses enseignements trs clairs."
Price: 199.99 |
"Trader les actions fait par un trader de 20 ans d'exprience" |
"Trader depuis plus de 20 ans avec une exprience ingale, vous apprenez dans ce cour la faon pour faire fructifier votre capital de manire professionnelle, c'est dire pour gagner et de faon durable.C'est avec la plus pure tradition et la meilleure thique financire que cet enseignement a t fait pour vous donner les meilleures bases et acquis financiers qui feront faire fructifier le capital que vous avez investi en bourse sur les actions.Ce cour se remboursera de part lui mme en appliquant ses enseignements trs clairs."
Price: 199.99 |
"Trade Forex to win by a 20 years experience winning trader" |
"This course makes you win on the Financial markets.You will learn from a Professional trader that trades for his account more than 20 years.I will show the rules to follow to win in finance, you will learn the true things that will make you successful.You will benefit of years of study and experience to have directly The BEST Tools to be successful."
Price: 199.99 |
"Ce cours vous fait gagner sur les marchs financiers.Vous apprendrez d'un trader professionnel qui ngocie pour son compte depuis plus de 20 ans.Je vais vous montrer les rgles suivre pour gagner en finance, vous apprendrez les vraies choses qui vous feront russir.Vous bnficierez d'annes d'tudes et d'exprience pour disposer directement des MEILLEURS outils pour russir."
Price: 199.99 |
razvedka |
"- , . , . , Mediascope Nielsen. , , 3 ."
Price: 3299.00 |
"Marketing Digital - Curso Pra Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet" |
"Eu tenho certeza que voc j deve ter se perguntado como possvel existir pessoas que esto trabalhando em casa, ganhando muito mais que voc, apenas utilizando seu computador, notebook ou celular.E minha resposta para voc simples. SIM, isso extremamente possvel com o Marketing Digital seja trabalhando como afiliado hotmart, importando e vendendo produtos usando redes sociais. Mas olha no um drago de 7 cabeas que voc vai ter que enfrentar para conseguir resultados nesse novo modelo de negocio online.Neste curso eu vou te fazer conhecer a nova realidade dos negcios digitais e o marketing digital, e tambm aprender como utilizar seu celular e computador para serem suas maquinas de gerarem renda extra online para voc.Por isso estou criando esse curso para voc possa conseguir renda extra utilizando seu computador ou celular e tambm conseguir um mentor que vai tirar todas suas duvidas e te mostrar os novos negcios que voc pode montar usando a internet do ZERO AO AVANADO e PASSO-A-PASSO!Aprenda Estrategias e Segredos para Ganhar Dinheiro Online como Afiliado Hotmart 100% no orgnico, Importar Produtos para vender online e outras maneiras extras para voc ganhar dinheiro na internet.O curso vai te mostrar todas novas maneiras, estrategias, sites, aplicativos do mercado digital e tudo que possa te gerar renda extra online.Ento espero por voc la dentro do curso!"
Price: 54.99 |
"How to brew Komucha Tea" |
"If you go into any health food store and even many other stores that sell drinks, you will find kombucha, often in a huge variety of brands and flavors. Although its been around for thousands of years, its only been in recent years that its gained popularity in the United States and is being hailed as a healthy drink that has a number of benefits, which we will cover in this training"
Price: 24.99 |
"Guia Prtico de Feltragem Seco" |
"Quero te mostrar de forma clara e objetiva como produzir um lindo ratinho utilizando a tcnica de FELTRAGEM SECO. A FELTRAGEM SECO consiste em entrelaar os fios de ls com agulhas cheia de dentinhos, ou seja a agulha entra na l e quando sai ela entrelaa os fios deixando assim o montinho mais firme, quanto maior o entrelaamento entre os fios mais firme a forma vai ficando...Em minha jornada de 15 anos aprendendo diferentes tcnicas artesanais posso afirmar que esse tipo de trabalho pode lhe trazer inmeros benefcios, alm de sua sade mental, a possibilidade de expandir sua capacidade criativa proporcionando mais satisfao, tranquilidade, bem-estar mental e emocional em sua vida e consequentemente uma possibilidade de gerar dinheiro pra voc.Mas para isso eu sempre digo que extremamente necessrio 3 coisas:1 - Dedicao para aprender e treinar o contedo das aulas;2 - Ter pacincia na produo e no aprendizado;3 - No ser alrgico l de carneiro Se voc preenche as trs condies acima eu tenho certeza que ir aprender uma tcnica que ir expandir seus horizontes e ajudar a difundir a Feltragem Artstica no mercado brasileiro."
Price: 99.99 |
"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Beginners Guide" |
"If you are just beginning to explore the diversity, equity and inclusion space and are interested in sharpening your understanding of the practice, then weve designed a course just for you. Over the last few decades, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has become a priority for organizations. From the annual release of diversity reports to the creation of executive positions to lead these efforts, organizations have undertaken a number of actions to bolster their profiles in this area. But how do you help start these efforts in your organization, especially if you are an individual contributor?If you are looking to start grassroots diversity and inclusion initiatives in your organization, or you are just curious about some of the best strategies for getting started, then the material weve assembled for you is the perfect place to start. You do not need to be an expert to begin exploring some of the foundational elements of DEI. In this course, well cover:Building a new vocabulary around diversity, equity, and inclusionQuantifying the impact of DEI on the businessExploring social identity and its impact on our interactionsHeightening awareness of blindspots and biasesListening actively and empatheticallyLaunching diversity task forces and committeesEstablishing employee resource groupsDesigning brave learning spacesIn my work as a DEI strategist and consultant, I have seen first-hand the impact that the strategies I present in this course can have on a companys culture of inclusion and belonging. This work can be challenging, but the outcome is incredibly rewarding. Lets get started today!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn and Master Git & Github from zero to Hero" |
"This course is designed to reduce academic theory and to key concepts and focus on the basic tasks in Git in order to be productive.In the end of this course you'll be able to manipulate git and github like a master , and word in team very good and fineSo what are you still waiting join the course so that can be deffirent from the other person around you"
Price: 19.99 |
"Revit ArchitectureLearn Revit Interior Rendering Hacks" |
"GET 27 OF MY REVIT PROJECT FILES ALONG WITH THIS COURSE FOR FREE!This course has been created to share with you the ""secret"" hacks to make Revit interior renderings awesome without using any externel plugins. Bascially you will get two courses in this ""one"" course. One course is on modeling and rendering Office design and the other one is on modeling and rendering a simple living area.The best part about these hacks is that you don't always need to go for high render settings which would take a lot of your time, you will get awesome results even at medium and @300 dpi render settings. By practicing these hacks you will be able to create awesome rendering of any kind of Revit interior projects ( I shared some of the samples in the preview video). Office rendering course is around 90 minutes and Living Area rendering course is about an hour.I provided all the families/components I used for these projects and you will get 27 of my Revit project files along with this course as a bonus.List of free project files you will get for free with this course:Taj MahalClassic Villa 1Classic Villa 2Gorki HouseL'Oreal HeadquartersMosque ProjectBlue Domed MosqueDome DesignMountain House Project 1Mountain House Project 2Residential Project 1Residential Project 2Residential Project 3Residential Project 4Residential Project 5Residential Project 6Residential Project 7Residential Project 8Residential Project 9Residential Project 10Residential Project 11Residential Project 12Residential Project 13Residential Project 14Residential Project four Storey"
Price: 19.99 |
"Revit Architecture 28 Hacks Every Beginner Should Know" |
"GET 27 OF MY REVIT PROJECT FILES ALONG WITH THIS COURSE FOR FREE!This course has been created to share with you some of the Revit tips and tricks that will help you improve your workflow in Revit and to save your time, I learned these tricks after hours of practice... I thought it would be nice if I share these tricks with other Revit users as well, especially the beginners to help them save time.List of free project files you will get for free with this course:List of free project files you will get for free with this course:Taj MahalClassic Villa 1Classic Villa 2Gorki HouseL'Oreal HeadquartersMosque ProjectBlue Domed MosqueDome DesignMountain House Project 1Mountain House Project 2Residential Project 1Residential Project 2Residential Project 3Residential Project 4Residential Project 5Residential Project 6Residential Project 7Residential Project 8Residential Project 9Residential Project 10Residential Project 11Residential Project 12Residential Project 13Residential Project 14Residential Project four Storey"
Price: 19.99 |
"Merhaba ben Talha. Staj balatma snavn ilk girite kazanan ASMMMO'ya bal mali mavirim. uan bir muhasebe brosunda almaktaym.Ayn zamanda ""aofnette"" adndaki sitenin kurucusuyum.Muhasebe dersini kolay, anlalr ve samimi bir ekilde anlatyorum. Genel kabul grm, muhasebenin zor olduu nyargsn videolarm ile ykyorum.Muhasebe sana zor geliyorsa, kitaptan almak yerine biri bana gzelce anlatsa da dinlesem diyorsan, Anlattm!Aramza ho geldin..."
Price: 49.99 |
"Life Coaching - Learn How to be a Life Coach - Certified" |
"A Practical, Motivational Life Coaching Course, Learn How to Guide and Empower not Only Yourself, but Others Too. A Step by Step, Easy to Use, System - You can Make the Difference. Inspire and Motivate Those Around You.Learn how to manage your Coaching Sessions - get REAL RESULTS, for you and your clients.You Have the Desire and Don't Know Where To Start, Start Here Today. By Coaching yourself first, you can have the true awareness and tools to effectively coach.Learn to Navigate Today's Top Life Coaching Topics: Confidence, Relationships, Business, Entrepreneurship, Overwhelm, Stress, S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting (and the deeper Why? to boost you), Limiting Beliefs. Setting Up Your Coaching Business, Finding Your Niche.Get the Tools and Templates to Coach Yourself and Your Clients. Your Own Guidebooks to Use Every Day.An ""Effective Proven"" system that works will all levels of students. As long as you want to learn, you will. As long as you want to Life Coach, you will. You and your clients have your own answers - this Course enables you to guide, inspire and find them.This is an action focused approach, based on emotional learning, developing awareness and shifting your perspective and mindset when Life Coaching yourself and others. Through her own Life Coaching Practice Jane Clare could see how her own years of experience, tools and expertise could easily guide and motivate her clients and students alike. However, for many people and businesses Coaching is not an accessible option, resources can be limited, whether that is time, money or simply needing the gentle push to get started. Jane has worked, formulated and launched this amazing course for people to learn the tools and the structure to effectively Coach themselves and those around them. All the videos are with Jane, so you can really feel her passion, experience and love of Life Coaching. The PDFs provide all the necessary information, exercises, tools that you will need and want to give you complete comfort and assurance that you can Life Coach. Plus, you will see how to make a real difference day by day. Years and years of expertise has made this a Course to truly develop yourself and your clients in a guided and ""step by step"" way, with Jane's personal expertise and personality showing you the way.Enjoy, learn and be your best everyday."
Price: 99.99 |
"Runtime Spawn System for Unity" |
"In this course you will learn how to build your own in-game spawn system for Unity which will allow you to create modding tools for your games, level editors or any kind of app that allows the user to decorate 3D worlds with objects. You will be walked through the process of building the scripting API that will contain the spawn functionality. Techniques such as surface snapping, axis alignment, drag spawn, mouse rotation/scale will be discussed and also a basic Undo/Redo system will be presented. Towards the end of the course, we will also implement 3 spawn effects in the form of C# scripts that can be attached to game objects. A spawn effect is executed when an object is spawned in the scene and there are 3 effects that we will discuss and implement: bounce, rotate and scale.The final result is a solid spawn API that can serve as a great starting point for your own level editor/modding apps, RTS games or any application that allows the user to spawn objects in the scene."
Price: 39.99 |
"Como Fazer um Carto Digital Interativo Passo a Passo" |
"Esse um minicurso onde voc vai aprender de forma rpida (no mximo uma hora de vdeos) e direto ao ponto a criar um Carto de Visitas Digital Interativo do zero para usar em sua empresa/negcio ou ganhar uma renda extra prestando esse servio para empresas, profissionais liberais ou micro empreendedores individuais. No necessrio dominar softwares de design grfico nem adquirir programas da rea.Iremos utilizar um aplicativo gratuito para criao do layout das artes e o Microsoft Word para colocar links nos botes e gerar o arquivo PDF.Alm das aulas voc receber arquivos com botes das redes sociais mais usadas para utilizar nos seus layouts e alguns modelos de plano de fundo para facilitar seu trabalho."
Price: 39.99 |
"Lucrando em Casa com Cartes de Visita" |
"O curso ""Lucrando em Casa com Cartes de Visita"" foi criado pensando em ajudar pessoas que precisam trabalhar em casa para obter uma renda extra e dispe de computador e internet. Um curso feito para pessoas que querem realmente aprender a trabalhar em casa e fazer uma renda extra. No dinheiro fcil, nem milagres. voc vai aprender passo a passo o mtodo que eu uso para TRABALHAR e ganhar dinheiro em casa, com um produto que qualquer profissional precisa: o CARTO DE VISITA.No recomendado para pessoas que morem fora do Brasil, pois no conheo o processo grfico em outros pases."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Microsoft Word 2019 - Recursos Bsicos e Avanados" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a utilizar os recursos bsicos e avanados do Word passo a passo em vdeo-aulas.Um curso completo gravado com a verso 2019, onde voc vai aprender a trabalhar do bsico ao avanado com os recursos desse editor de textos considerado o mais utilizado no mundo. Voc ainda ganhar um timo material complementar:- Aula Extra: Como Criar um Carto Digital Interativo Passo a Passo utilizando o Word: vou te ensinar passo a passo nessa aula, como voc vai criar um lindo carto digital interativo (arquivo pdf muito utilizado hoje em dia para ser enviado principalmente por WhatsApp, que contem as informaes da empresa, com links para redes sociais, site e whatsApp ).- Ebook Como Fazer no Word Passo a Passo: uma APOSTILA em formato PDF com mais de 100 pginas, que voc poder imprimir ou consultar no seu computador, tablet ou smartphone, sempre que tiver alguma dvida sobre o assunto.- Principais atalhos do Word: um arquivo PDF com as principais teclas de atalho que voc vai precisar para agilizar a utilizao do Word, para que voc possa consultar sempre que precisar, at se habituar com a maioria delas.Assista as aulas, pratique e seja um profissional diferenciado no Mercado de Trabalho."
Price: 39.99 |
"Como Criar Carto Digital Interativo com o Power Point" |
"Nesse Curso Rpido e Prtico voc vai aprender de forma objetiva e sem enrolao, Como Fazer Carto de Visita Digital Interativo usando apenas o programa Power Point. Se voc ainda no sabe fazer um carto digital, aproveite a oportunidade, pois um produto de alta demanda. Voc vai aprender uma forma simples e rpida de fazer lindos Cartes Digitais, que poder usar para seu negcio ou para prestar servios para outros profissionais."
Price: 39.99 |
"Prevent Diabetes with 6 Simple Steps" |
"Have you recently been diagnosed pre-diabetic or diabetic?If so, you may be facing some common challenges likeMy doctor didnt give me a plan to lower my blood sugar.Searching the internet for answers is overwhelming and I dont know where to start.I dont know what type of diet to go on. Everyone has a different opinion.Im afraid that my genetics have doomed me to this disease.This is definitely how my dad felt when he came to me after his doctor wanted to put him on diabetes medicine. After following this plan, he lowered his A1C (blood sugar level) from 7.4 to 5.2. Since then, others have taken the course and had similar successes.Dont worry! Medicine isn't the only answer. With this course, you can have a path to living a healthy life that will free you from the worry and dread of diabetes and it's complications.This course will teach youHow to establish healthy habits that create a new, healthy you!How to choose foods that will decrease your blood sugar and increase your health.How to overcome obstacles that have stopped you in the past.How to discover and tap into your true motivation for living a healthy lifestyle.How to keep going even when you fall off the wagon.What to expect inside of Prevent Diabetes with 6 Simple StepsOne video explaining each step and teaching you how to incorporate these shifts into your life. We KEEP IT SIMPLE!After practicing each habit for a week, you will add another until you are mastering all of the 6 steps.Worksheets and tracking sheets that will transform these concepts into daily habits.Impactful videos that also address the emotional side of making lifestyle changes to empower you to make these changes permanent!PLUS, to make sure that you have the biggest opportunities to be successful in your goal to better health weve included the following BONUSES:Videos that give you effective strategies to overcome the 2 biggest obstacles that stand in your way, cravings and stress.A private Facebook group share and learn with other pre-diabetics in a positive and encouraging community.When you finish this course, you will know exactly what you need to do to lower your blood sugar and be free of diabetes forever."
Price: 24.99 |
"S un mster de la edicin de video" |
"En este curso aprenders a realizar ediciones profesionales DESDE CERO, con el programa Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Desarrolla tu creatividad y s el creador de piezas audiovisuales de alto impacto, tanto en las redes sociales, Internet o tus actividades diarias. Solo necesitas tu computador y cualquier dispositivo que te permita capturar imgenes en video o fotografas fijas (dron, cmara, telfono mvil u otro). Te espero en clases."
Price: 19.99 |
"Acoustical Engineering" |
"So far, this is the first online course on Acoustical Engineering and it has been designed to be as straightforward & comprehensive as possible.With 20 lectures and more than three hours of video, this course leaves no stone unturned! In order for you to get the most of this course, it includes quizzes so you can check your level of understanding after each chapter.This course will teach you Acoustics in a practical manner rather than getting too deep into the theory and the underlying mathematical concepts, proofs, etc.We will start by introducing you to the very basic physics of sound, regardless of the subject that you may have studied or not in the university. All you need is some high school algebra, physics and be comfortable with numbers.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of sound.What is loudness.How time-varying sound works.Physiology of the human ear.How sound spreads outdoors.How to design the best indoor acoustic environments.How to achieve good sound insulation.How to avoid excessive vibrations.How to make various noisy pieces of equipment as silent as possible.How microphones work.What are the most important pieces of software that we acoustic engineers are using.By completing this course you will be able to advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!Who this course is for:Architects that want to design spaces with excellent acoustics.Mechanical Engineers that want to reduce the noise & vibration of machinery.Builders/Contractors that want to choose the most cost-efficient internal separating constructions or building envelope.Interior Designers that want their spaces not to sound echoic.University Students that want to learn acousticsMusicians that want to understand better how their instruments workSound Engineers that want to understand more about recording studios.Acoustical Engineers that want to level up their knowledge and seal any knowledge gaps for good!Essentially, this course is for anyone who has a particular interest in acoustics.Come on board and learn the secrets of the trade, next to an Acoustic Consultant!"
Price: 99.99 |
germanintokyo-1 |
"263 Pickert Maxie 14161YouTubeTwitter"
Price: 3600.00 |
"Entrevista de Trabajo: Preprate para las preguntas claves!" |
"En este curso vas a poder prepararte de una manera eficaz, para tu prxima entrevista de trabajo. Vamos a ir derecho al corazn de la entrevista, esto es, analizaremos cada una de las Preguntas Claves. Es la parte ms importante del proceso de seleccin, por lo que vamos a centrarnos con el mximo detalle en todos los aspectos, en los cuales te voy ayudar para que puedas anticiparte y responder correctamente cuando llegue el momento de la verdad!Te cuento que no ser un curso terico, sino que la metodologa est diseada pensando en un aprendizaje gil y 100 % prctico; formado por una recopilacin de consejos y recomendaciones que les brind a cientos de jvenes como vos durante los ltimos aos y a travs de los cuales han podido llevar al prximo nivel sus habilidades para desempearse exitosamente en la entrevista de trabajo.A modo de introduccin, te tengo preparado tambin un Bonus, acerca de lo que debes tener presente tanto para la preparacin previa, como as tambin durante toda la entrevista.Y, Por ltimo, como Broche de Oro te voy a revelar cuales son los aspectos casi imperceptibles de la entrevista; pero que sin lugar a dudas son los que inclinan la balanza a la hora de seleccionar un candidato.Te aseguro, que despus de realizar atentamente el curso, vas a contar con una importante cantidad de conocimientos y habilidades, que te van a permitir anticiparte, visualizando las respuestas con anterioridad y respondiendo con mayor naturalidad y precisin llegado el momento, logrando dar una excelente entrevista para alcanzar el trabajo deseado!Nos vemos dentro del curso!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
OmniPlanMac |
"MacOmniPlan15OmniPlan macOSOmniPlan"
Price: 29.99 |
"2020PythonPython 3.8.xPython" |
"Python 3.xPythonPythonPythonPython15Python 200+23"
Price: 19.99 |