"Tipps zum erstellen des Impressums Deiner Webseite" |
"In diesem Mini-Kurs erfhrst Du welche Inhalte fr Dein Impressum notwendig sind.Martin Black stellt dazu Fragen aus Sicht der Fotografen.Der Kurs ist keine rechtsverbindliche Beratung.Du bekommst von der Anwltin Sabrina Wack Informationen zur Erstellung/Aktualisierung Deines Impressums.Der Profifotograf Martin Black stellt dazu Fragen aus der Sicht von Fotografen.Du bekommst Hinweise und viele Tipps um das Gelernte umzusetzen damit Dein Impressum sicherer wird.Der Kurs hat ber 30 Minuten Videomaterial.Du bekommst 90 Tage Zugang zum Kurs und kannst Dir die Videos und Infos sooft abrufen wie Du mchtest.Du kannst sofort mit der Umsetzung beginnen.Das Erstellen eines individuellen an Dich angepassten Impressums ist nicht Gegenstand des Kurses! Im Kurs werden folgende Abschnitte behandelt:Anforderungen an einImpressumTipps und Handlungshinweise um Dein Impressum zu erstellen / zu verbessern"
Price: 19.99 |
"Kickstarter Launch Formula: Complete Crowdfunding Course" |
"How the heck do some Kickstarter campaigns ""blow up"" and others fail miserably?Is there actually a step-by-step proven launch framework you can follow to ensure instant funding and blockbuster success?Since 2012, I've been studying how Kickstarter works and coaching students along the way. I've spoken with many of the top crowdfunding campaigns on my podcast, Crowdfunding Demystified, and written more than 800 blog posts on my website, CrowdCrux.Along with writing the highly popular book, the KickstarterLaunch Formula, I also founded KickstarterForum. which has more than 8,000 members. If you've come across my work before, you know that I'm pretty passionate about crowdfunding and work hard to put out quality education for entrepreneurs. Right now, I want to introduce you to a paint by numbers formula that you can use to supercharge your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign (and smash your fundraising goal). These training videos will level the playing field, give you a glimpse of what the top campaigns are doing to surpass their goal so quickly, andempower YOU to do the same. You're about to discover:A remarkably easy way to get instantly funded in record timeHow to engineer a viral Kickstarter campaignA surefire storytelling formula for a killer pitch videoHow to be successful on Kickstarter (without a big following or ""crowd"")Powerful weapons of mass influence that work every timeAnd much more... Many of the strategies, tactics, and resources you're about to discover took me years to learn. They are extremely powerful and effective for bringing funding to your Kickstarter campaign. Use them wisely,- Salvador BriggmanP.S. Don't be afraid to reach out :). --------------------------------------------------*Note:These videos are a stash of golden nuggets, wisdom, and proven techniques gathered from my copyrighted YouTube channel along with original videos that Icreated specifically for Udemy users."
Price: 199.99 |
"Blogging For Beginners: Start, Grow, and Monetize Your Blog" |
"Today, Im here to share with you what was NEVER shared with me.Astep-by-step proven frameworkthat you can use to start, grow, and monetize your blog.This is theexactprocess that I used to grow a blog from 0 to more than 20,000 subscribers.Im going to reveal the remarkably effective tactics Ive used to get more than2 million visitorsto my website.Im sharing everything with you. You just have to copy it!As you go through the program, youre going to gain more and more clarity about how these blogging superstars are able to command so much attention online.Youll discover the tested and verified principles that every professional blogger uses to get consistent traffic.Ill hold your hand every step of the way and even give you a look behind the scenes of my own blog. You'll discover:An easy way to figure out if you have a good idea for a blogHow to set up a blog easily and get started writingThe framework behind a popular blog articleTraffic domination strategies (you've never seen before)Surefire techniques to rapidly grow your subscribersThe secret to passive incomeAnd much more...In this course, I show you how to apply these strategies to YOUR blog, but Ill also reveal how they work on my own websites. Im talking numbers. Traffic data, income, all that.Its time to turn your passion into profit and build a thriving blog community that you can be proud of.Join me on the other side, and don't forget to say hi ;). - Sal"
Price: 199.99 |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate-2019 Mock Tests" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification is fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate (CDA) - Associate Exam. No programming knowledge needed and no prior AWS experience required. With this AWS certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary. This course includes a set of 4 tests in which the questions are based on real world scenarios along with detailed answers . AWS are constantly evolving their platform, in 2017there have been over 1300 new product releases. As 2018progresses we will continuously update this course with new content so you will never have to worry about missing out or failing the AWS certification test because of new content ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bounce By Bauman: Vertical Mastery!" |
"Do you feel like your vertical jump height is not what it could or should be? Do you think your performance in your chosen sport(s) are hampered by not being able to get decent altitude? Well Bounce By Bauman is for you!Designed to help you build your explosive power and maximize your vertical potential, this program will help you bounce above the competition.Please see the Real Results video below for a before and after look at some of our test students.Questions?Thanks for checking out Bounce By Bauman. To help you make a better decision about Bounce By Bauman, you can review the course curriculum below. If you're still unsure whether this course is for you after reviewing the course outline and viewing a few of the video clips, please contact us via Udemy.We respond quickly to all inquires -- whether you're a current student or are just thinking of taking our courses.If it is past 8 pm EDT, we may not respond until the next day, so please by patient. Your questions and your success matter to us!Ready To Start Bounce By Bauman?Great! We're happy you've decided to take your vertical training to the next level. Just click the ""Buy Now"" button and you'll be on your way.Image Credit:Background image of Palau courtesy of Charly W. Karl, used under CC BY-ND 2.0."
Price: 44.99 |
"5 atitudes vencedoras no emagrecimento" |
"Apresentarei 5 ferramentas de desenvolvimento para mudar sua atitude mental em relao perda de peso.Veja alguns benefcios do Programa:-Voc eliminar os quilos a mais que te impedem de ser mais feliz.-Voc aumentar sua auto-estima e isso ser refletido em todas as reas de sua vida.-Voc ter mais chances de obter sucesso no controle do seu peso-Voc ter mais condies de ter sucesso em seus relacionamentosAula 1: A roda da vida e seu impacto no emagrecimentoFalarei sobre a roda da vida, suas reas e o impacto que mudanas planejadas podem ocasionar no seu pleno funcionamento.Aula 2 Video Aula: Autoconhecimento: os 4 tipos de personalidadeApresentarei um teste de autoconhecimento e a definio de diferentes tipos de personalidade.Aula 3 Vdeo Aula: Dicas poderosas de nutrio e atividade fsicaO nutricionista esportivo Alexandre Gonzales trar dicas de como se alimentar com qualidade, incorporando a atividade fsica no seu dia-a-dia.Estou lhe esperando neste programa completo que ir lhe transformar em uma pessoa mais feliz. Grande Abrao! Patricia Tavares"
Price: 39.99 |
"Gravando com apenas 1 Microfone - Captao, Mix e Master" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a gravar, captar, mixar e masterizar uma msica gravada com apenas um microfone. s vezes no temos o recursos de vrios canais, ou de vrios microfones para poder fazer uma gravao nos padres de outros estdios. Por isso decidi criar o ""GRAVANDO APENAS COM UM MICROFONE"", para te mostrar como conseguir um resultado profissional utilizando apenas um microfone, apenas um canal na placa de som.Este curso vai te ensinar conceitos de:- captao- mixagem- masterizao- direo musical"
Price: 129.99 |
"Como gravar uma bateria digital - Programao" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como editar uma bateria no computador pra que ela soe real. Voc vai acompanhar a edio da bateria de uma msica, desde a introduo, versos, refres. Mais de uma hora de vdeo-aulas mostrando como se colocar o ritmo e como se faz viradas e outros truques na edio de bateria virtual.Neste curso a gente trabalha:O que MIDIQuando usar o MIDIConceitos bsicos da edio de bateriaEditando uma bateria na prtica."
Price: 54.99 |
"Android - ." |
"! Android? , , ? Android Java , , , , ? Android '! YouRa, 2006 IT- . - , , , - . , . Google Play , ! ? IT-. , - . - . 5 . , , , , , - - . . , . -; , , , . ? , 89 000 125 000 . , , , . , , , , , . . - , . , , , , , - , . IT- , . , . 'Android ., . ! , , - . . , , , Google Play. . , , , !"
Price: 199.99 |
"- . Full Stack" |
"Web . '! - , Web , , - . , . . , . , -, , (, HTML CSS) , , -, 'Web . ., . ! , , - . . , , , . . , , , !"
Price: 199.99 |
". HTML5, CSS3" |
""" . HTML5, CSS3""! , . , . , HTML5, CSS3 jQuery. , HTML CSS Web . HTML CSS jQuery. -, . ,"
Price: 199.99 |
"Quick and Easy Website + Facebook Messenger Chat Popup" |
"How much do you love it when a business has achat popupright on their site? (Pssst ... Skillshare has one right there in the bottom right corner.)You can ask questions quickly, and usually get an answer just as quickly. It makes the buying experience so pleasant.What if I told you that you can put a QUICK and EASY chat bot right on your website - and you don't need to know how to code or pay someone to write custom code for you.If you have a Facebook business page, you have this tool already available.In this training, Vicky Wu walks you through the steps to add a chat popup that automatically integrates with Facebook Messenger on your business page. Visitors to your site will be able to ask questions right in the chat popup, and you will get the messages right in your Facebook messenger for your page. Depending upon your Facebook settings, you will get these messages - and be able to respond - via email, in your Facebook or Messenger app, or elsewhere.This whole process only takes a few minutes.I will show you how to install this on WordPress, in CPanel, and on other types of website systems.REQUIREMENTSYou must have a Facebook business page (not a personal profile)You must use Facebook Messenger for your page often enough that you will be available to answer your messagesYou must have a websiteYou must have access to be able to edit your system files, specifically your header file, or the head section of individual filesYou must be comfortable making basic changes to these types of files without breaking your websiteIn our next trainingWe will walk through integrating a full-blown chat bot automation sequence into this same chat system, so that you can ask questions, gather information from prospects, provide basic information, or do some other really creative things."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creacin de mapas a mano para worldbuilding" |
"Este curso est orientado a todas aquellas personas que por algn motivo quiera o necesite elaborar el mapa de su mundo imaginario. Ideal para escritores de fantasa o jugadores de rol.El alumno aprender paso a paso a confeccionar su propio mapa a mano alzada y su posterior trabajo para digitalizar, editar e imprimir con un acabo antiguo.Mediante trabajos guiados paso a paso por la instructora del curso, el alumno lograr un mapa final listo para ser integrado a un manuscrito o impreso para un juego de rol.Haga realidad ese mundo que imagina creando el mapa que necesita."
Price: 44.99 |
"Reiki Tips for Beginners" |
"This course is designed specifically for new reiki practitioners to help you navigate your post attunement experience and make the most out of every session. There are lots of helpful how to tips as well as an abundance of real world examples taken directly from the instructors personal experience and interactions with fellow energy healers. This course will help guide you through how to perform a reiki session on a client (whether human or animal) and as well as provide information about the impact reiki can have on your day to day life."
Price: 109.99 |
"Egyptian , Arabian kabsa & turkey Meal ( sah pilavi )" |
"Traditional, Classic Egyptian , Arabian & turkey recipes made from scratch10 years of Arabian And Egyptian cooking experience condensed into one coursean insider's knowledge on how to cook Arabian And Egyptian foodsWe will be going back to basics and keeping it real, you will learn how to cook and present the following confidently like a native."
Price: 34.99 |
"Filmmaking: How to Shoot A Music Video With Your Cell Phone" |
"Whether you have a small band with your friends or you want to make something with impact to become the latest viral video on youtube, what better way to make the magic happen than with the tools you have available?This class will show you how to plan, shoot, and edit your very own music video. We shot a music video in only 3 hours using these techniques.YOUR INSTRUCTOR: Victor VarnadoA filmmaker and producer who hasdirected for Warner Brothers, Comedy Central, Tru TV and had the premiere of one of his films at the prestigious South by Southwest Film Festival"
Price: 19.99 |
"Dealing with Burnout and it's side effects" |
"Burnout is quite common both in the workforce and in our everyday lives. In fact, 1 in 5 highly engaged employees are at risk of burnout. As many as 1 million workers per day miss work because of it. This course helps to identify if you are experiencing burnout and how to use self-awareness to create a plan to manage your life more effectively, reduce burnout and be happier, more productive and healthier both physically and mentally."
Price: 24.99 |
"How to Control and Stop Anxiety Attacks." |
"If you struggle with severe symptoms of Anxiety, but can't seek professional help due to time, money or other factors, this course is for you. This course is NOT therapy. However, you will learn techniques that will help you effectively and quickly control symptoms of anxiety. Do you ever think ?...I think something's wrong with me?! I feel nervous all the time.I get scared meeting new people.I hate being around a lot of people.I'm scared of throwing up because I get so nervous.People think I'm being dramatic but I get worked up so badly and I can't control it.My mind is constantly racing.I'm always worrying about something.In this course you will learn What is Anxiety, in order to identify normal nervousness from anxiety.What's going on inside your body that is causing symptoms of anxiety. Therefore not feeling like you're having a breakdown and can't control it. The differences between an Anxiety and a Panic Attack. In order to stop and control them. You'll learn the techniques to prevent or stop an attack, FAST."
Price: 44.99 |
"Liderando en tiempos de estrs (Liderazgo)" |
"Inicio con un prrafo tomado de el diario El Universal en donde comentan lo siguiente: El liderazgo se hace, se aprende, se ejercita aun cuando hay cualidades innatas que facilitan su expresin y desarrollo. Hoy, el lder tiene que tener una buena salud fsica y mental, objetivos claros, retos y desafos, cultura general, dominio de experticias, valores y decisiones. El liderazgo es prioritario en la bsqueda del triunfo y el xito. Todo liderazgo parte de la potencialidad y cualidades propias, pero debe desarrollarse dentro de una estructura organizativa.Todo lder debe partir del conocimiento de s mismo, de su potencialidad y sus virtudes; pero tambin de sus debilidades y sus carencias. Por eso es fundamental la introspeccin y la percepcin del entorno.Todos de alguna manera vamos desarrollando cualidades, habilidades y destrezas que nos permiten adaptarnos al campo laboral y al campo personal.Una de estas es el liderazgo, ya que para que cada persona pueda ser lder debe ir desarrollndolas para as poder guiar equipos de trabajos exitosos y que para la poca en que vivimos tan cambiante y nada rutinaria, es de suma importancia ser lder y a la vez manejar el estrs, propio y el del equipo de trabajo.El curso esta dividido en varios mdulos y ellos son los siguientes.Mdulo 1: El LiderazgoMdulo 2: Comportamiento y estilos de liderazgoMdulo 3: Motivacin y estrsMdulo 4: Lder en tiempo de crisis y estrsDentro de cada modulo conseguirs definiciones, descripciones, actividades y recomendaciones que te permitirn ser un excelente lder y con esto llevar a tu equipo de trabajo al xito."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Unspoken Rules of Style" |
"Detailed guidance on what to wear based on season, venue, occasion, weather and time of day or night. Sounds complex? No worries. It will help you giving purpose to every fabric, colour, cut, shape, material in as in jewellery and make-up that saves you from a lot of money in the long run and time looking for the clothes that you are not even sure if the right one. With this knowledge, you know what you want and need. Enter a store, see something that you seek or go straight and head for something you need without browsing too long and out!1. Summer Style. 2. Autumn Style. 3 Winter Style. 4 Spring Style. 5 Jewellery Tips. 6 Personal Colours Tips.7 Miscellaneous Tips.. 8 Collars Tips. 9 Hairdo/Style.10 What Are the Colours in Autumn.11 Additional Section on What I Wore Today.12. The Modified Way of The Same Outfit.Giving meaning to every outfit you decide to wear on that day. That sense of structure and rule that brings a sense of purpose.This is more Style than Fashion.Fashion doesn't last long. Style lasts forever.The very reason of my emphasis on any outfit, old or new, conservative or sexy, daily wear or special occasion - all inclusive, there is many available things to learn from and to apply.- To have been stopped in the street in Milan by a very stylish lady for my outfit that I put together has been one of my highlights of living in Italy.- To have quiet admirers and only a year later for their confession on how they have been admiring the way I look and I style myself. One of them is two Bank Managers where they noticed my look for the many times I had to go there to do my errands. Believe me, to date, they have become friends and are very helpful whenever I need their help especially now that I don't live in Italy any longer. I still have my Banks there. - To have been photographed by a Spanish photographer in a boutique in Rome while trying on some clothes of my choice.Yet, I am no one famous. But I am happy.Why do I keep it to myself when I could share with others of these so-called Unspoken Rules that enriches you but most of all, helping create the feelings of freedom and that sense of confidence of never having to ask oneself anymore if you wear it right or if you buy it right.When I don't have time, I just enter a shop, look for what I know I want or need without wasting in browsing.When I have time, it is a wonderful feeling to browse and see what the store has to offer that could tick and tantalise because of this knowledge.I feel I have not wasted my time to have lived in Milan for many years with nothing to show and now, sharing it with you. I'd like to share this very valuable but fun knowledge to those who care and love to keep a fascinating and alluring style. Not random.And so... This is it!This is the show.This is the knowledge.This is the rule.Have fun learning!Feel free to ask anytime. Thank you for choosing The Unspoken Rules of Style.Let's get started!"
Price: 34.99 |
"The Unspoken Rules of Style" |
"Panduan terperinci tentang apa yang akan dikenakan berdasarkan musim, tempat, acara, cuaca dan waktu, siang atau malam hari. Kedengarannya rumit? Jangan khawatir. Ini akan membantu Anda memberikan tujuan untuk setiap kain, warna, potongan, bentuk, bahan seperti dalam perhiasan dan make-up yang menyelamatkan Anda dari banyak uang dalam jangka panjang dan waktu mencari pakaian yang Anda bahkan tidak yakin jika yang paling benar. Dengan pengetahuan ini, Anda tahu apa yang Anda inginkan dan butuhkan. Masuki toko, lihat sesuatu yang Anda cari atau luruskan dan tuju sesuatu yang Anda butuhkan tanpa menjelajah terlalu lama dan keluar! 1. Gaya Musim Panas. 2. Gaya Musim Gugur. 3 Gaya Musim Dingin. 4 Gaya Musim Semi. 5 Tips Perhiasan. 6 Tips Warna Pribadi. 7 Tips Lain-Lain .. 8 Tips Kerah. 9 Gaya Rambut / Gaya. 10 Apa Warna di Musim Gugur. 11 Bagian Tambahan tentang Apa yang Saya Pakai Hari Ini.Giving meaning to every outfit you decide to wear on that day. Cara struktur dan aturan itulah yang memberi tujuan.Ini lebih gaya daripada mode. Mode tidak bertahan lama. Gaya bertahan selamanya. Alasan saya sangat menekankan pada pakaian apa pun, lama atau baru, konservatif atau seksi, pakaian sehari-hari atau acara khusus - termasuk semua, ada banyak hal yang tersedia untuk dipelajari dan diterapkan. Saya pernah dihentikan oleh seorang wanita yang sangat bergaya sewaktu saya berjalan kaki di Milan. Dia hanya mau memberikan pujian atas busana yang saya pakai pada saat itu. Itulah telahsalah satu hal terpenting dalam hidup saya di Italia. Juga di salah satu Bank dimana ada rekening saya. Rupanya ada pengagum2 yang pendiam selama ini sampai setahun kemudian beverapa pengakuan mereka tentang bagaimana penampilan saya yang sangat terpesona bagi mereka dalam caranya saya menata diri. Salah satunya adalah dua Manajer Bank di mana mereka memperhatikan penampilan saya selama beberapa kali saya harus pergi ke sana untuk melakukan tugas saya. Percayalah, sampai saat ini, mereka telah menjadi teman dan sangat membantu kapan pun saya membutuhkan bantuan mereka terutama sekarang karena saya tidak lagi tinggal di Italia. Saya masih memiliki Bank di sana. Pernah saya tiba2 difoto oleh seorang fotografer Spanyol di sebuah butik di Roma sambil mencoba beberapa pakaian pilihan saya. Namun, saya bukan orang yang terkenal. Oleh sebab itu, ingin sekali saya berbagi pengetahuan yang agak rahasia ini dengan orang lain tentang apa yang disebut Aturan Tak Terucapkan yang memperkaya Anda tetapi yang terpenting, membantu menciptakan perasaan kebebasan dan rasa percaya diri karena tidak perlu bertanya pada diri sendiri lagi jika Anda memakainya benar atau jika Anda membelinya dengan benar. Ketika saya tidak punya waktu, saya hanya memasuki toko, mencari apa yang saya tahu saya inginkan atau butuhkan tanpa membuang waktu untuk browsing. Ketika saya punya waktu, itu adalah perasaan yang luar biasa untuk menelusuri dan melihat apa yang ditawarkan toko yang dapat menandai dan menggoda karena pengetahuan ini. Saya merasa saya tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu untuk tinggal di Milan selama bertahun-tahun tanpa menunjukkan apa pun dan sekarang, membagikannya kepada Anda. Saya ingin membagikan pengetahuan yang sangat berharga namun menyenangkan ini kepada mereka yang peduli dan suka menjaga gaya yang menarik dan memikat. Tidak acak. Jadi ... Ini dia! Ini pertunjukannya. Inilah pengetahuannya. Ini aturannya. Selamat belajar! Jangan ragu untuk bertanya kapan saja. Terima kasih telah memilih Aturan Gaya yang Tidak Diucapkan. Ayo mulai!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Marriage Lifeline Masterclass: Fascinating Womanhood Vintage" |
"Take this course and learn how women from around the world have successfully saved their marriage/relationship with the Fascinating Womanhood principles. Does any of these scenarios resonate with you?Are you unhappy with the quality of your marriage or relationship?Are you experiencing emotional neglect, infidelity, separation or threat of divorce in your relationship?Do you love your husband/partner, but unsure how to rekindle to love affair you once had?Are you frustrated with your husband/partner's lack of emotional vulnerability and transparency?Are you longing for an enchanting and lasting love affair with your husband/partner, but unsure how to create it?Were you confident that you understood your husband/partner, but now you are totally confused by his behaviours?Are you curious about how you can become a priceless asset to your family?Have you ever struggled with embracing the strength and uniqueness of being a feminine woman?If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then this course is for you!We believe that a feminine woman is the divine adornment of humanity.The purpose of this course is to reawaken the unique magic that resides inall womento create enchanting and lasting relationships, and to help make the most of each womans fascinating and limitless potential.This course is specifically designed for women who are married or in a committed relationship. The8 classes will teach you the qualities and characteristics that you need to cultivate to become the woman, wife or partner you aspire to be. Also, you will learn the timeless feminine strategies you need for building and maintaining a healthy long lasting relationship with your husband or partner.This course was recorded live with real women who were experiencing challenges in their relationships. Participants' questions were authentic and may be relatable to your circumstances. To receive the best results from this course, it is strongly recommended that students purchase the textbook (Fascinating Womanhood Vintage) and workbook (Fascinating Womanhood Vintage Student Workbook) from The Official Fascinating Womanhood Site at fascinatingwomanhood [dot] com/shop/LEGAL DISCLAIMEREvery effort has been made to represent this course and its potential accurately. Any claims made of actual results and success are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on their background, professional ability, and level of follow-through. As with any educational endeavor, there is an inherent risk, and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the results you desired with the methods taught in this course. The templates and materials provided are for educational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical, legal or financial advice."
Price: 184.99 |
"Family Meetings - How To Make Them A Success" |
"Does any of these scenarios resonate with you?A deep feeling of regret of becoming a parent because you think you are failingConstant power struggles with your children that leave you feeling out of control, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, and guiltyChildren are uncooperative and out of control with constant back-talking, disrespect, and sibling fightsOther parenting strategies have failed and harsh strategies (e.g., spanking) are your last resortCommunication is filled with screams, yelling, shouts, and name callingIf you answered yes to any of the above, Family Meetings: How to Make Them A Success is for you!The purpose of the course is to support and encourage families to create a structure via family meetings that focus on non-punitive and non-permissive strategies in solving problems within the family.By learning how to successfully conduct family meetings, your children will have the opportunity to develop most of the characteristics and life skills you hope for them, including a sense of belonging and the belief that they are capable. You will have the opportunity to avoid power struggles when you invite problem-solving instead of lecturing and micromanaging."
Price: 99.99 |
"Ultimate Builderall Masterclass" |
"Last year I was fortunate enough to team up with my mentor that showed me how it was possible to create a 6 figure business from scratch. I learned a great deal about marketing , building funnels and developing a community. The last few years advertising is becoming more expensive due to more competition in the market. The cost of acquiring a new customer is a lot more than it used to be. To win you need to attract leads and convert those leads into paying customers without spending a fortune. Ho do you attract leads and generate sales with it costing you a fortune? Sales Funnels.Builderall is an awesome tool that gives small business owners the ability to build highly converting sales funnels without having to hire a developer. I use Builderall to create highly converting optin pages, followup with a sequence of emails that convert those leads into sales. This is bread and butter money. I've integrate online courses and webinars into the mix as well which allows you to sell higher ticket items. Builderall delivers so much value. If you want to create sales for your business, then this course is for you. Here is a snippet of what you are going to learn: What is a Sales Funnel and Why Traditional Websites are Dead How To Use The Pixel Perfect Editor How Integrate Mailingboss to Build an Email List How To Connect a Domain Name (MORE PROFESSIONAL) How To Build Funnels For Mobile That Convert How To Install Facebook Pixel and Google Tracking Code How To Accept Paypal and Credit Card Payments (SUPER EASY) How To Create a Lead Magnet Funnel How To Add Social Proof To Your Funnel (HIGHER CONVERSIONS) How To Convert Facebook Comments to Sales Using Facebook Chatbot How To Create Online Course Funnel Builderall comes with pre-made templates. Dont re-invent the wheel. You can make minor changes to these templates to personalise them for your business. If you are looking for simple, but proven strategies to increase profits then this course is for you. You could be digital marketer, website builder or business owner, this course will help increase sales and profitability. Hope to see you inside. Garth"
Price: 49.99 |
"Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO" |
"Bienvenido al curso de ""Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO"" donde aprenders a desarrollar desde cero un chat en tiempo real con funciones avanzadas con estas tecnologas.NodeJSes una tecnologa que permite hacer desarrollosback-end usando nicamente JavaScript.SocketIOes una librera enJavaScriptparaNode.jsque permite una comunicacin bidireccional en tiempo real entre cliente y servidor. Para ello se basa principalmente enWebsocketpero tambin puede usar otras alternativas comosocketsde Adobe Flash, JSONP polling o long polling en AJAX, seleccionando la mejor alternativa para el cliente justo en tiempo de ejecucin. En el curso desarrollaremos una plataforma avanzada de chat en tiempo real con funciones completas y avanzadas, entre ellas destacamos:Enviar mensajes entre usuarios.Compartir un mensaje personal.Cambiar estado actual (Disponible, ocupado, ausente y desconectado)Enviar mensajes privados entre usuarios.Registrar usuarios conectados y actualizar en tiempo real la lista de conectados para todos los usuarios.Notificacin en tiempo real de usuarios conectados.Entre otras.Este curso le servir no solo a aquel con conocimiento sino a cualquier usuario sin conocimiento alguno ya que se explicar paso a paso todo lo necesario desde instalar y configurar el servidor Nodejs hasta dejar funcionando completamente la plataforma con todas las funciones que estn preparadas para este curso.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO.Todo ser desarrollado desde cero explicando todo paso por paso.chale un vistazo al programa completo del cursopara ver en detalle todos temas que aprenders y aquellos que vienen prximamente.Aprende ahora o amplia tus conocimientos con NodeJS y SocketIO"
Price: 19.99 |
"Android Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme Eitimi Java 2020" |
"Android platformunda mobil uygulama gelitirmek istiyorsanz doru adrestesiniz.Temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar Android uygulama gelitirme alannda geliim salayacaksnz.2011 ylndan beri 100lerce insana profesyonel bir ekilde Android uygulama gelitirme eitimi veriyorum.Son yllarda Android ve IOS eitmeni olarak BT AKADEM , BLGN T ACADEMY VE BAARISOFT gibi kurumsal irketlerde eitmen olarak grev yapyorum.rencilerimizin tamamna yakn yksek memnuniyet ile kursumuzu tamamladlar ve kendi alanlarnda android gelitirici olarak almaktalar.Eitim kurumlarnda edindiim tecrbe ile bu online kursu sizler iin tasarladm.Eitim mfredatnn verimli, profesyonel ve dzenli olmas iin ok zaman harcadm.Rahatlkla Eitim mfredat olarak en dzenli ierie sahip bu kurs diyebilirim.Bu eitim ieriinin yapsn ve kalitesini dier kurslar ile kyaslayabilirsiniz.Kursun sonunda tam anlamyla profesyonel bir ekilde uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz.Bu kurs bir ok teknoloji ve yazlm aralar iermektedir. PHP, Firebase, Volley, Retrofit 2, MYSQL, SQLite ve bunun gibi bir ou.Bunlar bilmiyorsanz endielenmenize gerek yok, Eitimde en temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar geliim salayacaksnz.Eitim ierii konu balklar ;Java Blm : Java GiriDeikenler ve Veri TipleriStandart Programlama YaplarNesne Tabanl ProgramlamaString YapsCollectionsleri JavaJava I/OAndroid Blm : Temel Java EitimiAndroid GiriAndroid Tasarm GiriAndroid alma YapsAndroid WidgetsAndroid Kullanc EtkileimiMaterial DesignAndroid Depolama lemlerileri AndroidAndroid nternet Tabanl lemlerAndroid Lokasyon lemleriAlarm Manager KullanmAndroid Animasyon lemleriDrag and DropAndroid Ticari lemlerAndroid 2D Oyun YapmAndroid Test KullanmProgramlama renmek Neden nemli ? Her geen gn yazlm hayatmzn en derinine kadar iniyor.Hayatmz kolaylatrrken yazlmclara byk bir i alan alyor.ok ge olmadan bu dijital aa ayak uydurmal ve yazlm sektrnde yer almalsnz.Bu dijitalleen ada ortalama bir bilgisayar ile kendinize yeni bir i frsat yaratabilirsiniz.zellikle mobil uygulama gelitirme sayesinde tek banza istediiniz her yerden projeler gelitirebilirsiniz.Hangi meslek ve eitimden olduunuz yazlmc olmak iin nemsizdir.Her yata bu beceriyi kazanabilirsiniz. Bir eitimci olarak hazrladm eitim mfredat ile profesyonel seviyeye gelmek sizin elinizde.Tek yapmanz gereken zamanz ayrarak geleceinizi deitirecek yazlm becerisini kazanmak iin abalamak.Gelin birlikte bu yola kalm ve size deer katalmBaarlar dilerim.Eitimi incelediiniz iin teekkrler"
Price: 194.99 |
"Cration de Vidos Animes avec Powerpoint" |
"Ceci est la version franaise du cours numro 1 sur la Cration Vido sur Udemy! La cration de vidos est une comptence de plus en plus demande. La consommation de contenu vido par les internautes est en forte croissance et les marketeurs sautent sur cette opportunit. Il existe beaucoup de logiciels complexes pour la cration de vido, alors qu'il est tout fait possible de crer de belles vidos animes avec Powerpoint uniquement!La qualit des vidos cres avec Powerpoint est suffisante pour tout ce qui est vidos ducatives/informatives. Ca peut tre des vidos de promotionnelles pour du business, des vidos pour les cours et les formations en ligne, ou des vidos pour une chane YouTube. Il y a normment de chanes YouTube avec des millions de vues dont les vidos sont cres avec Powerpoint!Donc si vous souhaitez utiliser des vidos pour dvelopper votre business, vous n'avez pas besoin de logiciels complexes et des mois ou des annes de formation - vous pouvez utiliser Powerpoint. Et avec les bonnes techniques que je vais vous enseigner dans ce cours, vous pourrez raliser de belles vidos qui auront rellement l'air de ""vraies vidos"" et non pas de prsentations Powerpoint classiques.Cette formation est 100% pratique. Nous allons crer ensemble 3 projets en partant de rien, et je vais expliquer chaque tape une par une. Ala fin de ce cours vous matriserez la cration de vidos avec Powerpoint et vous serez capables de produire des vidos la demande. Et avec plus d'exprience vous deviendrez galement plus efficaces. Il est tout fait possible de crer une vido par jour!La cration de vidos animes avec Powerpoint est un parfait compris entre une bonne qualit de la vido (en termes de ""complexit"") et le temps que a prend pour la crer. Vous pouvez crer des heures et des heures de vidos relativement vite par rapport des logiciels spcifiques et plus complexes.-------------------------------Voici quelques traductions de commentaires laisss pour la version anglophone: ""Ce cours m'a ouvert les yeux!!! J'ai l'impression que je peux crer une mini socit de production vido grce tout ce que j'ai appris! [...]"" ""[...] Les comptences que j'ai appris dans ce cours vont m'aider normment pour la cration de mon cours propre cours eLearning en mathmatiques [...]"" ""Excellent cours. Le formateur a des bons gots et vite les concepts trop utiliss. Il donne vraiment des conseils qui permettent de crer des animations qui sortent du lot. Bravo!"" ""Ce cours est exactement ce dont j'avais besoin! J'ai appris faire des animations avec Powerpoint que je pensais impossibles"""
Price: 194.99 |
"Vender com Facebook Orgnico" |
"Aprenda tudo que precisa para ter os primeiros resultados com vendas atravs das redes sociais. O curso engloba como utilizar o Facebook de forma profissional e capturar leads, utilizar automatizao de pginas no Facebook (chatbot) e tudo que essa ferramenta pode oferecer. H um mdulo ainda que ensina como se relacionar com os clientes potenciais e as melhores estratgias para a converso em vendas. Alm do curso, o apoio ao aluno fundamental, por isso h um grupo de alunos que valoriza a interao entre pessoas que querem o mesmo objetivo. Tudo isso na prtica. A parte terica mnima para voc entender um pouco sobre esse mercado e j partimos para prtica. Aulas prticas gravadas passo-a-passo e na tela do computador. Ento tudo que voc precisa a fora de vontade, um celular e uma conexo de internet para comear. Ento vamos l, te espero l dentro!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sing and play piano by ear (no reading music) 'Summertime'" |
"Playing and singing at the same time isn't doing two separate things! It's doing one thing.The best way to learn and get good at something is to approach it in bite sized chunks. One song at a time. Using this method you get to be able to perform a complete song whilst you are learning. It's enjoyable straight away and you get results.In this course you will learn how to play the chords and the melody of Summertime. And you will learn how to use your voice (singing or humming the song) to bring the two together.How this course works is: I teach you the simple chords and the melody (both singing and playing)I show you what to practice I break the chords down note by note for beginners (but if you already have some experience you can skip these lectures) I give you simple excercises/patterns to practice (for both hands) Before you know it, you will be singing and playing the song.Chords and Melody. It's simple.You don't have to be a great singer to put a great song across. You don't have to be great Singer and player to get to the heart of a song, to speak the lyric and to touch people with its essence.It's all about Melody Rhythm and Love. Oh and practice!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"For all piano learners. Play piano and sing 'Autumn Leaves'" |
"Playing and singing at the same time isn't doing two separate things! It's doing one thing.The best way to learn and get good at something is to approach it in bite sized chunks. One song at a time. Using this method you get to be able to perform a complete song whilst you are learning. It's enjoyable straight away and you get results.In this course you will learn how to play the chords and the melody of 'Autumn Leaves'. And you will learn how to use your voice (singing or humming the song) to bring the two together.How this course works is:I teach you the simple chords and the melody (both singing and playing) I show you what to practice I break the chords down note by note for beginners (but if you already have some experience you can skip these lectures) I give you simple excercises/patterns to practice (for both hands) Before you know it, you will be singing and playing the song. Chords and Melody. It's simple. You don't have to be a great singer to put a great song across. You don't have to be great singer and player to get to the heart of a song, to speak the lyric and to touch people with its essence.It's all about Melody, Rhythm and Love. Oh - and practice!!"
Price: 19.99 |