"Master Data Analysis with Open Source Software" |
"Welcome! Course ObjectivesThis course will help you quickly and effectively analyze , visualize, and interpret data. After completing this course, you will be able to quickly and efficiently create charts, diagrams, describe basic statistics, and interpret the results of a regression analysis. The best part is that this course is designed around free and open software. You will not have to spend hundreds of dollars on proprietary software to conduct statistics. About the InstructorRobert Reed is a current Masters of Business Administrationcandidate and veteran with four years of service in the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army.He holds a B.A. in Economics and has served as a student tutor for three years."
Price: 49.99 |
"Managerial Economics - Effective Business Decisionmaking" |
"Welcome! Managerial Economics is a field of Economics that analyzes business decisions. Managerial Economics allows business owners to answer the questions ""How much should I produce?"" and ""What price should I charge?"". However, there is much more to Managerial Economics than simply determining the optimum price and quantity that a firm should produce. Managerial Economics also allows us to determine how our business will be affected by changes in the production of other businesses. It allows us to predict the impact that certain government legislation will have on our business. This course will examine business decisions from both the perspective of the supplier and the consumer. Topics CoveredMarket EquilibriumPrice ControlsLaw of Supply and DemandIndifference Curves and Budget ConstraintsElasticity of DemandIsoquant and Isocost CurvesMinimizing Cost of ProductionMarket Structure Pricing StrategiesBenefits of MergersEmployee IncentivesTime Value of MoneyAbout the InstructorRobert Reed is a current Masters of Business Administrationcandidate and veteran with four years of service in the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army.He holds a B.A. in Economics and has served as a student tutor for three years."
Price: 109.99 |
"Beginners Guide to Video Editing With Open Source Software" |
"Start creating great videos today! Video editing is becoming a critical skill for anyone involved with social medial. This course is designed to give you a quick start guide to creating great looking videos. You will learn how to crop, slice, trim and edit videos using OpenShot video editor. You will learn how to use a free screen recorder so that you can make videos of images captured directly from your computer display. I will also introduce a free audio editing tool and show how you can remove background noise from your videos with Audacity. This course is designed to give you the skills you need to produce high-quality videos. I am not a professional video editor. This is a benefit because I explain everything in a way that makes sense to other beginners. I will explain all of the terms and processes in a simple, easy to understand format. The course will use 100% free software. This is a great course for students who are not sure if they want to get started in video editing. Because the software is 100% free, you will not have to make any major investments to start learning to edit videos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Self-Management With Simple Strategies" |
"Stop spinning your wheels and take control of your life. Each and every one of us has a unique life purpose, but why do so few people actually achieve the life they truly deserve? Poor time management, lack of a clear purpose, and bad financial decisions ruin many dreams before they even get off the ground. Everywhere you look, you can find courses on managing a business, managing difficult co-workers, and there's even a new trend called ""managing up"" where employees manage their boss. With all this talk of management, how come nobody teaches you how to manage the most important person, yourself? You will change jobs and bosses countless times throughout your life, but you must master your own actions every single day. The reality is that Self-Management takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. ""Mastering Self-Management"" is a mindset and way of life. Every decision that we make either gets us closer to realizing our goals, or slowly moves those goals further out of reach. Stop making bad decisions and destroying your own dreams. This course will give you tools to help move you closer fulfilling your purpose and achieving the life you want.. This course is divided into three separate sections that each focus on a different aspect of your life. This course will help you:Make the Most Effective Use of Your TimeMake Money Go FurtherUse Technology to be More EfficientRemove Negative InfluenceCultivate Meaningful RelationshipsPursue Your Life PurposeFace Your Fears and Destroy DoubtAbout the Instructor Robert Reed recently completed his childhood dream of serving in the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army. He is currently fulfilling his goal of earning his Master's of Business Administration. In addition to traveling the world, he earned his Bachelor's degree in Economics, served as a tutor for three years, and recently published a guidebook for military service members."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner's Guide to Income Statement Analysis" |
"Welcome! Income statement analysis is a field of study that determines a company's financial health by looking at publicly available information found on financial reports. Income statement analysis allows us to determine how efficient a company is as well as calculating different measures of profitability. Income statement analysis is typically thought of as an Accounting or Finance skill, but other business professionals such as managers and economists need this tool set as well. There is nothing worse than trying to learn a new skill that you don't understand. As an Economics student, I found most of the courses in Financial Statement Analysis were geared towards explaining the concepts in a way that Accounting and Finance students could best understand, and the examples did not make sense to me. This course is specifically designed for non-experts who have no prior experience with accounting. I will do my best to explain all of the concepts in a simple, easy to understand way while still covering all of the important information. Topics CoveredWhere to find Income Statements and other Financial StatementsCompare and Contrast Three Measures of ProfitabilityUnderstand Key Income Statement TermsCalculate Price to Earnings RatioDifferentiate Earnings per Share vs Diluted Earnings per ShareDerive Commonly Used Financial RatiosAbout the InstructorRobert Reed is a current Masters of Business Administrationcandidate and veteran with four years of service in the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army.He holds a B.A. in Economics and has served as a student tutor for three years."
Price: 39.99 |
"Elaboracin de Tablas dinmicas" |
"Este es un taller basado enEXCEL. Donde el estudiante aprender a elaborar tablas dinmicas de una manera Efectiva.Podrs usar los datos de una hoja de clculo de Excel como base para unatabla dinmicao un grfico dinmico. Los datos deben estar en formato de lista con etiquetas de columna en la primera fila, ya que Excel las utiliza para los Nombres de campo. 1-Elaboracin.2-Filtros y Segmentacin de Datos3-Campos Calculados.4-Grficos Dinmicos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Javascript ES6 tricky questions" |
"This course would cover all the tricky questions of the JavaScript language. first package contains all the questions based out of array and second package consists of the questions based out of modules and classes. it has all the question on the extends and modules in es6 . every question in this course has a potential JavaScript concepts in the background. best of luck."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Dal Marketing Strategico al Marketing Operativo" |
"In questo corso sar possibile verificare in che modo, attraverso un percorso coerente e strutturato, possibile tradurre gli studi di mercato e di ambiente competitivo, in azioni concrete e visibili per l'azienda, utilizzando tutte le leve del marketing mix tradizionali e nuove. Con le informazioni fornite sar possibile strutturare un semplice piano di comunicazione che possa servire da guida per le attivit aziendali."
Price: 19.99 |
Word-- |
"WordWordWordWordWord3WordWordWord 2013,2016....2018/12/15 Update >> Microsoft Excel"
Price: 12000.00 |
"Accounting made easy in 60 minutes" |
"This course is the most graphical and fun way you could ever learn accounting.In an hour youcan gain insight into how you could use accounting as an incredible tool to increase the efficiency of how things work. You will also be more conversant with bankers,entrepreneurs and other financial experts. You will explore key concepts such as the different kinds of accounting, Break even analysis,Product costing and more importantly which concept to use where and when.The balance sheets,income statements and cash flow statements of some of the present day leading companies have been discussed to give you a deeper insight of how to assess the financial health of a company."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Basic Budgeting Strategies with Google Sheets" |
"Do you want a new budget system that actually works? Something thats not complicated but is still effective? I had the same problem and tried all the apps, spreadsheet templates and even budget binders from mom bloggers on Pinterest. It was either too restrictive, lacking direction or was simply too complicated. So what finally worked for me? Google Sheets.In this course, you will learn how to use my Google Sheets template for creating a monthly budget. I created this template over a year ago and still use it for myself. Ive taken my background in personal organization, non-profit financial management, and accounting knowledge to create something straightforward and effective.The key to REAL budgeting is organizing your thoughts, setting goals, and monitoring your activity. In this course, youll learn how to do all of that for the ultimate personal financial management experience. By the end of this course, you will be able to:Set financial goalsIdentify your wants and needs in your spendingLearn how to navigate my budget templateCreate your monthly budget in 30 minutes or lessAnalyze your daily spending to adjust to your financial goalsNot only will this course focus on developing your financial goals, but taking an in-depth look into the template and customizing it for your own personal finances. Youll have a clear understanding of what you do with your money to reach your goals.This course contains:Short and straightforward instructional videosHands-on activities from the startDownloadable content with lifelong accessInstructor support in customizing your budget from the templateBonus money management resources at the end of the courseJoin this course if you love the flexibility of Google Drive and want a new and effective budget system!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Como Criar Um Blog e Ganhar Dinheiro" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender Como Criar Um Blog do Absoluto Zero e Ganhar Dinheiro Com Ele.Voc aprender desde como criar o blog at como criar os contedos e levar trfego para o seu site.Este um curso completo onde voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber para criar blogs de nicho lucrativos e que vo te gerar uma renda extra ou at mesmo excelentes ganhos lhe permitindo ter uma vida mais confortvel e ter mais dinheiro.Criar um blog uma excelente forma de se ganhar dinheiro, principalmente pelo fato de que uma vez criado e configurado da forma correta, como voc vai aprender aqui no curso, pode te gerar excelentes lucros alm de te gerar uma renda totalmente passiva, ou seja, voc pode ganhar dinheiro sem precisar necessariamente estar trabalhando.Isso porque uma vez que voc coloca um contedo no seu Blog este mesmo contedo vai continuar trabalhando para voc 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, 365 dias por ano sem que voc precise fazer mais nada.Neste curso voc aprender:- Como criar um blog do absoluto zero sem precisar ter nenhum conhecimento prvio- Como usar e configurar seu blog da melhor forma possvel- Como criar um blog lucrativo - Como criar contedo de qualidade de forma rpida e fcil- Como criar contedos para vender produtos e ganhar altas comisses- Como ganhar dinheiro sem precisar vender absolutamente nada- Como gerar trfego gratuito e qualificado para seu siteOu seja, um curso prtico, direto ao ponto e sem enrolaes para que voc j possa ir colocando em prtica a medida que voc vai assistindo e comear a ganhar dinheiro com seu blog o mais rpido possvel.Neste curso voc no encontrar um monte de teorias vagas para demorar um ano implementando, mas voc vai encontrar um curso prtico, passo a passo e muito simples e fcil de aplicar."
Price: 39.99 |
"Como Vender Como Afiliado No Youtube" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender um passo a passo completo de como vender como afiliado no Youtube.Voc aprender desde como criar o seu canal do Youtube at como criar os vdeos, editar e subir para o seu canal.Este um curso completo onde voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber para criar canais do Youtube vendedores e para gerar no somente uma renda extra como afiliado como ter uma boa renda com este mercado.O Youtube uma das melhores fontes de trfego atualmente para se vender produtos digitais, alm disso tambm uma fonte de trfego gratuita.Outro grande benefcio de se vender produtos como afiliado atravs de vdeos no Youtube que eles podem te gerar uma renda passiva, ou seja, voc pode ganhar dinheiro como afiliado at mesmo quando voc no estiver trabalhando.Isso porque uma vez que voc coloca um vdeo seu no Youtube este mesmo vdeo vai continuar trabalhando para voc 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, 365 dias por ano sem que voc precise fazer mais nada.Neste curso voc aprender:- Como funciona o trabalho de um afiliado- Como se cadastrar nas plataformas- Como escolher um bom produto para se afiliar- Como criar o seu canal do Youtube - Como criar o contedo dos seus vdeos- Modelos prontos de vdeos para criar os seus de forma extremamente simples e fcil- Como editar seus vdeos- Estratgias simples mas poderosas ainda pouco utilizadas no Brasil para rankear os seus vdeos de forma rpida e eficiente- Como subir seus vdeos para o Youtube- Como criar miniaturas, capas para o seu canal, etc- E muito mais...Ou seja, um curso prtico, direto ao ponto e sem enrolaes para que voc j possa ir colocando em prtica a medida que voc vai assistindo e comear a ganhar dinheiro como afiliado o mais rpido possvel.Neste curso voc no encontrar um monte de teorias vagas para demorar um ano implementando, mas voc vai encontrar um curso prtico, passo a passo e muito simples e fcil de aplicar."
Price: 39.99 |
"Elastic Stack 7. Beats, Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana. ELK" |
"Este curso se centra en resolver todos los problemas relacionados con lagestin de logs y la monitorizacin de sistemas y aplicaciones.A travs de Elastic Stack (antiguo ELK), se irn conociendo y analizando los mecanismos ms adecuados para la puesta en marcha de una plataforma de este tipo, con el fin de aprovechar de la mejor manera posible toda la informacin generada por nuestra aplicaciones o por los sistemas con los que interactan.Por tanto, esta formacin estar enfocada no slo a la instalacin y puesta en marcha de la plataforma, sino tambin a la integracin con distintos tipos de aplicaciones y a conocer las configuraciones necesarias paraexplotar y aprovechar la mayor cantidad de datos posibles.Este curso resultar de gran inters para todas aquellas personas que, de una u otra manera, necesitan mejorar sus capacidades degestin de logs, bsqueda y localizacin de errores dentro de una aplicacin o monitorizacin de aplicaciones y sistemas. Como punto adicional, esta formacin tambin despertar la curiosidad quienes estn buscando trabajo en el campo de la analtica de datos o deseen mejorar sus condiciones laborales actuales, ya que Elastic Stack es una plataforma en pleno crecimiento y con una demanda cada vez mayor de profesionales especializados.Adems de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre la plataforma en su conjunto, tambin se entrar en detalle en cada una de las herramientas que componen el stack: Betas, Logstash, Elasticsearch y Kibana, por lo que se adquirirn los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para utilizar estas tecnologas para otro tipo de fines o proyectos."
Price: 189.99 |
Flutter |
"FlutterGoogle - Dart FlutterSDKDartUIAndroid / JavaiOS / SwiftFlutterDartAndroidiOSFlutterPS:"
Price: 800.00 |
"The 2018 Git Complete: 45 minute Crash Course using Angular" |
"Git CompleteThis course is designed to be a crash course. which means elementary knowledge of Git is necessary.Course OutlineCourse Introduction provides an introduction to this course and sets the expectancy of what will be learned.Quick Starta very quick, hands-on introduction to Git. We start off by signing in to Gitlab, creating a repository there, making a local copy to our computer, local changes to our files and then updating Gitlab with our changes.InComparisons, we walk through how to compare branches, including all the different local states, between commits, and between local and remote repositories, and what Git alias is.InBranching and Merging. We learn about branching basics, have a challenge, and move on to fast forward merging and resolving Git conflicts. With a strong foundation in branching and merging, we will then cover a more complex topic,Rebasing. In that section, we cover several rebasing examples, including what rebase is, how its used, and the differences between the rebases.In theStashingsection, we learn about what stashing is and how to use it and more importantly, when to use it!Finally, in the Annotated vs Lightweight tags we learn about what they are, why they are used for and how to use them.Note:This course has challenges and solutions, so get ready to work!Course FeaturesPresentationsprovide audio/video training of relevant up to date topics. Screencastsprovide a video of the instructor's computer with actions, commands, code, screens displayed and also narrated."
Price: 39.99 |
"2018 Angular Interview Questions" |
"Have you ever wondered what is like to finally pass that software engineering interview you're struggling so hard to pass? Well with this test prep material, you can pass it. These are the questions I personally use when I interview people, and I interview over 200 people a year! I let you know all the secret questions and more!Join us!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Inteligncia Financeira - Um Plano Completo" |
"Esse Curso foi Extremamente Pensado para Dar uma Viso bem Ampla a Respeito da Inteligncia Financeira, o Aluno que optar por Estudar esse Material, sem Dvidas est Absorvendo informaes que Valem muito e que so Carssimas no Mercado.Foram dedicados Algumas Horas intensas para a Gravao desse Material que voc est Prestes a Consumir, Por tanto Faa bom uso e Convide o Mximo de Pessoas Para serem Transformadas com esse Incrvel Contedo de Inteligncia Financeira.Sero Ministradas 9 Aulas de Contedo sobre a Inteligncia e Gesto Financeira."
Price: 39.99 |
"Informatica Data Quality Developer Specialist Certification" |
"Informatica Data Quality Practice Tests The practice tests are created to measures your knowledge and competency as an Informatica Data Quality (IDQ) developer who will be a member of any kind of Data Quality projects/implementations. These practice tests cover a lot of ground on in-depth aspects of Data Quality processes such as Profiling, Standardization, Matching, Consolidation, Exception Management and various aspects of configuring the appropriate Data Quality transformations and build the transformations for complex real time requirements. Additionally, all the other important areas like human tasks, debugging, Reference Data Management, Scorecards, Analyst activities, deployment activities, execute Data Quality mappings, integrating the mappings/rules/mapplets into Informatica Power Center. Is this an online video-based course?No. This is a practice test with questions and multiple-choice answers. Will it be an interactive session?Yes, you will be able to send a note to the trainer/instructor and communicate as well. If you are taking this course, there are options to see the questions asked by you and also by other participants. This will not only help you to get the questions clarified but also you will know the different perspectives of the subject based on the questions asked by other participants.Will I get any material apart from the questions and answers?We will support you with your questions, doubts and help you with any related Informatica corporation documentation and other curated Data Quality specific products content to learn and understand the content/topics with more clarity.Do these tests cover any real time scenarios / live project's scenarios?Yes, all the content and questions in this course are from real time project implementations. Everything will be practical and on real time project implementation.Will this help me to clear the IDQ certification?We encourage you to learn all the topics and prepare for success. All the questions and answers provided here have helped multiple other participants to clear the interviews and IDQ certification without any help. We do help you with any clarifications required.Please note, these questions are not copy and paste from the actual certification test, these questions are prepared based on the test topics covered in the certification testPlease note, launch the practice test using chrome browser. In other browsers the question and answers may not fit to the window and you may have to scroll the page up and down to see the questions and answers."
Price: 199.99 |
"Understanding Credit Cards" |
"There are many people with a lot of consumer debt, and most are due to a lack of understanding of how some debt facilities work, as well as their long term impact on your financial future. The purpose of this course is to help people understand how credit cards work, to hopefully, assist them to better understand their responsibilities as a card holder, manage their debts well and know how to choose a card that best suits their needs."
Price: 44.99 |
"RideShare Driving Secrets: How I Earn 28 Dollars per hour" |
"Learn to Make the MOSTMoney driving Uber andLyft! Taught by a Business Strategy Pro who specializes in learning an industry and applying statistical analysis to it... essentially, he masters something so he can teach you how to master it too and improve your life as easily and quickly as possible. You also get these very helpful bonuses:Updated for 2018: - phone Apps to make you more effective and profitable- what's new from the company you need to know about Personal help with the course. I didn't just create courses to make money. I created them because I want you to succeed. If you have any questions or need help, leave a question in the Q&A section. You can also send me a message onUdemy.Let me help you get top results. Click the button and enroll now."
Price: 174.99 |
"Eliminate Debt & Begin to Create Wealth NOW" |
"Get out from under the burden of debt. Financial trouble is the #1 cause of divorce. Money stress causes anxiety, fatigue, and illness. Much of this is caused by debt, and 100% of it is presentable.There is a lot of misinformation out there (much of which presented by academics and self-proclaimed ""experts"" who haven't worked with thousands of families directly to solve their problems). This instructor has tens of thousands of hours experiencing directly helping families accomplish these goals, has written articles, and is the #1 ranked video producer on multiple financial topics on YouTube. If you could learn how to get rid of your car, student loan, credit card, and even mortgage debt and begin to build financial stability (and eventually freedom and real wealth), when would you begin?This course, taught by the Founder/owner of the consulting firm LIFE180:Leading into Financial Excellence and former top recruiter and team builder of a Fortune 1000 Financial Company, will teach you the steps and offer the same tools that he uses with his multi-millionaire clients.But don't let that intimidate you. Everyone starts somewhere, and he is passionate about getting you out of the hole you're in, and beginning your climb to the top. Be ready for encouragement, education, and even a few chuckles along the way.You're in good hands, and you're worth it. Get started now. You also get these very helpful bonuses:- Credit &Debt CheatSheet - my Complete eBook!- Master Your Mortgage - my special programPersonal help with the course. I didn't just create courses to make money. I created them because I want you to succeed. If you have any questions or need help, leave a question in the Q&A section. You can also send me a message onUdemy.Let me help you get top results. Click the button and enroll now."
Price: 99.99 |
"YouTube Video Marketing Course in Hindi : Mastery in YouTube" |
"Video Marketing is Growing Day by Day and we People Love to Watch Videos and Reduce our Time to Watch the TVYouTube Mastery Course id specially designed for those who want to grow by YouTube Video MarketingThis Course is Developed and designed By Mr. Ashish Aggarwal for Promotion of your Business and Personal Growth from the best Platform in the World. That is YouTube. YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. We Always Prefer to watch videos in detail rather than going to read any blog or article that why the area of video Marketing is Increasing in this way.This Video Marketing course by Ashish Agarwal IncludesWays to Create VideosHow to make Videoshow to edit Videos Best Practices to do the Seo of Youtube Videostools and Tricks to get more Subscribers and Views on VideosWhat are the ways to make money from YoutubeHow to do the Keyword research for your Videos and many More"
Price: 12800.00 |
VueCli3.0Node/Vue/ElementUi |
"Vuenode, node+express+mongodb, VueCli3.0, UIElement. . , VueCli3.0."
Price: 29.99 |
Vue2.x |
"MEVN-(vue-vuex-mongo-express-koa-node+es6), , , ,, MEVN"
Price: 19.99 |
VueCli3.x-(//) |
"Node.jsVue!node.js express mongodb, vuecli3.x, , ! , vuecli3!"
Price: 29.99 |
tyoyjyqo |
"node.js express mongodb, , , , , , , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Anfngerkurs: Blockchain & Kryptowhrungen" |
"Im Anfngerkurs von allaboutcrypto .de erlernst Du einfach und verstndlich die wichtigsten Grundbausteine von Bitcoin, Blockchain & Kryptowhrungen.Wir geben uns grte Mhe, Dir komplexe Sachverhalte klar verstndlich und anhand von Beispielen zu vermitteln.In unseren 19 Lektionen erklren wir Dir von der Funktion unserer Wirtschaftssysteme, ber Geschichte und Anwendung von Bitcoin, die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie, bis hin zu Mining und den Gebrauch von Wallets alles, was Du fr den erfolgreichen Einstieg in den Markt brauchst.Anhand unserer aufwendig gestalteten Videos beherrschst Du mit wenig Aufwand das ntige Handwerk fr den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kryptowhrungen."
Price: 169.99 |
"Advancedkurs: Blockchain & Kryptowhrungen" |
"Im Advancedkurs von allaboutcrypto .de vertiefst Du einfach und verstndlich Dein Wissen zu Bitcoin, Blockchain & Kryptowhrungen.Wir geben uns grte Mhe, Dir komplexe Sachverhalte klar verstndlich und anhand von Beispielen zu vermitteln.In unseren 16 Lektionen erklren wir Dir von der Funktion von Smart Contracts, der Ethereum-Blockchain, ber Handelsplattformen bis hin zu wichtigen Sicherungshinweisen alles, was Du fr Deinen Erfolg am Markt brauchst.Anhand unserer aufwendig gestalteten Videos beherrschst Du mit wenig Aufwand das ntige Handwerk fr den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kryptowhrungen."
Price: 169.99 |
"Hte Airbnb : Astuces pour augmenter vos rservations" |
"Je m'appelle Sbastien MORE, ingnieur de formation et entrepreneur depuis que j'ai 23 ans (j'en ai 42maintenant).Je me suis lanc sur Airbnb il y a maintenant pratiquement 5 ans. J'ai mont une socit de management et de conseils pour des propritaires qui cherchent dvelopper leur revenus et gnrer plus de cash-flow chaque mois dans leur projet d'investissement immoobilier.Fort de mes connaissances acquises depuis plusieurs annes j'ai su petit petit me diffrencier de la concurrence et apporter aux propritaires qui me font confiance toujours plus de rentabilit et de cash flow positif chaque mois.Pour acclrer mes revenus, j'ai moi aussi investi dans mes propres proprits, 5 pour tre exacte, des grosses maisons type villa. Pourquoi le faire que pour les autres alors que si j'adopte la mme stratgie, je peux aussi le faire pour moi mme et gnrer encore plus de revenus ! Rien que sur mes proprits je gnre environ 5000 de bnfices/cash flow net par mois !!J'ai depuis mont une chaine Youtube o je livre beaucoup de vidos gratuites sur mes conseils, astuces et comment bien grer son business autour de la location saisonnire / courte dure.Venons en ce cours/formation que je propose sur Udemy.Pourquoi ce cours et cette formation ?Il y a encore quelques annes, il suffisait juste de dposer une annonce sur Airbnb et d'attendre les rservations.Aujourd'hui la concurrence est arrive et si vous mettez en ligne votre annonce sur Airbnb sans prendre le temps de faire de jolies photos, de bien prparer votre annonce, d'adopter des stratgies marketing mais aussi des techniques propres Airbnb, c'est l'chec assur et vous aurez peu de rservations.J'ai donc prpar ce cours, et je vous explique exactement comment je fais quand je suis dans une priode plus creuse et lorsque j'ai peu de rservations. Dans cette formation, J'explique mes techniques et astuces... que vous n'avez jamais lu ou entendu sur Internet ! et bien entendu je ne livre pas cela gratuitement ! sinon tout le monde va se mettre le faire et j'aurai perdu ma longueur d'avance ... donc je prfre livrer ces techniques ceux qui y croient vraiment et qui comprennent que investir dans un cours, une formation n'est jamais de l'argent de perdu.L'objectif de ce cours, vous l'avez compris est de vous faire gagner de l'argent rapidement et de booster vos rservations !!Vous n'allez pas regretter ce cours qui dure environ 45 minutes, avec du vrai contenu, et on va droit l'essentiel, pas de blabla !Vous aurez immdiatement ds la 1re rservation votre retour sur investissement ! alors n'attendez plus et je vous dis tout de suite ! vous ne serez pas du.Bien entendu je reste disponible si vous aviez des questions par la suite.Bon visionnage."
Price: 19.99 |