"Pixel Art para Desenvolvedores: Personagens e animaes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a criar sprites com timas animaes utilizando photoshop e blender. a maneira mais rpida para se trabalhar em pixel art; o mesmo mtodo utilizado pelos grandes estdios como: Sega, SNK, Capcom, Arc System Works, etc. Comearemos aprendendo a organizar as coresde acordo com a forma bsicados objetos. Em seguida, passaremos a utilizar o Blender para a construo de uma personagem que posteriormente ser animada. Obteremos os sprites a partir da animao do blender, e enfim, faremos ajustes finais no photoshop."
Price: 29.99 |
"Pixel art para desenvolvedores: Estgios e cenrios" |
"O curso um treinamento para desenvolvedores que no querem desperdiar tempo com uma produo totalmente ""artesanal"". Utilizando o blender o aluno deixar o cenrio 90% pronto; o restante ser concludo no photoshop. A ideia mudar a forma de produo ""pixel por pixel"" que desenvolvedores utilizam para criar seus jogos. Apesar de usar dois softwares o mtodo ainda muito mais rpido que uma produo convencional. Invista algumas horas aprendendo e poupe meses de trabalho!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Crie qualquer personagem em Pixel art rpido e fcil" |
"Curso de pixel art utilizando photoshop e blender. Ideal para quem quer solucionar problemas com animaes e precisa criar muitos sprites para seus jogos. Com o Blender aprenderemos a criar todos os sprites necessrios para criar um jogo utilizando apenas um simples desenho de uma personagem. Aps isto, faremos polimentos no Photoshop e criaremos uma plataforma tambm utilizando o Blender."
Price: 19.99 |
"Jogos 2D com Unity para desenvolvedores" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a criar os seus jogos de plataforma 2D uitilizando a Unity engine. Aprender a programar seus personagens e atributos como vida e aes bsicas (atacar, pular correr e interagir com inimigos). Tambm aprender a programar inimigos com uma forma fcil de criao de IA e ter uma base slida nesta engine."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photoshop do Zero Premium - Curso Completo para Iniciantes" |
"O Photoshop o melhor e mais utilizado programa de edio de imagens do mundo. Por parecer complexo, muitas pessoas nunca nem tentaram utilizar. O curso Photoshop do Zero foi elaborado para que mesmo aqueles que nunca tenham usado o Photoshop sejam capazes de utiliz-lo em um nvel bsico e intermedirio. Alguns recursos mais avanados tambm sero ensinados ao longo das vdeo aulas.Ao final do curso Photoshop doZero voc ser capaz de, por exemplo:criar imagens para sites, blogs e lojas virtuais;criar capas para sua pgina do Facebook e para seu canal do Youtube;retocar e corrigir imagens e fotos;criar imagens profissionaispara serem usadas em apresentaes (com o Power Point, por exemplo);fazer imagens nicas e exclusivas para livros, apostilas e materiais impressos;criar imagens para posts no Facebook e Instagram;corrigir, retocar, melhorar e otimizar imagens e fotografiasem geral;aplicar efeitos em imagens e fotos.Com uma didtica e contedo programticominuciosamente elaborados, esse curso far com que voc saia do zero e torne-se um usurio do Photoshop com pouco tempo de estudo e dedicao.Neste curso, voc ainda ganhar 6 incrveis BNUS:Imagens das aulas: faa o download de todas as imagens usadas nas vdeo aulas. Com elas, voc poder refazer os exerccios para treinar e aprender mais rpido.Mais de 1600 fontes de letras para Windows: voc poder baixar um pacote com 1673 fontes de letras com acentuao para instalar em seu computador (com sistema operacional Windows). Suas montagens ficaro muito mais personalizadas e exclusivas.Pacote com mais de 450 imagens em alta resoluo: comece a fazer as suas montagens usando essa incrvel coletnea de imagens em alta resoluo.Pacote com mais de 700 cones: so cones prontos para serem usados em suas montagens, dos mais variados temas.Texturas: baixe um pacote com 161 texturas em alta resoluo para usar em suas montagens.Mini Curso Correo e Otimizao de Imagens para Estudantes e Professores - neste mini curso com 29 aulas, voc aprender a melhorar e customizar imagens para serem usadas em apresentaes (no Power Point, por exemplo), em trabalhos impressos e apostilas."
Price: 189.99 |
"Learn Kannada - Kannada Basics for beginners" |
"Namaskara!! Course for absolute beginners in Kannada and Learn through fun methods to start speaking Kannada from day one.Literature and teaching have been associated with me for longer than I can remember. I have always believed in the reciprocal nature of learning and through this course, I attempt to reach out to a greater set of individuals so as to deepen all our knowledge baskets.Hope to see you soon! Be healthy, be happy and keep learning. :)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Como Fazer Um Currculo Revolucionrio: O Guia Completo" |
"Voc tem vergonha do seu currculo?Talvez o seu currculo seja muito pequeno porque voc tem pouca, ou at nenhuma, experincia de trabalho. Ento voc fica pensando:""Como eu vou conseguir um emprego melhor se ningum leva a srio meu currculo?""Ou talvez o problema no seja a quantidade, mas sim a qualidade do contedo.Isso so grandes problemas. Mas ""falta de contedo"" e ""contedo de baixa qualidade"" so apenas 2 dos obstculos que seu currculo tem de vencer.Como assim?Na verdade, existem 5 obstculos entre voc e um convite para uma entrevista. Eles so:O cansao mental da pessoa que vai pegar em seu currculo e decidir se chama voc para uma entrevista. Afinal, aps passar horas vendo currculos, pode acreditar que o recrutador j nem olha direito para eles. Isso significa que se seu currculo tiver uma aparncia complexa ele pode acabar no sendo sequer lido!No ter nada de extraordinrio para escrever no currculo.No entender a importncia vital de saber como investigar um anncio de uma vaga de emprego antesde enviar seu currculo.No saber como adaptar o seu currculo para ele encaixar perfeitamente nessa vaga de emprego. Lembra como voc se sente quando recebe uma mensagem de texto e pensava que ela tinha sido escrita a pensar em si, mas depois percebe que ela foi enviada para todo o mundo? assim que o recrutador se sente quando percebe que o currculo que voc enviou para ele igual ao currculo que voc est enviando para todo o lado.No saber como transformar contedo de baixa qualidade em contedo da mais alta qualidade.Como este o curso o ajuda a ultrapassar cada um desses obstculos?Logo no inicio do curso voc ter acesso imediato a uma estrutura simples e direta. Isso lhe dar uma vantagem competitiva em relao s pessoas que ficam obcecadas com o design do seu currculo. Voc aprender a 1 habilidade: Como estruturar seu currculo para que ele seja fcil de analisar, mesmo se acabar nas mos de um recrutador que j est bem cansado. De seguida, atravs de dezenas de perguntas diretas, projetadas para entrar em sua mente e extrair o que o seu histrico de vida tem de melhor, voc ser convidado a produzir vrias pginas de informao super til, honesta e relevante para seu currculo. Mais ainda, essas perguntas ajudaro voc a lembrar dosexemplos de sua vida pessoal, escolar e laboral que provam suas qualidades. Essa a 2 habilidade: Como produzir contedo de alta qualidade para preencher a estrutura do currculo. A 3 habilidade est desenhada para resolver o 3 obstculo. Voc ter acesso a 8 perguntas-chave desenhadas para ajudar voc a entender o que a empresa que colocou o anncio est realmente procurando.Afinal, voc j deve ter reparado que os annciosde vagas de emprego so demasiado gerais. O segredo saber onde e como procurar a informao que voc precisa para ver o mundo pelos olhos do recrutador. Mas como usar essa informao vital?Essa a 4 habilidade:Como adaptar o currculo vaga. Voc aprender como fazerpequenos ajustes vitais a seu currculo para que ele encaixe em cada vaga a que voc se candidatar. Dessa forma, o recrutador perceber depressa que o currculo que est nas mos dele um currculo feito para ele e isso causa um impacto bem grande. Mas espere. Antes de enviar seu currculo voc precisa ter certeza que cada palavra est otimizada ao extremo. Irresistvel. Como?Bem vindo ao mundo dos currculos do futuro. A 5 habilidade : Como otimizar qualquer currculo. Voc aprender a transformar contedo de baixa qualidade em contedo de altssima qualidade. Com a 5 habilidade voc aprende a dominar a arte de otimizao para dominar sua competio. Porque isso to importante? Pense no seguinte:O recrutador recebe tantos currculos para rever que voc nem faz ideia.Mas, e se o seu for realmente diferente?E se o seu usar nomes e nmeros do modo correto?E se o seu fizer referncias a lucros e dinheiro, mesmo que voc nunca tenha trabalhado em vendas? (E esta tcnica impressionante est disponvel nas aulas gratuitas!) E se voc souber como usar a tcnica do No Diga, Mostre e outras poderosas tcnicas de marketing para fazer suas qualidades, habilidades e realizaes saltarem da pgina? Nesse caso:Voc pintar a imagem de algum competente na mente do recrutador e no ser surpreendente se ele se lembrar de voc no dia seguinte.Voc est cansado de livros, cursos e stios na Internet que apenas lhe ensinam o bsico sobre currculos?Ento este curso para voc.No tenho nenhuma dvida sobre o valor deste curso para a sua carreira, agora e no futuro. E que dizer de seus filhos, seu cnjuge e at seus amigos? o meu desejo que voc se torne capaz de os ajudar tambm a criar o tipo de currculos que esmagam a competio. Por isso, voc contar com minha ajuda desde o nicio na rea de perguntas e respostas.A minha nica dvida : ser que voc gostar do meu sotaque europeu? :)Venha descobrir assistindo agora s aulas gratuitas que esto disponveis. E no se esquea: Com a Udemy voc tem garantia de 30 dias para testar plenamente o Sistema das 5 Habilidades e decidir se ele de valor para voc."
Price: 199.99 |
"Cervejas Artesanais: Aprenda a degustar cervejas" |
"Queremos que voc domine os conceitos bsicos sobre cerveja artesanal no menor tempo possvel e com contedo de altssima qualidade. Esse curso vai aumentar o seu conhecimento e cultura cervejeira, potencializando suas experincias sensoriais atravs de degustao de cervejas com o uso de tcnicas.O curso ideal para quem quer realmente entender de cerveja artesanal, entrar no mercado cervejeiro ou para aqueles que desejam ampliar seus conhecimentos e apurar ainda mais os sentidos na hora de degustar sua bebida predileta.Tambm indicado para quem possui um negcio no segmento cervejeiro, bar ou restaurante e necessita treinar seus colaboradores. Venha ser um especialista cervejeiro e experienciar da melhor forma uma boa cerveja artesanal."
Price: 99.99 |
"Retoque creativo enfocado a ftbol con Photoshop cc" |
"En este curso encontrars las mejores tcnicaspara formar una composicin creativa de alto impacto con enfoque hacia al deporte ms hermoso del mundo, el ftbol. Si eres un fantico de este deporte y quieres aprender a crear diseos para este medio te invito a tomar mi curso y a desafiar tus habilidades tcnicas y tericas sobre el tema."
Price: 29.99 |
"Photoshop class I Crea una pieza publicitaria en 6 clases" |
"Quieres aprender a crear una pieza publicitaria con pocos elementos y en pocas clases? este curso es para ti. Solo necesitas un conocimiento previo bsico de Photoshop y lo dems ser pan comido. Te brindar las herramientas y las imgenes para que puedas elaborar tu propia pieza creativa, tambin aadir archivos extra para que puedas soltar tu creatividad."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photoshop master I Nivel cero a nivel Profesional" |
"Si no tienes idea de como funciona adobe Photoshop y tienes ganas de aprender a un ritmo propio, te recomiendo tomar este curso, donde aprenders de lo bsico a lo avanzado, trabajaremos composiciones complejas, aprenderemos a clasificar cada parte del software y sers capaz de plasmar tu creatividad con uno de los mejores programas de diseo grfico y edicin en el mundo."
Price: 74.99 |
"Photoshop Master Class I Retoque Creativo Automotriz" |
"Este curso consta de 3 ejercicios con 17 clases maestras para que tu aprendas a crear piezas sumamente creativas. Trabajaremos con la iluminacin, sombreado, composicin y elementos aadidos que darn a tu diseo la calidad necesaria.Aprenders el uso de herramientas nuevas para convertirte en un master en retoque creativo, adems ten la seguridad de que cuentas con un instructor que est especializado en ayudarte a poder resolver tus dudas sobre el curso.Este curso est diseado en mac, pero puedes realizarlo sin ningn problema en windows."
Price: 49.99 |
"O curso proporciona uma tcnica completa e diretamente aplicvel para reduzir drasticamente a procrastinao. Para isso, aborda-se exatamente como criar um planejamento de metas gamificado e como lidar com os pensamentos de auto-sabotagem e fuga. Rota do curso:Inicialmente, apresenta-se uma maneira gamificada de organizar os objetivos mensais, semanais e dirios. O instrutor oferece explicaes prticas e exemplos do cotidiano para justificar a necessidade do uso da tcnica. Essa mesma tcnica, oferece maneiras de auto-ajuste, ou seja, possvel mensurar como est sendo o progresso e fazer alteraes no decorrer do tempo. Alm do mais, ela entrelaa objetivos e reduz de modo considervel os danos causados por um dos principais males da nossa gerao: a dvida. Posteriormente, o instrutor aborda uma srie de esquemas mentais e hacks que, literalmente, chutam a procrastinao para longe. Nesses tpicos, so apresentadas maneiras de pensar que colocam a procrastinao na parede, como o caso do Hack da Motivao dos Urubus. Nesse hack, o instrutor apresenta um padro de pensamento que contrape a inrcia do no fazer com o prprio orgulho. Aps passar diversos hacks, o instrutor entra em territrios profundos da psique humana. Nessa parte, o aluno entender como funciona as justificativas procrastinadoras e como neutraliz-las. Alm de evitar a procrastinao, o aluno ter base para desenvolver uma rotina produtiva e com bastante clareza nas tarefas. Toda informao passada no curso tem lastro de explicaes dos motivos pelos quais funcionam e as referncias, que vo desde Osho, Sun Tzu, at Napoleon Hill e Richard Bandler. Com o curso voc aprender, de modo prtico e objetivo: - Como organizar objetivos e metas. - Como organizar seu dia. - Como identificar auto-sabotagem, justificativas e padres de fuga.- Quais tarefas fazer no final e comeo do dia para ser mais produtivo (Rituais). - Como e quando utilizar hacks mentais.- Como reduzir MUITO a ansiedade e angstia diria (esse um fortssimo efeito ""colateral"" do curso).PLANEJE E PENSE COMO UM REALIZADORO Fim da Procrastinao!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Independente de qual rea de estudo ou qual o objetivo notrio que os estudantes se questionam continuamente se esto fazendo as coisas do modo certo. Em especial porque acabam vendo algumas pessoas que despontam na capacidade de aprendizagem e memorizao, essas tendo enorme vantagem sobre as demais. Ser que essas pessoas possuem algo de especial, ou essa incrvel habilidade pode ser desenvolvida. O curso Hiper-Memria & Hiper-Aprendizagem garante que uma habilidade que pode ser desenvolvida. E ensina exatamente como. Os problemas e perguntas sobre aprendizagem e memorizao so diversos: Quando devo revisar um contedo? Como transformar uma memria de curto-prazo em uma de longo-prazo?Como fazer minhas anotaes e resumos? O que a tal da mnemotcnica, utilizada pelos gregos Scrates, Plato e Aristteles. Como funciona o nosso esquecimento e como evit-lo?Entender mais importante que memorizar? Como entender um contedo?O que a tal da tcnica Zip de compresso de informaes?E incorporao, tem relao com resumos e Mapas Mentais? Como armazenar minhas anotaes?O contedo de meta-aprendizagem (aprender a aprender) extremamente abrangente e muitas vezes at complexo. Por esses motivos, pouqussimos indivduos possuem acesso a esse conhecimento que extremamente valioso. A Hackers do Estudo uma escola empenhada em trazer de modo simples, objetivo e prtico conceitos que muitas vezes so de difcil entendimento. Com o curso Hiper-Memria & Hiper-Aprendizagem no diferente. Baseando-se nos principais autores mundiais da meta-aprendizagem e memorizao, o curso apresenta uma quantidade gigante de informaes em uma dose ultra-concentrada. E mais, todas informaes esto agrupadas didaticamente e passo a passo. Hiper-Memria & Hiper-Aprendizagem um curso nico e raro. Aborda desde os aspectos de como extrair as informaes das aulas/vdeo-aulas, at como anot-las, como organizar suas revises e como torn-las inesquecveis. Tenha uma boa jornada!"
Price: 579.99 |
"MAPAS MENTAISRevoluo em Raciocnio, Estudo e Memorizao" |
"O curso ""MAPAS MENTAISRevoluo em Raciocnio, Estudo e Memorizao"" traz uma perspectiva revolucionria do uso dos Mapas Mentais. Diferente da imensa maioria das abordagens de Mapas Mentais, esse curso demonstra com uma metodologia passo a passo como funciona o raciocnio e os processos mentais envolvidos na elaborao de um Mapa Mental eficiente. Tambm, como realiz-lo em cada situao, porque realiz-lo e quando realiz-lo. O curso minuciosos e completo, abrangente e didtico. Carrega uma viso orgnica e contextual do tema, alm de ser amparado em autores e teorias consagradas, como Tony Buzan, Ivan Izquierdo e a Neurocincia Cognitiva.A abordagem proposta no curso segue os padres da Hackers do Estudo, que prioriza passar a tcnica de modo prtico, didtico e com resultados marcantes: tanto na organizao dos seus pensamentos, anotaes em reunies e aulas, como tambm, na rea de estudo e memorizao. Mapas Mentais uma estratgia de anotao/raciocnio avanada e seus princpios no so simples, pelo contrrio, consistem em algo complexo para efetiva aplicao. Tratar Mapas Mentais como algo simples e fcil sinnimo de queimar esse contedo e ser mais um dos tantos que olha por cima essa ferramente poderosa e no consegue usufruir de nenhum benefcio dela. A abordagem de ""MAPAS MENTAISRevoluo em Raciocnio, Estudo e Memorizao"" nica na lngua portuguesa. No h nenhum outro curso na nossa lngua que trate o assunto da mesma forma. Com o aprendizado do curso, o aluno estar entrando em um territrio exclusivo e pouco explorado pela maioria dos indivduos. O fato de poucas pessoas compreenderem o modo correto de usar Mapas Mentais acaba se transformando em uma imensa vantagem competitiva, tanto para provas de grande volume de contedo (Vestibulares, Enem, Concursos Pblicos, Avaliaes), como na vida acadmia, profissional e nos estudos/memorizao.O instrutor do curso se esfora bastante para passar todos atalhos e sua experincia prtica. Trata com responsabilidade e honestidade o contedo, porque tem cincia que os alunos desenvolvero um molde de raciocnio que capaz de literalmente revolucionar o modo como pensamos, organizamos ideias e entendemos memorizao de longo prazo. Trata-se de uma jornada nica, uma experincia com exerccios prticos e divertidos, uma expedio que evidenciar que existe uma maneira completamente diferente de raciocinar e enxergar/registrar informaes, memorizar e formar um patrimnio intelectual Boa Jornada! ""A menteque se abre para uma nova ideia jamais voltar ao seu tamanho original""Albert EinsteinAlgumas perguntas que sero respondidas no curso:Como fazer Mapas Mentais?Quando fazer Mapas Mentais?Qual o passo a passo de um Mapa Mental?Por que fazer Mapas Mentais?Quais as diferenas entre Mapas Mentais para Estudo e Memorizao e para Organizao de Ideias e Raciocnio?Quais os benefcios dos Mapas Mentais? Como desenvolver um patrimnio intelectual com Mapas Mentais?"
Price: 579.99 |
"A natureza e o sujeito das virtudes segundo Toms de Aquino" |
"Este curso visa esclarecer os fundamentos da tica das virtudes de So Toms de Aquino, principalmente com anlises e comentrios dos sete primeiros artigos da primeira questo do De virtutibus de So Toms de Aquino. Veremos com detalhes o que uma virtude, que, no pensamento de Aristteles e de So Toms, no basta apenas fazer o bem, mas necessrio faz-lo com facilidade e prontido, pois a virtude certa fora interior habitual. Tambm investigaremos de que modo as virtudes esto na alma atravs da noo de sujeito, que indica tambm em qual parte da alma est um hbito, e com isso mostraremos algumas noes de antropologia filosfica e de metafsica para compreender certos termos apresentados no De virtutibus. E haver inicialmente uma apresentao sobre as noes das trs principais falsas felicidades e a relao da virtude com a felicidade humana. Alm dos vdeos, cada aula contm um material auxiliar com os principais pontos expostos na aula. No fim, h uma lista com indicaes bibliogrficas para quem quiser se aprofundar no tema da tica das virtudes de So Toms de Aquino."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Complete XMPP Course: Chat Server Setup Android/iOS Apps" |
"Beginners who are curious about the technology behind chat applications and professionals who want to enhance their knowledge in XMPP server and client technology are welcome to have your skills enhanced.Also entrepreneurs who wish to start chat server application as a 'Software as a Service' business model are welcome too.Lets start by an Overview of the XMPP protocol which is popular for chat and messaging applicationssetting up an Amazon Web Service VPS called EC2 with Ubuntu LinuxCompare the popular chat servers and install the Prosody, the light weight, efficient open sourcechat serverExplore the basic configuration options for prosody to get started.Install few additional modules which is needed for file sending etc.Configure SSLcertificate for our chat server to enhance the safety and security.Install and configure windows/mac/Linux Chat App called Pidgin (Open Source)Install and configure Android Chat App called Conversations(Open Source)Install and configure iOS Chat App called Chat Secure(Open Source)"
Price: 139.99 |
"Odoo: The complete Master Class: Beginner to Professional" |
"As we all know, managing a business organization, even if its a very small one, a big one or a medium sized one is a very time consuming task. An ERP, the Enterprise Resource Planning, is a software, which allows business to manage their process, using a single software to manage all their business process running inside their organization. Before the introduction of ERP systems, there were separate software(s) used for separate process. For example, there was a sales management system for sales, accounting system for accounts, HR management system for human resource. So it was a very messy kind of environment , before the introduction of ERP system. And now after the introduction of ERP system, everything came under a single roof which is the ERP platform. Providing ERP to business is a multi-billion dollar business now a days. Many big players like Microsoft and Oracle is already into this. And small companies and medium scale companies are also coming up with their own ERP solutions. There is a great market out there. And if you are still not into ERP system, then its only a matter of time you have to switch into an ERP system, because the whole world's business is now running with ERP. And in this course, we will be learning about odoo, which is the best open source ERP system available around the world. Its a very popular opensource ERP system It's been used in most of the business around the world. And it is having a very vast community which can help you in case of any doubts or any clarifications regarding the odoo installation or configuration or any custom requirement that you have in your organizationAnd before learning odoo, in order to use any ERP solution, you have to learn the basics of business process. How a sales flow works.. how purchase works.. and how accounts in being done in the organization, stuff like that you should have a basic knowledge in order to use your ERP software efficiently in an organization. In this course, we will be having an overview of the basic business concepts throughout this course and we will be having thorough in-depth sessions in creating a VPS server in an Amazon web service. Then installing odoo inside this VPS server. Then we will have session covering various odoo modules like Accounts, Sales, Purchase, HRMS, E-commerce, Task Management Systems and Website Management System for a business. And for advanced odoo users and developers we will be having sessions like 'How you can enable development mode in odoo, how you can take a backup of your existing odoo database, just in case... and how you can restore that backup into the system. Then how you can install custom odoo modules which are available in the market into your odoo system. Then troubleshoot these modules and how you can customize the odoo system by adding a new field to your odoo interface and including that field inside reports search. We will be having a few report customizations also covered inside this course. And finally we will be comparing the community version of odoo and also the enterprise version of odoo so that you can have a basic overview of which are all the modules that are not available in the community version (the open source version) and which are the one that are available inside the enterprise version, which is the premium version.ERP Administration, Management and Customization is a very rewarding and lucrative career. I promise that this course will be jump starter for your ERP career. And after completing this course, you will be provided with a course completion certificate, which you can attach to your portfolio and it will be adding a very great value for your portfolio.So see you soon in the class!! Let's start this wonderful journey of odoo ERP system. Have a great day. Bye Bye !!!"
Price: 164.99 |
"Complete Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing for Web Apps" |
"DISCLAIMER: -----------------ANY ACTIONS AND OR ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE MATERIAL CONTAINED WITHIN THIS COURSE IS SOLELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. THE MISUSE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS CAN RESULT IN CRIMINAL CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST THE PERSONS IN QUESTION. THE INSTRUCTOR ORTHEPLATFORMWILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IN THE EVENT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BE BROUGHT AGAINST ANY INDIVIDUALS MISUSING THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE TO BREAK THE LAW.Hello and welcome to Web Based Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing for Beginners. This course is an introduction to your career as a web security expert. Internet is all around us. We have been using the facilities of internet since a long while and as the internet came in, the cyber-security threat also started to appear. You can hear stories of cyber-attacks day by day in news papers and media. As the facilities, the easiness and the comfort of using internet based applications, even if its a web application or a mobile application which is using a cloud based API, the chances of getting a cyber attack has also been increased. It has been increased to such a level that we cannot even predict what happens the next day, because hackers are always alert and vigilant and they are looking for a loophole to get into an application and steal your information. Like the saying "" A person knows how to break a lock, can make a good lock !"" , because he knows the vulnerabilities, he knows the loop holes and that person can build a good secure application or he can guide the developer to build a good application which is almost secure and which does not have the loop holes that has already been discovered.So being cyber security professionals or being cyber security enthusiasts , we will deal with the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities . OWASP is a community based project, that is Open Web Application Security Project. Periodically they will be updating their list of vulnerabilities. And in this Top 10 list of vulnerabilities we will be having a subset of other vulnerabilities which will be coming under this top 10 vulnerabilities. So we will cover almost 30 kind of most popular vulnerabilities in this course and these vulnerabilities are the common vulnerabilities that is currently in the Cyber World.Once you get hold of these 30 vulnerabilities, you will be having enough confidence to test a web application or test a cloud based application in an API based application, a mobile application which is using a cloud based API. In every session I am giving you the mitigations, the defensive mechanisms that we can follow to avoid the vulnerability that we discussed in that particular session. So you will be able to suggest the defensive measures to the programmer or to the developer who is developing the web application. Please make sure you are using these techniques only for Penetration Testing as well as Ethical Hacking and please do not use it for any other illegal purpose or any other un-ethical kind of things. Cyber-security and Penetration Testing is a very lucrative career. This course is indented for Cyber Security Beginners, with an overview of basic web coding, interested to come into the cyber security world,and also, existing Testers, who are willing to go into the Penetration Testing. People who are interested in Ethical Hacking can also do this course.In this course, we will be concentrating mainly on how Penetration Testing can be done on web based applications. And it can also be used for mobile based applications because most of the mobile based applications communicate with a cloud based API. The security of this API is actually the security of the mobile application which is using this API. And by the end of this course, we will be providing you with a course completion certificate on-demand, which you can include in your resume and it will be giving very high value to your current profile. I promise that you are going to have a really thrilling experience doing Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking. So see you soon in the class room."
Price: 164.99 |
"Git and GitHub Version Control - The Complete Startup Guide" |
"Welcome to the complete Git Version Control Start up Guide. You may be programmer, a Content Writer, or an Article Writer, a Novelist... Anyway, you have to deal with lot of contents which you will updating periodically throughout the time. And the problem is that when you want to change something which you have already been done previously then you have to compare the different versions and try to make changes.And if you are a software engineer, you need to work on a single project with multiple team members, may be they are in different locations, may be in different countries, on different continents, you have to work with each other. You will be working on the same project, the same file some times, and that time also managing with different versions of documents will become a big problem, because most of the energy, time and effort will be wasted in managing the documents and comparing them and merging them together to form the final document.To tackle these problems, Version Control Systems come to rescue. Version Control Systems are very helpful in tracking the changes that you make to a document, a program or having the changes and files kept in track kept in track between the team members working for a same goal, for the same project. The time, the effort, the energy you spent to have the documents aligned or you want to revert back to the document or you want to collaborate between the team members working on the same project and same document will be very less or even zero. That is you don't have to spend any time and effort for managing the documents between the teams and merging them. So its very important and very useful to have your project or files kept within a Version Control System, so that you can revert back to any version that you saved before any time. Or even if you revert back, you can go beyond that point and get the latest version of the repository. In software companies that are dealing with medium scale or large scale projects,the team will be having the project files inside a Version Control System and they will working within the Version Control System. The most popular of the Version Control Systems used around the world is Git. So we will be dealing with Git's different commands, different functionalities of Git and also GitHub which is most popular hosted git service, which is being used by companies all around the world. Here is the list of topics that we are going to discuss in this course. At first there will be an introductory session, where I will be explaining the concepts of git. How git is working and why need git in the first place.In the second session, we will be going ahead and installing git in your computer and how you can configure the git based Bash Shell.In the third session, we will be initializing a git, we will be dealing with commands like init, add and status. And in the fourth session, we will learn how to get log of the git, commit the changes to git and then checkout a different version of that particular project using git. And in the fifth session, we will deal with Branches. How we can manage branches inside agit repository. And in the sixth session, we will deal with creating a Git Hub account and configuring a Git Hub account and In the next session, we will push all the local repository into the Git Hub server and then we will make some changes in the Git Hub server and we will do the pull back from the git hub server. The changes from the Git Hub Server to our local repository. And some times there will be conflicts. Two different persons editing the same file and the same lines some times and they will try to push the changes to the server. We will deal with the merge conflicts in the next session. And throughout these sessions, we will be dealing with the commands the git commands which we execute using the git Bash shell.In the ninth session, we will deal with Git GUI, where you don't need to execute the commands by typing it. You can use a Graphical User Interface very easily to do the merging, the push, the pull, and the synchronization with the git server. And in the final session, we will compare different git service providers. The git server service providers available throughout the internet and compare the plans available with them. The pricing and the plans and we will discuss which one is better and which one is good and all. So all together this will be a very valuable course for you to get started with the git based version control system and working with Git Hub which is the most popular git service provider in the world. And while joining a company, of course they will be asking you if you are familiar with working with git environment you can confidently answer them that ""yes I am"" after doing this course. This will be adding a really good value to your profile. And we will be providing you with a completion certificate by the end of this course. You can keep it within your profile so that you will be adding more value to your profile. So see you soon in the class room. Let's get started with the git journey. Thank you !!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Practical Blockchain & Smart Contracts : Ethereum & Solidity" |
"Hello and welcome to The Complete Practical Guide To Blockchain Application DevelopmentIf you are going to ask me which is the Information Technology Domain that is going to change the future, without any doubt I would surely say its block chain based decentralized applications and smart contracts.Put simply, blockchain is a transaction ledger that maintains identical copies across each member computer within a network. The interesting feature is that, once an information is placed inside a block of the block chain, the tampering or changing of it is impossible.Governments and financial organizations have already invested millions of dollars into blockchain research and development and most of them have already implemented blockchain in financial services and record keeping.Also blockchain based smart contracts are replacing the conventional paper contracts and other promissory deeds. Smart contract is an electronic contract that can execute itself after the conditions mentioned in the contact is full-filled. Since its also based in blockchain, once created, it cannot be tampered by anyone.If you are a technology enthusiast or a programmer who wish to integrate blockchain in your applications, this is the right time to get yourself a thorough knowledge about the practical implementation of blockchain.There are tons of material and books out there explains, the concepts, nuts and bolts of block chain. But only a very few of them explains how it can be practically implemented.In this course, I have taken extreme care to keep a 30 / 70 percentage balance between the theoretical concepts and the practical implementation respectively. After this course, you will get a clear idea of how and where to implement block chain in your existing software projects as well as your upcoming project ideas.Here is the overview of the list of topics that I have included in this courseBefore we proceed with the intense practical sessions, we will have the first few secessions in which we discuss the history and the basic concepts of block chain distributed applications and smart contracts.In Session 1, we will discuss the history of block chain and distributed applications. Also we will check the basic structure of a block. Which is the building block of the block chain, which is a chain of these blocks.In session 2, we will understand with the help of demographics, how these blocks are linked to form a block chain and the major security measures in blockchain which makes it this much secure.In session 3, we will have a small discussion about the types of networks and the concept of crypto currencies like bitcoin which is built based on blockchain technologyIn session 4, we will have an overview of what is mean by smart contracts based on blockchain and its working. Also we will discuss the various fields of applications of block chain at present and in the future.And once we have enough basics about the concepts, we will jump directly into our first practical blokchain workshop. In which, we will build a working model of a conceptual blockchain out of simple JavaScript and JavaScript runtime called nodejs. Don't worry if you have only basic JavaScript knowledge, I will explain things very clearly that even a novice can understand and follow.In session 5, we will prepare our computer by installing and configuring node js and visual studio code which will help us in developing the JavaScript blockchainIn sessions 6 we will create the class for a single block, which we will be using to create the block chain.And in session 7, we will create our first block in the chain called genesis block.In session 8, We will and the functionality to add new blocks so that we can create rest of the blocks In session 9, we will test the block addition mechanism in our in our JavaScript block chainand in session 10, we will implement hash verification, which is the most important security measure inside our block chain.In the next session 11, we will include an additional security measure called proof of work to prevent the quick tampering attempts of our JavaScript block chain.In session 12, we will implement the concept of mining rewards for the minors who mines and validate new blocks for our JavaScript block chain.And thats all with our simple JavaScript conceptual blockchain application and from the next session on wards we are going to get our hands dirty with some serious business using the actual ethereum block chain network. In the coming sessions, we will create an ethereum based blockchain and deploy our smart contract within the ethereum block chain network. For your information, ethereum is the worlds most popular open source public blockchain platform.So in session 13, we will be getting our systems ready to build our ethereum block chain by downloading and installing the dependencies which include nodejs, ganache, metamask solidity language, the truffle framework and sublime text editor for coding.In session 14, we will configure these dependencies and we will do a basic test to make sure everything is ready to proceed with the development.we will start building our blockchain smart contract project out of solidity and ethereum. This project is a simple contest application, for finding out the best actor, with two contestants Tom and Jerry. We will have to build a block chain based app to find who is getting the maximum viewer support.In the next session 15, we will create the model and class to use for every contestant in the project and we will include tom and Jerry as contestants and In session 16, we will fetch the contestant list using web3js, which is the library use to interact with the blockchain.Since smart contract can be created once and cannot be altered, the testing procedure should be done strictly before deploying it into the blockchain network. If any mistake or bug, the only option you will have is to remove the existing contract and deploy the new one instead, which is very time consuming and inconvenient. So In session 17, the block chain will be tested by using the truffle framework's testing environment by emulating the transaction of creating users.Till now, all the block chain interaction happens over the node js command line interface and the truffle framework command line. Now its time to make it appear to our customers or on-line users in an attractive web based front end, using a web page. In order to proceed with that, we will create the html part of the front end application in session 18 and in session 19, we will include the JavaScript part of the simple and beautiful html page we created and we will list the contestants in our best actor contest to the public by running the lite-server which comes along with the truffle framework. In session 20, in addition to the contestants listing functionality, we will add the voting functionality also to our blockchain smart contract.Since the members and non members of the network may use the voting app, we need to thoroughly check for the conditions and rules we implemented in the smart contract. We will test the functionality till now using the truffle framework testing mechanism in session 21In session 22, we will include rules and restrictions for our best actor contest. Rules like, a user can vote only once and the user cannot vote for any non existing contestants.Till now the voting can only be done via a command line. In session 22, in our simple web interface, we will include the functionality to cast vote to any contestant from our web page.And in the final session, we will create an event watch which will listen for the event of voting and once the voting done, it will refresh the page and fetch data from the blockchain network so that the winner of the contest can be known every then and there.Even though these are sample projects, it will surely give enough insight to your mind about how the blockchain can be included into your web or mobile projects. This course will also give you enough knowledge to get yourself ahead of others in the blockchain race which have already started.After successful completion of the course, we will provide you with a course completion certificate which will add much value to your career as a developer, software engineer or as a software architect. So lets jump into the future of technology using blockchain. See you soon in the class room. Wishing you a happy learning."
Price: 164.99 |
"GPS Tracking - Setup own GPS Server with android & iOS Apps" |
"GPS Tracking for Dummies - Quick Guide to Setup your own Open Source GPS Server, Android and iOS Clients & Tracking Apps.In this course, I will take you to a journey where you can configure your own GPS server and configure your clients, so that you can track your client devices using your GPS server. And it doesn't matter if you have no prior experience in this field. If you are a business owner trying to track your assets or if you are a business owner who is trying to track your employees or may be you are a technical person who wish to start your GPS server as a service and provide this service to your customers this course is for you. These are the topics that we are going to cover in this course. In the first session, we will be covering the concepts and the theory regarding how GPS system works. How the clients can get the GPS signal from the satellite and how the satellites can track the exact position of the client and in the next session we will have our VPS server, our Ubuntu VPS server installed in Amazon Web Service (AWS) ec2 instance. We will also configure the instance to open some port, through which our client devices can communicate with the server, send the server the co-ordinates and all.And after setting up the VPS server we will be installing Traccar, which is a completely open source GPS server which is based on Java, and we will be installing it and configure the options inside our server. And in the next session, I will install this client application inside one of my Android device. And I will take a walk around my house so that you can see the co-ordinate (device) moving in the screen in the real time. And in the coming sessions, we will be configuring the management interface for Android as well as iOS devices. And also we will have a thorough look at the management interface and the various options it has in the web interface also. And in the final session I will explain to you the different components that a commercially available GPS module have, which can be fitted into your car or any commercial vehicles. I am sure that by the end of this course, you will feel a pride of accomplishment, when you see your devices, your client devices moving across the screen in the map. And by the end of this course we will be providing with an experience certificate which will prove a very high value for your career if you are actually dealing with location based applications.So see you soon in the class room. Let's start the art of tracking!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Setup Own Asterisk VoIP Server with Android, iOS & Win Apps" |
"VoIP for Dummies - Asterisk VoIP Server setup with Android, iOS, Win Apps - Using Fully Open Source Server and ClientsIn this course, we will setup a VoIP server and the client devices and the clients can make calls in between them using the VoIP server. And no prior experience is required.VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology that allows you to make phone calls across devices without using the normal analogue phone connection. So your calls will be placed across internet and the normal phone lines are not required. VoIP allows you to make calls from a computer, a mobile phone which is connected to internet, or a normal phone which is connected to a specific adapter called the 'VoIP Adapter'. The major benefit is that since this call is placed over internet, you don't need a separate line or a dedicated line in-order to make the call. Just an internet connection is more than enough to make a call.If you are a business owner trying to get down the cost of communication at your office, or you are trying to setup a vast call based call centre operation or you are a technical enthusiast who wants to host your own VoIP server and provide this service to your client users, then this is the course exactly for you. Let me now give you a brief overview of what are the topics that we are going to cover in this course. In the first session, which is basically a theory session, we will be covering the technology behind VoIP. And we will be covering the architecture and the working of VoIP technology compared to the normal PSTN (Public Switching Telephone Network) that has been there from the beginning. And in the next session we will be setting up own own ubuntu based VPS server in an Amazon (AWS) ec2 instance. I am preferring Amazon , because they have a very flexible plan and they have an option called 'Free Tier', which we can use free for one year with a very minimal cost if you are keeping your usage in an optimal state. And after setting up the VPS server, we will installing Asterisk, which is a very popular open source VoIP server software available, and we will be installing it into our VPS server and we will also configure the ports, the specific number of ports that are required for the client devices to communicate with other client devices through the server. And in the next session, which is an important session, in which we will be configuring the dial plan and the extensions that we are going to use with our server. We will also make configuration to accept audio calls as well as video calls through our VoIP server. For our VoIP client applications we will be using an application called Linphone. It is also a completely open source application and the advantage is that it is available for all the platforms. For windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS device and the source code is completely open. You can download it and customize it as per your needs. The same configuration settings that you are going to make in this softphone, do the same configuration if you have a physical, hard wired, IP Phone with you. You can enter all these configuration into that and it will also work in the same way as we configure the soft phone clients. And in the next session, we will be configuring a windows based softphone, which is our linphone. We will be installing it in our windows and we will configure the option so that it can register with the server and make video and audio calls in between devices.And later, we will configuring it for Android. The same configurations. We will be installing it from the play store in an android device and we will make the configuration so that video and audio calls can be placed. And after that, we will have it for iPhone We will directly download it from the iPhone App Store and we will be installing it into our iPhone and then we will try to make calls from iPhone to other devices and we will be testing the video calls as well as audio calls across the devices. Learning and becoming an expert in VoIP technology is actually a very rewarding career because VoIP technology is very extensive so far and there is some time in future where we will discard all those analogue telephone lines and we will rely completely on VoIP based IP telephones. Because we need only a single internet channel , rather than having multiple channels. So world is evolving into that kind of a technology and VoIP experts are very much required in the market. And by the end of this course, we will be providing with you an experience certificate (Course Completion Certificate), which you will have great benefits, if you are trying for a VoIP based career. So see you soon in the class room. Let's make our first call ! Have a great day !!"
Price: 139.99 |
"pfSense for Dummies : Setup and Configure your own firewall" |
"Learn to Setup pfSense Open Source Firewall, Configurations, Captive Portal etc in an Actual as well as Virtual Scenario.Hello.. This is Abhilash Nelson and welcome to my new course 'pfsense Beginner to Master'. Lets see what are the topics that are included in this course..In session 1 & 2 , we will see what exactly is a firewall. The concept behind a firewall. Why should we use a firewall in our network and why are we choosing pfsense as our firewall. The specialities, the features of pfsense.In the third session we will see how we can download pfsense Community Edition from the website and then create a bootable USB drive using the downloaded file so that we can use this bootable USB drive to install pfsense in our computer.In the next session, we will see how we can install an additional ethernet card in your PC, so that we can have the incoming connection coming in through the first ethernet card and the outgoing connection going out through the second ethernet port of our computerIn the next session we will have a discussion about the network plan that we are going to include in our actual network scenario and the devices that we are going to use in the network and how we can make the connections between the devices that we are going to include in our actual network scenario.From the session 6 to session 11, we will see how we can boot using our bootable USB drive, then go ahead with installing pfsense in our computer. We will also setup the WAN network as well as the LAN network so that we can have the internet connection, coming from the WAN network, going through our pfsense and into our Local Area Network, that is our LAN network.And the problem with this kind of configuration is that if you want to do a quick learning of pfsense, it will not be a practical option to set all these gadgets and set all these network. The exact lab set up that we had here for the actual configuration, we are going to do it in the virtual environment.From session 12 to 17 we will try to setup the exact scenario that we had in our actual Lab into our virtual environment using VirtualBox. We will be downloading VirtualBox from the Oracle website. We will also be downloading pfsense Community Edition. Then we will be downloading Ubuntu which is our client computer and we will be installing both pfsense as well as Ubuntu into our virtual machines so that we can have the pfsense as well as a client computer.From sessions 18 to 20, we will discuss and explore the most commonly used pfsense console options and configurations. We will also see the Web Wizard that will appear for the first time you install and also how you can configure the Web Dashboard to your liking.From sessions 21 till 27, we will see the advanced system configuration options and administrative options. We will also see package manager by using it you can install new packages and get the new features and also we will see the gateways, where you can configure the gateway options and User Manager where you can edit, delete, activate and de-activate new users. We will also see the interface options and interface assignments. And port forward which allows you to forward port using your firewall.In session 28 and 29, we will setup and configure captive portal, which is one of the coolest functionalities available with pfsense. We can setup it for institutions like hotels or schools, where you can make the user login to the system using a username and password. Or you can also create voucher codes. The user can use the voucher code, or else he can use the username and password to login to the system so that he can access metered internet connection.In session 30, we will see miscellaneous pfsense options like load balancing. We will also see an important to take backup of your configuration and restore it using the web interface as well as using the command line interface.In sessions 31 and 32, we will implement website blocking functionality for the whole network using pfsense plugin called pfblocker, where you can block from a list of websites and also you can include individual domain names and block that particular domain name in the network.So overall, this course will be a great place to start your journey with pfsense firewall. We will be also be providing you with a course completion certificate which you can include in your Network Administration portfolio and will add more weightage to your portfolio. So see you soon in the class room. Have a great time. Bye Bye !!Contents Index:Explaining Firewall ConceptsAdvantages of pfSenseDownloading pfSense and Creating Bootable USB DriveInstalling Additional Network Card in PC (Actual Lab Scenario)Making Network Connections : WAN - pfSense - LAN (Actual Lab Scenario)Installing pfSense (Actual Lab Scenario)DHCP - IP Address Assignment & Resolving Conflicts (Actual Lab Scenario)Testing Connectivity and Troubleshooting (Actual Lab Scenario)Virtual Box pfSense - Defining Network PlanVirtualBox pfSense - Downloading PrerequisitesVirtualBox pfSense - Pre-installation ConfigurationVirtualBox pfSense - InstallationVirtualBox Ubuntu InstallationpfSense - Console Options - Quick OverviewpfSense - Web WizardpfSense - Web DashboardpfSense - System Advanced Options Quick OverviewpfSense System Options - Part 1 Cert-Manager, General Sync & Package ManagerpfSense System Options - Part 2 Routing, updates and User ManagementpfSense - InterfacespfSense - Firewall - Aliases and Port Forwarding, Rules, Schedules, Traffic Shapper, Status LogspfSense - Captive Portal - Part 1 - Configuration with Custom Guest Login PagepfSense - Captive Portal - Part 2 - Voucher Based LoginPfSense - pfBlock - Website Blocking and Restrictions - Part 1PfSense - pfBlock - Website Blocking and Restrictions - Part 2"
Price: 139.99 |
"OpenCV Complete Dummies Guide to Computer Vision with Python" |
"Hello and let me welcome you to the magical world of Computer Vision.Computer Vision is an AI based, that is, Artificial Intelligence based technology that allows computers to understand and label images. Its now used in Convenience stores, Driver-less Car Testing, Security Access Mechanisms, Policing and Investigations Surveillance, Daily Medical Diagnosis monitoring health of crops and live stock and so on and so forth..Even to analyze data coming from outer space stars, planets etc also we use Computer Vision. A common example will be face detection and unlocking mechanism that you use in your mobile phone. We use that daily. That is also a big application of Computer Vision. And today, top technology companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc are investing millions and millions of Dollars into Computer Vision based research and product development. So.. Learning and mastering this fantastic world of Computer Vision based technology is surely up-market and it will make you proficient in competing with the swiftly changing Image Processing technology arena. And this course is designed in such a way that even the very beginner to programming can master the Computer Vision based technology. Here are the major topics that we are going to cover in this course. Session 1: Introduction to OpenCV----------------------------------We will mainly concentrating on OpenCV, which is the open source Computer Vision library. Its being used all around the world in providing Computer Vision based Technology. So we will have an introduction to OpenCV, the features, the version, and all the other details, we will be discussing in the first session. Session 2: Installing Virtual Box and Ubuntu 18-----------------------------------------------In the second session, we will be installing a Virtual Box with Ubuntu 18 the latest version of Ubuntu Linux in it, so that we can have our Computer Vision based laboratory setup separately, rather than we need to install all the packages and everything into our computer or laptop that you are using daily. So its better to have a separate Lab setup so that we can play and get our hands dirty with the Computer Vision based programs, examples exercises and all. Session 3: Installing Libraries and Dependencies-----------------------------------------------And in the third session, we will be installing the libraries that are required for Computer Vision Programming. We will be mainly using Python program. Python is actually the language which is mainly used for scientific... these kind of research purpose and all.. So the best combination will be Python - OpenCV and Linux. The best ever combination to run our OpenCV based Computer Vision programs. Session 4: Installing Sublime Text Editor for Ubuntu---------------------------------------------------And in the next session, we will set up our IDE, which is Sublime Text, we will installand configure the Sublime Text inside our Ubuntu Virtual Machine. Session 5: Image Processing Concepts------------------------------------In the next session, which is a Theory session, we will have the concepts, the Pixels, Size, Image and all the concepts that are based on Image Processing. Session 6: OpenCV: Read Load and Save Image - Sample Program------------------------------------------------------------Then in the next session, we will use the OpenCV. We will run a simple example of OpenCV to load an image, then show that image using the Image Viewer feature of OpenCV and we will save that image in a separate format. Session 7: OpenCV Pixel and Area Manipulation---------------------------------------------Then in the next session, we will manipulate the image based on its pixels, that is the finest element available for that image that is the pixel. So we will do our pixel level manipulation in the next session. Session 8 - 10: OpenCV - Drawing Lines, Rectangles, Simple, Concentric Circles, Random Circles------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the coming session, we will draw some shapes, some rectangles, circles, shapes like that we will try to draw on top of our image using OpenCV library. Session 11 - 15:OpenCV Image Transformation - Translation, Rotation, Resizing, Flipping, Cropping---------------------------------------------------------------------------------And then the next session , we will proceed with transformation. Image Transformationslike resizing, flipping, then ... changing the position, cropping, rotating.. stuff like that, we will deal Session 16 - 17:OpenCV Image Arithmetic Operations, Bitwise / Logical Operations----------------------------------------------------------------In the next session and then we will do some arithmetic operations in the image and also we will do some bitwise based operations in the image. Session 18: OpenCV - Image Masking----------------------------------Then we have the masking of the image. We will include a Mask, which is our manually created image on top of our natural, normal image. Then we will perform some operationsbased on this masking. Session 19: Image Color Channels Merging and Splitting------------------------------------------------------And then we will proceed with Image Channels. Basically color image will be having 3 channels, then black and white images will be.. or gray scale images will be having a single channel. So we will merge and split these channels from the given image so that we will have a better understanding about the image channels.Session 20: OpenCV - Other Color Spaces - GRAY, HSV, LAB--------------------------------------------------------Then we will deal with Color Spaces. The primary color space is RGB, and we will deal with few other kind of Color Spaces also which is supported by OpenCV. Session 21 - 22:OpenCV - Gray scale Histograms, Color Histograms------------------------------------------------And in the next session, we will deal with Histograms, which is the graphical representation of the intensity of light, or pixels in that image. We will deal with Histograms. We will learn how you can analyze a Historam to tell the nature of that image. Session 23: OpenCV - Histogram Equalization-------------------------------------------Then we will make use of Histogram Equalization to equalize the image to remove the rough edges of the image to equalize the color, the contrast of the image using the histogram equalizer. Session 24 - 25: OpenCV - Image Blurring, Image Threshold---------------------------------------------------------The we will proceed with effects like blurring, then we will do thresholding in which we will be converting the normal image into binary format, like either Black or White, stuff like that... we will be dealing in the Thresholding session. Session 26: OpenCV - Image Gradient Detection---------------------------------------------And then we will proceed with Gradient Detection and Edge Detection, which is greatly in use in the Image processing technology world. Session 27: OpenCV- Canny Edge Detection----------------------------------------And we will be doing another exercise in Edge Detection using Canny Edge Detector. Session 28: OpenCV - Image Contours-----------------------------------Then we will proceed with Contours. Contours are lines drawn across the edge of the image, that is, the outer edge of an image which is also a very useful feature in detecting images inside a large image or a photograph. Session 29: Face Detection using OpenCV---------------------------------------And then we will proceed with some Artificial Intelligence based applications like Face Detection That is detecting the number of faces inside a large image. Session 30: Face Recognition using Machine Learning-----------------------------------------------Then Face Recognition in which, the computer program will recognize the image based on the pre-learned faces. For example a group of American Senators and our computer is pre-learned with Barack Obama's photo, then the computer will detect that particular face , from that large photograph. We will be using a face recognition library called face_recognition, which is based on Python. We will be using that so that we can easily, quickly implement a Face Detection and Face Recognition program in Python. Session 31: Digital Makeup---------------------------------------Using a Technique called Digital Makeup to the face image and make it look more pretty (or scary).Its done by identifying the getting the selected face landmarks from the list of available face encoding.Draw shapes like polygons, lines etc over the area of interest and fill it with colors.Save the image if you want to.Session 32: Face Distance Calculation-------------------------------------------------------Calculate the numerical value of face match. Use this value to make decision if the face matches or not and the extend of match obtained.Session 32: Real Time Face Recognition using Machine Learning--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unlike the previous exercise in which the face recognition was done on a static image, here were are feeding the program with live videos from our computer's web camera.Then every frame is captured, analysed and then face recognition is done so that the real time video can be detected and recognized for known faces in it. Session 33: Optical Character Recognition - OCR using PyTesseract Library-------------------------------------------------------------------------Then later on, we will go ahead with Optical Character Recognition, which is also an Artificial Intelligence based application Optical Character Recognition is an old Technology actually. It has recently been improved. We will be using a library called Tesseract, which is also an OpenCV based library. We will be using that and perform Optical Character Recognition quickly, without having to deal with all the other complexities, since that library makes the Optical Character Recognition very easily to do within your Python program. Session 34: Simple Real-time motion detector using OpenCV from Camera Video Stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Session 35: Object Recognition using pre-trained modelsCovering SSD, YOLO and Mask R-CNN-------------------------------------------------------------------------Session 36: Real-time Facial Expression Recognition System from Camera Video Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So overall this is a complete package in which you can learn Computer Vision based Technology, Deep Learning based Face Detection,then Face Recognition and Optical Character Recognition. And by the end of this course, we will providing you with a course completion certificate which you can keep with you an mention it in your portfolio so that you will be having more weightage , when you are dealing with jobs based on Computer Vison Technology. So without wasting much time, lets dive in to this magical world. See you soon in the class room. Have a great time. Bye Bye"
Price: 164.99 |
"Software Defined Networking (SDN) Made Simple" |
"When we started working on SDN 5-6 years back, not much information or help was available regarding SDN. Getting started with this emerging concept was very difficult. It was really very painful process. Now we do not want this to happen to the persons who at this point of time want to enter into this field. This Course starts from basics & takes you to advance levels of Software Defined Networking. Everything has been explained by giving examples. Proper lab setup along with diagrams has been given so that you can constructs the labs yourself & do the practice. This work covers topics such as SDN lab setup, basics of SDN, Mininet Emulator, Mininet Topologies, POX SDN Controller, ovs-ofctl etc.According to industry people and research scholars, SDN is going to redefine networking and cloud world. This is the biggest thing that has happened in networking field in last 30 years. SDN is a New Way to Design, Build and Operate Networks. There is a Need to Innovate in the Network. Weve seen tons of innovation in applications, devices, computing and storage, yet the underlying network that connects everything has remained unchanged. SDN Opens the Network Up for Innovation. It replaces static, inflexible and complex networks, with networks that are agile, scalable and innovative."
Price: 12800.00 |
"Docker Made Simple" |
"Docker makes it very easy to create, deploy & run applications using containers. Containers are very small in size, very fast & their resource usage is bare minimum. Companies are very rapidly adopting Docker. In earlier days, people used to work on physical machine, then came VMs & now it is containers everywhere. Docker is an essential component of Automation, CI/CD & DevOps.Docker is the new buzzword in Industry. Everyone is now talking about docker. This course will start from basics of docker & slowly and slowly will takes you to advance level of Docker in crystal clear manner.This course is going to make your docker fundamental crystal clear. Various customized diagrams & examples has been created to make the contents of the course easy to understand.This course covers basics of Docker, Different ways to install docker, working with Apache & Nginx web server images, working with database images, persistent storage, bind mounts and volumes, docker networking, using dockerfile, Deploying multi container applications using Docker Compose, Docker Swarm Cluster."
Price: 12800.00 |
"Aprender Chino Mandarn fcil y rpido - Sistema de Pinyin" |
"Hola todos! Soy Cecilia Chen profesora licenciada de Chino Mandarn de Taiwan.( Certificado de EDI y TESOL)Tengo 5 aos de experiencia enseando chino mandarn a alumnos de distintos pases, especialmente alumnos que hablan espaol. S muy bien cuales son los problemas que encuentran los alumnos hispanohablantes cuando aprenden chino mandarn, por eso, les puedo explicar claramente.En mi video curso, van a aprender el sistema Pinyin y los 4 tonos. Hay 3 captulos en total :captulo 1 - Las consonantes.captulo 2 - Las vocales.captulo 3 -Los 4 tonos.Archivo gratis, creado por mi, con Muchos trucos que te permitirn aprender ms rpido!Despus del curso podrs hablar y pronunciar chino mandarn perfectamente!Qu estn esperando? Vamos a empezar la clase!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Academic Writing Series - Part 1 - Your Manuscript" |
"This is Part 1 of theAcademic Lecture Series, consisting of eight video lectures that guide you through everything you need to know to become a master academic writer! These lectures will teach you how to structure each part of your scientific manuscript, what to include in each, and how to write each section, so that they are absolutely perfect and ready for submission. The different lectures focus on the: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Figures and Tables, Discussion, and Conclusion.I carefully designed these video lectures to fullyempower you and your writing forever. Here, you will learn all the tools you ever need to become your own first class academic writer and editor, so that every sentence you produce is ready for publication. Becoming a master academic will not only save you a lot of money, it will also make your writing more enjoyable for you and for your readers. In this complete lecture series, you will learn everything you need to know to improve your understanding of the inner workings of the academic world and I share many invaluable insider tips and tricks that get you ahead of your competition. This is all you ever need to understand how to write beautifulacademic papers."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Academic Writing Series - Part 2 - Your Writing" |
"This is Part 2 of theAcademic Lecture Series, consisting of sevenvideo lectures that guide you through everything you need to know to become a master academic writer!These lecturespresent the tools and tricks for first class academic publishing. You will learn everything you need to know to improve your publication success. These lessons contain secret information to enhance your publication success. These videos will teach you aboutquality writing, provide you withplenty of examplesto instantly improve your manuscripts,journal choice,correct formatting, theethics of publishing, how to write asuccessful cover letter and submit your manuscriptwith ease, plus what to do to deal with aletter ofrejectionin a positive way!I carefully designed these video lectures to fullyempower you and your writing forever. Here, you will learn all the tools you ever need to become your own first class academic writer and editor, so that every sentence you produce is ready for publication. Becoming a master academic will not only save you a lot of money, it will also make your writing more enjoyable for you and for your readers. In this complete lecture series, you will learn everything you need to know to improve your understanding of the inner workings of the academic world and I share many invaluable insider tips and tricks that get you ahead of your competition. This is all you ever need to understand how to write beautifulacademic papers."
Price: 29.99 |