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"Pintura digital com o Krita"
"A pintura digital atualmente uma das tcnicas artsticas mais empregada no mercado, seja na ilustrao, cinema, desenhos animados, games, etc.E aprender os princpios e tcnicas desta arte fundamental para qualquer artista que queira ingressar e se destacar no mercado de arte.Portanto, atravs deste curso, voc aprender, de forma rpida e prtica, diversos conceitos, fundamentos e tcnicas de pintura digital, tais como:- Configurao e criao de brushes no Krita.- Trabalhar com mscaras e silhuetas.- Entender e dominar a pintura digital por camadas.- Escolher as cores ideais para a sua pintura digital.- Sombrear e iluminar sua pintura, dando a ela um efeito realstico e tridimensional.- Entender sobre as fontes de luzes e suas respectivas cores.- Criar trabalhos em trs estilos visuais diferentes.- Dentre outros.E o melhor de tudo, que voc tambm aprender a utilizar o software Krita, que uma poderosa ferramenta voltada para produo visual 2D, com funcionalidades semelhantes e at superiores ao Photoshop.Portanto, no perca esta oportunidade de aprender PINTURA DIGITAL de forma prtica e objetiva!"
Price: 114.99

"Swift 4 - Learn to Code with Apple's New Language 2018"
"Welcome to the world's most comprehensive course on iOS development. This course is designed like an in-person coding to give you the most amount of content and help with the least amount of cost.NOPRIORCODINGEXPERIENCEREQUIREDHere are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Submit apps to the app storeUnderstand programming &basic algorithmsWork fluently with Swift 4 &iOS 11Apply to jr iOS development jobsWork as an iOS contractorWho this course is for:People who want to build apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents &teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsIf you are absolutely new to programming you should start at the beginning of the course and go to the end.I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path. Lectures are not broken out by specific topics.You build apps and then learn a ton of principles within those apps.So don't skip around!"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Digital PRO [do ZERO EXECUO]"
"O curso Marketing Digital PROalia teoria e prticapara que o aluno saia capacitado a implementar estratgias de marketing digital no mercado de forma bem sucedida. Com as habilidades aprendidas neste curso, voc pode:- Crescer umnegcio usando a internet;- Conseguir um emprego em marketing digital; ou- Abrir o seu prprio negcio.Por que fiz este curso?Eu estou cansado de cursos criados por pessoas que querem apenas vender, e por causa disso acabam ensinando contedos extremamente rasos sobre marketing digital.Os instrutores de carreira buscam oferecer os cursos para os quais h demanda, independente de serem especialistas nisso ou no. Por outro lado, profissionais de mercado cobram caro para transmitir seu conhecimento.Ento, eu pensei: eu posso criar um contedo profissional e levar o conhecimento terico - fundamental para um trabalho de qualidade - e o conhecimento prtico - para ensinar o que faz um profissional de marketing digital de verdade - com preo acessvel.Acredito que no exista um curso similar a este no mercado de cursos on-line, mas, se existisse, custaria mais de R$ 2.000,00 facilmente. Minha proposta tornar o conhecimento mais acessvel, por isso voc no pode perder esta oportunidade de aprender um contedo de excelente qualidade por um preo extremamente baixo. Este um curso, sem enrolao, com teoria e mo na massa para alavancar osseus conhecimentos e os resultados da sua empresa.So 13 Cursos Condensados em 1:Conceitos de marketing e marketing digital - Fique afiado no entendimento do papel do marketing digitalModelagem de Negcios - Crie ou valide o planejamento estratgico do seu negcio com simplicidadeInbound marketing - A estratgia de atrair as pessoas at o seu produto ou servioSEO - Seu site visvel nos mecanismos de buscaWordPress na Prtica - A ferramenta ideal para criar um site com facilidadeDivi na Prtica - Base para criar layout personalizado com um construtor de pginasWeb Analytics - O processo de otimizar os resultados das suas campanhas de marketing digitalGoogle Analytics na Prtica - Melhores prticas para configurar e analisar campanhas no Google AnalyticsGoogle Ads (Google Adwords) na Prtica- Melhores prticas para configurar e criar campanhas para a rede de pesquisa e rede de display do Google (inclusive de retargeting)Mdias Sociais - Como se planejar, se aproximar e se relacionar com a sua audinciaFacebook Ads na Prtica - Como criar pgina campanhas e anncios (inclusive de retargeting)E-mail Marketing - Boas prticas e como operar o MailChimp para se relacionar com a sua audinciaMarketing de Contedo - A estratgia de entregar o que o seu cliente quer para otimizar SEO, se tornar referncia em seu mercado, criar uma comunidade em torno da sua marca e encurtar o o ciclo de vendasBnus: Planilha com indicao de mais de 100 ferramentasBancos de imagens de qualidade pagos e gratuitosFerramentas de mdia pagaFerramentas de social mediaFerramentas de automao de marketing + CRMFerramentas de e-mail marketingFerramentas de criao de questionrios e feedbacksFerramentas para espionar concorrentesFerramentas de analyticsFerramentas de gesto e comunicaoFerramentas de otimizao da taxa de conversoFerramentas de automaoFerramentas de landing pagesFerramentas de popup de sadaFerramentas de gerenciamento de contedoFerramentas de vdeoFerramentas de SEOPlataformas de afiliadosFerramentas de BIFerramentas de onboardingImportanteEste curso o primeiro passo. Depois recomendo que voc escolha alguma(s) rea(s) do marketing para se especializar e coloque a mo na massa para desenvolver todo o seu potencial!Foram quatro meses dedicados produo deste curso. Ento, avalie o curso com carinho para ajudar na divulgao. ;)Se voc est gostando do curso, mas ficou perdido em algum vdeo ou acha que alguma parte poderia ter algum material complementar, tambm d uma avaliao bacana [ ;) ] e deixe o seu comentrio no frum, pois - se for a dvida de mais pessoas - eu gravo vdeos adicionais ou respondo a dvida no frum para todos.No decorrer do curso eu indico alguns servios e ferramentas pagas que ajudam bastante. Voc no precisa contratar essas ferramentas e pode pular esses trechos de aulas. Por exemplo, um profissional de marketing digital no cria um site, mas uma campanha de links patrocinados no Google Adwords impactada diretamente pela qualidade do website, por isso adicionei este curso para voc ter o seu site e criar campanhas reais para ele. Se voc no quiser aprender a criar um site do zero, voc pode pular essas aulas e no precisa pagar o domnio, a hospedagem e o construtor de pginas que eu indico.Vamos em frente!"
Price: 579.99

"Sfrdan Uzmanla Microsoft Excel"
"Excel tm ynleriyle etkin kullanabilmeniz iin hazrlanm eitim seti. Eitim setindeki videolar izleyin ve uygulama dosyalarn indirerek kendiniz deneyin. Excel kullanm becerilerinizi zirveye tayn. Bu set ile formllerden grafiklere, zet tablolardan veri analizine kadar tm ynleriyle Excel'i etkin kullanabilirsiniz. Sektrnde 20 yl akn sredir kurumlara Excel eitimi veren uzman eitmen Alaattin Macara deneyimlerini ve bilgilerini sizlerle paylat."
Price: 409.99

"Curso de Canto Consciente: Kantama Nivel Avanzado"
"En esta 2da parte seguirs aprendiendo ejercicios de vocalizacin nuevos y adems nos enfocaremos en el poder creativo de la voz, aprenders a crear realidades en todas las reas de tu vida. Encontraremos en este curso un captulo muy importante donde aprenders a abrir tus propios Registros Akshicos, la informacin guardada en tu interior. Tambin podrs armonizar tu hogar, viajar con el sonido y la consciencia a otros lugares, usar los 5 elementos, entre otros ejercicios muy enriquecedores. No te pierdas esta 2da parte donde dars un paso importante en este hermoso camino, el uso de tu voz de forma consciente y armnica!"
Price: 54.99

"Aprende Java con 100 ejercicios prcticos (Incluye JavaFX)"
"Curso de iniciacin en Java de una forma amena y dinmica, enseando de la mejor forma que s hacer, haciendo ejercicios.La versin que usaremos en este curso es Java SE (Standard Edition).El curso consta de 100 ejercicios prcticos (+50 ejercicios bonus) realizados en Java explicados y resueltos paso a paso, haremos desde ejercicios muy simples (pedir nmeros, mostrar datos, etc) hasta ejercicios mas complejos (movimiento de una pieza de ajedrez) ayudndote a mejorar la lgica de programacin para tus futuros proyectos. Este curso es altamente recomendable para aquellas personas que comiencen un curso de formacin profesional DAM/DAW, empiecen la universidad o cualquier persona que quiera empezar de alguna manera a programar.Los ejercicios estn divididos en las siguientes secciones:Bsicos: aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos como los tipos de variables, operadores, estructuras repetitivas o bucles, estructuras condicionales, etc.Funciones y mtodos: aprenderemos como crear funciones y mtodos tiles que podremos reutilizar durante el curso.Arrays o vectores: aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos estticas simples. Terminaremos esta seccin con el juego del ahorcado.Arrays multidimensionales o matrices: aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos estticas multidimensionales. Terminaremos la seccin haciendo el juego del buscaminas.Programacin orientada a objetos o POO: aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos sobre la programacin orientada a objetos creando nuestras propias clases, veremos herencia, polimorfismo, etc. Haremos un aeropuerto que va a ir evolucionando durante las clases. Como ejercicio final, veremos un pequeo gestor de aeropuertos en consola.Arrays dinmicos (ArrayList): aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos dinmicas. Usaremos la clase ArrayList de Java.Ficheros: aprenderemos como escribir y leer ficheros de texto, binarios y serializados.Expresiones regulares: aprenderemos como crear expresiones regulares.Interfaces grficas (SWING): aprenderemos como crear aplicaciones grficas con SWING de Java. En este caso, se dividen en ejercicios pero podra considerarse como un mini proyecto. Haremos un gestor de aeropuertos grficos.Java + MySQL: aprenderemos como conectarnos a una base de datos MySQL y hacer operaciones de consulta, insertado, actualizacin y borrado de datos.JavaFX: aprenderemos como crear aplicaciones grficas con JavaFX, la evolucin de SWING. Haremos el mismo proyecto que hicimos con SWING, pero esta vez los datos los cogeremos de nuestra base de datos.Se ha agregado cuestionarios para repasar los conceptos en cada seccin.Y no todo acaba aqu, aparte de estos ejercicios, tambin tenemos canal de Youtube donde puedes complementar an ms todos estos ejercicios. En mi web, tambin tienes disponibles manuales tiles para documentarte.Tienes los enlaces en mi perfil y tambin los comento en una clase.Todos los ejercicios realizados durante el curso, los puedes descargar y usar para comprobar soluciones o modificarlo a tu gusto.Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 199.99

"Projeler le Arduino Eitimi"
"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Arduino renmenintadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdanArduino'nuntemellerini renerek , ileri seviye projeler yapmayaberaber balayacaz. Birlikte akll sistemler, mini otonom robotlar, robotik sistemler (v.b) konu balklarnda bir ok projeyi hayata geireceiz. Eitim boyunca yaptnz tm projeleri gndelik hayatnzda kullanabilirsiniz.Eer Arduino hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Bu eitim seti yaayan (canl) bir eitim setidir! Her hafta gncellenerek ve yeni konular, projelereklenerek yaamayadevam etmektedir."
Price: 59.99

"Python ile Raspberry Pi Programlama"
"Sfrdan Python ile Raspberry Pi renmenintadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdanPython ile Raspberry Pi' nintemellerini renerek , ileri seviye projeler yapmayaberaber balayacaz. Birlikte Linux ve terminal kullanmn, Python ile bir ok rnek kodlama, Raspberry Pi ile farkl gelitirme kartlaryla iletiim kurma, grnt ileme (v.b) konu balklarnda bir ok projeyi hayata geireceiz. Eitim boyunca yaptnz tm almalar projelerinize entegre edebilirsiniz. Eer Raspberry Pi ve Python hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Bu eitim seti yaayan (canl) bir eitim setidir! Her hafta gncellenerek ve yeni konular, projelereklenerek yaamayadevam etmektedir."
Price: 69.99

"Blender 3D desde cero: Modelado y Texturizado"
"Todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar en el mundo del 3D tanto para animacin como para videojuegos, diseo industrial, y ms. Veremos cmo modelar, texturizar, usar la interfaz y todas las herramientas del programa. Importante: la versin de Blender usada en el curso es la 2.79, pero los conceptos valdrn tambin para la nueva versin 2.8."
Price: 34.99

"Publica tu libro en Amazon Kindle: Tu primer bestseller"
"Un curso paso a paso para darte todo lo que necesitas saber para publicar tu libro con xito, evitando fallos tcnicos y dndote el mapa para que aproveches al mximo las ventajas de Kindle. Aprenders cmo potenciar tu obra para llegar al mximo de gente y obtener ingresos con tus escritos. Este curso sirve tanto para publicar ebooks como libros en formato fsico."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Illustrator Paso a Paso Con Logos Profesionales"
"Aprenda Adobe Illustrator Paso a Paso Haciendo Logos ProfesionalesDesde cero hasta profesionales!En este curso aprenders en prctica los secretos de oro del diseo de logos profesionales de empresas sper exitosas en todo el mundo.Al finalizar este curso tendrs la preparacin, la prctica y los conocimientos necesarios para disear y crear los logos ms espectaculares del mercado.Aqu aprenders haciendo desde el primer da, olvdate de teoras aburridas y empieza a producir desde la primera clase.Slo necesitas Adobe Illustrator (cualquier versin) y una conexin a internet.No se requieren conocimientos previos, te enseamos paso a paso.Aprenders a crear tu propia marca, al final del curso habrs creado 50 logos propios que podrs usar en tu portafolio y te daremos instrucciones para que empieces tu propio negocio online.No olvides esto: Es ahora o nunca!"
Price: 149.99

"5 Qualits qui font chouer lcole et russir dans la vie"
"Jai une question pour vous ! A votre avis, quel est le point commun entre toutes les personnalits qui ont russi de grands projets (Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Marc Zuckerberg, Thomas Edison.. )?Vous ne le savez peut trepas encore ! Et bien, ils ont tous rat leur scolarit !Ils ont tous quitt lcole avant dobtenir leur diplme. Certains lont volontairement fait et dautres ont t ject du systme scolaire !Comment des personnes qui ont russidaussi grands projets ont pu y arriver sans diplme ? Quelles sont les qualits qui leur ont permi dy arriver ? Et pourquoi lcole ne tolre pas ces qualits ? Et pourquoi le fait dachever un long parcours acadmique ne permet pas de raliser daussi grandes ambitions ?En suivant cette formation et dans moins de 20 min, vous serez fier de ne pas tre toujours premier de la classe ! Arps cette formation, vous comprendrez pourquoi votre russite professionnelle na rien avoir avec votre parcours scolaire ! Et vous serez pour la premire fois content de ne pas avoir trop travaill lcole ! Et la bonne nouvelle cest que votre chec scolaire expliquera certainement votre russite professionnelle ! Inscrivez-vous MAINTENANT!"
Price: 199.99

"Energy and Power System Optimization in GAMS (All levels)"
"The developed course is suitable for you even if you have no background in the power system. The first part of the course is devoted to general optimization problems in GAMS. General GAMS coding In this course you will learn how to use GAMS for solving power system optimization problems. First of all you will learn how to install GAMS on your machine. What is optimization ? What is the objective function ? What is the constraint ? You understand the meaning of different errors and the way you should debug them How to read/write from/to an Excel file Multi-Objective optimization in GAMS Conditional statements Loop expressions Power system GAMS coding In this course you will learn how to use GAMS for solving Economic dispatch problemDynamic economic dispatchDC Optimal power flow (OPF)AC Optimal power flow (OPF)Security Constrained DC-OPF (N-1)Unit commitment Energy storage systems scheduling PMU allocation"
Price: 199.99

"This course is designed for mechanical engineers, mechanical engineering students and designers who wants to learn best practices in creating engineering drawings and the procedure to apply Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. You will learn datum structure, geometric tolerance symbols and their usage. You have to learn the basics to understand procedure for preparing engineering drawings. I am sure you will get very good information to be successful."
Price: 49.99

"The Rock Guitar Beginner Course."
"This course, is for all beginner to intermediate guitarists and through numerous enjoyable technique exercises and play along song tracks, is aimed at introducing or advancing your knowledge and ability to play classic rock guitar. It will take you from total beginner to having the ability to play all common Major, Minor & 5th open chord shapes and fretted 5th chords using the must know standard shapes.Rock, Hard rock , Blues Rock, Country Rock, Soft Rock, Brit Rock and American Rock influenced classic rock are among the flavours  covered.You can use this course at whatever level you require and all lessons are aimed at real world playing,  you will learn things that will enhance your playing immediately, whatever your ability level. This course is like a taster menu of rock and is an essential ""Gateway"" into the realms of 'Rock Guitar""and is the perfect starting point for beginners to this genre of music as well as further study for more seasoned players.Everything in this course has been done with two things in mind.. your enjoyment and your improvement as a guitarist.I really hope you enjoy this course and you find it of  benefit to your playing.Best wishes Craig."
Price: 64.99

"Blues Rock Rhythm Guitar Beginner Course."
"""The Blues Rock Rhythm Guitar Beginner Course"" is where all the must have blues guitar rhythm techniques and knowledge are laid down as a solid foundation. This course will concentrate on the structure and system that lays behind the blues in respect of rhythm techniques,  formats and timing. It is written for the real world player who will be able to put all the knowledge to real world use in a jam night/band format .The structure of the 12 bar blues is looked at and explained in depth, as is rhythm playing in the  ""stretch"" boogie style, delta blues style, Texas blues style, blues rock style and the use of the blues in rock playing. Dominant 7th, Major and Minor Chords in the first (open) position are explained, shown and explored in all styles, as is the 1st position E blues and Minor Pentatonic scales, including the BB King blues box as well as the open A minor Pentatonic scale.The sheer breath and expanse of the Blues will become apparent in this wide reaching beginners course that will place you, the student, on the road to a lifetime of rewarding Blues based guitar playing.This Course will teach you the core knowledge and techniques needed in a fun and relaxed way utilizing nothing but first position (Open) chords, scales and riffs.There will be no struggling with tricky barre chords or advanced rhythm concepts  (that's covered in the Intermediate > advanced courses), this is ""Cool Blues"" for the beginner.I hope you enjoy it.Craig."
Price: 74.99

"Curso de Oratria"
"Voc j sentiu medo de falar em pblico? Ou mesmo dificuldade em se comunicar com a sua equipe?Nesse curso de oratria, voc aprender como falar para pblicos de todos os tamanhos!Voc tambm aprender como perder o medo de falar em pblico e os elementos bsicos de uma apresentao de sucesso!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Spanish Language in just 7 hours for beginners"
"Learn Spanish Language in just 7 Hours for beginnersFULLHDVideos CoursewithExamplesin each lesson.Subtitles inEnglish InteractiveBoard Power Point Presentation.Downloadable PDFFiles for each Spanish Lesson.Best Value for Money Easy Access to TV, Mobile & Computer.30-DaySatisfactionor money back guarantee Full Lifetime access.SpanishLanguage Course for Beginners to Intermediate and Advanced(All Levels)Welcome to learn Spanish online: Course Contains Spanish Lessons: Spanish Pronunciation, Basic Spanish Grammar rules, Vocabulary and Grammar Spanishspeaking, Spanish spelling, Spanish writing, Spanishgrammar patterns of verbs and tenses, basic Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills. The subtitles help the visual learners.The starts from thebasics and includes the beginners, intermediate and Advance Spanish and advanced Spanish grammar, free PDF support and practice tests & quizzes.Our Course includes:Medical phrases, Travel phrases, Survival phrases, basic phrases & market phrases to help shopping.Everyday situationsconversation in SpanishExtensive listening and speaking practiceFULLHDVideoLessons presented on power point presentation and anInteractive BoardThis Spanish course includes:Video Captions in English languageVideo Captions are cominginGerman, Russian, Portuguese, Italian & FrenchThis Spanish course includes:Aneasyway to listen and to understand theSpanish Sentences and Spanish grammarTesting andimprovingyour knowledge usingsimple example sentences, images and quizzesfollowing each lessonDownloadable PDF Files for the irregular verbs and Spanish grammar rules30-Day money back guaranteeFuture Updates & FullLifetime accessSpanish Learning will be like a game for you with this course for beginners.The Spanish language is the most widely spoken language of the Romance language family. There are some regional differences in the pronunciation and the word usage, still the language is quite intelligible throughout the whole of the Hispanic World that comprises more than 400 million Spanish speakers. Spanish language has been evolving since the roman times, and in different areas of the Iberian Peninsula, and after the Spanish conquest of the Americas, it became the first European language spoken on the American continent. Thus you err if you consider Spanish a single language, actually Spanish is a group of closely related languages. More than 75% of todays Spanish vocabulary has been derived from Latin. Many Ancient Greek words also found their way to Spanish language through Latin. It is estimated that about 8% of the Spanish words find their origin in Arabic, making it the second-most influencing language after Latin. According to some scholars, 437 million people speak Spanish as a native language, which really qualifies Spanish as second on the lists of languages by number of native speakers.Spanish is one of the fastest growing language in the world, especially in the United States. Interesting facts about the Spanish language:Spanish is the official language of twenty-one countries.More than 400 million people use Spanish language in the world.Spanish is the third most widely-spoken language, closely following Chinese and English.Spanish is much similar to Italian and French.It is predicted that by 2050, the world will have 530 million Spanish speakers, with 100 million speakers living in the United States.Why you should Learn Spanish?The United States has more than 60 million students, learning Spanish. The Hispanic countries are the largest business partners of the United States. The largest minority group in the United States is Hispanics. There is almost a rush for learning Spanish. Furthermore, Spanish is the easiest language to teach and learn, if compared to other Romance languages, as Italian, French or Portuguese. Here are some reasons why you MUST LEARN Spanish?Travelling to the Spanish speaking countries becomes much easier.You can better understand the world, and better communicate with the Spanish-speakers.It enhances your resume to be able to speak Spanish, that makes your job easier to be attained and settled.You can make a handsome amount of money by teaching Spanish, there is much bright scope. The United States has 33 million Spanish speakers, you can better connect to these people, if you can speak Spanish.Spanish movies, songs and literature can truly be enjoyed if you understand Spanish. Learning a new language gives tremendous energy, prestige, confidence and peace, and also slows down the memory loss. The world is going crazy after Spanish, dont leg behind!!!Why only this Course?Our course has been especially prepared to:To help the beginners in the language.To increase the interest in Spanish language and culture.To help in pronouncing Spanish correctly, like native speakers.To teach Spanish grammar in the easiest possible way.To help all levels of the learning.To help in building a strong and usable vocabulary.To make the learnt material sustainable through the audio-visual aids.To make the learning of the Spanish language a fun.To increase the general interest in learning the languages.Student Testimonials:Acclaim and kudos to the course developer...! Course is awfully awesome and truly worthwhile. Although I've watched only five lectures, it has tremendously enriched my Spanish vocabulary. Words and sentences presented with their high definition picturesque view, quick recap or follow-up exercise with every module, lectures technically interlinked endowed with spoken as well as grammatical coverage, soft-spoken style of the instructor are some of the features which make this course a comprehensive one. I really appreciate it. -Kuldeep KumarWhat a great teacher you are Mr. Arvind! You are doing a great job. I am speechless. I am highly impressed with your creative skills. Your teaching methodology is very easy to understand. I recommend every Spanish lover to join this course. Course has a great learning material. Keep it up. Truly amazing work. -Sachin JainIf you are still wondering why buy this Spanish course?There are at least 4 reasons:Each lesson is taught in the easy English language, with the visual support of the appropriate images to facilitate the memory. The communication method is adapted to present real-life situations, in an easy manner.The teaching method and manner is such that the student fall in love with the language.The basic vocabulary is especially targeted to enhance the language capacity of the student.The last but not least, the students are given full time to repeat the sentences and thus to have full practice. Thanks, Wish you an enjoyable learning. Hasta la vista."
Price: 24.99

"Wonderful Sanskrit Chantings of Shiva Mantras & 4 Gayatris"
"Everyone desires to have a healthy body and mind, to remain calm and happy and to experience the inner peace. But today all this looks like beyond our reach. Today almost everyone of us is suffering from some or other form of illness, sadness, helplessness, despair and self-doubt. Today life seems to be anti-life. Dont worry. Our forefathers had researched a lot in these matters and fortunately we have inherited a great treasure of the sacred literature, epics, shastras, mantras etc. 'Sanskrit Mantras for Health, Wealth & Mental Peace will teach you some of the best mantras and stotras for your well-being. If you are suffering from a disease,If you feel defeated in the battle of life,If you find yourself overwhelmed by the circumstances,If you count yourself helpless,Then it is here that all of your problems will be solved in no time.Here are the Gayattris of particular God-heads, like Ganesha, Laxmi devi, Vishnu etc. These mantras have miraculous powers inherent, and have been being regarded panacea for all the problems in life. And the glory of Shivatandavastotram cannot be described in words. Human tongue and pen are not able to sing all its magnificence and significance. The greatest of Shivas devotees, the demon-king Ravana had composed this sacred stotram to please Mahadeva Shiva. Shivatandavastotram is unique in multiple ways. It is considered the best stotram to please the Lord Shiva. Shiva, hearing this stotram becomes exceedingly delighted and grants everything to the singer."
Price: 29.99

"UI para Games com Unreal- BluePrints e UMG"
"Design de interface de usurio, o desenvolvimento de aplicaes grficas,para facilitar a interao dos usurios a programaes complexas, emaplicaes, mquinas, dispositivos de comunicao mveis, softwares e sitesweb . O nosso foco trabalhar essa interao na rea que mais gostamos , os games . O curso aborda desde os conceitos para o desenvolvimento da sua prpria interface, at a execuo de uma arte pronta dentro da Unreal.Utilize OUMG da Unreal Engine para desenhar e prototipar interfaces de jogos , o mesmo sistema que voce ir aprender pode ser usado tambm para sites e aplicativosCriar interfaces e veja na hora sua UI funcionandoOrganize seu trabalho de modo profissional"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction au montage avec Final Cut Pro"
"Cette formation ""Initiation au montage avec Final Cut Pro"" vous apprend utiliser le logiciel vido dit par Apple.Ce cours a t cr pour lesdbutantsen montage vido avec Final Cut Pro X(FCPX).Aucune exprience n'est donc requise. Ce coursn'est pas destin aux personnes matrisant dj ce logiciel.Si vous avez djutilis Windows Movie Maker ou iMovie, Final Cut peut tre la prochaine tape pour vous.Le but de cette formation est simplement de vous faire passer la pratique ! Tout simplement. Je suis partisan des choses pratiques, je parle trs peu de thorie sauf quand c'est ncessaire et important mais le but est qu'aprs avoir regard cette formation vous soyez derrire votre cran en train de faire votre premier montage sous Final Cut Pro. vous de jouer !Et je reste disponible pour toutes vos questions si besoin est."
Price: 29.99

"Adobe Premire Pro pour Dbutants"
"Bienvenue dans cette formation PRATIQUE sur Adobe Premire Pro.Logiciel utilis par de nombreux professionnels dans le monde entier, ADOBE PREMIRE PRO offre d'normes possibilits en terme d'ergonomie, de personnalisation de l'interface, de productivit, de rendu vido.Avec ce logiciel vous allez passer un autre niveau tant les possibilits sont immenses.Mais avant tout a, par o commencer ? Cette formation sur Adobe Premire Pro rpond exactement cette question que vous vous posez. La premire chose qu'on m'a souvent dit concernant Adobe Premire c'est : ""C'est trop compliqu !"". Je vous aide dans cette formation bannir ce vocabulaire de votre langage. la fin de cette formation vous saurez mieux prendre en main ce logiciel et raliser vos propres montages vidos sous Adobe Premire Pro.Sur ce, bonne continuation et bons montages."
Price: 34.99

"Office 365 - Exchange Online - Beginner to Professional 2019"
"*** This is a course for Exchange Online and NOT Exchange On-Premise ***Office 365 is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft Office product line. The Office 365 service consists of a number of products and services that will help you to run your organization and maintain your work environment. In this course we will learn about the Exchange Online service that is available with specific licenses.Microsoft's Office 365 suite includes Exchange Online, which is a hosted messaging application that provides organizations with access to the full-featured version of Exchange Server. It includes access to email, calendars, contacts and tasks for any endpoint device.This course takes you from a beginner to a professional Office 365 - Exchange Online administrator. Before purchasing the course make sure you check each section and lecture title, so you can see in detail what topics in ""Office 365 - Exchange Online"" I am covering. To learn Exchange Online we will have to learn to use different admin centers and tools. Some of them are:Office 365 Admin CenterExchange Admin CenterSecurity and Compliance CenterExchange Online via PowerShell.MSolService via PowerShellSecurity and Compliance via PowerShellTopics covered in this course include:Understand Office 365Learn how to use PowerShellOutlookUser Creation and administrationUser MailboxesGroupsShared MailboxesPermissionsHolds & eDiscovery / Content SearchAudit LogProtection Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange Online have a lot of features and without receiving a proper training it is not really possible to understand its entire scope.Join this course to learn everything about the Microsoft Office 365/Exchange Online environment and become an expert in managing Exchange Online and theEXO guru in your organization."
Price: 59.99

"Become an ACTOR - How to Take Headshots!"
"Ever consider acting as a career? While we're all in it for FUN, wouldn't it be great to get called in for real auditions, and be considered for real work?!The most important marketing tool, from novice to pro, is an actor's headshot. While it may be the key to your success, you don't have to dread the process! In this course, you'll quickly and efficiently learn everything you need to know to set up, execute, and complete your portfolio of headshots.Get ready to jump-start your acting career with headshots that compete!"
Price: 24.99

"Mein Erfolgsgeheimnis fr ein unverwechselbares Anschreiben"
"Bist Du SchlerIn und hast erkannt, dass Du mit dem Dir beigebrachten Einheitsbrei an Formulierungen und Vorlagen aus der Schule in der Berufswelt da drauen wenig Chancen auf Erfolg hast? Kennst Du das Gefhl der Angst, wenn Du trotz stundenlanger Versuche keinen ansprechenden Text fr ein Anschreiben hinbekommst? Sicherlich sitzen Dir deine Eltern und Lehrer bereits im Nacken und Du hast immer noch keinen erfolgsversprechenden Plan fr eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung?Hast Du Kinder und mchtest diese genau vor dieser Angst bewahren? Stehst Du nun vor der schwierigen Frage, wie Du sie bei der Berufsorientierung effektiv untersttzen kannst? Deine eigene Bewerbungszeit ist lange her und Du hast das Gefhl, dass sich alles verndert hat? Die Schule bietet zwar Hilfestellungen aber so wirklich erfolgversprechend sind die nicht? Das Angebot und die Ratschlge im Internet sind eher verwirrend, als erhellend? Jeder Bekannte erzhlt Dir etwas anderes?Bekommst Du als LehrerIn immer mehr das Gefhl, dass Du deinen Schlern bei der Berufsorientierung nicht ausreichend helfen kannst? Ist es Dein Wunsch, wieder als kompetenter Ansprechpartner in diesem wichtigen Thema wahrgenommen zu werden? Stehst Du nach jahrelangen Studium nun mit Deinem Abschluss in der Tasche da und bist bereit, durchzustarten? Merkst nun aber pltzlich, dass Du nie gelernt hast, wie Du Dich erfolgreich bewirbst? Alle Deine Qualifikationen scheinen nichts wert zu sein und Du bist kurz vorm Verzweifeln?Besteht in Dir das brennende Verlangen, etwas an Deiner Jobsituation zu verndern? Ist es Dein erklrtes Ziel, Dich weiterzuentwickeln und neue Wege zu gehen?Egal aus welchem Grund Du dich fr diesen Kurs interessierst: Herzlich Willkommen!In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du zuknftig schnell und effektiv erfolgreiche Bewerbungen schreibst oder andere dabei untersttzt, sie zu schreiben. Die dafr geltenden Regeln sind fr alle gleich und daher immer extrem wirksam. Lass mich Dich ein Stck auf Deinem Weg begleiten und einen Teil Deiner Erfolgsstory mitschreiben.Nutze jetzt Dein Chance und verinnerliche die Formel fr nachhaltigen Erfolg:Erkenne die Fehler, die bei so vielen Menschen regelmig zum Misserfolg fhrenNehme Vernderungen mit, die Dich nicht nur im Bewerbungsprozess gewinnen lassenErhalte meine 3-Stufen-Erfolgsformel, mit der Du immer ein packendes Anschreiben formulierstVerinnerliche die entscheidenen Tipps, die Dich zum Liebling jedes Personalentscheiders werden lassenLerne die Angst vor Rckschlgen zu verlieren, da durch die systematische Herangehensweise schlicht die Erfolge berwiegenWeshalb darf ich Dir helfen?Die Hlfte meiner 42 Lebensjahre habe ich mich mit allen Facetten von Bewerbungen beschftigt. Ich war bei einem groen Automobilunternehmen im HR-Bereich ttig und habe insgesamt acht Jahre die Aus- und Fortbildung fr den Standort Hannover betreut. In diesem Rahmen habe ich das Recruiting fr verschiedene Mitarbeitergruppen mit gestaltet und Einstellungen verantwortet. Mein groes Engagement und meine Begeisterung fr dieses Thema haben mich immer wieder Konzepte zu den Themen ""Onboarding"" und Bewerbermanagement erstellen und umsetzen lassen. Neben meiner eigentlichen Ttigkeit bin ich daher immer noch stark in die Themen Ausbildung und Recruiting involviert und fhre bis heute regelmig Bewerberinterviews. Im Anschluss treffe ich die erforderlichen Personalentscheidungen und begre unsere neue Mitarbeiter. Seit dem Jahr 2009 bin ich ehrenamtlich als Bewerbungscoach aktiv und halte regelmig Vortrge und coache Menschen mit Erfolg im Rahmen ihres Bewerbungsprozesses."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction overview to RPA: for UiPath, Blue Prism and AA"
"Signup to Leania .co as a member and join 100s of RPA analysts and RPAmanagers like you. (see instructor profile for website)In this course I answer the top questions I'm frequently asked about RPA by otheranalysts and business leaders. I'm sure you've asked these questions yourself but maybe couldn't get a clear answer1. What is RPA in a sentence?2.What's the first step when implementing RPA?3. What are the biggest RPA myths?4. What are the top benefits for you and your team?5. What are the top RPAchallenges to look out for?6. How do you spot an RPA-suitable process?7. How do youidentify opportunities(andsolutions) in your organisation?8. What steps should i put in my implementation plan?9. What is Lean Six Sigma?My answers will cover the most popular topics to do with automating processes, and I've talked aboutsome tools and methods to use in your 'LeanRPA'plan.This course is to give you a good overview and givesyou have a platform to discuss your situations, thoughts and questions so Ican response in the discussion board or create a in depth video to guide you through any issues you're dealing willPlease feel free to leave a comment and give this course a nice rating thanks :)Visit us at the Leania website and go to 'Resources' to download your free Automation Catalogue toolThanksAntony"
Price: 199.99

"RPA Analysis & Strategy: UiPath Blue Prism Automation"
"Robotic process automation is said to be the newest gold rush. If your company has started investing in robotic process automation technology this is great news. But if not, you're employer may already be a fair way behind many of your competitors - which means your company is dying. If youre in a company that isnt very far down the RPA road, this most definitely presents an excellent opportunity to you!We'll look at:What is RPA and it's benefitsWhat are the Myths and ChallengesHow to identify, assess and prioritise RPA opportunitiesHow to map and measure the process, and analyse the data to estimate ROIStreamlining the process with Lean tools and techniquesThe correct governance process and documentsBuild an automation roadmapSide-by-side comparison on the top vendors (UiPath, Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere)The role of an RPAbusiness analyst (including 2 case studies)How to test the botHow to use your RIA(RPA identification and assessment)data packAfter you've finished it will be time to update your CV and start using your RIA toolkit !The goal of this course is to teach you how to set up an RPA team, identify and assess opportunities, implement bots and become a superstar in your company! Alternatively when you complete this course, you'll have so much knowledge on RPA you'll blow everyone away (that's the interviewers and the other people interviewing for the position) This is a place for all RPA and Ai bots. Use our courses to succeed at implementing RPA and Ai"
Price: 199.99

"Public Speaking Fundamentals"
"I welcome you to this course Public Speaking Fundamentals where I will tell you the easiest ways to become an expert in public speaking. The fear of public speaking will vanish and you will be able to create an environment where your audience will take interest in what you are saying and you will be able to get the attention of your audience. Fear of public speaking is a fear that plagues many of us. Just thinking about standing in front of a crowd may give you a strange feeling in your stomach and make your feel uncomfortable.However,it is a condition that we all can overcome, and no one has to live with this fear throughout his life anymore. In this course, I will provide you with perfect strategies that will help you to stand before a crowd with genuine confidence. Thiscourse will help you overcome the fear of public speaking and you will be to deliver excellent speeches that will definitely capture the attention of your target audience. If you have any problem or want explanation to any point, let me know and I will respond to you as quickly as I can. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 69.99

"Know Essential Habits for Personal Development & Success"
"I welcome you to this course about Essential Habits for Personal Development & Success from the core of my heart. Let me tell you one thing that in todays life, everyone wants to be successful in Life so I am going to share with you secrets of success that are not that difficult to follow but will defiantly put you on the path of success and happiness. No need to be worried about failure anymore. By having these habits and strategies in your life, you can easily become successful in life and get everything you desire in no time.You will learn to: Learn how to have a Positive Attitude Increase Dramatically the Chances of Success in Life How to deal with failure Learn how to commit to your Personal Growth How to Increase your inner motivation level How to be disciplined to Achieve More in a Day Learn habits to become happy by applying these rules in your own life Learn the secrets of successful people so you can reach new heights of success Become Successful in shortest possible timeSuccess will boost your confidence and will make you feel relaxed, calm and the feeling of achieving something will surely bring a big impact on your life. Its your right to be successful and by simple following these rules and making these rules your habit; you will see a tremendous change in shortest possible time. Go from zero to hero. Lets start and make a promise to implement them in practical life and see the change which will make you stand out of crowd and make you satisfied with yourself. Now lets get started. I wish you nothing but Success. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Have Happiness In Life,find inner Happiness & Selfconfidence"
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course about Having Happiness In Life, finding inner Happiness & Self-confidence. Life is for once so live it happily and fully. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Happiness is the main objective which makes other life goal like achievement, prosperity; success and relationship feel meaningful and pleasant. I have mentioned ways and tips which will definitely change your life, your relations and your professional carrier. If we are more relaxed and happy, we give our best. You will learn so many things from this course. You will learn, Learn to feel happier and gain more confidence Tips that are simple to apply in daily life and can bring fast benefits Enjoy happiness on a daily basis. Implement these points at work, or home or in your relationships to enjoy happiness Improve the mind-set which will make it easier for you to live life you have always dreamed of living Grow into healthier, confidence, calm, joyful and happier lifestyle Reveal lifelong motivation and enthusiasm. Learn ways and strategies to make control on how you feel on a daily basisThe state of mind matters a lot in our attitudes, work and behaviors. Now it is the time to learn how to become happy in life. Do remember this thing; there is one life to Live. You will never be born again and the days which have passed, those cant be brought back but yes, we can defiantly change our future and coming days to our wishes and can change our life to be more happier and joyful and fulfilling by making small changes in our daily routine and not only we will be much more happier but will also be much more satisfied and successful. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 89.99