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"How to Make Passive Income With Bitcoin Lending"
"Passive Income Course Covering Everything You Need To Passively Earn Money From Bitcoin Lending!******************************************************************************************Discover How to Make Passive Income Online Using A 6-Step Bitcoin Lending System:- A step-by-step video for each of the 6-Steps in the Automated System!- Inside look at my personal accounts!- Unlimited earnings, with a small upfront investment!- How to do all of this without any Fees!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30-days, you get your money back!No more endless searching for the right passive income Bitcoin course, this course is ready to watch whenever you are, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************Put In as little as 5 minutes to Get This Method Started Then Sit Back And Watch Your PayPal and Bank Accounts Fill With Passive Income Money!You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is absolutely life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how successful investors are making money with Bitcoin the Smart Way and how to minimize risk and maximize profits by creating your very own Money Machine. These passive income websites allow you to work from home or anywhere with internet and earn passive income long into the future.This course is the best way to start making passive income online.Learn from years of Bitcoin investor experience, as well as the Tricks/Tips to earn you more passive income that are included in this course.Let me share my passive income secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you got to lose?******************************************************************************************You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!Who this course is for:No prior online income knowledge is needed.Busy individuals who need extra income.Those looking for extra income online.Those with Beginner to Advanced passive income experience.Those who want to be able to make money online while they do whatever they want."
Price: 99.99

"How to EDM : Mix and Master a song in ableton"
"Welcome to How to EDM : Mix and Master a song in ableton.So in This course i dont want to explain nothing i want just to share my workflow and show you how do i get the my mix and mastering done , So if you wondered why your tracks don't sound like the tracks you hear on the radio, Spotify, SoundCloud, or anywhere else. In this course you will know how to get that done right .In this class we start with the very basics of mixing, and work all the way up to finishing great tracks. I walk you through every step of the process.The goal of this course is you to learn how to take your tracks from good to great."
Price: 24.99

"Servicenow Ceritified System Administrator Newyork Delta"
"If you have previous ServiceNow Certified System Administrator, this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Newyork delta certification. The practice test questions are based on the Newyork Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Newyork delta certification!"
Price: 1280.00

"Servicenow Certified Application Developer Newyork Delta"
"If you have previous ServiceNow Certified Application Developer, this course will help you prepare for the Newyork Delta certification. The practice test questions are based on the Newyork Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for  - Servicenow Certified Application Developer Newyork Delta!"
Price: 1280.00

"Servicenow Implementation Specialist ITSM - Newyork Delta"
"If you have previous ServiceNow Implementation Specialist ITSM, this course will help you prepare for the Newyork Delta certification. The practice test questions are based on the Newyork Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for  - Servicenow Implementation specialist -ITSM Newyork Delta!"
Price: 1280.00

"Servicenow Micro Certification - Automated Test Framework"
"Use code  LUCKY5  to try it for a discounted price (Limited period)Automated test framework  is used to run automated tests to confirm that your instance works fine after making a change.The practice test questions are based on the Newyork Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to Automated Test FrameWorkThis course will help you prepare for  - Servicenow Micro Certification - Automated Test Framework"
Price: 1280.00

"Millionaire Mindset Secrets"
"Tom Secret Is a Success and High Performance Coach. He knows it is essential for everyone to go trough his"" First Steps To Become A Millionaire"" Program in order to become Successful. What You will learn in this program:* how Millionaires and Billionaires think*how to make Your first million by making correct decisions*millionaire routines*how to treat people around You to have better connections*how to have MORE ENERGY*how to have more COURAGE*How To be more CONFIDENT*Why You must follow Your Dreams*How to create Your first MIND MAP*How to alter Your SOCIAL CIRCLE*How To buld better FRIENDSHIP and LIKEABILITY*How to CHANGE BELIEVES*Who Should You listen to*how to design Your life**How to be more Productive"
Price: 29.99

"Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) Practice Exams"
"Prepare for Your Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) CredentialThis exam is comprised of 4 sections: 1. Key CI/CD/Jenkins concepts 2. Jenkins usage 3. Building Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipelines 4. CD-as-code best practicesAll questions are based on version 1.625.2 of the Jenkins core. Unless otherwise specified,  all questions are based on an out-of-the-box standard installation of Jenkins, without any additional plugins (base Jenkins).*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 114 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Exams"
"Prepare for Your Docker Certified Associate (DCA) CredentialIn todays job market, Docker skills are highly sought after, and the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam is designed to validate that skillset with real world questions designed by experienced Docker practitioners. As the first exam in a comprehensive multi-tiered professional certification program, the DCA serves as a foundational benchmark for real world Docker skills across the container industry. Are you ready to prove your Docker skills?*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 131 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"DevSecOps Engineering (DSOE) Practice Exams"
"Prepare for Your DevSecOps Engineering (DSOE) CredentialContent of the exam : Explain the purpose, benefits, concepts and vocabulary of DevSecOpsDifferentiate DevOps security practices from other security approachesFocus on Business-driven security strategiesApply data and security sciencesBenefit from Security Testing with Red and Blue TeamsIntegrate security into Continuous Delivery workflowsIntegrate DevSecOps roles with a DevOps culture and organization*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 76 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation Exams"
"Prepare for Your Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation CredentialAn IT professional who has become a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation demonstrates the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to use Ansible to automate the management and deployment of systems in an enterprise environment.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 102 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"Facebooklibra GM PoW31,23542IT2040K.TK.SK.NH.NF.TI.KT.TT.OFLOC1987BIP20152018FLOCQUICKHashHub Conference"
Price: 2400.00

"Le jeune intermittent - le cours complet"
"Le cours complet sur le jene intermittent est une formation pour comprendre les mcanismes physiologiques naturels de notre corps en tat de jene qui permet d'obtenir plus d'nergie au quotidien. Nous comprendrons : Pourquoi le jene est si bnfique pour la sant ?Comment perdre du poids ?Pourquoi faire du sport pendant son jene intermittent est plus efficace pour prendre du muscle ?. Les bnfices mentales et physiques tirer du jene intermittent.Le lien entre la longvit et le jeneComment booster le jene ou mme comment l'arrter ?Cette formation aborde en plus la rflexion mettre en place pour tenir ses objectifs de jene intermittent et quoi s'attendre dans un tat de jene.   Vous recevrez : Une formation vido pour comprendre pourquoi et comment se lancer dans le jene intermittentUn ebook rcapitulatif de la formation contenant des recettes de jusPlein de conseil pratique pour commencer dans les meilleurs conditions sont premiers jene intermittent"
Price: 89.99

"Yeni Balayanlar in Pratik AutoCAD Kursu"
"Bu kursta, AutoCAD renmek isteyen, mimar, mhendis, tekniker, teknik ressam ya da merakllar sfrdan 2B izimi yapabilir hale gelecekler. Karmak bilgiler yerine piyasada geerli, pratik ve ie yarayan yntemlerin esas alnd bu dizide renci AutoCAD gibi dnmeyi renecek ve AutoCAD'i kalem ve cetvel gibi bir izim arac olarak kullanmay renecek."
Price: 49.99

"Lese-Rechtschreib-Strke / LRS"
"Im Kurs erhalten Sie von einem erfahrenen Lern-Coach eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, wie Sie ihr Kind mit Spa und Leichtigkeit fit in der Rechtschreibung machen. Bestens geeignet fr Kinder mit einer Lese-Rechtschreibschwche, Legasthenie und bei genereller Unsicherheit in der Rechtschreibung sowie beim Lesen. Ihr Kind wird ein Leben lang von dieser Strategie profitieren. In diesem Kurs:lernen Sie, das eine Lese-Rechtschreibschwche kein Schicksal ist und leicht aufgelst werden kann.erfahren Sie, wie Ihnen das Lern Coaching dabei helfen kann.bekommen Sie, eine ausfhrliche Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, um das Wissen selber mit Ihrem Kind anzuwenden.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs?Am besten eignet sich dieser Kurs fr Eltern von Kindern mit einer sogenannten Lese-Rechtschreibschwche.Fr Menschen jeden Alters, die sich mit der Rechtschreibung schwer tun und immer noch keine fr sie passende Strategie haben.Fr Lehrer, die aufgeschlossen sind und ihren Schlern eine Lernstrategie auf den Weg geben mchten, die wirklich funktioniert und oben drein auch noch Spa macht.Bestehen fr diesen Kurs besondere Anforderungen oder Voraussetzungen?Alles was Sie brauchen, bekommen Sie in diesem Kurs ausfhrlich erklrt und gezeigt.Als Elternteil ist die Bereitschaft gefragt, mit ihrem Kind stressfrei lernen zu knnen."
Price: 49.99

"Apprendre Tarder le forex"
"Dans cette formation nous allons voir les bases du trading avec les zones d'entres facile prendre.Nous commencerons par voir les diffrentes plate-formes MT4, TRADINGVIEW ET MT4 sur smartphone et comprendre comment bien les utilises.On va voir  comment ce comporte les march sur un graphique, Donc tendance haussire, tendance baissire et zone de consolidationPar la suite on parlera des zones de support et de rsistance important a prendre en compte sans oublier les lignes de tendances mtre en place.On parlera des indicateurs technique qui vont nous appuierons sur nos pour finir on parlera de la magie du Fiboncci."
Price: 19.99

"Geburtsvorbereitung fr Mnner - Der komplette Meisterkurs"
"Geburtsvorbereitungskurs fr Mnner - Der komplette MeisterkursWie Du als Mann optimal auf die Geburt vorbereitet bist und worauf es als Mann wirklich ankommt erfhrst du in diesem Kurs.In diesem Kurs lernst dualles ber die Hintergrnde zur Geburt, was fr den Mann wichtig ist! Und auch nur das!Was du wirklich ber Komplikationen wissen musst und worauf es wirklich ankommtWelche Fehler du im Kreisaal unbedingt vermeiden solltestWie du den Weg zur Klinik vorbereitest und was du unbedingt fr dich und deine Frau mitnehmen solltestWas es bzgl. Arbeitgeber und Notfallnummern zu beachten giltWas in der Zeit vor der Geburt wirklich wichtig ist: Kinderzimmer, Kinderwagen, Kleidung. Mit Tipps und Tricks die du sonst nicht erfhrstWorauf es im Kreisaal wirklich ankommt.Wie dich der geheime Trick mit der Strohalm-Methode zum Held bei der Geburt machtWillst du entspannt und Schritt fr Schritt lernen worauf es fr Mnner vor, whrend und Nach der Geburt wirklich ankommt?Dann bist du hier genau richtig Mit diesem kompakten Kurs bekommst Du eine Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung zur Vorbereitung auf die Geburt. Ohne Bcher zu lesen und ohne den Geburtsvorbereitungskurs bei der Hebamme besuchen zu mssen.Sichere dir noch heute diesen Kurs und erfahre... worauf es fr Mnner bei der Geburt wirklich ankommt! wie Du schnell und einfach optimal fr die Geburt vorbereitet bist. was Du fr die Geburt wirklich wissen musst!Der aktuelle Einfhrungspreis gilt nur fr kurze Zeit... Schnell zugreifen!"
Price: 19.99

"Become your Future Self"
"Some of what youll learn:Who is your Future Self and what it will take you to get there.The reason youve been struggling and why it seems so hard to change.The one thing people who took control of their lives did and how you can do it yourself, starting today.The neurological reasons why change is so hard and how to take advantage of the way your brain is wired.The first step you can take today towards your Future Self, which will transform your interest towards becoming your Future Self into commitment.How to get motivation to take actions you are uncomfortable with.The method to ensure that you will never fail to act for the same reason ever again.The 5 lessons:Map your Future Self: define who you want to become. Gain clarity on your motives. Highlight what matters.The Journey to Your Future Self: understand why you feel stuck. Learn what you will have to do to begin and to sustain progress. Do less, achieve more.The Neurology of Action: understand the neurological reasons for which you cannot get yourself to act on your good propositions. Learn how to use the way your brain is wired to your advantage.The First Steps Towards Your Future Self: practical actions you can take today to transform your interest towards your Future Self into commitment, and to begin your Journey.Taking Care of The Resistance: the obstacles you will find in your journey towards your Future Self, and how to address them before you get stuck.Also includedHandouts with the most important concepts from the videos, to use as a beacon during your Journey.Exercises to map your Future Self and to plan the actions that will bring you closer to your Future Self.Do you lack the willpower to transform your life?Is there someone you always wanted to be? A Future Self who you fully respect, who found and fulfilled his purpose in life?Is there something you blame for not having become your Future Self yet? The environment you grew in? Your family, friends, colleagues, and their expectations? Your body or your brain? Your lack of consistency or of willpower?You do not need any of them.All you need is to know how to talk to your brain in a way that it will work to fulfill your plans, rather than finding yet another reason for inaction.You can learn this in under one hour, if you are told you exactly how to.This is what I learned to do in my life, and this is what those who attended my workshops learned to do in their own life.It took me two decades of failed attempts to figure out how to overcome the resistance that prevented me from acting like my Future Self. Once I understood how to flip the switch of self-growth, I quickly adopted the behaviors that led me to my current life, a life in which I wake up with a smile every morning, feeling serene and fulfilled every single day, because I have daily evidence I am proceeding fast on my journey towards my Future Self.But you do not have to wait decades and to experience failed attempts anymore. You can learn directly what worked for me, and is working for all the audience with whom Ive worked so far.This is not a course like all others.Most self-help books assume you are a motivated person with an adamant willpower, operating in a safe environment. They provide solutions which sound logical, but are hard to apply in a world full of social barriers and personal obstacles.This course is all about overcoming barriers and obstacles. It doesnt assume that the reader is a demigod who lives 30-hours days and has unlimited willpower to carry over any proposed routine.Instead, it directly talks to the flawed soul inside all of us, acknowledging its limitations and proposing a plan which works even if we are not perfect, even if our environment is not perfect, even if our motivations are not perfect.The videos, handouts and exercises of this course will take you hand-by-hand to continue your Journey to your Future Self; just by watching them, they will change your life.Learn to talk to your brainPeople who realized their dreams do not have a superhuman willpower. Instead, they learned the mental switch that allows them to transform their plans into actions.It turns out, you do not need to have willpower to transform your life, if you know hot to talk to your brain.You do not need a safe environment.You do not need supportive friends.You do not need a flawless body.If you know how to talk to your brain.Neurological research shows that the part of our brain which makes plans (our cortex) is different from the part of our brain which decides whether to enact them (our basal ganglia).Most people fail to take any transformative action in their life because they keep talking to their cortex, making plans that their basal ganglia keeps refusing to enact.Successful people learnt to talk to their basal ganglia instead. They learnt how to make plans that their basal ganglia will be willing to enact. They learnt how to influence their basal ganglia.This course will teach you exactly this, with simple words and practical examples that anyone can put into practice.Some quotes from the courseWe are interested in becoming our Future Self, but we are not committed to it yet.To become our Future Self, we need to act like it would.Growth and adoption of new habits happens through emotional experiences.Who we are today - our Current Self - is both the solution to our past and the obstacle to our future.""To give a possibility to your Future Self, you have to give a possibility to his habits.About the authorLuca Dellanna is an independent researcher of human behavior, external teacher at the University of Genoa, and management consultant.A mechanical engineer by training, he quit his corporate career to dedicate his life to researching human behavior and communicating his findings to help others fully achieve their potential.Together with Wenlin Tan, he founded Be Become Belong.Luca is also the author of the book 100 Truths You Will Learn Too Late.What you will getBy purchasing this course, you will receive all of the following:6 videos, each 3-15 minutes long, for a total viewing time of just less than one hour.Handouts from the videos, and exercises to put into practice what you learnt.You do not need anyones approval to begin transforming your life.Give your Future Self a possibility, today."
Price: 49.99

"Instagram Effects, Filters or Masks / Spark AR Tutorial"
"Are you ready to create your first Instagram face filter?Welcome to this course where you will learn all the necessary skills to get started in Spark AR and surprise your followers! You don't need to be a developer or IT specialist to do it!The course is constantly updating! Check the bonus section from time to time ;)What is inside:Spark AR basicsRetouchingFace DistortionWork with colorsAdding objects on a faceAdding framesWork with 3D objectsWork with flying objects+ TIPs and tricks which will help you to create the best filters EVER!The course is a practical, step-by-step video tutorial on how to work in Spark AR and how to make different effects.All videos are downloadable, save them to a computer and watch whenever you want!Register for this course and let's CREATE!"
Price: 54.99

"Advanced Spark AR / Instagram Filters Instagram Masks"
"It is time to get next-level skills and create an absolutely incredible Instagram face filter (mask)!Are you a Spark AR creator who wants to take his skills to the next level? This course is for you! You still don't need to know how to code, use Patch Editor instead. With the Patch Editor, you will be able to create so many interesting and beautiful effects that all followers would get crazy ;)BONUS lecture How to make ""WHAT DISNEY CHARACTER ARE YOU"" is added!What is inside:Patch Editor basicsHow to make 'Tap to change' effectHow to connect your effect with a user's actionAdvanced work with the head occluder+ TIPs and tricks which will help you to create the best filters EVER!The course is a practical, step-by-step video tutorial on how to work in Spark AR and how to make different effects.All videos are downloadable, save them to a computer and watch whenever you want!Are you ready? All hands on deck, we are starting right now!"
Price: 64.99

"Unity 2D and C# for beginner game developers."
"Are you ready to create your first game in Unity? Then you need this course!We will start from the very beginning: download and install Unity. We will talk about Unity interface and create a real game scene!You will learn C# scripting, and no prior programming experience is necessary! We will focus on creating short and basic scripts that you can use in your projects. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a game and share it with friends and the whole world!only useful informationall lessons are downloadableno coding experience is requiredget to know basics and get inspired!So, what are you waiting for?  Grab the course now and join the community!"
Price: 104.99

"Create your own Happiness & Master your Emotions in 4 Steps"
"Understand YOUR HAPPINESS and be HAPPIER!You want to be happy, be fulfilled. Because when you are happy you not only feel good, you feel more confident, more creative, and even healthier! Happiness is so critical to a satisfying life but no one teaches us the science of happiness in school. No one told you how to live with all these colorful feelings inside. Usually, the only thing we know is how to suppress our feelings.In this course, you will finally meet your personal emotions: positive and negative, learn how to understand them and stop suppressing them.The course includes theory and practice. We will be doing exercises that help you to find out why you are feeling this way and get rid of these dark, heavy emotions.Inside:Science of happinessHow to understand your personal happinessAnalyze your negative feelingsExercises to go deeper into yourselfExercises to get rid of dark feelingsMeditation for relaxationCreate your own happiness todayReady to begin the journey to yourself?  Join the course now!"
Price: 104.99

"Practice the PMI ACP Exam: As per ACP exam content outline"
"In the PMI ACP exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 300 PMI ACP practice exam questions. These question have been written to simplify the real PMI ACP exam and are based on the PMI ACP exam objectives as provided by PMI.PMI ACP Exam One: 60 question across all exam domains (one and half hours)PMI ACP Exam Two: 60 question across all exam domains (one and half hours)PMI ACP Exam Three: 60 question across all exam domains (one and half hours)PMI ACP Exam Four: 120 question across all exam domains (three hours)These exams were build following the PMI standards of the Agile Certified Practitioner exam domains, and as per the following distribution of the 120 questions of each exam: Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset, 16%Domain II. Value-driven Delivery,  20%Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement, 17%Domain IV. Team Performance, 16%Domain V. Adaptive Planning,12%Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution, 10%Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People), 9%The Agile Certified Practitioner exam is based on the mentioned above seven domains. Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the PMI ACP exam, and remember that repetition is the mother of learning!Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the PMI ACP exam, each question of the three practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 34.99

"Practice the PMP Exam: 400 High-Quality Questions, 2019"
"In the PMI PMP exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 400 PMI PMP practice exam questions. These question have been written to SIMPLIFY the PMI PMP exam and are based on the PMI PMP exam objectives as provided by PMI, and based on the PMBOK latest edition 6th. The PMP exam questions are different than college and school exams! They are very objective, your ability to recognize and deal with each type of questions will increase your chances passing the exam from the first trial, you should expect questions from the following type:Math formula based questionsITTO based questionsSituational based questionsDefinition based questionsAnd this is why we at Elite Minds provided this course, based on the previous questions types. PMI PMP Exam One: 50 Math Formula Based question across all exam domains (one hour)PMI PMP Exam Two: 50  ITTO Based question across all exam domains (one hour)PMI PMP Exam Three: 50 Situational Based question across all exam domains (one hour)PMI PMP Exam Four: 50 Definition Based question across all exam domains (one hour)PMI PMP Exam Compilation: 200 questions in one complete exam (four hours)Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the PMI PMP exam. Take each one-hour exam set until you can answer all 50 questions correctly. Once you've mastered the individual exams, move onto the 200-question exam compilation. Repetition is the mother of learning! Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the PMI PMP exam, each question of the five practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 54.99

"CSM Practice Exams: Certified Scrum Master, 200 Questions"
"In this Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 200 Certified Scrum Master (CSM) practice exam questions. These question have been written to SIMPLIFY the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam and are based on the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam objectives as provided by Scrum Alliance.For the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam questions, your ability to recognize and deal with each type of questions will increase your chances passing the exam from the first trial, you should expect questions from the following domains: SCRUM AND AGILE, 6%SCRUM THEORY, 6%SCRUM VALUES, 6%SCRUM TEAM, 20%SCRUM MASTER, 22%SCRUM EVENTS, 20%SCRUM ARTIFACTS, 20%And this is why we at Elite Minds provided this course, based on the previous questions types. Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam One: 25 SCRUM THEORY AND VALUES based question. (30 minutes)Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam Two: 25  SCRUM TEAM AND MASTER based question. (30 minutes)Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam Three: 25 SCRUM EVENTS based question. (30 minutes)Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam Four: 25 SCRUM ARTIFACTS based question. (30 minutes)Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam Compilation: 50 questions in one complete exam (one hour)Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam Compilation: 50 questions in one complete exam (one hour)Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam. Take each exam set until you can answer all 25 questions correctly. Once you've mastered the individual exams, move onto the 50-question exam compilation. Repetition is the mother of learning! Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) exam, each question of the six practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 49.99

"Professional Scrum Master I: PSM Practice Tests, 2019"
"In this Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 240 Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) practice exam questions. These question have been written to SIMPLIFY the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam and are based on the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam objectives as provided by Scrum org.For the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam questions, your ability to recognize and deal with each type of questions will increase your chances passing the exam from the first trial, you should expect an assessment of 60 minute time box where youll answer 80 questions (in English) of multiple choice typeAnd this is why we at Elite Minds provided this course, based on the previous questions types. Professional Scrum Master I (PSM), exam one: 40 questions. (30 minutes)Professional Scrum Master I (PSM), exam two: 40 questions. (30 minutes)Professional Scrum Master I (PSM), full exam: 80 questions in one complete exam (one hour)Professional Scrum Master I (PSM), full exam: 80 questions in one complete exam (one hour)The real exam passing score is 85%, this is why the passing score for these exams is 85% as well!Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam. Take each exam set until you can answer all 40 questions correctly. Once you've mastered the individual exams, move onto the 80-question exam compilation. Repetition is the mother of learning! Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM) exam, each question of the six practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 64.99

"PMI- SP Practice Tests: Scheduling Professional, 340 Q"
"Important note: In this course, the difficulty level increase as going from practice test 1 to practice test 4, so you need to go through this course starting from exam 1 and moving in sequence tell you reach exam 4 which is the hardest and most si,miler to the real PMI -SP exam!In the PMI SP exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 344 PMI SP practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the PMI SP exam and are based on the PMI SP exam objectives as provided by PMI.PMI SP Exam One: 43 question across all exam domains (53 minutes)PMI SP Exam Two: 42 question across all exam domains (52 minutes)PMI SP Exam Three: 85 question across all exam domains (110 minutes)PMI SP Exam Compilation: 170 questions in one complete exam (three and half hours)The questions of the three practices tests were based on the exam domains distribution announced by the Project Management Institute (PMI):Domain 1: Schedule Strategy,  14%Domain 2: Schedule Planning and Development,  31%Domain 3: Schedule Monitoring and Controlling,   35%Domain 4: Schedule Closeout, 6%Domain 5: Schedule Communication Management,  14%Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the PMI SP exam. Take each 53 minutes exam set until you can answer all 42 questions correctly. Once you've mastered the individual exams, move onto the 170-question exam compilation. Repetition is the mother of learning! Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the PMI SP exam, each question of the three practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 74.99

"System Center Data protection Manager 2019"
"Backup is an essential part of any IT Infrastructure. In this video I introduce DPM 2019, which is a Microsoft proprietary solution that helps to backup shared folders, exchange mail boxes and SharePoint to disks and tapes. The database server used is SQL Server 2017 and Server OS used is Windows Server 2019 datacentre."
Price: 19.99

"Complete English Grammar FCE"
"Complete English grammar course for students who want to improve their English quickly. The course is divided into 23 lectures. You can watch the lectures anywhere at any time. The lectures can be paused and watched again and again. There are helpful worksheets that allow you to practice what you have learned.This course is also useful for anyone who wants to do English examinations."
Price: 39.99

"Quadrivia : TOEIC Listening & Reading Preparation"
"We developed this course specifically to help you get the best grade at the TOEIC Listening & Reading test. We are official partners with ETS Global, that support the quality of our course and our teaching methodology. By the end of this course you will be ready to pass the Listening & Reading part of the TOEIC and will know the basics to understand written and spoken English. This course is taught by a certified English professor from La Sorbonne who spent the last 15 years teaching students and preparing them for the TOEIC."
Price: 29.99