"HTML Coding for Beginners" |
"This course is designed for beginners who would like to learn how to code HTML. It does not matter if they know a little already or even if they know nothing. The course will teach each individual the basics and fundamentals with step by step tutorials and pictures of how to design a webpage by coding HTML from scratch"
Price: 24.99 |
"Duplica tu productividad, deja de procrastinar tu xito!" |
"La procrastinacin est dentro de todos nosotros. Es el resultado de nuestras rutinas, bienestar, actitudes y comportamiento, pero la buena noticia es que podemos controlar el entorno en el que la procrastinacin prospera o muere.En este curso, aprenders no solo cmo dejar de procrastinar sino a duplicar tu productividad, hacer mucho mas en menos tiempo, aprovechando la inspiracin, la motivacin, la consciencia personal, y mtodos especficos con la finalidad de ser ms productivos. Le mostraremos cmo ""desplazar"" la procrastinacin con poderosas rutinas, actitudes, herramientas y tcnicas que rompern los viejos hbitos.Si usted es un estudiante, un profesional, emprendedor o simplemente se embarca en un nuevo pasatiempo, se ve obligado a lidiar con una cantidad cada vez mayor de informacin y conocimiento. De hecho, se cree que una semana del New York Times contiene ms informacin de la que las personas encontraron hace 100 aos en toda su vida. Todos hemos experimentado la frustracin tal vez por tener una lista de tareas cada vez mayor, luchando por aprender un nuevo idioma u olvidando cosas que aprendi incluso en sus materias favoritas, entre otras msNo dejes que la postergacin te robe el tiempo, te mostraremos cmo recuperar el control de las fuerzas de la procrastinacin para ser ms eficientes y aplicar mtodos sencillos , prcticos y eficaces para hacer mas en menos tiempo.Accede a horas adicionales de video suplementario.Asignaciones regulares de tareas, juegos, hojas de trabajo y otros materiales complementarios.El objetivo final de este curso es brindarte las herramientas para vivas feliz tu propsito de vida, dejar de procrastinar ser ms productos y hacer las cosas ms rpida y efectivamente.Nuestra metodologa completamente actualizada para 2018Todo, contenido relevante basado en miles de puntos de datos de estudiantes como usted.Cualquiera puede desarrollar habilidades para eliminar la procrastinacin y ser ms productivos! CREEME.Date la oportunidad de aprender a :Crear conciencia estratgica para la accin; mediante la implementacin de la rueda de la vida equilibrando todas las reas de tu vida, teniendo en cuenta adems que el tiempo es oro. Gestin estratgica del tiempo y creacin de ambientes veloces eliminando distracciones.Usar el poder de la msica.Integrar la productividad dentro de tu rutina diaria.Acelerar la salud y el ejercicio.Determinar las acciones y priorizar: mediante la ejecucin de la actividad: Urgente vs Importante; adems de la implementacin de la regla de Pareto.Mtodos y sistemas para la productividad personal tales como: La metodologa GTD, las multitareas, la tcnica de pomodoro, hacer lo aburrido agradable, aprender a decir No, aprender a delegar, la ley de Parkinson; Adems de otras tcnicas interesantes.Hacer y supervisar para tomar buenas decisiones. No desperdiciar tiempo en la computadora.Aprenders a implementar herramientas, Apps y sistemas tales como: Gestores de notas y de calendario, gestores de tiempo control de bloques de trabajo/descanso/concentracin, bloqueadores web, gestores de proyectos y tareas, gestores de distracciones.Implementar una mejora continua y disruptiva a travs del retomar y accionar. Ser ms productivo y feliz como resultado de aprender las mejores habilidades de gestin del tiempo para que siempre pueda dedicar tiempo al ejercicio / salud, a la familia / amigos, a la educacin y a arriesgarse y ser su propio jefe y vivir la vida plenamente.A ser ms productivo y feliz como resultado de tener una confianza imparable (lograr literalmente cualquier objetivo).Ser ms productivo como resultado de eliminar las distracciones y optimizar su agenda diaria del trabajo.Ser ms productivo como resultado de eliminar sus preocupaciones y de darse cuenta de que todo lo que necesita ya lo tienes.Obtener el resultado de no permitir que las situaciones estresantes (o personas difciles) lleguen a usted, adems de entender que la crisis significa oportunidad.Eliminar cosas de nuestras vidas que impiden nuestro mximo rendimiento sin olvidar cundo y por qu tomar tus descansos.A ser ms productivo con su grupo de compaeros.Ser ms productivo y feliz como resultado de la relajacin, la meditacin, rutinas poderosas. Aprender adems a ser ms productivo como resultado de saber cun crucial es tomar medidas ahora y dejar de procrastinar.Cmo enfrentar su da con fuerza y vivir con un propsito.Los beneficios de la integridad personal.Cmo cambiar sus hbitos a travs con tcnicas de alto impacto.Yo soy David Palencia y junto a todo un equipo de profesionales, Gustavo Beltran en la Gerencia de Operaciones ,investigadores y docentes, consultores, coach, nuestros apasionados diseadores, camarografos de Welivinn te queremos dar la mas cordial bienvenida a este curso y decirte que estamos a tu entera disposicin, para ayudarte a conseguir los resultados deseados. Te prometo que despues de realizar el curso nunca volvers a ver el tiempo del mismo modo.Llego el momento de Duplicar tu productividad, y dejar de procrastinar tu xito!. Adelante!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Speak like a Native English Speaker" |
"This course is designed for English language learners who want to master their pronunciation and also improve the understanding of English speech.The course consists of 4 unit that have both theory and practise. The course is informative but not too overloaded with information.It will help you to sound more natural!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Todo lo que necesitas para ser un experto en Moodle" |
"Aprende a administrarlos siguientes elementos de la plataforma LMS Moodle:- Configuracin inicial- Configuracin de usuarios- Configuracin de cursos- Configuracin de Informes- Configuracin de actividades- Configuracin de mdulos de gamificacin- Configuracin de mdulos de recursosTodo esto de manera sencilla y con vdeos completamente editados en postproduccin para eliminar los tiempos muertos en el proceso de grabacin."
Price: 39.99 |
"Amazon FBA Course - Starting A Private Label Business A-Z" |
"What if you could build an online business that PAYS YOU to live the life you've always wanted?The ability to quit your 9-5 job and have theflexibilityto control your own hours. Thefreedomto work from anywhere you choose. And theautomated incomethat allows for you to travel around the world.Introducing Amazon FBA Full-Metal Masterclass, the#1proven, step-by-step course directly from a Six-Figure Amazon Power Seller.Finally, the all-in-one course that works:Even ifyou don't have any business experienceEven if...you're new to online businessEven if...you're overwhelmed with no idea where to startAmazon is growing incredibly fast by the day, and this is your chance to take advantage of the best online business model out right now.The sooner you take action now, the closer you'll be to taking control of your life.My EXACT Amazon Roadmap to Six-Figures in 6 Months.The days of selling ""weird"" obscure products on Amazon ARE OVER. If you want to hit Six-Figures in Six Months you Must Know How to Effectively Launch and RANK Your Products on The First Page of Amazon with Products People Love!Rank Your Products on Page #1 FAST- I will show how to effectively launch and rank your products on page 1 and STAY there!Amazon PPC Domination -I will show how to create amazon funnels that Keep your Amazon PPC Super Low all while pushing your competition off the first page!Get 100's of 5 Star Reviews- My SECRET review domination strategy allows you to get reviews fast and is 100% ToS Compliant!And So Much More..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Medical Preparation for International Travel" |
"As an Infectious Disease physician and international traveler myself, I have seen poor planning ruin what should have been a positive, life-changing experience when people venture out to new cultures and destinations. Many travelers do not seek medical pre-travel advice out of concern for cost or because they don't think they need it, but I find that even seasoned travelers often have much to learn about their own health and safety while traveling abroad. My course was designed to distill the content typically presented in a travel health clinic into a series of accessible talks covering all of the most common topics that arise in preparing for a trip outside your home country. For a fraction the cost of a typical travel medicine clinic visit in the US (these run around $150 USD), you can access much of the same information and have it available to you for reference during and after your trip.You don't need a medical background to understand the information, but my goal is that, even if you do have a medical background, you can still glean something from my course. This is a course by a traveler, for other travelers, presented in the same plain-language perspective I would use with my own patients who come to see me prior to traveling abroad. I can't prescribe vaccines or preventative medications for you, but I do offer resources on how to determine which ones you might need and where to find them. (If you live in the US, now is as good a time as any to inform you that your insurance will NOT pay for pre-travel vaccines and medications, and these are not included in the $150 charge I cited above.) This course goes well beyond which shots to get and which pills to take, however, and offers a fairly comprehensive overview of health issues that are likely to arise when leaving your home country.As an initial disclaimer, my advice here should not be taken as a substitute for the advice of your personal physician(s) because, well...I don't know you personally! My goal is to increase awareness of medical issues that arise with international travel and make pre-travel advice more accessible so you can have an informed conversation with your healthcare providers in preparing for your trip."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Create Your Own Website (Web Development)" |
"In this course i will teach you about Web Development.This course is basically for beginners. Web Development will include making of a website using WordPress. At the end of this course you will be able to make your own website and you will also be able to earn from it.More details will be given along the lectures."
Price: 19.99 |
"CorelDraw Quickstart - Up and running quickly" |
"CorelDraw(styledCorelDRAW) is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed byCorelCorporation.In this course,you will learn its use.This course contains lectures for beginners and all of the lectures are very simple. This course initially includes introduction of coral draw,introduction of basic tools of coral draw,logo making and student card/visiting card making etc.Do buy the course and if you have any question regarding any topic of the lectures,you can freely ask."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn C Programming Language From Scratch (For Beginners)" |
"This course is specially designed for beginners.A good lecture length is 2-7 minutes, to keep students interested and help them study in short bursts,therefore all the lectures are made short and in easy words so that the students take interest and don'tget boor.Student can easily take a break so that they could refresh their mind.Hope so you'll learn from it.Feel free to ask questions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Prospeccin de clientes" |
"El curso de prospeccin de clientes es un contenido practico y aplicable para ejecutivos de ventas, directores de negocio, emprendedores o freelance que venden a otras empresas (B2B), o que venden soluciones de alto ticket. Un contenido donde descubrirs estrategia, tcticas y tcnicas para conseguir potenciales clientes para tu negocio. Utilizars las herramientas de prospeccin de clientes ms eficaces del mercado y crear tu propio sistema"
Price: 34.99 |
"The Digital Strategist: Timeless Tech Disruption Principles" |
"Iwish a course like this had existed 20 years ago! Iwill teach you how to think far ahead of the competition, using principles of strategy and disruption that have worked consistently for 40 years and continue to be used by Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and other tech leaders.What's so special about this course?The only place you will find a detailed description of the 8 technology ""laws"" that drive the evolution of the software industry.The first course to show how a software strategist applies unchanging technology laws to craft digital strategy and to disrupt industries. A powerful 6-layer model for how to analyse and build digital strategy.40+ years of industry experience condensed into less than 2 hours; packed with concrete examples from hundreds of tech leaders.What's in it for you?Using the 6-layer model combined with the 8 fundamental ""laws"" you will:Be able to predict key elements of the future of your industry with a high degree of accuracy, and make much better long-term decisions today;Know how to design your product or service so that the structure and dynamics of technology work for you and not against you;Know how to identify opportunities for disruption of incumbents, and which strategies to apply for success;Understand how to position your product or service for long-term success, particularly when you are facing larger and better funded competitors;Become hype-resistant. Be able to understand the underlying mechanisms of new products and services and understand what is likely to be short-lived and what may be here to stay;Solve the too-much-information problem! Leverage a robust mental framework that helps you sift through the flood of news and information we are all inundated with. Impress colleagues, managers, and clients with your deep insights on competitive dynamics and technology evolution;"
Price: 99.99 |
"Open Source A-Z for Strategists, Managers, & Analysts" |
"Who needs this course?Entrepreneurs, project managers, lawyers, VCs and other business types who need to understand the business opportunities, legal risks, licensing strategies, and key terminology of Open Source Software (OSS). What will Ibe able to do after studying this?Make money with an Open Source strategyFigure out when going Open Source is a better idea than selling proprietary softwareSelect the best Open Source license for a particular use-caseKnow how and when an open source software audit may be requiredWhat are some of the topics covered?Why do developers contribute to Open Source?How do companies generate sustainable revenue from open source software? What are the best business models?How does open source softwarecompete with proprietary software, and vice versa? How have proprietary software vendors coopted open source software into their products without running into licensing challenges?What are the main open sourcelicense categories?What are the most controversial licenses and why?What are the risks in using or distributing open source software?How do you identify such risks?What are the biggest open source projects?What led to their dominance?...and much more!"
Price: 49.99 |
"35-Minute Mastery: Enterprise B2B Sales Condensed" |
"**To master Enterprise sales you need years of practicebut only 30 minutes of focused theory**This course condenses 20 years of Enterprise/B2B sales experience into ""6 Principles + 6 Stages"" that can be digested in 35 minutes flat.You will learn the most fundamental Enterprise/B2B sales skills and how to apply them immediately to drive revenue in your target market.If you have no (or very limited) enterprise sales experience and need to learn super fast, this is the best 30-minute time investment you can make. If you have some experience, thiscourse wouldbe a very efficient refresher.By the end of the course you will be able to:Apply co-creation concepts to make enterprise business buyers take ownership early in the process and sell your product to themselvesRapidly iterate your pitch until it fits perfectly into what the buyer is ready to pay forIdentify and connect with key decision makersGenerate leads, prune out time wasters, andexecute on your most promising prospectsMake more effective cold calls and sendcold emails that people respond toUse strategic questioning to accelerate the sales cycle and more!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Data Science with Python - Beginners" |
"Data visualization is understanding the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. Patterns, trends that might go unnoticed in text-based data can be exposed and recognized easier with data visualization software. It basically involves presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. Through this training we are going to learn how to use Python to create fascinating data visualizations.The training includes the following;1. Introduction to Data Visualization2. Development Setup3. Language Learning Bridge between Python and JS4. Reading and Writing Data with Python5. Webdev 1016. Getting Data off the Web with Python7. Heavyweight Scraping with Scrapy8. Plotting and Visualization9. Data Aggregations and Group operations10. Financial and Economic Data Application"
Price: 99.99 |
"IoT#1: Python Basics for IoT" |
"Please note that There are four courses in this series. They are as follows:1st Course: Python for IoT Tutorials2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis3rd Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP82664th Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry PiWe are in the 1st course. This part will deal primarily with Python. It will teach all the concepts that will be required in our later courses on IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a very big deal today in todays technology driven world. For the development of an IoT solution, one would need a programming language which while being lightweight and scalable at the same time. One such is Python and we are going to learn how to implement the same with this training.Learn about the exciting field of IoT with Python programming.The training will include the following;Why Python?Python SetupPython shellPython datatypes & variablesFunctions in PythonPython Built-In FunctionsOperatorsControl flow statementsClasses in PythonData Structures in PythonException HandlingModulesReading from and writing to FilesStandard Python libraries"
Price: 99.99 |
"IoT#2: Advanced Python for IoT and Numpy" |
"Please note that There are four courses in this series. They are as follows:1st Course: Python for IoT Tutorials2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis3rd Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP82664th Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry PiWe are now at ""2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis"". This part will deal more with python concepts. We will be learning in-built standard modules in python like datetime, math, statistics etc. Then we will cover Networking using sockets, APIs for twitter and emails. Then we will get in to Data science modules for IoT such as numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib. Finally we will learn Multi-threading and Exception handling.IoT is bringing more and more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make it a multi-trillion dollar industry in the near future. Building your own project on IoT will help you practically learn how engineering is applied on this amazing technology.For the development of an IoT solution, one would need a programming language which while being lightweight and scalable at the same time. One such is Python and we are going to learn how to implement the same with this training.Learn about the exciting field of IoT with Advanced Python programming.The training will include the following;1. Using in-built standard modules in python (datetime, math, statistics)2. Networking using sockets3. Using apis for twitter and emails4. Data science modules for iot (numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib)5. Multi-threading and Exception handling"
Price: 99.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analysis using Python" |
"Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence through machines and mostly through computer systems. Artificial intelligence is a sub field of computer. It enables computers to do things which are normally done by human beings. This course is a comprehensive understanding of AI concepts and its application using Python and iPython.The training will include the following;What is Artificial Intelligence?IntelligenceApplications of AIProblem solvingAI search algorithmsInformed (Heuristic) Search StrategiesLocal Search AlgorithmsLearning SystemCommon SenseGenetic algorithmsExpert SystemsScikit-learn module"
Price: 99.99 |
"Video Analytics using OpenCV and Python Shells" |
"OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is released under a BSD license and hence its free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces. Computer vision applications and technology are blowing up right now! With several apps and industries making amazing use of the technology. Through this training we shall understand and learn how to perform video analysis with OpenCV.The training will include the following;Object detectionColor models- HSL model, HSV model, RGB modelImage loadingImage thresholdingBlob detectionMotion DetectionCapture video from videoCapture video from video fileBackground subtractionSaving videoColorspace based trackingCamshift algorithmOptical flow based trackingFace detectionContour based tracking"
Price: 99.99 |
"Pandas with Python Tutorial" |
"Pandas is an open-source, BSD-licensed Python library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. This Python course will get you up and running with using Python for data analysis and visualization.The training will include the following;Installing JupyterJupyter EnvironmentRead data using PandasSeries vs Data FrameBasic Operations in PandasAnalyze the imported dataRenaming ColumnsSortingFiltering DataFiltering FunctionRead Selective Columns & RowsAnd a lot other topics."
Price: 99.99 |
"Machine Learning using Python" |
"Machine learning is a scientific discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model from example inputs and using that to make predictions or decisions, rather than following strictly static program instructions. Machine learning is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also specializes in prediction-making.This training is an introduction to the concept of machine learning, its algorithms and application using Python.The training will include the following;What is Machine Learning? (Intro why its used, Data Science defined)Analytics Defined (Predictive, Prescriptive etc.,)Data Mining Flow(Phases defined with MOdeling phase that involves ML)Explanation on Data SetSupervised LearningUnsupervised LearningClassification AlgorithmsRegression AlgorithmsLinear RegressionLogistic RegressionNaive Bayes ClassifierAnonymous DetectionDecision TreesRandom ForestNeural NetworksK-Means ClusteringApriori algorithmFeature SelectionSupport Ventor MachineBasic explanation on Use CasesBasic Functions defines (Cost function, likelihood function, normalization, trade off etc.,)Primary tools/ Softwares used for MLPython Packages for Machine Learning"
Price: 99.99 |
"Statistics for Data Science using Python" |
"Many of us have heard it that statistics is one the next sexy jobs that is coming up in the career opportunities (this fact is vouched by even Hal Varian). Almost five years Tim OReilly said that data is the next big thing to happen in the world. But what exactly is data and why is it so important? And why is there so much importance being given to statistics and data in the world today?The web is full of apps that are driven by data. All the e-commerce apps and websites are based on data in the complete sense. There is database behind a web front end and middleware that talks to a number of other databases and data services. But the mere use of data is not what comprises of data science. A data application gets its value from data and in the process creates value for itself. This means that data science enables the creation of products that are based on data.This training is an introduction to the concept of statistical concepts that are very important to Data science domain and its application using Python."
Price: 99.99 |
"Django Unchained with Python" |
"Django is open-source free web software written inPython languageenabling faster creation and deployment of web applications. It was developed and maintained by Django Software Foundation, it is based on the Model- View-Controller (MVC) Architectural pattern. It is scalable, secure and easy to implement taking away much of the hassles associated with website and applications development.Python is an object oriented,open sourceinteractive, general purpose high-level language available under General Public License (GPL). It was developed by Guido van Rossum of National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands in 1985-90. Its an interpreted language wherein the commands are processed at runtime by the interpreter. It was derived from Algol-68, C,C++, Modula-3, ABC and other scripting languages.About Django and Python CourseThe Django Unchained with Python Course is intended to help learns have mastery over developing websites, applications using DJango and Python language. It is a comprehensive web applications course providingknowledge of HTML,CSSand related topics. The course is intended to provide basic to intermediate knowledge of web application development usingDjango and Python."
Price: 119.99 |
"IoT#3: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP8266" |
"Please note that There are four courses in this series. They are as follows:1st Course: Python for IoT Tutorials2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis3rd Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP82664th Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry PiWe are now at ""3rd Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP8266"". We will be learning everything about IoT in this course. We will start with Introduction to IoT, Embedded Systems, Networking & Programming etc. We will get to learn about NodeMCU in IoT, Serial interfacing, I2C Scanner, DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor interfacing, RGB LED interfacing, Implementing a web server on the NodeMCU and much more. The details of the parts that we will be covering in this course is given below.ESP8266 is among the most integrated Wi-Fi chips in the industry. Through this training you shall get started with the ESP8266 and learn about the ESP8266 WiFi chip, starting from the absolute basics.The training will include the following;1. Introduction to IoT2. Concepts involved in IoT Embedded Systems, Networking & Programming3. Role of NodeMCU in IoT4. Serial interfacing5. Digital Output taking on LED6. Analog Output taken on LED7. Digital Input taken from push button8. Analog Input taken from preset and LDR9. I2C Scanner10. Interfacing a 162 LCD11. DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor interfacing12. Connecting to internet13. Getting MAC address14. DHT-11 Data upload on cloud(Thingspeak)15. Weather Station (IOT)16. RGB LED interfacing17. Switching Using Transistor18. IR Proximity and Color detection19. Seven Segment Display interfacing20. Servo Control and interfacing21. Peizo Buzzer interfacing and control22. DC motor switching and control through Relay23. Shift Register for serial input and parallel output24. Implementing a web server on the NodeMCU"
Price: 119.99 |
"IoT#4: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with Raspberry Pi" |
"Please note that There are four courses in this series. They are as follows:1st Course: Python for IoT Tutorials2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis3rd Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation with ESP82664th Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry PiWe are now at ""4th Course: IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry Pi"". In this course, we will be learning about Raspberry Pi introduction and setup, Python for Raspberry Pi, Accessing GPIO pins, PiCamera, Networking using sockets and finally Home automation.IoT is bringing more and more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make it a multi-trillion dollar industry in the near future. Building your own project on IoT will help you practically learn how engineering is applied on this amazing technology.Through this training we shall learn about the essentials of Raspberry Pi specifically required for Internet of Things (IoT) technology.The training will include the following;1. Raspberry Pi introduction and setup2. Python for Raspberry Pi3. Accessing GPIO pins4. Using PiCamera5. Networking using sockets6. Home automation"
Price: 119.99 |
"Python GUI Programming using Tkinter and Python" |
"Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. Python when combined with Tkinter provides a fast and easy way to create GUI applications. Tkinter provides a powerful object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. Through this course we shall learn skills to build amazing Python GUI applications using Tkinter.The training includes the following:1) Python Installation and Introduction2) Organizing Layout and Fitting Widgets into Layout3) Grid Layout and Binding Functions to Layouts4) Event handling using Python5) Basic Transformations using Python6) Creating Drop Down Menus7) Creating Tool-bar and Adding Status Bar8) Shapes and Graphics, Images and Icons (Image Cropping and Image Combining)9) Login Application using Labels, Text Boxes and Buttons10) Downloading files from web using Python"
Price: 99.99 |
"Python Pyramid Web Dev - Beginners" |
"In this training, we shall learn creation of web application using Pyramid effectively. You can use Pyramid and get good foundation knowledge of building web apps. At the start, you might feel to be a very tiring task but as you proceed with our simple and effective training from experts you will find it pretty easy. At the end of this training, you will be able to create a web app using Pyramid that you can build upon.Through this training we shall be learning about What are Pyramid and WSGI, Installing Virtual Box and Ubuntu. We will start with Pyramid Microframework and will start building Small Applications straight away. Then we will deal with topics like Application Configuration, Developing Projects and Dispatching URL Routes. Finally we will be taking View Callable, Renders and Managing Templates in the syllabus."
Price: 99.99 |
"Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Fundamentals" |
"The concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is taking over the world with a wave and impacting the world of business in a big way. It now becomes very important to get literate about this unique concept and how the entire system works. Through this course you shall gain a strong understanding about Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and Bitcoins.The training will include the following;1. Introduction to Cryptocurrency2. Types of Cryptocurrency a. Ethereum, Dash and Litecoin3. Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals4. What is Bitcoin and its history?5. Cryptocurrency Trading6. What are ICOs7. How to invest /trade in Bitcoin?8. Will Cryptocurrency ever become true currency?9. Are Crytocurrency prices a Bubble?10. Views from Blockchain professionals"
Price: 99.99 |
"Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Tutorials" |
"The concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is taking over the world with a wave and impacting the world of business in a big way. It now becomes very important to get literate about this unique concept and how the entire system works. Through this course you shall gain a strong understanding about the fundamental concepts of Initial Coin Offering.The training will include the following: Introduction to ICO Business element of ICOs Marketing element of ICOs Participating in an ICO Technical element of an ICO Regulations"
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduction to Cryptocurrency" |
"The concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is taking over the world with a wave and impacting the world of business in a big way. It now becomes very important to get literate about this unique concept and how the entire system works. Through this course you shall gain a strong understanding about Cryptocurrency fundamentals.The training will include the following;1. The rise of Digital cash2. What and why Cryptocurrency?3. How does cryptocurrency Work?4. Types of Cryptocurrency5. The future of cryptocurrency-Benefits and Drawbacks6. How secure are cryptocurrencies?7. Basics of cryptocurrency mining8. The practical use of cryptocurrency around the world9. Regulations for cryptocurrency"
Price: 99.99 |
"Litecoin as a Cryptocurrency" |
"The concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is taking over the world with a wave and impacting the world of business in a big way. It now becomes very important to get literate about this unique concept and how the entire system works. Through this course you shall gain a strong understanding about Litecoin Cryptocurrency fundamentals.The training will include the following; Overview on Litecoin How it works? Setting up Litecoin Wallets and Exchanges How to invest and trade Litecoin? Litecoin Faucet"
Price: 99.99 |