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"O Direito Desconexo e o Dano Existencial"
"Aulas didticas buscando esclarecer de forma objetiva os conceitos sobre o direito desconexo e o dano existencial.Este curso abordaquestesque todos os empresrios e trabalhadores se defrontam no dia-a-dia, explanados de forma objetiva pela advogada Josane Pacheco de Fraga (OAB/RS 82.189).Curso com legendas e resumos das aulas em PDF, para facilitar o aprendizado!A instrutora deste curso possui mais de oito anos de experincia em escritrios jurdicos, sendo que os ltimosde 5 anos foram dedicados exclusivamente ao direito do trabalho, formada pela Universidade Ritter dos Reis, ps graduada em Advocacia Trabalhista (Anhanguerra -2017), j coordenou uma equipe de advogados responsveis pelos processos da Petrobras S.A."
Price: 39.99

"The complete Google Forms Masterclass (unofficial)"
"Hi, my name is Paul Limpert and I am a Google for Education Certified Trainer as well as a high school teacher and varsity head coach. I have been using Google forms in my profession as a teacher and coach but Google Forms has many applications outside of education and training that I will show you in this course.I will show you step by step how to create a form, publish it to others, collect and interpret their input, and export it for use in analyzing the data with other software such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.If you think you need a computer background or Google certification, then I am here to prove to you that you do not and you can enjoy the benefits of Google Forms without any working knowledge of computer programming or spreadsheets.What are some of the things you can do with Google Forms? For starters you can:Securely collect any type of information from a group of people that you need to know by sending them a link that they can type right into their phones internet browser and complete.Create self-grading quizzesCreate surveysCreate self-paced learning activitiesCreate and manage sign up sheetsSchedule a block of appointments for your organizationStore Google Forms responses in a spreadsheet for future manipulation and interpretation.Online registration for your club or companyOnce you see the power and flexibility of Google Forms Im sure you will think of many more uses of Forms.When you finish this class you will be able to quickly initiate and complete a Google Form that is customized to meet your information collection needs and that is free with your FREE Google account.Im sure you will find this course useful for the many ways you can use Google Forms however, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the training provided.It's time to take action so go ahead and click the take this course button and I will see you in the course. Thank you for enrolling!"
Price: 24.99

"Secretos de las Presentaciones Efectivas : Storytelling"
"En el mundo diariamente se hacen miles de presentaciones en las empresas Cuntas de esas presentaciones realmente tienen objetivos de comunicacin claros y estn pensadas para la audiencia? Muy pocas, las personas confunden una presentacin con un informe, esto es un gran error.El objetivo de este curso es darte todas las herramientas para que comuniques tus mensajes de manera efectiva a la hora de hacer una presentacin y conquistar a tu audiencia.Veremos ques un presentacin efectivaCmo estructurar nuestra informacin segn el objetivo de comunicacinAprenderemos lo que es StorytellingConoceremosherramientas para visualizarinformacinExisten muchos cursos de presentaciones pero todos se enfocan en los programas y no en lo importante, que es el desarrollo de contenidos con estructura e historias narrativas y visuales memorables.Aprender a hacer presentaciones efectivas cambi mi vida, espero que tambin cambie la tuya.Te garantizo que despus de este curso tus presentaciones van a subir de nivel!Msica:Bensound/ conos: Freepik byFlaticon"
Price: 99.99

"Military Diet: Get Results After a Week Without Exercise"
"Finally an Approach for Long-Term Sustainable Health and Weight Loss that Actually Works!If you want a diet that works quickly without exercise, then this courseis for you.Heres the deal: You're skeptical that the Military Diet will work for you because when something sounds too good to be true it usually is.And because of this you have a lot of questions about the Military Diet:Does the military diet even work?What type of long-term results can Iachieve?Does the military diet work if Idon't want to exercise?What kind of results can Iget after a week, a month, etc.?Fortunately my course on the military diet will be able to answer all of these questions and any others that you might have.This course will help you: Lose weight at a fast pace, to help keep you motivated.Learn how to maximize your results by being strategic with the military diet (you wont find this info anywhere else!).Eat in a way to maximize your bodys own fat-burning hormones.Here are a few of the things youll discover in this course: Why the military diet is an amazing option to help you lose weight for good.Learn what to eat after the military diet is over.Discover my best strategies for how to keep the weight off so you never have to worry about dreaded rebound weight gain.Learn my best mindset tricks to help you stay focused on your goals.Discover how to use the military diet to work with your bodys fat burning hormones instead of against them like most typical diets!How to lose weight on this diet plan without having to exercise.And much more!Imagine just a short time from nowreaching a new level of health that youve never felt before. Imagine having more energy and looking better than ever beforewithoutgoing through all of the strain and stress of a typical diet. By following the military diet, you can maximize your health and manage your weight without having to rely on any sketchy pill, powder, or potion.Check out my Military Diet course today and learn how you can easily lose up to 10 pounds in as little as 7 days!"
Price: 194.99

"Carb Cycling: The Effective Macronutrient Diet Plan"
"Are you not sure what carb cycling is for fat loss?Are you unclear of where to start when it comes to carb cycling macro percentages?Are you finally ready for a bulletproof approach to burning fat and keeping it off for good?If so then keep reading!95% of people who go on a diet will regain the weight back within a few months or years. To be successful with weight loss you must do something different than everyone else.You see, most people fall victim to the dieting trap.It goes a little something like this:A company that cares nothing about you sells you on the latest diet plan or pill.You try out this diet with some initial success.Two weeks later, at your friend's birthday party, you binge eat on some delicious food that you've been craving to eat.You feel guilty about yourself for cheating on your diet.Then a few weeks later when you're feeling better about yourself, you try it again and the cycle repeats itself.The problem isn't youit's the diet!Most diet plans don't work against your body's key fat burning hormones not with them!That's why it's inevitable for most diet plans to fail!It's only a matter of time before you deplete these hormones and once you do you're fighting a big uphill battle. You're constantly going to feel hungry and irritableno wonder why so many people aren't successful with diets! Instead what you must do is be strategic with your nutritional approach. There are times when you should push down on the gas pedal and other times when you need to ease off of it. Sadly most people floor it all the time!You don't drive that way and you shouldn't diet that way either.This is where carb cycling comes into play.With carb cycling we're going to strategically manipulate your carbohydrate intake to work with your body's key fat burning hormones.This means that there will be times when you're eating a low amount of carbs and times when you're eating a higher amount of carbs.This allows you to have your cake and eat it too because eating your favorite foods is all part of the plan!Your friends will wonder how it's even possible!Who Am I?My name is Thomas Rohmer and Ihave a Kinesiology degree from the University of North Texas, experience working as a personal trainer, and I've self-published 13 different health and fitness books.Over the years, I've seen a lot of the things that people commonly struggle with when it comes to reaching their health and fitness goals. That's why I always make sure to craft my advice and programs in a way that thinks of potential problems in advance and then solves them.I don't care about what should work on paper, Icare about what actually works for real people who have normal jobs.I love sharing my unique knowledge with others who are eager to learn and get started. I hope to inspire you to take action and achieve your health goals!Why Do INeed to Take This Course?You need to take this course if you're finally ready to lose weight once and for all.You can leave this page and hope for the best. Hope that everything will work out. That you'll be able to lose weight and keep it off.Or you can stop wishing and finally get your hands on the right information. Put yourself in the right vehicle that'll lead you to dieting success and help you maintain that success for good. Imagine being done with diets, pills, powders, and other supplements for good. Imagine what you'll look and feel like. This is the last diet plan that you'll ever need because it actually works!Course TopicsWhat Carb Cycling Is for Fat Loss or Muscle GainLearn How a High-Carb Diet for Weight Loss is OptimalDifference Between Simple and Complex CarbohydratesHow to Use Key Hormones to Your Advantage Such as Leptin How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Burning Fat TodayHow Much Protein, Carbs, and Fat You Need to Eat to Lose Weight How to Use Carb Cycling for Muscle GainThe Easiest Way to Track and Measure Your Calories and MacrosOptional Cardio and Weight Workouts You Can Do with Carb CyclingFinally don't forget that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose except for unwanted body fat!What are you waiting for?The time to take action is now. This can be the first day to a new you, or another day where you wonder why it is that you're not getting the results that you want. Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Ketogenic Diet: Achieve Ketosis and Burn Fat Like Clockwork"
"Are you not sure what keto diet foods you need to eat for weight loss?Not sure how to achieve ketosis on this diet plan?Are you finally ready for a bulletproof approach to burning fat and keeping it off for good?If so then keep reading!95% of people who go on a diet will regain the weight back within a few months or years. To be successful with weight loss you must do something different than everyone else.You see, most people fall victim to the dieting trap.It goes a little something like this:A company that cares nothing about you sells you on the latest diet plan or pill.You try out this diet with some initial success.Two weeks later, at your friend's birthday party, you binge eat on some delicious food that you've been craving to eat.You feel guilty about yourself for cheating on your diet.Then a few weeks later when you're feeling better about yourself, you try it again and the cycle repeats itself.The problem isn't youit's the diet!Most diet plans don't work against your body not with it!That's why it's inevitable for most diet plans to fail!Most diet plans have you eating carbs during all hours of the day. When you eat carbs, your insulin levels go up, and when insulin is high your body doesn't burn fat end of story.Instead what you must do is be strategic with your nutritional approach. You need to put your body in a state where it uses fat as its primary source of fuel (i.e. you need to get into ketosis).Sadly most people never come close to achieving this fat-burning state known as ketosis.When you're in ketosis, you'll be burning fat no matter what it is that you're doing.You can be at work and still burn fat.You can sleep and still burn fat.You can watch T.V. and yes, you'll still burn fat. With the ketogenic diet, we're going to strategically eat in a way that'll help prime your body to use fat for fuel instead of carbs.This means that we're going to have to severely limit the amount of carbs that we eat. Eating too many carbs can kick you out of the fat-burning state known as ketosis and we certainly don't want that.I'm sure this sounds great and all, but who Iam to be teaching you about this anyway?Who Am I?My name is Thomas Rohmer and Ihave a Kinesiology degree from the University of North Texas, experience working as a personal trainer, and I've self-published 13 different health and fitness books.Over the years, I've seen a lot of the things that people commonly struggle with when it comes to reaching their health and fitness goals. That's why I always make sure to craft my advice and programs in a way that thinks of potential problems in advance and then solves them.I don't care about what should work on paper, Icare about what actually works for real people who have normal jobs.I love sharing my unique knowledge with others who are eager to learn and get started. I hope to inspire you to take action and achieve your health goals!Why Do INeed to Take This Course?You need to take this course if you're finally ready to lose weight once and for all.You can leave this page and hope for the best. Hope that everything will work out. That you'll be able to lose weight and keep it off.Or you can stop wishing and finally get your hands on the right information. Put yourself in the right vehicle that'll lead you to dieting success and help you maintain that success for good. Imagine being done with diets, pills, powders, and other supplements for good. Imagine what you'll look and feel like. This is the last diet plan that you'll ever need because it actually works!Course TopicsWhat the Ketogenic Diet is and How it WorksWhat Fats, Protein, and Allowed Carbs to Eat on a Keto DietWhat Really Causes the Keto Flu and How You Can Prevent ItMy Single Best Tip to Drastically Increase Your Chances of SuccessHow to Stick to Your Keto Diet When You're Eating at RestaurantsHow Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Burning Fat TodayHow Much Protein, Carbs, and Fat You Need to Eat to Lose Weight List of the best (and worst) nuts to eat on a keto dietThe Easiest Way to Track and Measure Your Calories and MacrosWhat is Ketosis and How to Easily Achieve KetosisFinally don't forget that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose except for unwanted body fat!What are you waiting for?The time to take action is now. This can be the first day to a new you, or another day where you wonder why it is that you're not getting the results that you want. Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99

"Weight Loss Masters University: Fat Loss Expert Mentorship"
"I've lost over 100 pounds in a year andI have put together a course for YOU to learn MY secrets that I discovered while losing weight. STOP taking advice on weight loss from people who have no idea what you have to go through to lose weight. My weight loss journey was more challenging than yours has to be. Allow me to guide you with no BS, precise and controlled results.Plus love the lifestyle and foods that you eat."
Price: 199.99

"Weight Loss: I lost 110 pounds with these techniques/tricks!"
"This is a mini course I have put together to teach ONLY those who want to lose weight. I give you the information I needed to know to get me to lose 100 pounds in one year. I have also developed a FULL length course that is the best resource on the web if you are serious about losing weight. No One size fits all diet BS, no tricking you into a training program BS. I know how hard it can be to lose weight if you don't know where to start or what to do. My purpose is to make it EASY to do and understand. Reach out to me for FULL course details!"
Price: 19.99

"Demystifying Job Interview- Tips and Hacks (Ultimate Course)"
"Welcome,Through this course you will learn various How to's related to job interview skills.You will learn Some additional skills you need to prepare for a job interview such as .................................................................How to research the company before job interview .How to Keep Job Interview on a track ?.................................................................How to Dress for an Interview as a Man ?How to Dress for an Interview In General ?.....................................................How to Ace In a Management Interview ?How to Prepare for an Administrative Assistant Interview ?..................................................How to Dress for a banking Job ?How to Dress for a Project Management Job ?How to Dress for a Human Resource Job ?How to look your best for a Video Interview ?......................................................How to Prepare for a Video Interview at Home ?How to Prepare for an Interview for a Management Position ?How to Prepare for a Social Work Interview ?How to Prepare for a Job Interview ( In general ) ?How to Prepare for a Technical Writing Interview ?..................................................................How to Avoid Interview Mistakes ?How to Go to an Interview ?How to Ace a Job Interview ( For Teenage Girls ) ?...........................................................................How to Open An Interview ?The Best Way to Introduce Yourself for a job Interview ..................................................How to Answer a Phone Interview Call ? How to Answer Tell Me About Something About Yourself In a Job Interview ?How to Answer an interview Question about Your last performance Appraisal ?How to Answer What Are Your Strengths In An interview ?How to Answer Your Interview Question About Defining Your Management Style ?How to Answer An Interview Question about Why You Left Your Job ?How to Answer a Weird and Wacky Interview Question ?How to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions ?How to Answer Interview Questions About Negative Information ?How to Answer an Interview Question Suggesting ""You Are Over Qualified "".How to Answer tough Questions In An Interview ?How to Answer Ethical Interview Questions ?How to Answer Human Resource Interview Questions ?How to Answer Interview Questions About Conflict ?How to Answer Interview Question On your Previous Job Experience ?How to Answer Interview Questions In General ?..........................................................................How to Pass a Job Interview ?How to Succeed In a Job Interview ?How to Close an Interview ?How to Make a Good Impression at a Job Interview ? ( BONUS )....................................................xxxx...................................................................................................."
Price: 199.99

"Learn stock market day and positional trading strategies"
"In this course you will learn how to become successful day trader with using simple yet magical indicator where profits are huge and stoploss are minimal. In this world only 5% successful trades persist then why out students can't be in this 5% successful traders. Enrol this course and be in 5% successful trades thats our open challenge."
Price: 24.99

"Adm Adm MATLAB"
"Bu kursMATLAB ile programlamay sfrdan balayarak hi bilmeyen birinin bilgi dzeyine gre adm adm retmektir. Kursiyer, algoritma kavramnn ne demek olduu gibi basit bir yerden balayarak Matlab'in derinliklerine kadar elenceli bir yolculua kacak. En sonunda geldii noktada ise,MATLAB'i tm ynleriyle tanm ve amalar dorultusunda gerekli bilgileri renebiliyor olacak. Bunun yan sra kursiyer kursun sonunda yeni bir programlama diline gei yapabilecek dzeyde bir programlama kltrne sahip olacak."
Price: 409.99

"Empieza a hablar francs - Curso completo nivel intermedio"
"Quieres mejorar tu francs fcilmente? Lo necesitas en tu trabajo, en tus viajes o sientes pasin por la lengua? No encuentras un mtodo de aprendizaje que resulte eficaz y a la vez entretenido?Este es un curso para t, que quieres mejorar tu Francs de forma prctica, eficiente y divertida. Te ofrecemos:Profesores con experiencia viviendo en Francia, expertos en la enseanza del francs a hispanohablantes.Explicaciones en Espaol con implementacin progresiva del Francs.Diseado para alumnos que tengan una base de la lengua (A2 - B1).Todos los video cursos en Full HD.Nuestro mtodo consta de:GramticaExplicaciones sencillas pero completas para que puedas hablar un francs ms elaborado y sofisticado.Vocabulario y expresionesLecciones y ejercicios para ampliar nuestro repertorio, hablar fluidamente y poder expresarnos con precisin.PronunciacinPara que puedas comprender y hablar sin barreras!Simulaciones y juegos de rolUtilizando la gramtica y vocabulario trabajados hasta el momento para practicar la comprensin oral en situaciones reales.Y mucho ms!Hemos aadido una serie de actividades interactivas de comprensin escrita as como de pequeos test para comprobar el progreso realizado."
Price: 29.99

"Learn how to fold Awesome Origami models"
"After this course, you will be able to fold a selection of AWESOME origami models. These origami are selected from thousands of models that are easy but much fun. Learners of every levels are suggested to enroll. The course will be updating, more models will be added in coming days."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to design papermodel from 3D model (basic)"
"In this course, we will learn how to design papermodel from 3D model andyou will be able to makeyour idea real!Its FUNto design you own papermodel, you can specialize it to create unique decoration, you can create a customized gift for someone, and even you can vreate a model and distribute to the world!The course isdivided into the following sessions:IntroductionBuilding the 3D modelConverting 3D model to 2D diagramMaking the papermodelSoftware RelatedWe are going to learn step by stepto create your own model! With the knowledge and the time you spent, you may become the next top papermodel designer."
Price: 19.99

"From complete beginner to consistent Forex professional."
"My goal hereis not to promise or endorse instant success in the profession of Forex trading. Rather to promote the value of hard work and discipline when trying to attain your financial goals whatever they may be. As such I have invested a great deal of time and effort into ensuring that the education you receive hereis relevant and of complete value to you in your journey to become a successful trader. The course contains three modules. The Beginning, Starting to find our feet and Walk,not run.THE BEGINNINGFor those who are just starting out in the world of trading, we start at the very beginning. If you are serious about achieving your financial goals using the avenue of Forex trading, the first step is often the most difficult to take. This training course will start at step 1 and cover all the basics which include an in depth look atcharts ( chart elements/trading tools/setting up a chart)Trading syntax ( understanding the lingo)Brokerages ( How do they work?)Technicaland Fundamental studies ( what is the difference?)Basic Money management ( understanding how the money works)Basic trading psychology ( the most important part)STARTINGTOFINDOURFEET.Now that we have built a solid foundation and the basics are fully understood, we can start to look at how trading can potentially make us money. We don't want to be overconfident just yet, there is still a lot to learn,Structure explainedIntroduction to indicatorsPutting together a trading planOpening a demo accountManaging an open positionWALK, NOT RUN.Its time to put everything together. Now comes the most difficult part... Becoming a consistent and successful trader. Following our trading plan and maintaining our discipline to reach our financial goals.Trade plan followingAdvanced trading psychologyFinding our edge / being consistentAdvanced structure analysisAdvanced money management"
Price: 350.00

"Finding the end of the trend"
"Often one of the most difficult practices in Forex trading is identifying where a current trend is going to terminate and a reversal take place. This simple strategy will help you identify the end of the trend with an easy to identify reversal signal allowing you to capitalize with a reversal position at the most advantageous point in price."
Price: 200.00

"Konumann Gcn Kefet: Byleyici, Akc ve Gvenle Konu"
"Dnyadaki en iyi fikirlere sahip olabilirsiniz, alannzdaki en iyi uzman olabilirsiniz, ancak insanlar sizi aka duyamyor veya ne dediinizi anlamyorsa - ne kadar parlak olduunuzu yanstamazsnz! yi ve rahat konuabilmek iin bol miktarda egzersiz yapmak gerekir. Bu nedenle bu eitimi ok sayda egzersiz bulacanz bir kaynak olarak tasarladm. lk blmden itibaren bu egzersizleri uygulamanz istiyorum, nk bunu yapmadnz srece bu eitimden tam olarak yararlanamazsnz. Bu eitimdeki bilgileri toparlamak ve egzersizleri gelitirmek yllarm ald diyebilirim. Gene her zamanki gibi, pratikte ie yaradn gzlemlemediim hibir eyi eitime almadm. Bu eitimi hazrladm, nk bu konuda hibir Trke kaynak bulunmadnn farkndaym. Bu konudaki Trke kaynak eksikliini gidermek maksad ile bu eitimi hazrladm. Eitimdeki egzersizleri yapmaya baladnzda, ksa zamanda insanlarla iletiiminizin dikkat ekici lde gelitiini, girdiiniz ortamlarda konumay ynlendiren kii olmaya baladnz fark ettiinizde ok aracaksnz. Bunu biliyorum, nk sizin gibi pek ok kii egzersizlerden aldklar sonular grdklerinde inanamadlar.        Daha fazla zaman kaybetmeyelim ve artk harekete geelim.  Bu derse sahip olmann size salayaca faydalar:1) Akc konumann pf noktalarn reneceksiniz2) evrenizdeki kaynaklar ile konuma konusu bulacaksnz3) Kendinizi daha rahat ifade edeceksiniz4) Karlatnz problemleri daha rahat zebileceksiniz5)  Duygu ve dncelerinizi aka ifade edeceksiniz yle ki:Gnlk hayatta insanlarn size olan saygs ve ball artacakzgveniniz artacakKsa zamanda insanlarla iletiiminiz dikkat ekici lde geliecekTopluluk nnde rahata konuacaksnzSosyal evrenizi genileteceksiniz"
Price: 399.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 - Nivel Bsico"
":. Visual FoxPro 9.0 - Nivel bsico .:.Objetivo:Durante coleccin de videotutoriales el usuario aprender los conceptos bsico necesarios para la creacin y elaboracin de base de datos relacionales para la administracin de proyectos, formularios, consultas, vistas e informes.Puntos a tratar:- Principales ventanas de trabajo de Visual FoxPro 9.0- Creacin de proyecto- Diseo y Manejo de base de datos relacionales(BDR)- Tablas dependientes y libres- Creacin y manejo de tablas- Consultas y vistas- Relaciones de tablas- Creacin de cursores- Creacin y diseo de formularios- Creacin y diseo de reportes"
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 - Nivel Intermedio"
".:. Visual FoxPro 9.0 - Nivel Intermedio.:.Objetivo: Durante el Mini-taller el usuario podr llevar a cabo la elaboracin de proyectos ( sistemas de informacin) sacando provecho de las herramientas de ( Mens, Formas, Vistas, Consultas ). As tambin aprender el manejo de comandos aplicados en la programacin.Puntos a tratar: - Breve recordatorio del mini-taller de Visual FoxPro 9.0 Bsico - VFP (Lenguaje orientado a objetos) - Diseo de clases Visuales - Diseo y manejo de Formulario y conjuntos de formularios - Diseo de Reportes con agrupamiento de datos - Creacin de Mens - Repaso a sentencias bsicas (SQL) - Creacin de mtodos- Generar nuestro ejecutable."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y Microsoft SQL Server -Mod01"
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos SQL Server.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y Microsoft SQL Server? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos.Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y Microsoft SQL Server<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de Visual FoxPro y el Microsoft SQL Server.* Instalacin del OBDC Driver y realizaremos configuraciones DSN Sistemas y SQL Stringconnect.* Interactuaremos entre Formularios de Visual FoxpPro y Microsoft SQL Server(trabajaremos con textbox, listbox,combos, grid)* Interactuaremos entre Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y Microsoft SQL Server(trabajaremos con reportes sencillos, agrupados,con condiciones de visualizacin)* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados bsicos de Microsoft SQL Server(Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y MySQL Server -Mod01"
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos MySQL Server.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y MySQL Server? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos.Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y MySQLServer<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de Visual FoxPro y el MySQL Server.* Instalacin del OBDC Driver y realizaremos configuraciones DSN Sistemas y SQL Stringconnect.* Interactuaremos entre Formularios de Visual FoxpPro y MySQL Server(trabajaremos con textbox, listbox,combos, grid)* Interactuaremos entre Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y MySQL Server(trabajaremos con reportes sencillos, agrupados,con condiciones de visualizacin)* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados bsicos de MySQL Server(Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y Oracle Database -Mod01"
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos Oracle Database.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y Oracle Database? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos. Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y Oracle Database<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de Visual FoxPro y el Oracle Database.* Instalacin del OBDC Driver y realizaremos configuraciones DSN Sistemas y SQL Stringconnect.* Interactuaremos entre Formularios de Visual FoxpPro y Oracle Database* Interactuaremos entre Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y Oracle Database(trabajaremos con reportes sencillos, agrupados,con condiciones de visualizacin)* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados bsicos de Oracle Database(Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 - Nivel Avanzado - Mdulo 01"
".:. Visual FoxPro 9.0 - Nivel Avanzado - Mdulo 01.:.Objetivo: Durante el Mini-taller el usuario podr llevar a cabo la elaboracin de proyectos ( sistemas de informacin) sacando provecho de las herramientas. As tambin aprender el manejo de comandos aplicados en la programacin.Puntos a tratar: - VFP (Lenguaje orientado a objetos) - Diseo de clases Visuales - Diseo y manejo de Formulario y conjuntos de formularios.- Herramientas de grficos externos para mejorar las clases visuales (Agama Web Buttons) - sentencias bsicas (SQL) - Creacin de mtodos- Creacin de clases Custom - mtodos (organizar nuestra programacin)- Generar nuestro ejecutable."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y MariaDB -Mod01"
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos MariaDB.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y MariaDB? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos. Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y MariaDB<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de Visual FoxPro y el MariaDB.* Instalacin del OBDC Driver y realizaremos configuraciones DSN Sistemas y SQL Stringconnect.* Interactuaremos entre Formularios y Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y MariaDB.* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados bsicos de MariaDB(Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 19.99

"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y PostgreSQL -Mod01"
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos PostgreSQL .:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y PostgreSQL? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos. Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y PostgreSQL<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de Visual FoxPro y el PostgreSQL.* Instalacin del OBDC Driver y realizaremos configuraciones DSN Sistemas y SQL Stringconnect.* Interactuaremos entre Formularios y Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y PostgreSQL.* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados bsicos de PostgreSQL (Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 19.99

"Hand Embroidery: Easy Guide For DIY Embroidered Sweater"
"In this class, you will learn how to embellish your own sweater. This project you will stitch allongwith me and see the entire process on how to hand embroider on clothes. You will need some sewing experience for this class, but I encourage confident beginners to have a try."
Price: 19.99

"Hand Embroidery: Painting with thread"
"Needle painting was the single biggest influence on me starting my embroidery journey from the first time I saw the technique used I really wanted to try it for myself. I looked closely at other embroidery pieces and slowly taught myself by trial and error until I had created my first piece. When I shared my first piece using the technique on Instagram I recieved many emails from people who wanted to buy one from me or wanted to know more about the methods I was using, so here we are!In this course you will learn how to make the Fox using ""long and short stitch"" with color blending. My technique is relatively simple - using single strands of embroidery thread."
Price: 19.99

"Hand Embroidery: Mixed media Art with printed fabric"
"Using printed fabric can really enhance an embroidery piece or project - for example, combining a printed image with embroidery can really highlight the texture added by the stitching. Recent advancesin technology have made the most amazing printed fabric possible.In this class, we will have a close look at the printing fabric offered by Spoonflower and show you how to add embroideryfor a great mixed media project.This class is designed for those who love to do something different with their designs or when you want to add a different twist to your embroidery projects: everything from simple patterns or images through to famous pictures or even personal photographs! The sky is the limit."
Price: 19.99

"Hand Embroidery For Beginners"
"In this course, we will stitch a tropical flower design using a 6 stranded thread technique. We will use bold, contrasting colors to add variety to our embroidery. In these videos, I will take you through the technique step by step and show you just how easy it can be.This is an introductory class, covering the basic technique of needle painting and each video builds on the last to provide a comprehensive guide to completing this piece."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create the Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy"
"This course is designed to help you craft the perfect digital marketing strategy for your business. You will learn how to capitalise on various digital marketing channels using different tactics that help your business grow and evolve.Well guide you through all the steps of creating a marketing strategy from conducting market research and competitor analysis, to identifying key digital marketing channels and implementing campaigns.You will be guided through the basics of building a marketing strategy geared towards business growth. Using research tools and frameworks including, The 9p's of the Marketing Mix, SOSTAC, PESTLE Analysis, Porters Five Forces and SWOT Analysis. analytic tools and practical methods you will be able to effectively plan and execute a strategy to give your business a competitive edge within your industry.Well also teach you how to achieve specific business goals through digital marketing and discover ways to monitor and improve campaigns. You will learn about marketing best practice and be able to apply the skills youve learnt to current and new digital marketing strategies.Ultimately, you will leave this course with a clear framework for developing a coherent plan for your digital marketing and know how to effectively integrate digital activity into your wider comms plans."
Price: 34.99