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"C++ Questions (OOP - Basic code)"
"This course for every one want to test his experience in C++ programming language.The course containsquestions in Object Oriented Programming.The course containsquestions in Basic C++ codes (Conditions-Loops-..).The course learn you how to trace a code as it contain codes to trace.The course explain the answers of allquestions."
Price: 19.99

"Crack Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) - 2020"
"The Medical College Admission Test is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Caribbean Islands. It is designed to assess problem solving, critical thinking, written analysis and knowledge of scientific concepts and principles. The MCAT exam not only measures your content knowledge in General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, General Biology, Biochemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Sociologyit also tests your critical analysis and reasoning skills.This means that the MCAT requires more than just an understanding of prior content. The MCAT is a test of critical reasoning skills that rewards students on their ability to apply test content. Knowing how to interpret and solve complex problems is the key to a great MCAT score.The MCAT contains integrated sections, which means that subjects are not tested independently, but include overlapping areas of concentration, which is how youll encounter these subjects in medical school.The integrated content on the MCAT is broken down into four test sections that comprise the exam:Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological SystemsCritical Analysis and Reasoning SkillsBiological and Biochemical Foundations of Living SystemsPsychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of BehaviorThe Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems (Bio/Biochem) section on the MCAT requires an understanding of the basic processes that foster life, such as growing, reproducing, acquiring energy, and more. Equally important in the study of medicine is your knowledge of how cells and organ systems within an organism act both independently and in concert to accomplish these processes.While Bio/Biochem may appear to be a section thats testing the biological sciences, it goes beyond that. Biology and biochemistry comprise the majority of the Bio/Biochem section on the MCAT, but there is also some organic chemistry and general chemistry tested in this section, as those disciplines provide a background to the biochemistry..The undergraduate courses that are reflected in the Bio/Biochem section of the MCAT are introductory Biology (65%), introductory General Chemistry (5%), introductory Organic Chemistry (5%), and first-semester Biochemistry (25%). Additional biology classes such as Cell Biology, Genetics, Anatomy and Physiology, or Microbiology can be helpful, but arent required.Of the 59 questions on the Bio/Biochem section of the MCAT, 15 are standalone, non-passage-related, discrete questions. The rest of the section questions come from passages offered on the exam, and they require both information from the passage and outside content knowledge."
Price: 29.99

"A'dan Z'ye World Machine Eitim Seti"
"World Machine hakknda hibir ey bilmeden temelden ileri seviye world machinerenmek istiyorsanzbu eitim seti tam size gre.World Machine hakknda kapsaml,detayl ve tek trke kaynak olan bu etim seti, farkl tip deyeryz ekillerinin nasl oluturulaca, dokulandrlaca vb. tm konularda detaylbilgiler salamaktadr. Bata oyun sektr olmak zere birok alanda tercih edilen World Machine'nin kullanmhakkndadetayl bilgiler verilecek olup,bu bilgiler nda hep birlikte rnek projeler gelitireceiz. Eitim setibalang, orta ve ileri dzey tm kullanclara hitap etmektedir. imdiden herkese iyi dersler..."
Price: 99.99

"Systems Security Certified Practitioner Practice Questions"
"Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) is the basis of basic information security knowledge for IT professionals. This well-known, global IT security certification offers instant credibility. And its an excellent way to expand your cybersecurity knowledge particularly if youre in a hands-on, operational IT role or youre building a foundation in information security. Often referred to as the One of the best Starter Certifications amongst security certifications, SSCP can surely help you kick start your information security career. SSCP certification covers topics ranging from operations security, telecommunications, network and internet security, access control systems and methodology and business continuity planning. *** This course does not contain any study material. This course contains 200 questions and its answers****In this exam , you need to answer 125 questions. This course helps you practice 200+ questions to help you feel confident before appearing for the real exam. These questions are designed with an increasing difficulty level. You will have domain wise practice questions as well as mixed questions to give you an idea from both the perspectives - domain wise or exam wise. "
Price: 124.99

"CISSP Domain 1 Security & Risk Management Practice Questions"
"This practice test consists of 100 questions. All these questions are focused onthe topics of Domain 1 : Security & Risk Management of the CISSPcourse offered by (ISC)2. The topics covered in this practice test are :Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability,Security Governance,Control Frameworks ,Compliance,Global Legal and Regulatory Issues,Computer Ethics,Business Continuity (BC) & Disaster Recovery (DR) Requirements,Risk Management Concepts,Threat Modeling andSecurity Education, Training, and Awareness.These questions have been carefully designed and crafted to replicate the standard of the real exam. Some questions are very direct while some are quite tricky. Scenarios have been constructed in such a manner that you'll be able to appreciate the difficulty and the questions on the same. Exam Tips have also been given along with clear and lucid explanations so that you can use these tips in the real exam."
Price: 124.99

"SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner Mock Exam 1"
"This is a sample exam for the Systems Security Certified Practitioner Course. It consists of 125 questions which replicates the exam experience to help you prepare for the exam in a much better manner. All questions have been carefully designed to replicate the standard of the real exam. In the real exam , you have 100 questions which are graded and 25 questions which are research questions. However , you are not able to differentiate between them.On similar lines , I have created 25 questions for you which are quite difficult in nature and mixed with the 100 questions to create a 125 questions mock exam for you. All the domains of the SSCP course have been covered in this practice exam. Just like the real exam , the duration of this course has been kept as 3 hours. The pass percentage has been kept as 70 just like the real exam where you need to score a minimum of 700 out of 1000 to clear the exam.In addition to this , you have 15 bonus questions other than the mock exam."
Price: 124.99

"CISSP Domain 3 Security Architecture & Engineering Questions"
"This practice test consists of practice questions. All these questions are focused onthe topics of Domain 3 - Fundamental Concepts of Security Models , Enterprise Security Architecture , Information Systems Security Evaluation Models , Vulnerabilities of Security Architectures , Database Security , Cryptographic Systems and physical security.These questions have been carefully designed and crafted to replicate the standard of the real exam. Some questions are very direct while some are quite tricky. Scenarios have been constructed in such a manner that you'll be able to appreciate the difficulty and the questions on the same. Exam Tips have also been given along with clear and lucid explanations so that you can use these tips in the real exam."
Price: 124.99

"SSCP Security Basics & Access Controls Practice Questions"
"Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) is the basis of basic information security knowledge for IT professionals. This well-known, global IT security certification offers instant credibility. And its an excellent way to expand your cybersecurity knowledge particularly if youre in a hands-on, operational IT role or youre building a foundation in information security. Often referred to as the One of the best Starter Certifications amongst security certifications, SSCP can surely help you kick start your information security career.SSCP certificationcovers topics ranging from operations security, telecommunications, network and internet security, access control systems and methodology and business continuity planning.This course offers you 100 practice questions for the Chapters - Security Basics and Domain 1 : Access Control. All topics are covered including the changes that have been introduced in 2018. The questions have been drafted to offer you real exam standard. The topics which would be tested are : Confidentiality , Integrity and Availability ( The CIA triad) , Vulnerability , Threat , Threat Agent , Risk , Safeguards , Control Categories & its functionalities , Due Diligence & Due Care, Principle of Least Privilege & Need to know , Separation of Duties, Mandatory Vacation , Non Repudiation , Two Man Rule , Types of Access Controls , IAAA - Identification , Authentication , Authorization and Accountability , Access Control Models - DAC , MAC , RBAC , ABAC and cloud based security."
Price: 124.99

"Matriser la persuasion psychologique et influencer PARTOUT"
"Parfois, vous avez cette FRUSTRATION :Vous cherchez convaincre un proche, un collgue ou un collaborateur de faire quelque chose...Mais vous ne savez pas exactement quoi dire pour influencer son choix et le pousser changer d'attitude ou modifier son comportement.Vous pouvez dbloquer les secrets de la persuasion en comprenant la psychologie de votre interlocuteur.Les recherches de ces 60 dernires annes en psychologie cognitive et sociale permettent d'apprendre convaincre et persuader.Parce que nous savons dsormais quels sont les leviers mais surtout les failles du cerveau humain qui pousse les gens prendre des dcisions.Mais cela va bien plus loin, car dans l'art de la persuasion, il y a aussi l'art de l'attention.Vous devez tre capable de capter la curiosit et l'intrt d'un individu avant de la pousser agir.Comment capterl'attention des gens pour les convaincre.Comment dvelopper sa crdibilit (un ETHOS) pour persuader.Comprendre les leviers motionnels (le PATHOS)pour toucher le coeurson auditoire.Apprendre l'art de l'argumentation (le LOGOS) pour convaincre grce la logique dans votre discours.Dterminer les normeset les automatismes sociauxqui permettent d'influencer le choix de son interlocuteur.Comprendre l'art de la mtaphore pour faire passer un message captivant,impactant et toucher l'inconscient.La persuasion est un art qui a accompagn l'homme au cours des derniers sicles.Nous avons besoin de collaborer avec autrui pour obtenir du pouvoir social.- Vous voulez russir un entretien d'embauche ?- Vous voulez convaincre votre enfant de manger ses pinards ?- Vous voulez crer un impact dans vosprsentations au travail ?- Vous voulez persuader un ami de vous accompagner une fte ?- Vous voulez demander de l'argent un proche mais vous ne savez pas comment ?- Vous voulez avoir un vrai impact dans vos relations et ne plus tre invisible ?- Vous voulez que les gens croient en vos ides, en votre potentiel ?Je vous invite dcouvrir les recherches scientifiques du XXme et XXIme sicle sur l'art de la persuasion au travers de la psychologie cognitive (notamment les biais cognitifs) mais aussi la psychologie sociale (au travail du travail de psychologues comme Robert Cialdini) sur l'influence des normes sur nos prises de dcisions."
Price: 64.99

"KravHIIT: Get Ripped in only 4 minutes a day"
"Do you feel overwhelmed and think that you're toobusy to get into great shape? Trust us, you aren't, we have the answer!All you need is 4 min a day!In the program you will see that you dont need to spend hours a day in the gym to drop that extra body fat. In fact you dont even need a gym. In this course you get 30 days of fat incinerating workouts that only take 4 min a day. You will be learning the Tabata method of training (:20 seconds of work / :10 seconds of rest) that has been shown to push even elite athletes to their limits. The beauty of these workouts is that they are 100% scalable for just about anyone and will grow with you as your fitness improves. You will be learning the correct form of over 60 uniqueexercises that have been carefully combined to give you maximum results in only 4 minutes a day! This program was createdto meet the unique requirements of some of the busiest people in the world that foundit almost impossible to take even 15 minutes a day to workout but know how important fitness is. They reached out to Thomasbecause of the results theyheard he was achieving with his clients in such a short time frame. At that time, he was working with people for 15 to 20 minute sessions and achieving outstanding results.Some people found that even 15 to 20 minutes was hard to find in a dayso he carefully crafted this program and the results are nothing short of AMAZING! ANYONE CAN FIND 4 MIN IN A DAY!Thomas has over 40 years of experience coaching literally tens ofthousands of people on how to transform their bodies, and now you are getting his newest cutting edge program that can be done in the comfort of your own home.He has also included a module on eating right to reach your goals. You may have heard all the hype about counting your Macros but if you've ever tried it it can be almost a full time job justtrying to hityour numbers. In this courseyou'll learn an extremely easy way to calculate your individual nutritional needs and how to measure them without going crazy to get the results you desire! There is even an authorized food list to help keep the guess work out of it.This is a complete program that will help you achieve your goals in only 4 min a day, so enroll now and get moving!"
Price: 29.99

"KravHIIT: Tactical Fitness Vol. 1"
"Are you board with you current workout? Do you feel like your workout is giving you what you need to for real world fitness? Maybe your in law enforcement, a firefighter, in the military, a job where your life, the life of your coworkers, the life of the public counts on your level of fitness. Well we have created this program for you! Our curriculum include agility, strength, power, quickness, striking, and weapons all combined in a scientific manner to increase your level of fitness very rapidly. This course is designed to last 5 weeks, on weeks 1-4 you will be doing 4 workout evolutions a week and on week 5 you will hit 5 evolutions. You can then take a one week break and repeat the cycle again. As a BONUS you will also receive our KravHIIT: 12 week Life Mastery Program E-Book absolutely FREE (a $129.00 value)!"
Price: 44.99

"The Essentials of 35mm Film Photography"
"Do you love photography? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and skill by diving into the world of film photography but dont know were to start? This course may be for you.Nothing is assumed in this class. If youre an experienced digital photographer there are of course similarities, but there are a lot of things that feel really foreign too. After this course and some practice, they will feel like second nature to you.My name is Jeff Stefan and Im a professional photographer and Ive been shooting for almost 40 years. I started learning photography with a 35mm film camera. From 35mm I moved up to 120 or medium format cameras. I shoot in digitally in my day to day work but Ive never strayed away from film and I always still shoot with film.So what will you learn in this class? At the end of this course you will:- Know how to use 35mm film cameras- Know what film to use in different shooting situations- You will know how to measure light for proper exposure using a cameras light metering system- You will know how to measure light using hand held light meters- You will know how to use filters and what their effect is on film- You will learn how to compose shots for effective black and white images- You will learn what developing chemicals to use and how to develop 35mm negatives- You will know how to photograph negatives with a digital camera in preparation for processing positive images- And finally youll learn the processes that I use in Lightroom and Photoshop to create my final images"
Price: 29.99

"Testes unitrios em Java com JUnit e Mockito"
"Este treinamento aborda os conhecimentos necessrios e fundamentais para que voc entre com segurana nesse interessante universo dos testes unitrios.Voc vai aprender a usar os principais frameworks do mercado, JUnit e Mockito, mas alm disso ir compreender todos os conceitos relacionados ao assunto.Voc vai entender como funciona a metodologia TDD (Test Driven Development), vai conhecer uma mtrica importante relacionada a testes de software, Code coverage, alm de um conjunto de boas prticas para implementao de testes unitrios robustos e elegantes.Se j tem alguma experincia com testes unitrios ou o assunto lhe familiar, ser uma tima oportunidade de rever e consolidar conceitos importantes, alm de absorver novos conhecimentos."
Price: 39.99

"Testes unitrios em C# com NUnit e Moq"
"Este treinamento aborda os conhecimentos necessrios e fundamentais para que voc entre com segurana nesse interessante universo dos testes unitrios.Voc vai aprender a usar os principais frameworks do mercado, NUnit e Moq, mas alm disso ir compreender todos os conceitos relacionados ao assunto.Voc vai entender como funciona a metodologia TDD (Test Driven Development), vai conhecer uma mtrica importante relacionada a testes de software (Code coverage), alm de um conjunto de boas prticas para implementao de testes unitrios robustos e elegantes.No necessrio conhecimento prvio sobre o assunto mas se j tem alguma experincia com testes unitrios ou o assunto lhe familiar, ser uma tima oportunidade de rever e consolidar conceitos importantes, alm de absorver novos conhecimentos."
Price: 19.99

"Moral Corporate Leadership by Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream"
"This course has two components: 1) an online, deep dive into the book ""Ice Cream Social: The Struggle for the Soul of Ben & Jerry's"" by Brad Edmondson, and for students enrolled in a university for course credit 2) a travel component where the students meet in Detroit, Michigan at the Net Impact Conference Oct. 24-27, 2019. The goal of the course is to show that it IS POSSIBLE for a publicly-traded corporation to operate with strong social justice goals, while creating a superior product, and following an encompassing economic goal of ""linked prosperity"" for all those touched by the corporation. "
Price: 34.99

"Open a Non-Medical Home Care Agency - Home Based Business"
"Open a Non-Medical Home Care Agency In Your Home Or OfficeBuilding a business in a market thats positioned for major growth while making a real difference in your clients live's. There are 46 million adults over age 65 in the U.S.a number thats projected to double over the next 40 years According to the Census Bureau, . With 10,000 baby boomers reaching retirement age every day, you can enter a fast-growing market.  This course will Get You Up And Running With Your Own Profitable Non-Medical Home Health Care Agency.Whether youre a seasoned entrepreneur or are just getting started, youll find growth potential and job satisfaction with owning your own non-medical home care agency.  Start and grow a profitable home care business using senior care industry professionals to guide you every step of the way.  Without a steady flow of clients a business will die in its first year    In this course you will get referral companies that you can contact and sign on with them to get new clients. These referral companies that are included in this course will fit every budget. You can get from one patient to 5 patients or more a week it's up to you. This allows you to start growing your business immediately. To learn how to open a non-medical home care agency will cost you: franchise business will cost between $60,000 to $!00,000. A consulting company membership will cost you $17,000 to $25.000.  This course is a lot less plus you are learning from a person that is in the home care industry who owns a non-medical home care agency with 3 location. I am here for you to ask me any question and guidance.  DON'T WAIT TAKE THIS COURSE TODAY AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW. Profit Potential - If you had one patient 12 hours a day x 7 days a week. The low end rate would be $22 an hour. Pay the Caregiver $12 an hour. Your Profit is $10 an hour  profit for 30 days is $3,600 agency profit. If you had 5 patients with this same hours=$18.000 a month agency profit.  I have a case now it has been ongoing for 1 year. It's a live-in, the rate is $480 a day. I pay the caregiver $200 a day, my agency gets $280 a day.  30 days = $8,400 and when its 31 days = $8,680 agency profit.All these rates are agency profit, you have paid the caregiver and out of this money you would pay your overheard. If you had an office or if your office is in your home then your overhead will be very low. Above I stated $22 an hour was the low end rate. That's because rates have gone up in the State I am in. Hourly rates are between $24 to $27 an hour and live-in rates are between $285 to $550 a day ( these rates are in my area in the United State what the agencies charge the clients). The rates are different depending on the area. Please check the rates in your area. What are you waiting for sign on to take this course and learn how to open a non-medical home care agency in your home or office. Take this course and make a real difference in your clients live's while growing a profitable home care business. DON'T PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW, WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY!* this course cannot guarantee that you will be profitable and/or successful.  #caregency #seniorcare #selfemployment #home #business #work"
Price: 74.99

"New Money: The Millennial's Guide to Financial Freedom"
"Welcome to Your 7 Day Financial TransformationThis isNOTanother penny-pinching personal finance course""Follow your budget...Pack your lunch...Skip the latte...Stop traveling...Put 10% in your 401k...""Really?!After a decade studying personal finance,working as a CPA andbeing personally mentored by severalself-made multi-millionaires,I've learned thatyou CANNOTsave your way to financial freedom.Cutting expenses will never make you rich.Fortunately, there is aproven systemthat the wealthy have known for generations. This course will walk you through that system, andgive you all the tools you need aswe map out your financial freedom plan together.By the end of this course you will:Understand the 4 building blocks of wealthHave an automated banking and scorecard system to reach your financial goalsHave your Ultimate Skills Assessment AnalysisCreate a highly profitable side hustle to generate an extra $1k/monthKnow how to utilize other people's money to invest in income-producing assetsField manuals, scripts and template to identify and acquire income-producing real estateBONUS:Download my book and resource templates forFREEAs a bonus, you'll also receivea free copyof my bookThe Ultimate Guide to FREE Market Research. This book includes:Fundamentals of real estate market cycles and key economic indicatorsStep by step instructions on utilizing data sites such as the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor StatisticsMarket Evaluation TemplateEconomic Developer ScriptTax Assessor ScriptMy top websites, podcasts and book resources"
Price: 199.99

"Magento 1.x Tutorial for Developers (Basic to Advance)"
"This course is for developers, merchants and anyone, who looking to learn Magento 1.x. This course you will learn how to setup Magento in your local system, how to create Magento modules for frontend and admin panel. How to insert, update, delete record from Magento Admin Panel to the database. How to access database records in the storefront. How to support modules in different language and so much more.While working on this course I assumed you are completely new to Magento. So I believe this course would be more useful to everyone. We will start from very basic as where we can download the Magento 1.x code, how to install and then will go to the advance level."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Uygulamal Muhasebe Dersleri"
"Muhasebe de tpk matematik gibidir. Ezberlerseniz anlamazsnz, anlamazsanz da renemezsiniz! Bu kursun amac muhasebeyi basma kalp ezberlerden, zihin bulandran tekrarlardan kurtararak nasl ve neden sorularna cevap vererek rencilerine muhasebenin mantn anlatmak ve aktarmaktr. Muhasebeyi anlamaya baladnzda greceksiniz ki, aslnda her ey olduka sistematik ve bir o kadar da kolay. Muhasebenin mantn kavradnz zaman artk nnzde ne snavlar durabilecek, ne de muhasebe bilgisi gerektirdii iin bavurmaktan ekindiiniz i ilanlar. Neden mi? nk artk siz, muhasebeyi biliyorsunuz!"
Price: 199.99

"upgrade skills video editing like pro in filmora & photoshop"
"Video Editing with Wondershare Filmora and Adobe Photoshopin this course lesson, using 2 software namely wondershare filmora and adobe photoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop is used to edit images, create intro images and create text, does not require special skills, only uses standard tools, so this course can be followed by beginners, all you have to do is install any version of Photoshop softwareWondershare Filmorawondershare filmora is used to combine images edited in photoshop with video footage in filmora so the video will look pro, in filmora does not require special skills so it can be followed by beginners, video tutorials are made step by step to be easily understoodIf you have questions about the lesson, send me a message and I will be happy to try and help.what are you waiting for, press enroll nowGood luck Guys!"
Price: 19.99

"- Art of Stock Charting"
""" . , . 1) 2) 3) & . . . , , & , , , . , (Echartar) . ."
Price: 4480.00

"Exercices C# et POO : testez vos connaissances"
"Ce test C# vous permet dvaluer vos connaissances de base en C#. Il comprend des questions rponse unique, et d'autres questions rponses multiples.Ce test C # se compose de deux parties :Partie de questions autour de la programmationOriente ObjetPartie de questions autour du C#Ce testcomprend des questions sur les types de donnes, la gestion des exceptions, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Exercices ASP .Net Core"
"Ce test ASP.NET Core teste vos connaissances de base sur ASP.NET Core. Il comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 options. Vous aurez le choix entre 4 rponses.Ce test comprend des questions relatives la configuration d'ASP.NET Core, au middleware, au dmarrage, la configuration Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Le score maximum est de 20 points.15 rponses correctes sont ncessaires pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99

"Exercices JavaScript - evaluation des connaissances"
"Ce test comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 options. Slectionnez une rponse approprie parmi 4 options. Ce test JavaScript comprend des questions sur les variables JavaScript, les fonctions, la porte, les boucles... Rsultat du test :Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Le rsultat sera affich la fin du test. Vous devez avoir un taux de 70% de bonnes rponses pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99

"Exercices Linq"
"Ce test LINQ vous permet dvaluer vos connaissances de base sur LINQ. Il comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 rponses. Slectionnez une rponse approprie parmi 4 options.Ce test LINQ comprend des questions sur la syntaxe LINQ, les requtes, des oprateurs, etc. Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Vous devez obtenir 70% de rponses correctes pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Pentester lab- Kali-linux uygulamal dersler"
"Bilgilendirme: Suan bu bilgilendirmeyi okuduunuza gre kursumuz tamamlanmamtr. younluundan biraz gecikmeli gidiyoruz.Kayt ileminizi bu bilgilendirmeyi gz nnde bulundurarak yapmanz rica ediyoruz.Eitim sresi boyunca pentester ortamlar ve kali-linux ile olabildiince amaca ilerleyen bir eitim amalamaktayz.Kali-linux tarihi v.b gibi zaman kaybettirecek veya kiinin rahatlkla okuyup renebilecei ksmlar es geip.Temel balang dzeyinde temel komutlar,aralar,bir saldrgan sisteminize saldr hazrlnda ne gibi bir yol izler.Bu sre nasl iler gibi eitim ieriini oluturan temel balklar altnda Xss,Sql njection,Xml Attack ve dier zafiyetler.Manuel zafiyet tespiti ve manuel bypass yntemleri.Shell kullanm,Server bypass yntemleri ve ayrca kali-linux aralarnn zaman zaman yar yolda brakmasn bizzat tecrbe edeceksiniz ve neden eitli lab. ortamlar ile manuel zafiyet tespiti ve exploit ilemlerini yaptmz daha iyi anlayacaksnz bylelikle sisteminizi daha iyi test etmeyi reneceksiniz.Eer dier insanlardan farkl ve dier insanlara gre uuk dnebilirseniz ite o zaman tam anlami ile olmak istediiniz olabilirsiniz.Bu kurs bize sadece aralar ve zafiyetleri deil en nemli olan yani bir SALDIRGAN GB DNMEYretecek.Kurs ieriimiz tamamlannca veya tamamlanmadan nce bizim kursumuzdan esinlenenlerigreceksiniz ve buda bizim ne kadar doru bir yoldan ilerlediimizin kant oalcaktr.Oluturduumuz lab ortam: Kali-linux videolarna gemeden nce iin mantn azda olsa kapmak amacnda iermektedir.Dorudan kali-linux dersleri ile balayabilirdim fakat bu sefer gerekten dar bir adan ve kendinizi yeterince gelitiremeyecek bir yoldan ilerlemi olacaktk.Videolar ierisinde bunlar birebir tecrbe edeceiz.Gemi yllarda Google,Facebook,Yahoo,Youtube ve bunlar gibi devlerde zaman zaman bug(hata/zafiyetler) bulunmu ve bu zafiyetlerin bir ou kali-linux,parrot ve benzerleri ile deil manuel olarak bulunmutur.Google'nin/etc/passwd xml injection ile okunmutur kali-linux nasl ihtiyasa manuel tekniklerde o denli ihtiyatr.BU ETM LEGALSIZMA TESTLER VE SSTEM GVENLN VERLMEKTEDR.ETM SREC BOYUNCA OLUTURULAN LABORATUVARLAR ZERNDEN ETMLER VERLECEKTR.KLERN ETM SONUNDA HERHANG BR YASA DII UYGULAMALARINDAN KENDLER SORUMLUDUR.HERHANG BR YASADII UYGULAMADAN DOLAYI ETMC SORUMLU TUTULAMAZ.ETM ALAN K TM SORUMLULUU STNE ALMI OLMAKTADIR."
Price: 329.99

"Treinamento Completo para Processos Seletivos Estgio"
"Curso Completo de Preparao Para Processos Seletivos de Estgio - Aprenda de maneira simples o passo a passo para chegar ao seu objetivo!Este curso parte de um treinamento desenvolvido exclusivamente para voc alcanar uma preparao completa para ser aprovado em programas de estgio. No importa se voc est se preparando para seu primeiro processo seletivo ou se j fez outros anteriormente.Este curso foi totalmente desenvolvido a partir das maiores dificuldades que os universitrios enfrentam nos processos de seleo, com contedos detalhados para voc entender desde o bsico at o nvel avanado de preparao.Ao finalizar o curso, voc ser capaz de:- Saber como encontrar a empresa ideal para voc- Como identificar o seu perfil, atravs de poderosas ferramentas de autoconhecimento- Como analisar as vagas de estgio para saber o que os recrutadores esperam de voc - Como fazer um currculo para ser selecionado- Como escrever o seu Objetivo Profissional e uma Carta de Apresentao convincentes- Como montar uma apresentao pessoal e profissional impactante- Como funcionam as dinmicas de grupo e o que voc precisa saber antes de ir- Como responder as principais perguntas de entrevistas Alm disso, o curso conta com materiais especiais e um simulado, que iro complementar a sua preparao.Com todo esse material, a sua chance de se destacar frente a seus concorrentes e alcanar a sonhada vaga, muito maior!Ento prepare-se e vamos comear agora mesmo!"
Price: 39.99

"Treinamento Completo para Entrevista de Emprego"
"Uma simples deciso que pode fazer voc alcanar o emprego, estgio e/ou trainee que sempre sonhou.Saber exatamente o que responder nas entrevistas pode garantir a sua aprovao. exatamente isso que eu vou te ensinar nesse curso. Voc vai entender como so feitas as perguntas de entrevistas e o que os recrutadores querem encontrar como respostas.A partir disso, voc conseguir estruturar a sua resposta da maneira correta para se destacar.Essa simples deciso de investir na sua preparao o que pode te levar a um novo patamar e aumentar muito suas chances de impressionar e alcanar a sonhada vaga.O curso foi completamente pensado para voc entender todas etapas, mesmo que voc ainda no tenha ideia de como se preparar, sinta uma enorme insegurana e tem o grande desejo de iniciar a sua carreira em uma grande empresa.No perca mais tempo correndo atrs de dicas genricas espalhadas pela internet, prepare-se corretamente para alcanar seu objetivo!"
Price: 39.99

"Beginner Piano - Learn 36 Popular Songs in Just 5 Days"
"Learning piano doesnt have to take years. You dont have to labor over boring practice and tedious drills. You dont have to only play songs from hundreds of years ago. Learning piano can be faster, more fun, and easier than you thought. Let me show you how.In this 5 day course, we will start right from the beginning by demystifying the piano. A lot of piano lessons just teach you to parrot back a sequence of notes. In this course we'll actually get into the WHYs so you can confidently know what you're doing and even begin to make your own music.Over 60,000 people have gone through these lessons and now they are available for the first time on Udemy."
Price: 19.99

"Espionaje Digital. Aprende Osint y a cuidar tu informacin."
"  TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS  Bernardo Arturo Garcia Espinosa El instructor es todo un experto en la materia y ensea grandes cosas sobre el tema del curso que definitivamente debemos conocer para garantizar nuestra propia seguridad informtica y aparte como dice el tema poder darle seguimiento a alguien o a algn sitio web mediante el espionaje digital.  Javi Felices Curso muy motivador,por el contenido y por lvaro, ha sabido transmitir los conocimientos, me ha gustado mucho, tengo que decir que parta de 0, haba ledo OSINT, pero poco ms, tengo ms que una visin clara, con muchos recursos y sabiendo como hay que hacer las cosas, lgicamente ya queda para uno el practicarlo y probar para ir cogiendo ritmo, para detectar incluso noticias falsas. El soporte es de 10, sabe transmitir y no se hace nada pesado, entendindose todo perfectamente, adems, agradece el feedback para mejorar.  Gustabo Rodrigo Martina Muy buen curso y con explicaciones fciles para poder entender. Alvaro muy buen instructor y atento a las dudas que surgen del curso. Muy contento con la inversin hecha. Hctor Fabin Banega Excelente el curso... espero que hagas otro ms avanzado! sin duda me anotar...  ++++++  Descripcin del curso +++++++  Nuestra vida es completamente digital. Por activa, miles de millones de personas y empresas publican informacin privada, opiniones, fotografas, documentos e incluso su ubicacin. Por pasiva, compartimos con empresas, aplicaciones y pginas web nuestro historial de navegacin, nuestros datos personales y contraseas, tarjetas bancarias, nuestra geolocalizacin y ahora hasta nuestras conversaciones domsticas. La digitalizacin cada vez ser ms completa y llegar a ms facetas de nuestra vida.Hoy en da, en solo 60 segundos:Se conectan a la vez 1 milln de personas a Facebook.Se envan 63 millones de mensajes.Se visualizan 4,5 millones de vdeos en Youtube.Se postean 87.500 tweets.Se envan 188 millones de emails.Se gastan 996.500$ en compras online.Toda informacin personal, empresarial e institucional es accesible va internet. La mayora es de acceso pblico y solo alguna es de acceso restringido. Saber cmo buscar y encontrar informacin en internet ya es necesario para cualquier profesin.Las empresas e instituciones contratan a profesionales con conocimientos en OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) que sepan investigar online para encontrar la informacin que necesitan.Cules son las ventajas del OSINT? Permiten acelerar y mejorar la obtencin de datos e informacin en fuentes abiertas (principalmente internet) sobre personas, empresas e instituciones clave, contribuyendo as a una mejor toma de decisiones a nivel operativo, tctico y estratgico.En la era de la informacin, toda persona y profesin necesita saber obtener informacin de forma eficaz, gil y segura. Los conocimientos sobre investigacin online son ms necesarios que nunca.Si quieres Dominar OSINT y encontrar cualquier informacin que se encuentre en internet sea personal o de otras personas, dale a COMPRAR ESTE CURSO y nos vemos dentro.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Alvaro ChirouInstructor de Udemy"
Price: 39.99