"How to Solve the Rubiks Cube in 5 easy stages." |
"A very easy way to learn how to do the Rubiks cube without having to learn complex Algorithms. I teach you how the cube works, and use eight very basic movements (based on 3 simple 4 step sequences) to help you easily solve the cube. With some practice most people should easily be able to complete the cube in 5-10 minutes using my method without having to refer back to the notes or videos.I do provide the algorithms if you feel you need them, but honestly, I find them confusing and hard to remember, but the method I teach should just make sense and should be easy to remember.It is obviously not the fastest way to do the cube and it's not even the same as the ""beginners"" method (although it is very similar) and my 5 solve average record using this exact method is 70 seconds and my personal 'lucky' record is 42 seconds!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"SINGING MADE EASY (LEVEL 1): Complete Voice Training System" |
"Study With Award Winning Broadway & National Tour Credited Singing & Voice Instructor!With 20 years of performing and voice training experience, and having studied with the best in the industry, including 2-time Academy Award winning composer A.R. Rahman and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, I will provide you with a wealth of information, and the tools you need, to bring your singing voice to the next level!How to expand your vocal range, singing from the bottom all the way to the top SEAMLESSLY!How to properly warm up your voiceHow to prevent vocal damage and strainHow to utilize your breath efficientlyHow to eliminate bad vocal and performing habitsHow to sing with much more emotion and feelingHow to sing much more dynamicallyHow to sing with control and powerLEARN FROM A TEACHER WHOS BEEN THERE!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Adobe Lightroom CC: Travel Photography Masterclass" |
"Wenn du aus deinen Travelbildern mehr herausholen willst und einen individuellen Bildlook erstellen mchtest,dann bist du hier goldrichtig.In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du deine Travelbilder mithilfe vonAdobe Lightroom auf ein neues Level hievst. Bei mir wird sofort mit der Praxis begonnen, indem ich zeige wie man ein Bild einem bestimmen Bildlook gibt. Und davon habe ich xx Bilder in unterschiedlichen Situation fr dich vorbereitet.Am Ende gibt es dann noch weitere Tipps, wie du deine Bilder nachtrglich perfektionieren kannst.ALS EXTRABONUSVERSCHENKE ICH NOCH OBENDRAUFMEINETRAVELPRESETS DAMITDUDEINE BILDER MITWENIGENKLICKSBEARBEITENKANNST.Und falls du ganz und gar nicht mit dem Kurs zufrieden bist, gibt es die 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie, das heit du bekommst dein Geld zurck !"
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso prctico de retrato. Iniciacin." |
"Curso con demostraciones prcticas para iniciarse en el arte del retrato. El curso ofrece mtodos para aprender a proporcionar bien una cara y ejercicios de aprendizaje, as como informacin, consejos y estrategias para dar salida profesional a este arte, a travs del relato de la propia experiencia de la instructora en este oficio."
Price: 29.99 |
"Forrest Boston's Home Workout Series" |
"John Lennon said it best:""Life is what happensto you whileyou're busy making other plans."" Face it, life happens! So you've made up your mind to get in shape but your job demands your time, your kids need to be run here and there for school activities, household chores are screaming to be done, and etc. Additionally, it may not be in your budget, time wise or money wise, to join a gym.However, that doesn't mean you can't get into shape!With these videos and minimal equipment, plus a little oomph on your part, you can get in shape anytime and in the comfort of your own home. Forrest will instruct you on what you do need to purchase and guide you through each exercise. Start slow and go at your own pace. Stay focused and keep at it (Rome wasn't built in a day), and in about a month, you'll see the new you transforming in front of your very eyes.If you do these exercises on a regular basis (2 to 3 times per week minimally), you will achieve muscular strength and development and youwill also improve yourcardiovascular endurance. With healthy eating, you will also achieve weight loss (PLEASE NOTE: 70% of successful weight loss comes from clean eating and drinking. You cannot outwork what you eat and drink). Remember, eating plans are available by calling Debbie Portell at 636-299-2208. Along with this, you will obtain positive self-esteem and confidence.DONT COUNT THE DAYS; MAKE THE DAYS COUNT"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to Write, Publish and Market Your Novel" |
"Make a Living Writing!This course is designed to inspire your creativity in writing, to engage you in the possibility of traditional publication, and to offer strategic innovative proven techniques in marketing to a global digital world, all so that you, the writer, can earn a living in the craft. We've put together years of research and study in the industry, combined with countless hours of instruction in to an instructional course designed to share expert knowledge in an applicable way. Whether you're a novice writer or you've written and self published, this course can help you get to the next level of success. We've put together applicable approaches to assist you with searching for a Literary Agent to understanding what's expected of you in regards to marketing after publication. As always, we have alternate class instruction on each separate segment, so if you have any questions post this instruction, you are welcome to ask those questions or receive further instruction by contacting us directly."
Price: 29.99 |
"Mobile First Web Development" |
"RequirementsHave a computer that runs Mac or Window Must have access to the InternetMust be willing to learn and have fun!DescriptionWelcome to the Mobile first Web Development course. More than 60% of google search comes from mobile, hence dire need to build responsive mobile first website. This is the perfect opportunity to explore and exploit this course.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry.It's very beginner friendly course that gives room to see the bigger picture. You will have access to the source and will be able to setup a GitHub portfolio.We are going to build a beautiful mobile first landing page from the ground up.This is a course designed for the complete beginner who want to learn about web development, We will be using the most advance web technology to build our project. Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:HTML5CSS3SASS - css processer Flexbox CssGrid CssGoogle Developer ToolNodeJSNPMGitGithubWho is the target audience?This course is for anyone who wants to learn about mobile first web development, regardless of previous experience.It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience or someone curious about build mobile first website. If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about Mobile first web development, take this course."
Price: 54.99 |
"How To Learn" |
"About this CourseThis course will teach you how people learn! Most people are brainwashed by education system to believing that learn is done through reading countless number of page and then spitting it out. This course will teach you How to learn? The most powerful skill we human have is the ability to adapt, and for that we need to learn how to learn. Before taking this Course ask yourself:Do you want to know how you learn? Do you want to learn how to make sense out of things that's totally out of context? Do you want to know, how you to get that ""Ahhh haa"" moment when you learn something new?Do you the two modes of thinking? Do you know why you need to learn how to learn?You will find the answer to those question once you complete this course :D"
Price: 49.99 |
"Curso bsico de masajes" |
"Este curso bsico es perfecto para ingresar en este maravilloso mundo del masaje , dando sus primeros pasos para realizar masajes de pie, pierna y espalda. Conocer algunos de los conceptos principales, recomendaciones y principalmente daremos hincapi en la prctica, hasta que se convierta en todo un profesional .Puede Cubrir la totalidad de este curso en un par de das, sin embargo recomendamos que la tcnica aprendida se repita una y otra vez hasta tomar la suficiente confianza para realizar un masaje completo a personas desconocidas.Nos preocupamos por que este curso sea una inversin a corto plazo, ya que deseamos los masajes que aplique sean remuneradas.Tratamos de que el curso sea 100% en video para su comodidad este curso bsico de masajes es sin duda una excelente manera de expandir sus conocimientos en terapias alternativas o iniciarse en este emocionante mundo."
Price: 29.99 |
"Aprendendo Espanhol" |
"O Curso Aprendendo Espanhol um mtodo de estudo diferente que utiliza o Input como ferramenta, que visa proporcionar resultados equivalentes a um ano de estudos em escolas tradicionais de idiomas, capacitando os alunos a estudar contedos 100% em espanhol. Ao longo do curso, os alunos aprendem no somente uma grande quantidade de espanhol em um curto perodo de tempo, como tambm aprendem a usar (de forma totalmente prtica) mtodos e tcnicas altamente eficientes para aprender espanhol e tambm outros idiomas."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photoshop Essentials in Hindi" |
"This course is for those who are new to Photoshop and want to explore it. Learn all the essentials in Hindi and start your journey as a Graphic designer. After getting to know these Photoshop essentials, you will be able to- Edit images, Create Graphic Design Artworks, Color Correction and much more using Photoshop."
Price: 19.99 |
"Icons8 Lunacy : Adobe Xd Alternative User Experience Design" |
"This Course is specially Design for learners who want to learn different kind of designs like UI/UX , Adobe xd ,Web design and Digital Designing products. In This course i will teach you the basic to pro methods for creating amazing designs .And I will also going to teach you that how you can create Icons for theirs Apps."
Price: 199.99 |
"FINANSE OSOBISTE krok po kroku od Zera do Milionera" |
"Czy wiesz, e w cigu naszego caego ycia przez nasze rachunki bankowe, portfele i rce przepywa gigantyczna rzeka pienidzy? Niewielu ludzi wie, e wystarczy powici jej od 1 do 2 godzin miesicznie, aby rozpocz fantastyczn podr ku wolnoci finansowej. Tak, tak! Wolno finansowa jest w zasigu praktycznie kadego z nas! Zapraszam Ci, usid ze mn nad brzegiem finansowej rzeki i popatrzmy skd napywaj pienidze i dokd odchodz. Sprbujmy uregulowa t rzek stosujc proste instrumenty finansowe i triki. W jednym miejscu postawimy tam, w innym umocnimy brzeg, w jeszcze innym pogbimy koryto rzeki. Moe take uda si nam zorganizowa dodatkowe dopywy finansowe? Dlatego porozmawiamy o istocie pienidza i jego zdolnoci do rozmnaania si. Nawet jeli zarabiasz stosunkowo niewiele, moesz bardzo wyranie poprawi swoj sytuacj finansow. Osigniesz to, jeli zadasz sobie trud uwaania na szczegy. Nawet jeli jeste na starcie ycia i zaczynasz niemale od zera, to moesz doj bardzo daleko w dziedzinie finansowej niezalenoci. Nie musisz wiedzie wszystkiego o finansach. Wystarczy, e bdziesz wiedzia to, co jest naprawd skuteczne! Do tego nie potrzebujesz wieloletnich studiw ekonomicznych, ale dobrej edukacji finansowej! W naszych finansach osobistych tkwi ogromne moliwoci! Wystarczy tylko odkry te moliwoci i odpowiednio rozwin praktykujc zdrowe nawyki finansowe. Nie zwlekaj i rozpocznij wspania finansow przygod!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Sat Teknikleri ve kna Eitimi: Sat Gcn kiye Katla" |
"Deerli Arkadam, Bugne kadar bankaclk, sigorta, perakende, ila, emlak, ar merkezi zerinden sat, yaynclk, otomotiv, yedek para vb. bir ok sektrden 50,000den fazla katlmcya sat ve ikna seminerleri verme ansna sahip oldum.knann ncelikleri isimli kitabm bir ok kurum tarafndan alnarak, sat ekibine baucu kitab olarak verildi.Bu kurs, sat kariyerine devam ettike memnuniyetle vereceim destein ilk adm.Anlattklarm tam olarak uygulamaya gayret ettiin srece hemen her gn deneyiminin ve kendine olan gveninin arttn gzlemleyeceksin.Sat rakamlarnn her hafta %10 - 15 artmas hi de artc olmayacaktr.Alt ay boyunca ylmadan tekrar edecein davranlarla satlarn en az ikiye katlayacan imdiden grebiliyorum.Kursumuzda detayl olarak aklanacak baz konular da fikir vermesi asndan paylayorum:Birok az deneyimli satc mterininhayr demesinden korkar. Sat sreleri doru uygulanrsa satc moralini bozmaz ve ii rahat olarak devam eder.yi hazrlk yapan satc; Hedef kitlesi olan mteriyi iyi tanr. Mteri ihtiya ve beklentilerini doru alglar ve tahmin eder. Mteri ihtiyacn ynetir ve ynlendirir. Mterinin danman gibi davranr.rn ve hizmetini iyi bilen satc;Kendini gvende hisseder Mteriden gelecek soru ve itirazlardan ekinmez. Bilgisini kullanarak mterisini ikna eder ve sat sonulandrr.Her mteri farkldr ve deerlidir. Mteriler etkin dinlenmeli ve hak ettikleri saygy grmelidir.tirazlar ou zaman mterinin satn alma kararn vermeyi kolaylatrmak iin ve ikna olmak iin yardm isteme abasndan baka bir ey deildir.Mterilerinizin sorduklar sorulara vereceiniz tatmin edici yantlarla onlarn kararlarn kolaylatracaksnz.Gven salamak iin iyi bir iletiimci olmak arttr.Kurumsal kimliinize uygun bir d grn ve tutum sizi mteri gznde daha gvenilir yapacaktr. Kursum, ok yeni olmasna ragmen gzel yorumlar almaya balad:Profesyonel hayatta da konusmac olan Mehmet Auf'un fark bu derste ortaya km. Aldm dier derslerdeki (50+ ders) baz eitmenler gibi tek dze bir tonla robot gibi konumuyor, ok rahat dinleniyor. Canlandrmalar ve aklamalar dersi kolay anlalr hale getirmi. Sat konusunda bilgilenmek isteyen herkese tavsiye ederim. Mehmet Auf'un dier derslerini heyecanla bekliyorum.Melih zbekAuf hocann sayesinde zeletiri yaparak kendimi daha fazla sorgulama frsat buldum, faydal olacana inanyorum. Anlatm gzel izlerken keyif aldm. ok teekkr ederim.Sevgiler, sayglar..YusufKurs iinde paylatm bilgi ve ipularn bolca rnekle glendirdim.Amacm olabildiince hzl ilerlemen.Yine de, sormak istediklerin olursa, byk bir memnuniyetle yantlayacama emin olabilirsin.yi satc, i hayatnn neresinde olursa olsun ok deerlidir. Bir an nce deerini katlamak, rn veya hizmetlerin mteriye sat dnda, fikirlerini de evrene, i arkadalarna ve yneticilerine rahata satabilmek, baka bir deyile onlar ikna edebilmek iinkursa balamanda yarar var.Sen de ok iyi bir satc olabilirsin!Zamann en verimli ekilde kullanmak ve bir an nce sonularn sat rakamlarnda grmek iin hemen bala..."
Price: 259.99 |
"Etkin Toplant Ynetimi: Gereksiz Toplantlara Son!" |
"Toplantlar, hayatmzn bir paras. Ama biroumuz katldmz baz toplantlarda, Benim burda ne iim var?Amma uzad!Bu toplantda bulunmam art myd?veya baz dier katlmclar iin, Hi susmuyor!demitir.Haklsnz. nk iyi ynetilmeyen bir toplant burakn fayda getirmeyi, resmen zararl hale gelebiliyor.Hatta aratrmalara gre toplantlarn %50'si gereksiz. Peki bir toplanty iyi ynetmek, fayda ve verimliliini arttrmak mmkn m? Tabii ki mmkn!Bu konudaki ipularn yeni kursumuzda sizlerle paylatk.Hi durmayn ve bir sonraki toplantya kadar, etkin ve faydal bir toplant ynetmenin yollarn renin. Faydal toplantlarla, hem kiisel hem de kurumsal verimlilik ve baarnz arttrn."
Price: 139.99 |
"Internet Marketing Strategie met certificaat" |
"Internet Marketing StrategienDeze training reikt je een scala aan succesvolle internetmarketing strategien aan die jij ook voor je eigen bedrijf kunt gebruiken. Na het volgen van deze training heb je geleerd hoe je niet alleen kunt opvallen bij je doelgroep, maar hoe je er ook nog eens klanten aan kunt overhouden.Bepaal jouw beste Internet Marketing StrategieHoe krijg ik klanten via internet? En waarom hebben mijn inspanningen nog niets opgeleverd? Zonder hulp kan het moeilijk zijn je weg te vinden in online marketing.Deze training reikt je een scala aan succesvolle internetmarketing strategien aan die jij ook voor je eigen bedrijf kunt gebruiken. Na het volgen van deze training heb je geleerd hoe je niet alleen kunt opvallen bij je doelgroep, maar hoe je er ook nog eens klanten aan kunt overhouden.Leer hoe je op speelse en ludieke wijze aantrekkelijker kunt zijn dan je concurrent. Hoe kan ik binnen een paar dagen duizenden bezoekers krijgen? Maak kennis met de brede wereld van internetmarketing, voor jou opgediend in hapklare brokjes zodat je meteen zelf aan de slag kunt. Het is zonde dat veel ondernemers geld en tijd verdoen door verkeerde internetmarketing strategien te gebruiken. De investering in deze praktische training heb je snel terugverdiend.Inhoud van de cursus: De rode draad Quick scan Case psycholoog Wat is Internet Marketing? Internet Marketing succesformule Internetmarketingcijfers Internet Marketing trends De beste Internet Marketing Strategien Social Media Start strategie Affiliate marketing Snel veel verkeer Games in marketingDeze training is ook los op DVD verkrijgbaar en al meer dan 50.000 keer verkocht."
Price: 19.99 |
secretnie_podmalevki |
"15 : ? , , , ? ? """"? - ! - "" "" -,"
Price: 199.99 |
"Painting Master Class - Cherry Mood" |
"The cozy still life with cherries from ""Quiet Painting"" series. The berries are placed on the porcelain dish in the shape of a hill. There are drops of dew on them. Their stalks and leaves directed up. Just like saying us :"" Take us and eat... "". Their colour is vinous-red, the texture is glossy and reflexes from the sky are blue. The silver spoon and knife remind us that cherries are a exquisite dessert for people. Specifications:Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Format: FullHD - 16: 9 Release Date: November 1, 2018 Duration: 3.5 hours"
Price: 99.99 |
"Wolltest du schon immer mal frei improvisieren ?Deine Freunde und Familie begeistern ?Auf einer groen Bhne rocken?In diesem Workshop zeige ich dir nicht nur 10 Licks mit denen du das schaffst, sondern die Methode wie du lernst selbst deine eigenen Improvisationen erschaffen kannst. Dieser Workshop ist Live, von duzenden meiner Schler getestet worden. Und alle haben wahnsinns Jams danach hingelegt. Auch du kannst das ! Der Workshop richtet sich nicht nur an erfahrene Gitarristen, sonder auch an Anfnger, die schnelle Ergebnisse sehen wollen. Mit diesem Workshop wird es dir mglich sein in den ersten Minuten starke Licks zu spielen. Ich freue mich sehr darauf dir die Licks zu zeigen mit denen du Gnsehaut beim Zuhrer erzeugen wirst."
Price: 24.99 |
"Initiation l'valuation d'entreprise" |
"Ce cours permet au participant d'apprhender les principaux processus attachs l'valuation d'entreprise. Le participant sera sensibilis la dmarche que doit avoir un valuateur d'entreprise, de la phase de prise de connaissance la rdaction de sa conclusion. Au cours de la formation, nous aborderons l'analyse pralable ncessaire toute valuation d'entreprise, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre des mthodes d'valuation : approche patrimoniale, multiples boursiers, multiples de transactions comparables, DCF.Cette formation est davantage pratique que thorique. Nous prsentons en vido des exemples de mises en oeuvre des mthodes d'valuation avec un tableur. Vous pourrez vous entraner en ralisant des cas pratiques et des QCM."
Price: 99.99 |
"Fusions et acquisitions - Aspect financier de l'earn-out" |
"Ce cours est consacr l'analyse des principales caractristiques financires d'une clause d'earn-out (ou clause de complment de prix) mise en oeuvre dans le cadre d'une opration de fusions et acquisitions. Aprs avoir rappel le contexte de ce type de clause, il est apport une analyse de son mcanisme et des exemples sont donns.Il est aussi apport une attention particulire aux points souvent litigieux dans l'estimation du complment de prix rsultant d'une transaction de socits. Nous verrons galement les principales modalits de rsolutions des conflits attachs aux litiges lis son estimation.Le cours contient des exercices et quiz afin de permettre un bon apprentissage des problmatiques abordes."
Price: 49.99 |
"Apprendre la comptabilit gnrale" |
"Le cours se concentre sur la comprhension des principes fondamentaux de la comptabilit.Il permet une personne sans connaissance dans ce domaine d'tre en mesure d'avoir une bonne connaissance de la comptabilit, de ses enjeux et de comprendre les lments cls d'un bilan et d'un compte de rsultat.Le cours est agrment de prsentations vidos avec de nombreux schmas, exemples et explications afin d'illustrer les points fondamentaux connatre. Le cours est anim par un praticien expriment sur ces sujets qui est Expert comptable et Commissaire aux comptes. La participant pourra s'entraner partir d'exemples de schmas d'critures expliqus de pas pas, par le formateur. Il pourra aussi s'entraner avec des quiz."
Price: 69.99 |
"L'usage des primes et dcotes pour l'valuation des actions" |
"Le cours constitue un prolongement de la formation consacre l'initiation l'valuation d'entreprise. Il doit permettre au participant de comprendre et matriser les principaux enjeux attachs l'application des primes et dcotes dans une dmarche de l'valuation d'entreprise.Les principales primes et dcotes usuelles sont abordes sous l'angle pratique. Aprs avoir rappel les principes fondamentaux, le formateur propose une mthodologie prouve pour l'usage des primes et dcotes (primes de contrle, dcote de minorit, dcote pour non liquidit, dcote pour non ngociabilit, dcote de holding, dcote pour dcs de dirigeants, etc.).Le formateur propose et prsente galement plusieurs ressources utiles pour apprcier les primes et dcotes ""standard"" du march sur la base d'tudes approfondies (notamment : dcote de holding en 2017 et proposition de table de dcote ; prime de contrle observe en France entre janvier 2015 et mi-novembre 2018). Le participant apprciera ainsi les facteurs qui influent sur les principales primes et dcotes sur la base d'observations relles.Par ailleurs, la formation est illustre par de nombreux exemples, tableaux, graphiques, QCM et exercices afin de faciliter la comprhension de chaque thme.Le formateur met aussi disposition un support de cours pour chaque thme abord mais aussi des ressources qui sont utilises au cours de la formation."
Price: 99.99 |
"Visual Studio make Animation Tools VB" |
"Visual Studio Animation ToolsMore than 31 Project with Source code SRCEveryone with Source code SRC Toggle & Switch & SendButton & SearchTextbox & ReckordButton & RadioButton & NumericUpDown & notification & Lock & IOS Switch2 & IOS Switch & IconButton & Haert & Gridandlistview & favorite & emoji reaction & DayNightSwitch & checkmark & Cam & bookmark & Bell1 & Bag & Aperture & AngryEmoji & Switch1 & Switch2 & Switch3 & Switch4 & Switch5 & Switch6 & Switch7 & More..."
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduo ao Estudo do Ingls" |
"Hello! Welcome to the study of English! Este o primeiro curso da introduo mais aprofundada ao estudo do ingls. Voc no precisa de nenhum conhecimento prvio de ingls ou gramtica, tudo que voc precisa est aqui! No se engane, nenhum outro curso pode comparar com este curso de ingls.O curso inclue pronnciao, vocabulrios, gramtica, e mais. Tambm h testes e muitos exerccios para desenvolver da melhor forma suas habilidades. E com cursos do Udemy, voc pode aprender em seu prprio ritmo.Voc precisa de um curso introdutrio na sua prpria lngua! Como voc pode aprender ingls em um curso com instrues em ingls? Alm disso, por entender o portugus, o professor possa relacionar o ingls ao seu prprio idioma.Para aprender uma nova linguagem, necessrio uma base de aprendizado solida. Este curso ir lhe proporcionar o caminho correto para este aprendizado. Neste curso, voc aprender rapidamente e obter um verdadeiro entendimento do Ingls. Muitos cursos prometem isto, porm apenas ensinam frases prontas assim como uma conversao bsica. Este curso explicar tudo, no simplesmente apresenta palavras. O professor americano, e possui educao de ps-graduao. Com um falante nativo de Ingls, voc ouvir pronncia perfeita. Com certeza aprender exatamente como Ingls falado verdadeiramente - e porqu! Este curso comeer devagar, inteiramente em Portugus, depois acelerar e evoluir. Existem vrias etapas para aprender uma lngua. O professor sabe essas etapas, e como a mente entende as habilidades de linguagem. Este curso usa vrios mtodos para abordar essas etapas. Algumas lies ensinam pronncia. Outras lies explicam gramtica. Ainda outras lies ajudam voc a ouvir e traduzir. Cada lio cuidadosamente projetada para atingir vrias estratgias de aprendizado. As pessoas que conhecem uma segunda lngua ganham mais dinheiro, mas tambm enriquecem suas vidas! O ingls a terceira lngua mais falada no mundo, mas ainda no nem de longe o mais difcil de aprender. Voc quer escrever, ler, ou falar ingls? Venha, vamos aprender!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Marketing Digital y publicidad en linea" |
"El curso en Marketing Digital ofrece una propuesta diferenteentenderel ecosistema digital, desde la experiencia propia y de manera sistemtica yque acompaa el proceso de construccin de su plan demarketingdigital para empresa o negocio.Ofrece toda una estrategia de mercadeo y un plan de marketing usando diferentes herramientas automatizadas y aplicaciones para hacer presencia en Internet de manera objetiva y puntual en las campaas que se proyecten en una empresa o negocio, este curso est dirigido a empresas de los sectores industrial comercio y servicios, que deseen tener presencia en Internet y hacer seguimiento a sus clientes potenciales para de manera asertiva lograr captar y mantener sus clientes actuales, logrando as la fidelizacin a corto y mediano plazo con estrategias de mercadeo bien definidas y llegando al nicho de mercado objetivo segmentado sus clientes potenciales dependiendo del producto o servicio que ofrezca la compaa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Getting started with Azure IoT" |
"Bring your basic programming skills, and get started with this practical exploration of whatIoTmeans and how to use MicrosoftAzuretechnologies inIoTsolutions. See howIoTis being implemented by businesses around the world, and configure and implement your own end-to-endIoTsolution using the Azure IoTHub, Azure IoTHub Device ProvisioningService, and IoTEdge."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Azure Machine Learning from scratch" |
"Are you passionate about Machine Learning and AI?Are you looking to find your first steps into Data Science.This course starts from scratch with Azure MachineLearning and lands in decision trees.I will walk you through theAzure MLStudio, how to create expirements, how to add datasets, how to add algorithms and predict values.This course does not cover any coding with R or Python, this will be published in a different course."
Price: 99.99 |
"3d Unity 1" |
", 3d , . , 3d . . . , . - . !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Animated 3d character for Unity in 1 hour." |
"If you want to make a game in unity, you need a textured, rigged and animated model as a character. In this series of videos i will take a free model from asset store, find free animations (idle, walk, jump, death) and import all this into unity. Then i will create an animation controller and a movescript so the character will move as needed. And finally we will test our alive character on a mobile device! NO modelling, animation or programming skills required!What you will need for this course: Unity - it is free (basic understanding will be enough)"
Price: 19.99 |