"Revit Basic Fire Protection Modeling" |
"This course helps us understand thebasics of Sprinkler Systems like; Wet sprinkler system, Dry sprinkler system, Deluge sprinkler system, Pre-action sprinkler system and annotating construction documents like sheets, 2D CAD, 3D CAD, etc.Sprinkler plays a vitalrole in BIM, by Using BIM, we can easily understand, howthe Fire Protection System is configured.If you are curious to know what your future could be in this area, below are some potential careers you could consider:REVIT/BIM Sprinkler/FP ModelerSprinkler/FP ModelerSprinkler/FP Draftsman"
Price: 1280.00 |
"GIS Certification Course : Geographic Information Systems" |
"This course delivers essential knowledge on Photogrammetry and GIS. GIS helps users solve complex man made issues by creating and managing information about specific locations. Geospatial technology evaluates information in terms of location and renders outcomes through high-quality maps that improve the value of the data or information. Photogrammetry uses measurements from photographs by analyzing points on an object and creates a 3D model using this information. As an integrated package, this online course provides valuable learning material on software like MicroStation, LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suit) and PRO600, TerraModel. Users can leverage very high detail of output through precise input information from aerial photographs. Course Participants will also identify concepts on Stereo Compilation (3D), which serves as a core process for photogrammetry. After successful completion of this course, students will be able to- I. Use their skills for MicroStation as Mapping software for Photogrammetry II. Use their skills for PRO600-PROCart as a Photogrammetry software. III. Compile planimetric features & DTM using 3D environment in LPS IV. Construct Contours, Shaded Surfaces & TIN using TerraModel in Photogrammetry V. Demonstrate work flow followed in Photogrammetry projects"
Price: 19.99 |
"Photogrammetry With Drones: In Mapping Technology" |
"Photogrammetry uses measurements from photographs by analyzing points on an object and creates a 3D model using this information. As an integrated package, this online course provides valuable learning material on software like MicroStation, LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suit) and PRO600, TerraModel. Users can leverage very high detail of output through precise input information from aerial photographs. Course Participants will also identify concepts on Stereo Compilation (3D), which serves as a core process for photogrammetry. After successful completion of this course, students will be able to- I. Use their skills for MicroStation as Mapping software for Photogrammetry II. Use their skills for PRO600-PROCart as a Photogrammetry software. III. Compile planimetric features & DTM using 3D environment in LPS IV. Construct Contours, Shaded Surfaces & TIN using TerraModel in Photogrammetry V. Demonstrate work flow followed in Photogrammetry projects"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python Dilinde OpenCV ile Grnt leme" |
"OpenCV ile temel seviyeden balayarak ileri seviyeye kadar grnt ileme dersleri uygulamal olarak kursta anlatlmtr. Resim ve video ileme, filtreleme, nesne tanma, morfolojik ilemler ve daha birok konu eitim ierinde sunulmutur. Videolarda anlatlan uygulamalar ve ek dosyalarpaylalmtr. dev ve quizler eklenecektir.Katlmclarn yorum ve nerileri dorultusunda ilave video dersleri hazrlanmaktadr."
Price: 409.99 |
"Entrepreneurship: Research, Critical Thinking and Innovation" |
"Learn how to think like a lateral thinker in innovation. This course will also teach you how to think like a researcher, analyst, innovator and strategist. The course content will help you to see business and ideas in a different way by putting together different thinking patterns into one perspective for innovation practice. Course Objectives To unleash your ideas into one common goal To remove all your fears in innovation. To help you present your ideas through practical research methods."
Price: 174.99 |
"Communication Strategy and Research : Reliable communicator" |
"Learn new tactics and practical concepts that will enable you to become the best problem solver and representative.To equip professionals who would like to improve their communication strategy in the workplace or in the professional settings by providing practical new tactics of negotiations.WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT THIS COURSEIt provides you with the insights of being a happy person and a god communicator in all your levels."
Price: 200.00 |
"Wordpress Onlineshop 2019 // Fr Anfnger & Entrepreneure" |
"Du willst dein Produkt oder deine Dienstleistung im Internet anbieten und somit dem globalen Markt zugnglich machen? Du hast wenig bis kein technisches Vorwissen, mchtest die Erstellung der Website und des Onlineshops gerne in die eigene Hand nehmen? Du hast keine Zeit das Internet nach Anleitungen zu durchforsten oder viel zu lange Videokurse zu schauen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Mit dem Onlineshop Crashkurs wird dir auf kurze Zeit das wichtigste Wissen rund um die Erstellung deines Onlineshops vermittelt. Dir wird von 0 auf 100 gezeigt wie du eine professionelle Online Prsenz erstellst, mit der du auch tatschlich Geld verdienen wirst. Als zustzliches Lernformat bekommst du ein Ebook, welches das komplette theoretische Wissen beinhaltet. Zusammen gehen wir Schritt fr Schritt alles wichtige durch, damit du am Schluss einen erstklassigen Onlineshop hast! Dein WordPress Kurs im berblick:Der schnelle Einstieg indas erfolgreichste CMS der WeltDie richtige Konfigurierung von Woocommerce fr deinen professionellen Onlineshop Die Wahl und Konfiguration des richtigen Themes und der notwendigen PluginsUmsetzung einerWordPress-Webseite von 0 auf 100Praxisnaher Video-Kurs mit vielen realen Beispielen, erfolgreichen Themes und bewhrten Methoden im EcommerceKeine Programmierkenntnisse notwendig"
Price: 199.99 |
"Corso completo di Social Media Marketing - 2018" |
"**UPDATE**OTTOBRE2018:Le lezione su TWITTERsono ONLINE!!!*****ATTENZIONE**Il corso completo. Le lezioni sulla piattaforma di INSTAGRAM in fase di elaborazione.Prossimamente:LINKEDIN&YOUTUBE.***I social nascono come piattaforme di condivisione personale, pubbliche o private che siano, ma in breve tempo si trasformano in veri e propri media e piattaforme pubblicitarie in cui promuovere se stessi o la propria attivit.Saperli usare nella maniera pi pratica e giusta il primo passo verso una comunicazione efficace.Molti promettono di insegnare sin da subito ad aprire canali e farvi operare.Nel mio corso imparerete le mosse giuste, nel giusto ordine per riuscire a costruire una comunicazione il pi efficacementepossibile.Inoltre analizzeremo insieme le piattaforme pi note, quali Faceboook, Twitter, Instagram e Linkedin, per iniziare.Anche se vedremo il pi dettagliatamente possibile come e cosa fare, nulla sostituirvoi e la vostra voglia di provare e sperimentare, seguendo le linee guida che vi dar durante i video, fino a che non saranno vostre e sar facilemuovervi tra le piattaforme e la gestione delle ads.Non mi interessa promettervi di diventare ricchi o maestri, ma diaiutarvi a fare quello per cui siete qui, al meglio ed evitando errori che si potrebbero riflettere negativamente su di voi, sul vostro lavoro e su ci per il quale volete costruire la vostra strategia social."
Price: 159.99 |
"Hindustani classical vocal" |
"A comprehensive step by step approach to Hindustani classical music . Beginning with the basic Alankaras or paltas students will learn the basics of the Raagas like Bhoopali, Durga, Malkauns, Khamaj etc.The course begins with the basics of Indian classical music system and voice training exercises called alankaras or Paltas. These will help the student gain Swar knowledge and help them to mould their voice to move effortlessly in octaves.Once the student is confident with the basics , they can move on to the Raagas and explore various Raagas and their characteristics while being able to sing different compositions in each Raaga."
Price: 2240.00 |
"Qe es una ICO. Todo sobre las ICOs" |
"El equipo de GuiaBitcoin te acompaardurante todo tu aprendizaje.Queremos contarte quetambin fuimos aprendices en su momento, como t.Tambin nos enfrentamos a la frustracin que supone no saber diferenciar qu informacin es fiable, buena, realy cual no, cul es importante para aprender sobre estemundo de las criptomonedas e ICOs,cul es irrelevante, cal realmente interesante...etc.Eso nos llev a invertircientos de horasaprendiendo por Internet, leyendo libros, asistiendo a seminarios,en definitiva, aprendiendo a filtrar y lijar lainformacin que nos llegaba a nosotros o que encontrabamos en ingls u otros idiomashasta que aprendimos a distinguir entre la informacin valiosa y la que no lo era. Por eso, entendemos perfectamente lo abrumador que es opuede llegar a resultar iniciarse en el ecosistema de las ICOs.Y precisamente por ese motivo, una vez superada esa barrera/muro de entrada, tenamosclaro quequeramos ayudar a personas que estuvieran en esa situacin.De ah naci la idea de crear un curso completo y en espaol sobre ICOs, con un enfoque 360que fuese ms all deBitcoin, Ethereum y Blockchain. En otras palabras,un curso diferentea todo lo que existe ahora mismo en internet, un curso puramente completo pero a la vez siendosencillo de entender para aquellas personas que an tengan conocimientos bsicos en criptomonedas o blockchain. En definitiva,un curso que de verdad ayude a nuestros alumnos a pasar de un nivel principiante a avanzado en cuestin de horas.Entonces,creamos uncurso que a nosotros nos hubiese gustado tenercuando quisimos dar el salto almundo ICO.Todo esto nos ha llevadomeses trabajando en seleccionar y desarrollar cuidadosamente el contenido de este curso.Queremos daros las gracias por confiar en nuestro trabajo, y por ello, hemos tokenizado nuestro amor para poder repartir justa y transparentemente entre cada uno de nuestros alumnos =).Atentamente el equipo de GuiaBitcoin"
Price: 19.99 |
"Lazer Kesim in CorelDraw Eitimi ( Ahap Kutu rnei le )" |
"Lazer Kesim in CorelDraw Eitimine hogeldiniz. Bu eitimde renecekleriniz ile kendi ahap kutunuzu makinanzda kendiniz yapabilir veya bu kutular retmek amac ile kuracanz i yerinizde grafik tasarm personeline ihtiya. duymadan lazer kesim makinanz kullanabilirsiniz. Sizlere ksa ancak ok faydal bir kurs hazrladk.Bu kurs sayesinde ok ksa bir zaman diliminde lazer kesim makinasna uygun izimler nasl yaplr renmi olacaksnz. Ayrca dier almalarnzda da iinize yarayacak ipular ve pf noktalar da renmi olacaksnz. rnek almamz ve verdiimiz devler sayesinde de bu becerilerinizin zerinden bir kez daha gemi olacaksnz.Dilediiniz her konuda bana ulamaktan ekinmeyiniz."
Price: 99.99 |
"CorelDraw Course For Laser Cutting in 1 hour" |
"We prepared a short but very useful course for you. With this course you will learn how to make drawings suitable for laser cutting machine in a very short time. You will also learn tips and tricks that will help you in your other work. With our example work, you will be once more through these skills."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn how to develop your Entrepreneurial Intelligence (EnQ)" |
"Entrepreneurship can be learned. Path of the Lion is a format designed to take the complexity out of the entrepreneurial world and teach developing entrepreneurs to build a specific type of intelligence called Entrepreneurial Intelligence(EnQ) -provenforeffectivebusiness leadership. Thisprogramme leads students and entrepreneursthroughsimpleand powerful steps to develop their entrepreneurial speciestraits, connect to their purpose, leverage their efforts and navigate an environment of change with the use of short explanatory videos, modules and templates."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Launch A Podcast From Scratch" |
"Thinking about launching a podcast for your brand?Avoid these mistakes and truly learn how to successfully launch a podcast for your business without falling on your face or paying someone thousands of dollars to learn howBack in 2013 I launched my first online radio show via BlogTalkRadio. That platform worked for some time, but having to do the show live every day became very time consuming. In addition, at times the BlogTalkRadio platform would fail me miserably, especially in times of need, and usually when I had a popular guest on.It was then I learned that you should never depend on a new technology when looking to create consistent, valuable content because things change and like me, you could be left holding the bag.After a 2-3-year hiatus, a new technology came on the scene and it was THE DEAL, it was called Blab it was awesome because it allowed you to host a LIVE video show via livestream and have guests join you in different video chat windows for what was an all-around highly engaging experience. Well, that was until Blab flopped and folded and the platform was no longer. So once again I found myself out of the podcast space due to the failure of some company I really had nothing to do with. I learned right then and there not to depend on software(s) that I couldnt control and people I didnt really know to dictate my success with a podcast.Late last year but I decided that I was was going to relaunch my show, for the 3rd time. This time I was going to control the entire process from A-Z.Was this a lot a of work to conceptualize, record, produce, edit, post and promote each episode? ABSOLUTELY, but this time around I knew it was going to help contribute to providing valuable content to my community.The coolest part about this is that the show ended up being so good and people were so fired up about the quality of my podcast that they began asking me how to set one up for their own business.As I continued to field these questions it became very clear to me there was a huge gap in the market and I quickly realized that my podcast journey thus far held the keys to unlocking a valuable podcast solution for brands and marketers to capitalize on by becoming a media company. By producing a podcast show for their brand, in turn allowing them to become an authority in their space.This my friends, is when I sat down and mapped the 9 core steps that it takes to launch your very own podcast show."
Price: 29.99 |
"12 Days SEO BootcampRank #1 on GoogleComplete SEO Guide" |
"The Exclusive 12 Days SEO Bootcamp is Now available on Udemy ! This SEO Boot Camp will present you which are the improvements to bring to your site to climb in Google and double the competition. This training is based on 3 fundamental pillars: the technical aspects of your site, the interest and legitimacy of your site and the notoriety and popularity of your site. Too often neglected, the ""interest & legitimacy"" aspect has, within this training, a predominant aspect. The natural referencing will be explained to you in a clear and logical way, so that you can emerge from the training finally having all the cards in hand to climb. Far from the ""technical hack"" and/or ""expert manipulations"", I will guide you in an extremely logical approach to position yourself on a search engine like Google. The fundamentals are not technical fundamentals, but are concepts related to the user experience, and the popularity of your site.This course contains 12 sections and more than 40 lessons + 1 SEO Challenge per section to practice your new born SEO skills.-> Be sure to watch the promotional video for more details. <-"
Price: 199.99 |
"AB Fonlar ve Devlet Destekleri in Proje Yazma Eitimi" |
"Gnmzde birok alanda proje bazl tevikler, hibeler ve destek programlar bulunmaktadr. Fakat bu destek programlarna bavuru yapan, bu mali destekleri kullanabilen kitlenin nfusa oranla ok kk bir kesim olduunu farkettik. Devletin sunduu bu destkelerden daha fazla kiinin yararlanabilmesive proje hazrlama ve proje yrtmenin zor bir konu olmadn gstermek amacyla bu eitim programn hazrladk.Eitim programnda;Destek Mekanizmalar & Destekleme MantDestek Veren KurumlarBaarl Proje rnekleriProje Yazm & lgili MetodolojiFaaliyetlerin PlanlanmasDikkat Edilecek HususlarBte HazrlanmasBavuru Belgelerinin & Dosyasnn HazrlanmasProjenin Risk Analizizleme Ziyaretleri ve Yaplmas Gereken HazrlklarMasann Dier Taraf: Tecrbeler, karlan Derslerdetayl bir ekilde anlatlmtr.Eitim sonrasnda proje hazrlamak ve proje yrtmekle ilgili sorularnza cevap bulmu olacaksnz.Kursun ierisinde Dou Marmara Kalknam Ajansnda alrken yaadm tecrbeleri ve ajansn proje ynetim srecine bak asn rneklerle anlatmaktaym. Bu sayede Srecin zor olmadn ve nelere dikkate etmeniz gerektiini detayl bir ekilde renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 199.99 |
"Ticaret Tecrbeleri: yeri Devralmak, Franchise Almak" |
"Bu eitimin amac: Sizin doru yatrm farkedebilmenizi ve bir yatrmda dardan baknca grnmeyen riskleri grebilmenizi salamaktr. Bu nedenle bu eitim deeri parayla llemeyecek tecrbeleri ve denmi bedellerden karlan dersleri size sunmaktadr.Kurulu bir iyerini devralmak veya bir firmadan bayilik almak ticari hayata girmenin en hzl yolu. Bu hzl yolda giderken yoldaki klar ve virajlar grebilmek ancak tecrbe ile elde edilebiliyor. Aksi takdirde bu yolu tercih eden insanlarn para kazanma isteini suistmal eden ticari teroristlerin drst insanlar aldattna pek ok kez ahit olduk.Gnmzde insanlar ticari hayata giri iin farkl yollar aramakta. En ok aranan ise kestirme bir yol bulup hzl bir ekilde zengin olmak ama bu yolda gidenler genellikle sonu hsran olan bir macreya atlyorlar. Bunun nedeni yatrm yaparken dikkat edilmesi gerekenleri bilmemek. Ticari hayatta tecrbesi olamyan, iyi niyetli pek ok insann para kazanmak iin kt yolda hem parasn hem de huzurunu kaybettiini grmekteyiz. nsanlarn paralarn kaybetmeden para kazanmasn salamak ve bir yatrmn nasl analiz edileceini retmek amacyla bu eitim setini hazrladk.Birden fazla iyeri ve bayilik devralm ve devretmi biri olarak kendi tecrbelerimi bu eitimde paylayorum. Bu eitim bayilik alarak i kurmak isteyen yatrmclarn ve bir iyerini devralmak isteyen insanlarn bir yatrm veya bir iyerini doru analiz etmesini salayacaktr. Kurma ve Yatrm Yapma Eitimini aldktan sonra neleri renmi olacaksnz?Fizibilite nedir? Nasl yaplr?Bir iin karl olup olmadnn nasl deerlendirileceiniGrnenin arkasnda gizlenmi gerekleri nasl farkedeceiniziBir yatrmda rakamlarn dnda dikkat edilmesi gerkenleriYatrm yapmadan nce alnmas gereken tedbirleriTicari hayattaki unutulmamas gerekenleriAyrcayaanm gerek bir devir olayntm detaylar ile paylap analiz ediyoruz."
Price: 199.99 |
"Moment Distribution Method Comprehensive examples & concepts" |
"Analyzing Indeterminate StructuresAlmost all structures in real life are indeterminate structures which cannot be solved using traditional equilibrium equations, hence such structures are required to solve by various other methods one of the most effective and quick method is Moment DistributionMethod.Section 1 Introduction and fundamentals of MDMIn this section you will learn about fixed end moments, degree of static and kinematic indeterminacy of indeterminate structures and concepts and basics of moment distribution method.Section 2 Analysis of continuous beamsIn this section you will learn how to analyze continuous beams with different end conditions and take a look at three comprehensive numerical.Section 3 Analysis of Non Sway FramesThis section includes analysis of frames which do not undergo lateral deformation under later loads, and drawing Bending moment diagrams for the structure. Three comprehensive numerical are solved in this section.Section 4 Analysis of Sway FramesThese are the most encountered structures in real life, frames which deform under lateral loads like earthquake or wind are included in this section. Two comprehensive numerical are solved in this section.Section 5 Analysis of Non Prismatic SectionsIn this section non prismatic sections that is the sections which change cross section across the length are analysed. Such beams are widely seen in bridges where material saving can be done.Two comprehensive numerical are solved in this section.Section 6 BONUSA shortcut one step moment distribution method is shown in this section.What you learnAt the end of this course you will learn to successfully analyse indeterminate structures, understand concept of static and kinematicindeterminacy, fixed end moments for various conditions anddraw bending moment diagrams for indeterminate structures."
Price: 5760.00 |
"Corso di Jekyll con realizzazione di un tema personalizzato" |
"Il presente corso riguarda l'apprendimento dello sviluppo di siti Web con l'utilizzo dello Static Site Generator (SSG - Generatore di Siti Statici), Jekyll, il pi popolare di questi strumenti.Riguardo alle sezioni nelle quali il corso suddiviso, si possono individuare due raggruppamenti principali:GRUPPO I-SEZIONIDA 1 A5: si tiene un approccio ""per esempi"", con lezioni pratiche nelle quali si affrontano singole tematiche;GRUPPOII - SEZIONIDA 6 A9:si passa alla realizzazione di un piccolo progetto, un ""blog"", che ci permette di mettere in pratica quanto visto in precedenza, di approfondire determinati aspetti, di vederne di nuovi e di creare il tutto con un tema personalizzato, cosa che ci costringer a fare tutto da zero e che ci permetter di scendere pi in profondit con Jekyll.Si affronteranno le seguenti tematiche, durante questo percorso assieme:preparazione dell'ambiente di sviluppo;creazione di un nuovo progetto;creazione e gestione dei contenuti;sintassi Liquid essenziale;sintassi YAMLessenziale;variabili, Front Matter;configurazione del progetto attraverso i file Gemfile e _config.yml;installazione diplugins;modifica del tema-base Minima;adozione di temi grafici esterni;creazione e gestione di layouts;informazioni in file esterni JSON(all'interno della cartella _data);deployment via FTP su spazio condiviso;deployment su GitHubPages;deployment su Netlify;creazione di un progetto BLOG finale che rappresenti sintesi e approfondimento dei concetti visti mano a mano e che sia realizzato a partire da 0, con un tema e struttura di layout fatte da noi. Ci aiuteremo con il framework CSSBulma.Con tale serie di lezioni, lo studente acquisir un livellopi che basilare di conoscenza e di consapevolezza nell'utilizzo dello strumento."
Price: 99.99 |
"Como Gravar Vdeos 3x mais Rpido - Produtividade e Gravao" |
"Faa muito mais vdeos em menos tempoGaranta um ms de contedo para as suas redes sociais em apenas 2 dias de trabalhoEscrevaroteiros incrveis para os seus vdeosFaaseu prprio teleprompter e aprenda a us-lo com maestriaAgilize a gravao dos seus vdeos e eleve a qualidade delesa outro patamar"
Price: 549.99 |
"Building React components with Storybook in 30 minutes or so" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to quickly build React component usingStorybook. First, you will learn what Storybook is and why Storybook is such an awesome tool. You will learn how to add Storybook to an existingCreate-React-Appbased application and start it to load all stories in an application.Next, you will learn how to write stories to visually test your components. You will learn how to use decorators and add-ons to enhance the capabilities of Storybook stories. You will also use theStoryshotsaddon to create Jest snapshot tests from your stories so they are part of your unit tests.Finally, you will learn how to publish your stories as astatic site using GitHub pages.We are going to start from scratch so no prior Storybook experience is required. I am assuming you are familiar with React, however."
Price: 99.99 |
"Master RxJS 6 Without Breaking A Sweat" |
"Are you struggling to learn the Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript, RxJS for short? Are you using Angular and seeing Observables returned to you in many places? Perhaps you are using React, Vue or Node. Then again, maybe you only heard about functional and reactive programming and that RxJS makes your asynchronous code easier to write and more concise.My name is Maurice de Beijer and in this video course I would like to teach you all about using RxJS. During this course you will learn quite a few things. Discover why developing with Observables is so powerful. Learn how to create Observables using the different functions available. Explore different operators to manipulate Observable streams. Examine different scenarios where using Observables makes life easy. At the end of this course you will be able to solve common programming problems using RxJS.Is this course for you? Never worked with RxJS before? No problem, we will start from the beginning. Already used RxJS a bit but want to learn more? Sweet, start with the scenarios and look at other videos as needed. Do you have a reasonable understanding of JavaScript? Great, you have the prerequisite knowledge. Also have a computer with a modern browser and code editor? Super, you are all set to get started."
Price: 99.99 |
"Arduino tutorials A Beginner's Guide" |
"Welcome to Charcoal's Arduino programming and prototyping (Simple, Easy and BEST ways to do it..), where you will extend your knowledge of Arduino components and techniques and build up new skills in the largest, and the most comprehensive course on the Web!Arduino is the world's favorite electronics learning and prototyping platform. Millions of people from around the world use it to learn electronics, engineering, programming, and create amazing things, from Autopilots for drones to tree climbing robots remotely controlled lawnmowers, IOT products (Controlling your House hold appliances from all over the world) and many more.It is a gateway to a career in engineering, a tool for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education, a vehicle for artistic and creativeexpression.I hope in the end of this tutorial series you'll be able to do most sophisticated DIY projects completely on your own."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pine Script para desarrollar indicadores en TradingView" |
"En este curso daremos desde la parte bsica hasta nivel medio en el lenguaje de Pine Script, veremos la estructura del lenguaje en si como es, desde cero tanto para los que nunca programaron en su vida como para los que vienen de otro lenguaje de programacin, veremos ejemplos de indicadores clsicos como funcionan en este lenguaje para inspirarnos a crear los nuestros y entender el funcionamientos de los indicadores tanto fuera del grfico como por ejemplo un macd e indicadores dentro del grfico como por ejemplo una media mvil."
Price: 104.99 |
"Aprende a usar la parte grfica de TradingView" |
"Sabrs poner en el grfico los principales widgets de tpico uso.Sabrsponer widgets fijos como indicadores rsi,cci,macd,atr,volumen.Sabrs poner widgets dedesplazamiento como lineas de tendencia,fibos,fibos de tiempo,ondas de elliot.Sabrs configurar indicadores como por ej el total de velas para calcular una media movil a tu gusto.Estars en contacto con la comunidad de traders de la plataforma."
Price: 199.99 |
"Detecta Patrones de trading con Pine Script Automticamente" |
"El curso es de nivel intermedio recomendado para los que quieran programar en Pine Script. Se recomienda conocimiento bsico de programacin en Pine Script.El lenguaje de programacin que usamos es de esos en el cual hacemos mas con menos cdigo.Daremos deteccin de patrones en base a los pivots que hace el precio, trabajaremos con el patrn armnico shark(Tiburn) como demostracion."
Price: 104.99 |
"Mster en Pine Script: Strategy Tester" |
"En este curso daremos una introduccin a la parte avanzada de programacin de Pine script y ya no tanto indicadores, sino mas bien aprenders a crear y simular tus propias estrategias, y a pasarlas a seales de alarmas, dentro de lo que seria indicadores daremos una introduccin a indicadores que toman datos de muchas divisas al estilo de bots de arbitrage o markets screener, y tambin una introduccin a como hacer indicadores de mltiples marcos temporales."
Price: 199.99 |
"Questes CPA-10 Anbima - novas questes diariamente!" |
"O nosso simulado da CPA 10foi projetado a fim de ser o maisreal e semelhante a prova da certificaoo possvel, sendo assim o mesmo digital assim como a prova com cinquenta questes de acordo com o edital da Anbimae contedos da prova distribudos conforme o percentual indicado tambm no mesmo. Ao final do simulado, voc recebe a mdia da sua prova, o tempo gasto e o resultado final. Optamos por no mostrar a resposta correta ao responder buscando uma maior fidelidade a prova junto com o sistema que apresenta as questes de forma randmica."
Price: 49.99 |
"Desenvolver Sistema com Delphi e SQL-Server na PRTICA" |
"Neste curso voc ir desenvolver um sistema com tela modelo (herana) que seja reaproveitadas em todo o sistemacom orientao a objeto para persistncia de dados.Construir cadastros de Categoria de Produtos, Produtos, Clientes e Controle de Usurios.Ao entrar no sistema as tabelas do banco de dados ir criar automaticamente e realizar atualizao quando for necessrio.Montar uma tela de Venda com controle de Estoque e Impresso da Venda ao Gravar.Criar Relatrios de Cliente, Ficha de Cliente, Produtos, Produtos por categorias e Venda por data com tela para selecionar o intervalo de data a ser impresso.Acompanha todos os Arquivos fontes do projeto que pode ser feito o download.Alm de aprender como Registrar no site para baixar e instalara verso Delphi Community Edition verso gratuita do Delphi 10.2 Tokyo ou 10.3 Rio com algumas limitaes comerciais.Instalao dobanco de dados Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014Fazer download einstalar ocomponente Zeos Library para acesso ao banco de dados Microsoft SQL Server e componentes Fortes Report para gerao de relatrios.Pois a verso Delphi Community possui componentes para acesso a banco de dados com limitaes de banco de dados e no existe nenhum gerador de relatrios."
Price: 39.99 |
"ASPNETCore 2.2/3.0/3.1-C# API com Arquitetura DDD na PRTICA" |
"Implementar uma API multiplataforma com ASP.NET Core 2.2/3.0/3.1 utilizando C# como linguagem de Programao, utilizaremos arquitetura DDD para modelagem, o Banco de Dados ser o MySQL e o ORM a ser utilizado ser o Entity Framework Core, para Mapeamento entre DTO (Data Transfer Object) e Modelos do Domnio vamos utilizar o AutoMapper. API ter o JWT (JSON Web Token) para gerao dos Tokens para ser consumida com aplicao externa ou Front-End.O Swagger uma ferramenta para documentar uma API.Visual Studio Code ser o editor utilizado neste curso.Asp.NET Core, Visual Studio Code, MySQL e MS-SQL-Server podem ser utilizado no Windows, Linux e Mac."
Price: 39.99 |