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"Efficient Machine Learning"
"If youre a machine learning specialist looking to make the transaction into the real-world AI applications.This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to scale-up your machine learning model to the optimal state possible, you 'll be learning everything you need to move you machine learning model to the next stage.This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!You'll learn the machine learning, AI, and data mining techniques real employers are looking for, including:Handling Missing ValuesLabel EncoderOne-Hot EncoderNormalizationStandardizationBinarizationPrincipal Analysis Component (PCA)Manual Feature EngineeringAutomatic Feature EngineeringFeature SelectionModel Evaluation Confusion MatrixPrecision and RecallF1-score and Fbeta-scoreArea Under Curve (AUC)Overfitting vs UnderfittingCross-ValidationAnalyzing Learning CurvesHyperparameters Tuning"
Price: 199.99

"nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi Uzmanlk Eitimi"
"Kursu satn almadan nce mutlaka ""Aklama"" Ksmn Okuyunuz.Eitim toplamda 40 konudan olumaktadr. Eitim konularnn hepsi 15 ubat 2020 tarihine kadar siteye eklenecektir ve daima gncellenecektir. Eitim tamamladnda ""recekleriniz"" bal altnda yazan tm konular eitimde olacaktr.  Kursa kayt olan herkes tm gncellemeri ve yeni eklenen videolar da grecektir.Insan Kaynaklar Ynetimi uzmanlk eitimi , oncelikle insan kaynaklar meslegine yeni adm atmak isteyenlerin  teorik bilgileri ogrenip ayn zamanda da pratik bilgileri de gorebilecegi, meslege yeni adm atms kisilerin ise bir klavuz niteliginde kullanabilecegi bir calsmadr. Bu calsma gerek kanun maddelerinden gerekse insan kaynaklar yonetimi ve personel yonetimi alanlarndan ornekler verilerek hazrlanmstr.Kanun maddelerinin pratikte nasl hayat buldugunu anlattm videolarmda, yasal hesaplamalar ve parametreler, ise giris, isten ayrls, e-bildirge hazrlama-onaylama, is gormezlik belgelerinin sisteme girisi-onaylanmas, isyeri acls, is kazas bildirimi, sozlesme turleri ve uygulans konular da gorsel olarak bulunmaktadr."
Price: 59.99

"Perfect UX design case study - UX course for intermediates"
"Outcomes:You will learn how to create your perfect UX design case study.This UX case study will help you to start getting bigger clients and better jobs.You will learn what to include in your case study and how to tell a story.You will see how I structured my case study for an eCommerce project I made.Finishing your UX design case study will no longer be in your to-do list!You will feel comfortable to send clients and recruiters a link for your UX design case study without any hesitation.You will understand how recruiters and clients think to hire a UX designer.RequirementsA desire to learn how to market yourself and get recruiters' and clients' attention.You should have a passion for getting high income.You don't need any coding knowledge.You should have a previous UX design experience and you are familiar with UX tools and UX techniques.Description*** This course officially launched on 1st of December ***Join over 6,000 of your fellow professionals in learning how to create a perfect UX design case study.It's 2020 and it's time to make that big shift in your career path!After being a UX designer and consultant for 10-plus years, heres a funny little fact I discovered about the industry:The UX designers who make the BEST money, have client waitlists, and their pick of the projects, are not always the BEST designers!Sure, many are quite talented. But what got them to the top spot is simply having the best NETWORKS and the best EXPOSURE.The easiest way to build both is by differentiating yourself with a powerful, persuasive UX DESIGN CASE STUDY.Now the case study is the leverage point of a powerful client-attracting strategy Ive been using to get great results over the past few years.The reason it works so well to land cold clients quickly and easily is that it actually gets inside the heads of recruiters and business leaders and ticks off the boxes that theyre looking for in a designer sometimes even subconsciously.I think youll find this incredibly helpful for your career; theres a real potential here for hyper-growth.Other UX designers who learned and employed this strategy think about their careers like this:Theres the time BEFORE they found this strategyAnd then theres the after time right now where theyre thriving in abundance, making $600, 700, even $1,000 PER DAY off a conveyor belt of new clients.Im talking about people finally finding YOU, off job boards, LinkedIn, wherever. And theyre eager and ready to hire.So hows it all work, and whys is so persuasive?Enroll in this course and find out!ProblemsYou might havent started with creating your UX design case study or you may be feeling lost in how to start.You are applying for a lot of jobs, but its hard to get a call even for the 1st round interview.You feel tired in updating your portfolio and projects you worked on and you still feel nothing unique to show.You are getting frustrated in searching for the best way to create a UX design case study, but you never find that clearly explained in any article or a Youtube video.You start asking yourself Am I good enough to be a UX designer? And why I cant do my perfect UX design case study?!Too many UX titles nowadays and too many buzzes around it, and you are trying to find a proper place for you in front of this industry.Let's get started ..."
Price: 199.99

"Voyance Mdiumship comprendre sinitier"
"Tu te poses des questions sur la mdiumnit et tout ce qui lentoure?Le sixime sens, la cartomancie? Sur tes ressentis ou plus encore?Bienvenue tu es sur le bon cours.A travers ce e-learning tu dcouvriras le monde de l'invisible.Les personnes en rsonance sont sensible ce qui touche ce sujet, j'ai prpar ce cours pour te guider au mieux afin de te faire dcouvrir et pourquoi pas tclairer sur ton cheminement personnel.A dcouvrir :Les rgles de bases et les qualits qu'il faut pour s'ouvrir au monde de lsotrisme.Entrainements : + Un exercice dauto-hypnose ( je suis thrapeute ainsi jai ajout ce petit plus) + Un bonus surprise la fin de ce e-learning.Un cours complet traitant de diffrents thmes pour mieux situer la mdiumnit, les arts divinatoires et accrotre ses ressentis.Exercices proposs + PDF pour certaines sessions.Bon visionnage."
Price: 49.99

"Street Workout From Beginner to Advanced"
"A typical street workout routine often consists of physical exercises such as pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, muscle-ups, sit-ups and squats. Street workout also involves some static (isometric) holds such as the human flag, front lever, back lever and planche.Street workout is divided in two main branches, the first one being strength training and the second dynamics. Strength training includes the isometric holds like: planche, front lever, back lever, etc. Also, strength training includes single arm pull ups, hefestos, muscle-ups and many others. Dynamics includes movements like 360s and its variations, switchblades, and an incredible variety of tricks developed by the athletes which are connected with other moves in order to create routines or sets.This course is gonna show you the exact way to train your body for mastering the street workout moves."
Price: 54.99

"Pano2Vr Program ve Sanal Tur Yapm, Google Maps Ykleme"
"Bu dersler sayesinde 360 derece ekilen fotoraflar sanal tur yapmay ve bu tur iinde arayz tasarlamay, bitmi olan projeyi google street view ve google maps!a Sanal tur  yklemeyi reneceksiniz. lkemizde malesef kullanm az fakat hzl bir ekilde art gsteren bir meslektir. Bu Oran %41 olmasna ramen her sektrde tercih edilmektedir."
Price: 24.99

"Build a Call Center using Amazon Connect"
"This course will teach you how to build a contact center based on Amazon's Connect Contact Center Platform as a Service (PaaS). Amazon Connect provides a very easy to use graphical interface to set up the solution in mere minutes. The course focuses on setting up a small contact center environment to meet the needs of a small business.You will learn the following:- How to acquire a toll free number of a direct inward dial (DID) telephone number- How to set up your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu- Set up hours of operation- Route calls based on the option selected during IVR menu- Transfer calls to internal and external parties from the IVR menu- Set up music on hold for callers- and much more ....."
Price: 34.99

"HTML5, CSS3, FlexBox . 2020 !"
", - . - "" ""!  , . - FlexBox"
Price: 19.99

"HTML, CSS tricks with famous sites - Magic and Nice Practice"
"I used famous websites - Amazon, Twitter, GooglePlay... to show you how to improve UI by CSS properties (transform, hover, animation, box-shadow, transition-duration ect). All actions were completed in browser inspector - so, you do not need to use any code redactors. You will open new and interesting ways how to make awesome UI."
Price: 19.99

Price: 24000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

"Get Your Message Across"
"The unique methods of a World Debating Champion will help you effectively convey any message across - whether in a presentation, speech or sales pitch, in an interview or discussion - or any given situation  - learn how to find the strongest message to say, phrase it effectively, present it persuasively and mitigate objections and misunderstandings."
Price: 799.99

"Perfectionism/Performance-Faces of the same coin"
"What you will learn:-the importance of  a positive mindset-how to face fears-how to have vision and set clear intentions for who you want to be each day-how to motivate you-how to become more productive-how to start the day with energy-how to beat procrastination-what is the best way to communicate efficiently"
Price: 39.99

Price: 19.99

"Modeling a Matchstick and burning it down in Cinema 4D"
"Hi, my name is Christian. Welcome to the Course!I am a motion designer and 3D generalist with over 9 years experience in the industry. I have only recently started to create online courses.Requirements:- Cinema 4D R20 (or higher)- Octane RenderIn this course I will show you how to easily create a match using VDB Modeling. Then we will transform it into a burnt match with the help of vertex maps, deformer and fields. We will also create and integrate some Octane materials.We will take care of the following material contents:-Creating the Matschstick Model with VDB Modelling-Setting up the Camera and lights- Creating Our Materials and Combinie them With A Vertex Map-Creating The Transition using a Vertex Map, Fields and Deformer- TurbulenceFD Tip/Show off/ BreakdownBackground Music i used:Immortal Beats - Oh Wee"
Price: 39.99

"Group Choreography Crowd Animation In Cinema 4D"
"Hi, my Name is Christian. Welcome to the Course!I am a Motion Designer and 3D Genralist with over 9 Years Experience in the Industry. Since recently I also create video tutorials to share my knowledge.Requirements:- Cinema 4D (R20) (or higher)- After Effects- Octane Render (optional)In this course I'll show you how you can increase an animation thousands of times, with the help of a clone object. And control it with the help of fields, to create a huge group choreography in the form of a countdown.After finishing the course you will have the skills to deal with this mass of clones and at the same time maintain a good performance in Cinema 4D. You will also be able to create any group choreography afterwards.We will take care of the following topics:- Creating our Animation with Mixamo and reduce poly-Quick Explenation on the Clone Modes- Conversion of our animation and why need to do it-Creating our Cloner Setup- Creating our 2D Animation in After Effects- Adding our 2D Animation to our Cloner Setup.- Octane show off / BreakdownBackground Music i used:Immortal Beats - Oh Wee"
Price: 29.99

"How to create a Product Box in AE and Element 3D using C4D"
"Hi, my Name is Christian. Welcome to the Course!On this class i will show you the workflow between cinema 4d and after effects to create a product box by using the plugin element 3D.After finishing this tutorial series you will have a product box template available with which you can quickly and smartly customize or exchange your artwork.Beside the better understanding for the settings in Element 3D,you will also have a better understanding of the workflow for preparing 3d models from cinema 4d for element 3d.What you are going to need:- Cinema 4D- After Effects- Element 3D (AE Plugin)- Photoshop- Materialize (Free Programm, see the Info down below)We will take care of the following topics:- Basic modeling technique- Creating a UV map based on our model- Creating layer and masks inside Cinema4d for later use in Photoshop and After effects- Import the model to AE and setting up element 3D- How to use our created UV map inside AE to texture the box.- How to Animate the Box using a Null Object- Setting up Anti Alaising, Ambient Occlusion and Motion Blur - Creating a Normal Map for more Details for the Cover ArtworkWho is this course suitable for?This course is suitable for anyone who wants to broaden their understanding for Cinema4D, AfterEffects and Photoshop in combination with Element3D.Materialize:Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert links in the description.If you search for ""Bounding Box Materialize"" in your favorite search engine, you will find the program.Background Music i used:Immortal Beats - Oh Wee"
Price: 29.99

"Excel Macros - a friendly and effective quickstart in VBA"
"Over the past nine years, Ive discovered just how POWERFUL Excel Macros can be. As my Excel VBA knowledge grew, I started to get better tasks and projects from my management, resulting in high visibility to senior stakeholders, job level promotion and upgraded personal brand at work. My income grew as well very soon: 3 months after I first started to use Excel VBA to automate my work, I was awarded my very first significant bonus in my career.The hours I was able to save by replacing manual Excel work with automated Excel Macros made me feel more energized and I could enjoy my free time more than ever.So in this course Im going to share my exact learning strategy with you, by giving you the MOST critical ingredient: a simple formula to learn Excel Macros for beginners from scratch in 7 steps.Get started with recorded macrosLearn how to edit recorded macrosCreate your own VBA code from scratchLearn about the 3 fundamental concepts in Excel VBA: variables, objects and methods & propertiesPut the LOOP structures to workTake decisions with IF statementsCreate interactive Excel Macros with MsgBox and InputBoxThis is the simplest path to learn Excel Macros from zero, for beginners, and trust me, it works.Listen to what others say about the courseI took this course not only because of how useful it was for me at work but also to improve my over all Excel skills and all I can say is - BRILLIANT! The course pace was just right, everything well explained and perfectly structured. I really appreciate the real world cases and the practical approach Mr. Ilicea provided. The Training Materials were a great addition and well prepared which were a great help in the learning by doing process. Looking forward for your next course. Cheers!!-- FlorianEnjoyed the style! This class is very well constructed with quizzes, real world cases and practical homework. I was able to reduce manual work for me and my colleagues by creating my own macros from scratch. Highly recommended!-- NadiaStart to see value from the first minute of the trainingThis course is only about relevant, powerful and effective tools that Excel Professionals use on a regular basis in Excel to work faster and boost productivity while meeting the data quality requirements. I concentrated 10 years of daily work in Excel and more than 1 year of course preparation to select for you the most effective Excel Macros, VBA code, real-world cases and exercises. As a result, right after the first video demo, you will be already in the position of using this knowledge in your daily work and it will already start to save you time. This is an effective start to learn Excel macros for beginners.By the end of this course, you will be confidently recording, editing and especially creating from scratch basic and effective Excel macros. If you are like me, you will love your increased productivity and amazing data quality results obtained with the VBA code. As a result, you will become much more competitive at work. Learn By DoingThe course is hugely interactive with real-world cases, Excel exercises & actionable homework built into every section.Follow the steps on screen, practice to learn fast, create your own Macros and Excel VBA code and get immediate results at work.Concise, straight-to-the-point courseYou see, the majority of the VBA classes out there are ranging from 7 to 22 hours long - not everybody has the time or the technical skills to follow along. This is why this VBA course for beginners is so unique: it's time to get practical and see results after the first lesson. All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are very time effective.You'll Also Get: Downloadable Excel macro and regular workbooks - the macros in the VB Editor will always be there for you as a guide, but you will have macro-free files to practice as well Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable time, increased complexity and frustration.There are 750 million users of Microsoft Excel today and more than 4 million are improving their Excel skills only on Udemy. Be a top Excel user by learning the most valuable Excel skill: Excel Macros and Excel VBA.This VBA course comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""Take this course"" button to start working faster with Excel today!See you there!-Valentin (Founder of VeryFastExcel)"
Price: 99.99

"Master keyboard shortcuts - Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint"
"Discover just how POWERFUL Keyboard Shortcuts can be.Imagine that you are walking straight into a room full of important people - recruiters, your entire team, your department leaders. You feel confident about your presentation, your expertise. And you have as well an ace up your sleeve: the mastery of keyboard shortcuts.With a couple of shortcut keys and not even touching your mouse, you flawlessly use the Ms Office apps to navigate, analyze, and present your data, which feels like magic to your audience. Now you have won them over: your colleagues, management, recruiters. This course teaches you exactly how to be a Master of Keyboard Shortcuts in a four-stage high-level process:do everything faster using fundamental to advanced keyboard shortcut keysmaster the mouse-free navigationdiscover and use keyboard shortcuts for actions that don't even appear in the ribboncreate your brand-new shortcuts.This is the most straightforward path to learn and master the Ms Office keyboard shortcuts from any level to advanced, and bottom line, it works.Learn 5 new skills in one class with this 5-in-1 course approach:  Excel keyboard shortcutsExcel mouse-free navigationOutlook keyboard shortcutsWord keyboard shortcutsPowerPoint keyboard shortcutsStart to see value from the first minute of the trainingThis course is only about relevant, powerful, and effective tools that Microsoft Office Professionals regularly use to work faster and boost productivity while meeting the data quality requirements. I concentrated ten years of daily work in Ms Office and more than one year of course preparation to select for you the most effective Ms Office shortcuts keys, with clear examples, and exercises. As a result, right after the first video, you will be already in the position of using this knowledge in your daily work. This is a productive start to learning keyboard shortcut keys.By the end of this course, you will be confidently using various shortcuts, mouse-free navigation, and creating effective shortcuts in Excel. Learn By DoingThe course is hugely interactive, with examples and exercises built into every lesson.Follow the steps on screen, practice to learn fast, and get immediate results at work.I designed the course to be hands-on and engaging. Using the working files included in the course materials, youll be able to follow along, practice each concept, and receive a trusted certificate of completion when you complete the course.We will cover 100+ shortcuts. Here are some examples of what you will learn: Keyboard Shortcuts using the CTRL key - navigate thousands of rows or characters in a millisecondShortcuts using the SHIFT key - select data in one actionShortcuts using the ALT key - navigate Ms Office faster and without a mouseKeyboard shortcuts using the Function (F1, F2....) keysFundamental and advanced navigation shortcutsEssential and advanced shortcuts for data selection, data formatting, and editingExcel shortcuts to rapidly write, edit and manipulate formulasPage Up and Page Down keyboard shortcutsExcel shortcuts for filterExcel shortcut for SUMExcel shortcut for inserting and editing a new sheetExcel keyboard shortcuts to insert row, column, sheet, table, chart, pivotAdvanced Excel shortcuts - fill in the selection with data or formulas in one move, strikethrough text, enter the current date in one action and so onMore Useful Excel shortcut keys: number formatting in one keystroke, shortcuts to find, replace, go-to special, insert a hyperlink, repeat the last action and so onExcel shortcuts to paste specialOutlook shortcuts to send emailsOutlook shortcuts to search for a contact in an email sequenceOutlook keyboard shortcut to validate the contact email addressOutlook keyboard shortcut to read emails mouse-freeOutlook shortcut to create meetings, appointments and so onWord keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate, select and edit data in a Word documentWord keyboard shortcuts to delete full words in one actionPowerpoint shortcuts to insert new slides, duplicate slides and edit your presentationMany othersYou'll Also Get: Downloadable practice files, containing all course examples, but as exercises and a user-friendly, printable version of the shortcuts Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable time, increased complexity, and frustration.There are 750 million users only of Microsoft Excel today, and more than 4 million are improving their Excel skills only on Udemy. Be a top user by learning a valuable Excel skill: keyboard shortcuts and add up the shortcuts to three more apps to your portfolio. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""Take this course"" button to start working faster and create a great impression at work by using keyboard shortcuts for Excel, Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint today!See you there!-Valentin (Founder of VeryFastExcel)"
Price: 99.99

"5 Amazon Web Services ,"
"IT Vue, Express, Golang, Pandas , . - Amazon Web Services (AWS) , :Amazon EC2Amazon RDSAmazon CloudFormationAmazon IAMAmazon S3 , - AWS. .   AWS - Python (Flask) . ,  , , ."
Price: 34.99

"Starting your Career in Business Applications"
"If your looking to get started in Business Applications or your interesting in switching your current career to Business Applications, then this course is for you. Learn what Business Applications are, the types of roles within this area, and how to use a combined approach to get started. This course empowers students to gain foundational knowledge in the topic area whilst creating their own, personalised career plan throughout each of the lectures. Business Applications are the foundation of the future for organisations delivering applications to modern society. If you want to be a part of this, get started in Business Applications now!"
Price: 19.99

"Measures of Central Tendency or averages in Statistics"
"This course contains the whole basic concepts of averages.students will learn about central tendency ,about the measures of central tendency.students will have the concept of deciles , quantiles and how to construct box plot and whisker.students will also learn the application of averages.this course also contains the practice questions which will increase their understanding related to problems."
Price: 29.99

"Fundamentals of derivatives"
"In the beginning of this course students will learn about Concepts of Differentiation.Techniques of Differentiation.     Product rule.     Chain rule.     Power rule.     Quotient rule.     Derivative sum rule.     Derivative constant multiple rule.Differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions .Differentiation of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric function. Application of derivatives.First Derivative Test.Mean Value Theorem.L-hopital rule.After learning this course students will have sound concepts of differentiation."
Price: 29.99

"Curso Arquitetura Completa em Revit 2020"
"Aprenda a projetar em Revit totalmente do zero mesmo no sabendo nada!Nesse Curso voc aprender a fazer um projeto Arquitetnico completodesde sua modelagem 3D at o projeto executivo de aprovao em prefeituraIndo desde o modulo basico de como baixar o Revit at as configuraes para ter seu prprio Template.Mesmo sendo um total iniciante em Revit, voc poder aprender."
Price: 159.99

"Getting started with the IES-VE"
"This course is a beginner to advance level teaching how to use IES-VE software in a simplifies step by step instructions, thus no requirement for any techniques to be taken previously.Targeting sectors for this course is : architects, engineers, urban planners, interior designers,  energy and green building consultants to design and evaluate sustainability, building performance and energy-efficient buildings.****************************************************************************************Dr. Maryam QaysPhD in Architecture Engineering + Master in Civil Eng. + 5 Years & Expert in IES-VE"
Price: 99.99

"Empieza YA con COREL DRAW 2019 !! Curso inicial prctico."
"En este curso dinmico y prctico vers que sencillo es empezar a manejar las herramientas ms tiles de COREL para generar contenido divertido y de calidad.Repasaremos conceptos bsicos y aprenderemos las herramientas que mejor partido le sacan a la parte grfica para generar contenido.Corel es un software extremadamente potente, con esta base de conocimiento ya vas a poder empezar a utilizarlo y de a poco ir aprendiendo las herramientas ms complejas que ayudan a terminar trabajos profesionales.Si ests buscando aprender rpido y fcil, con ejemplos prcticos, un software de edicin grfico para generar contenido este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Selenium Test Framework con Python De novato a experto!"
"El objetivo del curso es que puedas: Configurar de 0 un Framework de automatizacin de pruebas de aplicaciones web con Selenium Webdriver y Python.Escribir casos de pruebas con cdigo de fcil mantenimiento y reutilizable. Seguimiento de casos de pruebas automatizadosMantenimiento del Framework de Automatizacin Al iniciar este curso estars ms cerca de convertirte en un QA Engineer.Con este curso aprenders a hacer automatizacin de pruebas para aplicaciones utilizando principalmente Python, Selenium entre otras libreras y herramientas. Abarcaremos extensamente cada uno de los tpicos mostrados a continuacin.Al finalizar el curso sers un experto y duplicaras tu sueldo actual como tester.Qu es lo hace a este curso uno de los mejores de Udemy: Nosotros asumimos que no tienes ninguna o poca experiencia en automatizacin de pruebas / Desarrollo / configuracin de entornos entonces abordamos estos tpicos desde un nivel que cualquiera pueda entender.Testeamos aplicaciones reales en tiempo real para entender cmo cada componente puede ser necesitas experiencia previa.Te explicamos todo en ms de 20 horas de video, prcticas y abordamos temas que te ayudarn a ampliar tu base de conocimientos. - Automatizacin de Pruebas.Cundo Automatizar?Alcance VentajasCiclo de Vida de las pruebas automatizadas.Demostracin.- Entendiendo Python.Introduccin a PythonConfiguracin de Entornos Python en Windows.Instalacin de libreras.Pytest- Entendiendo  Selenium.Cmo funciona Selenium?Funciones de Selenium.Selenium WebDriver.Entendiendo el DOM de una Aplicacin web.Tipos de identificadores.XpathsHerramientas Record & Play. (Selenium IDE Katalon Studio)- Navegadores.Plugins.Configuracin de navegadores. IE, Chrome, Mozilla.- Ejecucin de Primera Prueba SeleniumConfiguracin del WebDriver y Actualizacin de WebDriver.Estructura de una prueba Selenium Python en su versin nativa.- Page Objects Models (POM)Esqueleto de Framework POM.Test dirigido por los datos (TDD)Modelando funciones Selenium.Reutilizacin de Cdigo.Scripting de Test Automatizados.LocalizadoresCapturas de Pantalla.Consumiendo datos Excel y Json.Waits: Implcitos y ExplcitosActionChainsSelenium By.Selenium Keys.Ejecutar Acciones con JavaScript.- Allure Framework. (Reportes y Auto documentacin.)Documentacin de casos de prueba con Allure Framework.Configuracin de Libreras.Capturas de pantalla para reportes.Configuracin en entornos Windows.Ejecucin de Matrices de Casos de Prueba.- Anlisis de reportes.Analizar resultados de casos de prueba.Estimacin de Casos de prueba.- Cucumber.Test Basado en Comportamiento. (BDD)Esqueleto de Framework BDDCucumber Gherkin sintaxis.Ejecucin de Matrices de Casos de Prueba.- Jenkins.Instalacin en entornos Windows.Plugins Jenkins.Pipelines Jenkins. Programar ejecucin peridica. Visualizacin de reportes allure. Discusin. - (a lo largo del curso)Cambio de cultura hacia las pruebas continuas.Estimar casos de pruebas automatizados.Estrategias de Equipo para la Automatizacin de Pruebas.Anlisis e Implementacin. Cmo empezar?- Para quin es este curso?Para testers en generalDevelopersInvolucrados en el proceso de desarrollo de software en general.Interesados en aprender tareas de automatizacin de pruebas para aplicaciones web."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Examenes de Prueba"
"AWS Certified Cloud PractitionerEl examen de AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner es para cualquier persona que quiera aprender y comprender las principales ofertas de Amazon AWS Cloud. Nuestro material esta basado en el examen oficial y podemos garantizar (por lo menos) 75% de aciertos en el examen real, por lo que estudiando esta gua usted podr aprobar el examen oficial sin ningn problema. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner est destinado a personas que no tienen conocimientos previos sobre Amazon AWS y que desean avanzar en su carrera demostrando efectivamente una comprensin general de la nube de AWS, sus servicios y cmo puede ayudar a ofrecer soluciones de TI rentables que cumplan con las demandas de la empresa. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner est diseado para el personal de TI sin experiencia en la nube, as como para personal de otros sectores verticales como ventas, marketing, finanzas y leyes que deben comprender los beneficios principales que ofrece la computacin en la nube y especficamente Amazon AWS.Al aprobar el examen AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, podr demostrar una comprensin detallada de los conceptos de la nube, los servicios de AWS, la seguridad, la arquitectura, los precios y el soporte.El examen AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner valida su capacidad para:Definir qu es AWS Cloud y la infraestructura bsicaDescribir los principios arquitectnicos bsicos de AWS Cloud.Describir la propuesta de valor de AWS Cloud.Describa los servicios clave en la plataforma AWS y sus casos de uso comunesDescribir aspectos bsicos de seguridad y cumplimiento de la plataforma AWS y el modelo de seguridad compartida.Definir los modelos de facturacin, administracin de cuentas y precios.Identificar fuentes de documentacin o asistencia tcnica (por ejemplo, documentos tcnicos o tickets de soporte)Describir las caractersticas bsicas de la implementacin y operacin en la nube de AWS.Detalles de estos exmenes:Este simulador de prctica contiene 4 exmenes de 60 preguntas cada uno. Tiene 130 minutos para completar cada examen y puede volver a tomarlos tantas veces como desee. El examen oficial de AWS actualmente no se encuentra en Espaol, por lo tanto las preguntas estn definidas en ingls. El formato de las preguntas es el siguiente:  Preguntas de opcin mltiple  Preguntas de respuestas mltiples  Verdadero Falso  Si no"
Price: 345.00

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 Exams"
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - AssociateEstas pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate estn diseadas segn el ltimo formato del examen oficial y se actualizan regularmente. Nuestros examenes de prueba AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate aseguran por lo menos 75% de aciertos en el examen real.AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) se encuentra constantemente entre las certificaciones de TI que ms pagan, teniendo en cuenta que Amazon Web Services (AWS) es la plataforma de servicios en la nube lder en el mundo con casi el 50% de cuota de mercado. Este curso de examenes de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate es para cualquier persona que est buscando un material de estudio que proporcione lo siguiente:Ms de 300 preguntas reales: Tiene 6 conjuntos de pruebas de prctica de AWS con 60 preguntas NICAS y un lmite de tiempo de 130 minutos para cada conjunto (Al igual que el examen de certificacion real, el numero de preguntas pruede variar).SIMULA EL ENTORNO DE EXAMEN ACTUAL: Imita el actual y ltimo examen de certificacin de AWS Solutions Architect Associate para ayudarlo a aprobar e incluso obtener el examen de AWS.ACTUALIZADO 4 a 8 VECES AL MES: Contamos con un equipo dedicado que actualiza nuestro banco de preguntas de manera regular, en base a los comentarios de miles de nuestros estudiantes sobre lo que apareci en el examen real.Estos exmenes de prctica de AWS Solutions Architect estn diseados para centrarse en los temas importantes del examen (como EC2, EBS, S3 y muchos otros), por lo tanto, los temas antes mencionados tienen ms preguntas que las otras reas de conocimiento de AWS. El nmero de preguntas sobre cada tema se selecciona cuidadosamente en funcin de los 5 dominios del examen de certificacin de AWS real. Algunas personas estn usando descargas cerebrales para el examen de certificacin de AWS Certified Solutions Architect, lo cual es totalmente absurdo y poco profesional porque estos volcados no solo le impedirn obtener un conocimiento profundo de AWS, sino que tambin pueden resultar en que falle el examen de certificacin AWS real ya que Amazon actualiza regularmente la cobertura del examen.Tenga en cuenta tambin que estas pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect no son volcados del cerebro y dado que Amazon baraja el contenido del examen real de un banco de preguntas con cientos a miles de preguntas, es casi imposible hacer coincidir lo que puede ver aqu con las pruebas reales. Una vez ms, la clave para aprobar el examen es una buena comprensin de los servicios de AWS y esto es lo que deben hacer nuestras pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.Detalles de los exmenes:Este simulador de prctica contiene 5 exmenes de 64 preguntas cada uno, los cuales deberan ser respondidos en 130 minutos, estos pueden tomarse tantas veces lo desee. El examen oficial de AWS SAA-C01 actualmente no se encuentra en Espaol, por lo tanto las preguntas en estos examenes tambin estn definidas en ingls. El formato de las preguntas es el siguiente:  Preguntas de opcin mltiple  Preguntas de respuestas mltiples  Verdadero Falso  Si no"
Price: 345.00