"Career Development Masterclass: Build a Successful Career" |
"In the modern world, the workplace is a ever-shifting, dynamic environment. If you find yourself at a career dead end or have a persistent feeling that you chose the wrong career path, you are not alone. However, you do not need to embrace this situation. Taking the time to redefine your desires and goals for your professional life will pay off, as this proactive course will enable you to find your dream career.This course will help you create and implement an efficient, personalized career development plan. Im going to offer you complex training on specific, proven techniques and strategies that will help you enhance your professional skills and accomplish your career goals. Creating a career plan can be extremely useful in helping to identify your career goals and sharpen your focus. You will be able to focus on what you want to accomplish and what steps you need to take to get there. You will acquire a better understanding of your skills and experiences, you will discover what career best suits your talents, and what skills and training you require for your chosen career. This course aims to demonstrate the complex and numerous strategies of career development in order to facilitate an understanding of what is involved in strategic career development and illustrate best practices. It provides a balance between theory and practice, useful career information, a comprehensive package of strategies and it takes a tactical approach to decision making. Enroll Now and make the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself, your knowledge and your career growth. What you'll learn in this course: What is career development and how it can benefit your professional life Key success factors of career development The major components of career development Identifying your strengths, weaknesses & skills Learn how to minimize and enhance your weak areas Identify the roles and professions that best suit you based on your interests and skills Build a comprehensive vision for your career and establish your future goals The importance of having a career development plan How to create a personalized career development plan Implementing complex career development techniques Finding a mentor"
Price: 199.99 |
"Penmanship Fundamentals: Learn Cursive and Calligraphy" |
"In this two-part course, you will learn the basics of Penmanship where you'll learn Cursive writing and Calligraphy. Cursive writing is an important writing skill to have. Research shows that writing things out by hand can help improve generallearning. Researchers believe theres something about manually manipulating and drawing out two-dimensional shapes (like letters) that aids in learning comprehension. Studies have noted similar brain boosting results from handwriting practice in adults.Whats more, other studies show there are cognitive benefits that come with cursive writing in particular such as improved reading and spelling scores that you dont get when writing block letters.This course will teach you the fundamentals of cursive writing. In the second part of the course will teach you the fundamentals of Calligraphy through the use of pens, nibs and inks to create letter forms. Calligraphy adds creative flair to correspondence, parties, decorations, art projects, and more. Students will learn all about this ancient art that is still popular today. Students will learn basic calligraphy alphabet and beginner techniques you can use to practice making letter forms. Youll learn about the tools and materials every calligrapher needs and how to hold and use the pen, starting with basic strokes. We'll get into writing the different letters in the alphabet from capital letters to lowercase. We'll then get into numbers, and punctuation. When you learn calligraphy, you are also learning important design principles. The ability to make beautiful letters simply using your own hand will open up a whole new world for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Homologao na Anatel" |
"Se voc fabricante ou importador de produtos de tecnologia, muito provvel que seu produto precisa ser testado e homologado na Anatel para que possa vend-lo no Brasil. Neste curso voc conhecer todo o processo de homologao e o que necessrio para iniciar este processo com os seus produtos.Se o seu produto possui algum tipo de tecnologia de transmisso (Bluetooth, RFID, WI-FI, etc) praticamente certo que ele precisa ser homologado."
Price: 39.99 |
"More Breath-Less Stress. Breathing To Relieve Tension." |
"Do any of these feel familiar? Frustration, anxiety, stress, stagnation, holding the weight of responsibility, chronic worrying, overthinking, trouble sleeping or switching off, feeling under pressure?Breathwork is the key to managing our emotional states and is one of the most effective techniques available to us for resolving emotional distress.If you are looking for an introduction to breath awareness and are eager to find a stress relief solution that is healthy, sustainable and realistic with your lifestyle and time schedule, then this is the course for you. In this course we will be inquiring into:Where stress shows up in your life?How you currently deal with your stress? How important is your well-being really to you?Join me for this course and Receive:A 5-day guided audio practice that is reusableDaily summary video and email to guide you through each component Exercises and Exploration to deepen your experienceConscious breathing can not only reverse the symptoms of stress but gives us the opportunity to return with fresh perspective and energy to that never-ending to-do list and endless responsibility we pile on ourselves as people.Breath awareness allows us to work with increased clarity in thought and overall a more grounded and calm way of being.What you need to know?The minimum time investment for this course is 12 minutes a day. This means you can do this course by simply reading the daily content, watching the summary video and most importantly doing the guided audio. You don't have to do any journal writing, this is your choice, but I, of course, advise you to, the more you put in the more impactful and eye-opening the course will be. Each day is broken down into the following areas:Text content, video summaries, downloadable guided breathwork practices for each day which you can re-use. Observational tasks and optional journal writing."
Price: 19.99 |
"Escrita e Leitura Musical" |
"J perdeu trabalhos por no saber ler partituras?Perde muito tempo tirando msicas de ouvido?Hoje em dia um msico (baterista) para atuar no meio profissional necessita dominar a leitura e escrita de partituras. A leitura essencial para resolver situaes de gravao, shows e, at mesmo, estudo. A escrita fundamental para registrar idias e convenes e/ou obrigaes durante a execuo musical!O curso tem por objetivo ensinar a leitura e escrita de forma prtica e , portanto, iremos do nvel bsico, onde explicamos toda a teoria do valor das notas musicais at as semicolcheias, que so as divises que aparecem na prtica da msica brasileira. Para disfrutar desse curso voc no precisa de nenhum material, sendo possvel acompanhar as aulas com ""palmas"", embora um par de baquetas e um ""pad"" sejam interessantes para ambientao com a prtica real!Obrigado,Bons Estudos"
Price: 69.99 |
"Ritmos Brasileiros na Bateria - Samba" |
"O samba um dos ritmos que mais representam o Brasil no mundo. Essencialmente composto por diversos instrumentos de percusso como: Surdos, caixas, repiques, chocalhos, tamborins, etc. Nesse curso, aprender-se- a transpor esse ritmo para a bateria. Exerccios em sequncia de dificuldade progressiva. Alm disso, o curso apresenta a bateria em 3 ngulos: Lateral, de cima e p, facilitando a compreenso e execuo!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Grooves e frases em Funk com Matheus Falco" |
"Matheus Falco mesmo jovem vem trilhando uma brilhante carreira como baterista! Atualmente destaca-se como baterista do multi-instrumentista Ed Motta. Com forte influncia da msica americana e gospel, Matheus caracteriza-se por muito swing nos grooves e viradas poderosas! Nesse curso Matheus ir ensinar de forma simples e objetiva grooves e viradas que costuma utilizar em suas apresentaes! O curso possui todos os exerccios partiturados e disponveis para download."
Price: 54.99 |
"Ritmos Brasileiros: Baio" |
"Baio um gnero de msica e dana popular da regio Nordeste do Brasil, tendo como principais elementos rtmicos o tringulo e a zabumba. Sendo assim, esse curso visa transpor esses elementos rtmicos para a bateria associando as levadas de tringulo ao contra-tempo, a parte de cima da zabumba (grave) ao bumbo e a parte de baixo da zabumba (agudo) a caixa.O curso apresentar a levada bsica do baio, seguido da levada utilizando o ""Block"" sonoro, levadas com grupos quaternrios e open de p e finalizando com levada em mos alternadas!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Learn arabic with Maram- Beginner level" |
"This course is designed for all those who want to start learning arabic for any reason .It is suitable for children and adults since its designed in an attractive way for differnet learners.The sound in the videos is clear so the learner can recognize the sound of the letters and words easily.The learning of new letters and words in this course depends mainly on repetition,so at the end of each video the learner finds that the names and sounds of letters as well as the new words are stuck to his/her mind with the minimum effort needed.The images that shows with every word will make the learning process much easier."
Price: 119.99 |
"Autoestima: alcanza la autorrealizacion y potencial mas alto" |
"El objetivo de este curso es que desarrolles tu potencial mas alto y alcances la autorrealizacion a travs de una autoestima fuerte y bien cimentada. No hay formulas mgicas ni tampoco atajos. tendrs que recorrer un camino espinoso y a veces doloroso, en donde tendrs que sanar y resolver asuntos inconclusos de tu vida pasada y actual. Para poder avanzar y alcanzar todos tus sueos y metas en la vida. La clave es el trabajo sostenido y constante.Los verdaderos cambios ocurren cuando te lo propones desde lo profundo de tu ser y actas con valenta, decisin, disciplina y perseverancia. Yo te dar las herramientas, te guiare y te orientare. Pero el cambio lo haces TU......En este curso entenders por que eres como eres por que actas y piensas de la manera que ahora lo haces. Identificaras pensamientos errneos y disfuncionales que no te ayudan acrecer y avanzar en la vida.Desecharas conductas que nos provocan malestar psicolgico y emocional. Identificaras los orgenes de tu baja autoestima y la pobre imagen que tienes de ti mismo.Perdonaras a las personas que causaron dolor emocional en tu infancia.Desarrollaras un proyecto de vida y definirs tus metas claramente y los mas importarte y el eje central de todo este curso. Aprenders a quererte, valorarte y respetarte a ti mismo."
Price: 495.00 |
"Product Management Fundamentals" |
"An overview of the history of product management and a discussion of the fundamentals of modern product management for those interested in the job title. The focus is on five fundamental concepts that apply to every product manager in every business. The course provides a background for product management and product development and then proceeds to the a discussion of the five fundamentals:vision, value, cost, production, and impact."
Price: 29.99 |
"Art Supply Guide and Reviews!" |
"I cover what all the available art materials are, how they're used, what art supplies go together and which are good to buy. A guided tour for shopping at the art store. Find out what the best pencils are, paints, brushes and all the other art materials. Save a bunch of time and money by knowing which art supplies you need, which are the best to buy and how much to spend or save."
Price: 99.99 |
"How To Sell in a Retail Store" |
"This is a course on how to make lots of money in your retail store with sales and promotional techniques. I cover how to get customers to buy from you exclusively, get more people in your store and how to get them to tell their friends about you. How customers like to buy and what makes them buy. Increase your sales with this course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Your Guide to Vacationing in London" |
"Know what the events and places of interest are. Where to explore and where to go. I cover the main places of interest and describe the must see attractions. Your guide to vacationing in and navigating around London. The best places to stay, eat, drink and see. London is a beautiful place and a must see location. Watch my course as a guide to your perfect vacation."
Price: 199.99 |
"All About Art Technique Books. With A Guide and Reviews." |
"This course will go through lots of art technique books so you know which are most relevant to your style of art and which are the best to buy. Save time and money by knowing which art technique books are the best before you buy them. I review art technique books from various types of art. Which are the best figure drawing books, traditional painting books, digital painting books, pencil drawing books, anatomy books, books on perspective, fantasy art books, science fiction art books, books by contemporary artists, portrait drawing books and more. Art technique books are one of the best ways to learn art. This course will tell you which are the best for your style of art."
Price: 199.99 |
"Camtasia Recording the Screen and create videos only 1 hour" |
"Create your first video and edit it quickly, professionally with Camtasia Studio 2018MAKE VIDEOS APPEALING TO LEARNERSCamtasia is used by professionals all over the world for all types of video production from business and marketing, teaching, making money online. music video If you are a beginner, it's a good idea to follow each lesson, Camtasia is very easy to manipulate and powerful to create online courses, video editing.If you have the experience, the better, you do not need to follow the sequence that can go to any item you need in the course to practice.This course consists of short, focused, targeted and easy-to-follow videos that will give you the best results.This is the best course for you to start creating videos according to your ideas.By the end of the course, you will be able to edit your own videos that appeal to the viewer, and you are also capable of creating videos that are ""movie industry"".I will be here with you in every operation. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post questions in the course or send me a live message.Join now, see you in the course.All the best,LE.C.X(Programmer)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Workout Quickies - Fit in 5 Minuten - 30 Tage Challenge" |
"Was ist das grte Problem in unserer heutigen Zeit?Wir haben fast alle wenig bis gar keine Zeit fr unsere Gesundheit, Fitness und Lebensqualitt.Doch damit ist jetzt Schluss! Hast Du Dir schon mal bewusst gemacht, dass der Tag aus 1440 Minuten besteht?! Nochmal 1440 Minuten!Und trotzdem schaffen es die meisten nicht 30, 45 oder 60 Minuten in Ihren Krper zu investieren. Deshalb bietet Workout Quickies kurze knackige 5 Minuten Workouts fr zu Hause an. Solltest Du mehr Zeit haben - kein Problem. Dann lassen sich die Workouts problemlos miteinander verbinden. Die Workouts dienen in erster Linie dazu deinen Stoffwechsel so richtig anzukurbeln und Dir in krzester Zeit ein vllig neues Krpergefhl zu verleihen.Sei dabei und probiere die 5 wertvollsten Minuten im Hinblick auf deine Gesundheit, deine Fitness und deine Lebensqualitt aus.Kurz zu mir: Mein Name ist Marc, ich bin Diplom-Sportwissenschaftler und arbeite seit 2012 als selbststndiger Personal Trainer. Bei meiner Arbeit wurde ich immer wieder mit dem Zeitproblem konfrontiert. Fr mich selbst, aber in erster Linie fr meine Klienten, habe ich daher immer wieder kleine Workouts als Hausaufgaben mit an die Hand gegeben. Die Resultate sind immer wieder erstaunlich."
Price: 99.99 |
"Applying Important Functions in Excel" |
"This is a course which covers the most important and widely used functions in Microsoft Excel. I teach important principles in the different categories of functions which help you not only to be able to apply these functions in Excel, but to understand the principles behind them and be able to build spreadsheet solutions using such functions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python ile birlikte Redis renin" |
"Bu kursumuzda en gl NoSQL veritabanlarndan birisi olan Redis'i, Python kullanarak reneceiz. Redis nedir, veri tipleri nelerdir, gerek uygulamalardaki kullanm alanlar nedir bunlara deineceiz. Redis ile kullanc oturumlarnn nasl kontrol edildii, lokasyon bazl ilemler ve anlk veri analizleri yapacaz. Bu kurstan sonra bir sonraki projenizi redis ile gelitirebileceksiniz ve mevcut projelerinize redis entegre edebileceksiniz. Umarm hepiniz iin faydal bir kurs olur, videolarda grmek zere"
Price: 169.99 |
"Diseo de Parques Fotovoltaicos Conectados a Red." |
"El curso de Diseo de Parques Fotovoltaicos Conectados a Red brindar a los estudiantes todos los conocimientos necesarios para poder evaluar y desarrollar instalaciones fotovoltaicas conectadas a red a gran escala de manera correcta y eficiente. Brindando explicaciones sencillas y siguiendo los lineamientos de las normativas internacionales aplicables, en presentaciones de calidad.Al final del curso, el alumno ser capaz de analizar, evaluar y disear proyectos fotovoltaicos a gran escala, para la obtencin de permisos y/o desarrollo a nivel constructivo."
Price: 24.99 |
"Diseo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Residenciales y Comerciales" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivo principal, brindar al estudiante todos los conocimientos necesarios para analizar, disear y desarrollar proyectos solares fotovoltaicos ya sea para viviendas, industria y comercio.Para lograr nuestro objetivo, se aplican diferentes tcnicas de diseo y dimensionamiento a lo largo del curso para ofrecer siempre la mejor solucin, adaptada a cada cliente.Adems de realizar los diferentes estudios y anlisis tcnicos, se validar costos de equipos y viabilidad de los proyectos durante su vida til.El curso de Diseo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Residenciales y Comerciales lo podrn estudiar personas con diferentes intereses y/o aptitudes. Ya que los anlisis se inician desde el nivel ms bsico, hasta el desarrollo de diseo final, por lo que inscribirse ser de mucho inters para personal tcnico y/o elctrico, Arquitectos, Ingenieros y/o personas interesadas en el diseo de nuevas tecnologas sobre energas renovables."
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Lose Weight: Eat What You Love with NO Exercise!" |
"Upon reading this course title and you think to your sell is this too good to be true? .The good news is that is it true and I've compress all my experience of three years into this short course to provide you all the information needed to feel better about yourself. .To show you that is it possible for anyone out there to lose weight andkeep it off once and for all.. You may think that is some sort gimmick, selling you some product to you to lose weight, good news is that this is not. .This course is design for people of all level and I provide you all the information needed for you to turn your life around..You'll be hooked because you'll see the results in the first two weeks or even the first week..If you feel that you're the only one who that is feeling insecure with the way you look, you're not alone in this..In this course I'll show you these simple ways to lose as much weight as you want from 10 pounds to even 100 pounds. .This course provide the following information:How to eat out and still lose weight easilyNo exercise and lose weightEat what you desire and lose weightRemain consistent with your dietGive this course and never need to look back again!Join me on this journey to bring you the results that you always wanted!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Predefined Variables in PHP:Make your sites more powerful" |
"Apart the interaction between the website and the user, predefined variables can provide key information about the server environment and the user. In this course, you'll learn how to make your website more interactive. First, you'll discover how to create more robust forms, leveraging sessions that span multiple pages of data. Next, you'll explore the ability to save cookies. Finally, you'll learn how to upload files and other form data, which utilize these predefined variables. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a stronger understanding of the PHP programming language, and have the ability to create more interactive websites with predefined variables."
Price: 59.99 |
"Let's begin with Spring Batch Framework" |
"At the core of batch processing is an understanding of the basic concepts and patterns common to most batch products. In this course, you will learn these concepts and patterns in the context of one of the oldest and most mature open source batch frameworks available. First, you will learn about why you may need batch processing, including its benefits and drawbacks. Next, you will explore the foundation of Spring Batch terminology and offerings. Finally, you will follow along in a demonstration of building a full, production-ready Spring Batch job that reads input from a file, processes, and then outputs the information to a database. When you are finished with the course, you should have the basic knowledge needed to start building your own batch jobs using the Spring Batch framework."
Price: 59.99 |
"Security in Node.js with Express and Angular" |
"Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform that's rapidly being adopted by many individuals and large companies. This course, shows you how to apply secure application development practices to Node.js with Express and Angular by learning some of the security risks that are of concern in this area. You'll see the execution of exploits associated with these risks and follow through with the implementation steps for mitigating each one. First, you'll learn about protecting data from extraction, as well as how to mitigate this risk. Next, you'll learn about how to ensure legitimacy of requests. Finally, you'll learn about blocking content-hijacking and what you can do to prevent it in the first place. By the end of this course, you'll have learned about many of the risks, vulnerabilities, and mitigation techniques, why they are so important, and you'll be more equipped to use secure application development practices."
Price: 59.99 |
"App for million users:PHP High Performance" |
"You too can create fast-running PHP apps that support millions of users. This course, will teach you tips and tricks for speeding up your PHP application. You'll start by learning about micro-optimizations at the code-level, moving on to how many child processes you should be running on your webserver and database options. Finally, you will learn about profiling your code and load testing your application, so you can be confident that it will perform well no matter how large your application becomes. By the end of this course, you'll be able to easily create and optimize PHP apps for speed."
Price: 59.99 |
"Modelagem 3D completa para Games e Animao" |
"Aprenda na pratica a utilizar as ferramentas necessrias para desenvolver cenas complexas utilizando os trs melhores softwares do mercado para animao, modelagem e renderizao 3DPrimeiro aprenda a utilizar o Maya, saiba desenvolver cenas e objetos complexos com os principais comando do software como por exemplo extrude e bevel.Assim que terminarmos de modelar um artefato enviaremos ele para o Zbrush e faremos pequenos detalhes que fazem a grande diferena em qualquer modelo 3DE por fim iremos utilizar o V-ray fazendo uma iluminao simples que muito eficiente para apresentar qualquer projeto que voc queira, ao final do curso tiraremos um render da nossa modelo."
Price: 24.99 |
posing-art |
", . , , , . , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Create a Customer Acquisition Engine" |
"This course will show you how you can create a Facebook marketing system that attracts prospective customers to your small business while you sleep. It is a system that will take some time and effort to create, but once it's built, the hard work is done. You just have to keep adding fuel to your Customer Acquisition Engine to make it run and bring customers to you."
Price: 74.99 |
"The Ultimate Toolkit for First-Time Entrepreneurs" |
"The Ultimate Toolkit for First-Time Entrepreneurs has been created by Vikshut Mundkur and Arjun Janananda, CEO and CTO respectively of a venture funded drone startup - Huviair Technologies.""Two years ago, we started our entrepreneurship journey from scratch. We learned the hard way on how you can set up a successful company and along the way, we learned how to use all the essential tools we required to make this happen.We have poured in all our experience into creating this course. It has complete details on how to master the best zero cost tools to create your own logo, website, blogs, case studies, sales decks and email campaigns. It is a completely practical course to help you get all these aspects right!This course is aimed at anyone who has just started out with an idea of entrepreneurship and is looking to set up all the basic assets before taking a full plunge. This course will also help people who are looking for a side hustle and to set up a brand or a company themselves."""
Price: 99.99 |