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"Life Navigation for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People"
"The teacher uses personal experiences from her life to illustrate what to do when confronted with difficult persons and situations that often present themselves to sensitive souls. You'll learn how to learn to ground, center, shield and set boundaries. You will learn strategies, both spiritual and otherwise, to deal with narcissists, psychic deposits, perfectionists, control dramas, manipulativeness, addicts, bullies, and OCDbehaviors. Get help taking back your personal power, and getting back on track with your life."
Price: 44.99

"Xadrez Bsico - Mdulo I"
"Esse curso direcionado a pessoas que iniciantes que querem comear a jogar xadrez.Todas as aulas so CURTASe PRTICAS, divididas em 4 mdulos:Mdulo 1: Peas e Seus MovimentosMdulo 2: Regras GeraisMdulo 3: Movimentos EspeciaisMdulo 4: Dicas de XadrezQualquer dvida que voc tenha durante o curso, mande uma mensagem para a gente!Ento se voc sonha em ser um timo enxadrista, no perca esta oportunidade, venha j fazer parte do Projeto Xadrez em Foco.*** Sero inclusas 5 aulas extras at o final do curso***"
Price: 39.99

"Healthy Steamed Chicken."
"I'm pretty sure that you are here because you want to learn something new, and you have the curiosity to know more about other people, culture, tradition, and way of living that differs from yours. So do I. So, do you have any idea about the taste and the beauty of the Moroccan cuisine?Have you ever tried before any dish from the Moroccan gastronomy?Any idea what my course it going to be about? Oh yes... it's the Moroccan Steamed Chicken.Do you want to learn how to prepare this traditional and healthy recipe? Do yo want to know how to cook it and enjoy eating it bite after bite?It doesn't matter if you are a Chef with a lot of experience of cooking or just a regular person with minimum knowledge of cooking. The only thing matter is to have the passion and love to enjoy what your hands can make. So:If you want to escape once a while from the fast food industry. If you love to bring a new, delicious and healthy recipe to your home.If you want to see a big smile in the face of your family members and guests.This is the time and the place for it.In this course, you will learn how to do it all by yourself. With easy steps, you will know how to prepare the chicken sharmola, the rice and the noodles, and how to mix everything together to have the filling for your chicken. Also, the available steam pot where to cook it. Until it's ready to serve. Thanks for watching and feel free to ask anything you would like to know. I would be happy to answer them all."
Price: 29.99

"Brand Real You in Real Time. Video Marketing with Live video"
"Wonder how big brands create their videos the way they look great and set up the mark for all communication?Believe it or not, you dont need to have the budget and the team that big brands have to create stunning videos for your business. Live and pre-recorded video are one of the most powerful tools to brand your business on social media. And its really not a rocket science to creating your own beautiful branded videosits all about the idea, the lighting and just a little bit of tech. The key is to understand three things mindset, technology and strategy.INTHISCOURSEYOUWILLLEARN:What tech you can improve quickly and with ease so that your videos can highlight your brilliance What to say when you create your first videos, and how to create a call to action. You will get a plan and guidance. How to set up the background and light so that your videos look better How to create Create An Outstanding Brand Content With The Power Of Video StorytellingBuild your authentic brand with this easy-to-follow assignments and practice group on FacebookIntroduce your brand to groups or at your Business Page Create videos that reflect your personality, highlight your brilliance and help you to set up the mark for your brand."
Price: 199.99

"RELEASE! A 28-Day Weight Release Program!"
"This course is designed to encourage the body to release the weight that holds you back from living your life the way you want to. There are MANY approaches to shedding excess pounds and Ive done just about all of them. I made my own because none of them worked for me. Some helped short term, but I never accomplished my personal goals with them. Weight loss is automatically related to nasty food, being punished or deprived, and exhausting workouts.My focus is simple: feed the body what it needs, move the body in a loving way, and loving the body unconditionally. This journey is about self discovery. Together, we support parts of the body that contribute to pesky weight gain. We move the body in a way that reduces cortisol dumping and rejuvenates you. And, we look into some shadowy areas of your subconscious to uncover vital programs your brain uses to protect you. Only by uncovering these, can we shift them.I have yet to find a program like this, which is why I created it. It works! You just need to make the decision to apply yourself 100%. Otherwise, you get a fraction of the possible results. If this program was hard, I wouldnt be able to sustain it. But, you have to want to. Consistency and patience are the keys to success!Id LOVE to help you meet your goals!! ~ Coach Daisha"
Price: 199.99

"Secure your online and social media accounts"
"Picture this. You receive an email threatening to expose sensitive information if you don't pay a ransom within 48 hours. In the email, you recognize what is one of your passwords. Does this mean your account has been hacked? How does that make you feel? How would you react? Imagine this. You want to log in to your Gmail account, but your password isn't accepted - it has been changed by someone else. You always thought you had a good system for your passwords, a system that no one would ever crack. Unfortunately, someone guessed your password, logged in and changed it. How do you feel, and what would you do next? If you consider the scenarios above as pretty bad, you're spot on. Nobody wants to lose access to their online accounts, and rightly so. But it could be worse. Think what might happen if your online banking is hacked. Losing access to your emails is bad enough, losing money is something else entirely! This course will give you some tools and background information to secure your online accounts. You'll learn what strong passwords are, how you can manage passwords, and how to take your privacy to the next level. By watching easy-to-follow videos, you can see how you can better secure your online presence. This course is for everyone who uses Social Media and other online services, like email. It won't cost you much, and it will only take a relatively short time to benefit. No big investments in time nor money!Take your online security and privacy seriously, and register now!"
Price: 24.99

Price: 19800.00

"Learn The Art of Bobbin Lace Making Beginners Class"
"This class is designed for beginning bobbin lace students. The information and instructions you will receive are both in video and text. The first portion of the information I will go over four visual charts with valuable information that you will be using throughout the classes. Our videos are broken down in short segments covering each topic. This will enable you to refer to each subject for information as often as needed without reviewing a full taping. The videos are also filmed as if you are watching my hands. You might say you have front row seats right with me. I have tried to make the course informative and easy to follow. I hope you will come and enjoy the experience of learning bobbin lace."
Price: 24.99

"( ...). . ! . .( !) : (6) . . / . : = . ."
Price: 109.99

"Fluid Mechanics & Physics of Gravitation (AP Physics -2019)"
"Learn physics faster and better!  physics is not difficult!  It just needs some time, focus and a good teacher :)This physics course includes 28 videos totaling 3 hours of run time. Once you are enrolled in the course, all you need is a note book and  a pen to get cracking on these topicsPressure in fluids How to measure pressure in fluidsBernoulli's equation and Archimedes principle Fluid pressure in static fluidsNewton's universal law of gravitation (gravitation near earth's surface, gravitational force inside earth)Gravitational potential energy and escape velocityKepler's 3 Laws (kinetic and potential energy of a satellite)Whats different about my courses:When I create content for the lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through quite deeply for maximum learning impactAnd most importantly, I make myself available to answer questions of the enrolled students...and this is what my students wrote to meCsaba:                                        I learned new ideas of approaches. I'm looking to try them in my professional practice as a teacher.Thanks! :) Bobbie Smith:                           Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you. Satyam Jha:                               amazing!! i could not understand vectors in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!! Fernando  P. Radaza:              It help me a lot to understand better about Physics of Work, Power & Energy.Chamara Dilshan:                    it's good, explaining every small thing ,it's good to start physics beginners Onofrio :                                   The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course! Simaran:                                    Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva:                                          Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpfulGallina:                                       Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith:                                         Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you. Pawan Kumar:                         The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams Samit                                          This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank youDani:                                            It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise,   .                                                    that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I'm also teaching physics, but in Hingarian. .                                                    I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as                                     .                                                    well. This course was exactly what I expected!Well, you get a lot more than you thinkYou get lifetime access to this physics courseYou can write to me for any supportA certificate of completion from Udemy money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)Lets start a conversation! go ahead and enroll !!"
Price: 1280.00

"How to develop your intuition with yoga principles"
"This course is inspired in the book ""Intuition for Starters"" by Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters), a direct disciple of the renowned Indian Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda.I embraced and practiced his teachings for more than 5 years so I am now transmitting them to you with my own personal experience. In this course I will be teaching you:1) How to tune into your intuition, identify the 3 levels of consciousness + the intelligence of the heart2) Whats true intuition and how to recognize false guidance 3) How to overcome the most common obstacles that block the use of your inner guidance: the logical mind, not feeling anything, fear, pleasing others...etc4) Meditation techniques and yoga practices for developing your intuition5) Tips and recommendations for developing your intuition in your daily life. 6) AndI will also share with you the main secrets for developing your intuition."
Price: 74.99

"Workshop Assistente Remota"
"Depois de observar e escutar as dificuldades encontradas por quem tem interesse em ingressar nessa rea, decidimos fazer esse guia, cujo objetivo auxili-los nesse novo ramo do secretariado virtual. Esperamos que tenha muita utilidade e que ajude quem deseja trabalhar nesse novo formato. Criadoras do Curso: Marcella Sterza Nicoletta Paulistana, formada em Secretariado Executivo Trilngue, pela FECAP (Fundao Escola de Comrcio lvares Penteado) em 2015. Estagiei e trabalhei como secretria, recepcionista, assistente administrativa em algumas empresas. Sempre quis empreender, trabalhar com o que eu gosto e da maneira que eu queria, com mais qualidade de vida e com horrios que eu poderia controlar. Sendo assim, iniciei as atividades com minha empresa, a Nicoletta Assessoria Executiva, em regime de MEI (microempreendedor individual), com a qual presto servios de secretariado e/ou administrativos de maneira virtual. Jamile Perozini Formada em Automao de Escritrios e Secretariado pela Fatec, com Ps-graduao em Traduo Ingls/Portugus e MBA em Gesto de Seguros e Resseguros. Trabalhei como assistente de diretoria em empresas multinacionais por mais de 10 anos. Hoje trabalho como secretria remota em minha prpria empresa, a Perozini Consultoria Executiva. Abrir minha prpria empresa foi a realizao de um sonho que sempre tive devido ao meu perfil empreendedor."
Price: 129.99

"Curso de Refrigeracin en Aires Acondicionados"
"En este curso aprenders el oficio de refrigeracin en aires ventana y Split, para brindar servicios de mantenimiento, instalacin y reparacin de acondicionadores de aire, manejando herramientas y equipos necesarios para llevar adelante un servicio de excelencia. Aprenders los fundamentos de la termodinmica aplicada al ciclo de refrigeracin, procedimientos para la instalacin y servicio de equipos de aire acondicionado residenciales y comerciales, como equipos de aire acondicionado de ventana y split.Podrs obtener un oficio con salida laboral bien remunerada que te permitir tener otra fuente de ingresos, ahorrar en reparacin o dedicarte a tiempo completo y tener un emprendimiento propio."
Price: 199.99

"Teacher Robyne's English - Class One"
"Teacher Robyne gets right to it. The first in our series, is a great way for your child to meet Teacher Robyne and to learn how she teaches her classes.Every Class Block provided by Teacher Robyne will use her own Word Cards, activities and songs to make learning fun and easy to remember.Teacher Robyne is a stickler for pronunciation and grammar, so your child won't be learning any bad habits from her."
Price: 24.99

"Google Ads (AdWords) - 2020 - Podstawy"
"Zanim przystpisz do nauki z mojego kursu Google Ads (AdWords) nie musisz zna podstaw reklamowania, nie musisz rwnie zna interfejsu Google Ads. Naucz Ci wszystkiego od podstaw - krok po kroku.Kurs zawiera ponad 11 godzin nagra wideo!Google Ads (wczeniej Adwords) uywam od okoo 2010 roku. Swj pierwszy kurs utworzyem w 2015 roku, a obecny kurs na Udemy opublikowaem w kwietniu 2019 roku i od tamtej pory stale go aktualizuj.Na przestrzeni tych wszystkich lat moich praktycznych dowiadcze, to wanie reklama w wyszukiwarce Google oraz na stronach partnerskich w sieci reklamowej Google, zapewniaa i cay czas zapewnia, najlepsze, najbardziej pewne i przewidywalne rezultaty reklamowe.Ten praktyczny kurs Google Ads przyda Ci si jeli:planujesz wasny biznes,prowadzisz ju wasny biznes,chcesz skutecznie prowadzi dziaania promocyjne w oparciu o produkty firm trzecich: afiliacja, programy partnerskie,chcesz nauczy si testowa pomysy biznesowe i sprawdza, czy jest rynek na dane produkty i/lub usugi,mylisz o tym, eby zosta dobrze opacanym, samodzielnym specjalist ds. reklamy.Jeli przynajmniej jeden z powyszych punktw si zgadza, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie.Bez wzgldu na charakter Twoich dziaa zawodowych, wiedza i umiejtnoci zawarte w tym kursie przydadz Ci si praktycznie zawsze.Dziki znajomoci Google Ads pozyskiwanie klientw w kocu bdzie dla Ciebie duo atwiejsze i moe zapewni Ci realn przewag nad konkurencj.Ten kurs jest wyjtkowy i wyrnia si tym, e kompleksowo traktuje zagadnienie tworzenia skutecznych i efektywnych reklam.Bdziesz potrafi nie tylko stworzy reklamyale rwnie dowiesz si, jak prawidowo, z marketingowego punktu widzenia, pisa skuteczne nagwki i treci reklam.Dowiesz si jak konfigurowa skuteczne kampanie, logicznie zaplanujesz cay proces i w atwy sposb zoptymalizujesz swoje kampanie, by byy tanie i efektywne.Kurs czy teori z praktyk. Wszystko ma swoj logiczn kolejno i jest dokadnie wytumaczone na licznych przykadach.W kursie posuguj si prostym jzykiem, nie uywam obcojzycznych zwrotw i korporacyjnego bekotu stawiam na aspekty praktyczne, ktre tumacz prostym jzykiem, wzbogacajc cao licznymi i wyczerpujcymi przykadami.Kurs jest w 100% online dostpny 24h na dob i jest stale aktualizowany po to, eby nic wanego Ci nie omino.UWAGA! Ten kurs nauczy Ci tworzenia reklam od A do Z. W kursie otrzymasz specjaln list sprawdze, dziki ktrej krok po kroku zbudujesz swoje kampanie reklamowe, nawet jeli teraz czytajc ten tekst, kompletnie nie masz pojcia o tym jak zrobi skuteczn kampani albo w ogle nie wiesz co oznacza sowo kampania.Po kursie Google Ads (Adwords) bdziesz zna i rozumia zagadnienia takie jak:jak dokadnie dziaa Google Adsod czego zale koszty w Google Adsobsuga interfejsu Google Adsdobr sw kluczowych odpowiednich dla Twojego biznesusprawdzenie danych dotyczcych wyszukiwa w wyszukiwarce Googledopasowanie sw kluczowychintencje sw kluczowych, czyli skd wiadomo, e klient chce kupikonfigurowanie kampaniikonfiguracja grup reklamdobieranie budetw, stawek i strategii ich ustalaniabudowanie skutecznych nagwkwtworzenie skutecznych treci reklamdodawanie rozszerze do reklamsprawdzanie i diagnostyka reklamkonwersje i ich ustawianieinstalacja kodw ledzcych konwersjeprzygotowanie wasnych widokw raportwautomatyzacja pracy: ustawianie regu automatycznych dla kampanii i sw kluczowychwskaniki: CPC, CTR, ROI, Koszt Konwersji itp.optymalizacja kampaniiobnianie kosztw kampaniipodnoszenie efektywnoci kampaniiremarketing i tworzenie list odbiorcwreklama w wyszukiwarce Googlekreacje reklamowe w sieci reklamowejreklamowanie w Gmailupromowanie filmw w serwisie YouTube i sieci reklamowejwywietlanie reklam w aplikacjach mobilnychreklama produktw i usug: z wyczeniem e-sklepw, (e-sklepy obejmuje mj zaawansowany kurs Google Ads)dobre praktyki tworzenia kampanii reklamowychdobr grupy odbiorcwsposoby kierowania kampaniilista sprawdze: skuteczna reklama firmy krok po krokuUwaga! W ramach kursu moesz zadawa pytania. Na kade pytanie odpowiem w formie tekstowej lub w formie aktualizacji wideo. Dziki temu masz pewno, e dokadnie zrozumiesz kade zagadnienie, poniewa stale odpowiadam na pytania i regularnie aktualizuj swj kurs.Uwaga! Kurs ten jest kursem podstawowym i nie obejmuje zagadnie handlu w e-sklepach (tzw. e-commerce). Zagadnienia zwizane z e-commerce porusz w ramach kursu zaawansowanego, ktry dopiero powstaje. Zatem jeeli mylisz o prowadzeniu e-sklepu, to ten kurs nie speni Twoich oczekiwa, ale jeeli chcesz mie bardzo dobr orientacj jak dziaa system Google Ads, to zapoznanie si z tym kursem podstawowym bdzie konieczne przed zapoznaniem si z kursem zaawansowanym dotyczcym e-commerce.Zawsze aktualne treci:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Musisz wiedzie, e stawiam na WYSOK JAKO. Poniewa kurs ten jest stale aktualizowany i powicam mu duy kawaek mojego zawodowego ycia, dzielc si praktycznymi przykadami, kupujc go masz pewno, e wiedza zawarta w kursie jest aktualna i DZIAA.Wiem, e wiele kursw online jest zwyczajnie przestarzaa, a ich jako odbiega od wysokich standardw. Jeli zaley Ci na tym, eby korzysta z pewnych, aktualnych, rzetelnych i sprawdzonych informacji, popartych codzienn praktyk, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. .+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Price: 234.99

"Measuring and Weighing Cyber Risks"
"This course provides you with the fundamentals of measuring the cyber risks and conducting a risk assessment. At the end of the course, you will be able to perform a risk assessment, know how to deal with each type of the cyber risks, and prioritize your actions and available controls."
Price: 99.99

"HTML+CSS+Javascript para principiantes - Desarrollo Web"
"En este curso, veremos en detalle las capacidades de HTML 5 para crear paginas web, aprenders tambin CSS 3 para darle mejor presentacin a tu pagina web e inclu 2 clases adicionales para mis estudiantes donde veremos conceptos bsicos de Javascript y su interaccin con HTML y CSS. El curso incluye varios talleres prcticos y cdigo para algunas practicas complejas. Que esperas ?, ingresa a este curso y aprender a desarrollar paginas web atractivas y comienza tu propio negocio como desarrollador web."
Price: 19.99

"TRADING FOREX para principiantes - Estrategicas clave"
"En este curso, no te voy a mostrar cuan exitoso Trader soy, tampoco veras mis cuentas de Trading con cientos de miles de dolares, o presentaciones donde solamente se muestran operaciones exitosas, vamos a ser realistas y por esto prepare este curso para darte las herramientas para que tu tomes una decisin autnoma y decidas cual es la mejor estrategia para empezar en el mundo del trading. Veremos los aspectos bsicos de la negociacin, realizaremos anlisis tcnico y anlisis fundamental; abriremos una cuenta Demo con cualquier broker y te explicare las diferentes estrategias que existen para hacer un trading exitoso. Al finalizar el curso, tendrs todas las herramientas necesarias para que decidas que estrategias utilizaras para ingresar al mercado burstil, ya sea que te dediques al trading o lo tengas como una entrada adicional de dinero, que para nadie sobra en estos tiempos."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced VIM for Programmers in ""Unix/Linux"" Environment"
"The ""vim"" text editor is a very practical tool, to know it well It can mean a great saving of time in the edition of files of text. It is commonly used in Linux and Unix environments, so it is important to know at least the basic management of the environment. If you already know something about the ""vim"" editor, in this course you will learn advanced editing techniques, use of buffers, blocks and custom editor settings to use with your favorite development language."
Price: 19.99

"""VIM"" avanzado para programadores en ambientes ""Unix/Linux"""
"El editor de texto ""vim"" es una herramienta muy prctica, conocerla bien puede significar un gran ahorro de tiempo en la edicin de archivos de texto. Se utiliza comnmente en ambientes ""Unix/Linux"", por lo que es importante saber al menos el manejo bsico del ambiente. Si ya conoces algo del editor ""vim"", en este curso aprenders tcnicas avanzadas de edicin, uso de Buffers, bloques de texto y configuraciones personalizadas del editor para usar con tu lenguaje de desarrollo favorito."
Price: 19.99

"PMP PMBOK 6 Project Cost Management"
"This course cover cost management process found inA Guide to theProject Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide), 6th Edition,Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017. It includes audio & video training well-presented and easy to follow , infopraphics and exam practice that will help you fully understand the terms, definitions & concepts necessary to understand PMP Cost Area. The general content constitutes the best practices in the direction of Projects and will help the student to be trained with practical tools in the exercise of the profession of Project Manager. It focuses on the aspects that will be evaluated in the PMP certification exam for the costs area."
Price: 99.99

"Leadership Behaviors for a Connective Era"
"The Connective Leadership Modelrepresents a leadership model designed for the current Connective Era, an era marked by the tensions between interdependence and diversity.The Connective Era calls for new leadership strategies to enable individuals and groups with diverse and potentially conflicting backgrounds, talents, and agendas to live and work together productively, creatively, and harmoniously for their mutual benefit.In the Connective Era, technology, exemplified by the internet, continues to expose and intensify the connections between everyone and everything. These tight and tightening connections result in interdependence, best served by collaboration and other forms of joint action. In this challenging environment, leaders who can identify the mutual concerns and needs of diverse groups no matter how seemingly limited can help them to build bonds of understanding and initiate productive collaborative enterprises.Connective leaders bring precisely these leadership strengths to the table. They have the insight and skills to help divergent, even adversarial, individuals and groups come together initially around limited areas of mutuality. Then, gradually, they encourage these cautious collaborators to broaden the scope of their shared concerns to address more complex, even contentious, issues.Connective leaders plant and nourish the seeds of understanding among their constituents, using a nine-fold repertoire of behavioral strategies. We call these behavioral strategies Achieving Styles to draw attention not to past achievements, but to the on-going process and the different ways in which individuals accomplish their tasks. Achieving Styles in Men and Women: A Model, an Instrument, and Some Findings. In Janet T. Spence (Ed.), Achievement and Achievement Motives: Psychological and Sociological Approaches, pp.147-204.2More specifically, Achieving Styles are those learned, characteristic behaviors that we all call upon repeatedly to achieve our goals.Reinforced by past successes, most individuals tend to rely upon a limited set of comfortable, no fail Achieving Styles. By contrast, connective leaders routinely draw upon the entire nine-fold behavioral repertoire that the Achieving Styles Model delineates. Guided by situational cues, connective leaders select the most appropriate combination of behavioral strategies to achieve the particular goal on which they are currently focused."
Price: 149.99

"Transformative Diversity & Inclusion Crash Course!"
"This is an introductory course that incorporates creative and dynamic activities to engage people of all backgrounds and knowledge levels in crucial discussions around systemic oppression, injustice and implicit bias. This workshop is great for those beginning their journey into social justice education and looking to transform their understanding of diversity and inclusion into genuine practices of change that acknowledge and move towards combating oppression, discrimination and injustice."
Price: 59.99

"Coding e Pensiero Computazionale: le basi per programmare"
"Il pensiero computazionale non altro che linsieme dei processi mentali atti a:formulare un problemaal rimediare una soluzione che sia eseguibile da un computer.Imparerai le basi della programmazione, necessarie per apprendere qualsiasi linguaggio. Non iniziare il solito corso online sul come creare un'app o un videogioco senza avere appreso prima quei processi necessari al cavartela in ogni situazione, aldil del linguaggio che stai usando. E' un errore che molti fanno, senza rendersi conto che potrebbero semplificarsi di molto la vita iniziando dalle fondamenta."
Price: 29.99

"Astral Seyahat Detayl Egitim"
"Astral seyahat m yapmak istiyorsunuz?Ne yapacanz bilmiyor musunuz?Kulaktan dolma bilgilerle denemeler mi yapyorsunuz?O zaman byk yanl yapyor ve tehlikeli bir adm atyorsunuz demektirAma artk endielenmeyin buraya kadar gelip bu eitim setine ulatysanz aklnzdaki tm sorularn cevaplarn bulacaksnz.Hazrlam olduum bu eitim seti hayat boyunca Astral seyahatin ne olduunu duymam bir kiiye de,Astral seyahatin ne olduunu bilip ne yapmas gerektiini bilmeyen kiilere de,Astral seyahat yapmay baaran ve Astral de karlatklar durumlarda ne yapacan bilmeyen kiilere de yararl olacaktr.Eer Astral yapmay dnyorsanz ve ne yapacanz bilmiyorsanz hazrlam olduum bu eitim videosu elinizin altnda olmas gereken esiz bir kaynaktr.."
Price: 149.99

"Prevencin en Uso y consumo de Alcohol, Tabaco y Drogas"
"Con este curso promocionamos los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para prevenir y afrontar situaciones de Adiccin al consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas. Servir como apoyo a los programas en Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en las empresas.Hablaremos de Generalidades del Alcohol, efectos en nuestro cuerpo, tabaquismo, drogas, cmo funciona un cerebro adicto y finalmente una introduccin a las adicciones no txicas que explicaremos ms detalladamente en otro curso.Conocers la encuesta de consumo Alcohol, tabaco y drogas llamada prueba ASSIST I. El objetivo de la prueba es la deteccin de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y sustancias (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test, ASSIST) para ser utilizada en los mbitos de la atencin de salud, en especial en la atencin primaria de la comunidad, con el fin de identificar a las personas que consumen sustancias y proporcionarles una intervencin breve (o derivacin), segn sea necesario. Con material descargable para aprender a utilizarla y sirva de apoyo a los programas de vigilancia de la salud."
Price: 24.99

"Crea videos animados virales para redes sociales"
"En este curso aprenders a crear de Vdeos Animados desde Cero. Podrs crear: videotutoriales, YouTube, Facebook, presentaciones, videocursos y ms. Te brinda las herramientas necesarias para dar vida a tus mensajes con personajes animados de tipo contemporneo, tipo caricatura o pizarra. Aprendiendo a usar esta herramienta podrs utilizarla como fuente de ingresos si deseas comercializar videos o en beneficio de tu empresa.Las aplicaciones de videos animados editados con Vyond pueden ser:1. En beneficio de la formacin e-learning pues personalizando tu contenido puedes mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje.2. En el rea de recursos humanos dedicada a proporcionar conocimientos sobre productos, servicios, manuales de uso, prevencin de riesgos implementacin de sistemas de gestin. 3. Tambin puedes utilizar los videos animados como herramienta para transmitir historias o crear contenido en beneficio de tus estrategias de Marketing online."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de Whatsapp Marketing"
"A criao do Whatsapp para Negcios foi um verdadeiro marco para a comunicao entre empresas e clientes. Antes as estratgias se limitavam apenas ao e-mail marketing e algumas outras que no causavam tanta diferena. A taxa de entrega de e-mails no atende mais aos principais objetivos, seja a empresa pequena ou grande.O Whatsapp Business veio para suprir essas lacunas e melhorar ainda mais o relacionamento entre os negcios e os clientes, transformando as conversas chatas e frias do e-mail marketing e um contato muito mais direto e aquecido. O resultado disso: muito mais vendas e uma maior fidelizao, fazendo com que o life time value dispare bastante.Comece hoje mesmo a estudar e a colocar sua estratgia de campanha no whatsapp business em prtica. A sade de seu negcio ir agradecer muito."
Price: 549.99

"Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana"
"Promover a sua arte atravs da dana um dos maiores desafios. Todo o profissional de dana ou mesmo os amadores preservam uma paixo gigante pelos movimentos, mas no sabem, na grande maioria, como fazer para que mais pessoas sejam tocadas pela expresso dos sentimentos atravs do corpo.Felizmente existe a internet, uma grande aliada para fazer qualquer tipo de arte chegar muito mais longe do que se possa imaginar. Com as ferramentas proporcionadas pelas mdias sociais se tornou muito mais simples e barato divulgar seu trabalho e, consequentemente, aumentar as chances de conseguir mais alunos, convites para congressos, workshops e eventos.Com o curso Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana voc ter chance de conhecer os primeiros passos para construir sua presena online de maneira simples e sem enrolao. Ir aprender a forma correta de criar seus perfis nas redes sociais fazendo com que eles sejam otimizados para atrair o pblico que realmente est interessado na sua dana, o que o torna muito mais engajado.Se inscreva no curso e Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana para conhecer as estratgias iniciais no desenvolvimento de sua presena online.Nos vemos dentro do curso.Um abrao.Michael Araujo"
Price: 474.99

"YouTube SEO 2020 - Guia Completo para Mais Visualizaes"
"Acredito que voc tenha chegado at aqui porque quer receber mais visitas e inscritos no seu canal do YouTube, no mesmo?Ento eu tenho uma boa notcia para te dar: voc chegou ao local correto!O YouTube o lugar perfeito para que voc possa desenvolver sua prpria marca, conseguir muito mais trfego para seu site e ganhar vendendo produtos e servios a atravs dos seus vdeos. E este o curso perfeito para voc comear todo esse processo de criao e desenvolvimento do seu canal no YouTube.Bom, e quem sou eu para te ensinar?Meu nome Michael e ajudei a criar, desenvolver e gerir dezenas de canais de sucesso juntamente com a minha equipe. Alguns canais so de empresas de diversos portes. outros so de empreendendores e produtores de contedo que buscam uma soluo para desenvolver seu trabalho na internet atravs do vdeos.Eu sou um instrutor online em tempo integral e estarei ajudando voc a dar cada passo nesse caminho. Se voc tiver alguma dvida sobre o contedo do curso ou sobre qualquer assunto relacionado a este tpico, voc sempre pode postar uma pergunta ou me enviar uma mensagem direta.Meu objetivo fazer deste o melhor curso sobre YouTube SEO que voc j tenha visto. Ento, se houver alguma maneira de melhorar este curso, apenas me diga com e seguirei os seus comentrios.Se voc quer desenvolver sua prpria marca, ter MAIS MAIS VISUALIZAES E ASSINANTES, ou iniciar um canal do zero, este o curso perfeito para voc!Seja qual for sua motivao para iniciar um canal do YouTube, voc veio ao lugar certo.O curso YouTube SEO tem o que mais necessrio para voc atingir seus objetivos atravs de estratgias com vdeos.O YouTube SEO um curso rpido e eficaz que leva voc de zero habilidades a um canal completo do YouTube com visualizaes e inscritos de alta qualidade.Se inscreva no curso e eu terei o enorme prazer de te guiar nesse aprendizado.Um abrao.Michael"
Price: 564.99