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"JQuery: Crea Apps y juegos con JQuery y Ui, AJAX y Bootstrap"
"En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para tu pgina web con JQuery y JQuery UI, ya sean pequeos mini-juegos como elementos que faciliten tu da a da en el trabajo o la escuela todo gracias a HTML, JQuery, AJAX y CSS, lenguajes que si ahora no dominas bien acabars dominando a la perfeccin, adems de aprender a utilizar otros como Bootstrap. La creatividad no tiene lmites y aqu lo vas a descubrir."
Price: 19.99

"Webservice: Desde cero con PHP, JQuery, AJAX, JSON y SQL"
"Toma este curso para aprender a gestionar peticiones e intercambios de informacin entre un servidor y diversas pginas web o aplicaciones creando un webservice mediante el uso de lenguajes de desarrollo como PHP, JQuery y AJAX y mediante SQL envia los datos en formato JSON o en forma simple. Convirtete en todo un experto en la gestin de datos entre servidor y cliente y descubre la gran ventaja de contar con un web service."
Price: 19.99

"! 10 2010 : 2 3"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a crear aplicaciones para iOS y Android con Ionic 4"
"Ionic nos permite tener con un mismo cdigo nuestra aplicacin tanto para dispositivo mvil (iOS, Android y Windows Phone) como versin web.Con los conocimientos de JS, CSS, HTML y Angular que tenemos podremos crear aplicaciones muy potentes y totalmente multiplataforma.En este curso veremos desde como instalar el propio framework Ionic 4, los componentes con los que podemos crear nuestras aplicaciones y una aplicacin de ejemplo para poner en prctica todo lo aprendido. A travs de vuestras dudas iremos ampliando las secciones y creando de nuevas.Debisrecordar que es un curso orientado exclusivamente a vosotros para queaprendisde la manera ms sencilla que podamos, as que siteniscualquier proposicin nodudisen hacermela saber. ACTUALIZACIN 11/11/2018.ACTUALIZACIN 02/12/2018."
Price: 119.99

"Como VENCER a procrastinao antes que ela te MATE!"
"Voc pode MORRER se continuar procrastinando. Isso no exagero pra conseguir sua ateno, a procrastinao a principal responsvel pelo fracasso, aumento da depresso, ansiedade, frustrao, complexos de inferioridade, vcios, angstia, perda de emprego, destruio de casamentos e uma srie de outras coisas que s aumentam dia aps dia em todo o mundo, e sim a MORTE tambm. Voc j sentiu que a vida est passando e parece que voc est parado no tempo?D at aquela impresso de que todo mundo est avanando e s voc que no consegue se mover na direo dos seus sonhos e dos seus objetivos. A procrastinao uma das maiores causadoras de viciados do planeta, isso se d porque as pessoas no conseguem alcanar seus objetivos e por no saberem o que fazer elas acabam se entregando a algum tipo de vcio para tentar aliviar a dor ou a frustrao que esto passando na vida. bem provvel que voc viva uma vida que voc no goste.  E voc acha que esse o real problema da sua infelicidade. Quando na verdade voc infeliz porque voc vive deixando as coisas IMPORTANTES pra depois. como voc fosse sempre o ltimo a chegar pra almoar no restaurante, o que aconteceria se voc fosse o ltimo? Voc sempre comeria a sobra, o resto. Eu duvido que voc ficaria feliz comendo o resto. No mesmo? Ao invs de voc fazer o que importante na hora certa (ir no restaurante quando a comida est fresca) voc fica perdendo tempo com coisas que no vo ter trazer nenhum resultado real. Depois fica se lamentando que deveria ter ido mais cedo e promete pra voc mesmo que NO VAI MAIS CHEGAR TARDE PRA ALMOAR mas no outro dia a mesma histria se repete, e de novo, e de novo, e de novo. Assim como nesse exemplo o problema no est na comida fria, nem no atraso pra chegar no restaurante e sim na perda de tempo em coisas inteis. O seu problema no a sua vida que voc considera ruim e sim no que voc tem feito que tem deixado a sua vida ruim. Voc o principal responsvel pelo seu fracasso e tambm o principal responsvel pelo seu sucesso! Eu j fui um procrastinador crnico por vrios anos e posso falar pra voc centenas de consequncias horrveis causadas por esse hbito to destrutivo e ignorado pelo ser-humano e muito mais do que isso, eu posso te ajudar a sair desse crculo vicioso e se livrar desse hbito maldito. Nesse curso eu no vou passar um milho de tarefas pra voc fazer, porque eu acredito que to bom quanto exerccios o conhecimento esclarecedor do que realmente e como funciona a procrastinao na vida do ser-humano. Ns vamos sim fazer exerccios, mas meu maior objetivo abrir a sua viso e te fazer conhecer detalhadamente o seu inimigo.Te convido a participar comigo desse treinamento pra que voc tenha uma nova chance de se livrar de uma vez por todas do que te prende a essa vida infeliz pra que voc possa seguir em frente buscando e alcanando os seus sonhos.""A vida muito curta pra no ser vivida com toda a intensidade."""
Price: 159.99

"Python: Yapay Zeka iin Python Programlama (1)"
"Bu kurs 7 admlk Yapay Zeka yolculuumuzun ilk blmn oluturmaktadr.   Python   Data Science (Veri Bilimi)   Visualization Tools (Grselletirme Aralar)   Machine Learning (Makine renmesi)   Deep Learning (Derin renme)   Statistical Learning (statistik)   Artificial Intelligence (Pekitirmeli renme)   Nihai  hedefimiz olan Yapay Zeka algoritmalarn renebilmek iin gerekli olan Python dili alt yapsn reneceiz.   Neden Python?Python 2019 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dillerinden biri.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi ya da yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durum da Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi: Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk: Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek: Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Python Kursu erii Gerekli Yazlmlarn Kurulmas   Anaconda/PythonPython Temelleri   Variable (deiken)   String  Numbers (Saylar)   Built-in Function (Yerleik Fonksiyonlar)   User Defined Function (Kullanc Tanml Fonksiyonlar)   Lambda Function   List   Tuple   Dictionary   If-else statements   For and While Loops (Dngler)   Object Oriented Programming   Class and Constructor    Class Variables (snf deikenleri)   Hatalar ile Ba Etmek    Syntax Hatalar   Exceptions   Numpy Ktphanesi   Numpy Basics (Numpy Temelleri)   Numpy Operations (Numpy Operasyonlar)   Indexing and Slicing   Shape Manipulation   Stacking Arrays   Convert and Copy Array   Pandas Ktphanesi   Pandas'a Giri   Pandas Basic Methods (Pandas Temel Metodlar)   Indexing and Slicing    Filtering   List Comprehension   Concatenating   Transform Data   Matplotlib Ktphanesi   Pandas Review (Pandas gzden geirme)   Line Plot   Scatter Plot   Histogram   Bar Plot   Subplots   EK1: Nesne Tabanl Programlama (OOP)Snflar/ClassesNitelikler/AttributesMetodlarMetodlar vs FonksiyonlarYapc/Constructor/InitializerKapslleme/EncapsulationMiras/InheritanceSoyut Snflar/Abstract ClassesOverridingPolymorphismAra Kiralama ProjesiKurs Hakknda Baz renci YorumlarEngin ERGN  uan itibari ile kursu bitirmi bulunmaktaym, program olduka iyi hazrlanm ve cidden akc bir kurstu; sklmadan gnde birer blm izlemek mmkn. Kursu ilgisi olan herkese tavsiye ederim.Elinize ve emeinize salk sper bir i kartmsnz.  Ergder Cem Mavi  Muthis:) Turkce kaynak hususunda cekilen sikintilara Python ozelinde care olmus hocamiz sag olsun var olsun.  Onur Duman  Kursu an itibari ile bitirmi bulunmaktaym. Kurs gerekten olduka verimliydi. Eitmenin bilgisi ve istei ilk videolardan bile gayet anlalr. Sorduum sorulara da ksa bir sre ierisinde ve olduka aklayc bir ekilde geri dn yapt.  eriin ngilizce olmas sizi yanltmasn. Derslerimiz tamamen Trkedir.    Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)"
"Bu kurs 7 blmlk nihai hedefimizin ikinci blmn oluturmaktadr. Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science (Veri Bilimi)Visualization Tools (Grselletirme Aralar)Machine Learning (Makine renmesi)Deep Learning (Derin renme)Statistical Learning (statistik)Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka)Data Science(veri bilimi) kursunda hem Python dili ile veri biliminin nasl yapldn hem de nihai hedefimiz olan Yapay Zeka konusuna temel oluturacak bilgiler reneceiz.Neden Data Science?nsanlarn daha hzl ve etkili kararlar vermesine yardmc,Verinin artmas ile veri bilimcilere olan talep ve i frsatlar,Start-up frsatlar,Karar verme yetisi.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi: Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk: Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek: Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Data Science kursu ieriiKaggle and Data Science(Veri Bilimi)Kaggle Tantm 1Kaggle Tantm 2Kaggle rneiKaggle Profil SayfasData Science (Veri Bilimi)Introduction to Python (Python'a Giri)mport and First Look DataMatplotlibDictionary, Pandas and Logic ControlLoop Data Structures (while and for)Python Data Science Tool BoxUser Defined Function and ScopeNested, Default, Flexible, Lambda, Anonymous FunctionsIterators and List ComprehensionCleaning DataDiagnose Data for CleaningExploratory Data Analysis (EDA)Visual Exploratory Data AnalysisTidy and Pivoting DataConcatenating Data and Data TypesMissing Data and Testing with AssertPandas FoundationReview of Pandas, Building Data Frames from Scratch,Visual and Statistical EDAIndexing and Resampling Pandas Time SeriesManipulating Data Frames with PandasIndexing, Slicing, Filtering and Transforming Data FramesIndex Objects, Hierarchical Indexing, Pivoting, Stacking-Unstacking and MeltingKurs Hakknda Baz renci YorumlarSabiha Iffet  Daha nce makine renmesi, tensorflow gibi kurslar alm ve bunlar iin ciddi zaman harcamtm ama rendiklerim hep havada kald. Kod ezberlemekten teye gidemedim. Sfrdan python anlatan kurslar da C dilini bildiim iin ok uzun ve skc geliyordu. Bu kurs serisi gereksiz hibir ayrntya girmemesi, makine renmesi ve yapay zeka iin gerekli olan tm bilgileri temelden alarak vermesi, veri ilemeyi kaggle gibi bir platformdan yapmasyla dierlerinden ayrlyor. Eer yapay zekaya ilgi duyuyorsanz doru yerdesiniz.  Serdal Aydomu  Genelde ingilizce kurslar tercih ediyorum akclk ve ses kalitesi asndan. Bu denli gzel anlatml bir trke kursa denk gelmek beni mutlu etti. Kalite mhendisiyim, amacm python ile veri grselletirme renmekti ama imdi AI aklm eliyor. Teekkrler  Demettolgun  Mkemmel bir ierik. nternet ortamndan para para bulup birletirmeye altm her alana nokta at yaplm resmen. ok byk emek ve zveri ile hazrlanan ierik iin sonsuz teekkr ediyorum.  eriin ngilizce olmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir.    Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Data Visualization: A'dan Z'ye Veri Grselletirme (3)"
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kurs 7 blmlk nihai hedefimizin ncblmn oluturmaktadr.Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)Visualization Tools (Grselletirme Aralar) Machine Learning (Makine renmesi)Deep Learning (Derin renme)Statistical Learning (statistik)Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka)Data Visualization(veri grselletirme) kursunda hem Python dili ile veri grselletirmenin nasl yapldnhem denihai hedefimiz olan yapay zeka konusuna temel oluturacak bilgiler reneceiz.Neden Data Visualization?nsan beyni ok karmak bir yapy grselletirerek kolay bir ekilde anlamlandrabilir,Data ierisinde bilgiye ulamay kolaylatrr,Veri biliminin temellerindendir,Anlamas ve uygulamas kolaydr.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Data Visualization kursu ieriiGiriData Analytics vs Data ScienceVisualization Nedir?KaggleEn ok Kullanlan Grselletirme AralarSeaborn Grselletirme KtphanesiBar Point Joint Pie Lm Kde Violin Heatmap Swarm Pair Count PlotsPlotlyGrselletirme KtphanesiLine Scatter Bar Pie Bubble Histogram Word Cloud Box Scatter Matrix Inset 3D Subplots Map Animation PlotsRare (Nadir) Visualization Tools ve KtphaneleriMatrix and Box Plot (Missingno)Parallel Plots (Pandas)Network Charts (networkx)Venn Diagram (matplotlib)Donut Plot(matplotlib)Spyder Chart(matplotlib)Cluster Map (seaborn)Inset Plot (plotly)3D Plot (plotly)Kurs Hakknda Baz renci Yorumlarlkin KILI Bu kurs gerek anlamda adnn hakkn veriyor, tam anlamyla ""a'dan z'ye"". O kadar ok grselletirme aracn retiyor ki, bir zaman sonra iiniz dnz grafik oluyor ve ""bunu daha nceden yapamam mydk?"" diye sorduruyor :) Emei geen herkese tebrikler ve teekkrler. Sibel Cansu Daha onceki iki kursa oldugu gibi bunda da yine cok faydal bilgiler ogrendim. Egitmenin alannda tecrubeli olmas ve bilgileri olabildigi kadar sade anlatmas dersler arasndaki ilerlemeyi kolaylastryor. Tesekkurler DATAI TEAM. mer Faruk Tekgzolu Gerekten ok baarl, nceki kurslar da izleyerek gelirseniz daha yararl olacak diye dnyorum. Grselletirme adna ne aryorsanz burada bulabilirsiniz. zellikle plotly ksm ok baarl. eriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Machine Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Makine renmesi (4)"
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kurs 7 blmlk nihai hedefimizindrdnc blmn oluturmaktadr. Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)Data Visualization: A'dan Z'ye Veri Grselletirme (3)Machine Learning (Makine renmesi) Deep Learning (Derin renme) Statistical Learning (statistik) Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka) Neden Makine renmesi? sahas ok geni,Dnya yapay zeka yani makine renmesine doru inanlmaz hzl srkleniyor,Makine renmesi gelecei parlak meslek dallarnn olmazsa olmaz,Bir veriden derinlemesine bilgi karmaya olanak salyor.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Machine Learning kursu ierii Giri Blm Machine Learning ve Kullanm Alanlar Gerekli Kurulumlarn YaplmasSupervised LearningRegressionLinear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionPolynomial Linear RegressionDecision Tree RegressionRandom Forest RegressionEvaluation Regression ModelsClassificationLogistic RegressionK-Neirest Neighbour (KNN)Support Vector Machine (SVM)Naive BayesDecision TreeRandom ForestEvaluation Classification ModelsUnsupervised LearningClusteringK-MeansHierarchical ClusteringNatural Language Process (NLP)Principle Component Analysis (PCA)Model SelectionK-Fold Cross ValidationGrid SearchRecommendation SystemsKurs Hakknda Baz renci YorumlarAlihan TabakKesinlikle mesleki anlamda yaptm en iyi eylerden biriydi. Okulda dersini alm olmama ramen bu kadar ayrntl ve anlalr bir course oluturduu iin, hocamza teekkr bor bilirim. Samet TutkunAnlatmlar ok ahane. Hele paint ile bunlar grselletirip (eitmenin sanatsal bir yan da var zannmca) iin mantn retmesi ahane. Bu konulara ok ilgim var her frsatta YouTube'dan falan izliyordum, ama byle ahane anlatanna rastlamadm. O yzden oook teekkr ederim: izleyen herkes adna! :) Ayrca Udemy de fena deilmi aslnda. Derli toplu iyi ierikler de var hani... :) Bileda Ozan Kavcu Hocamz bize bu dersleri anlatt iin gerekten ok teekkr ediyorum . nk bu dersler sradan yazlm dersleri gibi deil Trkiye'nin gelecei asndan ok byk bir temel tekil ediyor gelecee hazrlanyorsunuz arkadalar hepimiz iin ok nemli bu dnya deiiyor. Endstri 4.0' a hazr olmamz gerekiyor . Sayglar emeiniz iin hocam eriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Algoritmalar, Veri Yaplar ve Real-Life Python Problemleri!"
"Algoritmalar, Veri Yaplar ve Real-Life Python Problemleri!Bu kursta Python ile algoritmalar ve veri yaplarn renip, gerek dnya problemlerini zeceiz.Neden Python?Python 2018 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dili.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi yada yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durumda Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Python renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda geliyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri.Real-Life Python ProblemleriGerek hayatta karmza kabilecek problemleri Python ile algoritmalar gelitirerek zeceiz.Bu problemler sayesinde hem Python kodlama becerimiz geliecek hem de dnyada dier yazlmclar tarafndan zlen problemler ile yzleeceiz.Neden Algorithms(Algoritmalar) ve Data Structures (veri yaps) renmeliyiz? Veri yaplarn ve algoritmalar bilmek ok daha etkili kod yazmamz salar. Bu durumda tam olarak yazlm alannda i veren irketlerin istedii bir durumdur.Veri yaplar ve algoritmalar yazlm yada algoritma i mlakatlarnn olmazsa olmaz sorular arasndadr.Gnmzde donanm snrlamas nedeni ile zlemeyen problemler veri yaplarn ve algoritmalar sayesinde daha kolay zlebilmektedir. Her yazlmcnn bilmesi gerek yeteneklerdendir.Gnlk hayatta kullanlan aralarn arkasnda yatan algoritmalar anlamak iin gereklidir.Job Interviews ( Mlakatlar) Ksm Neleri eriyor?Bir yazlm mhendisi yada algoritma tasarm ii iin yaplan mlakatlarda teknik sorular vardr. Bu teknik ksm genelde her konunun balang ve orta seviye zorlukta ki ksmlarndan sorulur. mlakatlar ksmnda her konu ile alakal mlakatlarda kacak sorular ele alnmtr.Teknik szel sorularn yannda birde ""Coding Problems"" sorular vardr. Bu ksm iinde detayl olarak her bir konu zelinde Python ile mlakatta kabilecek sorular uygulamal olarak zlmtr.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Python for Algorithms, Data Structures and Job Interviews kursu ierii: GRDatai Team Yol HaritasFul Kurs Ders Programniversite vs Kurs Ders ProgramAnaconda ve Jupyter Notebook KurulumuMotivaston ve TavsiyeADIM ADIM BAVURUSUAdm Adm Bavurusu Genel Bakirketler TrleriCV HazrlamaOnline Presence AramaNon-Technical GrmesiALGORTMA ve CODE COMPLEXITYAlgoritma NedirAlgoritma ve Code ComplexityBig-O NotationBig-O Omega ThetaBig-O rnekleriScale of Big-OPYTHONPython Genel BakPython Grmesi Soru-Cevap 1Python Grmesi Soru-Cevap 2Python Grmesi Soru-Cevap 3Python Grmesi Soru-Cevap 4Python Challenge/ProblemEasy Problem: FaktryelEasy Problem: Kelimenin TersiEasy Problem: Saat evirmeEasy Problem: Ba Harf BytmeMedium Problem: Kelime KartrmaMedium Problem: Sklk BulmaMedium Problem: Kayp BasamakHard Problem: Array RotasyonuHard Problem: Array PairsDATA STRUCTURES (VER YAPILARI)Array (Dizi) YapsArraysDynamic ArraysDynamic Arrays with PythonArrays Mlakat Soru-CevapArrays Python Challenge/ProblemStacks - Queues - DequesStacksStacks with PythonQueuesQueues with PythonDequeDeque with PythonStacks - Queues - Deques Mlakatlar Soru - CevapChallenge 1: Stack Kullanarak String'in Tersini BulmakChallenge 2: Python da Listeyi Stack ve Queues Gibi KullanmakChallenge 3: ki Stacks ile Queue YapmakLinked ListLinked ListLinked List with PythonDoubly Linked ListDoubly Linked List with PythonLinked List Mlakat Soru - CevapChallenge 1: Linked List Bandan Node EklemekChallenge 2: Linked List Verilen Node'dan sonra Node EklemekChallenge 3: Linked List Sonundan Node EklemekChallenge 4: Linked List Node SilmekRecursionRecursionRecursion with PythonRecursion Mlakat Soru - CevapChallenge 1: Recursion ile String'in Tersini BulmakChallenge 2: Recursion ile arpma ilemi: x*yChallenge 3: Recursion ile sl Saylar: x^yALGORITHMS (ALGORTMALAR)Searching AlgorithmsSequential Search with PythonBinary Search with PythonJump Search with PythonHashing ve Hash TableSearching Algorithms Mlakat Soru - CevapChallenge 1: Binary Search with RecursionSorting AlgorithmsBubble SortBubble Sort with PythonMerge SortMerge Sort with PythonInsertion SortInsertion Sort with PythonSelection SortSelection Sort with PythonCounting SortCounting Sort with PythonQuick SortQuick Sort with PythonHeap SortSorting Algorithms Mlakatlar Soru-CevapChallenge 1: Second Great LowChallenge 2: Three SumTree TheoryTreeBinary TreeBinary Tree with PythonBinary Search Tree (BST)Binary Search Tree with PythonTree Theory Mlakatlar Soru-CevapChallenge 1: Key SearchGraph TheoryGraph TheoryAdjacency Matrix ve ListAdjacency List with PythonDepth First Search (DFS)Depth First Search (DFS) with PythonBreadth First Search (BFS)Breadth First Search (BFS) with PythonGraph Theory Mlakatlar Soru-CevapChallenge 1: Vertex CoveringDynamic ProgrammingDynamic ProgrammingDynamic Programming vs RecursionDynamic Programming with Fibonacci NumbersDynamic Programming Mlakatlar Soru-CevapChallenge 1: Catalan NumbersGOOGLE - FACEBOOK - AMAZON MLAKAT ALGORTMALARIGoogle: Stock Maximum ProfitGoogle: Step Counting Using RecursionGoogle: String Combinations Consisting only of 0, 1 and ?Facebook: Find All Duplicates in Array in Linear TimeFacebook: Dutch National Flag Sorting ProblemAmazon: Generate Primes Up To N Using Sieve of Eratosthenes AlgorithmSONU Kurs Hakknda Baz renci YorumlarMuhsin OzbekDATAI TEAM tarafndan verilen Sade ve sadece verilmesi gereken bilgiyi vermekle dorudan hedefe gitmeyi isteyenler iin on numara bir kurs daha.Celal AnakEitmenimin btn kurslarn aldm, 1'den 5'e kadar ve son olarak bunu, UDEMY'de ok fazla kurs satn aldm ama DATAI bambaka bir dnya, kesinlikle ve kesinlikle tavsiye ederim, gznz arkada kalmaz...Tanju zerbu kursta benim ilgimi eken u oldu. genelde herhangi bireyi renmeye baladnzda cevap bulamadnz soru ; o eyde neye odaklanmam gerekir, ite bu kurs da renmekten ziyade neyi renmeniz gerektiini aklam datai team, dikkatli takip ederseniz ilerde karlaacanz eyleri sylyor buda size kendi reetenizi karma imkan sunuyor. elinize dilinize bilginize salk datai team.eriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Deep Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Derin renme (5.1)"
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kurs 7 blmlk nihai hedefim olan Yapay Zekannbeinci blmn oluturmaktadr. Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)Data Visualization: A'dan Z'ye Veri Grselletirme (3)Machine Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Makine renmesi (4)Deep Learning (Derin renme) Statistical Learning (statistik) Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka) Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Deep Learning kursu ierii: Giri Blm Deep Learning Giri Sk Sorulan SorularAnaconda Jupyter Notebook KurulumuKaggleDeep Learning ve Dataset TantmDeep Learning giriDataset OverviewLogistic RegressionComputation GraphInitializing ParametersForward PropagationBackward PropagationImplementing Logistic Regression with PythonImplementing Logistic Regression with SklearnArtificial Neural Network (ANN)Computation GraphInitializing ParametersForward PropagationLoss, Cost FunctionBackward PropagationUpdata ParametersCreate ModelL-Layer Neural NetworkL-Layer Neural Network with KerasL-Layer Neural Network with PytorchNeural Network PlaygroundConvolutional Neural Network (CNN)Same PaddingMax PoolingFully Connected NetworkImplementing with KerasCreate ModelOptimizerCompilerBatch and EpochData AugmentationFitting ModelEvaluate ModelCNN with PytorchRecurrent Neural Network (RNN)Recurrent Neural Network with KerasLong Short Term Memory (LSTM)Kurs Hakknda Baz renci YorumlarRait riHocamza ait nceki kurslar da alm biri olarak unu sylemeliyim ki her kurs birbiri ile balantl bir ekilde ilerliyor. Size nerim daha nceki kurslar da alp o ekil de ilerlemeniz. Kursa gelecek olursak dier kurslar gibi konularn mantn rnekler vererek ok gzel bir ekilde kavratyor. Ferec HAMTBEYL Tek kelime ile mkemmel. Tm arkadalarma, eime dostuma nerdim bu seriyi. Hangi meslekten olursanz olun, yapay zeka gelecein bir paras ve erkenden renmenizi tavsiye ederim. Osman Homek Bu kursun dier kurslardan en byk fark, yaptnz eyi neden yaptnz size anlatmas. Bu durum ancak, anlatt konuyu uygulayan birileri tarafndan verilebilir. Bu kurs, asla, slaytlarn ingilizceden evrilmesi ile hazrlanmamtr. Bu nedenle, kursun sonunda, gerek tecrbelerden szlm bir bilgi edineceksiniz. Hocamza, vakit ayrp, bize kymet verdii iin minnettarm. eriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"statistik & Python: A'dan Z'ye Temel statistik Bilimi (6)"
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kurs 7 admlk Yapay Zeka yolculuumuzun altnc blmn oluturmaktadr. Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)Data Visualization: A'dan Z'ye Veri Grselletirme (3)Machine Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Makine renmesi (4)Deep Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Derin renme (5) Statistical Learning (statistik) Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka) Nihai hedefimiz olan yapay zeka algoritmalarn renebilmek ve istatistik bilimini temelini oluturmak iin gerekli statistik kavramlarn reneceiz. Neden statistik?Bilgi dnyasnda yayoruz ve bu bilgi istatistik ile kontrol ediliyor.statistik bilimi toplayacamz veri zerinde farkndalmzn artmasna neden olur.statistik bilimi i adamlarn para kazanmak iin olmazsa olmazdr.Yazlm dnyasnda gnlk hayat problemlerinin her yerinde temel seviyede istatistik vardr.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.statistik kursu ieriiDATAData Nedir?Level of Measurements (llme lei)Population vs SampleCentral Tendency (Merkezi Eilim)Dispersion (Dalm)QuartilesBivariate Data and Covariance (ki Deikenli Veri ve Kovaryans)Pearson Correlation Coefficient (Pearson Korelasyon Katsays)Spearman Rank Coefficient (Spearman Rank Katsays)Effect sizeProbability (Olaslk)Probability Nedir?Permutation (Permutasyon)Combination (Kombinasyon)Intersection, Unions and Complements (Kesiim, Birleim ve Tamamlayc)Independent and Dependent Events (Bamsz ve Baml Olaylar)Conditional Probability (artl olaslk)Bayes Theorem (Bayes teoremi)Probability Distributions (Olaslk Dalmlar)Discrete Probability DistributionsUniform DistributionsBinomial DistributionsPoisson DistributionsContinuous Probability DistributionsPDF - CDFGaussian (Normal) Distributions and Z-ScoreStatistics (statistik)Sampling (rnekleme)Central Limit Theorem (Merkezi Limit Teoremi)Standard ErrorHypothesis TestingHypothesis Testing Real-World rnei 1Hypothesis Testing Real-World rnei 2Type 1 ve Type 2 ErrorsT-DistributionA/B TestANOVA (Analysis of Variance)ANOVA Nedir?F DistributionChi-Square AnalysisChi-Square Analysis Nedir?Chi-Square Analysis rnekRegressionLinear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionPolynomial Regressioneriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"The Rockstar's Guide to Creating Telegram Bots With Python"
"Learn to build telegram bots using python starting off by building basic bots and then advancing to building real life fun application based bot. This course takes a hands on project based approach that is ideal to learning how to build bots effectively. The end of the course also presents a challenge which challenges you to build a bot yourself and showcase it to everyone in the community."
Price: 154.99

"Can Real Estate Be Your Enemy?"
"Entering the world of real estate and investing is like walking through a landmine field. You have to know what you're doing! Finance author and Real Estate Investor, Wayne Wakefield, gives you the crucial foundation to locate and fund major real estate deals the right way. You've never about learned real estate or funding like this!"
Price: 24.99

"Lessons from the Four Agreements with Dr. Janette Freeman"
"Using the book and teachings of ""The 4 Agreements"" by Don Miguel Ruiz which lays out the principles from the Toltec traditionMaking new agreements:Clear old agreements that limit youClear the pastMake new supportive agreementsCreate more peace and happinessInviting us into understanding our thoughts, and what runs us from within. Ruiz offers an interesting explanation about the beliefs in our life being formed not out of a process of choosing them, but through a process of agreeing with information given us by our parents, our tribe and our culture.Out of the thousands of agreements we have made with self, others, with the dream of life, with God, society, parents, mate and children, the most important agreements are ones made with self. These are agreements by which you tell yourself who your self is, what your self feels, what your self believes and how the self should behave. These agreements define who and what your self is, what is believed, what can be done what cannot be done, what is possible, what is impossible, what is fantasy and what is reality.This course is four lectures on the Four Agreements with spiritual meditative processes to help you from within. There is a non denominational spiritual element to these teachings.YOUWILLLEARN:To let go of worrying about what other's think and stay aligned with your self and your own higher power.Let go of old beliefs you picked up that don't serve you.Learn to make new beliefsLet go of complaining.Learn to do your best in the moment and then just let it go.Realize the power of your words and use them wisely."
Price: 79.99

"I AM Source Code For Spiritual Awakening & Empowered Living"
"I AM Source Code For Spiritual Awakening and Empowered LivingManifesting Your Deepest DesiresIn this Spiritual Mastery Class, you will be introduced to the teachings, practices, meditations and affirmations to massively RAMPPPP UP your spiritually empowered life! Early one morning in bed, right before waking up fully, I kept hearing the words, Source Code. It is the code that will take you home. It is the code that will awaken you. It is the code to unlock the secrets to the manifestations that you know are possible. It is the code to unlock all that you know in your heart is possible. This course will take you deeper into I Am, and you will connect to This Self through direct meditation, and learn to use the power of the creative word of I Am to create in your life more consciously. You will learn how to apply the Source Code. When you complete the course, you will have real tools, meditation practices and methods to awaken and empower your life. You will learn:What is Spiritual Awakening and why its necessary for the empowered life.Discover why spiritual awakening is necessary in order to experience happiness, peace and true freedom from mental and human suffering. Access your Source Code to revvv it up!Your Sacred Source Code is Revealed: In this lesson you will begin to see how the I AM Source Code can quicken your awakening and begin to give you back your divine authority for creation. You will be given the first I Am Source Code Meditation.A Map of Consciousness See how your Source Code can elevate your consciousness and happiness.Get Your Lifeline Home- Learn a specific method to align with your I Am Self so that you can stop looking outside yourself for your all of your needs. When you make this connection primary and allow It to be the first step of choice you will see how the Presence will transform your life.Apply the Sacred Source Code: Unhook from unhealthy relationships and hook up to real love. Let go of codependency to and for others, and return to healthy, strong sense of self. Begin the process of letting go of money worries by returning all the responsibility you have unconsciously given to others to provide for your support and resources to your Source. Tap into your Real Source through your code and begin to manifest more support, resources and supply. Learn and practice three powerful I AM Source Code meditations Using Your Source Code More Skillfully to Create an Empowered Life Manifesting Through Your Source CodeAnd so much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Os princpios para uma boa representao e gesto de processos, a partir de uma viso de inovao e design. Criatividade e processos caminhando juntos, para vencer a forma tradicional e pouco inspiradora de trabalhar com processos. Ocurso ""Eureka - processos criativos"" promove uma viso de processos centrada no ser humano."
Price: 39.99

"How To Effectively Communicate To Lead A Team"
"If you are looking to get ahead & be successful leader of a team,being able to communicate effectively is very important to sustain productive teams.The very essence of our personal survival pertains to how well we communicate to gain help from others.Thus when we communicate with our team, especially as a leader, being able to communicate effectively is very important. Productive teams lead to profitable businesses, hence business leaders favor a leader who can managetheir teams to be productive and perform at their best.If a team cant get anything done, they miss deadlines and the company could looses profits due to upset customers. This then spirals to unhappy teams and customers sharing their unhappiness with others whichcansnowball to a company getting a very bad reputation.When this happens, everyone points to team leader as being the reason the company is falling apart.It is critical for a team leader to have the ability tocommunicate effectively with their teams to avoid this in the first place. Being able to communicate effective as a team leader with you team, creates ateam whom works well on every project with ease. This allows you as team leader sleep better at night and companies gives team leaders a ton of kudos for being able to manage a team effectively to perform at their best.This courseon: How To Effectively Communicate To Lead Others - 5 Steps To Developing Your Leadership Communication Skills. Teach team leaders the key communication skills for effectively managing teams to be productive an perform at their best. This course provides a team leader the necessary tactics for leading their team to achieve high performing productivity.This course provides real life examples of team interactions leaders commonly face Exercises in how to effectively communicate during common interactions Learn the major things to avoid when communicating with your teamUnderstand when to implement communication tactics during team interaction This training course is setup in simple, easy to follow steps allowing a team leader to learn the course quickly in order to begin to practice immediately to begin to see instant results. If you lead a team and are struggling with ongoing miscommunication issues or work communication challenges.Or If you are looking for a quick course for advancing your current leadership communication skills.This course is for you."
Price: 24.99

"Angular Step by Step for beginners"
"This tutorial teaches Angular using a project. So a simple customer screen is taken and around the same the whole course revolves. Remember the best way to learn any technology is by doing a project.Below are complete details of the course :- Chapter 1  :- Node and NPMChapter 2  :- Running first app & Angulr CLIChapter 3  :- VS Code editor.Chapter 4  :- TypeScriptChapter 5  :- CLI project folder structureChapter 6  :- The config JSON filesChapter 7  :- ng serve vs ng buildChapter 8  :- Angular the binding frameworkChapter 9  :- Component and ModulesChapter 10 :- Expression , Decorators and TemplateURLChapter 11 :- Declaration and BootStrap in ModulesChapter 12 :- The main.ts file for module startupChapter 13 :- Index.html and the selector tagChapter 14 :- PolyfillsChapter 15 :- Webpack :- Packaging and deployingChapter 16 :- Vendor.js and Runtime.jsChapter 17 :- Angular File naming ConventionChapter 18 :- Creating Customer UIChapter 19 :- Creating Customer ModelChapter 20 :- Consuming model in componentChapter 21 :- ngModel , One way and Two way bindingChapter 22 :- ExpressionsChapter 23 :- Understanding and Intrepeting ErrorsChapter 24 :- FormsModuleChapter 25 :- *ngForLoopChapter 26 :- package.lock.json and versioningChapter 27 :- Using source code of the tutorial.Chapter 28 :- Thinking Uniform , Thinking Master PagesChapter 29:- Creating Angular UI and its components.Chapter 30 :- Organizing project folders, modules & components.Chapter 31 :- Masterpage and selectorChapter 32 :- Grouping components in to Modules.Chapter 33 :- Understanding UI loading in selector.Chapter 34 :- Routing and Routing collectionChapter 35 :- router-outlet and routerLinkChapter 36 :- RouterModule and loading routes in Angular.Chapter 37 :- Understanding the flow of Angular with routing.Chapter 38 :- Performance issues due to eager loading.Chapter 39 :- Implementing Lazy loadingChapter 40 :- Dividing project in to self contained Angular modules.Chapter 41 :- Self contained routes for self contained modules.Chapter 42 :- loadChildren :- The heart of lazy loadingChapter 43:- Understanding path structure for folders and loadChildren.Chapter 44:- forRoot and forChildChapter 45:- Multiple Modules , Multiple builds and Multiple outputs.Chapter 46:- CommonModule for Lazy LoadingChapter 47:- Seeing the physical separate modules in the ""dist"" folder.Chapter 48:- Revising Angular architecture with Lazy routingChapter 49 :- Validation object model.Chapter 50 :- Appropriate place to put validationsChapter 51 :-Formgroup , FormControl , Validators and FormBuilderChapter 52 :- Using Angular validation :- The CCC process.Chapter 53 :- Creating validationsChapter 54 :- Applying validations to the UIChapter 55 :- Checking validation statusChapter 56 :- ReactiveFormsChapter 57 :- ngModelOption standaloneChapter 58 :- Display errors for individual validations.Chapter 59 :- The dirty flag.Chapter 60 :- Centralizing validation code for reusability.Chapter 61: - Definition of a good architectureChapter 62: - Concrete classes and tight couplingChapter 63: - Provider - provides things to component.Chapter 64: - Creating providers: - Provide & UseClassChapter 65: - Interfaces issues with Angular DIChapter 66: - Finally understanding Dependency InjectionChapter 67: - Seeing the actual fruits of Dependency InjectionChapter 68: - Centralized and Conditional DIChapter 69: - Injector and tokens - Conditionnal DIChapter 70: - Dynamic collectionsChapter 71: - Revising Angular DI architectureChapter 72 :- Defining a user controlChapter 73 :- Interactions :- Input, output and event emittersChapter 74 :- Creating user control and its components Chapter 75 :- Creating user control component and importance of selectorChapter 76 :- The @input decorator Chapter 77 :- Stters and custom component naming convention Chapter 78 :- Creating the Grid UI of the user controlChapter 79 :- Defining output and event emittersChapter 80 :- Understanding the user control flowChapter 81 :- Importing and running the user controlChapter 82 :- Debugging and watching the full flow.Chapter 83 :- Json-server , the fake webserverChapter 84 :- Configuring json-server & db.json.Chapter 85 :- importing and creating  http component objectChapter 86:-  Making HTTP Post calls and the subscribe method.Chapter 87 :- Import HTTP Module at the module level.Chapter 88 :- Implementing DTO( Data transfer objects)Chapter 89 :- Lambdas and CallbackChapter 90 :- Angular HTTP Client.Chapter 91 :- Using HttpClientChapter 92 :  Simplicity of HttpClient.Chapter 93:-  Interceptors in HttpClientChapter 94:-  The double data postChapter 95 :- Defining the scope of the tutorial.Chapter 96 :- Using Angular template and its limitationChapter 97 :- Respecting individual build and compilation. Chapter 98 :- MVC wwwroot folder and AngularChapter 99 :- Issues with ng serve and integrationChapter 100 :- Bootstrapping through MVCChapter 101 :- Deployurl concept. Chapter 102 :- Integrating Webapi with Angular HttpChapter 103 :- Debugging Angular and MVCChapter 104 :- Ahh the camel case and pascal case issueChapter 105:- Integrating Grunt with Task runner explorerChapter 106 :- Grunt configuration using appsettings.jsonChapter 107 :- Prebuild and Postbuild styleChapter 108 :- Double tooling VS code and Visual studioChapter 109 :- Create new project using ng new command.Chapter 110 :- Copy the code in to newly created projects.Chapter 111 :- Run ng serve , fix errors http to httpclientChapter 112 :- Test and you are all setChapter 113 :- Integration testing vs Unit TestingChapter 114 :- Black Box vs White BoxChapter 115 :- Jasmine and KarmaChapter 116 :- Understanding Jasmine syntaxes , BDD , Describe and it.Chapter 117 :- BeforeEach,BeforeAll,AfterEach and AfterAllChapter 118 :- The TestBed APIChapter 119 :- Angular loading flow.Chapter 120 :- Fixture the baseline.Chapter 121 :- DebugElement , componentInstance and nativeElementChapter 122 :- Assertion - expect , tobeTruthy , toEqualChapter 123 :- Synching DOM's DetectChanges.Chapter 124 :- QuerySelectors.Chapter 125 :- Running Angular testChapter 126 :- Writing a complex unit test for the Customer screen"
Price: 19.99

"Learn MSBI , SSIS , SSRS and SSAS Step by Step"
"If you are thinking about mastering MSBI then you have reached the ultimate tutorial. Yes , i mean by it :-) .This course teaches MSBI using 43 extensive labs as listed below. It goes in depth in to all the three important pillars of MSBI i.e. SSIS , SSAS and SSRS.Lab 1 :- MSBI Fundamentals, Data flow, Control Flow, ETL, Dataware house. (SSIS)Lab 2:- Conditional split, Data conversion and Error handling. (SSIS)Lab 3:- For Loop, Variables, Parameters and Debugging. (SSIS)Lab 4:- Packaging and Deployment, File component and running SSIS package as a task.(SSIS)Lab 5: - For dimension, measures, star schema, snow flake, shared connection managers & packages tasks.(SSIS)Lab 6:- SCD, Type 0, Type 1, OLEDB Command and Unicode conversions.(SSIS)Lab 7:- Lookup, Data conversion optimization and updating SSIS package.(SSIS)Lab 8:- Sort, Merge and Merge Joins.(SSIS)Lab 9 :- Creating SSAS Cube. (SSAS)Lab 10:- SSAS Time series and Excel display.(SSAS)Lab11: - What are Transactions and CheckPoints in SSIS? (SSIS)Lab12: - Simple SSRS report & implementing Matrix, Tabular, Parameters, Sorting, Expressions. (SSRS)Lab 13:- Using Data Profiling task to check data quality. (SSIS)Lab 14:- Hierarchical Dimensions. (SSAS)Lab 15:- WebServices and XML Task. (SSIS)Lab16:- DrillDown and Subreports. (SSRS)Lab17 :- SSAS KPI (Key Performance Indicators). (SSAS)Lab 18:- Pivot, UnPivot and Aggregation. (SSIS)Lab 19 :- SSAS Calculation.(SSAS)Lab 20:- SQL Execute Task. (SSIS)Lab 21:- Reference and Many-to-Many Relationship. (SSAS)Lab 22 :- Script Task and Send Mail Task. (SSIS)Lab 23 :- Script component(SSIS)Lab 24 :- Bar chart, Gauge and Indicators.(SSRS)Lab 25:- Partitions in SSAS. (SSAS)Lab 26 :- CDC(Changed Data Capture) in SSIS. (SSIS)Lab 27:- Additive, Semiadditive and non-additive measures in SSAS.(SSAS)Lab 28:- Buffer Size Tuning (SSIS)Lab 29 :- How to implement Multithreading in SSIS?(SSIS)Lab 30:- Processing SSAS cube in background.(SSAS)Lab 31 :- Explain Asynchronous, Synchronous, Full, Semi and Non blocking Components. (SSIS)Lab 32 :- SSRS Architecture and Deployment (SSRS)Lab 33 :- DQS( Data Quality Services ) (SSIS)Lab 34 :- Explain Tabular Model and Power Pivot (SSAS).Lab 35 :- MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) Queries.(SSAS)Lab 36 :- Data Mining (Fundamentals and Time Series Algorithm).(SSAS)Lab 37 :- Page Split and Performance issues with SSIS.(SSIS)Lab 38 :- Aggregations in SSAS.(SSAS)Lab 39 :- ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP.(SSAS)Lab 40 :- Instrumentation using Data Taps (SSIS).Lab 41:- Lookup caching modes and Cache Transform. (SSAS)Lab 42: - Perspectives & Translations. (SSAS)Lab 43 :- Tabular Training 1 :- Installation, Xvelocity, Vertipaq, DAX,Creating cubes,measures, KPI, Partition and Translation?"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende y s un experto en Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018"
"En este curso aprenders desde cero a crear, editar, mejorar y animar tus producciones de video, hasta alcanzar un nivel intermedio avanzado desde la nueva versin de Adobe Premiere Pro CC, y por si fuera poco te dejaremos un ejemplo final de cmo crear tu propio DVD con la ayuda de Adobe Encore CS6."
Price: 19.99

"How to Improve Your Relationships Through Forgiveness"
"In this Powerful course you will learn how to:Forgive yourself, families and friends,Call upon the Angels to helpFill in a Judge-your-neighbor worksheet by Byron KatieBe more present in your everyday lifealleviate past hurts and traumasand much more!!!This course is jam-packed with guided meditations, visual aids and real-world examples to help you forgive yourself, friends and family members with ease.You've got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking this course!"
Price: 19.99

Price: 3000.00

"Linux Command Line and BASH Scripting"
"In this course well go beyond the Linux desktop and talk directly to the system with text based commands and will automate those commands with scripts. For the hobbyists this is just fun to do, for the aspiring Linux system admin these are essential skills and for the experienced Linux engineer these are skills to be consolidated."
Price: 19.99

"4 Weeks To Unstoppable Confidence"
"What can I expect from the course?Confidence coaches Joe Elvin and Ciaran Callam will walk you through a series of 28 chellenges proven to strengthen your willpowerEach challenge is explained in detail and demonstrated by the coaches.The difficulty increases every day, allowing people of all confidence levels to grow at a manageable pace, yet still boost their confidence to 'unstoppable' levels within four weeks. You can expect: practical exercises to push you out your comfort zone;useful tips for communicating with unrelenting charisma;lifestyle hacks to help you attack the day with added energy;ground-breaking mindset shifts to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you;lasting improvement to your confidence and self-esteem.Why does the course last 28 days?Studies suggest it takes the human brain around 28 days to adjust to a new habit. By forcing you of your comfort zone in different ways for 28 days in a row, this course will permanently reduce your inhibitions, freeing you to become the badass you were always meant to be. You have life-long access to all 28 videos, but we strongly recommend completing one task per day in order to create lasting change to your personality. Will this course improve my dating life?Absolutely.This course features specific modules to improve your flirting, and help you speak in a manner that women find attractive. What's more, the premium edition features specialist guides on texting and online dating. That aside, each and every module will help turn you into the type of man that women dream about. An assertive man with irresistible charisma and unstoppable self-belief. If you're looking for a more satisfying dating life, you've come to the right place. Having spent countless hours helping men improve their dating life, we've seen that most men tend to know what they SHOULD do to impress a woman. In most cases, they simply lack the confidence to make the right move. This course will reduce the anxiety you feel about dating AND all other areas of your life, making you a more attractive man in the process."
Price: 24.99

"4 Weeks To Unstoppable Confidence - Premium"
"What can I expect from the course?Confidence coaches Joe Elvin and Ciaran Callam will walk you through a series of 28 chellenges proven to strengthen your willpowerEach challenge is explained in detail and demonstrated by the coaches.The difficulty increases every day, allowing people of all confidence levels to grow at a manageable pace, yet still boost their confidence to 'unstoppable' levels within four weeks. You can expect: practical exercises to push you out your comfort zone;useful tips for communicating with unrelenting charisma;lifestyle hacks to help you attack the day with added energy;ground-breaking mindset shifts to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you;lasting improvement to your confidence and self-esteem.Why does the course last 28 days?Studies suggest it takes the human brain around 28 days to adjust to a new habit. By forcing you of your comfort zone in different ways for 28 days in a row, this course will permanently reduce your inhibitions, freeing you to become the badass you were always meant to be. You have life-long access to all 28 videos, but we strongly recommend completing one task per day in order to create lasting change to your personality. Will this course improve my dating life?Absolutely.This course features specific modules to improve your flirting, and help you speak in a manner that women find attractive. What's more, the premium edition features specialist guides on texting and online dating. That aside, each and every module will help turn you into the type of man that women dream about. An assertive man with irresistible charisma and unstoppable self-belief. If you're looking for a more satisfying dating life, you've come to the right place. Having spent countless hours helping men improve their dating life, we've seen that most men tend to know what they SHOULD do to impress a woman. In most cases, they simply lack the confidence to make the right move. This course will reduce the anxiety you feel about dating AND all other areas of your life, making you a more attractive man in the process."
Price: 199.99

"4 Weeks To Unstoppable Confidence - Plus"
"What can I expect from the course?Confidence coaches Joe Elvin and Ciaran Callam will walk you through a series of 28 chellenges proven to strengthen your willpowerEach challenge is explained in detail and demonstrated by the coaches.The difficulty increases every day, allowing people of all confidence levels to grow at a manageable pace, yet still boost their confidence to 'unstoppable' levels within four weeks. You can expect: practical exercises to push you out your comfort zone;useful tips for communicating with unrelenting charisma;lifestyle hacks to help you attack the day with added energy;ground-breaking mindset shifts to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you;lasting improvement to your confidence and self-esteem.Why does the course last 28 days?Studies suggest it takes the human brain around 28 days to adjust to a new habit. By forcing you of your comfort zone in different ways for 28 days in a row, this course will permanently reduce your inhibitions, freeing you to become the badass you were always meant to be. You have life-long access to all 28 videos, but we strongly recommend completing one task per day in order to create lasting change to your personality. Will this course improve my dating life?Absolutely.This course features specific modules to improve your flirting, and help you speak in a manner that women find attractive. What's more, the premium edition features specialist guides on texting and online dating. That aside, each and every module will help turn you into the type of man that women dream about. An assertive man with irresistible charisma and unstoppable self-belief. If you're looking for a more satisfying dating life, you've come to the right place. Having spent countless hours helping men improve their dating life, we've seen that most men tend to know what they SHOULD do to impress a woman. In most cases, they simply lack the confidence to make the right move. This course will reduce the anxiety you feel about dating AND all other areas of your life, making you a more attractive man in the process."
Price: 159.99

"4 Weeks To Unstoppable Confidence - Basic"
"What can I expect from the course?Confidence coaches Joe Elvin and Ciaran Callam will walk you through a series of 28 chellenges proven to strengthen your willpowerEach challenge is explained in detail and demonstrated by the coaches.The difficulty increases every day, allowing people of all confidence levels to grow at a manageable pace, yet still boost their confidence to 'unstoppable' levels within four weeks. You can expect: practical exercises to push you out your comfort zone;useful tips for communicating with unrelenting charisma;lifestyle hacks to help you attack the day with added energy;ground-breaking mindset shifts to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you;lasting improvement to your confidence and self-esteem.Why does the course last 28 days?Studies suggest it takes the human brain around 28 days to adjust to a new habit. By forcing you of your comfort zone in different ways for 28 days in a row, this course will permanently reduce your inhibitions, freeing you to become the badass you were always meant to be. You have life-long access to all 28 videos, but we strongly recommend completing one task per day in order to create lasting change to your personality. Will this course improve my dating life?Absolutely.This course features specific modules to improve your flirting, and help you speak in a manner that women find attractive. What's more, the premium edition features specialist guides on texting and online dating. That aside, each and every module will help turn you into the type of man that women dream about. An assertive man with irresistible charisma and unstoppable self-belief. If you're looking for a more satisfying dating life, you've come to the right place. Having spent countless hours helping men improve their dating life, we've seen that most men tend to know what they SHOULD do to impress a woman. In most cases, they simply lack the confidence to make the right move. This course will reduce the anxiety you feel about dating AND all other areas of your life, making you a more attractive man in the process."
Price: 59.99

"GOIAcademy Presenta: Los Secretos De La Venta Personal"
"Este es un curso creado por GOI Academy, una organizacin que apuesta en el intercambio de ideas, conocimiento e inspiracin . Esta es la primera de una serie de clases de GOI Academy creadas con increble instructores y expertos de distintos sectores de public speaking, marketing, ventas, desarollo personal, comunicacin, coaching, leadership, y mucho ms.SOBRE EL INSTRUCTOR DE ESTE CURSO:David Cabarcos es originario de Galicia, Espaa. Ha sido futbolista profesional desde los 19 aos militando en equipos profesionales en Espaa y el extranjero.Al retirarse siguio su camino en el mundo del Ftbol profesional como Agente de Futbolistas representando a una amplia gama de jugadores tanto nacionales como internacionales.Desde entonces, David ha ampliado sus estudios y se ha concentrado en reas de ventas y neurociencia aplicada a la venta, siempre manteniendo su mentalidad deportiva de trabajo duro, dedicacin y creatividad.Actualmente aplica estos valores para entrenar, motivar y dirigir equipos de ventas.LOS SECRETOS DE LA VENTA PERSONAL:Descubre como utilizarlos hoy en da para emprendedores, network, marketing, venta directa. Si hay que vender algo aqu encontrars como hacerlo.El curso esta diseado para: -> Emprendedores o empresarios que vendan productos o servicios. No importa lo bueno que sea el producto, hay que saber venderlo. -> Vendedores de cualquier sector que vendan poco para que entiendan y corrijan los errores que hacen que no mejoren y que nunca les han enseado.-> Para vendedores que empiezan, es una base muy solida con la que evitaran cometer errores desde el principio y crecer ms rapidamente llegando a nmeros de veterano en menos tiempo. La venta es un arte y los pequeos detalles son los que marcan el exito.- > Vendedores que quieren reciclarse y volver a entrar con fuerza en la venta de hoy en da. - Venta directa, network marketing-> Para todos que quieran cambiar su manera de relacionarse con los dems y ser capaz de lograr sus objetivos personales de crecimiento dentro de una empresa siendo capaces de persuadir e influir de manera positiva en las personas.-> Para todos que quieran conseguir buenas relaciones con los clientes para que estos repitan.-> Para todos que quieren aprender a vender cualquier cosa, un producto un servicio, un proyecto, conseguir un mejor trabajo.-Como mejorar la cantidad y la calidad de tus ventas utilizando lo que nos descubre la ciencia de una forma til y efectiva, con consejos sencillos que te mostrarn que es lo que hace que un cliente decida comprar-> Aprender a vendernos a nosotros mismos.-> Entender como funciona el cerebro a la hora de tomar decisiones ya que comprar es una decisin-> Neuromarketing practico"
Price: 99.99

"Design Book Covers Like a Pro"
"In this course you'll be learning step by step how to create a dystopian young adult book cover. This is a real life example and you'll be able to see the full process of creation in adition. You'll be able to take your photoshop skills to the next level solving lightning, hair, composition, color and texture problems. The step by step video will allow you to learn about new and exciting tools and learn a workflow useful for all book cover projects."
Price: 19.99