"Aprenda Violo Gospel" |
"O SIMEJ - SISTEMA INTENSIVO DE MSICA, administrado por Jonathan Santos e Eric Bandeira, h um tempo atrs, decidimos que um dia iramos ajudar as igrejas em dificuldades com a rea musical.Foi ento que Deus permitiu esta oportunidade de estarmos estendendo nossos conhecimentos no s as igrejas locais, mas a todas que estiverem ao alcance da internet.Por mais de dez anos vnhamos contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da msica nas igrejas, atuando diretamente com os pastores e lderes, a fim de sempre ter algum da igreja local a estar conduzindo o momento de louvor.Quanto mais igrejas ajudvamos cada vez mais pastores e lderes nos procuravam, e procuram at hoje, pedindo que os apoiemos nessas dificuldades.Certos do nosso chamado por Deus e confiantes que Ele nos tem aperfeioados, surgiu essa oportunidade, atravs das ferramentas tecnolgicas podermos ir alm das limitaes locais, temporais e custos demasiados, atender a todos quantos queiram ter grupos, ministrios, departamentos ou outras atividades na parte da msica.Nesta primeira etapa j esto liberadas as aulas de violo e em breve os demais instrumentos como: teclado, bateria, baixo, guitarra e flauta. Tambm auxiliamos com orientaes para Ministrio de Louvor.As aulas esto divididas por mdulos e cada mdulo tem sete aulas, ao todo sero sete mdulos. O primeiro mdulotem como objetivo fazer o aluno tocar 20 msicas em apenas 7 aulas sem nenhum conhecimento prvio, acreditamos que os 4 primeiros mdulos j deixaro o violonista confiante e seguro de como tocar nos cultos e reunies, visto que ser bem orientado quanto a isso.WhatsApp: +55 21 97935-7755 (Eric Bandeira)"
Price: 129.99 |
"YouTube: Generate Passive Income With Simple Review Videos" |
"Would you like to make an extra $1,000, $3,000or even$10,000 every monthpassively with small, simpleYouTube Channels?Imagine waking up in the morning knowing that your own YouTube channel was working to make you money even while you slept? Wouldn't it be nice knowing you had a nice chunk of money coming in every month to help pay the bills or allow you to buy something you've always wanted?It really sounds to good to be true. I get that. However with the right strategy and action you too can reap the benefits of YouTube.Hello, My name is Kyle Custis and I've been an online entrepreneur for 5 years now. Ihave run a variety of different business through the years, but the one income stream that Icould always count on was YouTube.The reason Iloved YouTube for my business is all Ihad to do is make a few good videos and they would make me money forever. Meaning Ionly had to work hard for a little bit to get the benefits long term.Another reason I love YouTube is youDON'Tneed a lot of subscribers to make a lot of money.If you follow the techniquesI teach in this course you will be able to make videos for an audience that is already looking for your videos. You won't need to already have a subscriber base. Simply because there is already a huge audience of people looking for the videos you are trying to make.Here is exactly whyyou will start to make REALmoney with YouTubeYou will finally get a real overview of a real business plan to start and run a YouTube channelYou will learn how to find unlimitedlucrative offers to promote.How to get access to these offers so you can make videos most people can'tHow to structure a video so it is built to sell without sounding fake.How to record videos without ever having to show your faceHow to upload your videos the get views and make commisionsThe simple plan to rank your videos on Google andYouTube so you get more viewsMuch much moreBesides all of this incredible value, you also get a 30 day money back guarantee. There is literally no risk to join this program!All you have to do is click the Buy Now button and you can get instant access no matter what time is or where you live in the world.It's time to make a change and create a better life for you! Iwant to help!Thanks for the time and Ihope to see you on the inside!-Kyle CustisWARNING:Special discount only today! Make sure you get in now before this special price goes away."
Price: 19.99 |
practical-training-for-accounting-in-companies-in-egypt |
"2018- - - -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Almanca B2 - C1 (leri Seviye Gramer)" |
"Bu kurs, Goethe B2 ve C1, telc B2 ve C1 ve TestDAFsnavlarna hazrlanrken, ileri seviye gramer konularnda Trke aklamal kaynak ihtiyac duyanlar iindir. Nisan 2019 itibariyle u anda dokuz blm ve 48 dersten oluan (48 video - 12 saat) kursumuza alt ay boyunca her ay yeni bir blm daha eklenecektir. Bu kurs, sz konususnavlarda karnza kabilecek gramer yaplarnn nemli ksmn renmenizi salayacak. nmzdeki aylarda eklenecek blmlerde, gramer konularnn yan sra, snavlara hazrlk amacyla Leseverstehen ve Schriftlicher Ausdruck becerilerinizi gelitirmek iin rnek snav sorularnn zmleri de ayrntl olarak aklanacaktr.Bu kursu tamamladnzda, snavlara hazrln yan sra, gndelik hayatta Almanca konuurken, okurken ve yazarken ileri seviye gramer yaplarn daha rahat kullanabileceksiniz, karmak cmleleri anlayabileceksiniz. rnein, Kojunktiv II ve modal fiillerile olaslk ve tahminleri anlatmak, sollen ve wollen fiilleri ile bakasnn iddialarn aktarmak, reneceiniz ilk konular arasnda olacak. Ayrca, modal fiil gibi davranan zel fiilleri renmek, Relativsatz yerine Erweitertes Partizip kullanmak, iki paral balalarla yan cmleler kurmak, Verbalstil - Nominalstil arasnda gei yapabilmek, fiillerin yannda sfatlar, zarflar ve edatlar doru biimde kullanmakta ustalamak gibi pek ok konuyu da bu kursta reneceksiniz."
Price: 74.99 |
"German for Engineers - Level B1 B2 - Deutsch fr Ingenieure" |
"""German for Engineers"" language course addresses a specific target group: It is designed for engineering students and engineers who are interested in study or work opportunities in German spoken countries. Students of this course should have completed a minimum A2 level in German, ideally with some experience in B1 or B2 levels.The course contains grammatical and structural analysis of sample sentences that can be understood with basic knowledge as well as more demanding texts selected from real-life cases in technical education and engineering communication. As of April 2019, the course has 21 lectures (4 hours of video). When we reach 30 lectures, all grammar topics of B1 and B2 levels will be covered. The balance between different fields of engineering:It is a fact that the field of engineering has an enormous variety of subcategories. Even though informatics and computer science comprise a bigger part of our sample sentences in the beginning sections, we have sought to find a balance between disciplines and current technical issues in different fields of engineering. Many examples from the disciplines of materials science, electrical engineering and computer science will be highlighted with subject-specific language characteristics. Grammatical structures:And we have tried to find another balance between learning grammatical structures and useful phrases in daily life communication. Actually there is no real difference between grammars of technical jargon and daily German. The only difference is the usage frequency of certain structures. For instance, we can mention the passive voice and alternative substitutions of passive. They show up more frequently in technical texts than in daily conversations.Once you have learned the grammatical structures in a certain field of engineering, they are surely transferable to cases in other areas of engineering and daily life communication."
Price: 89.99 |
"Doktorlar iin Almanca B1 B2 C1" |
"Kursumuzda B1 ve B2 seviyesi genel Almanca gramer konularnn yan sra, bir doktorun iyerinde ve gndelik sosyal hayatta kullanabilecei / karlaabilecei cmleleri de yine B1 - B2 seviyesi gramer aklamalaryla birlikte reneceksiniz.Bu kursun amac, Almanyada alacak olan doktorlarn meslektalaryla ve hastalarla etkili biimde iletiim kurmasn salamaktr. Nisan 2019 itibariyle u anda 36 dersten oluan kursumuza (36 video - 11 saat), alt ay boyunca her ay yeni dersler eklenecektir. Derslerimizde, detayl bir anamnez almak, klinik bulgular hakknda konumak ve hastaya tedavi admlarn anlatmak iin ihtiya duyduunuz Almanca cmleleri, hem kelime bilgisi hem de gramer yaps asndan reneceksiniz.Ayrca, hastanedeki grev alanlar, gnlk rutin iler, kurumsal hiyerari ierisinde meslektalarnza hasta hakknda bilgi aktarm, tehis ve tedavi aamalar gibi pek ok konu hakknda konumak iin gereken Almanca cmleleri reneceksiniz. Bu konularda sizin doru ve anlalr Almanca cmleler kurabilmeniz iin gereken kelime bilgisi ve gramer altyapsn ayrntl biimde reneceksiniz."
Price: 119.99 |
"Data Management and Analysis with Advance Excel" |
"This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I would teach you on how to apply the formula and understand its business and analytical application as well.By the end of the course you'll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions which would help you to analyze data by allowing you to:Understanding basics:AutoFill a SeriesCreating a Custom ListData ToolsData ValidationDrop-Down ListsText to ColumnspmtGoal SeekScenario ManagerData TableVlookuphlookupImporting and Exporting DataIdentifying and deleting duplicatesOutline, Sort, Filter and SubtotalIntroductionGroup and Ungroup and subtotalsSubtotalsConsolidatePivot TablesIntroductionCreating Pivot TablesChoosing FieldsPivot Table LayoutFiltering Pivot TablesModifying Pivot Tables DataPivot ChartsSpecial FunctionsCount / Counta / Countif / CountifsSum /sumif / sumifsMacrosMail merge"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Introduction to Windows 10" |
"This course gives you information on what is Windows 10 and how to use it effectively. It teaches you how to connect to Network, how to add, delete and resize tiles, How to use jump lists, how to customise taskbar, how to change lock screen wallpaper, how to shutdown windows, how to email, how to use file explorer, how to use edge browser, how to use Cortana, Windows shortcut keys, how to modify privacy settings and get information about your computer."
Price: 1600.00 |
"Water Therapy Certification Course." |
"This course is ideal for people interested in practicing Water Therapy to heal themselves and others. This course does not expect any specialized background however an inclination for healing people or self is a must. By the end of this course you would become a certified Water Therapist and would be able to heal people with Water. The process is broken down into easy digestible steps, so that by the end of this course you'll have successfully completed your certification."
Price: 2880.00 |
"Sanskrit Mantra Chanting for Health, Wealth and Prosperity" |
"Are you aspiring to have a good health your entire life? Are you suffering from diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, back pain or similar health disorders and you want to get rid of them.Do you aspire for good health, wealth and prosperity.Do you aspire to have good voice modulation and ability to pronounce words correctly.If the answer to all or either of them is Yes, then friends you have come to the right place.In this course you would be studying Ram Raksha chanting in Sanskrit. The entirety of the Sri Ramraksha Stotra is that of an extremely powerful mantra. Recitation of the Sri Ramraksha Stotra results in establishing an impenetrable, amazing and powerful armour around yourself.We may begin to realise, perhaps, when in anguish, distress or sorrow, that ill-gotten wealth or worldly sorrows and disputes are but a curtain drawn across divine wealth. Sorrow, anguish and worldly troubles prevent divine blessings from being noticed. One should always attempt to allow one's divine blessings to be visible distinctively and thereby prevent the retention of wordly troubles and anguish. It is thus understood, that the Sri Ramraksha Stotra is the only means of getting mastery over worldly sorrows and strengthening one's divine blessings.The Sri Ramraksha Stotra can easily be recited within any household. The stotra has been written in Sanskrit, but, the words are simple and easy to learn, even if the devotee is not familiar with the language. The recitation and rendition of the stanzas, and the rhythm within them, helps the devotee to sing or speak the words without errors. The truest pleasure is in the repeated recitation of the Sri Ramraksha Stotra, with the utterance of each word and in the lilt of the rhyme in each stanza."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Personal Branding : Developing and Leveraging your brand" |
"Branding isn't just for businesses anymore. Learn how to manage the way you're perceived, online and off, in this course with marketing expert Sam Parulekar. Sam walks you through the basics of defining and growing your personal brand, including building an online identity, developing authority, creating content, establishing style, maintaining consistency, and more. With the right marketing, anyone can achieve a competitive edge and reach a larger audience."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Sanskrit Mantra Chanting for Yoga Classes & Sr.Practitioners" |
"This course is ideal for any individual or classes who teach Yoga and want to introduce Mantra chanting in their curriculum along with regular Yoga practice. By chanting the proper mantras at proper places it prepares the mind and body for yoga practice. Chanting increases immune functions, and lowers the blood pressure. The sound of the mantra literally drowns out the negative voices in our heads. When the negative thoughts are suppressed, the mind has room for positive thoughts. It is a easy way to manage thoughts and achieve physical and mental welfare."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Teach yourself SQL Step by Step" |
"Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special purpose language for interacting with relational databases. In this course, Teach yourself SQL Step by Step, you will learn the basics of Structured Query Language. First, you will learn how to query data and shape results. Next, you will focus on creating and modifying data in your tables. Finally, you will touch on how to set relations with tables and extract matching data. By the end of this course, you'll understand the basics of how to create and use a relational database."
Price: 1280.00 |
"PTE Xpress Speaking" |
"In the PTEXpress Speaking course, the course taker will :Master the art of describing an image in a fluent and coherent mannerHave access to templates which are designed to boost Fluency and Vocabulary Scores .Learn how to retell a lectureUnderstand the strategies required to produce an effective answerPerfect the skill of choosing information"
Price: 199.99 |
"A beginner's guide to creating a complete 2D video game" |
"Welcome to a beginner's guide to creating a complete 2D video game, my name is Pete Jepson and I look forward to showing you how easy it is to make video games.In this series you will be creating a complete 2D video game using the Stencyl game engine. You will make 6 levels, an end of level boss fight, a main menu, a level select screen and level accomplishments. This course is aimed at beginners who have no experience of game design or coding. All you need is a computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and an Internet connection. All the software we are using is free. (Note: this software doesn't run on Chromebook unfortunately)I have been teaching game design for over four years and I will be taking you from beginner to game designer in easy to follow steps with interesting assignments throughout.You will learn the basics of game logic using visual drag and drop coding, learning things like attributes, events, conditional statements, custom functions and creating a graphical user interface.By the end of this series you will have the experience and knowledge to design your own games. You will also have a finished 2D video game which is yours to use for free and you can add extra levels and other items to it. You will also have the basic knowledge of coding, allowing you to move onto more challenging game engines such as Unity or Unreal. Are you ready to become a video game designer?Enroll now and let's begin(Royalty Free Music by BenSound)"
Price: 89.99 |
"CCNA Cyber Ops SECFND 210-250 Practice Tests Series 2" |
"Welcome to 'CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND # 210-250 - Practice Test Series 2'. This series of tests is designed to have extensively practice for actual Cisco Cyber Ops part one which is 'CCNA Cyber Ops - Security Fundamentals'. Inthis series of test,students willhave a considerable number of questions and answers to passthe exam easily at your very first attempt.This series of tests are totally basedCCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND #210-250 official course materials ( e-book and online tutorials)this Test Series obviously help you to pass your exam over 95% of marks at the very first attempt.100% Guaranteed that you will get some of these questions from the actual test as well. ( 60%-70% questions from theactual questions).But all the remaining questions covers all sections of the study materials.Hint: Please do 3,4,5,6 Tests multiple times before you go to the exam."
Price: 34.99 |
"CCNA Cyber Ops SECFND 210-250 Practice Tests Series 1" |
"Welcome to 'CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND # 210-250 - Practice Test Series 1'. This series of tests is designed to have thoughpractice for actual Cisco Cyber Ops part one which is 'CCNA Cyber Ops - Security Fundamentals' . In this series of test, students will have a considerable number of questions and answers (with 300+ questions distributed to 5 testes)at the easy and intermediate level. You can follow this test even if you have not read the study materials but with the1-2 years of experience as Information security professional you can test your strength with this series of tests.This series of tests are totally based CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND #210-250 official course materials (e-book and online tutorials) and those questions are added to 5 tests as per the actual test structure from the each section.this Test Series obviously help you to pass your exam over 90% of marks at the very first attempt.Test Series:1. Included 5 tests with total number of questions are 310.2. Each test is categorized to 2 Levels (Easy and Intermediate ) Note : My other'CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND # 210-250 - Practice Test Series 2' will have another 5 tests with Intermediate, hard and Actual tests)100% Guaranteed that you will get some of these questions from the actual test as well. (40%-50% questions from theactual questions). But all the remaining questions covers all sections of the study materials.Note: Please send me the message if you have any suggestions and if you think some additional improvement needed for this .If you are confidence with your beginner level knowledge, my recommendation is to go directly practice with CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND # 210-250 - Practice Test Series 2."
Price: 19.99 |
"A Beginners Guide to Exadata Patching for Oracle DBA's" |
"I will be looking to delve deeper into Exadata Patching and explore this subject to demystify the entire dilemma around the Exadata Complete Stack Patching.Starting with the History of Exadata comprising of the Evolution of Exadata and covering the Journey of Exadata from 2008 till 2018we will have a quick summary of the different generations of Exadata and key advancements that have taken place during this Journey.A good understanding of the Exadata Stack will be given to the audience by discussing the key components like Storage Grid , Database Grid , Infiniband Networks & Other Components like (Ethernet Switches / PDUs).Audience will be recommended the Master Notes of Exadata, having some explanation around QFSDP (Quarterly Full Stack Downloadable Patch) and giving them an understanding on Exadata Versions & how the numbers match up.We shall then delve deeper into Storage Server Patching, commands used, discussing Rolling/Non-Rolling methods. Next would be Compute node patching and what happens behind the scenes, discussion around the powerful utility dbnodeupdate. The Exadata database server patching including GI + DB will be discussed and also the significance of patches like SPU/PSU/BP/DBBP. The Infiniband patching will be discussed to tell the audience how the firmware for the switches are patched.At the end a case study will be presented to show how the Complete Stack upgrade was done from Exadata 12.1 to Exadata"
Price: 24.99 |
"Foundation to Oracle Database in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure" |
"Iwill be looking to delve deeper into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and demystify the entire dilemma around this.We will start with the very basics like : What is Cloud Computing , What are the Types of Cloud : Pubic / Private /Hybrid? What are the meanings of the important acronyms like IaaS/ PaaS/ SaaS.A good understanding will be given about Oracle Cloud , it's Subscription Models , Demos will be done to show the Sign-up &Sign-in to Oracle Cloud.Then the discussion will move onto the OCI (Second Generation Cloud ) .Will perform a Deep Dive into the Architecture of OCI. We will take a look into important concepts like : What are Compartments / VCN's / Availability Domains / Shapes&OCPu's. A couple of demos for the creation of Compartments / VCN's will be done.The next milestone would be getting an understanding around Database Cloud Services like : ODCS / Exadata Service / Exadata Cloud@Customer. After this we shall perform demos : Provisioning Database in OCI&OCI-ClassicThe last milestone would be related to Understanding ssh connectivity, There will be Demos showing how you create public / Private keys in Unix &Windows , Demo showing the ssh connectivity from Windows server &Unix Sever will be done. Will demonstrate how to connect as Admin User / Root on Oracle Cloud Machines. In the end we will challenge ourselves and will connect AWS EC-2 machine in Amazon cloud to Oracle Database in Oracle Cloud. The last demo will be on Sql Developer connectivity using the SSHTunnels where the listener port 1521 has been blocked."
Price: 29.99 |
"Oracle Database on AWS: Exploring EC2 & RDS from scratch" |
"Iwill be looking to delve deeper into the AWS Infrastructure anddemystify the entire dilemma around Oracle Database on AWS.We will take a main architecture diagram as base , where we shall create a custom VPC, which will have a Public Subnet &a Private Subnet. The Public Subnet will have access to the internet and we will have a test Oracle 18c XEDatabase and an Apache Webserver in this.The Oracle 12c RDSDatabase will be created in Private Subnet and will have access only from Webserver. To achieve this our approach would be as follows:We will start with the very basics like : What is Cloud Computing , What are the meanings of the important acronyms like IaaS/ PaaS/ SaaS, TopCloud Vendors by Market Share.A good understanding will be given about AWS Cloud , Sign-Up Process and Understanding the AWSManagement Console.We will be approaching our study from Architecture standpoint by doing a deep dive into the Architecture of AWSand discussing : Regions / AZ/ VPC/ Security Groups / EBSVoume / S3 Storage,A number of demos will be done on the creation of Custom VPC, Secury Groups , EBSDisk , S3 Storage. A demo will be done showing the configuration of AWSCLIon Mac OS / Windows.EC2: We will discuss the details on EC2 / What are AMI: Amazon Machine Images.We will do a demo to create an EC2 Instance in Custom VPC, Install 18c XEon EC2 Instance, Backups/Recovery using RMANBackups to S3 Storage.RDS: What is RDS/ RDSfor Oracle , Backup/ Recovery , Monitoring , Oracle Vs RDScommandsA demo will be done on Deploying Oracle 12c Database in RDS, Patching the existing version of Oracle.A Demo will show the creation of EC2 instance which will act as Apache Webserver , then we shall install Apache, PHP and show the entire process around PHPwith OCI8 Connectivity.We will also discuss what is RESTAPIand using a tool Postman call an RDSRESTAPI."
Price: 29.99 |
"Magical Baths: Spiritual Baths For Real Change!" |
"Have You Felt Overwhelmed By Negative Energy?Wish You Knew How To Attract Positive Blessings?Do You Worry, That You Might Even Be Cursed?Magical Baths Can Help You Regain Your Freedom!Many people have used magical baths for many years to, clear away negativity and attract more blessings anytime they want. Magical bathsare the best type of spiritual practice. Because theyare natural magic, simply utilizing the power of nature. Healers from ancient times discovered that certain ingredients could heal our energy field quickly and easily.I created this course to share the REAL teachings, simple baths, That really work, each bath has one or two EASY to find ingredients. I learned from my students in person that easy is whatthey want. These are the baths that I have personally used for myself successfullyfor many years, in fact, I still do!These are the REAL baths the ones that get the job done, the ones you will actually use, the ones that will help bring forth real changes. I am teaching this Video class now because I realize how many people can truly benefit from this information. I would be honored if you were one of those people.Within This Course You Will Learn:How To Clear Away ThreeTypes Of Negative Energy.Baths To Protect From Magic & Remove Curses.Baths To Help Heal Common Aliments.Baths To Attract Greater Peace In Your Life.Baths To Attract New Love & HelpExisting Love Relationships.Baths To Attract Money & New Customers!Baths To Bring Success & Attract New Opportunities.Special Rarely Taught Simple Baths To Attract Greater Blessings.Get the ultimate course on Spiritual Baths and start enhancing your life with the power of nature."
Price: 59.99 |
"Portfolio Analysis" |
"-This course will go through the basic theory and principles on how to constructa stock investment portfolio of financial assets, how to invest in the stock market and about portfolio and risk management.-Learn how to calculate the expected return and risk from an investment.-Specifically, this course will teach you about constructing a minimum variance stock portfolio, based on modern portfolio theory in finance, constructing an optimal portfolio of stocks and risk free asset and constructing a portfolio of multiple assets.-Formula sheets and a simple spreadsheet to get students started and expand their stock portfolio analyzing skill.-This is not a precise prediction model, but to set what you can expect of your portfolio. So it's one of the tools you can use to construct a portfolio, but it shouldnt be your only tool."
Price: 19.99 |
"Sports Betting A Complete Beginners Guide, Learn and WIN!" |
"Sports Betting can be exciting if you know what your doing but not everyone does. That's where this Absolute Beginners course comes in.In this course I will cover ALL you need to know to get started in sports betting,Even if you've never placed a bet before and don't know where to being.I have avalue packedcourse where you will gain an understanding of Sports Betting Basics, What Sports Betting is, the Benefits of Sports Betting andHow Sports Betting Works.After taking this course you will be armed with the knowledge you need to give you the best possible chance of success in Sports Betting.These video lectures are setup in small, easy to understand and digest modules,at a pace to suite a newbie.In this course I will cover the following:Understanding the terminology - Things like:Sports Book, Spread, Units, Pick etc.Sports Betting Basics - What is sports Betting, Types of Sport etc.Bet Types & Forms of Betting -Straight, Win & Money Line Bets,If Bets & Reverse Bets and manymore.Playing the odds and winning -Understanding The Odds,Value and ProbabilityPLUS: 8 Mistakes to AVOID in Sport BettingDon't forget,this course comes with a FULL 30 day, no questions askedmoney back guarantee, so the risk is on me.So,if you're ready to take your odds of wining to the next level, click the Buy Now Button!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Sistema Contabil no Excel - Excel Contabilidade - Planilhas" |
"Apos esse curso, no mnimo aprender as seguintes habilidades:Contabilidade de forma estratgica.Entendimento aprofundado de demonstrativos importantes.Habilidade para planejar finanas olhando para demonstrativos.O efeito de cada tipo de lanamento contbil em uma entidade.Excel, de intermedirio para avanado.Demonstrativo do Fluxo de Caixa, no padro de contabilidade internacional.Ter ummaterial para controlar a contabilidade de pequenos e mdios negcios, sem limite e sem assinatura, sem mensalidades.Ter ummaterial para prestar consultorias.Conhecimento em contabilidade e Excel em outro nvel.Excel para contadores e contabilidade."
Price: 69.99 |
"Clickfunnels & Sales Funnels MASTERY in 2020 + FREE Funnels!" |
"The highest award that ClickFunnel has is called The Two Comma Club X; Producing more than 10 Million Dollars With Just One Funnel.Ive been fortunate enough to receive that award, and 4 2comma club awards for 1 million from a single funnel. Over the last few years, advertising has drastically changed Instead of spending $1 per new customer, you're now spending over $10.You can't market the same way you did few years ago.We have to do a better job marketing and use innovative strategies that convertSo, how do you increase sales and get new customers without spending a fortune?Sales funnels.ClickFunnels is an amazing tool that gives entrepreneurs and small business owners the power to build insanely convertible sales funnel without having to spend a fortune or hire a full-time marketing team!Its given me the ability to create a Multi-Multi-Million Dollar Business in less than twelve months with just two employees. Without it, it would have been nearly impossible! Basically, ClickFunnels is the bomb! If you have ever wondered how to create the highest converting opt in pages for your business, then this course is for you! Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:What is a Sales Funnel + Why Websites are OBSOLETE?How to Integrate Mailchimp to Collect emails into Email Lists!How to Immediately Send Emails to New Subscribers How to Accept Credit Card Payments + PayPal (INSANELY EASY!)How to Create a Custom URL for Your Funnels (LOOKS MORE PROFESSIONAL!)How to Get TOP Quality Graphic Design Done for CHEAP!How to Create Beautiful Funnels (Elements, Rows, and Sections Tutorial!)How to Optimize for Mobile + Copy and Paste Entire Sections and Websites!How to Optimize your Funnels by Split Testing + SEO Meta Data!How to Make One Click Upsells (OTO's) and Order Bumps!How to Install Your Facebook Pixel + Google Tracking CodeCreate a Paid Membership Funnel with FULL Login and Product Access CapabilitiesHow to Create an Automated Webinar Funnel (WORTH MILLIONS!)Did I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.You will have FREE access to Funnels that have made me MILLIONS! You can adjust these templates to fit any business! So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you! It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales! I hope to see you on the inside! Heres to Your Success KD"
Price: 199.99 |
"Shopify AliExpress Dropshipping MASTERY in 2020: From ZERO!" |
"Preparation takes time, that's why I created this Shopify Masterclass Mini Course to guide you all thru the way!My goal is to help you built your own Shopify Dropshipping store that will earn you money while you sleep! Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:Introduction Into Finding the Best Products to Dropship on Shopify! Introduction Into Finding the Best Dropshipping Suppliers! Introduction Into Setting Up a Fully Optimized Shopify Store! Introduction Into How to Drive Huge Buyer Ready Traffic to Your Store! Introduction Into Scaling Your Shopify Business to The Next Level! Join the Shopify Ninja Movement! HOW TO GET THE SHOPIFY NINJA MASTERCLASS FOR FREE + LEARN MORE! Did I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you! It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales! I hope to see you on the inside!Heres to Your Success KD"
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook Ads + Marketing MASTERY in 2020: 8-Figure Blueprint" |
"Learn how you can be an expert doing Facebook Advertising using this Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass Mini-Course!In this ultimate introductory course, you will know and understand all the vocabulary used on Facebook Advertising to change your life and change your business. Learn how to leverage the power of Facebook pixel. You will easily understand all the pieces of puzzle that can help you skyrocket your sales! Listed below is the THREEMAINREASONS why you need to take this mini course NOW!!Do a favor for yourself and start making a decision that will have a great impact on your life! Learn how to do Facebook Advertising the Ninja Way!It's been proven effective by thousands of my students!Have your own Facebook Advertising Agency that will bring you tons of cash flow!Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:Introduction Into Setting Up Business Manager Introduction to Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads!Introduction Into Installing Your Facebook Pixel the Right Way on ALL Major Platforms!Introduction to Ad LifecycleIntroduction Into Defining Your Perfect Audience + Introduction to Detailed Targeting SectionIntroduction Into Finding Your Perfect Customer!Introduction Into Creating POWERFULLY Influential Ads!Introduction to Facebook Ad AgenciesIntroduction Into Bridging the Gap Between Local Businesses and Online Marketing!The Simple Math Behind a Facebook Ad AgencyIntroduction to Split Testing + How to Use Conversion Campaigns the Right Way!Join the Facebook Ads Ninja Movement!HOW TO THE FACEBOOK ADS NINJA MASTERCLASS FOR FREE + LEARN MORE!Did I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this mini-course is for you! It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales! I hope to see you on the inside!Heres to Your Success!KD"
Price: 199.99 |
"Amazon FBA Mastery 2020: FREE Product Research Blueprint!" |
"The Ultimate Amazon FBAIntroductory Course is Brand New + Updated for 2019! Start getting involve as an Amazon Seller to have a Profitable and Sustainable Business Yourself!Learn how you can leverage the Amazon platform to sell your private labeled products, not worrying about how you can survive on the 9 to 5 job or what we call a rat race. Amazon Sellers are earning million of dollars selling their own products, why not join us and be one? Entering the Amazon FBA world will require you to be fully prepared and set your expectations. Following the mentioned step inside this course, you will specifically discover how you can start Amazon FBAthe easy and Ninja way. Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:Introduction to doing Amazon FBA Product Research (The only tools you need to be SUCCESSFUL)Introduction to Shipping Directly from China to Amazon FBA WarehouseIntroduction to making an optimized listing!The Easy Way to Launch (This Service IUse to Launch My Products to Page One!)Three Hacks to Increase you PPC Profitability!Zonkeywords & Pageoneify Affiliate Program (How toProfit)How to Get the Full Zon Ninjas X Course for Free+ Learn More!Did I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you! It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales! I hope to see you on the inside!Heres to Your Success KD"
Price: 199.99 |
"Autocad Civil 3D Standartlara Uygun Yol Projelendirme(ROADS)" |
"Bu kurs kara yollar standartlarna uygun yol projelendirme iin hazrlanmtr.Bu kursta en bata arazi modelinin hazrlanmas ve dzenlenmesi ,yatay gzergah tasarmnn yaplmas,dey gzergah tasarmnn yaplmas,tip kesitlerin oluturulmas,koridor tasarm ve kbaj hesaplarnn yaplmas eklinde ilerlemektedir.Bu kursu bitirdikten sonra i bulma konusunda dier rakiplerine kar nde olma frsat bulacaksnz hepinize imdiden baarlar diliyorum.Proje dosyalarn kursun en altndan indirebilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99 |
"Super Manager Leadership" |
"Are you a hope-to-be-some-day people manager? Or a recently promoted people manager? Or managed people for some time and feel like the ""people"" part still eludes you?Are you anexecutive, HR, OD or learning and development manager or professional looking for solutions for you people managers and to build a stronger, more ready bench of leaders?Did you know only 1 in 10 people possess the natural ability to be a people manager?Most organizations do not invest nearly enough in their people manager's development.Itsis absolutely true that managers matter. As a matter of fact, our relationship with our manager is second in impact in our lives only to that of our spouses and children!Google did one of the most extensive internal studies on managers and found that they were definitely valuable.As a matter of fact, managers were the leading factor in employees satisfaction with the company overall!This course shares Google's findings and then goes in depth on the skills of what they found make people managers into Super Managers.What makes it different? Based in thorough research, years of experience, comprehensively covers all the topics necessary for a manager to succeed in leading their people.Shared in a interactive, approachable way with only the time necessary. Includes assessments, questionnaires and other materials and resources for those interested in diving deeper.Let's make work better, more fulfilling, fun and high-performing by making people managers into Super Managers! Join me!"
Price: 194.99 |