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"Microsoft Access 2016 Super Completo do Bsico ao Avanado"
"Voc j pensou em criar o seu prprio Gerenciador Financeiro e no sabe por onde comear?Esse Curso ideal para dar uma iniciativa em conhecimento do maior aplicativo de banco de dados em todo mundo.Com diversas explicaes passo a passo que vem no Curso do Access 2016, voc ir aprender criar tabelas, consultas, formulrios, relatrios, macros e cdigos, usando linhas de programao de forma muito simples em seu entendimento, que lhe tornar o seu projeto inteligente.O Microsoft Access um Sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados da Microsoft, includo no pacote do Microsoft Office Professional, com grande capacidade de criao em projetos de controle financeiro por diversas reas como:Lojas em Geral como Informtica, Roupas, Materiais de Construo, entre outros.Assistncia Tcnica em Geral como Consertos, Mecnicas, Consultas, entre outros.Cursos em Geral como Informtica, ingls, profissionalizante, entre outros. Tudo isso e muito mais. So mais de 20 horas de curso com explicaes passo a passo do bsico at o avanado.Nas primeiras sesses, iremos apresentar como criar uma estrutura para armazenamento de dados, definir os seus critrios, mscaras de entrada, entre outros diversos.Logo em seguida, iremos criar regras de dados em diversas tabelas para uma consulta, e seguindo o seu relacionamento para manter a sua exibio inteligente.Com todo conhecimento inicial pela estrutura de tabelas e consultas, iremos dar o primeiro passo em uma interface do banco de dados, chamado de formulrio.Com os formulrios, iremos criar diversas caixas de textos, combinaes, selees, grficos, botes, e aplicar diversas propriedades em sua aparncia e funcionamento, inclusive os eventos que buscam cdigos e macros.Ao passar dos captulos da interface, iremos criar relatrios, onde ser exibido o resultado final dos dados, para serem usadas na impresso, ou exportao de dados para outros formatos.Os macros sero usados para criar finalidades nos botes de formulrios pelos eventos, alm de criar cdigos em VBA.Nos cdigos de VBA, voc ir aprender criar procedimentos para execuo em qualquer evento, alm de coletar valores, alterar propriedades e gerar uma situao lgica em um determinado valor.Nas ltimas sesses, iremos criar um gestor financeiro completo, a partir do zero, colocando as suas primeiras estruturas de tabelas, fazendo o relacionamento, passando pela consulta, criar um formulrio bem elegante e gerar os relatrios com os dados registrados.Com as orientaes passo a passo, voc ir incrementar diversas macros e cdigos VBA para todo o funcionamento do gestor financeiro com etapas de cada item.No final da construo, voc ir aprender criar um menu principal que ser carregado automaticamente quando o arquivo for aberto.Tudo isso e muito mais que voc ir aprender atravs deste Curso.Com inmeros recursos contidos no Microsoft Access, dividimos em diversas aulas para que voc tenha mais facilidade em sua aprendizagem, e praticando diversos exerccios em cada seo deste curso para que voc no deixe nada para trs as suas dvidas.E para melhorar mais a sua aprendizagem, elaboramos questionrios para dar uma recapitulada em tudo que aprendeu por cada seo e deixamos diversos arquivos de prticas para que voc possa baixar e praticar no seu prprio computador."
Price: 99.99

"Leggi la personalit altrui grazie ai disegni"
"Ti piacerebbe poter esser in grado di leggere con estrema accuratezza la personalit di una qualsiasi persona, anche se conosciuta pochi istanti prima?Ti piacerebbe riuscire a conoscere ancor pi in profondit amici, parenti, conoscenti o colleghi di lavoro?O di riuscire a scoprire qualcosa di te che non immaginavi neppure?Tutto questo e molto altro possibile semplicemente grazie allinterpretazione di un disegno o uno scarabocchio e stai per imparare come funziona!Mi chiamo Matteo Filippini e da oltre 30 anni mi occupo di illusionismo e mentalismo. Sono inoltre esperto di discipline affini come psicologia, ipnosi e suggestione e comunicazione non verbale.Ho tenuto decine di spettacoli e conferenze in tutta Italia ed ho scritto vari libri dedicati al mentalismo e allillusionismo.Se stai guardando questo video perch sei un appassionato di comunicazione, di psicologia o di linguaggio non verbale o magari seisemplicemente alla ricerca di un sistema divertente ed efficace per rompere il ghiaccio e rapportarti con una persona che ti interessa o ancora vorresti conoscere pi in profondit qualche tuo amico o collaboratore.Con questo corso imparerai a: eseguire accurate letture della personalit di qualsiasi persona conoscere meglio te stesso decifrare il linguaggio segreto dei disegni e degli scarabocchi comprendere i molti significati e la simbologia alla base di un gran numero di disegni apprendere un modo originale per poter instaurare un rapporto immediato con gli altri riuscire a comprendere con pi efficacia ed empatia le persone che ti circondano.Il corso ti guider passo a passo nella comprensione dei meccanismi che stanno alla base del nostro subconscio e che possono esser decifrati attraverso un semplice disegno o scarabocchio.Ed inoltre imparerai come affinare ed usare unarma che gi possiedi, ma a cui forse non hai mai dato troppo credito: il tuo intuito!Seguendo passo a passo ogni sezione del corso, sarai in grado di leggere gli altri in modo sorprendente e verrai riconosciuto come un vero esperto in materia!Sei pronto dunque? Allora iniziamo subito ed entriamo assieme nellincredibile universo dellinterpretazione dei disegni."
Price: 49.99

"Manyetizmay reniyorum"
"Kar karya olduunuz bu kaynak ,ierik fiziin ara konularndan olan manyetizmann,standart eitim portfolyo tanmlamas etkisi altnda kalmam bunun dnda,pisikolojik danmanlk ve yllardr sregelen retmenlik ve grafikerlik tecrbesininde tesirinde,kendini test ederek gndeme getirmitir.ilginiz dahilindeki bu eitim seti,bireysel bir emein ksa zaman zarf iersinde ele ald bir alma deildir,aksine eitim gibi ciddi bir meselenin etrafnda toplanan bilinli birekip sz konusudur,bu ekip kendini ve rettii ierikleri an gereksinimlerine uyumlayacak sekilde belirlemitir. Bahsini geirdiimiz yaplandrmac zihniyet teknolojik detaylarla btnletirilmi bu balamda amalanan durum oluturulmaya allmtr.Bu durum erevesinde ortaya attmz yntemimiz grsel materyal kullanmdr.nki deerlendirilen grsel materyaller,maliyet,gvenlik,eriebilirlik gibi sebeplerle yaplamayan deneylerin veya incelenemeyen olaylarn benzetim yoluyla (similasyon) gsterilmesine ve modellenmesine imkan vermektedir.Bu srecin ihtiyalarndan olan grsel materyal kullanm bu eitim setinde ciddi bir ekilde deerlendirilmi,zm noktasnda ise st dzey 600' gegin,bunlarn en az 100 tanesi HD kalitede 3d animasyon olmak zere grsel sunum dosyas konumlandrlmtr Bu almada amalanan eitim kriterlerimiz ;1-)Similasyonlar,grafikler ve profosyonel anlatm yntemleri dorultusunda rencilerin kavrama srelerini hzlandrmak.2-)renmeyi daha anlaml ve derin bir hale getirmek.3-)renmedeki bireysel farkllklar dikkate alp bu duruma istinaden zm retmek.4-)Yaratc dnme unsurlarnn retmen ve renci tarafndan farkedilmesini salamak."
Price: 49.99

"Reading Comprehension for SAT, GMAT, GRE, CAT"
"This test provides reading comprehension practice to understand the basics of the questions asked. Wewill keep on adding new practice questions every day. We will be exploring different types of questions and passage styles. This will also keep adding to the applicant's knowledge base for interviews and group discussions.The topics covered would be contemporary and relevantglobally."
Price: 34.99

"Vocabulary for SAT, GMAT, GRE, CAT applicants"
"We have included practice tests for vocabulary use. New tests will be added regularly. The test includes usage of words, meanings and interpretation. Specific words from SAT , GMAT , GRE questions and options have been used to increase familiarity. The test can be done again and again to practice and memorize new words easily. Practical aspects of vocabulary memorizing have been taken care of. It's easier to grasp and remember."
Price: 39.99

"Chrome Developer Tools Course"
"Google Chrome is currently one of the most popular web browsers used by web developers today, but most people only know about the most basic features. Chrome Developer Tools provide deeper access to the web applications and knowledge of additional features can increase productivity and your work speed.During the course you will learn such things as..Inspect and Edit HTML and CSSDebug JavaScriptSet BreakpointsConsole Logs and other CommandsUse SnippetsAdd Workspaces and Persist Changes to DiskView and Remove Browser StorageExamine Network and ResourcesAnalyze Memory and Security ProblemsOptimize Critical Rendering PathDiscover useful tools Test and Optimize PerformancePerform AuditsOptimize Website's SpeedThis course consists of 3 main sections: editing, debugging, testing and optimizing performance. We'll walk through each of 9 panels of Chrome's developer tools and learn all the great, useful things they can do. After finishing this course you'll be able to use your new knowledge in developing faster and better apps!"
Price: 179.99

"The Pharmacology Flavor for Hyperlipidemia in Palestine"
"Hyperlipidemia is a medicinal expression for abnormally elevated levels of lipids/fats in the blood. Hyperlipidemia can be treated, but it's oftentimes a life-long situation. You'll demand to observe what you eat and also practice orderly. You might also demand to take a prescription medication. Anyway, I'd like to send toyouthe pharmacology flavor in Palestine by giving the trade names of drugs which are used in Palestine, to give students from the whole of world the chance to get a glimpsetoward famous trade drugs in Palestine. Over and above, this course consists of four sections. The First Section is a short background about Hyperlipidemia which supplies the following subtitles: 1) What is the definition of hyperlipidemia? 2) Reasons of Hyperlipidemia, 3) Management of Hyperlipidemia, 4) The Sequences of Hyperlipidemia, 5) Lipoprotein Composition and 6) What Are the Four Kinds of Lipoproteins? The Second Section is concerning the kinds of cholesterol, and it contains the following subtitles: 1) Triglycerides, 2) But what does HDL cholesterol perform? and 3) What does LDL cholesterol perform? The Third Section is concerning the Lipid Standards and The Fourth Section is concerning drugs which are utilized to lower Lipids standards and this section includes the following subtitles: 1) What are Statins? 2) Fibrates, and 3) Cholesterol Reuptake Inhibitor. In summary, this course aims to improve people knowledge toward the deleterious cholesterol levels. Doing so decreases your danger of heart ailments, stroke, heart attack, and other troubles. The target is to minimize the deleterious cholesterol levels. Doing so decreases your danger of harmful diseases. As known, Lipids are usually travelled in the circulation packed in lipoproteins. Diagnosis is formed via blood examination, so if you dont examine, you wont realize."
Price: 64.99

"What's about Pharmacognosy in the Globalized Space?"
"Throughout individual history, the application of herbal medications has always been major to all healing frameworks. Prior to our comparatively modern dependence on the purified, separated, oftentimes synthetic chemical structures predominant in recent medicine today, plants were actually the fundamental origin of medications for the plurality of the worlds inhabitance. This is still right today. Plants also supply the origin substance for a huge percentage of recent drugs.We would debate that the multidisciplinary theme Pharmacognosy, as one of many scientific branches of knowledge, owns a strategic posture in the researches of scientific requests based on supervisions in Nature. In extension to that, like a topic that itself is bridging chemistry and biology with medication can be of worth in the combined efforts to catch young students for researches in recent life science.We realize the expression in this orientation: Globalization is indeed, the growing interconnectedness of whole commune and their communities on a worldwide level. It is actually an emergent multidimensional event of which cases of frugality are only a fraction. Although the evolutionary path of globalization can be planned back several centuries, the realization of the procedure is comparatively modern, which may show cause for the reasoning over what it is.The capability to see Earths plant from space is a marked stamp of the Space Age. Anyway, decades of satellite measures have supplied comparatively little prudence into the enormous variety of form and mission in the plant world over time and space. Actually, Space reconnaissance does not stand away from the globalization procedure. It is parcel and part of the thing it has enlarged. The globalization procedure, therefore, demands us to reconsider the reconnaissance of space.In conclusion, natural manufactures found from medical plants (and derivatives therefrom) have supplied abundant clinically utilized medications. Even with whole of the difficulties facing medication detection from medical plants, natural manufactures separated from medical plants can be foreseen to exist a fundamental ingredient in the study for modern medications."
Price: 64.99

"The Hybrid Identity for Globalized Herbal Medications"
"The expression Hybridity, in the 20th century, enlarged beyond the racial and biological scope to embrace cultural and linguistic regions. Perception Hybridity as an exercise marks the understanding that transcultural connections are dynamic, and sophisticated. Constructing and determining a notion of health identity requires a dual defiance. Not only do we demand to depict the relation of connecting identity and health teaching; we also own to theoretically determine a modern and usable notion of identity.The Hybrid Identity of Herbal Medications demonstrates a classic and constant challenge within health teaching: How can we manage from awareness to concrete act, and what notion or practical element comprises the lost link? Herbal medicines are usage of therapeutic herbs to block and cure ailments and diseases or to boost healing and health. These are medicines or preparations produced from plants or a plant and utilized for any of such targets.People commonly assumed that plants are better and healthier to utilize because they are natural and as well, are recognized to not own any side-effects. However, it is hard to define if the awareness of the usage of medical plants is increasing or decreasing, but the signs are that the latest generation realizes more than the current time.Medical herbs as possible origin of therapeutics aids has gained a considerable function in health framework all over the universe for both animals and humans not only in the sick situation but also as probable material for keeping appropriate health. Deciding the biological (activity) characters of plants utilized in conventional medicine is useful to the rural societies and unofficial settlements.Developing countries carry on to depend on conventional healing frameworks partly because of cultural exercises and priorities, as well as restricted entrance to other medicinal options, the higher price or side effect profile connected with modern medications, or the disability of recent drugs to treat efficiently with chronic degenerative cases.The last decade has viewed a greater usage of botanical manufactures among members of the common public through self-chosen than ever before. However, this incident has been reflected by a growing concern to herbal therapies (phytomedicines) as a shape of alternative treatment by the health careers inclusive of medicine and pharmacy.As globalization alters sociocultural cases one can anticipate that the present evolution will have an effect on the significance reply of a particular treatment. Medical herbs as possible origin of therapeutics aids have gained a considerable function in health framework all over the universe for both animals and humans not only in the sick situation but also as probable material for keeping appropriate health.Plant functional biodiversity monitorings from space own the possibility to supply a universal situation for biodiversity science, and also to connect the functional and evolutionary variety of plants at domestic scales to ecosystem mission around the globe."
Price: 64.99

"Complexity Tour via Chemistry-Pharmacology-Toxicology Bridge"
"Improvements in computer sciences branch and hardware integrated with equally considerable advances in chemistry and molecular biology are supplying Toxicology with a strong modern tool box. We lose trust in our capability to contemplate right. What else is risky? Are we eligible to sketch the significance variations in our lifetimes, or do we demand the assistance of medicinal technology to manufacture even the easiest differentiations? In principle, the distraction opens up for a boundless escalation of potential dangers.Complexity theory, thinking and science will, as they improve and are correctly used, assist healthcare scientists and clinicians in treating with some of their ultimate intractable challenges in day-to-day exercise. Medicinal chemists who are involved in drug detection today, are section of interdisciplinary teams.Usually, scientists collect data from various sources: patents, literature and, when obtainable, in-house information. It is a popular exercise in the pharmaceutical manufacture to present a few datasets concerning a goal of interest. Though medical chemistry has always become a multidisciplinary science, through the previous two decades it has conceivably been much more so.Intermolecular forces (IMFs) perform a substantial function in this procedure because they supply a mechanism for why and how molecules interact. More newly, mechanism-established models have improved to include systems Pharmacology Notions and as like are being implemented to depict illness procedures. Toxic agents, especially those that do their works with a large deal of specificity, occasionally work via receptors where they bind with elevated affinity. This event related to receptor mediated toxicity. However, this course will search how the rules of thick depiction, inter- disciplinary approaches like complexity theorysupply insights into modern tracks of looking at Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology all together and presents future views for having medical complexity concerning these disciplines in Academic Teaching."
Price: 64.99

"Financial tips"
"Probably mortgage is the single place that you can affect your home finances the most. Some of the others skills follow if you are interested in more, like vehicle expense per month calculations may tell you that used vehicles are a way to reduce costs. Some math skills are lacking in the world, and help at home. Most important topics arefirst (Ithink)."
Price: 19.99

"Create logo animation with Adobe After Effects"
"Hello Are you looking for a class to learn logo animation , well you've landed on the right course . This course is designed for student's who really want to learn minimalistic logo animation and get comprehensive knowledge about the process of making a logo reveal right from scratch. During this course you'll not only get familiar with After Effects but you'll have a good understanding of the concepts that go into detail on creating a beautiful logo animation This course is aimed for beginners as well as intermediate users of Adobe After Effects. In this course we make a logo animation right from scratch so it's easy to understand and follow along. We will start by learning how to create New project and then Solid layers , Shape layers and then we will be jumping a little deeper as our concepts get clear.After taking this course you'll have a solid understanding of creating an animated logo reveal"
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Self-Awareness Using Astrology"
"If you are super interested in understanding Astrology because you have an inkling that it is so much more than what is written in magazines and horoscope apps, yet you don't have the time nor the interest to absorb all the complex history, symbolism and mathematics of Astrology, then this exactly the course you are looking for.What's more is that this course will go further than just explaining how to read a chart.We will begin learning how to apply Astrology to your life in realistic ways, so that you can become self-aware of who you are; and who you have the potential to become;and how you are going to get there.By the end of the course, you will know way more about yourself and we will be using your unique Astrology to get there.We will define how to utilize the specific design of your houses, planets, signs and aspects as they are in your chart to better understand and know yourself completely. This course is for real people living real lives and that want real advice. If you want to start building a life that you know is right for you, then let's start this course!"
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Prepare For The Future With Astrology"
"If you are at the very first stages of learning all you can about Astrology and would like to dive into some simple, fun and foundational level of information about the practice, then this course is perfect for you to experience. We are going to cover how to use Astrology as a practical tool in order to maintain your daily life. This course will not show you how to predict your future but it will explain how you can prepare for the life ahead of you by recognizing astrological patterns and trusting your own intuition. By the end of the course, you will know way more about how to manage your year to come. We will define how to utilize the specific design of your houses, planets, signs and aspects as they are in your chart combined with the current, moving location of the planets in the sky to better understand and know the possible directions your life can take and how to make them happen.If you want to start building a life that you know is right for you, then let's start this course!"
Price: 149.99

"Podcast Audio Recording/Editing con solo Software Gratuiti"
"In questo corso imparerete come utilizzare Software e Plug-In gratuiti per ottenere un Podcast o un Audio-libro di qualit professionale senza spendere un soldo.In questo modo otterrete un prodotto che potr differenziarsi dalla massa aumentando il vostro successo.Vedrete come facile, con qualche accorgimento, ottenere risultati incredibili e veloci a costo zero!Utilizzeremo una DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) gratuita, Traktion 6, e selezioneremo i pi adatti plug-in gratuiti per poter editare la nostra voce.Vi guider nel download e nell'installazione e configurazione dei software e realizzeremo una registrazione campione sulla quale operare con i plug-in sceltiVedremo tutti gli aspetti principali dell'editing della voce:- equalizzazione- compressione- ""taglia e cuci""- de-essing- reverbering- Riscaldamento- limiting- meteringVedremo come far rientrare le nostre registrazioni all'interno dei parametri richiesti da alcune piattaforme di divulgazione dei contenuti multimediali (ACX, Audible, I-Tunes, etc.).Studieremo dove recuperare e come introdurre dei contenuti musicali per aumentare l'appeal del vostro prodotto.Al termine del corso avrete tutte le principali conoscenze necessarie per effettuare un editing PRO delle vostre registrazioni vocali.Siete pronti? Cominciamo!"
Price: 19.99

"Audio Mastering using only Free Software"
"In this course we will learn how to get a professional level Mastering using only free software and plug-ins. We will analyze in detail each single step necessary to transform your recordings into Commercial Level products. We will start by selecting the most suitable free DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), Traktion 7, and we will continue choosing the most suitable plug-ins for a professional Audio MasteringWe will then study in detail the operation of these software and use them in a Real Mastering Project of one of my clients, then comparing the result with that obtained with professional and very expensive platforms and plugins. Will we be able to get the same result?"
Price: 19.99

"2018 Cryptocurrency Masterclass: Trading & Investment Course"
"This course was created with the following vision in mind:""If I wanted to learn everything Ineed to understand and make money with cryptocurrencies, where would I go?"" (Pro Tip: Here!)We created this course for people who want to get the maximum value possible from a single source, this course is the longest and most in-depth course available on Udemy,over 700 hours of research, compilation and creation were passionately dedicated to it's creation.As a dedicated student, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully and profitably invest, trade and work with cryptocurrencies profitably and securely.You will be taught all basic and advanced trading and investment principles, as well as general business & entrepreneurial principles over the course of our 8+ hour long course, here are the things you can expect to learn:What are Bitcoins, Alt-coins, Ethereum and how do they work?Why now is the best time to get into Crypto? (Bullish vs Bearish Market Cycles)How to make money when the market is down?How to set up the optimal Trading System?What creates and drives Value? (what causes prices to increase)How to profit from ICOs ( flipping, spotting hot ICOs, analysing, avoiding scams)Market sentiment and Community analysisTechnical and Fundamental Analysis ( Japanese candlesticks, pattern recognition, margin trading, moving averages, Bollinger Bands)Staying on top of the information game (how to constantly stay informed of crypto developments in order to predict price movements)Optimal Cybersecurity and Risk AnalysisThis is just a small part of what you are going to be experiencing during the course and we are excited to say that there is so much more in store.We, your two instructors, have more than 10 years of combined Cryptocurrency experience and have witnessed all the ups and downs of the cryptomarket(s), we are going to show what you can do to make money and stay profitable even during the worst of times and how to make most out of your cryptocurrencies during bullish market cycles!"
Price: 29.99

"Solid Foundations in Intercultural Communication"
"When you are working in a group, where there are people from different backgrounds it is common that conflict can occur, or that people don't input for fear of causing conflict. This course will teach you how to maximise the outputs of culturally diverse working environments and extract the full benefits of diversity. We will explore the concept of culture and it's powerful impact on how humans perceive the world. We'll look at different dimensions of cultural diversity and how they impact our priorities, perceptions and how they can cause mis-understandings. After a short excursion to some of the brain science that further manifests the power of culture as a filter for reality, we'll look at different cases and what we can do to communicate more effectively in environments that are saturated with cultural diversity in order to create something remarkable. Finally, I'll teach you two simple methods to operationalise these insights practically in your work. In the end, I will highlights further reading materials that students who wish to go deeper can read and study."
Price: 19.99

"Understanding the concepts of Software Design Patterns"
"This course is primarily meant for Software professionals engaged in software application development, The field of Software application development is always mired with a number of problems, and development of elegant, robust and performant software application is always challenging. A developer typically encounters a number of problems during the course of application development, and he/she needs to take care of the same. This situation is usually referred to as Problem in a Context. The Solution is always the Design Pattern. This is true for any application development platform or programming language. Programming languages and platforms evolve and disappear, but design patterns lasts for ever. This is the relevance and importance of Design Patterns.This course will cover the basic problems that are faced by any progressive software application developer professional. It identifies the ad hoc coding practices that usually creeps into the code, and help the developer to identify them and avoid. It also helps the developer to absorb and assimilate six great software application development principles, which the help of which, the developer can nurture his/her coding culture.The course will then discusses the fundamental aspects of the Design Pattern, based on the Gang of Four (GOF) classification methodology. The course covers all the 23 design patterns under the three fundamental categories - creational, structural and behavioral. It will also help you to identify newer patterns, and help you catalog the same under the right category.This course is highly illustrative, and uses graphical illustrations to drive-in the concepts of design patterns. This course is also programming language and platform independent, in the sense that, UML graphical language is used to explain how each of the patterns works. For almost all the patterns, simple projects are created using Eclipse IDE, using Java Platform as the typical programming platform to enunciate the solutions.Beyond this, the course helps you, with a bonus, to uncover different ways of categorization of Design Patterns - Platform based Categorization and Classification based on other schools of thought from individuals and experts in this field. This course is also replete with Project with examples, cheat sheets and quiz questions for checking the knowledge and concept assimilation. Now Added: WHO AM I? Quiz Section. There are about 30 quiz questions that will help you to realize your understanding of the subject."
Price: 49.99

"Understand Concepts of DART Programming quickly and easily!"
"This is a beginner level course on the new DARTprogramming environment. This course helps the developer to quickly and easily learn the fundamentals of the new language, through a hands-on route. With least distractions such as installation, configuration, IDE, tools etc, anyone can readily learn and appreciate the new language in this course. In this concept-driven course, emphasis is on the strengthening of fundamentals.Apart from the essential fundamentals, this course will cover OO aspects of the new language, and advanced features such specific to DART - Asynchronous programming, Generators, Callable classes, Isolates etc. Importantly, there are over 95 labs covering 37 lectures, and most of the labs are covered on the Dart Pad itself."
Price: 24.99

".         money in the list    3/   4/   5/    "
Price: 19.99

"( 12 ) ( ) 100 %"
Price: 29.99

"AZ Wordpress Autopilot Create, SEO & Monetize"
"Hello my name is Raza Imran. I am instructor of this course. In this course. You can Learn not only How to Create Wordpress Site but you can Also learn How to create Wordpress Autopilot site. In this course you will learn, What is Wordpress, How to Install Wordpress (both ways), How to setup your wordpress site, How to install a theme in wordpress, How to install a plugin in wordpress, How to AUTOPILOT your site,How to SEOyour site, How to put your site's SEO on autopilot and in the end you will learn How to monetize your blog, Of course the main thing. I guarantee you, you never have been this method on anywhere."
Price: 29.99

"Wordpress website within 1 hour - Complete beginners guide"
"WORDPRESS is that amazing tool to build & develop a website with no coding or web design experience and you don't even want to know about web design to make a beautiful website because Wordpress got million of those free beautiful themes.This is the perfect place to start your Wordpress Web Design & Web development course.This Course we will be using the latest techniques to design our Wordpress website using the Elementor Drag & Drop page builder giving us the flexibility to design or do anything within our Wordpress website without the restrictions of the Wordpress themes taking our web design to the next level.Also you will learn how to use the Elementor & Wordpress theme to create a beautiful web page or blog post.This is a very practical course i will walk you through the steps and together we will be building your Wordpress website step by step so by finishing this course you will have your website designed with its customization & getting the best out of it.WordPress is powering more 30% of overall internet websites. its a perfect tool & has been used for big websites & you can customize your wordpress website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a personal portfolio, a blog, or a business website to sell your products and services."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a criar um site para seu negcio do zero"
"O curso 'Aprenda a criar um site para seu negcio do zero'tem objetivo capacitar o Aluno a construir seu Site/Blog onde o mesmoir promover seus contedos e seu negcio na Internet. Este curso parte do princpio que o Aluno no possui nenhuma infraestrutura, ou seja, comea do zero desde explicar o que um domnio, como adquirir e vai ensinando passo a passo at a publicao final do site/blog.Este curso para quem estcomeando do zero de verdade!Caso voc j tenha algum domnio ou at mesmo algum tipo de site/blogno ar, este curso tambm para voc, afinal vai aprender a checar e configurar pontos vitais para seu site. Pontos que foram identificados na mentoria com os empreendedores coaches.CURIOSIDADE:Este curso fruto damentoria realizada exclusivamentepara Profissionais Coaches conduzida pelo Coach e Professor Cesar Campos. Aps identificar as principais dificuldades desses empreendedores, Cesar criou e desenvolveu este cursopara ajudar e ensinar diversos empreendedores que almejam ter um site profissional na internet.Apesar do cursoter nascido por uma necessidade especfica de um segmento do mercado (dos profissionais coaches), este curso aplicado a qualquer empreendedor ou pessoa que queira construir um site/blog para divulgar seu trabalho e servios, pensando na prospeco de clientes para seu negcio."
Price: 174.99

"Morrell Switching & Network Architecture Certification MSNAC"
"The Morrell Switching and Network Architecture Certification (MSNAC) course is designed to provide you with the fundamental knowledge necessary to understand, design and implement a small to medium sized enterprise network with basic to intermediate switching functionality. The TCP/IP and the OSI model are used extensively in approaching and understanding the networking concepts being communicated. The course is centered on switching, so the Data Link Layer, and to a lesser extent the Physical Layer, are the primary focus of the course and are covered in depth. Concepts such as switching, VLANs, trunks, QoS, STP and Link Aggregation are just some of the topics that are covered within the domain of Layer Two. Upper layers are also reviewed including the Network Layer, where IP addressing, subnetting and routing are explained, the Transport layer, which includes concepts such as segmentation and session tracking, as well as the Application Layer, where several commonly used Application Layer protocols are examined and explained. A whole module is dedicated to reviewing and understanding network architecture and design concepts as well as business considerations and how to translate and map business needs to technical design criteria. Although this course is centered on the Morrell line of switches and networking equipment, it is by no means limited to Morrell devices. The concepts learned in this course can be applied to networks regardless of which vendors equipment is being used. The course is separated into twenty modules, each of which is further subdivided into several submodules which are presented as single videos. At the end of most modules, there is a short quiz with five to ten questions testing your understanding of the concepts described. The following lists the modules included in this course with a brief description of each:Introduction:Introduces the course, describes the content, introduces Morrell and describes the course overview.Network Fundamentals 1:Review of network devices, network topologies and the OSI and TCP/IP models.Network Fundamentals 2:Layer 2, 3, and 4, addressing.Physical Layer:Understanding physical network components, Ethernet, Physical Layer and physical examples of products and equipment.Data Link Layer:Layer 2 technologies, collision domains, MAC addressing and Ethernet frame format.Switching Technologies and Concepts 1:Switching fundamentals, ports MAC learning and aging, frames, MAC address table, and PoE.Switching Technologies and Concepts 2:VLANs, access and trunk ports, QoS, bandwidth control, storm control and port mirroringMorrell Unmanaged Switches:Showcase available unmanaged switchesMorrell Managed Switches:Showcasing managed switches, connecting to the console, understanding the CLI and basic configuration stepsSwitching Technologies and Concepts 3:VLANs, trunking, 802.1Q and Native VLANSwitching Technologies and Concepts 4:Spanning tree protocol, root bridge selection, PortFast, BPDUs and Link AggregationLearning the Morrell Web Interface:Showcase of the web interface of the Morrell devicesLayer 3:IPv4 addressing, subnetting and allocation of subnets for company networksLayer 4 Part 1:Layer 4 protocols TCP/UDPLayer 4 Part 2:Layer 4 protocols TCP/UDPNetwork Architecture Fundamentals:Network architecture principles and fundamentalsRouting Fundamentals 1:Static and dynamic routingRouting Fundamentals 2:Static and dynamic routingApplication Protocols and Services:Protocols such as DNS, DHCP, Telnet, SSH and NAT will be describedCourse Summary:Summary of the course"
Price: 99.99

"Salsa Ladies' Styling - Sexy Moves and Shines for Women"
"This course has two major components: First, to learn all you need to know to dance Salsa like a pro. And second, to find your own unique beauty in moving, to feel thoroughly confident as the amazing woman you are and to allow that sparkle to shine on the dancefloor. No kidding - we all started out small, but I'm totally convinced that you can become an amazing and absolutely mesmerizing dancer. With this course, I want to guide you on the way of becomming so. And in the end you can prove your success by dancing a full show choreography with me!We will cover:All basic steps in SalsaNumerous steps, shines and arm movements for all levelsThe whole body technique in Salsa (like what to move when and where in order to get that juicy Shakira body movement)The whole dancing technique for women (like how to place your feet, what to do with your arms and what your posture should be like)What not to do in Salsa dancing (so no one sees, if you've just started out ;-)Why dancing shoes are so important and how to dress to feel comfortableHow to become a really appealing, confident and good looking dancerPLUS: A show CHOREOGRAPHY including some nice musicality and steps we've learned throughout the course"
Price: 49.99

"PHP-Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten"
"Um PHP-Projekte schnell und effizient entwickeln zu knnen, ist eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung unerlsslich. Ich zeige euch in diesem Kurs, wie ihr schnell und einfach eine Entwicklungsumgebung fr PHP auf eurem Mac oder Windows-PC einrichten knnt. Der Kurs fokussiert sich dabei auf die wesentlichen Dinge, um schnell zum gewnschten Resultat zu gelangen.In 10-20 Minuten ist alles eingerichtetTutorial fr Mac und WindowsStartklar zur PHP-Entwicklung mit Wordpress oder LaravelPHP, MySQL, Composer und Laravel ValetWichtig!Stelle sicher, dass du die hier gezeigte Software nur aus offiziellen Quellen beziehst und halt sie stets auf einem aktuellen Stand."
Price: 19.99

"Krav Maga Gun and Knife Defenses"
"This course will teach you defenses to the most common knife and gun attacks. As a bonus, you will also get four defenses from the ground. These Krav Maga techniques are easy to learn. Don't be a Victim! Learn these techniques today! These videos are short and very detailed. This makes it easy to watch and learn. Grandmaster Swinford started training in the martial arts in 1982. He has over 20 years of law enforcement experience, and he is a police trainer.Learn the same techniques he teaches to police officers."
Price: 99.99

"Ear Training Course for Audio Engineers and Musicians"
"This Ear Training course is designed to train your ears to identify audio characteristics likefrequencies, delay times, the sound of compression,phase andstereo effects,and more. Demonstrations and drills allow you to learn the soundsand practice critical listening so you can produce better sound.In section 1 (the Mixing Engineer's Toolkit), you learn the sounds;you canseethe effects of the audio processing on the signal as youhearit. Then in section 2,you train your earsto identify sounds by practicing your skillswith the Rack Box Drills. Whether you are seeking a career in audio orlooking to make better sound, this course is essential."
Price: 49.99