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"Beginner's Guide to Use WordPress Gutenberg Editor"
"Are you ready? WordPress Gutenberg is scheduled to be launched with WordPress 5.0 in 2018. It is the major change in editing history that allows you to create content in a manner that closely resembles to the page or post on the front end (page-builder style interface) of your website.Find out how this new standard editor works!This course contains some must watch videos and includes 5 separate lessons. The brand-new WordPress Gutenberg Editor is super fun. You need to be all set now and Ill show you how!WordPress Gutenberg Editor is all about the blocks. Please do check out the free preview of the course and Ill see you inside this cool course!So, whats covered?1. Introduction to WordPress2. What is WordPress Gutenberg - Features of WordPress Gutenberg editor - Comparison between the current TinyMCE editor and Gutenberg Editor 3. Why you should use WordPress Gutenberg Editor4. How to use Gutenberg Editor to create blog post - How to create blocks - Gutenberg Headings Blocks - Paragraph Blocks - Customization of individual block - Gutenberg Pull-quote Blocks - Duplicating, Moving and Removing Blocks - List Formatting - Adding Image blocks - Featured Images - Editing source code - Adding videos using Gutenberg YouTube Embed Block - More Control Options - Previewing and Publishing blocks, etc. 5. Conclusion"
Price: 19.99

"MCSA 70-762 Developing Databases"
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Certification (70-762) - Developing SQL Databases. This exam is intended for database professionals who build and implement databases across organizations and maintain high levels of data availability. Their responsibilities include creating database files, data types, and tables; planning, creating, and optimizing indexes; ensuring data integrity; implementing views, stored procedures, and functions; and managing transactions and locks.In this course, you'll learn:Design and implement database objectsImplement programmability objectsManage database concurrencyOptimize database objects and SQL infrastructureAt the end of this course, you will have deep hands on knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Developing SQL Databases Exam. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99

"MCSA 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL"
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Certification (70-761) - Querying Data with Transact-SQL. This exam is intended for SQL Server database administrators, system engineers, and developers with two or more years of experience who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in writing queries.In this course, you'll learn:Manage data with Transact-SQLCreate Transact-SQL SELECT queriesQuery multiple tables by using joinsImplement functions and aggregate dataModify dataQuery data with advanced Transact-SQL componentsQuery data by using subqueries and APPLYQuery data by using table expressionsGroup and pivot data by using queriesQuery temporal data and non-relational dataProgram databases by using Transact-SQLCreate database programmability objects by using Transact-SQLImplement error handling and transactionsImplement data types and NULLsAt the end of this course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Querying Data with Transact-SQL Exam. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99

"Statistical Modeling for Data science"
"On the off chance that you are going for a profession as a Data Scientist or Business Analyst at that point looking over your statistics abilities is something you have to do. In any case, it's only difficult to begin... Learning/re-adapting ALL of details just appears like an overwhelming undertaking. That is precisely why we have made this course! Here you will rapidly get the significant details learning for a Data Scientist or Analyst. This isn't simply one more exhausting course on details. This course is exceptionally pragmatic. I have particularly included true models of business difficulties to demonstrate to you how you could apply this learning to help YOUR vocation. In the meantime you will ace points, for example, dispersions, the z-test, the Central Limit Theorem, theory testing, certainty interims, measurable criticalness and some more! So what are you sitting tight for? Select now and enable your profession!"
Price: 199.99

"Biohacking - Entfalte neue Power in dir"
"Du fhlst dich mde und abgeschlagen? Durchschlafen ist ein Fremdwort fr dich? Stress ist dein stndiger Lebensbegleiter? Dann ist der Kurs absolut richtig fr dich!Biohacking ist der geniale Weg, um wieder zurck zu frischen Krften zu finden. Und nicht nur das: Du wirst sogar noch mehr Power aus dir herausholen! Es gibt verschiedene Bereiche, diedu ""hacken""kannst, um nie geahnte Energie in dir zu entfalten. In diesem Kurs erfhrst duwas Biohacking istwie positiv es sich auf dein Leben auswirktwie du Stress bewltigstwie du deine Konzentration und Fokus verbesserstwie du deine Energie steigerstwie du deinen Schlaf optimierstwie du sofort mit Biohacking startest: Ein Umsetzungsplan"
Price: 69.99

"UCAS Application & Medical School Interviews"
"This course guides you through the UCASapplication for universities in the UK. It is not your typical course as it gives you my personal insights into what makes a successful applicant from my experience of going through the process myself and tutoring students 1 to 1 for more than 4 years now! It is a course I wish I had access to at the time I was applying as it would have made everything much easier! It is fundamental knowledge I wish I had as early as possible in my academic career!It also gives you a fantastic in depth insight into the Medical School application process! Teaching you how to excel in the admission tests by going through how to approach the BMAT and the UKCAT. Giving in depth insights into how to write a fantastic Personal Statement for Medicine and also guiding you through how to succeed in the daunting interview stage."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine (4.20) Votre premier jeu (Dbutants)"
"Bonjour tous,Bienvenue dans cette formation de dveloppement consacre aux jeux vidos via l'Unreal Engine (4.20), un des moteurs les plus puissant du march.Au cours de cette formation acclre d'une dure avoisinant les 3h30, vous apprendrez, au cour de ces 25 sessions, raliser pas pas, un jeu de plateforme composant quelques mcaniques de jeu de rflexion, un style parfait pour commencer explorer un maximum de choses.A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez toutes les cartes en main afin de, par la suite, raliser vos propres projets, et d'explorer plus en profondeurs, les possibilits de ce fabuleux moteur.Depuis tout petit, j'ai toujours rver, d'un jour, russir crer mon propre jeu vido. Grce mes connaissances dans ce logiciel et ma pdagogie, j'espre russir aujourd'hui, vous transmettre ce rve, afin que vous puissiez, vous aussi, le raliser.Je m'assurerai de rpondre, bien entendu, toutes vos questions.Florian."
Price: 29.99

"Want to be Agile Professional Coach"
"The course aims to provide a complete walk through of the Agile Standard offered by Project Management Institute (PMI). This course will enable you to understand basic concepts of Agile Approach in line with the Agile Standard developed by PMI . This course will enable you to apply Agile practices within your organization and enhance your skills to become agile practitioner."
Price: 74.99

"Contract Management for Project Managers"
"The crash course aims to provide you with understanding of contracting required by the project managers. The course provides walk through of the procurement management and its processes. This course will enable you to apply procurement management and contracting related practices within your organization and improvise your project management skill set."
Price: 19.99

"YouTube SEO Tips - How to Rank and do SEO for YouTube Videos"
"YouTube SEO Tips - How to Rank and do SEO for YouTube Videos -How to Rank Your Videos on YouTube by Optimizing YouTube Videos and by doing SEO for YouTube and YouTube SEO Secrets.YouTube is growing like crazy and the videos are the future. YouTube has over a billion users and their numbers are growing very fast, as more and more people are moving toward videos. Videos are more engaging than any other forms of content due to their visual and interactive nature. I will be sharing some great tips on SEOfor YouTube. As the competition on YouTube is growing day by day, it is becoming very difficult to rank your videos on YouTube. In this course, I will teach you practical strategies which has helped me rank my videos well in YouTube and will also help you in ranking your YouTube videos better. We will look at various optimization tips for video Title, video Description and video Tags. I will share SEO tools and YouTube SEOsecrets which will help you to grow your YouTube channel. YouTube keeps on changing its algorithm every now and then, so it is very important to know about the ways to rank your YouTube video as they will bring lots of search traffic to your channel.If views to your channel will increase then ultimately subscribers will increase and as a result your videos will get start getting recommended by YouTube through Suggested Videos and Browse Feature to new people on YouTube. If your videos start getting recommended by YouTube algorithm, then your YouTube channel will start moving on the upward journey and then you simply have to be consistent with your video upload schedule to the YouTube platform in order to maintain the flow of views to your videos.We will also look at Thumbnail as it is very important piece of the puzzle. Before watching your videos, people look at the thumbnail of your videos. So, it becomes very important for you to create stunning thumbnails for your videos. I am confident that you will not feel disappointed after buying this course as I have put all the top strategies to help you rank your videos better in YouTube. Although the course is of short duration but is power packed with lots of YouTube SEO tips. However, for any reason, you don't like this course, you can request a full refund in the first 30 days, no questions asked.STUDENT FEEDBACK:""Everything was on Point."" - AGYEI KUMI STEPHENVery Helpful it was"" - Nayeem AhmedABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Chandan Negi - I am a Digital and Video Marketer, Online Instructor, Infopreneur with more than 10 years of practical experience in SEO, SMM, SEM, PPCAds, Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Video Marketing (YouTube) etc.My ultimate passion in life is to inspire people to take action through online courses.I love learning new skills and since 2008, I have been teaching people both online and offline.Just drop me a message in the course section, if you have any questions or need help with the stuff in the course.So I will see you on the course and want to see you start implementing the YouTube SEO tips given in this course to your YouTube videos and YouTube channel and ultimately grow your YouTube channel fast."
Price: 199.99

"CRUD com PHP OO + MVC + Bootstrap 4 + JQuery"
"Este curso tem o intuito de fazer voc apto a aprender um sistema de CRUD ( CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE ), e depois estar apto a criar seus prprios sistemas com PHP, a criar seus prprios layouts com o Bootstrap 4, a fazer suas prprias mscaras em JQuery ( Uma Grande Biblioteca do Javascript ).Te encontro nas aulas, Forte Abrao :D"
Price: 39.99

"PHP 7 Criptografias + Sistema de Login OO + MVC"
"Voc vai aprender a criar seu prprio Sistema de Login Orientado a Objetos do ZERO, no padro MVC, e a criar suas prprias Criptografias. E ser totalmente capaz de entender todas as criptografias no PHP da Bsica a Criptografias Avanadas.E ser capaz de implementar seu Sistema de Login em qualquer outro sistema, site ou projeto seu :D.Eu estarei utilizando o XAMPP como servidor local, mas voc pode usar qualquer outro do seu gosto.Forte Abrao, te vejo nas aulas :D"
Price: 39.99

"Sistema de Caixa Eletrnico com PHP 7 do ZERO + MVC"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender criar um Sistema de Caixa Eletrnico, vamos iniciar do ZERO, desde a criao do Sistema de Login, a Listagens das Contas Bancrias, e a Efetuar Transaes, como Deposito e Saque, este sistema serve como base para outros projetos pessoais, nosso sistema poder ser acessado por qualquer plataforma uma vez que ele responsivo.Vamos integrar o JQuery para criarmos efeitos para nosso Sistema ficar bem mais robusto e elegante, usaremos o Javascript para gerarmos Relatrios e muito mais.Ento isso meu caro, te vejo nas aulas, Forte Abrao :D"
Price: 39.99

"Impresin 3D - Empieza a imprimir 3D en Cura desde cero"
"La impresin 3D es una de las tecnologas ms innovadoras del presente y de las que ms perceptivas tiene de futuro. La impresin 3D por deposicin de filamento fundido permite crear maquetas y prototipos a muy bajo coste y con una gran precisin en los acabados. En el mbito de la impresin 3D encontramos el universo Maker y DIY. Dentro de estos entornos destacan el prototipado para crear placas de Arduino y Raspberry Pi que te ayudarn a adentrarte en el Internet de las cosas (IOT).Este curso de impresin 3D te ayudar a entender el funcionamiento de la impresin 3D y conocer las opciones bsicas para disear e imprimir tus propios modelos 3D. En el curso se utilizar la terminologa propia de la impresin 3D de una manera muy sencilla y practica para que te adaptes sin problemas a este vocabulario de impresin 3D. Adems con los conocimientos que te aporta este curso aprenders cmo funciona una impresora 3D en el campo del laminado y conocers la tcnica de FDM, es decir, modelado por deposicin fundida. El FDM es la tcnica de las impresora 3D convencionales; Anet A8, Creality Ender 3, CR10S y Alfawise U20 entre otras.El curso contempla los aspectos esenciales para la generacin de cdigo para tu impresora 3D. A travs del programa Cura aprenders por un lado el uso del programa Cura y por otro la determinacin de los parmetros de impresin esenciales para generar tus impresiones 3D. Las clases de impresin 3D te van a proporcionar los conceptos bsicos que necesitas para imprimir en 3D. Se tratarn detalladamente y de forma muy practica los parmetros bsicos de velocidad de impresin, temperaturas de impresin, alturas de capas y soportes de impresin 3D. En definitiva todos los parmetros esenciales para imprimir en 3D independientemente del programa que utilices para crear tu cdigo de impresin.Se detallan parmetros bsicos para la impresin en los materiales de PLA y ABS. Adicionalmente se resolvern todas las dudas que surgan del manejo del programa Cura por lo que al finalizar este curso tendrs muy buen manejo del programa Cura y sabrs determinar los parmetros bsicos de impresin 3D para generar tus propios diseos.Como aspecto final del curso me tienes a tu disposicin para hacerme todas la preguntas que consideras oportunas de la impresin 3D ya sea del curso de laminado con Cura o de impresin 3D en general. Y en funcin de las preguntas, aadir ms mdulos para dejar todas las dudas resueltas. Estas preguntas pueden ser sobre las partes que componen una impresora 3D; el cabezal de impresin, el extrusor, los motores paso a paso, el auto calibrado, los sensores final de carrera, las correas, las varillas, la bobina de filamento, la calibracin manual y la placa base. Tambin te puedo ayudar en realizar un mantenimiento preventivo para tu impresora en particular y a realizar la carga del filamento de impresin.Si quieres aprender todo a cerca de la impresin 3D. No lo dudes, apntate ahora a este curso de impresin 3D. No te arrepentirs."
Price: 24.99

"Kids, money and relationships on your mind?Health, Wealth, & Relationship solutions for Dads. Basic Dad Fundamentals all Dads should to connect with your kids, how to get a new client or that raise you always wanted, and how to create meaningful relationships in this new digital world.where would I go and where would similar dads go to, to get specific game plans and game tips on how to handle the game of life as a dad? One of the best parts of this whole program is thatyou dont have to go thru the same pain I went thru.I studied it and I believe put it in alanguage and a sequence mostly all dads can understand.My training consists of6 programs. Which all come in3 formats.PDF download(Ebook)if you like to read, Audio download(approx. 3hrs)if you like to listen and a Video download(approx. 3hrs)if you learn better watching."
Price: 99.99

"""Pre"" Real Estate Course is for the curious future Pro Agent"
"This is a SIMPLE and EASY to understand Video course...for ""ANYONE"" & ""ANYWHERE"" who has ever wanted to know if they would make a goodReal Estate Agent!!!Before you go and spends $Thousands$ on your local city Real Estate Exam, Personal Branding and whatever other start up expenses...wouldn't it be nice to figure out if becoming a Successful Real Estate Agent is even within your grasp... in this moment in your life? This course was created because we saw to manyRookie Real Estate Agents leaving the industry because they didn't really understand what Buying and Selling Real Estate was really about! You will have access to 30+ Videos Topics and a ton of Bonus Materials!How do you break down the commission?How do you find new clients when you don't have any?How to make money before you become a real estate Agent?Prospecting vs. Marketing vs. Networking!How well do you handle pressure?The 4 fears Real Estate Agents have and need to get over!It's not who you work for but who works for you that matters!Multiple Real Estate Agent Interviews and Objection Handling VideosSeller and Buyer Presentations Proven Seller and Buyer Questionnaires Client Moving Checklist ALLthis with a NORISK30 DAYMoney Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"Bachata Dancing From Start-To-Star!"
"In this course bachata instructors Ben and Sade guide you step-by-step through their curriculum and will take your Bachata Dancing from Start-To-Star!After completing this course you will be able to dance socially and feel confident enough in you skills to enjoy yourself on the dance floor anywhere in the world. Our goals are for you to have enough bachata techniques to truly enjoy your experience and at the same time keep it entertaining for both you and your partner."
Price: 24.99

"Harvesting Fresh Veggies in the Snow"
"There's nothing like harvesting fresh veggies in the snow!The key to having more fresh food right outside your door for more months of the year is to extend your garden season. And if you do it right, you can be harvesting delicious veggies for up to 10 months of the year, even if you live in a northern climate!I livein Wisconsin, zone 5a, and every year I harvest food from my garden during most months of the year -without a heated greenhouse or any other expensive additions to my garden.Imagine serving garden fresh produce straight from your yard for winter holiday dinners (I do it every year!).With the rightplan, you can grow and harvest cool season vegetablesway past the first frosts of fall, into the darker months of winter, and then again in early spring when you start the gardening season earlier than you ever have before. Youll amaze everyone you know when youre harvesting delicious food from your yard during harsh weather, unexpected snowstorms, and unpredictable early spring weather."
Price: 39.99

"All About Gardening With Herbs"
"Herbs are one of the most ""worth it"" plants to grow in your garden. They're easy, many of them are perennial and come back year after year, they save you money at the grocery store, and a pinch of herbs can elevate your dinner dish to something extra delicious. While teaching thousands of gardeners over the years one thing I've learned is that most people are either not growing many herbs or under-utilizing the herbs they do grow. This class is filmed in my front yard vegetable garden in southern Wisconsin so you can see firsthand how to grow, harvest, cook with, and preserve a bounty of fresh, organic herbs every season.Join me and learn how joyful and fun it can be to grow your own organic herbs!"
Price: 39.99

"Super Easy Seed Starting"
"Experience the excitement and satisfaction of successfully growing your own plants at homeStarting seeds is a special part of the gardening experience. Theres nothing that quite compares to watching a tiny seed planted with your own hands grow into a healthy seedling ready to be planted outside in your garden.It allows you to be a part of the whole amazing journey of gardening from seed to sprout to mature plant to the colorful harvest.You can alsogrow more plants for less money, start the gardening season early, choose interesting and colorful varieties not found in your local nursery, and experience the satisfaction of learning a new skill.But, when you dont know the best practices, seed starting can be frustrating and costly. Youll have seeds that didnt germinate and you wont know why, youll waste time trying to Google your way out of roadblocks, and something that should be a fun start to spring will feel more like a waste of time.Whether youre new to seed starting and dont know where to begin, or youve got some experience but could use help refining your process, theSuper Easy Seed Startinghow-to video serieswill save you time bysimplifying seed starting and help youachieve excellent results this year."
Price: 39.99

"Super Easy Food Preserving"
"You dont have to gardenyear round to enjoy food from your garden 12 monthsof the year. You can make every harvest last longer by learning how to quickly and easily preserve vegetables at the height of their season.Imagine having friends over for a winter brunch and popping open a jar of strawberry sauce to drizzle on pancakes. Picture hosting your family for a fall cookout and serving grilled pizza featuring pesto, peppers, and broccoli grabbed fromyour freezer.The food you grow during the season can be used in meals and celebrations all year long when you take the time to preserve some if it.Preserving food is simple! It doesnt have to be difficult or take up a lot of time. And if you think canning is the only option this class is for you! Ill teach you how easyit can be to use your basement, fridge and freezer instead.The class includes a digital copy of my print book, Super Easy Food Preserving. The book features:theeasiestandquickestways to put away vegetables, fruits and herbs for out of season eatinga focus onfresh,fridgeandfreezerstorage(no canning involved!)myfavorite varietiesfor storagethe shortlist of suppliesneeded for preservingthe beststorage containersfor each vegetableclearandconcisedirections for preparation and storagemyfavorite recipesfor using your stored vegetables in delicious meals all year longfeel like food preserving is afun challengeinstead of adreaded chore!Make your garden harvests last all year round! Nothing quite matches the thrill of cooking meals during the off season with vegetables you grab right from your own kitchen. Super Easy Food Preservingwill show you how simple food preserving can be."
Price: 24.99

"Learn to Speak Dutch for Beginners"
"Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands and Suriname, and is commonly used by millions in Belgium, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaao. Many Dutch will appreciate it when you learn to speak their language, and when you make an attempt to communicate with them on their level.The Netherlands and Belgium are huge trading partners for multiple businesses and are among the top economies in the world. Many Dutch travel and are savvy when it comes to cultural, financial, technical, and social developments. Learning to speak Dutch is a noble cause. You will find your confidence in yourself and your language skills grow as you become familiar with the details of this language.Learn to tell time, to exchange money, understand basic sentences, read words and spell or pronounce them correctly, tell the doctor where it is hurting, or ask the waiter at the restaurant for a certain meal when you visit the Netherlands, Belgium, or Suriname. With these basics, you'll see how easy it is to recognize specific words and see where they come from and why they mean what they mean.Don't wait and indulge in the interesting, fun knowledge of learning how to speak Dutch!"
Price: 49.99

"Dutch Language Conversation at Its Best"
"Conversations and small sentences are some of the best ways to become better at a language. Everyday situations will show you that knowing certain phrases will be beneficial to you. If you're planning a visit to a Dutch speaking country like the Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, or the Dutch Antilles, or if you know someone who speaks Dutch and appreciates the effort, this course is definitely for you! Became more skilled at the language and understand the meaning and explanation of where each word comes from."
Price: 49.99

"Dutch Language & Grammar Immersion and Insights"
"Do you know a little Dutch but not much? Then this course will help you continue to expand your knowledge of this beautiful language with all its growling noises. Learn why the Dutch throw verbs all the way to the back of the sentence, why they conjugate verbs the way they do, and how this all manifests itself in examples and simple, everyday sentences. Learn opposites like ugly versus beautiful, high versus low, and dumb versus smart. Increase your intelligence and become familiar with pronunciation and forming text in a foreign language that is being spoken by at least more than 30 million people."
Price: 49.99

"Job Interview"
"Have you ever wondered how they do it? How do some people get every job they want? That's because they know what to do and say before, during and after a job interview, regardless of their qualifications. They stand a better chance because they are job interview savvy. Become familiar with the most commonly asked questions in a job interview, what you should answer, how to answer the dreaded ""tell me about a weakness"" question, or how to negotiate about salary. Gain more confidence and figure out what you want, who you are, where your strengths lie, and communicate all those to the interviewer with a smile on your face he/she will never forget. Know how to dress, follow up, or say the right things that make a lasting impression on your interviewer, so that you create options, freedom, and wealth in your life. Learn from an experienced instructor who nailed it multiple times when he applied for various jobs before becoming an entrepreneur himself."
Price: 49.99

"Quit Smoking"
"Have you ever tried to quit the destructive habit of smoking, but without success? Have you ever wondered what you would need to do to stay clean, even after quitting? Then this course is definitely for you! In this video course, I will show you the best program I've ever seen (and used) to help people quit smoking. It has been tried and tested and proven to be successful many times. You will not be on your own. You will get the support you need with these steps. So don't wait and make the decision to take your life back, to have more energy, time, money, better sex and health, and freedom from addiction."
Price: 49.99

"How to Draw in Perspective"
"Have you ever looked at drawings of buildings in 3D and wondered how they do it?What are the laws of drawing in perspective? Why did people get it all wrong in medieval times? And what is the role of vanishing points and horizons in this context? This course will touch on all those things and more. Learn to master the laws of perspective drawing and never be confused again about three-dimensional drawings. Once you see the logic in these highly technical drawings, you can apply them to computer drawings, animation, architecture, comic book drawings, concept art, backgrounds, and much more."
Price: 49.99

"Treinamento Kerio Control"
"Ferramenta fundamental para permitir a conexo de uma rede corporativa Internet, o firewall da Kerio se transformou em uma soluo completa de gateway de rede, oferecendo diversas funes como: firewall, IDS/IPS, controle de banda, controle de usurios, antivrus, antispyware, acesso remoto seguro via VPN, integrao com AD e balanceamento de carga WAN.Para as pequenas e mdias empresas a melhor soluo o Kerio Control, que satisfaz plenamente as redes que demandam rgidas polticas de segurana para usurios, diversos formatos de relatrios e anlises detalhadas do trfego, fazendo isto com muito simplicidade. Por se tratar de uma soluo em software (Windows, VMware ou Soft-Appliance), de fcil instalao, implementao e de baixo custo."
Price: 69.99

"4 . 3 , , 3 , 4 4 . 4 . . . . 2 3 . ."
Price: 19.99

"Workforce Analytics for HR"
"To view our complete offering, search for ""Jeff Higgins"" in your search boxMore about this CourseThis workshop provides attendees with the foundation knowledge, examples, and tools they need to successfully jumpstart the Workforce Analytics journey in any industry.Training is facilitated by Jeff Higgins, a recognized expert in Workforce Analytics and Workforce Planning across multiple industries from small to large corporations. This course is designed for HR practitioners.What We'll Cover:The needs and business case for Workforce Analytics and PlanningTop project killers for Workforce Analytics and Planning projectsSteps and key milestones in the journey to Workforce Analytics and Planning excellenceFoundational knowledge to measure, track and analyze the impact of various workforce intervention decisionsReal-life examples and case studies for Workforce Analytics successWhat This Course is NOT about:How to use R and Python in talent managementHow to build machine learning program or statistical modelHow to set up SQL database or connect data from various sourcesWhat Our Students Are SayingSince 2009, HCMIs expert training has helped hundreds of organizations strengthen their in-house workforce analytics & planning capability, including many Global 2,000 companies, nonprofits, healthcare organizations, and major government entities around the world. ""I dont believe in testimonials, however this workshop more than lives up to the expectations. It was very well presented and answered many questions and created morewhich is exactly what I needed on our journey in HR metrics.""~ Director Human Resources, Washington Health System""This course is a must for HR professionals. The ability to manage by fact is a key competency, not only for businessunits,but also for HR practitioners."" ~ Senior Vice President, HR at OCBC""The Workforce Analytics Training workshop conducted by the Human Capital Management Institute provided a vast amount of information on various HR metrics. The numerous case studies they discussed during the workshop clearly demonstrated how the metrics can be used in organizations to provide valuable data for making business decisions. I would recommend this workshop to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the utilization of HR metrics."" ~ Edison Mission Energy""The excellent service your company has provided methroughyour assistance and feedback has given me, as a consumer, more reasons to conduct future purchases from you.""~ Fadi Radi, Napcogroup""A practical easy to follow training session on workforce analytics. I will recommend this to anyone wishing to make smarter insightful human capital decisions."" ~ Head of HR, World Bank Group""Of all the workshops Ive attended, this resonated continuously."" ~ EDS, aHewlett-PackardCompany""Very good training ground for HR professional who wanted to drive workforce analytics in the organization."" ~Vice President, ASTRO""Excellent materials that were very well presented."" ~ ConocoPhillips Inc.Course AgendaSection 0:Course Introduction & AgendaSection 1: The Business Imperatives for Workforce Analytics and PlanningSetting the stage: value creation in todays marketplaceWorkforce Analytics: definition and evolution of analyticsThe challenges in measuring human capitalIdentifying key workforce questionsBuilding a business case for Workforce AnalyticsExercise: Pick key human capital questionsOptional links and reading materialsSection 2: Introduction to Analytics & Case Study ExamplesThe art and science of Workforce AnalyticsCase study: Starbucks workforce engagement strategyThe AACEE maturity modelBuilding the foundation for data-driven decision makingWorkforce Analytics foundation & value creation examplesThe power of combining data sourcesExercise: Self assessmentExercise: Recruiting source analysisAdditional links and reading materialsSection 3: Metrics: Good, Important, and Critical MetricsKey Metrics & KPI Selection MethodologyBalanced ScorecardExample - Metrics and KPIs in Recruiting ProcessCase Study - SE Asia Propertys ScorecardApplication of Balanced Scorecards in HRExercise: Building Scorecard and Business CaseAdditional Links and Reading MaterialsSection 4:Workforce Analytics Review & Next StepsAbout Human CapitalManagement Institute (HCMI)HCMI's mission is to fundamentally change how workforce decisions are made by linking people investments to business outcomes through advanced analytics and dynamic visualization. Nearly a decade ago we pioneered the rigorous financial measurement of Human Capital ROI with the Human Capital Financial Statement (HCF$ ), a strategic tool for senior leaders to optimize workforce decisions regarding capability, capacity, cost, and performance.In 2016, having developed sophisticated workforce analytics tools for 100's of consulting projects across the globe, we pioneered SOLVE Workforce Intelligence Software, the first workforce analytics software that links workforce investments to business outcomes. And in 2018, we create the HCMI Online Academy to provide on-demand global access to our world-class workforce analytics and workforce training curriculum.Today, HCMI and SOLVE remain industry leaders. With our headquarters in the thriving technology hub of L.A.'s Silicon Beach and a presence 3 continents, we continue to innovate our technology and services to provide organizations with the actionable intelligence to maximize the return on their workforce investments.Helping analysts, HR professionals and business leaders develop their Workforce Analytics and Planning capability since 2009."
Price: 199.99