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"OM Peace Meditation"
"OM PEACE MEDITATIONOM symbolizes deep realities.It is also a roadmap to Self-realizationSound of OM itself is not a mere an invention made by human.It is much a Unique symbol in realizing deep realitiies.The vibrations experienced while chanting OM are definitely is much a deepest Experienced experienced by the mystic traveler.Magical sound captured within the spaces of OM are the most profound blessings we inherit in our spiritual practices.One can have richer and more revealing progress in meditation through performing OM Peace Meditation regularly.OM is simply the sound of the Universe.One of biggest benefits of this course is in awakeing of Power of Senses. We will work in becoming One inside, while learning this course. Of course, a way to awaken Inner Oneness.We will solves some queries on meditation which has been raised from various corner of the mind. We will come to an agreeement on the role of Breathing in Meditation; like - how much to inhale and for how long and how much to exhale and for how long.In this course, we will also discuss - how can we make this OM Peace Meditaion our constant companion to enjoy the Eternal Peace within."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Vapor 3 Course"
"In this course Iam going to teach you how to build basic API with Vapor. Starting with setting up routes/URLs and database. Then doing basic CRUD operations. Then Relationships like parent child and sibling relationships. We are going to automatically test all of these code with unit tests.Then we are going to build iOS app to make use of the API that we built.After that we are going to build a web app using Leaf templates. Leaf allows us to create templates that we can embed into another template. This avoid duplicate entries. For example create header and footer once and embed them into all pages. So to update header you only update at single place.Then it will be updated on all places. Then we are going to do authentication on iOS app and Web App."
Price: 19.99

"Video & Image Manipulation - How to get started with FFmpeg"
"FFmpeg is FFmpeg is a free software project, the product of which is a vast software suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. FFmpeg is part of the workflow of hundreds of other software projects, and its libraries are a core part of software media players such as VLC, and has been included in core processing for YouTube and the iTunes inventory of files. Codecs for the encoding and/or decoding of most of all known audio and video file formats is included, making it highly useful for the transcoding of common and uncommon media files into a single common format."
Price: 39.99

"Solving business challenges with Microsoft Excel"
"This module is part of a series of training aiming to change the paradigm in MS Excel training. We will start with the end in mind, with the business challenge and then we will build a scenario and we will see how to use an Excel function to solve it !"
Price: 19.99

"Build a Keylogger using C++ for Ethical Hacking!"
"C++ C++   Key-Logger  Key-Logger"
Price: 19.99

"Innovation Secrets - Grow Your Business In The USA."
"Innovation is a growing topic. Many businesses are competing with each other for only small incremental gains. Businesses that are learning to innovate are completely disrupting their competition.Amazon is a perfect example. Amazon is entering new markets and causing a lot of pain for their competition. Learn to innovate within your current situation and grow your business in the United States regardless of budget, resources, or experience."
Price: 19.99

"Ritmos e Batidas no Violo"
"Neste curso para Iniciantes no violo, voc vai aprender a tocar diversos tipos de ritmos e batidas no violo. E vai aprender como aplic-los NA PRTICA, com as muitas msicas estudadas no curso.O curso tem vdeo-aulas, partituras e udios (playbacks) que voc pode baixar, visualizar e treinar junto. Tudo escrito, gravado e explicado passo a passo, para voc no ter dvidas!Todas as msicas do curso so escritas de duas formas:Partituras com letra e cifras(para quem quer tocar e cantar), epartituras com cifras na pauta(para tocar apenas)O QUE ESPERAR DO CURSOSe seu nvel iniciante e voc est buscando A MELHOR FORMA DE APRENDER COMO TOCAR RITMOS E BATIDAS NO VIOLO, ento voc precisa conhecer este curso!Se voc quer dominar e tocar DIVERSOS gneros musicais, este curso VAI POUPAR MUITO TEMPO SEU! Afinal, quanto MAIS voc usa as tcnicas certas, MAIORES as chances de aprender mais rpido, e tocar com fluncia e seguranaVoc vai aprender - passo a passo - a melhor e mais rpida forma de tocar com segurana as dezenas de batidas e ritmos apresentados.O QUE ESTO DIZENDO DO CURSOVeja alguns depoimentos:Realmente pra ler, entender e tocar. Muito objetivo, excelente material com tpicos de alto nvel para quem quer iniciar no instrumento com base slida de ensino !!!!! Leandro CostaMuito bom, bem didtico, muito interessante Jose XavierShow esse mtodo. Eu amei e quero aprender logo a tocar violo Matheus Solano de OliveiraO QUE ACONTECE APS COMPLETAR O CURSOQuando completar esse curso, voc: Saber como tocar no violo todos os ritmos e batidas estudadas Vai saber aplicar as batidas nas suas msicas prediletas Vai poder aplicar as batidas em outras msicas que quiser tocar Ir tocar na frente dos seus amigos, colegas e demais pessoas com total seguranaTROQUE ""ACHISMO POR CERTEZA E SEGURANAConhecer e aplicaras Batidas, Ritmos e Dedilhados corretos no violo uma das tcnicas ou habilidades mais importantes para ser um bom violonista, talvez a mais importante Imagine voc dominando e aplicando essas tcnicas nas suas msicas preferidas!Voc poder abandonar todo o seu achismo sobre como tocar violo, pois vai entender finalmente todos os detalhes e segredos dos ritmos e batidas estudados. Vai tocar corretamente com tcnica, firmeza e estilo, dando um impulso significativo na sua carreira de violonista"
Price: 39.99

"la auriculoterapia es un mtodo teraputico fcil de aprender y muy eficaz para tratar un sinnmero de patologas, para ello es importante conocer su uso a travs de la historia y su resurgimiento en el siglo pasado, desde entonces la auriculoterapia ha evolucionado tanto en la prctica como en el uso de herramientas sofisticadas para su prctica."
Price: 129.99

"En este curso bastante amplio te enseare las tcnicas empleadas por los grandes oradores para que tu tambin seas ese gran orador que llevas dentro.Te voy a ensear los aspectos bsicos para que te conviertas en ese maestro de la oratoria, Desde la apariencia, naturalidad, los ademanes, el aplomo el uso del micrfono sea el caso o no,El volumen adecuado, la modulacin de la voz, el entusiasmo, las expresiones faciales, contacto visual con el auditorio, la preparacin adecuada de un discurso, como mejorar la memoria, el uso de notas, desarrollo lgico de la informacin y mucho ms."
Price: 29.99

"AI Machine Learning Complete Course: for PHP & Python Devs"
"Become an AI &Machine Learning developer, one of employer's most requested skills for 2018/2019!Add value to your solutions and products, it is time to start using AI&Machine Learning now!This course is different than any other AIor Machine Learning course; it requires no prior knowledge in AI or Machine Learning before, and you will be able to have your own AIMachine Learning application up and running right after the course.This course is straight-forward, practical, and gives you all what you need to start your career in Machine Learning and Data Science. If you are a developer, programmer, technical student, manager, team leader, and you have not explored AIand Machine Learning before, this course is the best, most exciting, and complete course for you.Examples of how you can build applications that identifies a string language, identify colors, identify human actions ""like jump, sleep, anger, sadness etc."" in a video, identify if a tweet or a Facebook post is positive or negative, that are all a few examples of what you can do in this course, all explained and you can do it all by yourself during the step by stop journey in this course.This course will make all AIconcepts, terminology, and approaches clear for you, so you understand how everything around you is going, and takes you in a series of a very interesting hands-on step by step examples on how to build amazing AIapplications.Premium resources you get:Exclusive membership to our growing invitation only ""EarlyBirdClub""Slack community, where you can discuss and engage with course authors, your course colleagues, and a group of technology geeks, entrepreneurs and business owners.PowerPoint presentation used in the video, and you can freely edit it and use it.Full source code for all examples in the course including training data used for machine learning.The following topics are covered:AIRule &Logic Based AIMachine LearningMachine Learning Types(Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforced, etc.)Machine Learning AlgorithmsNeural Networks &Deep Neural NetworksDeep LearningPHP Step by Step ExamplesPython Step by Step ExamplesLanguage DetectionColor DetectionHuman Actions Identification in VideosGeneral String ClassificationHandling numerical data, string data, image data, voice data, and video data.PHP-MLscikit-learnnumpyTensorFlowTensorFlow HubNeural Networks Math Step by StepAnd Much More!You will get lifetime access to over 60 lectures and many articles & resources.So what are you waiting for? Learn AI&Machine Learning in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 199.99

"Color Grading with Da Vinci Resolve: Beginner to Advanced"
"Color grading still enjoys an odd, almost mystical status among some filmmakers.  Well, there' no magic (Blackmagic doesn't count) here, just hard graft and know-how.  This course will take you from a standing start, right the way through to high-end and professional color grading using the excellent Da vinci Resolve.  The training material I'm providing comes from real-world projects where I was paid to provide my labor.  I'm gong to take you through how I approached each and every one of these projects to achieve professional, high-end results.I'm now a Blackmagic Design certified trainer in Da Vinci Resolve  and I've been color grading professionally for over six years and in that time I've produced work for brands such as Unilever, Greggs Bakery, TNT Logistics, Joules (a UK clothing line), the NHS, the BBC and Virgin Airlines.  It doesn't stop there either.  I've delivered drama and factual work for broadcast and web as well as feature films for international distribution.  I'm bringing the benefit of my experience to this course because I know what it's like to have no-one to teach you.  When I started to grade on my film course back in university, there were no tutors who could teach the grade at all.  I wound up spending long nights in the grading suite (some winter days I actually missed the sun completely) teaching myself to use Resolve from scratch.  It paid off as I wound up delivering grading work for the BBC wildlife unit whilst still studying at university!  But why was it like that?  I still believe I'd be a lot better now if I'd had the right training earlier, all the harder to iron out bad habits when there's no-one around to call you out!So this course is my attempt to provide that support and that training to as many people as possible, all for the price of a pizza (a heavily discounted pizza if it's a large one).  If you want to learn how to finish your film projects to a higher standard then come along as we cover Da Vinci Resolve in Depth in this course!This course is now in a near-finished state.  I have plans for one additional bonus module on HDR grading in the future, but otherwise I will be revisiting all the lectures here as new versions of Resolve are released."
Price: 149.99

"Master Algebra Fundamentals"
"This course is designed for students of all ages and all levels. This course is for you whether you are a high school student struggling with Algebra or if you are a college student that needs a refresher in fundamentals. If you are parent that needs to help your child with Algebra and a private tutor is not an option. If you are an adult or professional that is going back to school and you do not remember the basics. If you are preparing for exams such as the GRE or any other exams that require basic knowledge of Algebra.Lecture 1 covers adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. Taught in an easy way to always remember this skill.Lecture 2 covers multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers. Taught in an easy way to always remember this skill.Lecture 3 teaches how to deal with ""Double Signs"" (Neg. x Neg., Neg. x Pos.,etc.)Lecture 4 covers the distributive property an essential skill in Algebra and it serves as a reinforcement of the skills learned in the first three lectures.Lecture 5 covers introduction to exponents which prepares you for lecture 6.Lecture 6 covers multiplying two parentheses. (F.O.I.L. method). Essential for factoring."
Price: 199.99

"Dbuter avec Docker"
"Ce cours sadresse des informaticiens qui dbutent avec Docker. Si vous avez dj une bonne matrise de loutil, passez votre chemin. Si par contre vous dcouvrez Docker ou que vous en avez simplement entendu parler sans jamais avoir rellement expriment, alors ce cours est fait pour vous.Mme si Docker est utilisable sur d'autres plateformes, nous ne travaillerons dans ce cours qu'avec Linux. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir des connaissances d'administrateur Linux et rseau, mais vous devez quand mme avoir une bonne matrise de Linux, du Terminal, du Bash et des commandes de base, et vous devez aussi avoir une comprhension des bases de TCP/IP (ports, adresses IP, DNS).Nous allons commencer par une rapide introduction thorique et passer ensuite la pratique sur des cas concrets. Le but de ce cours nest pas de vous gaver de concepts obscurs, mais de vous mettre le pied ltrier pour que vous soyez rapidement autonomes sur les principes de bases qui constitueront la majeure partie des besoins que vous aurez au quotidien.Nous allons apprendre comment installer Docker sur sa machine et nous allons aussi installer un outil compagnon de Docker qui sappelle Docker Compose. Il sagit dune sorte de chef dorchestre des conteneurs Docker.Nous allons ensuite voir comment crer des conteneurs et comment les lancer manuellement.Nous allons apprendre comment trouver des images de conteneurs cres par dautres et comment les utiliser.Puis, quand on ne trouve pas son bonheur chez les autres, nous allons apprendre comment crer nos propres images de conteneurs. Nous aurons loccasion de crer des images de toutes pices en sappuyant sur des images existantes quon modifiera pour convenir nos besoins.Nous verrons aussi comment partager nos images, comment les stocker pour pouvoir les rutiliser.Nous allons ensuite apprendre comment crer plusieurs conteneurs et faire en sorte quils puissent dialoguer entre eux.En fin de cours, nous verrons l'installation et l'utilisation d'un outil graphique qui s'appelle Portainer et qui sert d'interface Docker plus ergonomique que la ligne de commande."
Price: 49.99

"Apprendre l'autohypnose facilement"
"En premier lieu, vous prendrez connaissance des principes de bases de lhypnose et lautohypnose pour maximiser votre exprience.Par la suite vous, vous apprendrez les 3 techniques dautohypnose suivante:Mthode par fixationMthode par la dtenteMthode mixteAprs avoir appris le processus des techniques, vous aurez loccasion de vivre lexprience hypnotique via des enregistrements qui ont t fait en studio afin davoir la meilleure qualit sonore possible.Par la suite, vous serez initi une mthode pour fixer adquatement votre objectif et comment crer des suggestions efficaces.Pour finir, vous serez guid sur la manire denregistrer vos suggestions dans un cadre hypnotique.EN PRIME, vous aurez accs GRATUITEMENT au livre LAUTOHYPNOSE DMYSTIFIE comme outil de rfrence et 3 fichiers MP3 d'autohypnose enregistr en studio pour avoir la meilleure qualit sonore possible."
Price: 99.99

"postgresql Encryption(Data-at-rest) & SSL Security ..."
"The course consist of 3 consecutive parts...starting with the Ubuntu Server, Postgresql & finally the SSL connection.1- Install Ubuntu Server, configure NTP, NSCD , firewall & networking 'netplan' file . 2- Install customized source code package of Postgresql then encrypt the entire cluster of databases with Data-At-Rest encryption technique.3- Create all necessary certificates (ROOT,Intermediate,Trust-Chain,Server ,Client) to get a full secure SSL client-server connection from both sides based on (based on postgresql manual)."
Price: 29.99

"SQL for Developers and Analysts with MS SQL Server"
"This course will give you hands-on learning of SQL using Microsoft SQL Server. The course will teach you how you could download a free copy of SQL Server 2017 Edition from Microsoft website and set up your working environment. It will teach you various objects in SQL Server including tables, views, stored procedures. After providing you a basic structure of a SQL query structure, it will show different SQL clauses in a way that will make more sense for students to follow. It will give you a basic understanding of how you can manage your data and protect it. The course will show you how you can be able to query data, sort, restrict the output and build sub-queries. You will also understand how you can manipulate data insert, delete and update works. The course will teach how you can group and summarize your data. The course will briefly touch some advanced concepts and how you can be able to build reports using Excel, SQL Server Reporting Service, and Tableau. Finally, the course will show you can get help when while working as a SQL developer and some career advice to work as a SQL developer or analyst."
Price: 24.99

"Faaaalaa pessoal! Kleber Ramos trazendo pra voc um curso especial! O INSTALADOR MASTER DE PELCULA - INSULFILM. Sou instalador desde 1999! Apliquei em mais de 2 mil carros, apliquei maus de 600 mil metris quadrados de pelcula!!! E VOC vai aprender de forma Fcil e Rpida! Esse curso pra voc que:1- Para VOC que adepto do faa voc mesmo e queira instalar pelcula em seu prprio veculo ou rea envidraadas da sua residncia, economizando muitos REAIS...2 - Para VOC que quer abrir um negcio prprio com baixo investimento e alta lucratividade! 3 - Para VOC que tem um NEGCIO ( Loja de acessrios veiculares por exemplo) e deseja atender seu cliente de forma mais ampla. PRA VOC... QUE TEM O DESEJO DE APRENDER E CRESCER!!! AINDA TEM BONUS!!!! ?Aula de mtrica para RIQUEZA! vai mudar sua viso sobre ser RICO!Estou ansioso para AJUDAR VOC A CRESCER!!! CORRE...SUCESSO PESSOAL#krinsights"
Price: 54.99

"Introduction to Quilling: Quill Your Name"
"Explore how designerColo Alonsowill guide you in this class to find your artistic side withQuilling techniques.In this class of30 minutes, you'll learn how to do the basic figures of quilling by rolling and folding colour strips of paper, the combination of these forms will give you the opportunity to develop many differents objectsand also 3D projects."
Price: 19.99

"Visual C++ 2013/vc2015 example course"
"This course demonstrates the development process of visual C++ in 2013/2015 through a specific experiment. The target students are junior and intermediate VC learners.(anyone who has studied C/C++ and wants to become a Windows developer can start at video. This course does not cover the C++ language part, the course is the real dry goods of Windows programming. In addition, abundant examples are the biggest feature of this course. As you know, it is not enough to know the theory of programming development, as long as you take the example of debugging and running on the computer, you can have a deep understanding of programming, especially for VC. In addition,) for beginners to take care of, each instance step is very detailed, from the establishment project to the operation project, has a detailed demonstration process.Anyone who buys the course can download the source code of the supporting project from the corresponding lecture.Note: all experiments were debugged on vc2013 and vc2015! So you can use these two vc versions to learn!"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Blockchain Expert (BE I) Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency"
"""Cem is a well renowned figure in the blockchain and crypto industry. His opinions and insights are always interesting and unique. Having completed many courses on blockchain before this one, I was pleasantly surprised to learn so many new concepts and practicalities. He methodologically builds a foundation of all concepts and then delves into details. The course never makes you feel confused, lost or lagging behind. Overall, a fantastic way to learn about blockchain and its specifics."" - Anoush B. ""Because of this course, I *finally* understand how the blockchain works and what it takes to participate in the cryptocurrency world. Cem does an outstanding job of explaining each concept, providing relevant metaphors and examples, and repeating concepts just enough so that you retain what you have learned."" - Tamara D. ""The way he teaches is amazing, he makes sure that topics of previous lecture are revised in next lecture and concepts are crystal clear. I always thought blockchain is not my thing as it's complicated. He not only made me love the blockchain concepts but gave me hope to explore blockchains more. The course is amazing for beginners."" - Ishani K.1000+ students whom took the course are satisfied. If you are interested in learning blockchain and cryptocurrencies, read on!Why should you buy this course?This is the most comprehensive resource for beginners. With 7+ hours video (both theoretical and practical), 10+ hours external content, 40 downloadable materials, plus 1 hour of quiz, Become a Blockchain Expert course has the best Price/Performance ratio. It even teaches you the topics that other bestselling lecturers sell within their advanced level courses.This is the cheapest blockchain course. Become a Blockchain Expert course is very reasonably priced to let anyone learn no matter the budget. Other blockchain courses outside Udemy are being sold for up to $2,000.This is the most up-to-date course. The course was published on September 28, 2018 and is being updated periodically. Thus, the topics are prepared according to the current market conditions, wallet providers, mining devices, exchanges, etc. Hence, Become a Blockchain Expert course is the best resource to learn up-to-date information.This course awards you with a certificate. Become a Blockchain Expert course provides its graduates with a reputable blockchain certificate (BE I). You can use this blockchain certificate to make your status official and you can even add 'BE I' to your title to showcase your knowledge and expertise.It's easy, quick and fun to learn blockchain with this course. Learning blockchain is made easy, quick and fun with animated presentations, funny jokes, beautiful design, adaptive lecture durations, and optimized course outline. Also, this student-oriented course is constantly improved according to your feedbacks.Great bonus contents are unlocked for free. The bonus include an extensive list of useful websites regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies, a PDF file (59 pages long) that contains the summary of the whole course, Linkedin endorsement on graduates' Linkedin profiles, and so on!You get answers to any of your questions anytime. In the Questions & Answers section, you can freely ask any questions you have and get a warm welcome and detailed answers. Throughout the course, you will not only feel that I will be guiding you to provide you the best experience possible but also any time you may need additional assistance, I will be there to help you personally.You have 30-days refund guarantee. I am very confident that there is no better way of learning blockchain than taking this course, so I am providing you a 30-days refund guarantee. If you decide this is not the best beginner level blockchain course ever, you can get 100% of your money back, no questions asked!At the end of this course, you will:Understand fundamental aspects of blockchain, bitcoin, and cryptocurrenciesBe able to use exchanges and wallets to buy and sell cryptocurrenciesBe able to trade or mine cryptocurrencies and earn moneyConfidently engage in intermediate-level conversations with expertsEarn BE I (beginner level) certificate and make your status officialGet your Linkedin profile endorsed by meAce the blockchain job interview!Why should you study blockchain?The demand for blockchain-related jobs are the fastest growing in todays labor market and have seen a growth rate of more than 35,000% year on year. The rate is incredible and certainly blockchain has become the hottest skill in the market. Companies such as IBM, Deloitte, Accenture and Mastercard are finally figuring out how important blockchain technology will be in the future and thus they are looking for successful experts that will carry out the transition. The salary of these blockchain experts is around $150,000-$200,000 annually.But how can one become a blockchain expert? Blockchain is not something you can study in school and there isnt a major for it except for a few visionary universities in the world. Thats why until now, people like me had to teach themselves, trying to acquire knowledge through any means possible. It wasnt easy unfortunately but now, I assure you that I have prepared the most comprehensive course on blockchain out there.Especially if you want to specialize in blockchain and continue your career in various other roles such as project manager, product manager, developer, advisor/consultant, etc. this course will yield amazing results for you in the shortest time possible!This course is the first module of a three-module course series that involves enormous amount of information in video, quizzes and additional resources that covers all aspects of blockchain from beginner to advanced level.This first module of the course series is perfect for beginners in blockchain. If you are a beginner, by taking this module, you will get a solid foundation on various concepts of blockchain learning so much new information such as what Bitcoin and blockchain are, how they work, what wallets, exchanges and mining are. In addition, you will get to practice many things with me, such as opening up an exchange account, creating and using a wallet, buying, selling and transferring cryptocurrencies, mining cryptocurrencies, and much more! You can check the What will I learn? section for a full list of contents covered in this module. NoticeThis module is for beginners and will NOT make you an advanced level expert upon completion. Instead, it gives you the right start, providing the best fundamental knowledge and rewarding you with BE I level certificate (first level of three knowledge levels - beginner, intermediate, advanced). If you are at intermediate or advanced level, you should go for Become a Blockchain Expert II (BE II) and Become a Blockchain Expert III (BE III) modules of the course. However, they are currently in preparation phase and an announcement will be made when they are ready.Buying this module will NOT grant you free access to the next two modules for intermediate and advanced level students. You will have to separately buy those modules if you want the complete course experience. This module is the first of the three. If you are a beginner and think that the first module is enough for you, of course you dont have to buy the rest of the modules which are for intermediate and advanced levels. By buying this module, you will still be eligible for BE I (beginner level) certificate. This course does NOT focus on programming. If you want to become a blockchain developer or smart contract developer, you should know that this course will only teach you the fundamentals of blockchain and will certainly help you in your journey but it will not be sufficient. In other words, you will have to take another course in addition to this, which should be one focusing on teaching programming. If you want to become a developer, I would still recommend you to take this course to learn the fundamentals of blockchain and then to take another course prepared specifically for developers. This course is not associated with the following keywords although some of them show up when searched: Cryptohopper, Bitcoin trading, Cryptocurrency trading, Cryptocurrency Investing, Blockchain programming, Blockchain development, Blockchain developer, Blockchain bootcamp, Ethereum, Solidity, ICO, Smart contract, Hyperledger, Corda, George Levy, Suppoman, Blockchain  A-Z, Colt Steele, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Software, Programming, Web developer, Wordpress, Ethical hacking, Phyton, AWS, Angular, Java, Unreal Engine, React, C#, Unity, Phyton, Javascript, XML, SQL, NoSQL, MySQL, Node.js, iOS, Swift, Android, Docker, Django, UI, UX, Digital marketing, Drawing, 3D modelling, Photography, Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Adwords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Instagram marketing, Social media marketing, MBA, PMP, TOEFL, IELTS, Stocks, and Life coaching.About meYou may be wondering whether Im fit for the job of teaching you blockchain so Id better tell you about me. Who am I?I am the instructor to the highest rated blockchain course on Udemy, called Become a Blockchain Expert.I have several years of active experience in blockchain industry as an expert, researcher, advisor, investor and trader.I have 10+ years of professional experience in various industries including multinational companies such Deloitte and KPMG.I have a masters degree in international business and management, and countless certificates in various fields such as Project Management Professional, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, Android Developer, etc.Before I prepared this course, I absorbed 5.000+ hours of information on top of the experience via reading and watching through thousands of separate resources including books, articles, videos, news, webinars, meetups, online & offline courses, whitepapers, and others.However, it wasnt only my experience and interest in blockchain that pushed me towards creating this course but it was also the emotions that the word blockchain creates in my heart. As you might already know, the objective of this technology is to give power back to the hands of the people and let the people be in control of their freedom, privacy and governance. This is a cause that I really care about and it led me to discover the reason behind why I love teaching blockchain so much: to have a role in the creation of a brighter future for all of us! Accordingly, I started thinking of a way to turn my knowledge into a tool to help others like you and I eventually came up with the idea of creating this course. In this way, I wanted to provide the people with the ultimate key to a better world in the format of a single resource that contains all the necessary information about blockchain and that can transfer the knowledge within in the most efficient way. But creating the course was not sufficient by itself! Because in order to realize the objective of blockchain, I need your help to take that key now and use it to unlock the door to the stairway to future!If you buy the course, I promise you that I will be sharing your desire of becoming a blockchain expert and I will do anything in my power to fulfill your desire. I just need you to understand that blockchain bears a great potential for you and everyone around you. So I need you to realize that by taking this course, not only you will become one of the greatest blockchain experts and draw an amazing career path for yourself but you will also be creating a better world for everyone around you and making me the happiest lecturer in the world with your success! Last wordsWith the 30-day refund guarantee, you don't take any risk if you enroll to my course now as you will be able to get your money back anytime in the first 30 days and leave with lots of exciting information you will have learned for free.So feel comfortable and take your first action in learning blockchain and cryptocurrency by enrolling now! I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Kurs WordPress ZEROdoPRO / Strona.Blog.Sklep Krok po Kroku"
"Jak wyglda ten Kurs WordPress i czego si nauczysz?Kurs jest podzielony w poszczeglne moduy, a kady modu w poszczeglne lekcje. Te lekcje przekazuj Tobie w formie Video, np. stojc/siedzc w moim biurze przed kamer i przedstawiajc, czy tumaczc Ci konkretny temat.Wiksza cz kursu jest w formie Video-Tutoriali, to znaczy ogldasz nagranie mojego monitora na ktrym pokazuj i tumacz Ci po kolej i szczegowo pojedyncze kroki budowania i tworzenia strony internetowej. Na Twoich oczach buduj Krok po Kroku Bloga/Stron.Ty w tym samym czasie, pauzujc na przykad co jaki czas video, rwnolegle budujesz Swoj stron.W ten sposb nauczysz si i wsplnie ze mn Krok po Kroku, zaoysz wasnego Bloga. Samodzielnie zbudujesz wasn Stron, jak chcesz stworzysz Sklep Internetowy, bez umiejtnoci kodowania i bdziesz umiaa/umia ni zarzdza i dalej rozbudowywa.86 Video-Tutoriali/Lekcjizgrupowanych w 6 moduw + modu Q&Acznie ponad 12 godzin materiau1. MODU Podstawy (Instalacja WordPress, Panel admin., Konfiguracja )2. MODU Krok po Kroku (Budujemy Bloga/Stron)3. MODU Wygld (Motywy, Zdjcia/Grafiki, Video, Facebook )4. MODU Tre (Tematyka, Warto dodana )5. MODU Dodatki (Newsletter/Lista Mailingowa, SEO, Statystyki )6. MODU Sklep internetowy (Produkty, Patnoci, Wysyki )X. MODU Aktualizacje, Q&A (WP 5., Edytor Gutenberg ) absolutnie wszystko czego potrzebujesz aby zbudowa Swoj wasn Stron Internetow."
Price: 309.99

"Sfrdan PHP ile Ynetim Panelli Web Sitesi Yapmay renin"
"Sfrdan veya temel PHPbilgisine sahip olup, ynetilebilir ve profesyonel web siteleri gelitirmek iin hzl bir destee mi ihtiyacnz var?Bu eitim seti sayesinde en ksa srede PHP (PDO) & MySQLteknolojilerini kullanarak ynetim paneli olan profesyonel web siteleri gelitirebilecek, web tasarmlarn kolayca dzenleyebileceksiniz.Yazlm ister hobi olarak, ister kariyer olarak renmek istiyorsanz, PHPsizin iin iyi bir balang dili olacaktr. Bu kurs ile aldnz bilgileri hayal gcnz ile birletirerek hedeflerinize kolayca ulama ansnz olacak. Kursun son blmnde sfrdan ynetim paneliyle birlikte kodladmz Blog web sitesi sizin iin gzel bir yardmc kaynak olacak ve daha nce hi site gelitirmediyseniz bu eitim seti sayesinde ilk web sitenizi am olacaksnz.PHP'ye hakim olacak, ksa srede web siteleri kodlamay reneceksiniz.Mobil uyumlu(responsive)web tasarmlar ve bunlarn dzenlemesi hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Ynetim paneli (CMS) ile sitenin arayz nasl balanr, site daha hzl nasl alr, hack (saldr) giriimlerine kar nasl gvenlik nlemleri alnr, Google'de nasl st sralara kolayca kabiliriz (SEO) gibi detayl bilgileri renmi olacaksnz.Site sunucuya (hosting) nasl alnr, cPanel nedir, nasl kullanlr gibi sorulara cevap bulacaksnz."
Price: 399.99

"(GUIDE) Comment crer un ebook rentable de A Z avec 0"
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre crer un ebook rentable qui va immdiatement vous rapporter de l'argent et qui sera un vritable revenu passif, c'est--dire qu'il vous rapportera de l'argent toute votre vie ! Avec mes diffrentes techniques, vous serez capable ""d'crire"" un livre par semaine. Attention, je mets le mot ""crire"" entre guillemets puisque dans cette formation, je vais te dvoiler le SECRET pour t'apprendre crer des ebooks sans crire un seul mot !"
Price: 19.99

"(GUIDE COMPLET) Comment transformer ses rves en ralit"
"Ce cours est fait pour toutes les personnes qui souhaitent transformer leur vie. Si vous voulez arrter de rver votre vie et commencer vivre la vie de vos rves, vous tes au bon endroit car je vais vous apprendre les techniques pour atteindre TOUSvos rves. Alors, qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour rejoindre cette formation?Faites partie des personnes qui se bougent et qui vivent la vie qu'elles mritent !"
Price: 19.99

"(GUIDE) Les 10 secrets des gens qui ont confiance en eux"
"Ce cours est fait pour vous si vous faites partie des personnes qui souhaitent transformer leur vie. Si vous tes dsireux de dvelopper votre confiance en vous pour atteindre TOUSvos objectifs alors vous tes au bon endroit.Alors, qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour rejoindre cette formation?Votre nouvelle vie n'attend plus que vous."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Cloud Computing - Part 1- A Beginners guide"
"Many Organizations across the world are adopting Cloud as part of their Enterprise Journey.With Cloud becoming mainstream across Enterprises, its extremely important to get the basics of Cloud right before undertaking such a journey. This course provides a basic premise and overview of what Cloud Computing is. This course is meant for beginners who are stepping into the journey of adopting or learning Cloud."
Price: 19.99

"Design your Journey for Change- Survive uncertainty & Thrive"
"This is a course for those who are planning or going through a change or life transition. The intention is to help you develop the right mindset for any change and to give you tools for the creation of a strategic plan to be implemented within one year. The Mission of this Course is to give you basic and practical information for you to start designing the life you want and take it to the next level where not only you will survive but also you will thrive in alignment with your heartfelt dreams. THIS WEBINAR IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN:a) Principles of Neuroscience to help you attract what you want in lifeb) High Performance Habits related to change and life transformationc) Tools such as EFT and Meditation to improve your drive and clarityd) How to develop a Strategic Plan to help you implement your goals.AT THE END OF THIS WEBINAR YOU WILL BE ABLE:1) ToIDENTIFY blocks and old patterns that no longer benefit you2) To LEARN practices and tools to increase CLARITY, to create a change inMINDSET and to develop HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS3) To CREATE a STRATEGIC PLAN to implement your heartfelt goals in a way your lifemoves to where you want to go."
Price: 24.99

"Cultura organizacional para empresas inovadoras"
"O que as empresas mais inovadoras tm em comum?Todas elas sabem a importncia da cultura organizacional como vantagem competitiva e priorizam a construo de uma cultura conectada ao sculo 21.As tecnologias exponenciais democratizam o empreendedorismo, derrubam as barreiras de entrada para novas empresas, e permitem o surgimento de modelos de negcios cada vez mais distantes do paradigma industrial do sculo XX. Nesse contexto, o conjunto de valores e prticas compartilhadas pelos membros de uma organizao passa a ser fundamental na construo de estratgias sustentveis e vitoriosas.A CULTURA ORGANIZACIONAL O CDIGO-FONTE DA ESTRATGIA.O curso Cultura organizacional para empresas inovadoras amplia o entendimento de conceitos fundamentais, alm de oferecer muitos exemplos prticos. O objetivo que cada aluno possa ser um protagonista na construo de culturas organizacionais inovadoras e alinhadas ao tempo presente.Voc vai aprender sobre:1. O contexto ps-digital- A era exponencial;- Os novos consumidores;- Impacto positivo; - Organizaes horizontais;- O esprito do tempo;- Como operar em modo beta.2. Cultura organizacional: conceitos e definies- O que cultura organizacional;- A importncia das subculturas;- Cultura organizacional prtica;- Cases TAM e Magazine Luiza.3. O que as empresas inovadoras esto fazendo que voc tambm poderia estar fazendo- Cidades vs. Empresas;- Pixar;- Square;- Chilli Beans;- Whole Foods;- Zappos;- Amazon.4. Por onde eu comeo?- Atividades prticas para diagnstico;- Atividades prticas para transformao cultural.5. Processamento e concluses"
Price: 39.99

"Learn CATIA V5 from A TO Z"
"This course will cover Introduction to the Catia and it's application. Basic Modules or Workbench concept, Sketcher Workbench will be explain in detail so that the students will learn to sketch 2D geometries with the help of different tools. Examples for Sketching will be provided to the students on demand also some examples will be shown in the video form. Part Designing workbench will be taught in detail and at the end of the video students will learn about different modeling tools and methods. Examples will be shown in video so that students will understand the application of different tools in making single model. Generative Sheet Metal Design will be taught in detail and at the end students will see example video too. Assembly workbench is responsible for assembling the parts previously produced in Part Design, and it is most important for those who work in the field of machinery design or design in general, because it is the one who shows the inter-relationships between the parts of the machine or any mechanical establishment. In Generative Shape Design surfaces can be drawing with zero size and weight and has its uses in the aerospace, automotive, ships and Mold Design. Drafting workbench is responsible, for converting what you see on the screen to standard engineering drawings can be traded in the workshop for manufacturing or save them for documentation."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn How To Build A Website On WordPress Using SEO 2018"
"In this course, you will learn how to build a WordPress Website using SEO. Throughout the video, I shy away from using tech terms like SEO and concentrate on getting the website built for beginners. Even though this website is SEO completely. The lectures are sorely for someone who are not tech savvy."
Price: 19.99