Price: 49.99 |
Price: 109.99 |
"Deixe seu rosto mais firme e jovem em 28 dias" |
"Salve belezura! Toda a minha experincia e formao em educao fsica, ayurveda, biopsicologia, yoga, treinamento funcional, reeducao do movimento e facial fitness serviu como base para a criao do Gaia Facial Fit, programa de exerccios faciais apresentado neste curso para rejuvenescimento, beleza e bem-estar natural. Os treinos duram cerca de 10 minutos por dia e se dividem em 5 sesses: respirao, estimulao sensorial, exerccios funcionais, exerccios de tonificao e relaxamento. Lembre-se: mais importante do que a intensidade a frequncia. Siga o programa por 28 dias para obter os melhores resultados!Vamos comear?"
Price: 399.99 |
play_flashcard |
"FB50005020 Udemy @ @ PPT@20() FBUdemy5000"
Price: 1600.00 |
"A Beginner's Guide to Wondershare Filmora: Zero to Hero" |
"Do you want to learn how to edit videos? Do you want to take your editing skills to the next level? Are you an budding Video maker? You've come to the right place my friend, Welcome to ""A Beginner's Guide to Wondershare Filmora: Zero to Hero"" This Course will tell you everything you need to know regarding Wondershare Filmora, This is a total easy to understand course that will teach you new things about Filmora and give practical and do able tips and trick to make your videos stand out from the crowd!Why Should you take this course?This course will teach you the student, a 100%complete guide to filmora and how to work your way around this amazing video software!How Long is The Course?The Course contains over 13 lectures which is in 1.5+ hours of information about how to use Filmora!What if Idon't like it?Don't worry! We understand, there is a money back service if you dislike the course..."
Price: 169.99 |
"League of Legends: How To Climb in Ranked" |
"This course is designed to help those master the basic fundamentals of League of Legends which will in-turn help them to excel up the ranks, climb and beat your friends!This course will include many lecture tutorials all stating the basics of league and how you can go about practicing them to eventually master them! If you use everything listed within this course you can climb as high as Diamond in time at all, just remember to constantly better yourself!In this course you will hopefully learn from these lectures:- Champions that can Help you Climb- How to Master Last Hitting- Breakdown of the different phases in League- How to ward Effectively- Knowing your role in Team Fights- How to Build Correctly- Best Attitude to Improve!The course includes footage that falls under the creative commons licence from YouTube, none of the characters within the video are my own account, obviously I couldn't make cool montage clips like those in time to make this montage obviously this is not going to happen!!If you have any questions about these course about how to climb in ranked then don't hesitate to ask about anything, I'm friendly and more then happy to help you out if you have any issues:"
Price: 144.99 |
"UK Driving Theory Test: Learn How To Pass Your Theory Test" |
"This course is for learner drivers who are wanting to pass their UKdriving theory Test first time, this course is a no nonsense guide on the key aspects of the theory test that you need to know to increase the chances of you passing your theory test. This course is for those who wish to understand what will be on the theory test, what the test will be like on the day, the layout and structure of the test as well as the pass and fail boundaries they should aim for. With tried and tested methods to improve your effectiveness when revising, I'll be sharing with you what is the best method to pass your theory test, over 15 free mock tests are included within the course that have been complied to help you practice and take mock tests before you actually take your Theory Test.The course will be broken down into these sections1. An introduction to how to apply for your theory test2. A Run through of everything you need to know for your Multiple Choice Section3. Tests for the Multiple Choice Section4. A Run through of everything you need to know for the Hazard Perception test5. test for the Hazard Perception Test6. An Overall Summary Note -This course is notaffiliated or approved by any legal organization.Theinstructor is notan Approved Driving Instructor (ADI).The course is based on personal experiences and as such may contain errors despite having taken utmost care to present the right things. The author or any party related to the course does not have or will haveany responsibility for anydamages or anyunfavorable outcomes by pursuing this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tudo Sobre Dor nas Costas e Como Evitar - Dr. Brayan Klegues" |
"Se algum dia falaram para voc que dor nas costas e problemas de coluna tem que conviver`` o resto da vida, mentiram para voc!Ns no podemos viver com dor, na verdade, a dor um alerta do corpo avisando que algo est errado, como tambm, um mecanismo de defesa. Quando voc sente dor e desconforto sinal que tem algo errado que necessita ser corrigido.Voc j ingeriu tudo quanto foi medicamento e nunca melhora?Voc j fez diversos tratamentos sem melhora?Se voc respondeu sim`` para pelo menos uma pergunta acima, sinal que at hoje voc no fez o tratamento correto.Neste curso voc aprender a conhecer o seu corpo, como ele funciona e identificar os hbitos errados no seu dia a dia e com isso modificar os hbitos errados pelos corretos.Ir aprender tudo sobre os melhores tratamentos no invasivos e quais os melhores profissionais para tratamento e preveno.Ser abordado dicas de postura e ensinamentos de preveno para que voc atue direto na causa do problema e comece a atuar em preveno.Voc terminar este curso sabendo os limites do seu corpo e como agir no dia a dia para ter uma vida livre de problemas de coluna."
Price: 99.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator CC 2019: En Temelden leri Seviyeye" |
"Adobe Illustrator CC vektrel izim ve grafik tasarm dnyasnda standart haline gelmi bir uygulamadr. Illustrator kullanarak logo, karakter, poster, ikon, infografik (bilgi grafikleri) gibi kendi vektrel tasarmlarnz yaratabilirsiniz. Siz de bir tasarmcya ihtiya duymadan kolaylkla kendi siteniz iin grseller yaratmak, dijital tasarm projelerinde yer almak, ikonlar tasarlamak, sunumlarnz ve projelerinizi infografikler ile zenginletirmek, baskya hazr grseller retmek (kapak, davetiye, kartvizit, tekstil, poster vb.) veya sosyal medya paylamlarnz iin grseller hazrlamak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Dizayn hayatmzn her yerinde! Aklnza gelebilecek tm yaratc giriimleriniz iin Illustrator becerilerinizi gelitirmek harika bir balang ve kiisel yatrm olacak. Eitim boyunca hangi konulara deineceiz?Illustrator temel zelliklerini kavrama ve arayz kiiselletirmeIllustrator aralarn ve fonksiyonlarn kullanma, teknik bilgiler, ipular ve ksayollarObjeler oluturma ve maniple etmeRenklendirme, renk geileri ve eitli efektleri kullanmaTemel izim aralarn kullanma ve kiiselletirmeMetin oluturma ve dzenlemeSk kullanlan teknikler ve yntemlerEitimi tamamladktan sonraDersleri tamamladktan sonra programn tm ana fonksiyonlarnn kullanmnda yetkinlik kazanm olacaksnz.Adobe Illustrator CC ile eitli profesyonel ve kiisel alanlarda hayalinizdeki vektr tasarmlar yaratabileceksiniz.Illustrator becerilerinizi gelitirerek logo, karakter, poster, ikon, infografik (bilgi grafikleri), sosyal medya ve web sayfalar iin zgn ierikler, baskya hazr tasarmlar ve daha bir ok yaratc grsel ierii tasarlayabileceksiniz.Becerilerinizi daha da gelitirmek adna ilgili alanlarda beendiiniz almalarn benzerlerini yaratabilirsiniz. Bu alma pratik ve profesyonel bak as kazanmak asndan yararl olacaktr. Feedback (geri bildirim) yaplan hatalar grmek ve kendimizi gelitirmek asndan ok nemli. Yarattnz tasarmlar paylamak ve objektif grlerden faydalanmak bu sreci hzlandracaktr.Danmak istediiniz her konu iin soru-cevap blmnden bana ulaabilirsiniz. Derslerde grmek zere!"
Price: 409.99 |
"Solar Systems Design Course" |
"********* ****************************************************************************************************** MEGA -SCALE PROJECTS : . ""Charge Controllers ""Solar Inverters "" STRING INVERTERS VS CENTRALIZED INVERTERS AC & DC . AC & DC BREAKER. "" off-grid solar systems"" ""ON-grid solar systems"" ""Irrigattion using solar water pump system"" . . . LARGE MEGA SCALE PROJECTS PV SYST SOFTWARE * ."
Price: 199.99 |
"Bu kursta SIEMENS firmasnn piyasaya srm olduu S7 1200 serisi PLC cihazlarnn kumandas Temel ve leri seviye olarak tm detaylar ile anlatlmakta olup tm rnekler gerek PLC zerinde denenerek yaplmtr. Kurs sanayi alanlarnn yan sra Mhendislik Faklteleri, Meslek Yksek Okullar, Endstri Meslek Liseleri gibi yerlerde okuyan renci ve retmen arkadalara da faydal olacaktr. Kursun tm renci, retmen ve teknik elemanlara faydal olmasn umuyor, baarlar diliyorum. "
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduo a Tesouraria (Departamento Financeiro)" |
"Neste curso voc conhecer as principais definies e ferramentas utilizados no setor de Tesouraria, o departamento responsvel por gerir todos os recursos financeiros da empresa. Voc aprender as principais ferramentas utilizada. Contas a pagar, contas a receber, fluxo de caixa, gesto de caixa, capital de giro entre outras ferramentas.Esse o ponto de partida para voc se tornar um profissional da rea financeira ou aprimorar os seus conhecimentos caso j atue no departamento financeiro! Bons estudos!!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Como Elaborar um Currculo de Sucesso" |
"Deseja aprender a elaborar um currculo campeo passo a passo?Gostaria de chamar a ateno dos recrutadores e ser selecionado para mais entrevistas?Aprenda como elaborar esse documento fundamental para a sua carreira!O currculo o seu carto de visita e tem que causar impacto no recrutador a primeira vista!Saiba como explorar e destacar os pontos chaves em seu CV para ter sucesso com os recrutadores.Venha comigo nesse curso onde vou te ajudar a elaborar um currculo campeo passo a passo! Espero poder te ajudar no seu desenvolvimento e sucesso profissional!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn From Monet - Paint Water Lilies - Impressionism" |
"Join Elvira in exploring Claude Monet and one of his Water Lillies paintings. Learn how to analyse what you see, break down a painting into layers, apply those paint layers wet-into-wet. The course contains lots of explanations, tips, step by step instructions, easy to understand and to follow ways of creating a sketch/painting. You will come out with understanding how exactly to paint your own Water Lillies."
Price: 84.99 |
"Prozente durch Promille - Whisky-Investment fr Einsteiger" |
"In Whisky zu investieren ist einfacher als in die meisten anderen Anlageklassen. Whiskyflaschen kaufen, lagern und nach einigen Jahren wieder verkaufen. In diesem Kurs bekommen Sie einen Einblick, warum ein alternatives Investment insbesondere in Whisky langfristig sinnvoll ist. Der Kurs beleuchtet alle Aspekte des Whisky Investments von der Kategorisierung der Anlage, der Risiko- und Marktanalyse, Lagerung bis hin zur gezielten ersten Kapitalanlage.Sie erhalten Einblick und gezielte Handlungsanweisungen an ausgewhlten Beispielen in die kostenfreien Tools, die auch professionelle Investoren nutzen."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Baby Sign Language with Etel Leit" |
"It's not just a baby sign language class! Our focus is communication! Learn practical ASL signs, engage in interactive games, and sing songs, all geared to enhance your parenting skills. Break down that frustration barrier, and connect with your child in a fun, educational and nurturing way! Let's Sign and Shine!Bond with your childEnhance language developmentStimulate your baby's brainDecrease moments of cryingBe amazed by your little one"
Price: 29.99 |
"Dart 2 Complete Bootcamp - Go Hero from Zero in Dart Flutter" |
"Dart 2 Complete Bootcamp - Go Hero from Zero in Dart FlutterLearn Dart for creating IOS and Android Apps using Google Flutter. You will learn the complete Dart Programming Language.You don't need to know any programming experience to enroll in this course. We have covered each and every topic with plenty of explanation. Also having any prior programming experience won't hurt. After completing this course you can confidently write Dart in your programming resume. This course is more than enough to cover your basic DARTknowledge for FLUTTER.In this complete Dart bootcamp we will cover the Following Topics :-1) The Basics of Dart.2) If Else Statements in Dart.3) Control Flow.4) Loops.5) Functions.6) Object Oriented Programming.7) Classes.8) Objects.9) Constructors.10) Abstract Classes,11) Interfaces,12) and many many more things take a look at the curriculum for more."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Financial Planning for beginners." |
"On completion, student will understand the process involved in personal financial planning, methods of considering different aspects of financial planning & prepare a financial plan for oneself as well as others. The course content has been kept very simple for easy understanding of beginners. Though little knowledge is required about MS Excel, the use of same has been avoided in the course. A E-book will be provided at the end of the course for more details & reference."
Price: 1280.00 |
"After Effects Template from A to Z" |
"I am an Elite Videohive Author, who has published over 100 After Effects Templates and over 50 After Effects and 3D Tutorials and under the name of Maxafter since 2009. I can tell you that the easiest way of making money is by selling After Effects templates. Since the Marketplace has some strict Visual & Technical Requirements (High end Graphics, Easy Customization, File Formats, Encoding Formats, Resolution etc) for uploading the Templates for buyers. so this course will help you to learn from building an After Effects Template from scratch to finally preparing a Zip file for uploading.My Course Outline:1. Setting up the Project2. Creating the Envelope3. Animating the 3d Envelope4. Creating the 3d Card5. Adding Design Elements6. Smart Color Controller (This controls the color of the whole project in one place with one click)7. Creating 3D Banner8. Adding and Animating Camera9. Adding Sound fx10. Rendering for Marketplace11. Adding Placeholders for Easy Customization12. Collecting Files for Zip"
Price: 199.99 |
"Basiscursus Tekenen" |
"Over deze basiscursus tekenenIedereen die een rondjekan trekken op papier is motorisch in staat tot tekenen.De vaardigheid om dingen die je ziet na te tekenen zit echter niet in je hand, maar in je hoofd en nog preciezer: in je manier van kijken.Het gaat er bij tekenen namelijk vooral om om de informatie die je ogen zien, goed te vertalen in richtingen en verhoudingen. Dat is echt een andere manier van kijken dan je gewend bent. Sommigen kunnen dit van nature en anderen moeten het eerst leren.Wat leer je in deze basiscursus?In deze cursus leer je steeds een andere manier van kijken. Dit doe je in korte opdrachten - de zogenaamde 'Blik Openers' - die je in een kwartiertje kunt doen. Aan het einde van de cursus houd je de eerste en de laatste tekening naast elkaar en dan zul je zien: Wow! Ik ben echt beter geworden in tekenen!Als je deze tekencursus hebt afgerond heb je beter leren kijken: de sleutel in het leren tekenen. Dit oefenen van je blik zal heel waardevol blijken, want beter kijken betekent meer in het moment, bewuster EN opmerkzamer in je wereld staan. Dat zal op allerlei vlakken z'n vruchten gaan afwerpen.Dat zul je zien ;-)Voor wie is deze cursus tekenen?Deze tekencursus is vooral geschikt voor beginnende tekenaars. Ook zullen er voor gevorderde tekenaars ook wel een paar leuke lessen bijzitten. En een stok achter de deur om weer te tekenen is altijd een goed idee, toch?Veelgestelde vragen:Wanneer begint en eindigt de cursus?De cursus begint nu en eindigt nooit! Het is helemaal aan jou hoe lang je erover wilt doen: de informatie blijft altijd beschikbaar. Jij bepaalt wanneer je begint en jij bepaalt wanneer je klaar bent. Je kunt hem zelfs meerdere keren doen ;-)Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de cursus?Hoe klinkt 'een leven lang'? Nadat je je hebt ingeschreven heb je onbeperkt toegang tot deze cursus zo lang als je wilt op al je apparaten. Computer, laptop of iPad, zelfs op je telefoon! Hoe jij het het makkelijkste vindt.Is er een vaste volgorde in de cursus?Het is wel aan te bevelen de volgorde van de lessen aan te houden, want hier is echt over nagedacht. Gewoon beginnen bij het begin dus ;-) Binnen elke les echter ben je helemaal vrij te kiezen wat je eerst wilt doen: de opdracht lezen, de demonstratie bekijken of meteen aan de slag met de praktijkoefening! Zo leer je hoe je het zelf prettig vindt.Is er een vervolg als ik klaar ben met deze cursus?Online is er nog geen vervolg, maar offline, dus gewoon in een groep met een 'live' docent zijn er vele mogelijkheden in Schilderschool d' Oude Werf te Nieuwegein. Daar worden verschillende tekenworkshops en -cursussen gegeven voor beginners en gevorderden. Hoe kom ik aan de tekenmaterialen?Je kunt de opdrachten doen met elk materiaal dat je prettig vindt of voorhanden hebt: potlood is het fijnste, omdat je daarmee hard en zacht kunt drukken en dus eerst wat verkennende dunne lijntjes kunt maken om die daarna steviger aan te zetten. Gummen mag niet dus die heb je niet nodig. Maar je kunt ook tekenen met pen, inkt, vulpen... fijnschrijver of stift. De ondergrond kan duur tekenpapier zijn, dat werkt wel fijn, maar printer papier werkt ook prima!Waar kan ik vragen stellen?Je kunt onder elke les apart je vragen kwijt, maar algemene vragen kunnen ook in de Facebook groep Blik Opener gesteld worden. Je kunt hier ook een afbeelding van je schilderij uploaden om je vraag te illustreren. Sasja krijgt hiervan meteen een melding en reageert dan zo snel ze kan ;-)Een andere vraag? Stel deze gerust via info@schilder.school"
Price: 19.99 |
"Basiscursus Schilderen met Olieverf" |
"Met deze korte introductiecursus kun je uitvinden of schilderen met olieverf iets voor jou is. Voor zowel ervaren als beginnende schilders.Indeling van deze cursus Basiscursus Schilderen met OlieverfDe cursus bestaat uit 3 praktijklessen waarin je oefent met de 3 Gouden Schilder Tips. Dit zijn praktische, technische tips waarmee het schilderen met olieverf echt veel makkelijker wordt.Elke les bestaat uit 3 delen: een PDF met de theorie en de opdracht, een demonstratie video en een reader met achtergrondinformatie. Jij bepaalt zelf waarmee je begint: eerst de video kijken, gelijk aan de schilder of de reader lezen: wat jij het prettigst vindt.MaterialenpakketBij deze cursus hoort een startpakket olieverf dat je bij Van der Linde Kunstenaarsbenodigdheden voor een speciale prijs van 29,95 kunt bestellen. Na betaling van de cursus krijg je de link naar de bestelpagina en dan heb je de schildermaterialen met n druk op de knop binnen 2 dagen in huis en kun je aan de slag!Waarom deze schildercursus volgen?Ik hoor vaak dezelfde bezwaren voorbijkomen. Ik schilder nu 25 jaar met olieverf en geef al17 jaar schilderles, dus ik ken ze allemaal.Je denkt misschien dat het stinkt? Olieverf zelf stinkt nauwelijks. Het zijn de middelen waarmee we het verdunnen die vaak stinken of oplosmiddelen bevatten. We gebruiken nieuwe materialen in deze cursus die nauwelijks geur hebben en geen oplosmiddelen, probleem opgelost!Je hebt wel gehoord dat olieverf heel langzaam droogt? Dat hoeft helemaal niet meer: ook weer door de juiste materialen te gebruiken droogt de verf veel sneller dan vroeger.Olieverf duur? Nee hoor, er is tegenwoordig echt heel betaalbare studiekwaliteit in de handel.Schilderen met olieverf moeilijk? Dat hoeft niet, want met de juiste volgorde van schilderen wordt het veel makkelijker en die leer je in deze basis cursus.De drie gouden schilder tips:In drie lessen behandel ik de drie Gouden Schildertips, waarmee het schilderen met olieverf echt veel makkelijker wordt en jij het schilderij kan maken waarop je trots kunt zijn. Aan het einde van de cursus weet jij waar je op moet letten als je met dit prachtige materiaal werkt en zul je je hele leven plezier houden van het schilderen met olieverf: welke stijl of welk onderwerp je ook kiest.Ik hoop dat ik je heb overtuigd en dat ik mijn passie voor dit prachtige materiaal met je mag delen! Voor de enthousiastelingen is er ook decomplete cursus schilderen met olieverf!Sasja BorkSchilder.School"
Price: 29.99 |
"Schilderen met Olieverf" |
"Ontdek je schildertalent in OlieverfLeer nu schilderen met olieverf volgens de beproefde methode van Sasja Bork. Gegarandeerd dat zelfs je eerste schilderij gaat lukken! En denk jij nog steeds dat olieverf stinkt, te langzaam droogt of moeilijk te hanteren is? Met Sasja's tips & tricks horen die vooroordelen tot het verleden.Sasja is eerste graad schilderdocent (Academie Minerva Groningen) en Onderwijskundige (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen). Ze geeft nu al 17 jaar les in haar eigen schilderschool in Nieuwegein en schildert al 25 jaar. Ze is ook super enthousiast over het materiaal olieverf! Waarom? Dat vertelt ze in bovenstaande introductievideo.Over de schildercursusDe cursus 'Schilderen met Olieverf' omvat elf modules. Deze modules zijn zo opgebouwd dat elk facet van het olieverfschilderen op een methodische manier in woord en beeld wordt toegelicht. Natuurlijk ga je zelf ook meteen aan de slag om deze in de praktijk toe te passen.In leuke, praktische schilderoefeningen krijg je de basis vaardigheden zoals materiaalkennis, penseelvoering en kleuren mengen onder de knie. In hoge kwaliteit video's demonstreert Sasja verschillende technieken en schildert ze ook elke opdracht met je mee. Je ziet niet alleen wat er op het doek gebeurt, maar ook het mengen op het palet! Nadat je met verschillende beeldende aspecten als ruimte, compositie en stijl bekend bent en met allerlei schilderwijzen hebt gexperimenteerd maak je vervolgens je eigen schilderij op doek. Kies je eigen onderwerp en stijl, en bouw je dus een schilderij volgens Sasja's methode in lagen op.Zo bereik je vast en zeker een prachtig resultaat!Veelgestelde vragen:Wanneer begint en eindigt de cursus?De cursus begint nu en eindigt nooit! Het is helemaal aan jou hoe lang je erover wilt doen: de informatie blijft altijd beschikbaar. Jij bepaalt wanneer je begint en jij bepaalt wanneer je klaar bent.Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de cursus?Hoe klinkt 'een leven lang'? Nadat je je hebt ingeschreven heb je onbeperkt toegang tot deze cursus zo lang als je wilt op al je apparaten. Computer, laptop of iPad, zelfs op je telefoon! Hoe jij het het makkelijkste vindt.Is er een vaste volgorde in de cursus?Het is wel aan te bevelen de volgorde van de modules aan te houden, want hier is echt over nagedacht. Gewoon beginnen bij het begin dus ;-) Binnen elke module echter ben je helemaal vrij te kiezen wat je eerst wilt doen: de reader lezen voor alle theorie, achtergrond en tips & tricks, de introductie bekijken of een demonstratie zien... je kunt natuurlijk ook meteen aan de slag met de praktijkoefening! Deze volgorde binnen elke module bepaal je zelf. Zo leer je hoe je het zelf prettig vindt.Is er een vervolg als ik klaar ben met deze cursus?Wij zijn druk bezig met het vervolg op deze cursus, waarbij nieuwe technieken en onderwerpen aan de orde zullen komen!Hoe kom ik aan de schilderbenodigdheden?Van de Linde kunstenaarsbenodigdheden heeft speciaal voor deze cursus een pakket olieverf materialen samengesteld die je voor een zeer gunstige prijs thuisgestuurd kunt krijgen. Bij je inschrijving krijg je een link naar een speciaal deel van hun site waar je het pakket kunt bestellen. Na 2 dagen heb je het pakket in huis en kan je schilderavontuur beginnen.Waar kan ik vragen stellen?Je kunt onder elke les apart je vragen kwijt, maar algemene vragen kunnen ook op het SchilderSchool forum hier op Soofos of in de Facebook groep het Schilder School Plein gesteld worden. Je kunt hier ook een afbeelding van je schilderij uploaden om je vraag te illustreren. Sasja krijgt hiervan meteen een melding en reageert dan zo snel ze kan ;-)Een andere vraag? Stel deze gerust via info@schilder.school"
Price: 99.99 |
7navikovdavydovatatiana |
": , , . , , , . , , . . """" , - , . , , . 7 : , . . , 1. 12 ? - : . . . 2. ? : . . 3. - : 3D- . : . , . - , 4. ? , , : . 5. , , , : . 6. ? : 2 : .: . . 7. . :"
Price: 19.99 |
davydovacoaching |
""" ""! , : ? ? ? ? , ? : 10 . 22 1. "" ?"": 1 404 : ? ? ? , ? , ? 2. "" "": 2 ? 12 ? . ? - ?8 - ? ? ? - ? ? , ? 3. "" "": 2 , .7 , 13 .4 , . ? SMART. ? . , ? ? 4. "" -"": 3 -. -. 5. "" . ."": 2 20 . /. "" . . ."" . 6. "" ."": 2 10 , , . (, , ) 21 . 7. "" , ."": 2 25 "" 8- . . . . . 8. "", , ."": 2 30 . . , . 3 . 3 . , , . 9. "" , ."": 2 20 . . , 10. "" . ."" 2 . . 180 "" , : "" "" , , , , , -, -"
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn Jenkins from scratch and be an expert" |
"DevOps is becoming mainstream, with many large organizations getting on board with DevOps.An increasing number of businesses are recognizing the power that DevOps can bring for operational efficiency and overall performance. This specific course will focus on learning the DevOps concepts, Creating VMs and Learning Jenkins from scratch to a Pro level.Jenkins is a very popular and widely used tool for Continuous Integration and Automation. Easy to learn and Implement. This course is designed for beginners in a step by step easily understandable live demos. By end of the course you will be able to use Jenkins at all levels and automate the builds for CI."
Price: 19.99 |
"Rasatura tradizionale per principianti - tecniche e prodotti" |
"In questo video corso andiamo ad analizzare ogni fase della rasatura tradizionale. L'arte di radersi come i barbieri viene trasmessa oggi dal Barbiere Paolo a tutti coloro che hanno sempre voluto capire dalla A alla Z come comportarsi con rasoio, pennello e dintorni.Nellediverse sezioni troverai tutte le fasi della rasatura, dalla scelta dei prodotti migliori all'uso del rasoio, dalla manutenzione ai trucchi pi segreti del mondo del grooming."
Price: 29.99 |
"Beginner's Course on Spirit Animals and Animal Messengers" |
"This course offers you a unique opportunity to meet your Spirit Animal and learn how they impact your life, how to connect with them and how to grow as a spiritual being!Calling on the Animal Kingdom to give you divine guidance to the burning questions you have, you are going to learn why you keep seeing or dreaming of the same animal, and how to decipher their message to you. Imagine being able to know what is going to happen, or finding out answers after something has happened, just by simply paying attention to the animals around you!Once you learn to listen, to decipher, to connect. The animals of our beautiful world will be here each and every day to guide you!Don't miss out on the course that is going to have such a positive impact on your life, and if you apply what you learn, change your life forever!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Presentation Skills: Opening your presentation with impact" |
"Knowing how to open is not only the most important presentation skill, it's also the single most effective way to eliminate fear of public speaking.For those of you who don't have a lot of time or who don't want to scroll down this entire page, let's cut right to the chase and look at why you should buy this course. It's because knowing how to open a presentation or speech powerfully and memorably is the most important presentation skill you can have. Because if you get the Opening wrong, the structure, the slide deck, the carefully-prepared argument .... all worthless. Because nobody's listening. They're checking their emails or their social media feeds on their phones.So the very first words out of your mouth have to grab the audience by the throat and give them a compelling reason to give you the next 15, 20, 30 minutes of their lives because they WANT to, not because they feel OBLIGED to because you're at the front of the room with control of the slide deck.It's a bit like the opening scene in a James Bond movie (the one that sometimes has nothing to do with the movie's plot, but is there purely to grab your attention and draw you in).You need to get the audience to think, ""Hey - this ISN'T going to be like all the other boring presentations I've been forced to endure today/this week/this month; this one's going to be interesting! I want to listen to this ...""PLUS ... this will do wonders for your confidence. Any nerves or anxiety or fear about public speaking you may have will vanish, once you see the audience reacting to you in a positive way.But Nick ...... your course only deals with one small aspect of public speaking; I can get a course on here on Udemy that covers the whole thing!You're right. And I'd add the subject of public speaking and presenting is a huge one, and would take many days to cover in any detail. I run 2-full day seminars and still don't cover everything. So unless it's very, very, very long, any general course can only ever superficially scratch the surface. It'll be very broad in nature but also very shallow. My course is narrow but very, very deep.This isn't a DIY course that just tells you the seven ways to open a speech or presentation and then leaves you to work out how to do it yourself. It's a do-it-with-you course that holds your hand and explains how to do it. For each of them I give real, detailed advice and back that up with practical examples, so you can hit the ground running in your very next presentation!It's 3.5 hours on how to open whereas the 'general' public speaking and presentation skills courses would probably spend 15-30 minutes on it.My advice is to that if you want to become a great presenter rather than someone who just knows the basics ... If you want to take your presenting skills to the next level ... If you want to become the type of presenter who people actually look forward to listening to ... If you want to become a presenter whose words are impactful, powerful and memorable ... then you need to look IN DEPTH at a handful of what you consider to be the most important skills. The ones that will make you stand out head and shoulders above your colleagues. And the most important of all - as we've already seen - is ...... how to open.90% of speakers and presenters open with something boring, low-impact, predictable and instantly forgettable Most presenters lose their audience's attention in the first 60 seconds, simply because the first words out of their mouths aren't interesting enough to give them a reason to want to listen to the rest of the presentation. The vast majority of presenters and public speakers usually open a speech or presentation with something completely boring and predictable like, ""Good morning everyone, my name is Nick Skellon and I'd like to thank you for letting me present to you today ...."" which generates an automatic reaction in the audience, i.e. ""OMG, here we go again!""Because opening a speech or presentation like that marks you down as exactly the same as the last 10, 15, 20 boring presenters they've had to endure, and you'll have them instantly reaching for their phones to check their emails or social media feeds.You'll NEVER get the audience's attention by opening with ""Good morning everyone, my name is Nick Skellon ..."" You need something that's powerful, impactful and memorable.What is the link between a great opening and eliminating fear of public speaking?When you get on your feet to speak or present and you feel 'Glossophobic' (that's the posh word for fear of public speaking), there's a dialogue going on in your head between the logical and the emotional sides of your brain.The logical side is saying, ""There's no need to worry, you've done this plenty of times before, you'll be fine."" But the emotional side is reminding you, ""The new CEO is in the audience and she's SCARY!"" or ""Remember that time in 8th grade when everybody laughed at you because you forgot what you are going to say?""Your brain doesn't know which voice to believe, so it looks for evidence. And the only evidence available to it is the audience: how it looks and behaves.If the audience aren't looking at you and are checking their phones, or if they look disinterested, bored and apathetic, it's going to believe the emotional argument. And this will reinforce your fear about public speaking.But if they've put down the phones and you've got eye contact, they're smiling and actively listening as if they can't wait to hear what you have to say, it will believe the logical argument.And that's where the opening comes in, because the first words out of your mouth set the scene for the presentation. If you have an opening that energises, engages and interests the audience, you'll get the response that will convince your brain that everything is OK. And your nerves will disappear like morning mist.That's why I think having a great opening is the single, most effective thing you can do to eliminate fear of public speaking.What specific Presentation Skills will you learn?You'll master the most important presentation skill of all: HOW TO OPEN a speech or presentation. This course gives you SEVEN great, impactful ways to open a presentation or speech in incredible detail with numerous examples and tips for each of the methods. I GUARANTEE it's the most in-depth treatment of the subject online today and that it will take your presentation skills to the next level.First is how to open a speech or presentation with humour, one of the most powerful and impactful ways if used correctly. Well look at why most people are very wary of using it, and how to use it in a businesslike, professional manner to get the point of your presentation across. Knowing how to use humour is an essential presentation skill to have.Next is how to open a speech or presentation with a story or anecdote. Wrapping your message in a story is an extremely powerful way to get it listened to and remembered. Ill show you how to use stories from history, politics, science, art, showbiz and sports, with tips on how to make them interesting so that the audience hangs on every word.Well look at how to open a speech or presentation with personalisation, either to the date by looking at famous events that happened on that day in history and linking them to your presentation, or to the location, be that the country, state, city, or even building youre presenting in.Ill teach you how to open a speech or presentation with a 'Fascinating Fact' - something interesting or intriguing thats seemingly unrelated to your presentation until you reveal the link.After that we'll learn how to open a speech o presentation with a 'Startling Statistic' - a big, impressive number or piece of data - from the body of your presentation and use it upfront at the beginning to grab the audiences attention, and also how to frame that number so your audience can understand and relate to it.The penultimate method is how to open a speech or presentation with a quotation. Ill show you how to select the right quotation, how to edit it if necessary, how to illustrate it with a visual aid and several different ways to deliver it.And finally well cover how to open a speech or presentation with 'Priming', which is tapping into the audiences subconscious thoughts to make them think along certain lines to make them more receptive to your message or argument. Some people have said its a bit like a Jedi mind trick, but its based on serious neuroscientific research and it works. It's one of the most powerful presentation skills of all. Each of the videos is accompanied by a word and pdf document so you can read through it time and again until your presentation skills are where you want them to be. Student Reviews for this course:""Excellent course with some very insightful tips. The presenter has some really logic arguments for his ideas and conveys his message using some great analogies and ... humour"" - Andy Fairbrother""This content is wonderful"" - Kylee Maloney""Excellent relevant material expressed with credibility and freshness! A pleasure to watch and learn from"" - Bryan Woolf""Nick Skellon clearly knows his stuff. I have both given and been on the receiving end of so many presentations that have started exactly the way Nick says. I will be using all the techniques here to make sure that the next time I deliver a presentation I Grab my audience right from the start!"" - Steve Darlington""I met Nick a couple of years ago at one of his courses and immediately used his advice at our next company conference. People were queuing at the end of my presentation to compliment me. My co-speakers were all envious and asked me where my new-found skills came from. Selfishly, i refused to tell them, but now they'll be able to get his material online (lol)."" - Margaret Roberts""I highly recommend this course from Nick Skellon. He has a wealth of experience in both giving, and teaching how to give, impressive presentations and you can tell from the start that he really knows what he's talking about!"" - Toni MacKenzie""... a detailed presentation of how to open and grab the audiences attention - no gimmicks, just solid information based upon the presenter's many years experience of working with leading companies. If you thought you knew how to open a presentation this will probably open your eyes. Highly recommended"" - Simon Warren""I give lots of presentations but felt I was in bit of a rut, and they were starting to become a bit mechanical. This course has motivated me to completely change my approach. My only regret is that this course only deals with opening. I would have liked Nicks views on the whole subject of presenting"" - Lucy Gibson""This is a great series if you are looking to become a more effective speaker, and I highly recommend it!"" - Chris Ramthun""I was cringing when Nick critiqued the boring, unimaginative ways most people use to open presentations as Ive used every one, sometimes several at one go! Never again now I know how to do it properly!"" - Joseph Swift""Love the way Nick manages to be relaxed and enthusiastic at the same time! Hopefully its a skill I can copy. I would definitely recommend his course"" - Liana's Duxbury""I enjoyed the course immensely. Nick clearly has years of experienced that he has condensed into this course. It is engaging and easy to follow. I would recommend this course to anyone that would like to improve their speaking skills"" - Zoe Turner What people have said about Nick's 2-day seminars:Honestly it was the best class/workshop Ive ever attended. I see no room for improvements. Nick was amazing on how he delivered the material and how he was able to keep everyones attention for the duration of the 2 day course. Kudos to Nick! John Chomko, McKesson""I'm quite experienced as a speaker, but always felt that something was missing and wanted to do more. This workshop was an eye-opener for me, especially the bit on how to use rhetoric ... I feel I've improved by leaps and bounds"" ... Jeremy Waterhouse, Citibank""Probably the most enjoyable course I've been on. Loved the relaxed, humorous approach Nick uses to get his points across"" ... Julie Walsh, HSBC""This workshop really sorts the men from the boys. Can't wait for the next company conference to impress everyone""... Paul White, HP""Absolutely loved the bit on using humour. As an engineer I have a logical, detailed mind and am not much of a comedian, but this gave me some great tips I can't wait to try out"" ... Martin Branston, BA""I learned so much over the course of 2 days. I have already been integrating many of Nick's tactics into my presentations and can see and hear the difference in how I come across"" - Kristin Hunt, First American""You really re-adjusted my thinking in how I approach my talks. It is depressing to know that I have been doing it wrong all these years, but on the other hand I am looking forward to using your techniques on my next presentation"" - Gary Charleston, McDonald's"
Price: 99.99 |
"7 Habits to become an Outstanding Leader" |
"What makes a great leader? What daily actions can you take to grow personally and professionally? Take it from a Marine Corps Veteran I will cover 7 Habits that will help you to become an Outstanding Leader.There are specific Habits you can follow that will allow you to lead not only in your professional life but also in your in personal life: Habit #1: I will cover the one thing you can do every day that builds confidence and immediate success. Habit #2: Moving through your day, youll face opportunities to put your core values to action when you make decisions. In this section, well cover how to choose your values. Habit #3: Youll discover how to exercise your creative muscle, so youll be able to think and lead in new ways. Habit #4: Working with a team can be challenging work. It is important to remain mindful, authentic, and trusting of others in order to create a cohesive team. Well cover how to do that in this section. Habit #5: In order to build a team that gels well, you need trust. Well discuss 4 ways you can build trust as a leader. Habit #6: Well look at the important concepts of authenticity, self-compassion, and communication. Habit #7: Strong leadership needs strong mental and physical toughness. I will cover some ways to exercise your mind and body."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprenda Lumion 8, do bsico ao avanado." |
"O Lumion um poderoso software de renderizao 3D e animao para arquitetura, utilizado por milhares de arquitetos e decoradores pelo mundo devido a sua incrvel velocidade e fcil utilizao. Se voc j desenha em 3D o Lumion uma tima combinao, crie imagens, animaes e imagens virtuais 360 de qualidade profissional em minutos. Aproveite sua biblioteca com milhares de blocos e o novo sistema de iluminao de ambiente super realista."
Price: 204.99 |