"AC/DC Motors and Drives" |
"This course covers how to install and set up most drives. It includes necessary troubleshooting procedures that should cover most situations. It will give you troubleshooting to component levels on VFD and DC drives as well as Programming pointers. It also will help you under stand the operation of both drives."
Price: 19.99 |
"High School to College" |
"High school counseling teams in most public high schools are stretched - and private college counselors are expensive. High School to College is an in-depth course on college readiness to develop knowledge and skills in high school students in four areas:1. Branding and Career Planning. Students identify interests and strengths, and map them to potential careers. Students explore macroeconomic indicators to research in-demand occupations and industries that are upward-trending, exploring college as a route to rewarding careers.2. Postsecondary Institution Analysis: Students evaluate the best institution type (Career School, 2-year or 4-year College) which meets their career goals. 3. Outcome-based College Selection. For selective colleges, students consider factors in college admission decisions and graduation outcomes to quantitatively evaluate their chances - and develop strategies - to get into choice colleges.4. College Admission Tips and Tricks - Students learn about different ways to maximize their chances of gaining admission to their favorite colleges."
Price: 49.99 |
"Self Publishing For Successful Independent Authors" |
"This course helps you self publish your books and become an independent author. Self publishing is publishing your book by yourself. Being an independent author does not mean you do it all by yourself. However you do it without involving old-age methodsof book publishing. Its fora new author or an experienced author. With the rise of the digital trends and the internet, independent publishing has become a vital firm of publishing asit makes it more affordable than ever to publish books, distribute and sell them or give out fir free. You'l learn how to get your manuscript edited, get typsetting done, book cover designing, getting an ISBN number, distributing your books, marketing them and how to launch successfully. It is a course that will keep you current with the publishing trends of today."
Price: 74.99 |
"learn the Empathetic Leadership style - Part 1" |
"A leader is anyone who has followers, and is not just about being centre stage. Good leaders develop themselves. Great leaders develop teams, and can't do it without others. Leadership in modern organisations has changed; it is now about others. leaders speak last, and put others up on stage that want to lead by example. This opens up employment opportunities for people who feel they have lost their place in the workforce. It is no longer about industry experience, that means they have more things to change, and change take time to become habit. If you are already in the habit of thinking of others, then workplaces are looking for you.This course tell you where to look, and what to look out for. It is the first of a three part course, that explains the theory behind the Empathetic leadership style. The cause also gives you ways to practice what you have learned even before you go back to a workplace, or move into a management position, and has loads of external links for you to get more information.This course has been mapped to the requirements of unit BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence for professional development for trainers, or people working toward the Diploma of Leadership and Management. If you wish to apply for RPL for this unit, you will have to submit performance evidence gathered in this course to the issuing RTO directly."
Price: 99.99 |
"The Complete Neural Networks Bootcamp: Theory, Applications" |
"This course is a comprehensive guide to Deep Learning and Neural Networks. The theories are explained in depth and in a friendly manner. After that, we'll have the hands-on session, where we will be learning how to code Neural Networks in PyTorch, a very advanced and powerful deep learning framework! The course includes the following Sections:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 1 - How Neural Networks and Backpropagation WorksIn this section, you will deeply understand the theories of how neural networks and the backpropagation algorithm works, in a friendly manner. We will walk through an example and do the calculations step-by-step. We will also discuss the activation functions used in Neural Networks, with their advantages and disadvantages! Section 2 - Loss FunctionsIn this section, we will introduce the famous loss functions that are used in Deep Learning and Neural Networks. We will walk through when to use them and how they work. Section 3 - OptimizationIn this section, we will discuss the optimization techniques used in Neural Networks, to reach the optimal Point, including Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum, RMSProp, Adam, AMSGrad, Weight Decay and Decoupling Weight Decay, LR Scheduler and others. Section 4 - Weight InitializationIn this section,we will introduce you to the concepts of weight initialization in neural networks, and we will discuss some techniques of weights initialization including Xavier initialization and He norm initialization. Section 5 - Regularization TechniquesIn this section, we will introduce you to the regularization techniques in neural networks. We will first introduce overfitting and then introduce how to prevent overfitting by using regularization techniques, inclusing L1, L2 and Dropout. We'll also talk about normalization as well as batch normalization and Layer Normalization. Section 6- Introduction to PyTorchIn this section, we will introduce the deep learning framework we'll be using through this course, which is PyTorch. We will show you how to install it, how it works and why it's special, and then we will code some PyTorch tensors and show you some operations on tensors, as well as show you Autograd in code!Section 7 - Practical Neural Networks in PyTorch - Application 1In this section, you will apply what you've learned to build a Feed Forward Neural Network to classify handwritten digits. This is the first application of Feed Forward Networks we will be showing. Section 8 - Practical Neural Networks in PyTorch - Application 2In this section, we will build a feed forward Neural Network to classify weather a person has diabetes or not. We will train the network on a large dataset of diabetes!Section 9 - Visualize the Learning ProcessIn this section, we will visualize how neural networks are learning, and how good they are at separating non-linear data!Section 10 - Implementing a Neural Network from Scratch with Python and NumpyIn this section, we will understand and code up a neural network without using any deep learning library (from scratch using only python and numpy). This is necessary to understand how the underlying structure works. Section 11 - Convolutional Neural NetworksIn this section, we will introduce you to Convolutional Networks that are used for images. We will show you first the relationship to Feed Forward Networks, and then we will introduce you the concepts of Convolutional Networks one by one!Section 12 - Practical Convolutional Networks in PyTorchIn this section, we will apply Convolutional Networks to classify handwritten digits. This is the first application of CNNs we will do. Section 13- Deeper into CNN: Improving and PlottingIn this section, we will improve the CNN that we built in the previous section, as well show you how to plot the results of training and testing! Moreover, we will show you how to classify your own handwritten images through the network!Section 14 - CNN ArchitecturesIn this section, we will introduce the CNN architectures that are widely used in all deep learning applications. These architectures are: AlexNet, VGG net, Inception Net, Residual Networks and Densely Connected Networks. We will also discuss some object detection architectures. Section 15- Residual Networks In this section, we will dive deep into the details and theory of Residual Networks, and then we'll build a Residual Network in PyTorch from scratch! Section 16 - Transfer Learning in PyTorch - Image ClassificationIn this section, we will apply transfer learning on a Residual Network, to classify ants and bees. We will also show you how to use your own dataset and apply image augmentation. After completing this section, you will be able to classify any images you want! Section 17- Convolutional Networks Visualization In this section, we will visualize what the neural networks output, and what they are really learning. We will observe the feature maps of the network of every layer! Section 18 - YOLO Object Detection (Theory)In this section, we will learn one of the most famous Object Detection Frameworks: YOLO!! This section covers the theory of YOLO in depth. Section 19 - Autoencoders and Variational AutoencodersIn this section, we will cover Autoencoders and Denoising Autoencoders. We will then see the problem they face and learn how to mitigate it with Variational Autoencoders. Section 20 - Recurrent Neural NetworksIn this section, we will introduce you to Recurrent Neural Networks and all their concepts. We will then discuss the Backpropagation through time, the vanishing gradient problem, and finally about Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) that solved the problems RNN suffered from. Section 21 - Word EmbeddingsIn this section, we will discuss how words are represented as features. We will then show you some Word Embedding models. We will also show you how to implement word embedding in PyTorch! Section 22 - Practical Recurrent Networks in PyTorchIn this section, we will apply Recurrent Neural Networks using LSTMs in PyTorch to generate text similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland! You can just replace the story with any other text you want, and the RNN will be able to generate text similar to it! Section 23 - Sequence ModellingIn this section, we will learn about Sequence-to-Sequence Modelling. We will see how Seq2Seq models work and where they are applied. We'll also talk about Attention mechanisms and see how they work.Section 24 - Practical Sequence Modelling in PyTorch - Build a ChatbotIn this section, we will apply what we learned about sequence modeling and build a Chatbot with Attention Mechanism.Section 25 - Saving and Loading ModelsIn this section, we will show you how to save and load models in PyTorch, so you can use these models either for later testing, or for resuming training! Section 26 - Transformers In this section, we will cover the Transformer, which is the current state-of-art model for NLP and language modeling tasks. We will go through each component of a transformer. Section 27 - Build a Chatbot with TransformersIn this section, we will implement all what we learned in the previous section to build a Chatbot using Transformers."
Price: 99.99 |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 2: Drawing the Half-Figure" |
"In this series of lessons we will progress from what we've learned in the first series on Drawing the Face to learning the basics of constructing the half-figure. In the first two sections we will start by learning to draw hands in several different gestures. In the third section we will study the front facing half figure and in the fourth the 3/4 pose."
Price: 39.99 |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 3: Garment Basics (Drawing)" |
"In this course we will be laying the foundation for drawing garments.In the first section we will be learning to draw basic folds and progress from simple to more complex forms.In the second section we will be looking at hanging folds and various ways that they are used in icons and will study some examples by master iconographers.In the theirs section we will learn how to create volume with line and will study an icon from the Comnene Period to see how it is done. In an upcoming series we will be studying the garments of various saints to put this into practice."
Price: 29.99 |
"ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV" |
"News and Updates.Dec 11I added slides of the course and Arduino codeNov 06.two lectures added on launch files and how to run multiple nodes at the same time in ROS. Oct 15.one lecture added on how to make a turtlebot 2 robot by just applying the same code of turtlesim to demonstrate how ROS is modular. Oct 3.3 lectures added on motion in ROS using Python (linear, rotation and go to goal). New code available on githubSep 14:3 lectures added in Section 4 on how to create a custom ROS message and a publisher/subscriber application that uses the custom ROS message. An example of IoTSensor message is considered. Sep 07:new Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic virtual machine available for students (upon request) to learn ROS without having to install it. Sep 03:11 lectures (1 hour) on ROSSERIAL Arduino with real demonstration on Arduino Hardware and Ultrasonic sensorAug 27:Three new lectures on OpenCV with C++, including CvBridge and how to manage dependencies. Aug 26:new assignment Turtlesim motion in PythonAug 15:Quiz on Laser ScannersSubscriber ROS node for laser scanners (C++/Python)Save scan topic messages into a rosbag file and replay itAug 12:new lecture connect Asus Live Pro RGBD camera to ROS as laser scannernew lecture connect URG Hukoyo Laser Scanner to ROSAug 11:new lectures on Laser Range FinderPre-Installed Virtual Machine: New ROS users who face difficulties to install ROS on their own will be provided a pre-installed virtual machine after enrolling to this course so they car start learning ROS without bothering much with installation issues. For this, you can send me a private message to request to VM and you will receive the link. Why am I teaching this course?Typically, new ROS users encounter a lot of difficulties when they start programming with ROS. Although there are so many tutorials, there are a lot of tips and practical issues that could not be easily found in tutorials and not discussed and left to the developer luckiness. In general, although there are many documentations for ROS, several are very broad and it takes too long to grasp well the concepts. This is where this course plays a role and provides an added value by providing focused introduction to the BASICS of ROS. The course does not only presents the basic concepts of ROS, but also addresses two important fields in robotics: (1) motion, (2) perception. We will apply the general concepts of ROS in the context of robotic motion and perception. The course will provide you an opportunity to learn about OpenCV, the most powerful computer vision library, that promote robotic perception. My approach is to take you STEP BY STEP through the roadmap of learning ROS so that you learn the concepts in the right order and help you build an experience from one lecture to the other. This is a course that provides the fundamental concepts and basics of Robot Operating System (ROS). This course intends to give beginner ROS users with a quick and focused introduction on the basics of ROS, in addition to practical tips that helps them manage better their first projects with ROS in C++ and Python. In particular, developing with C++ in ROS requires special care as compared to Python to configure well the compilation and runtime environment. This is presented in clear manner in this course. There are mainly three majors steps in the course:ROS Basics and Foundation: which deals with the general ROS concepts that everyone has to know, like ROS topics, Services, Messages, Nodes, ...Motion in ROS: We apply the concepts learned in Step 1 to make a robot move. We will develop different trajectory in the context of a nice example simulating a cleaning robot. In particular, we illustrate how to represent the pose (position and orientation) of a robot in ROS, and how to send motion control message to make the robot move. We clearly demonstrate how to implement a linear motion, a rotational motion, and spiral motion and how all of these be integrated to simulate a cleaning application. This part will you the background you need to understand robot kinematics and how motion is represented in ROS. Perception in ROS: I will introduce how a robot see the environment using a camera, how the images are collected in ROS and how they are processed in OpenCV. Based on my experience, these are the most important things any new ROS user has to know to be able to go further with his own robotics project. I also provide some hands-on activities that allows the learner to assess his understanding and push him to practice the concepts he learned. My experience with ROSI have been programming with ROS for many years both in academic and industrial projects. I am very passionate to develop program with ROS. I have also been teaching ROS at the University and providing training programs. I am R&D Director of Gaitech Robotics, and I have developed many ROS packages for robots and drones. I have been leading international scientific activities around ROS, and in particular, I am the editor of three volumes of books with Springer entitled Robot Operating System, The Complete Reference. I gained a lot of experience on what difficulties new users encounter to learn ROS and this contributed to pin right to the point addressing these problems through the different lectures of the course. Welcome to the World of ROS. "
Price: 184.99 |
"ROS2 How To: Discover Next Generation ROS" |
"You are a ROS user, and you have heard about ROS2 as being the next generation ROS, but, you are still unsure what ROS2 is?How does it improve on and differ from ROS1?Is it time to migrate to ROS2?Is it easy to install ROS2 and get it up and running?How to create a workspace, a package and write programs with ROS?This course is the right place to address all the questions about ROS2.ROS2 is the next generation of Robot Operating System (ROS) and the community is starting the migration to this new framework.In July 2018, ROS2 Bouncy was released and includes most of the planned ROS2 functionalities. However, there is very little documentation and tutorials about ROS2, thus the purpose of this course is to fill the gap and provides a quick introduction to ROS2 for existing ROS users and developers. Why I am teaching this course?ROS2 is the next generation robot operating system, and is actively being developed to fully replace ROS1 in the near future. With the release of ROS2 bouncy on July 2018, ROS2 has gained a lot of maturity and most of its design goals were achieved and implemented.However, when started to learn ROS2, I realized that there is a very little documentation and tutorials about it, there are no courses and only a few and short tutorials on the official github repository were available, but does not give the overall picture as it does not stand as an official documentation but rather a technical guide to ROS2. So, I have developed this course, which the first to the best of my knowledge, to provide a comprehensive coverage of ROS2, starting from explaining the design concepts, installing it on different operating system, and explaining how to create ROS2 projects in both C++ and Python.This is a course that I wish I could have find it when I started to learn ROS. Course Objectives:The objectives of this course are as follow:First, I will unveil the secrets of ROS2 by explaining its design concepts and how to develop projects with it. Second, I aim at clarifying the differences between ROS1 and ROS2 (the code explanation will compare between the code written in ROS1 and that for ROS2 in both C++ and Python). Third, the course also intends to provide a comprehensive coverage of ROS2 ecosystem, and will demonstrate how to create a ROS2 workspace, ROS2 packages for C++ and Python, and discussed in details implementation aspects of ROS2 topics, and services. Course Learning OutcomesAt the end of the course, you will able to:Recognize the features of ROS2 (DDS, design, )Install ROS2 (Bouncy) on Ubuntu (Debian) and Mac-OSCreate a workspace in ROS2Create ROS2 packages for C++ and PythonDevelop ROS2 programs using topics and services in C++ and PythonUnderstand how to deal with the documentation of ROS2Recognize the difference between ROS1 and ROS2Pre-RequisistesFamiliarity or ROS1 basic conceptsKnowledge in C++ and/or Python Programming languagesBasic understanding of Linux Ubuntu Operating SystemEnroll now!If you want to be one of the first ROS users to learn ROS2 and be up to date with next generation robot operating system framework, which sooner or later, will be fully replacing ROS2, as the ROS developer community is actively pushing towards ROS2, then, do not let time running out and enroll right away in this course to start your ROS2 experience."
Price: 199.99 |
"ROS for Beginners II: Localization, Navigation and SLAM" |
"UPDATES9 August 2019: adding of a section on configuration of the navigation stack parametersOverviewLocalization, mapping and navigation are fundamental topics in Robot Operating System (ROS) and mobile robots. However, it is very complex to learn. Usually, beginners find it difficult to even know from where to start. The typical tutorials in ROS gives high-level information about how to run ROS nodes to performs mapping and navigation, but they do not give any details about the technical aspects. Some other courses focus more on the technical aspects, which is mathematically complex, but does not give a clear link to how these concepts are tied with the ROS navigation stack. This course addresses this gap and follows a practical approach to introduce new learners to mobile robots navigation foundations and how it is implemented in ROS. The course is designed to introduce you to the world of mobile robot navigation in a quick and effective manner. In this course, I presented a detailed coverage of the most important package in ROS for navigation: the tf package! Without understanding this package, it will be difficult to deeply understand how navigation works in ROS. Although there are tf tutorials, tf package heavily relies on important theoretical concepts not presented in ROS tutorials. This courses provides a systematic introduction to the necessary theoretical background and complement with demonstration and programming activities of the tf package utilities and API. This course assumes that you have some background on the main concepts of Robot Operating System (ROS), such as ROS nodes, ROS topics, ROS services, and an understanding of the basic notion of motion with ROS. If you do not have these skills, them I would recommend to first enroll to my course ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion and OpenCV to get the necessary background. My experience with ROSI have been programming with ROS for many years both in academic and industrial projects. I am very passionate to develop program with ROS. I have also been teaching ROS at the University and providing training programs. I am R&D Director of Gaitech Robotics, and I have developed many ROS packages for robots and drones. I have been leading international scientific activities around ROS, and in particular, I am the editor of three volumes of books with Springer entitled Robot Operating System, The Complete Reference. I gained a lot of experience on what difficulties new users encounter to learn ROS and this contributed to pin right to the point addressing these problems through the different lectures of the course. "
Price: 199.99 |
"DevOps with Jenkins Pipeline, Ansible, Kubernetes & Docker" |
"This course gives good overview of DevOps using Jenkins Pipeline Jobs, using Groovy DSL, It Covers good example to implement CI/CD end to end.This course covers how to deploy docker and kubernetes applications, using jenkins pipeline scripts, and also how to publish code to SonarQube And Perform static code analysis.Coming to notifications, It explains How to integrate Jenkins with Email and Slack, By integrating with Plugins"
Price: 54.99 |
"Recrutamento e Seleo por competncias." |
"Este curso aborda questes Fundamentais da rea de Gesto de Pessoas, com foco no processo de Recrutamento e seleo. Baseado no recrutamento e seleo por competncias, conhecendo os pilares do CHAno processo de seleo de pessoas.Veremos sobre planejamento de recrutamento e seleo, descrio de cargos, requisio de cargos, tipos de divulgao de vagas, fundamentos de entrevistas, exemplos de dinmicas e mapeamento comportamental. O curso no formato didtico voltado a selecionadores Iniciantes. Aulas por mdulos. Material em slides e udio."
Price: 39.99 |
"Gesto de Pessoas e o Coaching." |
"Gesto de Pessoas, Liderana e Coaching - Aspectos fundamentais.Curso voltado Liderana, no seu processo de desenvolvimento, atravs de aspectos fundamentais do Coaching. Curso estruturado nos conhecimentos de Gesto de Pessoas e o perfil da Liderana em parceria das habilidades do Lder Coach. Aqui abordamos assuntos, de forma didtica, falando sobre Liderana, o reconhecimento dos princpios do processo do Coaching, os tipos de Coaching, Rapport, Mediao de Conflitos, Teste de Personalidade, Inteligncia Emocional na Liderana, Estabelecimento de Metas e os Tipos de Liderana.Curso voltado a iniciantes na Liderana e Gesto de Pessoas, no formato didtico em slides e udio. Curso complementar, com assuntos semelhantes, ao nosso Curso de Desenvolvimento de Liderana."
Price: 39.99 |
"Administrao de empresas e a Gesto de Pessoas" |
"Curso voltado aos modelos de Gesto de Pessoas utilizando de teorias administrativas e estratgicas na Liderana de equipe. Aqui abordamos assuntos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de liderana e equipes, administrao geral, tendncias empresariais, administrar com planejamento, definio de cultura organizacional, misso, viso, valores, liderana e motivao, feedback, brainstorming, comportamento organizacional, delegao, formao de equipes de alto desempenho, anlise SWOT, Ciclo PDCA, relaes humanas e gerenciamento de conflitos.Curso no formato didtico-terico, no formato de slides e udio, como pblico alvo iniciantes."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Correctly Evict a Tenant & Avoid Costly Mistakes" |
"Do not loose your well-earned profits to eviction! Whether you are renting out one room or an entire building, this course it for you!Many people rent out spare bed rooms or purchase properties to rent out. This can make you passive income or help pay the mortgage. However, if you lease out space, you will eventually have to evict someone. Some Tenants are great, but others will stop paying the rent or damage your property! If this is you then is time to take action!Eviction can be a very expensive, lengthy and aggravating process. This is especially so when you do not know the rules and regulations. Many landlords make costly and time-consuming mistakes when it comes to eviction. This course will guide you through the general eviction process, begging to end, as well as reveal some smart tactics you can use to avoid the whole thing!You can AVOID LOOSING HUNDREDS OF $$$s, a great deal of time, and avoid maddening headaches just by taking this simple course!Get started now!Our instructor for this course is Glenn Brook, He has invested in real estate for 14 years with his wife, Lisa.They have done everything from notes to apartments, self-storage to fix& filps and have been able to finally retire on the passive income from their investments and want to give back to the world in a small way by creating courses."
Price: 19.99 |
"Assisted Living - Transform Houses into Serious Cash-Flow!" |
"Assisted Living Facilities are an extremely profitable, in-demand investment that are almost impervious to market fluctuations!High Revenue You can rent out spaces for more than three times more than you can to regular families! You could charge $3750 a month FOR EACH ROOM! Thats $11250 in income every month!High Demand The Baby-Boomers are retiring!Because of this, the demand for credible, long-term support is exploding! In fact, its so difficult to keep up with the demand that facilities are charging giant premiums for even shared spaces! There are currently 33 million people in the US of 65 years or older. This number is due to double in the next 25 years! Low risk Just like every property type, assisted living has its own business cycle. However, assisted living is needs-driven, i.e.someone goes into or puts their family member into assisted living because they have to. The buyer's choice is not discretionary, the issues of aging leave them with little of no alternative. This is opposed to other forms of real estate such as retail, office and industrial properties, whose demand is strongly affected by the economic and job markets. Seniors are more likely to have a large amount of savings as well as investment portfolios that provide them with income during down turns, making this a very risk averse asset. Assisted Living facilities are extremely safe, profitable and is sought-after by millions!But is also an incredible way to give back! Many people are in tough situations right now. They or a love one, are unable to carry out daily tasks and they need a loving, caring environment where they will be treated with respect. You can give that to them! Your facility can be like a real home! (not an institution) with a friendly community in a place they can feel safe and well cared for. You can also use the profits and facility to take the load off your own family by making sure you are set up when you get older. It's a Win-Win situation that you can take advantage of. What are you waiting for? Enroll Now and gain an income stream while doing something rewarding! Our instructor for this course is Skye LarsonShe started in Assisted Living in 2009 after the 2008 crash wiped out her parent's stock investments, leaving them with no way to pay for their senior needs. Skye was renting out rooms in her house then transitioned to assisted living after finding that it was a better fit for her situation. Her two facilitates allowed her to retire early and spend more time with her family and create this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Inteligencia Emocional en Parejas" |
"Es un curso que tiene como objetivo brindarte las herramientas para que puedas entender, controlar y manejar tus emociones y las de tu pareja. Te orientaras en relacin a tus emociones en el rea personal, familiar, organizacional y de pareja, y te formaras en el desarrollo de tus habilidades emocionales."
Price: 114.99 |
"Sign In Mobile App Animation In After Effects" |
"You are a web designer, a designer of mobile solutions and want to improve your skills or you are the one who is interested in the motion design welcome! We will create many cool cases.In this course, we will make the sign-up screen animation.You will learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing and key frame velocity."
Price: 34.99 |
"Travel Mobile App Animation In After Effects" |
"You are a web designer, a designer of mobile solutions and want to improve your skills or you are the one who is interested in the motion design welcome! We will create many cool cases.In this course, we will make the swipe hotel menu animation.You will learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing, null object and key frame velocity."
Price: 34.99 |
"Mulesoft - Mule ESB from Beginner to Expert" |
"This course teaches you the Mulesoft from scratch. No prior knowledge is required to understand this course.This course will cover all major connectors and events which are required to understand the Mule-ESB concept.After completion of this course you can easily work on Mulesoft platform.At the end of this course, students should be able to:Build an application network using API-led connectivity and Anypoint Studio. Use Anypoint Exchange as a central repository for the discovery and reuse of assets. Use flow designer to build apps that consume assets and connect systems. Use API designer to define APIs with RAML, the RESTful API Modeling Language. Use Anypoint Studio to build and debug integrations and API implementations and integrations. Connect to databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, JMS queues, and more. Transform data using DataWeave, the powerful transformation language. Add application logic and handle errors. Structure applications to facilitate development and deployment. Handle batch data processing. Debugging application in local.Deploy API implementations and integrations to CloudHub.Build Munit for Unit testing."
Price: 149.99 |
"Mulesoft Mule ESB Certification - Associate Practice Test" |
"This special course is designed for all the students who are writing MCD - Integration and API Associate Exam.If you are planing to take the MCD - Integration and API Associate Exam then this practice test is for you.The Only practice test is available in market for Mulesoft certification.This course will give you the in-depth knowledge about types of question asked from each topic. After each practice examattempt, you will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question About Course:2 Practice test for MCD - Integration and API Associate Exam 3.9Each test contain 35 questions and time limit is 50 minutes.We will cover all the topics which are required to clear MCD - Integration and API Associate ExamYou can expect similar type of questions in MCD - Integration and API Associate ExamYou will get to know what types question can ask."
Price: 89.99 |
bolgarka |
"! 3- 1.0 "" "" : , . :CEH Certified Ethical HackerCND Certified Network Defender , CEO TMGroup . IT Security GeekBrains. :) 10 (!!!) - ( )- - OPSEC- Windows 10- Windows- - - Whonix - OS (Kodachi etc)- fingerprint - - 2fa - Password - - - - - Malware hacking and backup- Honeypots- - ... !!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Wifi - 2018" |
"! ! WiFi , . "" WiFi "" WEP WPA DoS Evil Twin ! , ! ! 2018 . !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Bitcoin & Blockchain" |
"Allein die Begriffe lassen vielerorts die Emotionen hochgehen. Die einen meinen, Bitcoin, Blockchain und die ganze Kryptotechnologie und -diskussion werde die gngigen Wirtschaftsstrukturen pulverisieren. Die anderen: wieder einmal so ein Hype, der ber kurz oder lang sich entweder beruhigen oder explodieren werde. Wir gehren zu keiner der Gruppen.Wir sind aber der Meinung, man sollte zumindest die Grundzge verstehen, bevor man sich unbedarft auf die eine oder die andere Seite schlgt. Wir bieten in der Folge zwei Niveaus der Vertiefung an. Zum einen finden sich direkt nachfolgend zwei einfache bersichtvideos zu Bitcoin einerseits und Blockchain andererseits. Anschliessend finden Sie einen kleinen Test. Danach folgt eine Reihe von Vertiefungsvideos, welche die Details erlutern."
Price: 29.99 |
"Wirtschaftswissen: Geld und Inflation" |
"In den letzten Jahren ist der Inflationsbegriff in unseren Breitengraden aus den meisten Traktanden gefallen. Sie scheint schlicht und einfach nicht mehr zu existieren. Bzw., wenn ber Preissteigerungen diskutiert wird und nicht gerade die Horror-szenarien von Zimbabwe oder Venezuela an die Wand gemalt werden, dann konzentriert sich die Diskussion eher auf den Begriff der Deflation (negative Preissteigerungen) und den damit einhergehenden Depressions-Assoziationen. Wir halten diese Denkhaltung fr gefhrlich."
Price: 29.99 |
"Normas ABNT" |
"Este um importante curso se voc deseja realizar excelentes trabalhos e pesquisas formatados nas melhores prticas e no padro ABNT. Voc conhecer os princpios e as normas da pesquisa cientfica e sua importncia; permeando pelo projeto de pesquisa; citaes e referncias, expresses latinas nas notas de rodap; formatao do trabalho acadmico fazendo uso das normas ABNT; e tcnicas de anlise e leitura de textos, afim de compor a redao cientfica. Passo a passo voc aprender na prtica cada elemento constitui o TCC. Destaque criando pesquisas e trabalhos super elaborados."
Price: 69.99 |
"Pesquisa de Marketing na internet: da teoria prtica." |
"O objetivodo curso conciliar a teoria e a prtica sobre pesquisa de marketing. Voc aprendercomo elaborar e aplicar uma pesquisa de Marketing nainternetpor meio do aplicativo Google Formulrio.O cursoabordadesdea definio do objetivo da pesquisaat a coleta e anlise dos dados. Apresentaos mtodos e tipos de pesquisa, com enfoque para a pesquisa quantitativa. Ensina a elaborar um questionrio, apresentandoos tipos de perguntas que podem ser elaboradas em uma pesquisa:perguntas filtro, de caracterizao e com escala. E apresenta os conceitos essenciais sobre amostragem, ou seja,como definir o nmero de pessoas que devero ser entrevistadas.De forma aplicada,o curso ensinacomoelaborar um questionrio no Google Formulrio. Mostracomo utilizar osrecursos do aplicativo para criar perguntas,comoenviar ou disponibilizar umquestionrio,como so tabulados os dados coletadose gerados grficos com base nesses dados. E ensina como utilizar o recursotabela dinmica para fazer tabulaes cruzadas para auxiliar na anlise dos dados."
Price: 39.99 |
"Pen-Tester's Guide to MALWARES" |
"In this course we are going to study about the malwares, how they work and how their effects can be mitigated. We are going to go is details about Viruses, Worms, Botnets, Browser Hijackers, Keyloggers and many more. Also we are going to learn how can these threats be mitigated."
Price: 99.99 |
"Advanced Cryptography: Application and Data Security" |
"Cryptography is on of the foundation pillars of the Security. In this course, We are going to do lot of Hands-On to learn how to practically implement all the famous Techniques and Methodologies of Cryptography. We have included :Encryption, Hashing, Encoding, Obfuscation , Cryptosystems which includes:-Symmetric & Asymmetric Key Cryptography, MD5, SHA, HMAC, Cryptographic Protocols like SSL, PGP and Digital Signatures Cryptographic Attacks which includes:-Brute Force Attack,Dictionary Attack,Rainbow Table Attack,Collision Attack, andPre-image AttackCryptographic Tools which includes:-Encryption - Bitlocker, DiskCryptor, LUKSHashingHash - Calculator, FTK, SIFTFile Shredders - Eraser, AVG Shredder, CCleaner,Steganography - Steg, Our Secret, OpenPuff"
Price: 199.99 |
"OWASP Mobile Security Testing Top 10 Vulnerabilities" |
"The course Open Web Application Security Project gives (OWASP) Top 10 gives a guide for securely accessing online applications and defend against threats in case of crisis. This course takes you through a very well-structured, example-based prioritization of risks and prevention. Most importantly, you learn, how organizations build apps and protect against them.In addition to this, youll be able to answer followingWhat the top10threats are ?The risks associatedwith mobile appsHow these risks convert into threats ?How threats can be executed by attackers ?How these threats can be mitigated ?"
Price: 99.99 |