"The Change" |
"ChangeThe ChangeThe ChangeThe ChangeChangeChangeOSChangeThe ChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeThe ChangeMODULE 131""""""""""""""""OKChangeThe change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 |
"Vision Passion Manifestation -- The Master Class" |
"Personal achievement requires a viable success strategy. This course is designed to provide practical concepts that clarify your vision, ignite your passion and empower you to get what you want out of life. Each module guides you through a step-by-step process. Upon completion of the modules, there is a self assessment tool to help you to employ customized success strategies for your life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Foundation of 5S - FastTrack" |
"Welcome to our Fast track course on Foundation of 5S. This course was created with Mr. Yoshi, a highly experienced civil engineer in Japan, where 5S was originally created.He successfully implemented 5S in his workplace and has been involved in training others in the implementation of 5S and lean techniques in Japan for more than 30 years. He has taught us how Japan implements 5S and how they make 5S sustainable.This course will help you learn how 5S work,s with variety of photos and animation. By the end of this course, you'll understand how to implement 5S and be ready to take control of your workplace."
Price: 24.99 |
"Bootcamp To Technical Analysis" |
"The main purpose for this course is to make sure that each and every finance as well as non finance enthusiast has the knowledge in order to learn technical analysis in a streamlined manner so as to be able to eventually master the art of trading and being profitable too."
Price: 144.99 |
ladalifestylist |
"! - ! . UDEMY ! ! #Lada LifeStylist ? , : "" "" - . , , , . , - , , . !# . , . !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pratik Temel Modern C++" |
"Modern C++ dediimiz ey 2011 ile gelen C++11 standarddr. Fakat C++11 versiyonundan sonra C++14 ve C++17 versiyonlar kmtr. Hala daha yeni versiyonlar kmaya devam etmektedir. Yeni versiyonlar C++ diline her seferinde nemli zellikler katmakta ve yeni kan programlama dillerindeki zellikleri C++ diline getirmeyi amalamaktadr. C++ her yeni versiyonda daha da anlalr ve kullanl olmaktadr.Ne yazk ki yeni zelliklerin neler olduunu, nasl altn ve nasl kullanacamz anlatan kaynak says kstldr. Bu eitim setinde C++ gibi endstri standard olmu bir programlama dilinin yeni zelliklerini tanyacak ve tm ortamlarda kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 69.99 |
"Blender - La formation complte pour dbutant" |
"La formation complte de Blender est destine toutes les personnes qui souhaitent apprendre, ou solidifier leurs comptences.Cette formation t cre dans le but de vous aider prendre en main le logiciel rapidement et simplement.Dans cette formation, tous les termes techniques et raccourcis clavier seront expliqus. Vous ne serez jamais bloqu dans l'apprentissage cause d'un raccourcie ou d'un terme que vous ne connaissez pas. De plus, vous aurez accs un manuel d'utilisation PDF, qui vous permettra d'apprendre d'avantage. Dcouvrez toutes les fonctionnalits du logiciel.Apprenez naviguer dans l'interface, et utiliser les raccourcis claviers.Apprenez les bases de la modlisation 3D.Ralisez des animations, des images et des jeux vidos.Apprenez utiliser la physique (graviter, collision, simulation).Explorez des fonctionnalits avances."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Prepare, Texture, and Render a game poly weapon" |
"Hello guys,In this tutorial i'm gonna show you how to prepare asset in Autodesk Maya to texture it in Substance Painter. And rendering by using Substance Painter's IRAY.You will be learning some of the basics of substance painter which are needed to texture the assets.Then ill take you towards the detailing the low poly mesh to give the best look for it.Finally ill be explaining how to render the asset using substance painter with it's render settings.Hope you enjoy this course. Thank you.A very basic skill of Autodesk Maya and Substance painter recommended. You can directly contact me for the future support."
Price: 19.99 |
"Comment faire un voyage solitaire ?" |
"Aujourd'hui encore...Tu te lves, l'esprit embrumLe teint blmeL'haleine ftide ( beurk...)Tes premires penses se dirigent vers ta fentreEt le temps tout grisEt tu vois un avion...T'as l'impression que quelqu'un te fait signe...Non mais...attendsLe commandant de bord est sorti de sa cabineIl se cramponne la porte de l'avion , le visage fouett et dform par le vent, par -50 Il te fait signe de monterTu t'es dcid le rejoindrePour accomplir le plus merveilleux des voyages..."
Price: 34.99 |
"Comment arrter de remettre au lendemain ?" |
"Quel est ton souci ? Tu remet toujours au lendemain ?Tu mange des chips devant la tl ? Et le pire c'est que a fait des ANNEES que a dure...Tu regarde les reportages d'arte. Tu te dis que c'est joli la bas l'autre bout de la terreMais toi, le seul bout que tu connais ( non, je ne pense pas a tout de mme...) ,c'est le bout du canapPas de chance, c'est seulement un deux places...Bah oui, tu es tout seul.Tu n'arrives pas passer l'action ?Tu aimerais accomplir tes rves les plus fous ?Tu aimerais parler cette desse au corps de rve ?Ce programme est l pour te mettre un coup de pied aux fessesTe faire plonger dans le videPrpare ton parachutea va dcoller svre...A tout de suite !"
Price: 49.99 |
"techniques de vente et persuasion diaboliques" |
"Je connais ton sentiment, ta frustrationLaisse moi deviner ...Si tu es ici...Tu n'arrives pas vendre tes produits ou services ? Tu te dis que c'est la faute des autres. Ton entourage, ton pre, ta soeur, ou encore les clients... Tu aimerais pouvoir vivre de ton activit sans devoir supporter un job alimentaire ?Laisse moi te dire une chose...Si tu en es l, c'est TA faute...Oui ouiJe ne suis pas pay pour tre gentil et vrai dire je m'en moque... Ton problme urgent c'est apprendre VENDRE. Car, oui, ce n'est pas un gros mot. ( mme en france )Sans acqurir de comptences en vente, sans apprendre les techniques de persuasion auprs des meilleurs, j'aurais sans doute abandonn mes espoirs, Mes rves... et cass le formidable jouet que reprsente un business en ligne notre poqueA la fin de cette formation, tu va pouvoir :Mettre en application les meilleures techniques de vente et persuasion utilises par les plus grands webmarketeurs ( antoine bm, jean rivire, thophile eliet...)Faire des ventes de manire instantane si tu ne vendais rien et multiplier ton chiffre d'affaire si tu vendais seulement de temps en tempsUtiliser la magie des mots grce au copywriting, crer des pages de vente ultra optimisesL'appliquer tout les supports ( mail, page de vente, vido youtube, oral, crit )Utiliser ces mthodes pour influencer tes proches ( bon escient ? ) et surtout ne plus te laisser manipulerCette formation n'est cependant pas un remde miracle... Il faudra travailler, mettre en place les techniques vues dans la formation. C'est une formation qui va te demander de l'action, de la rigueur et de la persvrance. J'aime souvent prendre l'exemple du fumeur. En somme, je te vends un patch qui fonctionne, mais c'est toi que revient la dcision d'arrter de fumer. Et c'est donc toi qui aura le plus de bnfices..."
Price: 54.99 |
"Inner work through yoga: An introduction" |
"An overview of Patanjali Yoga Darshana for householders based on the T.Krishnamacarya's teachings offered by Raghu Ananthanarayanan. Raghu studied the Yoga Sutra from Sri T.Krishnamacarya and Sri. T.K.V.Desikachar and has integrated it with his experience and understanding of process-work, traditional indian texts, and itihAsa-purANA. He has created a unique pragmatic approach for using the yoga sutra for innerwork, self-reflection and personal development."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel shortcuts Master - Increase speed by 100%" |
"This course is design for beginner. Excel expert will also benefit from this course since almost everything can be done with keyboard shortcuts with quicker speed compare with using mouse.Learning keyboard shortcuts and more advanced functions in excel will greatly improve the efficiency and save your job. Disconnect the mouse from your computer and using only the keyboard is the most efficient way to learn shortcuts.Through practice and master all the excel keyboard shortcuts, you will be shocked by your own efficiency. By applying those shortcut, you could stand out in your team and be the best. $9.99 Promotion Code:SC2019A, please use this code when register the course for lower price $9.99"
Price: 19.99 |
"Tableau Visual Best Practices: Go from Good to GREAT!" |
"As the title suggests, the focus of this course is to enable you to take your data visualization skills from good to GREAT. The awesome thing about tools like Tableau is that they are fairly simple to pick up. You would probably be able to build basic charts and dashboards within minutes of interacting with the tool. However, there are so many ways to customize, format, and incorporate user interactivity that it takes practice to create dashboards that not only look amazing but are also user-friendly.I designed this course for data analysts/scientists who are passionate about data visualization that may find it challenging to create dashboards that are not only visually appealing but also user friendly and well-received by their audience. The course will cover various aspects of data visualization best practices such as the proper use of color, choosing the right chart, reducing clutter, and other ways to take your dashboards from good to GREAT!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Como atingir com sucesso a sua meta" |
"O curso Como atingir com sucesso a sua meta. O mtodo que vai transformar sua carreira e vida pessoal, apresenta algumas tcnicas e comportamentos que vo transformar voc em uma pessoa focada, disciplina e produtiva, para que tenha condies de alcanar suas metas.Este o curso de Metas mais simples, prtico, completo e objetivo que voc encontrar na internet. ainda um curso que vai alm e oferece gratuitamente vrios Bnus extras para apoiar voc na busca da sua meta.Todos as pessoas sonham em realizar coisas, das mais simples at as complexas, porm as vezes fica apenas no sonho, porque ser que difcil?Entre inmeros fatores, um deles o desafio de criar metas que sejam claras e possuir um mtodo para levar voc a realizar o que precisa para atingir a meta. Neste curso voc vai aprender a realmente identificar, criar e alcanar metas que sejam claras atravs de uma sequncia de passos que so necessrios para se atingir o sucesso, e exatamente isso que vou ensinar para voc neste meu curso! um mtodo que vai fazer voc caminhar na direo da sua meta! E voc vai realmente transformar sua carreira e vida pessoal.E tem mais, vai funcionar para voc tambm! Os meus alunos realmente conseguem emplacar suas metas, e eu gostaria que voc fosse o meu prximo case de sucesso.Irei apresentar as bases e conceitos mnimos e fundamentais para voc entender a parte conceitual, ser prtico, rpido e eficiente! Depois irei propor que voc realize alguns exerccios! Sim, voc precisa refletir, pensar suas metas e tambm vai precisar de papel e caneta para escrever suas metas! Iremos realizar um planejamento assertivo durante o curso atravs dos exerccios para garantir que voc consiga realmente alcanar a sua meta. So sete mdulos divididos da seguinte forma:Mdulo 1 - As metas e os sonhos! Aqui irei apresentar como realmente alcanar metas difceis e o que voc precisa saber sobre distraes! Tambm iremos falar sobre porque alguns conseguem atingir suas metas e outros no. No exerccio 1 voc ser convidado a sonhar grande e de forma ousada sobre as suas metas.Mdulo 2 - Metas Importantes Neste mdulo procura alertar sobre as reas da vida e a importncia de um certo equilbrio para que a meta acontea. Existem tambm um alerta sobre os problemas e desafios quando voc tem ""muitas"" metas. Apresento como realmente escolher uma boa meta, e os 4 pilares de uma deciso acertada, para que voc mire o alvo correto. No exerccio 2, voc convidado a focar nas trs metas mais importantes e por ltimo realizamos a validao das metas, para que voc no erre na escolha das metas!Mdulo 3 - Rompendo limites Focado em como substituir hbitos e destruir crenas limitantes para realmente ficar mais prximo da sua meta. No exerccio 3 realizamos uma anlise das metas de sucesso X pensamentos Limitantes.Mdulo 4 - Passado passado. A meta futura! Falamos da necessidade de estar em paz com o passado e a importncia de cultivarmos bons pensamentos. Tambm apresento os motivos pelos quais voc ainda no alcanou suas metas. No exerccio 4 avaliamos o que no funcionou no passado e as novas atitudes para o futuro.Mdulo 5 - Desenhando Metas Empoderadoras Neste mdulo o assunto o poder da meta bem elaborada, e a necessidade de deix-la empolgante. No exerccio 5 desenhamos metas realmente poderosas.Mdulo 6 - Os propsitos e os passos para a Meta Aqui apresento como encontrar a real motivao para alcanar suas metas atravs de 3 dicas essenciais. Alm de fazermos uma avaliao do Propsito x Metas. Tambm apresento a verdade sobre os obstculos e como voc pode super-los. No exerccio 6 voc ter que identificar os seus PROPSITOS e entender os passos e aes necessrias para alcanar sua principal meta! O plano de ao completado.Mdulo 7 - Ao e caminho! A meta em andamento Aqui falamos da necessidade de um bom gerenciamento do tempo, e da importncia de abrirmos espao em nossa agenda para trabalhar e focar nas metas. Tambm falo do grande poder do mtodo e de boas ferramentas quando falamos em alcanar metas.[Bnus] Check-list para definio de metas[Bnus] Guia - 7 atitudes para atingir definitivamente suas metas[Bnus] E-Book Voc o resultado do que pensa[Bnus] Audio-Book Voc o resultado do que pensa[Bnus] Template para voc utilizar na definio da sua meta + Exemplos de metas[Bnus Extra] Programa de Desenvolvimento Pessoal / Consultoria / Coaching particular comigo Jeferson Peres com 50% de descontoOBS.: para agendar a consultoria de carreira/vida, envie uma mensagem que estarei a sua disposio.O que voc deve fazer neste momento?D uma chance para voc! Este curso, que pode lhe apoiar e transformar a sua vida pessoal e profissional! Voc ir aprender como alcanar suas metas e viver uma vida muito melhor. Gostaria de te ver aqui dentro do meu curso depois que voc se inscrever.Talvez voc tenha tentado outras abordagens no passado, que no funcionaram, mas isso no significa que voc no capaz e que no conseguir transformar sua vida nesta oportunidade.Ao final do curso voc ter um plano de ao e uma clareza incrvel, alm de estar motivado e inspirado para viver uma vida diferente a partir de agora.O convite est lanado e os resultados sero imediatos. Quando voc no est alinhado com seus sonhos, propsitos e desejos, voc na verdade est vivendo uma vida sem sentido e est perdendo muito. No se permita esta vida! Comece a transformao ainda hoje.Respire fundo e inscreva-se agora neste curso e comece a viver a vida que voc realmente sonhou e merece!"
Price: 279.99 |
Reskin |
"Reskin !! ( ) amazon , aptoid .... Decompile . apkpure Advanced ApkTool ++ Edit .. , .. . Top Dvllopper Unity 5d . "
Price: 19.99 |
"Teach Your Child to Meditate" |
"Studies show that meditation and mindfulness have tremendous benefits for not only adults, but for children as well. Meditation has been shown to increase self-control, curb unruly behavior, impact self-esteem, and help improve socialization skills. There are even studies that suggest meditation can help children improve their grades and help manage diagnosed disorders such as ADHD.Many kids' meditation programs do nothing more than take adult meditation and repackage it towards children. Some may even succeed in making a child sit still and be quite for a few minutes. The problem is that these programs don't address the fundamental issue of mindfulness, which involves focusing in the moment and clearing away unnecessary thoughts. Let's be honest, this is something that's difficult for adults to do.Q: So how do you get a squirmy, wiggly, active child to be mindful and focus in the moment?A: Its easier than you might think. The trick is to work with your child's nature rather than against it. Children are supposed to move. It's their natural state of being. So why fight it? Use their energy to direct their focus and build on it by consistently taking baby steps to achieve a goal. This course will help you teach your child to meditate with an ultimate goal of performing 5 minute adult-style silent meditations. It's structured as a fitness program, complete with 25 exercises and a training schedule, and it works by taking advantage of your child's natural need to move in order to help guide them to stillness."
Price: 49.99 |
"Excel 2016 Aplicado a Gesto" |
"Excel 2016 Introduo, prtica e aplicao em redes de trabalho. 01 - INTRODUO 02 - SELECIONANDO CLULAS 03 - FORMATAO 04 - MELHORANDO A PRODUTIVIDADE 05 - PREPARAO PARA AVANADO 06 - FRMULAS ESSENCIAIS 07 - TABELA DINMICA 08 - GRFICO DINMICO 09 - DASCHBOARDS APLICADO A GESTO 10 - FORMATAO CONDICIONAL / FORMULAS CONDICIONAIS 12 - MACROS.Neste contexto, busco ajudar as pessoas a desenvolverem analises sobre ambientes diversos, com o objetivo de melhorar a produtividade. Interfaces com sistemas ERP para customizar relatrios gerenciais e dar suportes a reas envolvidas em planos de negcios."
Price: 579.99 |
"Aprende Pintura Digital: Crea a Baby Groot desde cero" |
"Si eres estudiante, novato o entusiasta del arte y aspiras a convertirte en un ilustrador, este curso es para ti.Aprenders las herramientas y tcnicas de principio a fin para poder elaborar cualquier proyecto a nivel profesional.Aplicars tcnicas avanzadas para optimizar tu tiempo y tu flujo de trabajo.En 12 clases podrs obtener todo este conocimiento y empezar tu carrera como artista digital!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Social Media Content Marketing - Complete Certificate Course" |
"DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE BUT DO NOT WANT TO SHELL OUT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON ADVERTISING? Weve created this course based on 25 years of accumulated experience in marketing, creative management and social media. We will walk through the creation of your social media presence for your brand, step by step. It begins with drafting your brand strategy and outlining your brands persona, followed by strategies for designing content calendars and style guides. By the end of the course, you will have an outlined strategy, content plan and creative content that will bring your brand to the new heights. BY THE END OF THIS COURSE, YOU WILL HAVE YOUR BRANDS SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY, AS WELL AS A SCALABLE CONTENT PLAN, AND A LIBRARY OF CONTENT TO LEVERAGE FOR YOUR ONLINE SUCCESS. With unlimited & lifetime access you will learn how to create exceptional videos, images and copy for social media that will help you build your brand, attract new customers and drive sales. Every lesson is also tailored to provide practical experience. KEY BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE: - Unlimited & lifetime access to almost 80 video lessons, case studies, practical tasks and tools - Insiders tips & tricks on creating outstanding content for social media - Experienced instructors with over 25 years of accumulated international experience in the field - Personalized support and around the clock access to instructors - A vibrant Facebook community for professionals enrolled in the course - Organized educational content based on real business examples, authentic concepts and interactive tasks - 30-day 100% money-back guarantee WHAT ADDITIONAL TOOLS WILL YOU GET AFTER COMPLETING THIS COURSE?- Strategy Triangle - Strategy Planning Tool- Persona template - Social Media Channel Selection Tool- Brand DNA Triangle - Unique Selling Proposition Roadmap - Sales Funnel - Content Calendar - Style Guide - Storyboard sample - Values Brainstorming Questionnaire - Writing toolbox"
Price: 19.99 |
mindmapexam |
Price: 2800.00 |
"Syllables, rhythm and the schwa in English" |
"In this course, you will learn about the concept of strong and weak syllables in English, the principle of the schwa, and how these come together to create a more natural rhythm to your speech. This course is designed for people who are starting to learn about pronunciation (even though you might be very good in grammar and vocabulary!)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginners Comprehensive Course: Master the Basics of Rhino 5" |
"Being a beginner once myself, I know how overwhelming it is to understand and learn the Rhino 3D software. It is this reason why I created a complete beginners course helping people understand and use Rhino 3D to its potential. In this course, I will take you through the fundamental concepts of 3D modelling, which tools are most versatile to use and my secret tips and tricks to getting to the end goal.The journey to learning Rhino 3D includes:- Navigating and getting familar with the Rhino 3D interface.- Using the essential tools, related to curves, surfaces and solids.- Understanding the multiple methods to approach an object.Whether you're a architecture or industrial design student, professional or someone who is interested in 3D modelling, I am really excited to go on this journey with you and teach you some valuable and marketable skills for your future."
Price: 24.99 |
"Paint.NET: Learn ""Photoshopping"" skills the free & easy way!" |
"Want to create content or edit photography but don't want to spend the time or money on something as intimidating as Photoshop? Use Paint.Net instead!In this course I will teach you a variety of skills and concepts using Paint dot NET that are common across many image editing software packages, even Photoshop. You don't have to be an artist or designer, anybody with a PC and an imagination can bring it to reality. As a programmer I'm pretty far from being a legit artist yet I've used this software to create content for various video games I created.Maybe you are setting up a blog, or an online shop and need branding and content. Perhaps you want to edit family photos, make greeting cards, or spice up your social media posts. Or you just have a passion for epic memes and think you have the next viral sensation. Whatever the desire I'll show you how you can make it with just a little bit of time using free, fun, and easy software."
Price: 89.99 |
"Perforce (Helix Core): A Full Step By Step Guide - Hands On!" |
"Perforce has been my favorite versioning & source control management tool for 10+ years. I've used SVN, CVS, TFS, Git, and others but Perforce has always been my go-to. In my 15 years of working as a professional graphics/engine programmer I have used Perforce at game studios, Lockheed Martin, Full Sail University, Disney, and even at home with my hobby projects.This course will guide you through the important differences of Perforce compared to other tools, get you up and running with your own server (optional), and quickly get you using the visual client (P4V)like a pro! We'll cover common operations such as check-out, check-in, merging, labeling, and branching. You'll get hands on demonstrations for everything and we'll even cover the admin and command line tools in case you want to set up and use your own server for the free small-team license that Perforce offers."
Price: 149.99 |
"Project Management - Learning the Basics" |
"A brief overview of the courseIn this course you will understand the very basic concepts and terminologies of the project management discipline. Basically you will understand the following;What is a project?What is project management?What is the difference between the project and project management?Project management different terminologies as you apply basic project management concepts.Project management 9 process areas.Project management life cycle and all its 5 phases.Roles and responsibilities of a project manager.Project management competencies.Project management structures and their designing.Project management integration management."
Price: 19.99 |
"Binary Options Trading : Winning With The RBGB Strategy" |
"Join this course now!!! And master how to spot the trading opportunities on your price action candlestick chart by using the RBGB technical analysis trading method to trade in the options market.Master how to trade options market using one of the simplest and profitable strategy for both beginners and expert traders.This strategy is based on candlestick analysis of price action of any trading instrument in the options market. The strategy helps you to spot trading opportunities so fast you will never miss any trade again. It can be used on any timeframe including 1mins, 2mins and 5mins.You will be able to take trend reversals as well as trend continuation signals, so which ever type of trader you are , the RBGB strategy is a must have tool that will work you. I will always be available to answer you questions about the strategy. Keep Learning.To Your Trading Success!!!"
Price: 99.99 |
"FOREX and STOCK Trading with the CCI Technical Indicator" |
"Winning FOREX with the CCI indicator course is designed to take the beginner in trading from their first steps of trading a strategy all the way to becoming a full time trader on the financial markets!This is an intermediate level trading course that teaches students (who are already able to read charts) how to use the CCI Indicator and earn consistent profits on the trades they place in the market.Students will be able understand the use of CCI Indicator and get enough practice during the course that trading on their own will become very easy!Unlike other courses where instructors focus their attention entirely on theory and using static charts to explain how to place the trades using the indicator,this course focus on actual hands-on trading using Trading Simulator. You will learn the simple set of rules to follow in order to place a sell or buy order depending on the signals the CCI Indicator generates."
Price: 99.99 |
"Binary Options Trading : Heikin-Ashi False Breakout Strategy" |
"JOIN THIS COURSE NOW!!!!! And master how to eliminate the noise on your price action candlestick chart by using the Heikin ashi trading indicator that creates a better picture of trends and consolidations in stock market, currency market, options market, commodities market, cryptocurrency market and other financial markets in the world.The Heikin ashi method is a visual technique that eliminates irregularities from a normal chart, offering traders in stocks, currencies, commodities and options a better picture of trends and consolidations. Just by looking at a candlestick chart created with this method, you get a good idea of the market's status and its strength. This discovery helps to catch the market reversals easily as you will know when market starts to consolidate on the chart and ready for a new run.This course is designed to help you understand how the Heikin ashi trading indicator works and how to identify trading opportunities with the indicator. You will learn in bits what trading setup identified by the technical indicator looks like and how to effectively manage the trades you take with the trading strategy.Like every other trading strategy available in the financial market, this strategy is not 100% accurate and cant be and does not have to be because with effective risk reward management, money management, trade management and good trading plan, you can become profitable with only 30% - 50% accuracy.Join now to learn one of the best trading strategies you can use to spot trading opportunities in any financial market."
Price: 99.99 |
"A Complete Guide To Acquiring Skills Of A Profitable Trader" |
"Join this course now!!! And master how to acquire the skills of a successful trader so you can understand the trading business faster and start making money quicker in any financial trading market you pick.You will learn how to acquire the necessary traits to succeed in the business of trading Forex, stocks, commodities , cryptocurrency and options market.I will always be available to answer you questions about the strategy. Keep Learning.To Your Trading Success!!!"
Price: 19.99 |