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"10 tapes pour dfinir vos objectifs et les raliser"
"Cours complet sur la dfinition des objectifs et la russiteDans cette formation, vous trouverez plus de 50 vidos et 3 heures de contenu. Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans le domaine de la psychologie de la russite, la productivit, la gestion du temps et latteinte des objectifs.Des fichiers PDF sont rajouts pour faciliter les exercices. Apprenez les facteurs cls de votre russite et de votre dveloppement personnel.Voici quelques tmoignages venant de mes clients en coaching : Tes vidos apportent dj beaucoup de changements dans ma vie journalire car j'ai pass d'tudiant moyen tudiant motiv et mes profs comme mes amis me font dj la remarque. Merci beaucoup Jamal . Ernest Laisse-moi te dire que, grce tes conseils, tes motivations et la lecture de tes livres, ma vie a chang. Jtais enseignant de franais dans un tablissement peu rput et sans avenir, je suis aujourd'hui dans un lyce reconnu et avec de responsabilits. Mon salaire a augment de 40% et je me sens plus confiant et dtermin . Didier_________________________________________ Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la dfinition et latteinte de vos objectifs? Si vous voulez clarifiez votre vision ? Si vous voulez dfinir des objectifs en ligne avec vos valeurs ? Si vous voulez clarifiez vos points forts, vos qualits et vos valeurs ? Si vous voulez avoir un plan dtaill de 10 tapes qui vous guident de la dfinition de vos objectifs jusqu leur ralisation ? Cette formation est pour vous.Vous ne pouvez pas atteindre une cible que vous ne voyez pas. La plupart des gens nont pas un problme de motivation ou dambition, mais simplement ils ne savent pas ce quils veulent faire dans leur vie. Ils ne sont pas clairs sur leurs objectifs.Aujourdhui la russite est une science. Certaines personnes ont tudi le succs pendant plusieurs dcennies et nous ont livr leurs secrets. Et cest exactement ce que je partage avec vous dans cette formation. Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans laccomplissement de vos objectifs aussi ambitieux soient-ils. Avec des objectifs clairs et des stratgies pour les atteindre, vous serez inarrtable. Vous naurez plus besoin de vous motiver pour passer laction. Vous naurez plus peur doser plus de choses. Les personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie font des choses au quotidien qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats. Que ce soit pour vos finances, votre carrire, vos relations ou votre sant. Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous faites tous les exercices que je partage. Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel. Dfinissez des objectifs clairs et ambitieuxApprenez des stratgies pour raliser vos objectifsDfinissez des objectifs dans tous les domaines de votre vieDveloppez une solide confiance en vousDveloppez un tat desprit positifMettez en place des rituels pour tre plus efficaceApprenez des techniques pour grer votre temps et tre plus productifEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationClarifiez vos qualits, vos points forts et vos valeursDfinissez un plan pour gagner plus dargent, amliorer vos relations et votre santCommencez croire en vous-mmeEliminez le stress et la peurApprenez passer laction malgr la peurApprenez ltat desprit des personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie Je suis heureux de vous compter parmi les participants cette formation."
Price: 99.99

"Doublez votre productivit: gestion du temps & concentration"
"Cours complet sur la productivit et la gestion du tempsCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour doubler votre productivit et mieux grer votre temps. Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans le domaine de la productivit, la gestion du temps, la dfinition des objectifs, la russite personnelle et les habitudes des personnes qui russissent.Voici quelques tmoignages venant de mes clients en coaching : Tes vidos apportent beaucoup de changements dans ma vie quotidienne, car je suis pass d'tudiant moyen tudiant motiv et mes profs comme mes amis me le font dj remarquer . Merci beaucoup Jamal . Ernest Laisse-moi te dire que, grce tes conseils, tes motivations et la lecture de tes livres, ma vie a chang. Jtais enseignant de franais dans un tablissement peu rput et sans avenir, je suis aujourd'hui dans un lyce reconnu et avec de responsabilits. Mon salaire a augment de 40% et je me sens plus confiant et dtermin . Didier_________________________________________ Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la productivit et la gestion du temps? Si vous voulez gagner en productivit ? Si vous avez plein de choses faire mais vous manquez toujours de temps pour les raliser ? Si vous ntes pas clair sur ce qui vous bloque aujourdhui en termes de productivit ?Si vous pensez avoir un grand potentiel mais vous narrivez pas vous motiver pour passer laction ?Si vous cherchez des stratgies et techniques efficaces pour booster votre productivit, raliser plus de choses et avoir plus de temps libre ? Cette formation est pour vous.Malheureusement la plupart des gens travaillent beaucoup mais naccomplissent que trs peu.Aujourdhui plus que jamais, les choses changent une vitesse incroyable. Il y a tellement dinformations retenir, tellement dopportunits saisir, quon a limpression de ne plus savoir o donner de la tte. Beaucoup de personnes dispersent leur nergie, manquent de concentration et finissent en burnout.Si vous aussi, vous vous demandez, comment se fait-il que certaines personnes arrivent accomplir en un mois ce que dautres accomplissent en un an ? Quelle est la diffrence entre les personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie et la majorit de gens ?Cette formation vous apportera des rponses toutes ces questions.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans laccomplissement de vos objectifs aussi ambitieux soient-ils. Avec des objectifs clairs et des stratgies pour les atteindre, vous serez inarrtable. Vous naurez plus besoin de vous motiver pour passer laction. Vous naurez plus peur doser plus de choses. Les personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie font des choses au quotidien qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats. Que ce soit pour vos finances, votre carrire, vos relations ou votre sant. Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous mettez en place toutes les stratgies.Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel. Comprendre les fondamentaux de la productivit et ltat desprit adopterApprendre dfinir des objectifs clairs et ambitieuxComprendre les causes de la procrastination et comment vous en dbarrasserApprendre des stratgies pour grer votre temps afin de raliser vos objectifsDfinissez des objectifs dans tous les domaines de votre vieDcouvrez la meilleure faon pour vous concentrer sur les choses essentiellesComment tre plus productif tout en librant du temps pour votre famille, votre sant et vos loisirsComment mettre en place des rituels pour tre plus efficaceAccomplir plus de choses et avec moins de stress et de frustrationComment surmonter ses peurs et passer laction Adopter ltat desprit des personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vieMaintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite dans la formation."
Price: 99.99

"Gestion du Stress - Comment Grer Votre Stress Efficacement"
"Cours complet sur la gestion du stress dans le milieu professionnelCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la gestion du stress afin dtre productif, calme et serein. Je partage avec vous des techniques scientifiquement prouves pour mieux grer les situations stressantes dans le milieu professionnel.Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans les domaines de la gestion du stress, la rsilience, la gestion du temps et les habitudes des personnes qui russissent.Voici quelques tmoignages venant de mes clients en coaching: Tes vidos apportent beaucoup de changements dans ma vie quotidienne, car je suis pass d'tudiant moyen tudiant motiv et mes profs comme mes amis me le font dj remarquer . Merci beaucoup Jamal . Ernest Laisse-moi te dire que, grce tes conseils, tes motivations et la lecture de tes livres, ma vie a chang. Jtais enseignant de franais dans un tablissement peu rput et sans avenir, je suis aujourd'hui dans un lyce reconnu et avec de responsabilits. Mon salaire a augment de 40% et je me sens plus confiant et dtermin. Didier_________________________________________ Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la gestion du stress? Aujourdhui plus que jamais, le stress a un impact nfaste sur la sant et sur la productivit dans le milieu professionnel. 80% des consultations mdicales sont lies au stress.Si vous vivez des situations stressantes au quotidien? Si vous tes employ, manager ou entrepreneur et que vous voulez gagner en productivit? Si vous avez du mal garder votre calme en cas de conflits? Ou si vous exprimentez du stress avant de faire une prsentation? Cette formation est pour vous.Aujourdhui avec notre nouveau style de vie, les sollicitations constantes, la pression au travail, les crans, les news 24/7 tout va de plus en plus vite, nous sommes constamment sollicits et malheureusement nous ne savons pas toujours comment ragir face ce nouveau mode de vie.Il y a tellement dinformations retenir, tellement dopportunits saisir, quon a limpression de ne plus savoir o donner de la tte. Beaucoup de personnes dispersent leurs nergies, manquent de concentration et finissent en burnout.Si vous aussi, vous vous demandez, comment se fait-il que certaines personnes arrivent raliser de grandes choses dans leur vie mais ne semblent jamaisperturbes par les vnements stressantsdu quotidien? Quelle est la diffrence entre les personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie et la majorit de gens?Cette formation vous apportera des rponses toutes ces questions.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans la gestion de votre stress et lamlioration de votre productivit.Avec des stratgies scientifiquement prouves pour grer votre stress, vous ne serez plus perturb par les choses qui vous stressent aujourdhui.Les personnes qui ont ralis de grands succs dans leur vie vie ont des habitudes quotidiennes qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats.Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous mettez en place toutes les stratgies.Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel. Apprenez des stratgies efficaces pour vous librer du stress au travailApprenez des stratgies pour rester calme avant de faire une prsentationRalisez plus de choses tout en restant dtenduEvitez le burnout avec ces techniques dorganisationDcouvrez comment relcher les tensions musculairesApprenez des techniques scientifiquement prouves pour rduire votre stressMettez en place des rituels pour tre calme dans toutes les circonstancesApprenez des techniques pour rester concentr et ne travailler que sur lessentielEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationMaintenant, si vous tes prt faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite dans la formation."
Price: 99.99

"Motivation X10 russite, confiance en soi et productivit"
"Cours complet sur la motivation, confiance en soi et productivitCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour booster votre motivation, amliorer votre confiance et atteindre vos objectifs. Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans le domaine de la motivation, productivit, la gestion du temps, la dfinition des objectifs, la russite personnelle et les habitudes des personnes qui russissent.Voici quelques tmoignages venant de participants mes cours: Je suis content de pouvoir couter des personnes comme Jamal. Cest concret, il va l'essentiel, il y a du vritable partage, c'est prcis et surtout on sent qu'il sait de quoi il parle avec une belle prparation en amont. Je ne peux que recommander c'est clairement un investissement faire!l . SalahddineAgrablement surpris par ce cours, j'ai appris plein de choses. Du coup, grosse remise en question qui tombe au meilleur moment dans ma vie. Trs motivant ! NicolasMerci pour le concret, la clart et la synthse! Lyne_________________________________________ Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la productivit et la gestion du temps? Si vous voulez booster votre motivation? Si vous avez plein de choses faire mais vous manquez toujours de temps pour les raliser? Si vous ntes pas clair sur ce qui vous bloque aujourdhui dans latteinte de vos objectifs?Si vous pensez avoir un grand potentiel mais vous narrivez pas vous motiver pour passer laction?Cette formation est pour vous.Malheureusement la plupart des gens nont pas un problme dides mais un problme dexcution. Ils nont la force et lnergie pour se lever tous les matins et partir la ralisation de leurs rves.Aujourdhui plus que jamais, les choses changent une vitesse incroyable. Il y a tellement dinformations retenir, tellement dopportunits saisir, quon a limpression de ne plus savoir o donner de la tte. Beaucoup de personnes dispersent leurs nergies, manquent de concentration et finissent en burnout.Si vous aussi, vous vous demandez, comment se fait-il que certaines personnes arrivent accomplir en un mois ce que dautres accomplissent en un an? Quelle est la diffrence entre les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie et la majorit de gens?Cette formation vous apportera des rponses toutes ces questions.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans laccomplissement de vos objectifs aussi ambitieux soient-ils. Avec des objectifs clairs et des stratgies pour les atteindre, vous serez inarrtable. Vous naurez plus besoin de vous motiver pour passer laction. Vous naurez plus peur doser plus de choses. Les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie font des choses au quotidien qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats. Que ce soit pour vos finances, votre carrire, vos relations ou votre sant. Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous mettez en place toutes les stratgies.Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel. Apprenez des stratgies efficaces pour une motivation durable et les erreurs viterDfinissez des objectifs clairs et ambitieux et ayez des stratgies pour les raliserClarifiez votre vision et dcouvrez votre passion laide de 5 questions puissantesAugmentez votre niveau dnergie pour raliser plus de choses dans votre journeEvitez le burnout avec ces techniques dorganisationDcouvrez comment les personnes qui russissent structurent leurs journesRalisez plus de choses tout en restant dtenduApprenez des techniques scientifiquement prouves pour liminer la peur de lactionMettez en place des rituels pour tre atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidementApprenez des techniques pour rester concentr et ne travailler que sur lessentielApprenez grer votre temps afin de maximiser vos rsultatsEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationMaintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis a tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 99.99

"Facial cupping is anexcellent way to:Improve blood and lymph circulationDeep cleanse the skinImprove your skin tone and textureReduce any fine lines and wrinklesBooste collagen productionImprove skin moisture and hydrationReduce sagging skin (jowls and eyelids anyone?)In this course we show the 16 steps demonstrated on both a model and from a personal point of view, making it super easy to regain thatyouthful glowin thecomfort of your own home.We've also included anaddition 3 steps for targeted treatment areas, making this the ultimate course to learn exactly what facial cupping is all about!"
Price: 49.99

"If you've scrolled through Pinterest it's likely you've seen one or more pins on how to make the perfect scrub. That's all great and well, but why would you want to?Imagine a treatment that could:Deep cleanseSoften and smoothImprove circulation (for that glow, yo!)Improve skin toneImprove the appearance of scars and stretch marksRelaxImprove and reduce the appearance of CELLULITE!!Yup, you read that right! And this is the course that goes step-by-step through what each ingredient in your scrub is good for and how to use that scrub to get amazing results and silky smooth skin.This course is the bomb-diggity of scrub courses and I know you'll agree!"
Price: 49.99

"Find Time to Write Your Novel"
"Have you always dreamed of writing a novel, but don't know where to start? Is lack of time holding you back? I'm a published novelist and a Creative Writing tutor. Join me as I break the novel writing process down into small steps, and show you how to find time to write your book."
Price: 199.99

"Find Time to Write Poetry"
"Have you always wanted to have a go at writing poetry but don't know how to start? You're in the right place. This course takes you from the basics - how to establish a writing habit and get some words down - right through to polishing your poems, trying out poetic forms, and submitting your poems for publication."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Introdutrio de Cerveja Artesanal"
"Entenda a Histria da Cerveja, onde tudo comeou e quais benefcios ela nos trouxe ao longo dos anos.Saiba diferenciar as Famlias de cerveja que voc bebe no dia a dia, (Lager, Ale e Espontneo).Quais so as principais Escolas Cervejeiras, e quais estilos e importncia elas nos trazem, (Alem, Belga, Inglesa e Americana).Entenda sobre as principais Matrias-primas (Agua, Malte, Lpulo, Levedura) para produo de cerveja.Detalhes sobre as Etapas do Processo de fabricao de cerveja caseira (Moagem, Mosturao, Fervura, Resfriamento, Fermentao, Maturao, Carbonatao e Envase).Elaborao de Receitas Personalizadas, ou seja, faa voc mesmo sua receita.Falaremos um pouco sobre as principais Ideias de Negcios Cervejeiros, para voc comear a se planejar para mudar de vida."
Price: 54.99

"INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL: Como lidar com as suas emoes"
"Aprenda como os gatilhos mentais para prestar ateno em suas emoes, sua sade mental,seus pensamentos eseus sentimentosem qualquer situao,usandoa psicologia positiva, alquimia da mente e a neurocincia para reforar suas atitudes, lidandomelhor com sua ansiedade, seus medos, suas crenas limitantes,fobias, seu controle emocionale seu imediatismo em sua vida para reforar suas atitudes,treinandoe criandouma metodologia eficientede emoes durante momentos tensos e negativos e criando um condicionamento vencedor para expressar seus sentimentos e suas emoes."
Price: 294.99

"How to Create a Digital Marketing Plan for My Website"
"Strategic thinking and planning are key elements in any digital marketing plan. Thats why I have designed this course to teach new marketers and entrepreneurs the best practices to create a digital sales funnel that increases potential customers engagement.If you would like to learn how to integrate all digital marketing tactics to generate real results, this course is for you. But, if you are looking for an in-depth course on Instagram, Facebook or any other digital marketing tactic, this course is not for you."
Price: 114.99

"Como Crear un Plan de Marketing Digital Para Tu Sitio Web"
"El pensamiento estratgico y la planificacin son elementos clave en cualquier plan de marketing digital. Es por eso que he diseado este curso para ensearle a los profesionales de marketing y nuevos empresarios las mejores prcticas para crear un embudo de ventas digital que aumente la atraccin de clientes potenciales.Si desea aprender a integrar todas las tcticas de marketing digital para generar resultados reales, este curso es para ti. Pero, si est buscando un curso detallado en Instagram, Facebook o cualquier otra tctica de marketing digital, este curso no es para ti."
Price: 99.99

"Afiliado Digital - (Guia Definitivo Para Vendas Online)"
"Neste curso Afiliado Digital - (Guia Definitivo), eu vou te ensinar a como realizar vendas e receber comisses sendo um Afiliado.Eu vou te fornecer todo o conhecimento para voc comear a fazer as suas primeiras comisses. Vale destacar que para voc colocar em prtica as estratgias que eu abordo neste curso para afiliados, voc no precisar investir nenhumdinheiro com ferramentas, anncios ou ter despesas criando um website.Confira abaixo tudo o que eu vou te ensinar neste curso Afiliado Digital:No Mdulo 01- (A Base das Vendas), eu vou te apresentar asplataformas de comercializao e distribuio de produtos digitaise vou te mostrar tambm, como voc ir se cadastrar nas mais conhecidas plataformas para afiliados.Depois, eu vou te mostrarcomo voc vai identificar o seu nicho de atuao para ento, comear seu trabalho com afiliado.Ainda neste mdulo, eu vou te ensinar acomo escolher os melhores produtos para promover.Nesta parte, se voc seguir as minhas 07 dicas, voc poder lucrar com um produto 100% das vezes.E para finalizar este mdulo, eu preparei um exerccio simples para voc fazer eentender a fundo o seu potencial cliente.J no Modulo 02 - (Dominando o YouTube), o assunto o Youtube, e aqui voc literalmente vai aprender a dominar o YouTube.Na primeira aula deste mdulo, voc vai aprender acomo criar, configurar e validar o seu canal no YouTube. Nesta aula, eu vou te mostrar tambm uma ferramenta online e gratuita para voc criar artes para o seu canal personalizada, assim como as Thumbnail para os vdeos de afiliado que voc vai subir para o YouTube.Lodo depois, na segunda aula eu vou te mostraros quatros tipos de vdeos que voc poder exibir em seu canal. E o ultimo tipo de vdeo, provavelmente voc nunca ouviu falar sobre.Ainda neste mdulo, na terceira aula eu vou te ensinar tudo sobreYoutube SEO - Como otimizar seus vdeos para visualizaes no YouTube e vou te mostrar as melhores prticas para voc seguir para ter maiores chances dos seus vdeos receberem muitas visualizaes no Youtube. E depois que voc aprende-las, vou te mostrar a como vocdeve corretamente subir um vdeo para o YouTube e aproveitar essa plataforma gratuita para gerar vendas como um Afiliado Digital.Bom, no Mdulo 03 - (Dominando o Facebook), eu vou te mostrar uma estratgia gratuita para voc fazer vendas como afiliado utilizando a rede social Facebook. Voc vai aprender a minha estratgia de 4 simples passos para gerar vendas no Facebook sem precisar investir dinheiro com anncios ou investir dinheiro com outra estratgia.Neste mdulo eu tambm vou te mostrar as melhores praticas para seguir e evitar o bloqueio no FaceBook.E o ltimo mdulo o Mdulo 04 - (Dominando o Instagram).Na primeira aula deste mdulo voc vai aprenderos primeiros passos no Instagram, e como voc poder transformar a sua conta pessoal em um Perfil Comercial.Voc vai aprender na segunda aula, tudo sobre Instagram Marketing - As Melhores Prticas que voc dever seguir.Ainda neste mdulo eu vou te ensinar a como crescer seus seguidores no Instagram de forma gratuita. E por fim, eu vou te ensinar como voc poder realizar vendas no Instagram como um afiliado Digital."
Price: 144.99

"Learn Behavioural Design Patterns in Java"
"In this course, we will discuss what are behavioral design patterns. We will get a high level overview of what are these patterns and we will see why it is important to have these patterns. Later on, we will do a deep dive in these patterns and go through all the design patterns which are part of these categories.Chain of responsibilityCommandIteratorMediatorMementoObserverStateStrategyTemplateVisitorWe will discuss all these patterns mentioned above in a great detail, and we will code along and understand what problems they are solving.Let's get started!Links to source code is provided at the bottom of the introduction section."
Price: 19.99

"How to run Digital Marketing Ad Using Google Adwords Express"
"If Google Adwords seems complicated then is course is for you !  We teach you how to market your business online with Google Adwords Express & grow business like a piece of cake!Launch PPC ads campaign & advertise on Search, Display & Mobile Ads for traffic, sales, leads & calls for any businessGet more phone calls. Get more store visits. Direct potential customers to your website with optimized advertisingWe kept it simple & design this 45 Minutes Beginner to Advanced Training with Adwords Express in which you let Google optimize your ad campaigns to achieve your business goal so that you can spend more time with customers & less time managing your advertising efforts.5 Star Reviews By students : 1) This is one of those courses that is very comprehensive, with real-life examples applicable to what the course objectives are. Without a doubt, the instructor is really experienced, very familiar with what he is teaching and is demonstrating the course as is supposed to be done on the platform where it is applicable. ~ Zakariyya Spain2) It was very helpful for me. ~ Md Hafizur Rahman3) Learning About Digital Marketing With Google Adwords Express-SEO 2018, and how to make your local business Global. This Course About how to create PPC ads and how to promote your business through google adwards adds. In which a good thing is practice make perfect.  ~ Mirza Muhammad Ahtsham  4) This is so much easy compared to Adword, everything is so simply explained, i already ran my 1st ad while following these steps. I had no idea about this kind of SEO. This is amazing & i am so happy to enroll here. Best decision i made today: Best of luck to you.  ~ Faizan Ahmed What you will learn;You will learn effective strategies that work in Digital marketing like a Pro! (No Experience Needed)How to use basic SEO to get your business found without failing.Creating Successful Ads & structuring an ad campaign that captures high-quality leads for your business or website.Having high-quality advert and ultimately give your business a competitive advantage over other advertisers.Understand advertising fundamentals & launch your first campaignHow to research awesome Keywords to advertise & bring sales to your business.Creating, managing and copy-writing optimized Ad campaigns in Adwords Express is easy to deliver better results.Become A Pro !By the end of this course, you will be able to run a marketing campaign in just 7 minutes to get sales, leads, traffic, calls & visit to your business! I will talk you through the most important aspects of advertising with a simple but effective step approach. As you follow the instructions, you will learn something new in every section of the course.Enroll Now and start advertising!Take this course if : If you  want to launch a career in Digital marketing &  earn good moneyIf you want to do their own marketingStay connected to learn Social Media, Digital Marketing & Video Marketing!"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Course For Beginners 2020"
"Facebook Advertising & Strategies to Run Facebook Boost Post, Page Likes, Get comments, Messages & traffic to website or generate leads like a pro in just 1 course.  You will learn from beginner level to advance! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager settings. (Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, create custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook are truly amazing and will instantly help advance your presence online!Topics include : Boost PostFacebook Ads ManagerPage Likes Page engagements Traffic to website Lead GenerationBrand AwarenessVideo Ads And many more sections with through information to understand and use in Social Media Marketing.Take This Course if you want to master facebook advertising.  You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads by testing our our strategies. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing!"
Price: 194.99

"10 algoritmos bsicos y el mtodo para hacerlos"
"El curso ""10 algoritmos bsicos y el mtodo para hacerlos"", est orientado a los programadores noveles y autodidactas interesados en profundizar en el diseo de algoritmos y su transformacin de forma simple en cdigo de programacin. El curso te motiva a construir un repositorio personal de algoritmos empleando un mtodo general de algoritmizacin, los cuales, por su importancia, sern reutilizados o adaptados para resolver problemas informticos en el futuro, en tu desarrollo como programador. Hoy en da, muchos programadores se demoran en obtener las soluciones informticas porque no mantienen buenas prcticas en el diseo de algoritmos o no le dan la importancia necesaria a esta etapa de construccin de software o aplicaciones informticas. Con este curso podrs, obtener tus algoritmos independientemente del lenguaje de programacin que utilizars luego, esto te permitir poder ajustarlo o modificarlo ms adelante, si cambias de lenguaje de programacin o necesitas adaptarlo a una nueva solucin.Disear algoritmos independientes de los lenguajes de programacin, fortalece tu pensamiento lgico y te obliga a profundizar en el campo de las matemticas, evitando que los lenguajes de programacin sean camisas de fuerza. Y te permitir dimensionar los algoritmos en dependencia de tus intereses, y decidir que herramientas emplear para resolver el problema en cuestin."
Price: 34.99

"Del Algoritmo al Cdigo: Mapas Digitales I."
"La llegada de los ordenadores ha trado consigo el desarrollo acelerado de muchas reas de la vida cotidiana, la Cartografa Digital ha gozado de un lugar privilegiado desde el principio, a tal punto que en la actualidad es posible encontrar numerosas aplicaciones destinadas a satisfacer las necesidades tanto de usuarios como de empresas en este sentido. Antes, desplegabas un mapa y trazabas la ruta a seguir, por estos das tomas tu telfono, enciendes el GPS y Google Maps u otra aplicacin similar te lleva a donde sea, por la ruta ms recomendable, o al menos esa es la idea. Lo cierto es que este tipo de mapas se ha convertido en una herramienta invaluable para muchos. Nuestra intencin con este tema es que usted aprenda qu hay dentro de esos programas y aplicaciones; de modo que hemos decidido dividirlo en varios niveles con la intencin de desarrollar, de la manera ms sencilla posible, los algoritmos bsicos para crear herramientas de este tipo, conocidas como Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (SIG o GIS en ingls). Este curso va a ser el primer nivel, de la serie de cursos que les vamos a presentar sobre la construccin de SIG o GIS.Para llevar a cabo la parte prctica emplearemos como lenguaje de programacin el Pascal; utilizaremos los IDE Delphi Embarcadero y Lazarus The professional Free Pascal RAD IDE, potentes herramientas para el desarrollo multiplataforma de aplicaciones, desde nuestro punto de vista muy particular, consideramos que la sencillez y claridad del cdigo pascal lo hace perfecto para las demostraciones desde el punto de vista metodolgico, que luego usted podr llevar a cualquier lenguaje de programacin. Este es el motivo por lo que hacemos una descripcin detallada de los algoritmos, para que pueda emplearlos en el lenguaje de programacin que ms guste.En este primer nivel, ensearemos los algoritmos bsicos para representar el relieve de la manera ms fcil posible, para ello usaremos Modelos Digitales de Elevaciones (MDE DEM en ingls) en formato raster. Dichos modelos se encuentran disponibles en un sin nmero de formatos dependiendo del SIG o proveedor, para este curso emplearemos solo los archivos de la Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) de la NASA, que se encuentran disponibles de manera gratuita. Esperamos que este curso sea de utilidad, y brinde un granito de arena en el dominio de este tema y de la representacin de la informacin desde le punto de vista computacional a los programadores y especialistas."
Price: 29.99

"Blogging For Beginners: How to Start a Profitable Blog"
"Looking howtostartaBlogbut you dont have any idea where to start?Thats great! Not only is blogging a great pastime, but with a blog, you can express yourself in a unique way, help others with problems youve overcome, write irresistible articles andestablish yourself as an expert, and even make money.From years of coaching and helping people with their blogs, Ive found that many people follow blogging courses but make mistakes when starting a blog, sometimes resulting in them abandoning the project altogether. I dont want that to happen.I've seen many blogging courses and make money online programs which just leave me with more questions then answers. Courses which don't tell you what to do, they just give you endless information which you have absolutely no idea how to apply and how it will work with you. They make you figure the rest out by yourself.If youre new to blogging, you don't need to know anything. I'll hold you by the hand and show you how to do everything step by step you need to set up a 6-figures blog. Ive put this course together for you, to walk you through the process to setup your blog in easy steps, soI canhelp youtoget started off on the right footandavoid mistakes.Guess what, when I started were clueless. When I created myblog a few years ago, i had no idea how to start a blog. how to design a blog,how to drive traffic orhow to be an authorityblogger. Heck, icould hardly spell HTML, let alone build a blog.On most days you struggle to come up with blog post ideas and havent planned in advance what your content is going to be about.You're always looking tofilla publishing queue.But good news: its easier than you think.Imagine for a minute how your blog and business would change if youNEVER run out of blog post ideasYou knowexactlywhat to create,when and what results itll drive.Your offers (paid and free) becomeSEDUCTIVE magnets of YES!that readers cannot resist.Every single piece of content has a purpose in growing your blog and business,sells your products and servicesfor you andbuilds your online presenceThats the power of a content strategy and the promise behind this course.Do you want to learn how to start a blog the right way?Then pay attention:Becausesince launching my blog I have made over $80k and not only that, butI have helped thousands ofpeoplejust like youachieve their blogging businessdreams.And now I am going to show youhow to start blogging in 20 minutes,you can learn from our pain and suffering to circumvent much of the tedium involved in setting up a blog,great for beginners and for new internet entrepreneurs on a budget!.Stop comparing your blog to those around you and instead pick a topic, build a website, rank your pages, then make money by promoting products and services from other companieslearning to leverage your own unique assets. Here is what you will learn:How to choose a profitable niche for your blogChoose the right blogging platformDiscover the secrets to creating amazing, compelling blog content that brings readers back again and againLearn how to grow your blog,increase your blog traffic and build solid platformDramatically boost your revenue through diversified income streamsImprove your productivity, learning to work smarter not harder, and take concrete steps to transform your blog into a business.Why this blog course is different from other blogging courses? If you've tried to make money bloggingbefore and got tired of get-rich-quick schemes or digital products that didn't deliver the ""done for you"" system they promised, you'll find the simplicity and straightforwardness of Blog marketingrefreshing.This courseoffers astep-by-step instructions easy to follow, solid advice and practical action plans for creating an authentic, successful, and profitable blog.It covers all the startingtools and skills a blogger needs to become a success in the least amount of time possible.You have alsoa 30-day, no questions asked money back guarantee, if you don't feel satisfied at all with the course, I'd be more than happy to return your investment. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. So, what are you waiting for?If you've ever wanted to make money online but felt overwhelmed, confused, or just afraid to build your first website, this is the perfect wayto starta blog. Dont procrastinate your successand enroll the coursetoday!"
Price: 199.99

"Traffic Generation Course: The Best Effective Strategies"
"Do you struggle to get targeted traffic to your website or product? If so, you foundthesolution.Traffic generation is a core skill for any internet marketer to master.Without traffic we cannot build a list, grow an audience, build influence or make sales. So the number one question for anyone from affiliate marketers, local SEOs, product creators and bloggers is how to get traffic and then the next question when they start to see some success and money coming in is how can i get more traffic.So oftenwhen people start working for traffic on their website, they get a negative response becaue getting targeted trafficis not an easy task. Yet traffic being the fuel of all online business you need to get it somehow. Search engines are not sole gateway to drive traffic to your site, there are plenty more methods by which you can get your targeted traffic.Building an audience and creating contentcan be time consuming to do it well and it canalsocost money too,so we have to work smart when it comes to getting people to see it in order to get them to take an action.So what are the traffic options?This courseprovides you with the best free and paidmethods to get the most targeted traffic to your website. Without traffic, you can't make sales. Without sales, you're not making money! Don't make the mistakes made by many.Enroll this course today to learn the secrets the experts use to generate thousands of visitors to your site every month!"
Price: 49.99

"Facebook Ads Warrior: Facebook Marketing Strategy Assault"
"Your Step-by-step System For Mastering Facebook Advertising to Grow Your Community, Get More Leads and SalesACCESS MORE THAN 2 BILLION CUSTOMERSWITH FACEBOOK ADS & FACEBOOKMARKETING! Facebook Advertisingcan help you efficiently reach all of the people who matter most. Here's the most complete starting courseofhow works Facebookfor business!Its no secret that Facebook offers one of the largest, most robust advertising platforms for businesses of all sizes toreach their target customerswith aFacebook campaign.And for a good reason: it has more than two billion active users, a wealth of user data, and numerous ad formats.In theage of social media marketingwhen nine in ten people check their phones an hour after waking up in the morning, Facebook advertising is the perfect complement to your advertising strategy.But as a do-everything-yourself entrepreneur, it can be frustrating to discover justhow much trial and error and learning is involvedin the beginning, especially as you bet real dollars on real outcomes.The intricacy and robust nature of Facebook ads can bring some of the strongest and lucrative results but there are plenty of chances for you to trip up along the way.The thing is that many beginners tend to make the same mistakes, especially whenthey arestarting out.Facebook is home to a diverse audience and, depending on what youre selling, your audience could be bigger, smaller, or even completely different from the one you set out to target.Whether your Facebook ads havent gotten you a single sale or it feels like youre not seeing the right return on what youre spending,there aresome common (and sometimes costly) Facebook advertising mistakesthat you must fix them if you want to be successful!Your Facebook marketing strategy has to be alsounique.Theres an ocean of potential customers you can reach on Facebook. But with a larger pool, its harder to dissect and find your spot within its space.So, welcome tothe most complete Facebook Marketing Coursefor beginners!In this Coursei will teachyou how to maximise the visibility ofyourFacebook Brandand set up a high-convertingFacebook campaign.I walkyou throughstep-by-step guidesand easy-to-understand explanationsto marketing on Facebook.Here Is a Preview of what you will learn...Why you NEED to advertise on Facebook and why is alsoimportant Facebook for small businessFollow easy step-by-step instructions for creating Facebook adsHow to define your ideal customers,understand the psychology behind them and target their Facebook interestHow to build up your brand so you pass the ""test"" when users investigate, all WITHOUT begging for likesHow to set up a Facebook campaign from start to finishWhich types of ads to NOT useDiscover insider tips and tricks to increase conversions and improve your ROIWhat images to use, where to get them, and even how to edit them for FREEWhy copy converts and when it doesn't; and how to put converting copy in your adsEven more secret tips and tricks on Facebook targetingAnd much, much more!So with this course iwill teach you, step-by-step, how to find your best Facebook fanpageaudience starting withlessthan 5$ a daywith your educated decisions using conversion tracking, breakdown report analysis, and statistical significance!You will get theskills that can help you build a business for the comfort of your own home, on a lounger by the pool, or even on a beach somewhere hot and sunny as a realDigital Nomad lifestyle!You will also get: Lifetime Access to All Future Facebook Ads Updates A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Withthis guarantee you have nothing to lose. So, are you ready?Let's start usingall power of Facebook to generate more sales, attract more followers and exponentially grow your online business right now!#facebookadds #facebookmarketingstrategy #facebookadvertising"
Price: 199.99

"High-Ticket Authority Course: High-Paying Clients for Life"
"If you've ever wanted to have clients who were totally awesome, who paid you a bunch of money (and were grateful to do so) then you've come to the right place.This course will reveal, THE SINGLE MOST POWERFUL PROCESS I have ever used for myself, and my clients. It will help you sell your high-end premium products and services to people who want to buy them. Even better, it's delivered in a simple step-by-step format for you to use immediately.You'll notice this courseis short and sweet. I could have made it 100 lessons, and given you 8,000 strategies and techniques and selling skills for you to master. Blah, blah, blah. NOT HERE. Instead, we're going to get down and dirty. I've cut out all the fluff and hype and typical BS, so that you can get results,fast.For over a decade, Ive been training and consulting entrepreneurs around the world to RE-STRUCTURE their businesses so they can have the time and money freedom they deserve. The secret: HIGH PAYING CLIENTS.In this book youll learn:1. Where to REALLY find high-paying clients (theres a surprise here that will transform your business)2. How to design your OFFERS so that they are attractive to high-end clients3. A proven STEP-BY-STEP funnel to CLOSE these premium clients4. How to OBLITERATE any limiting beliefs you have that are currently holding you back-- and so much more!Here's my promise to you: The clients you wish you had are actually out there right now... just wishing and hoping and praying that someone JUST LIKE YOU would please - for the love of all that is holy - help them. So enroll this course now andlets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Freelancer Mastery Course: Get The High-Paying Clients"
"Would you liketo launch your ownfreelancingdevelopment businessto quit your day jobbut don'tknow where to start?Are you already a freelancer but you are struggling with finding clients and paying your bills?A lot of people ask me to provide them with a recipe for freelancing success.Its estimated that half of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing in some capacity by the year 2020. So ifyoure not already a freelancer, theres a decent chance that you might be in the near future.While almost anyone can freelance, these soft skills can help you become a successful freelancer and take your freelancing to the next level just working from your home.However, there are certain field-tested principles that should serve as exemplars for how to do freelance work.Regardless of whether you do graphic design, web development, or freelance writing.Im here today to share the solutionwith you.If youre just beginning to learn how to freelance, this course will help you avoid making the most common mistakes.Even if youre not in an artsy field, youll still need to be creative, particularly in learning how to set yourself apart from other freelancers.In my freelance career I apply these exact techniques to earn huge clients worth thousands of dollars per month. Students who apply this training will rapidlydiscover a massive edge over your competition, set up to getting more exposure, so you'll be able to create a hugely successful Freelancer business from scratch or enhance an existing one.Hundreds of freelancershave alreadyused these methodsto find high-paying clients, increase their income and create businesses they truly love..and this course reveals their secrets.Inside is everything you need to know to start or grow a freelance marketing business.Based on what works best for freelancers, this concise, practical course gives youa proven, step-by-step process to follow.You will learn the exactSteps to High-Income Freelancing,how to find and attract the clients you deserve,without wasting your time, effort, or money.Get the knowledge and confidence you need to grow your freelance business and discover: The fastest, easiest way to get the clients you deserve How and where to find high-paying clients The free, easy-to-use, marketing tool that attracts clients How to impress clients online The easy way to get more referrals The one thing most freelancers dont do that will get you more clients.So, are your ready to startprofitablefreelancebusiness?If you enroll today you can discoverthe most effective strategies to find High-Paying jobs from scratch!and build a stable, money-making freelance business.Get started now!"
Price: 139.99

"Home Business Models: Easy-to-Start Profitable Ideas"
"Do you want to make money online with your own home business? Are you tired of being told that it's easy to make millions off the Internet? Would you like a realistic strategy that actually works for real people? What if you could actually build an online business that offered high profit margins and required no significant up-front investment?Whatever it is that brought you to this page, youre obviously looking for answers.The good news is youve come to the right place.I've spent the past10 years working for myself, and I would never dream of punching another clock or trudging to someone elses office every day to collect a meager paycheck. Thats because Ive discovered the secret: when you work for yourself, youre happier, more productive, and you have unlimited earning potential.After all, why would you want to work so hard to fund someone elses dreams?Working for myself has allowed me to live a lifestyle that many people can only dream about. I have the flexibility to create the life I want, take days off when I need to, and I decide how much money I make by choosing the hours I workBut dont be fooled. Working from home at a home-based business isnt easy. It takes hard work and dedication to build a successful business that makes money.It is possible to build your own profitable online business, but you can't do it overnight (despite what you have been told by so-called Internet marketing gurus). The simple truth is that you need to choose a solid niche from day one, be willing to consistently work on your business over the course of several months and follow the path laid before you by people that have actually done it.This is not just another course by an ""Internet marketing guru"" that teaches you to ""make money online.""I have been buildingonline businesses for more than a decade and he has built multiple six-figure and seven-figure Internet businesses in many different niches. I'm not a ""business guru"" that makes money online by teaching people to make money online.Withthis course you will receive mystep-by-step plan that will show you exactly how to build your own profitable Internet business (even if you aren't very tech savvy).The indispensable guide to earning a six-figure take-home income on your own terms.The rise of one-million-dollar, one-person businesses in the past five years is the biggest trend in employment today, offering the widest range of people the most ways to earn a living while having the lifestyles they want.In my course, Im pleased to offer youproven, realistic ways to work from home and earn a great income.And I wont just offer you a brief explanation of each method like some other courses do.Both inspirational and practical, this course will appeal to all who seek a great worklife and a great lifestyle.I will explain you how to identify, launch, grow, and reinvent the business, showing how a single individual can generate $1 million in revenue--something only larger small companies have done in the past with some legitimate ways to make money online.In each lecture, I provide you with the information and facts you need to determine if that business is right for you,youll have everything you need to begin.So, the choice is yours. Will you wake up tomorrow morning and spend your day funding someone elses dreams, or will you finally take the steps needed to claim your own success?Why not start right now?Its one of the most important things youll do to begin the process of achieving your own dreams, so ENROLL TODAY with confidence because your enrollment is backed by our 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee!"
Price: 129.99

"PHP For Beginners: Ultimate Web Development Course"
"A Beginners Guide to PHP and MySQLAre you an Internet marketer, webmaster, or blog writer who wants to learn the basics of PHP?Are you sick a tired of paying other freelance developers for fixing dead simple edits to your PHP website? Do you wish you could learn some of the basics of PHP so you can have the confidence to make simple adjustments yourself?Well, I know exactly how you feel. You see, I was once there too. Struggling to read and edit simple php code. But now I understand the basics of PHP and understand what it all means, well....most of the time. ;)I no longer have to pay money to have a developer fix some of the basic small issues as I did before, and I'll show you how to do the same!Learn the PHP basics from 17 info packed video tutorials.Here is just a glimpse of the topics we cover.* Intro to PHP.* Installing PHP on you home computer.* PHP syntax.* PHP Variables.* PHP String.* PHP While Loops.AND MUCH MORE!!Just about anyone who uses the internet marketing can benefit from learning the basics of PHP. Whether your livelihood depends on how to make money online or you're just curious about how websites work, my beginner PHP video learning series is just what you need to get started on internet business your way to creating, editing, and maintaining PHP-based websites on your own."
Price: 99.99

"Fiverr Success: Rockstar-Selling Masterclass For Beginners"
"Learn Today How to Get Fiverr Success Working From Home And Building a Profitable Freelancing Fiverr Business! Imagine Yourself One Week From Now, and Think About How Much Money You Will Be Earning On Fiverr Because You Discovered A New Way To Make Money Online. After having my own issues getting traction Fiverr I was finally able to figure out what worked and what didn't. I created this course in order to provide people with a platform to start earning on Fiverr without spending endless hours doing it. Once you start making money online, you won't want to go back to your desk job. Free yourself with the possibilities of making money on Fiverr!What you'll find in this incredible course is an amazingly easy but super successful way to take Fiverr into passive mode. You'll be able to recreate this system that can lead you to a full time ""career"" online... Youre about to discover how to...Proven strategies on how to successfully create a Top Rated Fiverr Gig and make consistent profits doing so. Many people don't take advantage of the great platform that Fiverr offers because they don't know the strategies involved in selling Fiverr Gigs.In this course I'll teach you how you can take advantage of this platform and finally create that business that you have always wanted to start, but just didn't know how to!If you've been trying to find that business model that fits you, then consider this one because it's easy to implement and you don't need any experience to make money fro home.Here's a preview of what you'll get:The steps you need to take to make a living as a Fiverr freelancerHow to become a Fiverr Success Rockstar fast!What to do if you're not an expert at any skillHow to be an expert in your chosen skill.... in 2 weeks or lessThe number one thing you should do in order to differentiate yourselves from thousands of other freelancers on FiverrThe best way to find out what people are searching when they are looking for a service like yours on FiverrThe exact type of services that I suggest you sellSome examples of good product listings to studyHow to properly price your services so you can make 2x more money than the average Fiverr freelancerHow to create your product listing for higher conversion ratesThe best practices to follow to earn four or five figures per month fast! If you want to start a work at home internet based business then this course is for you!The truth is you can learn all of these by yourself through trials and errors. You can spend 12-24 months trying to figure it all out or you can invest a few dollars today and fast-track your way to success.It's totally up to you. Don't wait, you'll want to put this information to use as soon as possible. If you choose to take the shortcut, then TAKEACTION right now and discover how you can take your life to the next level and achieve massive success, just scroll up and ENROLL the course today!"
Price: 149.99

"Amazon Affiliate Marketing: The Wordpress Autopilot System"
"Discover the secrets to choosing the right products to promote with Amazon Affiliate Marketing!Are you looking for an online business that you can start today? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try- you never seem to make money online?If so, read on..Affiliate Marketing (as a method of earning money through the Internet) has been around for more than two decades and people are still using the same model today as 20 years ago. It is one of the least expensive ways to start making an income online.Amazonis the number one ecommerce retailer, visited by over 250 million people in any given month.Becoming an Amazon affiliate will only take you about 5 to 10 minutes of your time. There is an endless number of products to promote and you can earn high commissions that add up with each sale.But trying to profit from Amazon is extremely difficult, if you don't know what you are doing.Amazon has been a great income earner for affiliates for many years, but changes to a variety of factors such as SEO and the habits of your typical web surfer have made it a much different environment than it was a few years ago.It was once possible to create micro niche sites that focused on a very specific niche subject, or even one single product, and make very good money. Google seemed to love those micro niche sites, and it was very easy to rank them and make a lot of money quickly.But times change. Google apparently decided they wanted that most micro niche sites were spam, which was mostly true, and decided it wanted to rank sites that had huge amounts of quality content instead. It destroyed a lot of businesses, and domains began expiring left and right because they lost their rankings and were no longer profitable.With all these changes making old methods difficult, if not nearly impossible, is it still possible to make money as an Amazon affiliate?The answer is a resounding, YES!The methods may be different, but it certainly is possible to earn very good money as an Amazon affiliate, and youre going to learn how in this guide.How this Course will help you?We will discusshow you can get your slice of the affiliate marketing pie and you will learn how you can start with this business and build your affiliate marketing assets from scratch.You will learn how to become a Supper Amazon Affiliate so you can finally achieve your goal of working from home, doing something that you really love, and potentially making lots of money in the process. I will teach youeverythingyou need to know about affiliate marketing, how it all started and evolved to the multi-billion dollar industry that it is today. Whether you know absolutely nothing about Affiliate Marketingor youalready understand the fundamentals, this Course will assist you immensely.In this Course,laid out in clear, step-by-step and easy to understand fashion,you will:What's Amazonall about?How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate?Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choicePicking a Hot Amazon NicheSelecting some Hot Products to PromoteCreating an Amazon Affiliate WebsiteCreating Product Oriented ContentCreating Your Amazon Associates AccountLinking your Amazon Affiliate LinksPromoting your Amazon Affiliate WebsiteBuilding an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right WayDiscoverproven ways to improve your website traffic Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to ConsiderA Step-By-Step system for cashing in on physical every day type productsIf you correctly implement the advise in this Course, you can build your online business:WITHOUTcreating your own productsWITHOUTany business or management experienceWITHOUTtoo much start up capital or investorsWITHOUTdealing with customers, returns, or fulfillmentWITHOUTbuilding websitesWITHOUTselling anything over the phone or in personWITHOUTany computer skills at allWITHOUTleaving the comfort of your own homeGet ready to discover the ultimate techniques that will create and skyrocket your business. There are thousands of people making a full time income through this business, so it is a proven model.If you're ready to take charge of your financial future, start taking control of your life by learning how to build a profitableAffiliate Marketing portfolio thatll take care of you and your loved ones.So lets begin, scroll to the top of the page and click the ""BUY NOW"" button!"
Price: 149.99

"Life Coaching Course: Automate Your Own Coaching Business"
"What separates a beginner Coach from a Life Coach who invites client transformation? It's all about where the life coaching focuses: on the client's problem or on the client as a person. Have you ever wondered how to become a life coach but found yourself thinking:""What if I fail or am not good enough?""""What kind of coaching can I do?""""Where should I even start?""If so, youre in the right place. I know what its like to navigate the world of online business and life coaching. After considerable learning and several wrong turns, Ive gone on to create successful coaching businesses. Now, I want to help you do the same. Because heres what nobody tells you becoming a life coach doesnt have to be too much difficult. Yes, there are a lot of steps youcantake to become a life coach. But you dont have to do all (or many) of them. And you certainly dont need to do everything when youre first starting out.Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, in this course i reveal you how to unlock your peoples' potential. This complete guide to life coaching reveals what life coaching IS, how to coach yourself and others effectively and how to create and sustain a successful coaching practice developing coaching methods that produce great results..In this course i cut through the noise and show you exactly how to:Identify your ideal coaching niche So that you feel confident in your offering and become the coach that you were designed to be.Define your marketing strategy To attract a constant stream of your ideal clients.Confidently conduct a discovery call So that you sign your first paying clients as quickly as possible.And much much more...A fresh innovative course that covers all the basic principles and strategies for effective coaching and it combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turn practical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational, this course takes your work--and your workplace--from good to great. When you think like a coach, the techniques for coaching well just come naturally and produce great results for those you work with. And when you follow the steps in this course youll not only start your business, potentially youll able to alsosign your first paying client(s) in as little as 30 days.This course is designed for ambitious experts, professionals, teachers, and coaching superstars in the making. You will learn how to skyrocket your revenue by one or two more digit.Imagine how your life will change when youre doing work that is meaningfulandprofitable. Work that you are uniquely designed to do.Enrolling this course (and taking action) will save you time, money and your sanity.You dont need to keep trying to figure this out on your own.You can choose to a stay-at-home mom looking to earn income doing rewarding work or simply want financial freedom and a more meaningful life.This course shows you exactly how to become a life coach and attract your first paying client(s) as quickly as possible.So, what are you waiting for?ENROLLthe course today andstart creating your dream coaching business!"
Price: 99.99

"Dropshipping Ecommerce Business: Create Your Dream Lifestyle"
"Do you want to take control of your life? Are you itching to start your own business but have no idea where to start? Are you ready to cash in on theinternet basedopportunities anddropshipping business can provide?Have you been thinking about starting a dropshipping side hustle to generate some passive income?Look no further!As whole,the ecommerce industry is ANTIQUATED.Its out of date! and is way way way behind in terms of whats actually working in the world of online business.Most ecommerce business owners are still doing things in the same way they were done back in the early dot com days. And that my friend is arecipe for disaster.There isSO much more to ecommercethan building a store, filling it with products and driving some traffic.For me, dropshipping was always that one thing I couldn't crack. I tried the whole Amazon to Ebay retail arbitrage business, but it was a pain and I never generated any sales. After searching for other passive income ideas, I circled back around to dropshipping and found a better way.Automating your dropshipping business is no longer an impossible feat! With the landscape of ecommerce business and ecommerce marketing always changing, there has never been a better time to start! and it's now easier than ever to automate your business in dropshipping!Dropshipping is a great way to earn passive income by selling products online without the hassle of storing inventory of stock on your own premises.The advantage is to profit from an item since youll be getting it at wholesale cost and selling it at a marked up price. This convenient AND affordable business model makes it easy for anyone to get their online business off the ground.By the end of this course you will have a good understanding of what it takes to build a successful Dropshipping business.Thiscoursegives you the information and tools you need to succeed using Dropshipping. Itcontains asimple, repeatable and proven formulato help you build, grow and scale a wildly profitable ecommerce business in todays competitive market.Here Is What Well Get Into:What is Dropshipping?The Dropshipping Order Fulfilment ProcessNiche And Product SelectionHow To Find Suppliers For Your Dropshipping BusinessSetting Up Your Dropshipping BusinessRunning Your Dropshipping BusinessAnd tips and tricks in between!By the end of this course you will have a good understanding of what it takes to build a successful Dropshipping business.Learn how to build a successful online store!ENROLLtoday, live your dream tomorrow!"
Price: 199.99

"Email Marketing Guide: Massive List Building For Success"
"While many have decried that Email Marketing is dead, a handful of digital marketers have quietly been using little-known email marketing techniques to generate massive results with list buiding. In this ultimate Email Marketing Course for beginners and all levels i reveal you the Email Marketing strategies and techniques that TOP email marketers are currently using to build large mailing lists, write compelling copy that converts and generate millions in revenue using their email lists.You will learn the techniques that are workingright nowto allow professionals and small businesses to connect with potential clients, build trust-based relationships and generate more sales through email. Inside the course, you'll learn how to:Build a massive mailing listusing different proven list building techniques.The Customer Insight Mapping technique for building deep understanding of what your clients need and what will motivate them to buy from you.Surefire secret models that will get your emails opened and readThe ""optin formula"" for getting the right people to subscribe to your emails (and how to accelerate the growth of your subscriber list).How to engage AND persuade with your emails writingcompelling copythat engages your readers and drives them to take action, so that you build a loyal 'fan base' ready to buy from you.The advanced techniques for turning email subscribers into paying clientsOptimize every step of your email marketing funnel toskyrocket your sales.Createevery time new revenue streamsfor your business using email marketing.I have organically grown an email list of more than1000 investorsand generates more than$500k per yearin revenue using the strategies outlined in this course. Regardless of what kind of business you are building, email marketing can serve as the rocket fuel that that will skyrocket your business.This course lays out a clear blueprint for building an engaged subscriber base, building credibility and trust through your emails and converting your subscribers into paying clients.No jargon. No fluff. Just practical, real-world strategies that deliver results.If you want to get results fast and begin growing your business today through the power of email marketing then you just need to put in action what you will learn in this course. So, scroll up and ENROLLtoday!""As a consultant working for Fortune 500 companies, I have analyzed data on more than 500 million emails sent and I can tell you the advice in this course is spot on. Not only was it informative and easy to digest, there were also some gems included that will help me to market my businesses."" - Kevin Petersen""A results getting tour de force. This is simply the best book on email marketing I have ever read. If you are a small business owner or want to get into digital communications and really learn list building, this is what you need""- Howard Smith""Email Marketing Demystified breaks down the exact strategies and tactics you can use to grow and (more importantly) leverage your email list into a long-term asset."" - Sam Bradley ""Ian gives you all the information you need to succeed in plain and simple English based on what actually works in the real business world today"" - Anna Letitia Martins""Packed full of examples, templates and clear next steps for you to do to get your own email marketing system up and running quickly and getting you results. If you've ever been overwhelmed by the complexity of email marketing or been unsure where to start to get the best results, this course will provide you a clear path to succeeding with email."" - Terry Ovens""We've seen a threefold increase in leads and we've won several new clients.""- Adrian Willmott""Pick any one idea from this amazing collection of rock solid common sense on email marketing and just do it! Quite simply, it works!""- Tony Brown"
Price: 139.99