"Neuroplasticity: The Ultimate Brain Rewiring Formula 3.0" |
"Neuroplasticity Is A Fairly New Concept. It Reflects The Ability of the Brain to Reorganize, Change and Break Neuro-connective Tissues, Wired by Experience, Thoughts, Emotions, And Knowledge. Neuroscience, is the Core Of Neuroplasticity. Based On Neuroscience, Researchers Developed The Idea Of Neuroplasticity.A Scientific Breakthrough In Neuroscience Made It Possible For People To Wire Their Brain On A Conscious And Subconscious Level, Taking Control Of Their Habits, Their Negative Thoughts, Their Bad Experiences and Memories, And Turn Them Into Good Health Habits, Positive Thoughts And Optimism, Good Experiences & Structural Memories. Neuroscience is one of the most interesting science branches that deals with the concept of Neuroplasticity In This Course, You Will Learn How To Master Your Brain's Plasticity, Take Control Of The Wiring Process Instead Of Falling Victim To The Subliminal Thoughts, Experiences, Emotions and Memories On A Daily Basis. The Brain Creates New Neural Pathways And Modifies Existing Ones In Response To Behavioral, Environmental, And Neural Changes. This Process Of Neuroplasticity, Also Known As Brain Plasticity, Continues Throughout Our Lives, Involves Many Processes And Is Influenced By New Experiences. Looking More Into The Details Of What You Will Learn Out Of This Course: Imagine Having The Ability To Rewire Your Brain, In A Sense Where Every Thought, Every Habit, Every Behavior, Every Pattern That You Have Can Change. That's Exactly What You'll Be Able To Do By The End Of This Course.First Off, You Will Get A Free Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success - Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them 1) Get Ready To Learn MORE THAN 50 Cognitive Systems That Will Help You Rewire Your Brain, Generate More Neurons And Neural Structures And Ensure An Optimal Neurological Health For Future Neural Structural Wiring And Neuroplasticity2) You Will LEARN, UNDERSTAND And APPLY The 9 Neuroplasticity Principle Pinnacles For Effective Brain Wiring3) Throughout The Course You Will Understand Your Brain From 3 Different Perspectives: NEUROLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND BIOLOGICAL. A Guide To Understanding Neuroplasticity 4) You'll Learn How To Use Neuroplasticity To Change Your Brain's Neural And Chemical Structural Combination, And The Neuro-scientific Foundation Of Neuroplasticity And Proper Brain Rewiring And Connecting Principles For Neuroplasticity5) Understand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Bad Memories With The Help Of Neuroplasticity6) Become Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage Through Emotional Wiring, Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind Them7) You Will Learn The Fundamentals Of Motor Sensory Integration And How To Use It In Your Daily Life, Adapt With The Social And Cognitive Structures Of Neuroplasticity And Use The Principles To Control Those Social And Cognitive Structures And Avoid Neuro-suicidal Factors That Can Hurt Your Brain's Plasticity Process Through Neuroplasticity8) You Will Learn And Apply 100+ Systems To Use Neuroplasticity On A Daily Basis And Ensure Proper Brain Rewiring And Neuroplasticity Application 9) You Will Have Access To 20 Hours+ Of Free Supplemental Resources To Complete Your Training, Understanding And Application Of Neuroplasticity10) Finally, Learn How To Control, Change Or Eliminate Your Habits, Conscious And Subconscious Behaviors, And Effectively Implement New Habit Systems In Your Daily LifeThis Capacity Of The Brain To Act And Respond To Both Intrinsic And Extrinsic Changes Enables The Billions Of Nerve Cells Called Neurons To Aid In The Different Learning Processes By Means Of Continuously Creating And/or Rearranging Neural Pathways Through Which Communication Between The Nerves Occurs.Neuroplasticity Allows The Adaptive Brain To Store A New Set Of Information Or Master A New Skill. Without It, We Would Not Have The Ability To Memorize Things That Are New To Us, Or Even Adjust To The New Environment Were In. Until Recently, Scientists Believed That Brain Development Came To A Halt During Adulthood. But Researchers Now Know That Our Brains Change Constantly Throughout Our Lives, Forming New Pathways To Adjust To Our Environment And Actions. For Example, Neuroplasticity Allows The Brain To Compensate For Injury And Disease. Neuroplasticity Would Not Be Possible Without The Malleable Traits Of Neurons. Neurons Are What Cause The Brain To Change And The Entire Body To Function Effectively. Neurons Are The Longest-living Cells In Our Bodies And Are Responsible For Carrying Information Throughout The Brain And Then On To The Muscles And Organs Of The Body.The Ability Of The Brain To Change And Reorganize Itself And Its Function Is Called Neuroplasticity, And It Is A Gift On Par With Neurogenesis, Our Ability To Generate New Brain Cells Throughout Our Lifetimes. Neuroplasticity Provides Us With A Brain That Can Adapt Not Only To Changes Inflicted By Damage, But More Importantly, Allows Adaptation To Any And All Experiences And Changes We May Encounter, Freeing Us From Merely Responding Reflexively As A Consequence Of Genetically Determined Hardwiring. Harvard Medical Schools Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone Recently Stated That Neuroplasticity Is An Intrinsic Property Of The Human Brain And Represents Evolutions Invention To Enable The Nervous System To Escape The Restrictions Of Its Own Genome And Thus Adapt To Environmental Pressures, Physiological Changes, And Experiences.If Certain Neurons Keep Firing At The Same Time, Eventually Theyll Develop A Physical Connection And Become Physically Associated. This Experience-dependent Plasticity Means If You Practice Something Consistently, Such As Meditating, Exercising Or Learning How To Play An Instrument, Youre Likely To Alter Your Brain To Associate The Relevant Parts Of Its Structure.Neuroplasticity Will Change Your Life Once And For All."
Price: 204.99 |
"Emotional Intelligence: Control Your Thoughts And Behaviours" |
"Emotional IntelligenceNow is your chance to achieve what most people can't:Emotional Intelligence. Join us on this journey of self identification and healing, join us on the journey where everything that is going on in your life, and in your mind will now make sense, join us on a journey where we will help you conquer everything that's standing between your emotions and your success. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage ones own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Though there is some disagreement among psychologists as to what constitutes true emotional intelligence, it is generally said to include at least three skills: emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name ones own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating ones own emotions when necessary and cheering up or calming down other people.Now is the time, to change your life once and for all."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learning Strategies & Memory Boosting Training Program" |
"Warren Buffet says: The more you learn, the more you earn. We learn from the things that happen to us - our experiences. For example, we learned that lightning is followed by thunder, we learned not to tell lies because it can cause us to lose our credibility and to lose our friends, or that we learned how to dance by watching others demonstrate dance steps to us. We can say that we have learned these things because we have acquired appropriate responses for them - we cover our ears when lightning strikes, we try to avoid telling lies, and we dance. Learning is acquiring relatively permanent change in behavior through experience. We experience things and learn to modify our behaviors based on what we know.In this course, you will learn about a lot of different topics: 1) You Will Have Access To 100+ Learning Strategies, Formulas, And Systems 2) You Will Learn How To Improve Your Learning Ability And Concentration, How To Manage Memory Properly, And How To Control Your Emotions, Personality And Memory3) You Will Learn How To Implement Effective Learning Strategies And Systems4) You Will Learn How To Read Faster, Comprehend Faster, And Improve Your Focus - You Will Be Able To Focus And Concentrate Longer And Deeper. You Will Be Able To Read 10x Faster Than Usual And You Will Learn How To Apply These Principles When It Comes To Learning Strategies And Abilities5) You Will Learn How To Become Emotionally Intelligent To Prevent Learning Strategies Disruption - You Will Ensure Emotional Stability For Proper And Stable Learning Processes6) You Will Learn How To Implement Learning Systems, Abilities And Techniques That Can Give You A Competitive Edge In Different Areas In Your Daily Life7) You Will Learn How To Change Habits Linked To Your Memory, How To Lead A Healthy Life With Healthy Neurological Structures, And How To Boost Your Memory Overall8) You Will Learn How To Use Musical Therapy And Memory To Your Advantage And How To Enhance Your Senses And Ensure Motor Sensory Integration9) You Will Learn Effective And Applicable Mind Mapping Systems That You Can Use In Your Career, Your School, University, College, Your Personal Development And New Year Resolution, Your Goals And Planning, Your Assignment, Work, Essay, Tasks, Your Fitness Goals And Workout Plan And Much More10) You Will Build Bulletproof Understanding Of Mind Mapping Systems, How They Work, How The Learning Process Behinds Them Work, And How You Can Effectively Use ThemLearning applies not just to humans, but also to animals. For us humans, learning extends beyond the scope of proper education. Prior schooling, we learned how to tie our shoes, how to write, and maybe, even how to read. For animals, learning could mean knowing how to hunt for food, how to climb trees, and when to avoid predators. Learning about the environment is important for adaptation and survival.Psychological research in learning typically employs laboratory experiments, and consequently uses animals as participants. This is to allow extensive control over the environmental conditions that govern learning. After decades of research in learning, it is widely accepted today that many of the principles of learning demonstrated with animals also apply to humans.In this course you will learn how to improve your learning ability and skills, how to improve your memory and boost your recalling and retaining ability. You will learn effective speed reading and cognitive comprehension expansion. This course, will take you from where you are, to where you want to be."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Memory Improvement Training Program 2.0" |
"Memory. One of the most important parts of a human being's life is the human memory.However sometimes, you memory works against you. You reality becomes different and the experience might effect you in a negative way. Memory has a lot to do with behavior, thoughts, learning, emotional stability, relationships and generally speaking, your entire life. In this course you will learn everything you need to know to improve and optimize your memory: Memory Is One Of The Things You Can Use To Gain A Competitive Edge In Today's Competitive World. We All Know What Memory Is, But Most Of Us Don't Understand How Memory Works, How Memory Can Be Enhanced And AmplifiedIn This Course You Experience A Scientific Fundamental Approach To First Understand Your Brain, And Then Understand The Human Memory Like You Never Did BeforeYou Will Learn The Psychological, Neurological And Biological Basis Of Your MemoryYou Will Learn About The Different Memory Systems That You Have To Use Them To Your AdvantageYou Will Learn About Every Day Memory Tools That You Can Use: Avoid The Tip Of The Tongue Memory Block, Never Forget People's Names, Never Forget Where You Placed Your Keys, Never Forget Your Passwords...You Will Learn The Fundamentals Of Your Conscious And Unconscious Memory. You Will Also Explore Your Eidetic, Implicit And Explicit MemoryYou Will Learn How To Boost Your Memory And Creativity By Linking Them TogetherYou Will Explore Your Sensory Perceptional Memory, Your Visual Memory, Events Based Memory, Spatial, Temporal And Object Based MemoryYou Will Learn What You Need To Eat To Improve Your Memory And Cognitive Performance, As Well As Some Essential Nutrients And Supplements You Can UseYou Will Explore The Effect Of Learning And Linguistic Programming On Your Memory And Recalling AbilityYou Will Learn 20+ Tools, Formulas And Systems You Can Use To Optimize And Improve Your Memory And Cognitive Performance AbilityYou Will Lean Why We Forget Things, The Effect Of Musical Therapy, The Benefits Of Bliss And Silence, And Your Effective Memory Peg SystemYou Will Learn How To Lead A Healthy Life With Healthy Neurological StructuresYou Will Learn How To Manage Memory ProperlyYou Will Learn How To Control Your Emotions, Personality And MemoryYou Will Learn How To Change Habits Linked To Your MemoryThrough this course, you will first and foremost understand your memory, how it works from a neurological, psychological and biological standpoint. Afterwards you will understand how you can change memories and experiences by controlling the impact and outcome. Your memory will be an asset and not a liability. Enhancing and amplifying your memory ability has never been that easy.Furthermore, you will learn how to ensure cognitive dominance by boosting your focus, concentration, planning, and cognitive training. Finally, you will understand how you can rewire your brain into different streams of thoughts and conscious behavior."
Price: 204.99 |
"Speed Reading Mastery Course - Read 10x Faster" |
"How great would it be, if we can read 10x faster than our normal speed? Whether it's course material that you have in school, or documents that your boss gave you, or a simple book that you want to read but you just can't find the time to finish it, after finishing this course, all of this can change. By learning and applying the principles in this course, you will be able to effectively implement a speed reading system that you can use in different areas in your life. The more you learn, the more you earn, now is the time for you to explore your fullest potential."
Price: 199.99 |
"NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming For Your Everyday Life" |
"Neuro Linguistic Programming is one of the most fascinating subjects in the field of neurology, it also has some implications in psychology, and biology.Neuro Linguistic Programming will give you the ability to control your brain from a neurological standpoint that helps you change the way your brain is wired. NLP uses perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions.NLP relies on language processing but should not be confused with natural language processing, which shares the same acronym.Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLPis life changing, as it changes your brain's structure entirely. This course is all you need to learn the ins and outs of Neuro Linguistic Programming, you will be able to rewire your brain and control habits, memories, thoughts, patterns, behaviours, mental health issues and much more concepts related to NLPNeuro Linguistic Programming.Are you ready to change your life with Neuro Linguistic Programming?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Mental Health And Neuroplasticity: Rewire Your Mental Health" |
"Mental Health should be each and every person's priority. Poor mental health will lead to a lot of dysfunctions in different areas in your life. A Healthy mind can lead to a healthy life, and that's exactly why I made this course. Imade this course for each and every person who wants to enjoy better mental health and better overall quality of life. It is not easy to manage mental health issues but it is possible. Scientific breakthroughs made it possible for each and every person to control and manage his/her mental health to a very far extent. Now you have the ability to do that, you have the ability to change your life once and for all."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Mind Mapping Training Program For Success" |
"Mind Mapping is a life changing system that each and every person can follow and adapt to. Imagine being able to take control of your career, your school or learning, your goals and new year resolution, your fitness journey and extracurricular activities. Imagine taking all the racing thoughts you have on a daily basis and make sense out of them. Mind Mapping will make all of this possible. In This Course you will learn first and foremost about your brain's learning ability, the learning stages and the effective learning processes you go through. Mind Mapping will give you the ability to change the way your mind processes and implements information in all the different areas in your life the involves learning, and you know best that learning, in life is a universal and crucial element of progress. In this course, you will learn about different topics: 1) You Will Learn Effective And Applicable Mind Mapping Systems That You Can Use In Your Career, Your School, University, College, Your Personal Development And New Year Resolution, Your Goals And Planning, Your Assignment, Work, Essay, Tasks, Your Fitness Goals And Workout Plan And Much More2) You Will Build Bulletproof Understanding Of Mind Mapping Systems, How They Work, How The Learning Process Behinds Them Work, And How You Can Effectively Use Them3) On Top Of Mind Mapping, You Will Learn Principles On Time Management, Organizing Your Daily, Weekly, Monthly And Yearly Tasks4) You Will Also Learn How To Enhance Your Cognitive Abilities In Terms Of Focus And Concentration, Information Structuring, Productivity And Creativity5) You Will Learn How To Think Differently, How To Brainstorm Differently, And How To Work Differently6) You Will Be Able To Link Your Conscious Mind And Your Subconscious Mind To The Infinite Intelligence And Creativtiy System7) You Will Learn How To Plan, Organize, And Execute Different Goals Related To Your Education, Career, Personal Development, Fitness, And Much More8) You Will Have Access To More Than 20 Application Exercises To Ensure Your Understanding And Application Of The Mind Mapping Formulas9) You Will Accelerate Your Learning Ability, You Will Improve Your Retention And Comprehension Ability And You Will Boost Your Personal Productivity To Take Yourself To A Whole New Level10) You Will Learn How To Apply Mind Mapping When It Comes To: Working Out, Fitness Plans, New Year Resolution And Goal Setting, Personal Development And Transformation, Speech And Presentation Crafting, Exams And Essays, Career Planning, Job Interviews, Business And School Projects And Much, Much More11) When You Finish This Course, You Will Be On A Completely Different Cognitive Level That Will Help You Dominate In Today's Competitive WorldThis is the course that is going to teach you Step-by-Step, how use mind mapping effectively. The goal is for you to mind map as much problems as possible to get the best expected result. Mind mapping will be a simple task that you can do quickly and effectively after finishing this course. Through mind mapping you will explore new horizons that this productivity method will offer. Mind mapping will help you solve many problems, and most importantly, it'll boost your productivity over the roof.By the end of this course, not only will you be a mind mapping expert, but you will go beyond that to learn the ins and outs of time management, psychology behind execution, willpower, smart goals, productivity, creativity and much more!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Developing New Habits - Eliminating And Changing Old Habits" |
"Want to change habits?Want to create new habits?Eliminate old habits?All of these are possible, in fact there is an entire science behind it. In this course, after understanding the science behind habits, and how to eliminate them and replace them while ensuring effective and accurate control over these habits, you will learn how to ensure applicability to eliminate habits, overcome habits, replace habits, create habits, and make sure that they last."
Price: 199.99 |
"Overcoming Procrastination In School, Work And Life" |
"Beating Procrastination Is Not Easy, And You Obviously Know That. Procrastination stands in the way of many of our goals and objectives in life. It can have an impact on our health, wealth, relationships, goals..etc That's exactly why we made this course. We made this course for you so you can lead a healthy life and enjoy it procrastination free! In this course you will learn about several different topics: You Will Learn The Science Behind Procrastination, Why We Usually Procrastinate, What The Motive Is And How We Can Control ItYou Will Get A FREE Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success - Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them!You Will Also Learn System That You Can Implement In Your Life That Can Help You Overcome Procrastination And Lead You To A Healthier LifeYou Will Learn The Fundamentals Behind Habits, How They Function And How You Can Not Only Control Procrastination, But Other Habits As Well. You Will Learn How To Create, Change And Eliminate HabitsYou Will Master Your Habits And You Will Learn The Fundamental Psychological And Physiological Basis Behind ThemYou Will Be Able To Caliber Problems Related To Procrastination, Time Management, Concentration And Focus, Healthy Diet, Healthy Physique And Overall Healthy LifeYou Will Be Able To Apply What You Learn As We Dive Into Eliminating The Habit Of Procrastination And Implementing The Habits Of Proper Time Management, Proper Focus And Concentration, Goal Setting And Execution, And Overall, Cognitive EnhancementBy The End Of This Course, You Will Be Able To, In Summary, Change Habits, Create Habits, Control Habits, Alter Habits, Stop Habits, Switch Habits, And Overall, Control Your Habits Like You Never Did BeforeAfter finishing this course, you will be fully equipped to manage and control procrastination, you will learn how to change any habit, create habits, and eliminate habits. You will also learn how to manage your time properly, set effective smart goals, and enhance your cognitive abilities."
Price: 199.99 |
"Study Skills - Performance Optimization For Straight A's" |
"Our life long journey in the professional world starts with our education. That's exactly why study skills are essential for students who aim to make their educational journey a successful one. Study skills can take student's performance to a whole new level, it gives them to ability to finish more, in less time, and have more free time for themselves. Moreover, through the tools and skills you will acquire, you'll be able ensure better grades, and bigger success in school and university. You will learn the ways that students, become top students, and you will become a top student after implementing those habits and skills in your daily scholastic life. Get ready to learn revolutionary study skills that will take you to a while new level."
Price: 199.99 |
"Success Mindset - Enhanced Cognitive Dominance And Control" |
"Your mindset predicates your life. A successful mindset reflects upon a successful life. Imagine being able to change the way your brain works, change your mindset and direct it towards what you really want. By learning how your brain works, how its wired and how to rewire it, you will tap into systems and principles that will help you in different areas. In this course, you will learn about different topics: After Finishing This Course, Your Entire Mindset Will Change, Your Very Physical Brain Will Change As Well. By Learning The Principles Of Brain Plasticity And How To Actually Change The Way Your Brain Is Wired, You Will Be Able To Tap Into Any Mindset You're Trying To AdoptYou Will Learn All The Principles Behind Enhanced Concentration And Focus, You'll Achieve Emotional Intelligence And Control, You Will Be Learn How To Manage Your Time, Plan And Execute To Ensure Persistence In Your Current EndeavorIn This Course, You Will Learn How To Manage Your Time Properly, Organize Your Goals, And Enhance Your ProductivityYou Will Learn How To Effectively Plan Your Smart Goals, And Ensure Proper Execution And AttainmentYou Will Learn How To Develop An Advanced Cognitive Ability To Get A Competitive Edge In Today's Digital WorldYou Will Also Learn How To Improve Your Concentration, Focus, And Attention To Ensure Optimum Cognitive Control And EnhancementYou Will Learn How To Improve Your Brain's Intellectual Capacity, How To Train Your Memory, Recalling, And Comprehension AbilityYou Will Also Learn How To Overcome Obstacles, Such As Procrastination And FailureYou Will Learn About 12 Principles That Can Help You Manage Your Time Effectively And Ensure Optimum ProductivityYou Will Be Able To Enhance Your Brainstorming Abilities, As Well As Your Overall Creative Tendency And CapacityYou Will Learn About Different Organizing Systems That You Can Use To Organize Your Goals And Tasks Properly And EffectivelyFinally, You Will Have Access To 100+ Systems To Ensure Proper Productivity Improvement And Effective Management Formula Implementation As Well As 15+ Free Supplemental Resources To Take Your Learning To Another Level, And Ensure Proper Control Over Your Time, Your Mind, And Your LifeYou will be able to enhance your focus and concentration, you will be able to control your emotions and feelings instead of them controlling you. You will learn how to enhance your cognitive abilities to reach the mindset of success."
Price: 199.99 |
"Entrepreneurship Success Fundamentals Mastery Course" |
"Every entrepreneur knows how much work the entrepreneurial journey has to succeed in Entrepreneurship.In Entrepreneurship, For you to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to master the fundamentals behind time management, enhanced concentration and focus, goal setting, planning and executing. Once you do understand Entrepreneurship, you will be able to finish more work, in less time, be much more effective and much more resourceful. By the end of it, you will be able to use these principles not just in your entrepreneurial ventures, but in your daily life. Get ready to change the Entrepreneurship game."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Guide To Personal Development And Dominance" |
"Personal Development is usually regarded as a set of different category based principles that we need to learn separately to form a bigger picture that completes the development process puzzle. However, even after completing the puzzle, missing pieces make it hard for people to see the image that has been formed. A lot of principles, rules and information that needs application basis are usually disregarded and people find themselves not progressing the way they want to. In this course you will learn about numerous topics: You Will Learn The Science Behind Your Brain's Learning System And How To Use It To Your AdvantageYou Will Get A FREE Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success - Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them!You Will Be Able To Apply What You Learn As We Dive Into Eliminating The Habit Of Procrastination And Implementing The Habits Of Proper Time Management, Proper Focus And Concentration, Goal Setting And Execution, And Overall, Cognitive EnhancementYou Will How Memory Works, And How You Can Use The Memory's Basis Structure To Change Or Enhance Memories and ExperiencesYou Will Learn How To Become Emotionally Intelligent And Make Sure That Your Emotions Will Work With You Not Against You While Managing Depression, Anxiety, And Stress Properly With Efficient Coping MechanismsYou Will Learn How To Become Productive and Effective, Diving Deep Into The Principles Of Personal And Modern Productivity, Efficient Creativity, Time Management, Goal Setting, Planning, And ExecutionWe Will Go Beyond Time Management As Well To Teach You Concepts Related To Goal Setting, Enhanced Concentration And Focus, And Overall Increased Productivity, Creativity, And Management SkillsYou Will Be Able To Caliber Problems Related To Procrastination, Time Management, Concentration And Focus, Healthy Diet, Healthy Physique And Overall Healthy LifeYou Will Learn How To Improve Your Brain's Intellectual Capacity, How To Train Your Memory, Recalling, And Comprehension AbilityYou Will Learn About Different Organizing Systems That You Can Use To Organize Your Goals And Tasks Properly And EffectivelyThat's exactly why I decided to make this course. After reading 50+ books about different subjects discussed and taught In this course, I built this explanatory, applicable guide that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. The course includes section that tackle topics related to cognitive ability enhancement, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Advancement, Neuroplasticity, Time Management, Emotional Intelligence, Brainstorming and Mind Mapping, and much more. The question is, are you ready for a change?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Career Success - Take Your Career To A Whole New Level" |
"Dominate the career world:In a competitive world where everybody is competing to get a promotion, there are some principles that you can follow to dominate the workplace and gain a competitive edge over others in your career.You will be able to use these principles to tackle daily, weekly and monthly tasks, set goals and achieve them with proper persistence and execution. Furthermore, you will learn the essentials of time management and planning so you can be more productive and finish more, in less time. Finally, you will learn the effective methods to increase your cognitive abilities, focus, and concentration to gain a competitive advantage in a digital distracted world. Get ready to change the game and take your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99 |
"Gerenciando Arquivos no Windows Server 2016 (FSRM)" |
"O Gerenciador de Recursos do Servidor de Arquivos (FSRM) um servio de funo no Windows Server que permite que voc gerencie e classifique dados armazenados nos servidores de arquivo.O Gerenciador de Recursos de Servidor de Arquivos inclui os seguintes recursos:Infraestrutura de Classificao de DadosTarefas de Gerenciamento de ArquivosGerenciamento de cotaRelatrios de armazenamentoNeste curso os alunos matriculados tero 3vdeosbnus: 10 Maneiras de evitar o ataque de Ransonware,Como utilizar o FSRM para diminuir a superfcie de ataque de Ransomwares e Configurando Deduplicao no Windows Server 2016."
Price: 54.99 |
parent_child_relationship1 |
Price: 59.99 |
reiki-1-stupen-ogrit |
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Price: 199.99 |
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Price: 199.99 |
tarot-meditation |
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Price: 114.99 |
"Muhteem Boksr Muhammed Ali ile Photoshop'ta Portre izimi" |
"Photoshop ile geree %90 yakn portreler oluturun!leri dzey tasarm eitimi iermekle birlikte sfrdan balayanlarn kolaylkla tamamlayabilecei kolaylkta hazrlanmtr.Bir resmi geree %90 orannda izebilmenin , ok basit bir yntemi gsterilmitir.Son blmde srpriz bir ierikle ayn yntemle baka nelerin tasarlanabileceine dair bir ders daha mevcuttur.Create designs which are similar %90 with the real ones!t contains advanced level but even beginners can easily figure out with the course.Its enough to be interested to design anything includes gradients .And a really basic way of that is showed here.Hope you like !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Drawing Fundamentals Pt 1: Basic Skills & Drawing Accurately" |
"Do you want to learn how to draw but don't know where to begin?In this 1st course of the Drawing Fundamentals Made Simple series, you going to learn all the foundational skills you'll need to be successful at drawing.Discover the Foundational Skills that Every Artist NeedsWe'll begin with showing you how to properly hold and control your pencil. This might seem really simple, but many of the most common problems plaguing new artist stem from not knowing how to properly control the pencil.By mastering this aspect from the beginning, you'll be able to improve much more quickly.Then you'll be given simple, fun exercises with printable worksheets that will help you draw smooth, clean lines and curves.Once your hand dexterity has improved, you'll learn the measuring skills that every artist need. You'll discover how to measure angles and distances to make your drawings accurate and proportional.Then we'll go through step-by-step exercises that will help you master these concepts. We'll begin with drawing simple 2D shapes and then progress to 3D objects.By the end of this course, you'll have a firm grasp of how to measure what you see in order to draw anything accurately.This course is designed for the complete beginner, so even if you've never picked up a pencil before, you'll be able to follow along without being overwhelmed.If you're a beginner who wants to learn the fundamentals skills of drawing so you can jump-start your artistic career the right way, then this course is for you!This course comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee so if you are not completely in love with the course for any reason, you can get every penny of your money back!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Curso Bsico de Mang - Desenhando Rosto" |
"Este um curso bsico porm completo para todos aqueles que querem aprender a arte dos quadrinhos japoneses, desde a reproduo de personagens conhecidos at a criao de sua prpria histria em quadrinhos dentro do estilo oriental.O Curso dividido em sete mdulos:1 - introduo e Linhas Diretrizes2 - Construo de Rosto: posies bsicas (frente, 3/4 e perfil)3 - Construo de Rosto:Olhando para cima e para baixo4 - Expresses5 -IdadesDurante o curso sero usadas referncias para aprendizado e fixao dos esquemas de construo.Ao fim do curso o aluno ser capaz de reproduzir um personagem j existente assim como criar seus prprios personagens."
Price: 84.99 |
"General Chinese1" |
"This course is suitable for beginners. There are 10 lessons totallyand the Chinese phonetic system is included in the first 5 lessons so that the learners can choose to learn it. And the common-use vocabulariessentence patterns and communicative conversations are set in the rest part of the lessons.After finishing the coursethe learners can have a good ability for daily communication in Chinese."
Price: 19.99 |
"General Chinese2" |
"This course is suitable for beginners. There are 10 lessons totallyand the Chinese phonetic system is included in the first 5 lessons so that the learners can choose to learn it. And the common-use vocabulariessentence patterns and communicative conversations are set in the rest part of the lessons.After finishing the coursethe learners can have a good ability for daily communication in Chinese."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Set theory and operations" |
"This course is designed to help you understand sets as used in Mathematics and statistics. You will be introduced to the use of venn diagrams. You will know about set operations and how to use them. By the end of this course you should know the algebra of set operations.You should also be able to solve all set problems in your high school examinations. This course will give you a general overview of set theory which will help you pass your exams.Be it set theory in CSEC, IGCSE, A-level, IB, WASSCE or any other exams, this course it designed to equip you with all you need to understand how to approach questions on sets."
Price: 19.99 |
"MailChimp de Novato a Experto" |
"Quieres ser mas efectivo en tus campaas de Marketing por correo electrnico a travs de Mailchimp?Sientes que tus correos electrnicos no estn siendo ledos?Has escuchado acerca de MailChimp pero no sabes como sacarle provecho?Si la respuesta es si a cualquiera de estas preguntas, este es tu curso.Este curso le enseara en poco tiempo como:Disear y enviar boletines electrnicos atractivos con MailChimp.Veremos cmo interpretar los resultados de sus campaas de boletines de MailChimp para que sepa qu funciona y qu no.Tambin aprender cmo crear un formulario de registro en MailChimp y poner ese formulario en su sitio web.Ensearemos algunas formas creativas para hacer crecer su lista de suscriptores en MailChimp.Miraremos como enviar anuncios de redes sociales usando sus listas con MailChimp.Aprendera a realizar Landing Pages que permitan capturar datos de valor.Que dicen nuestro estudiantes?Juan Andrade:""Excelente curso para aprender de MailChimp. Haba escuchado de esta herramienta pero ahora puedo ver en detalle como funciona y poder hacer mis propias campaas""Juan Gutierrez: ""He terminado el curso y me pareci muy interesante. Es breve pero con lo necesario para iniciar Mailchimp y hacer campaas efectivas""Maria Gonzalez: ""Bastante concreto y til el curso""Alejandro Pizaa: ""Super recomendado""Hay mucho potencial en esta herramienta para que seas mas efectivo. Simplemente toma este curso claro y conciso que podrs tomar en poco tiempo y con excelente resultados."
Price: 99.99 |
"Linux: Bash Shell" |
"Aunque las distribuciones recientes de Linux permiten hacer uso del sistema operativo sin necesidad del interprete de comandos porque cuentan con interfaz grfica, es muy importante conocer los comandos porque esto permite hacer las tareas de forma mas rpida y eficiente. Igualmente si queremos convertirnos en administradores de servidores el empezar a conocer los comandos basicos es esencial ya que todas las instalaciones y configuraciones se realizan de esta manera.Este curso es dictado por un ingeniero de sistemas con mas de 10 aos de experiencia en Linux, redes, seguridad informtica y prevencin de fraude electrnico. En este curso aprenders cosas como:El Shell BashEl sistema de archivosAxuda de LinuxComando ManSintaxis general de los comandosEncadenar los comandosComandos Cd y LsGestionar los archivos y directoriosComodinesRedireccionesEditor ViComando GrepComando Diff y CmpLos procesosAlias y agrupacin de comandosVariablesArchivos generales de configuracin"
Price: 49.99 |
"Seguridad Informtica 101 - Ciberseguridad" |
"Quieres empezar una carrera en seguridad informtica?Quieres aprender los conceptos bsicos de Seguridad Informtica?Estas participando o implementando un programa de seguridad de la informacin en su empresa?Si la respuesta es si, djate guiar por un experto en seguridad informtica. Este curso es dictado por un Ingeniero de Sistemas con mas de 10 aos de experiencia, experto en seguridad informtica y prevencin de fraude electrnico que ha liderado Centros de operaciones de seguridad (SOC) con mas de 40 personas a cargo y prestando servicios a nivel mundial. Si desea empezar una carrera en seguridad de la informacin este curso es para usted. Es una introduccin a los conceptos bsicos de seguridad de la informacin y a la implementacin de un programa de seguridad de la informacin.En este curso aprender: Conceptos bsicos de seguridad de la informacin.Que es un SOCy cuales son sus funciones.Conceptos bsicos para implementar un programa de seguridad de la informacin en su empresa.Que tener en cuenta al implementar un programa de seguridad de la informacin.Como medir y gestionar los riesgos.Comunicacin de su programa de seguridad de la informacin a ejecutivos y Juntas Directivas."
Price: 99.99 |
"Fisiologa del Sistema Respiratorio" |
"En en siguiente curso, analizaremos la fisiologa del sistema respiratorio humano. Comenzaremos en observar la estructura del sistema respiratorio, los elementos que lo conforman como la traquea, los bronquios, los alvolos y los pulmones para luego abordar su funcin. Observaremos tambin la relacin que existe entre el sistema respiratorio con el circulatorio"
Price: 19.99 |