"Key success factors to drive operational excellence" |
"What does it take to be a successful operational excellence leader, drive change and make a sustainable impact?While many books and trainings address the necessary technical part, counting only on that won't make you stand out from the crowd.Thanks to my 15+ years of experience in various roles in or around operational excellence (up to leading it for a fortune 100 Company), I have gathered valuable recommendations on the key success factors to drive operational excellence.You will learn how to:Drive more effectively change within your organisation,Identify and be able to apply the key success factors for excellence system implementation and sustainability,Reinforce your knowledge on Influence and Power, and increase your impact by using powerful levers,Use the experience from more senior people to better increase your and your team's competence in OpEx.This training is intended for:Leaders and managers in operational excellence / excellence system,People interested in change management at a large scale,Anybody willing to boost their career in operational excellence, by learning from experienced leaders.___ This training is the HIGHEST RATED in its category ___What Udemy students say about this training:""Excellent overview, strategically concise delivering right amount of information to inspire me to want to learn more about each subject of operational excellence. Highly recommended."" (Claudia Plua de Meissner)""For someone like me who's starting out as a change agent, this course really gave an arsenal of methods which I can use and drive change. Also it reemphasized my belief that that change is difficult for everyone but persistence and perseverance are the key to achieve change. It also gave an glimpse of right methods to use while proposing and implementing change."" (Abhijith Janardhan)""The course gives good tools to improve operational excellence. Thank you Jafar for sharing your experience through concrete examples !"" (Yseult Bertaux)""Great material and examples!"" (Graciela Helgueros)""This course provides key tools that help to develop sense of leadership. I particularly appreciate the pragmatic side based on concrete examples. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting a leadership position in society."" (Bmegaptche Tekap Yannick)"
Price: 124.99 |
"Start Your Own Cell Phone Business Today" |
"Thank you for taking your valuable time to check out this course.You know that device that when you wake up in the morning you just have to take a peek at? Yep, your smartphone. Did you know that over a third of the worlds population is projected to own a smartphone? An estimated total of almost 2.53 billion smartphone users in the world. That device is what we are going to be talking about in this course and I am going to show you how to profit from them in 3 different ways.What Will I Learn?1. How to get trade-in phones and devices at low cost and resell them for profits.2. How to start cell phone repair business.3. How to start phone unlocking business.And how to make money in the phone business without having any overhead. I will give you all the shortcuts on how to make money by offering these three services without having to go through all the costly mistakes and set backs along the way.Who is the target audience?Everyone can take this course as this course does not require any special knowledge or skill."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Fotografia - Seja um Fotgrafo" |
"Curso online de Introduo a Fotografia e a monetizao da profisso.Ol, me chamo Vilton e sou fundador da Deluxe, uma equipe de fotgrafos que atua em diversas reas da fotografia. Nesse curso, vou compartilhar com voc o conhecimento que aprendi nesses anos trabalhando com fotografia.Cursos so como atalhos e meu objetivo ser um facilitador para quem deseja ingressar nesse mundo to lindo da fotografia.Para que voc possa evitar boa parte dos erros e tambm saber o melhor caminho para acertar.Comeo explicando os primeiros passos na fotografia, toda a teoria que voc precisa saber para fazer fotos incrveis.Mas no s de teoria se faz um bom profissional. Vamos abordar sobre a fotografia na prtica. Do comeo ao fim de um dia de trabalho.Depois de saber como fotografar, voc vai precisar saber como monetizar o seu servio. Vou te mostrar como cobrar pelo seu talento de forma justa e como comear a atuar na rea da fotografia.E ento, quer vir comigo e aprender, do zero, como se tornar um fotgrafo?"
Price: 579.99 |
"Comment mmoriser tous vos mots de passe" |
"""L'endroit le plus scuris pour stocker vos mots de passe est dans votre tte"". Bill AronsonGrer tous vos mots de passe n'aura jamais t aussi simple. Et vous allez en plus booster votre mmoire.Comment grez-vous vos mots de passe au quotidien ? Vous arrive-t-il des les oublier ? Vous vous tes peut-tre mme senti idiot lorsque c'est arriv (ce ft mon cas !)Pendant des annes leur gestion (qu'ils soient pro ou perso) a t pour moi un vritable casse-tte.Comme pour vous sans doute.Puis j'ai suivi un jour, par curiosit, le cours de Bill Aronson. Je cherchais savoir s'il existait un moyen simple de grer mes mots de passe et sans avoir utiliser un outil type Keepass ou dashlane. Tout en bnficiant d'une protection optimale car ,comme vous, je tiens la protection de mes donnes sur internet.J'ai t littralement bluff par la simplicit et l'efficacit de sa mthode ! Elle est trs facile et trs rapide mettre en oeuvre. Grce elle, vous pourrez augmenter considrablement votre protection informatique en crent des mots de passe d'une quinzaine de caractres respectant toutes les bonnes pratiques de scurit. Et en plus, vous travaillerez votre mmoire car sa mthode vous permet de tous les retenir par coeur, sans risquer de les oublier et sans avoir les noter.Avec son autorisation, j'ai adapt en franais sa mthode, qui a dj sduit plus de 18.000personnes sur Udemy.Vous en tirerez aussi les bnfices suivant :AMELIOREZVOTREMEMOIREGrce aux techniques enseignes dans ce cours, vous allez dvelopper votre capacit retenir et mmoriser des mots de passe complexe. Non seulement vous allez amliorer votre scurit mais vous allez aussi travailler votre mmoire au quotidien. GAGNEZDELACONFIANCEENVOUSVous gagnerez en confiance en vous car vous serez rapidement capable de raliser quelque chose qui vous paraissait impossible. Vous pourrez dsormais retenir par coeur une centaine de mots de passe avec facilit.C'est parfois les choses qui paraissent les plus insignifiantes qui ont le plus gros impact. Vous vous sentiez peut-tre idiot chaque fois que vous oubliez un mot de passe. Dsormais, vous aurez la certitude que a n'arrivera plus.Et vous apprendrez le faire en moins d'une heure !GAGNEZENTRANQUILLITE D'ESPRITLa gestion de vos mots de passe ne sera plus jamais un problme. Vous n'aurez plus aucune difficult crer un mot de passe sr et diffrent pour chaque compte et vous ne craindrez plus de les oublier.GAGNEZDUTEMPSAinsi grce cette mthode, vous ne perdrez plus de temps vous rappeler un mot de passe, en crer un ou vous cassez la tte chaque fois que vous devez en changer un existant.J'ai moi-mme gagn un temps fou depuis que je l'utilise, notamment dans mon travail.Vous pourrez vous concentrer sur d'autres tches tout en bnficiant d'une protection optimale de vos donnes. Vos mots de passe ne seront plus une source de dsagrment, au contraire vous serez fiers de leur niveau de scurit.GAGNEZENSECURITEDcouragez les pirates informatiques grce une scurit optimale.Vous allez apprendre toutes les bonnes pratiques pour crer un mot de passe fort. Facebook est victime d'attaques informatiques plusieurs centaines de millier de fois par jour (source : The telegraph, Hackers go after Facebook sites 600000 times every day). Vous aurez l'esprit tranquille en sachant que les pirates se casseront les dents sur votre mot de passe."
Price: 19.99 |
"Scala and Akka for Finance" |
"In Scala and Akka for Finance, you'll learn how to use Akka to create concurrent financial systems. You'll learn about lots of topics, including :Functional programmingHigher-order functionsAkkaConcurrencySupervisor patternUniversally Unique IdentifiersAnd lots more!This course, unlike many other courses, is a hands-on course, and is best suited for students who prefer to learn actively. In this course, you'll find :Five sectionsFive quizzes for self-testingTwo hands-on coding exercises, with COMPLETE video solutionsHours of code-along videos at JUST the right pacePowerPoint lectures that discuss the WHY before we start coding. No more mindless copy and pasting!Some other coding courses dive through hundreds and hundreds of lines of code with hardly any explanation. On the other hand, this course emphasizes understanding the code, rather than just mindlessly churning out lines of confusing code. If you are a student that enjoys actively learning and understanding the WHY behind the code, and not just the HOW, then this course is the perfect fit for you!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Understand how electricity is generated" |
"Course is design to understand how electricity is generated. It is about role of Faraday's law in energy conversion and role of Lenz's law in satisfying ""Law of energy conservation"". It covers all from fundamental concepts to strong mathematical explanation, to understand magnetic field and its role in generation of AC voltage. It also includes basic working principle of AC generator &its practical arrangement."
Price: 19.99 |
"MATLAB for Power Electronics: Simulation & Analysis" |
"Learn how to simulate power electronics converters with the help of MATLAB software. It covers simulation of all basic converters including chopper (DC/DC), Inverter (DC/AC), Regulator (AC/AC) and phase controlled rectifier (AC/DC) Converter. It includes designing power circuit and control circuits both. It also covers how these simulations can be use for effective analysis and better understanding of power electronics circuits. It includes ready simulation files of more than 25 power electronics circuits. See what other says about course?13 5-Star Ratings.How they feels about course?Are you learning valuable information? 92%Are the explanations of concepts clear? 76%Is the instructor's delivery engaging? 71%Are there enough opportunities to apply what you are learning? 78%Is the course delivering on your expectations? 75%Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic? 100%What they shared?Nil Patel""Its really helpful for power electronics engineer""Yash M""Very good course to start basic simulations of electrical circuits. Shared simulation models are very helpful as I found useful for my project work. Being updated with some more knowledge about power electronics too. And best part is Thanks for sharing simulation files.""Philip""Excellent Power electronics Matlab review.""Jorge Johnny Chipana Machaca""Hace que conceptos teoricos complejos sean faciles de entender, las simulaciones estan bien elaboradas y tiene muy buen dominio del tema.""Alok Patel""Literally speaking, I thought that this course will only provide me basics of Matlab. But it is one of the best course I have ever watch. Also, it provides in detail simulation of power electronics.""Omar""I am really appreciate the way he explaining every thing and making easy to understand""Other Course Performance Parameters21,658minutes taught132active studentsupdated on 10-Aug-2019"
Price: 74.99 |
"Iniciando en giles: Contextos, ciclos de vida y principios" |
"Debera aplicar prcticas giles en mis proyectos? Qu quiere decir realmente que sean giles?Antes de iniciar con un marco de trabajo, metodologa o prctica gil, como Scrum, Kanban o eXtreme Programming, es importante entender de dnde surge este enfoque y si es apropiado para la situacin en que me encuentro. gil no significa precisamente menos trabajo, menos tiempo o menos costo.En este curso corto, vamos a aprender los diferentes contextos en los cuales puede encontrarse un problema, y si el enfoque gil es el adecuado para resolverlo. Adems aprenderemos sobre los ciclos de vida de los proyectos: cmo es el ciclo de vida de un proyecto gil en comparacin al de un proyecto tradicional. Finalmente, estudiaremos las basesdel enfoque gil."
Price: 24.99 |
"Vendes porque vendes! - Entrenamiento completo en ventas." |
"Te interesa convertirte en un verdadero vendedor y ELEVAR MS TUS VENTAS?Este entrenamiento completo en ventas esta diseado para trabajar el proceso de la venta, as como tambin sus tcnicas y modelos desde el enfoque de SER un vendedor profesional.Durante todo el entrenamiento aprenders tcnicas para fortalecer tu SER adems de tcnicas neurocientficas y de programacin neurolingistica (PNL) para entender, ayudar, servir y cerrar hasta el cliente ms difcil.Llevo ya muchos aos como vendedor e hice este curso utilizando toda mi experiencia y tambin de todas las personas que me han instruido para convertirme en un SUPER VENDEDOR. Si estas listo para incrementar tus ventas, ingresos y tu calidad de vida, dale clic y comienza aprender tcnicas altamente efectivas y sencillas para lograrlo."
Price: 119.99 |
"Amazon FBA - How to Private Label Products & EARN an income!" |
"In thisAmazonFBAcourse, you're going to learn how to go from the very beginning, until selling and beyond!Find hidden AmazonFBA private label products with various research methodsLaunch to page 1 within JUST10 days with our SECRETLAUNCHSTRATEGY Skyrocket your Amazon FBAsalesHow to scale your Amazon FBAbusinessYour Opportunity with Amazon FBAThere are 800,000+ Amazon sellers making $100,000 or MORE. That is 39.6%!The real question is... why can't that be you?!If you are:Sick of your 9-5 jobDesire the freedom to work from anywhere in the worldFed up with being brokeWant an automated incomeThen this course is for you!Even if:You don't have any business experienceYou're overwhelmed and don't know where to startYou're completely new to online businessJUMPSTARTyour Amazon FBA business!Start earning, and live the life you deserve...After taking the AmazonFBAFamily course, you will be able to:Find profitable private label products fast with our product research methodsAnalyze your Amazon FBA private labelproductsSource productsFind top notch suppliersFind the best priced photography, logo, package design, etc. for your Amazon businessCreate a listing and shipping planLaunch in the best, fastest, and cheapest wayScale and learn the secrets of 6 and 7 figure Amazon earnersHire employeesEarn money on and off of Amazon& more!What are you waiting for? Take the first step in creatingyour own Amazon FBAbusiness, learn from top earners in the Amazon world, and create a sustainable life!We'll see you on the inside! We can't wait to see you embark on this journey.Your instructors,Kaylee & Mitch"
Price: 34.99 |
"Microsoft Word 2010 Grsel Eitim" |
"Gnmz bilgi teknolojileri ierisinde kelime ilemci byk nem arz etmektedir. Kelime ilemci uygulamalar gnlk ilerinizde, devlerinizde byk kolaylklar salamaktadr.Microsoft Office Word kelime ilemci alannda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu eitim videosu sayesine, ofis ierisinde yer alan ilemler, tez ve dev yazm, hikaye, roman, kitap yazm konusundaetkin kullanabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Real Estate Math 101" |
"This video series will cover the methods andsolutions to potential math problems seen on any given Real Estate exam. Part 1 will focus on 16simple problem types that tend to appear most often. Then I will coverhow tocalculatecommissions, taxes, and financing using three levels of problems (Easy, Medium, and Hard).Each video will focus on 1 unique question and will be solved step by step with emphasisonproblem solving strategies.If you are preparing for yourReal Estate licensing exam,or just want to develop your test taking and problem solving skills this course will help you do just that.*Disclaimer: Questions will not be taken from an actual exam, nor will Ibe able to provide you with detailed information about the exam itself (this would be considered a breach of real estatelaw)!*"
Price: 19.99 |
"INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL : Fundamentos e como Desenvolver" |
"Este curso vai te ensinar todos os fundamentos da inteligncia emocional, por que desenvolv-la importante a acima de tudo, quais so os primeiros passos para comear a sua jornada.Fizemos este curso com um roteiro e edio bastante OBJETIVOS. O contedo rico, as aulas so curtas mas profundas e sem enrolao para que voc obtenha, ao final das 16 aulas um conhecimento abrangente e prtico que vai te permitir ter mais clareza quanto s suas habilidades e se voc precisa ou no evoluir ainda mais na sua jornada.Alm disso, voc ter acesso a TRS bnus incrveis:1 - e-book com TODOS os INFOGRFICOSDOCURSO2 - e-book: ""Emocionrio"" com definies simples para as emoes mais recorrentes no nosso dia-a-dia3 - e-book: ""EQUILBRIOEMOCIONAL:COMOCONQUISTAR"" com 70 pginas explicando detalhadamente como alcanar (e manter) equilbrio emocional em um formato amigvel para leitura no celularNo perca esta oportunidade e inscreva-se j!"
Price: 249.99 |
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