"Artificial Intelligence for Business" |
"Structure of the course:Part 1 - Optimizing Business ProcessesCase Study: Optimizing the Flows in an E-Commerce WarehouseAI Solution: Q-LearningPart 2 - Minimizing CostsCase Study: Minimizing the Costs in Energy Consumption of a Data CenterAI Solution: Deep Q-LearningPart 3 - Maximizing RevenuesCase Study: Maximizing Revenue of an Online Retail BusinessAI Solution: Thompson SamplingReal World Business Applications:With Artificial Intelligence, you can do three main things for any business:Optimize Business ProcessesMinimize CostsMaximize RevenuesWe will show you exactly how to succeed these applications, through Real World Business case studies. And for each of these applications we will build a separate AI to solve the challenge.In Part 1 - Optimizing Processes, we will build an AI that will optimize the flows in an E-Commerce warehouse.In Part 2 - Minimizing Costs, we will build a more advanced AI that will minimize the costs in energy consumption of a data center by more than 50%! Just as Google did last year thanks to DeepMind.In Part 3 - Maximizing Revenues, we will build a different AI that will maximize revenue of an Online Retail Business, making it earn more than 1 Billion dollars in revenue!But that's not all, this time, and for the first time, weve prepared a huge innovation for you. With this course, you will get an incredible extra product, highly valuable for your career:""a 100-pages book covering everything about Artificial Intelligence for Business!"".The Book:This book includes:100 pages of crystal clear explanations, written in beautiful and clean latexAll the AI intuition and theory, including the math explained in detailThe three Case Studies of the course, and their solutionsThree different AI models, including Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning, and Thompson SamplingCode TemplatesHomework and their solutions for you to practicePlus, lots of extra techniques and tips like saving and loading models, early stopping, and much much more.Conclusion:If you want to land a top-paying job or create your very own successful business in AI, then this is the course you need.Take your AI career to new heights today with Artificial Intelligence for Business -- the ultimate AI course to propel your career further."
Price: 199.99 |
"Wine in 9: The Complete Wine Tasting Course" |
"Build Your Confidence with Wine and Maximize Your Drinking PleasureLife is too short not to get the most out of your wine drinking experience. When your confidence in wine is strengthened, you will experience these joyful moments far more frequently and with a heightened sense of both awareness and pleasure, based on the knowledge, skills and insight that you will gain in this course.Along the way, learn how to tackle potential obstacles to your wine enjoyment, such as:The anxiety you might feel when choosing a single bottle from the hundreds on the shelves of your wine storeChoosing a wine from a restaurant wine list when none of the producers on offer are known to youOvercoming the feeling of not being able to detect any single, identifiable aroma or flavour in a wineBeing confused over which wine to pair with which food because of the conflicting advice that is out thereNot being able to understand what the terms on the wine label are indicating to youKnowing when to reject a wine because of a wine faultSelecting a wine for yourself or others based on their dietary choice or allergiesPractical demonstrations for those aha momentsMike Mazey is not only a flying winemaker but a seasoned educator.Throughout the course, Mike applies his teaching experience to practical demonstrations that lead to a deeper understanding of wine. Feel free to replicate these demonstrations and tasting suggestions at your next home wine tasting with friends and family and relish the aha moments that will surely follow.Wines Tipping PointsThroughout the course, you will be presented with both knowledge and practical suggestions that will build your wine confidence. The course structure is designed so that key insights are reached before going to the next level in a 3-step process for each of the three main wine types. This provides the framework for a lifetime of fun and fulfilment as your wine knowledge and experience grows."
Price: 199.99 |
"Analizaremos todas las fases necesarias para cumplir con este requisito que exige la DIAN, para todo el que sea responsable de IVA e IPOCONSUMO, en el rgimen comn. Estaremos consultando todas la normas vigentes para este aspecto de obligaciones tributarias. Tambien analizaremos como hacer rentable esta obligacin para el Contador Pblico en Colombia."
Price: 44.99 |
"Curso GP Expert (Gerente de Projeto Expert)" |
"Voc j se pegou imaginando como suavida profissionalseria se voc tivesse tomado outras decises? Ser que no seria importante se permitir agoraavaliar sua carreirae talvez superar algunsgapsque estejam impactando seu futuro? Voc j parou para pensar no que mais importante em gerenciamento de projetos? Habilidades tcnicas ou comportamentais? Certificaes ou Softskills?O curso GP Expert aborda as principais habilidades tcnicas, comportamentais, conhecimentos, experincias e diferenciais no mundo de gerenciamento de projetos.Inicie sua carreira na rea de gerenciamento de projetos de forma assertiva, destacando-se com um Gerente de Projetos Expert.Obs: No h pr-requisitos para este treinamento!"
Price: 39.99 |
"90 Gnlk Aksiyon Plan" |
"Network Marketing'de ne yaparsanz kopyalanr. yi de kt de. e baladnz veya karar verdiiniz ilk gnden itibaren 90 gn boyunca dzenli, srekli ve disiplinli alma, iinizin nasl ina olaca konusunda belirleyici olacaktr. Gl, gvenli ve karl bir Network Marketing ii iin ilk baladnz andan itibaren iinize verdiiniz ilk hz, dalga hareketi yaratr. Kk bir baar modeli yaratm olursunuz. Sonrasnda, bu kck baar modeli iinize sizden sonra balayacak olan nesiller tarafndan kopyalanr."
Price: 49.99 |
"Network Marketing Liderlik Akademisi" |
"Sadece ok almaya deil ayn zamanda akll ve zeki almaya inandm. Bir ok insan evet belki ok alyor ancak, sistemden yoksun bir ekilde altklarndan dolay doldur-boaltlarla bir yere kadar gidebiliyorlar. Bir gn geliyor ok yoruluyorlar. Usan duygusu geliiyor ve maalesef brakyorlar. Network Marketing iinizi insan faktrnden bamsz hale getirebilmelisiniz. in iinde insana bal faktrler olmamal. Ancak ve ancak bu ekilde gl, gvenli ve karl bir ticaret ina edebilir, ynetebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Mala Planejada" |
"Viajar uma delcia, mas acaba sendo uma tortura na hora de fazer a mala. Para isso no acontecer, vamos planejar juntas uma Mala funcional e que contenha exatamente tudo que voc precisa :)O objetivo de uma Mala Planejada voc curtir a viagem e ter menos coisas para administrar. Como somos diferentes, pode ser que algo imprescindvel na minha mala nem faa falta na sua. Tem coisas que podem ou no funcionar na sua Mala, e aos poucos voc vai adaptando ao seu jeito.Planejar, curtir o momento de separar os looks, pensar nos eventos e fazer uma Mala linda para garantir que os momentos que a gente leva da viagem estejam em harmonia com a gente!Agora separe um perodo para esse momento especial e divirta-se para garantir uma viagem de sucesso !!!"
Price: 279.99 |
"Herkes in Python Programlama" |
"Python programlama dili ile ilgili kapsaml almalarn yoksunluundan ortaya kan kurs sayesinde ilenen konularda baka kaynaa ihtiya duymadan detayl bir ekilde reneceksiniz. Kurs temelden balanarak ilerlediinden python programlama dnyasn kefetmek isteyen her bireye hitap etmektedir.Kurs Kapsamnda lenecek Konular:Python tanml veri tipleri ve veri tipi dnmleriPrint fonksiyonu ve parametreleriKarakter dizileri ve metotlarListeler ve metotlarKmeler ve metotlarDemetler ve metotlarFonksiyonlarDngler Koul BalalarArayz TasarlamaVeri Taban ProgramlamaHata ve istisnalarThreading lemleriNesne Ynelimli ProgramlamaVeri AnaliziVeri grselletirme3 Boyutlu Modelleme Ve SimlasyonGrnt lemeGerek Dnya Uygulamalar"
Price: 209.99 |
"Design Descomplicado - Design Grfico para Empreendedores" |
"Este curso on-line vai te ensinar como usar o Canva, uma ferramenta 100% grtis e online, para criar PROJETOS PRTICOS para sua empresa ou marca. Voc quer criar suas prprias imagens para as redes sociais ou para a internet, mas no sabe por onde comear? Voc j gastou tempo e energia pesquisando tutoriais de aplicativos de design grfico online apenas para descobrir que eles nunca explicam exatamente o que voc precisa? A terceirizao de suas imagens um aborrecimento, especialmente quando preciso fazer vrias alteraes antes que o projeto seja finalizado? Se voc respondeu sim a qualquer uma dessas perguntas, voc est no lugar certo!Sabemos que pode ser frustrante e demorado criar obras de arte para o seu negcio. Voc pode passar horas ou at mesmo dias tentando encontrar o tutorial certo on-line. A terceirizao do trabalho pode ser um desafio ainda maior apenas para encontrar a pessoa certo para fazer o que voc precisa fazer e isso pode acabar saindo caro! por isso que criei esse curso - para ensinar pessoas exatamente como voc como comear de forma simples e fcil com o Canva. Eu j uso o Canva h anos para expandir meus prprios negcios e assim desenvolvi um sistema que permite que voc aprenda absolutamente tudo o que voc precisa saber para criar imagens incrveis. Divirta-se enquanto aprende! Aprenda fazendo!Aps se inscrever neste curso, voc ir acessar diversas aulas que cobrem desde a teoria bsica necessria para criar imagens profissionais, at aulas prticas que mostram como criar projetos que so essenciais para administrar seu negcio. Pratique enquanto aprende! O Design Descomplicado vai apresentar todas as ferramentas necessrias, alm de dicas exclusivas de com us-las, na criao de vrios projetos. O que voc vai aprender: Definio de Design Leitura Visual Os principios bsicos do Design Grfico Cores Tipografia Formas Imagens Primeiros Passos no Canva Ferramentas Bscias no Canva Mdulo Extra (liberado em 10/11/2018) Ferramentas Avanadas no Canva Canva 2.0 Projetos Prticos (liberado em 10/11/2018) Capa de Facebook Facebook Post Anncio do Facebook Instagram Post Instagram Stories Miniatura do Youtube Arte do Canal do Youtube Ttulo de Blog Imagem para Pinterest Se voc quer apenas melhorar suas habilidades no Canva, ou tem um projeto especfico que voc precisa fazer neste exato momento, este curso para voc. Eu vou te guiar em todos os passos e estarei aqui para garantir que voc tenha sucesso em seus projetos. Estou sempre disponveis para responder a qualquer mensagem, pergunta ou comentrio que voc tenha. Obtenha um certificado de concluso quando voc terminar o curso! Com a garantia de 100% de reembolso em 30 dias, no h razo para no comear agora mesmo! INSCREVA-SE AGORA!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Produit Tendance 2019" |
"Pour russir dans le commerce lectronique, vous avez besoin de trois choses: les meilleurs produits vendre, les comptences pour les commercialiser, et la volont de russir.Je sais que vous avez dj l'tat d'esprit du gagnant. Vous tes constamment en train d'apprendre, de faire des recherches et de vous prparer au succs.Mais 2018 est l'anne de l'action. C'est l'anne o vous devez tout faire: l'anne pour tester de nouveaux produits, crer de nouvelles annonces, et tester, tester, tester. Il est temps de commencer mettre en uvre tout ce que vous avez appris au cours des ces derniers mois.Pour vous donner une bonne longueur d'avance, j'ai compil une Formation des 10 produits Niches tendance en 2018 que vous pouvez envisager de vendre et ce que vous pouvez faire pour commercialiser ces produits.Il est temps de vendreCe sont parmi les meilleurs produits Niche vendre en 2018, mais il y en a tellement plus choisir. Trouver les bons produits vendre n'est qu'une partie de l'quation. Le vrai secret est de savoir comment les commercialiser.Comment j'ai augment les ventes de mon magasin en ligne en utilisant les tactiques de marketing que les magasins les plus performants utilisent. Si vous avez du mal obtenir votre premire vente ou si vous voulez emmener votre boutique en ligne au niveau suprieur, cet ebook gratuit vous donnera la tactique exacte que vous devriez utiliser.Faites-nous savoir quels produits vous prvoyez de vendre sur votre boutique dans notre Groupe Facebook!"
Price: 49.99 |
"PMP Exam Prep -FULL Training. 1100 Questions. Part 1" |
"Welcome to the MOST FULL PMP training course on Udemy that develop practical skills in 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups for successfully pass the Project Management Professional Certification Exam (Sixth Edition).If you are looking for the exam as per the real PMI certification - this course is exactly for you.This course will help you to achieve PMP certification. Which will give you such benefits:- Increase your salary by 16% more than non-certified project managers.- Become PMI member and join to the worldwide community that number 833,025professional project managers.- Have a permission for work as a first-class project manager at any country in the world.Due to limitations, this course has been divided into 3 parts.Right now you are at Part #1.Part 1 consist of 5 Knowledge Areas:- Integration Management - 50 questions- Scope Management - 50 questions- Schedule Management - 50 questions- Costs Management - 50 questions- Quality Management - 50 questions"
Price: 199.99 |
"PMP Exam Prep -FULL Training. 1100 Questions. Part 2" |
"Welcome to the MOST FULL PMP training course on Udemy that develop practical skills in 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups for successfully pass the Project Management Professional Certification Exam (Sixth Edition).If you are looking for the exam as per the real PMI certification - this course is exactly for you.This course will help you to achieve PMP certification. Which will give you such benefits:- Increase your salary by 16% more than non-certified project managers.- Become PMI member and join to the worldwide community that number 833,025professional project managers.- Have a permission for work as a first-class project manager at any country in the world.Due to limitations, this course has been divided into 3 parts.Right now you are at Part #2.Part 2 consist of 5 Knowledge Areas:-Resource Management - 50 questions-Communications Management - 50 questions-Risk Management - 50 questions-Procurement - 50 questions-Stakeholder - 50 questions"
Price: 199.99 |
"PMP Exam Prep -FULL Training. 1100 Questions. Part 3" |
"Welcome to the MOST FULL PMP training course on Udemy that develop practical skills in 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups for successfully pass the Project Management Professional Certification Exam (Sixth Edition).If you are looking for the exam as per the real PMI certification - this course is exactly for you.This course will help you to achieve PMP certification. Which will give you such benefits:- Increase your salary by 16% more than non-certified project managers.- Become PMI member and join to the worldwide community that number 833,025professional project managers.- Have a permission for work as a first-class project manager at any country in the world.Due to limitations, this course has been divided into 3 parts.Right now you are at Part #3.I'm recommending to finish Part 1 and Part 2 first before taking to Part 3.Part 3 consist of 5 Process Groups +Full Mock exam.-Initiating - 50 questions-Planning - 100 questions-Executing - 100 questions-Monitoring and controlling - 100 questions-Closing - 50 questions-Full Mock Exam - 200 questionsAccording to my experience in case if you are getting a result higher than 80% at this tests you will get Target result at a real exam, more than 88% will give you Above Target result."
Price: 199.99 |
"Perfect English Pronunciation" |
"Learn directly from a native British speaker course tutor Emily. A certified teacher and an expert in teaching pronunciation, she will teach you from the basics and move up to the intermediate and expert level of English Pronunciation. Throughout study with her, lessons are fun, interactive, easy and highly educational and are taught with precise instructions on how to improve your pronunciation of English words to be just like a native!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Treinos Completos para Glteo, Abdmen e Pernas - POWER GAP" |
"O Power GAP um programa com 6 treinos com quase 30 minutos de durao para voc quer quer deixar o bumbum, a coxa e o abdmen mais durinho. Tambm para voc que quer perder gordura, reduzir medidas e melhorar o seu condicionamento fsico.Power: Intenso. GAP: Glteo, Abdmen e Pernas."
Price: 189.99 |
"Art Journaling: An Introduction" |
"In this class, you will learn the basics of art journaling. I will begin by explaining what art journaling is and go over the supplies you will need. Next, I will talk a bit about color inspiration before diving right into the background of our journal page. I will then show you how to build up layers of texture and add a focal point and any inspirational words or quotes. You will have completed three journal pages by the end of this course! I look forward to teaching you."
Price: 29.99 |
lightroomzone |
". . . ."
Price: 34.99 |
"Asp.Net Core Web Api le Web Servis Oluturma" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kursumda, Microsoft'un gelitirdii .Netframework'n evrimleerek gnmz koullarna ayak uydurduu .Netframeworkcore'un web api'si ile nasl web servis oluturulacan, gelitirileceini gerek projede olmas gereken btn detaylar yine gerek bir proje gelitirerek reneceksiniz.Asp Net Core dnyasna giri yaparak cross platformda, yani ister Linux'da ister Windows'da yaynlayabileceiniz web servis gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz.EntityFrameworkCore ile veritaban ilemlerini kolayca yapmay, ister Mssql veritaban ile, isterseniz Mysql veritaban ile kolayca almay reneceksiniz.Asp Net Core Identity ve Json Web Token (JWT) ile kimlik dorulama, yetkilendirme gibi gvenlik ilemlerini reneceksiniz.Snf-class, miras alma-inheritance, sarmalama-kapslleme-encapsulation, Arayz-Interface, Bamllk-Dependency kavramlarn anlayacaksnz.stemci tarafl-Client-Side ve Sunucu tarafl-Server-Side mantn anlayp web servis ile (Server-Side) dinamik olarak ierikleri retip client'n istediklerini gndermeyi reneceksiniz.Bu kursumuzda web servis gelitirmeyi renmenin yannda Profesyonel olarak SOLID Prensiplerine uygun N Katmanl Yap ile proje gelitirmeyi de reneceksiniz.Not: N Katmanl Yap ile gelitirilen projemize eklemeler devam etmektedir."
Price: 309.99 |
"WhatsApp Business Marketing - Cmo Cerrar 70% MS VENTAS" |
"Las ventas y los clientes que necesitas estn en tu telfono, estn tu WhatsApp. En este curso aprenders de forma 100% practica a gestionar tus contactos por WhatsApp. Informacin 100% practica y original, no la encuentras en ninguna parte. El objetivo es que tomes accin de todo lo visto para implementar de inmediato en tus negocios y vida diaria. Esta misma estrategia la han usado ms de 300.000 personas en toda Latinoamerica."
Price: 49.99 |
digitalmarketing-arabic |
": . . . , . . . , . 17 . :- .- .- (SEO).- (Google Analytics).- (Facebook, Instagram).- .- , . ."
Price: 199.99 |
how-to-launch-your-own-website |
", . , . . . , . . ."
Price: 24.99 |
dropshippinginarabic |
"(Dropshipping Business Model) , . . , . , . , . , . . . ."
Price: 34.99 |
"Dezvolt-te personal indiferent de punctul n care te afli" |
"Eti blocat n ideile tale? i doreti s faci ceva cu viaa ta, dar i e fric de eec? Ai idei i proiecte, dar nu tii cum s ncepi? Ai impresia c i iroseti timpul i aptitudinile n activiti inutile?Dar Eti pregtit s ncepi s te dezvoli personal i profesional? Ai nimerit n locul potrivit! Sunt John Cristea i n ultimii 6 ani am reuit s ajut mai bine de 1700 de tineri s-i promoveze visurile, s cread n ei, s ias din zona de confort i s obin un start de invidiat. Acum e momentul tu. Am creat acest curs special pentru tine. Aadar, mpreun vom descoperi care sunt atuurile tale, ce anume i place s faci i care sunt paii pe care i ai de urmat pentru a obine acele rezultate la care tu visezi. Reminder: Utilizeaz cu ncredere resursele pe care le vei descoperi n curs i obine rezultatele dorite!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java Bootcamp for Arabic Speakers" |
". This course will help you to learn JAVA language from scratch in a simple way and give you all required information that you need to be a Java programmer.This course will lead you also with a good explanation and examples to understand quickly besides implementing plenty of java programs to achieve a full understanding for each subject being explained in Java programming."
Price: 19.99 |
"Meditazione ed Evoluzione Spirituale: primi passi sulla Via" |
"Un percorso di liberazione, risveglio ed evoluzione ESISTENZIALE con Carlo Dorofatti Questo percorso unopportunit da non perdere. Attraverso video-lezioni suddivise in specifici moduli, Carlo Dorofatti ti guider personalmente verso la realizzazione di precisi obbiettivi teorico-pratici per vivere meglio, stare meglio con te stesso e gli altri e riequilibrare la tua vita allinsegna di un processo di crescita e realizzazione.Avrai accesso alla video-lezione successiva dopo una settimana dalla video-lezione precedente. Potrai accedere in qualunque momento alle lezioni gi viste. Sar possibile accedere a diversi livelli progressivi che saranno accessibili dopo una valutazione del percorso svolto.Sono previsti studi ed esercitazioni pratiche da svolgersi durante la settimana, per ottenere il massimo risultato. Settimanalmente invierai unemail a Carlo Dorofatti sottoponendogli i risultati del tuo lavoro individuale.Il pacchetto include colloqui personali con Carlo Dorofatti (via Skype o Hangout). Include inoltre la partecipazione al webinar settimanale in diretta."
Price: 179.99 |
"How to bat like Virat Kohli against pace bowling." |
"In the course I will teach you step by step method of improving your batting against pace bowling in swinging conditions and bouncy conditions.There will be an introduction of the whole courseThere will be a lecture on perfect stance and set upThere will be methods on improving your shuffle and trigger movementMethods on playing late on the front footHow to play different shots on the front footHow to play on the back foot followed by playing those shots perfectly"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mejora tu Autoestima con los Animales de Poder" |
"Un curso para crecer con las experiencias del da a da, en el que las observamos desde 7 perspectivas (una por clase) para comprenderlas, integrarlas y finalmente trascenderlas, y en el que las cartas de animales de poder y sus mensajes nos dan las claves que necesitamos y mejoran nuestra autoestima y autoconocimiento (incluye las cartas).Una de las primeras alumnas, Lola Padilla, que lo puntu con 5 estrellas, escribi esta resea: ""Me ha gustado me encanta los mensajes de los animales son verdaderos maestros, el curso ameno, gil, bien explicado, actividades muy claras para poder ejecutarlas, acompaado de la visualizacin y las cartas, muy completo. Enhorabuena a la ponente. Un saludo"""
Price: 29.99 |
"How to find inexpensive and good quality makeup" |
"Welcome students!In this course you will learn ""How to discover inexpensive and good quality makeup""Cosmetics can work wonder for appearances, make profundity, and maybe ""another"" bone structure and look. Nonetheless, not every person can spend tremendous sums for each lotion, powder smaller, lipstick, and other excellence items sold in the present market. Brand names with garish bundling put everything on the line to motivate you to purchase the more costly item. However, with research and a smidgen of exertion, will undoubtedly discover quality cosmetics hoodwinks (reasonable look-a-like) at a less expensive price.On the off chance that you've never looked for cosmetics, the procedure can appear to be overpowering. There are such huge numbers of various brands, diverse items and distinctive applications. It's difficult to pick up everything in one day, however with a little help, you can effectively search for cosmetics that will make you closely resemble a rockstar. Cosmetics is essential for some lady and every one of the ladies who purchase want the best of it for their motivation. Notwithstanding, everybody should contemplate that the nature of the items assume a major job. That is the reason in this course you will learn helpful things to buy the most fitting cosmetics for yourself."
Price: 94.99 |
"How to Teach Drawing to Kids and Beginners" |
"Welcome to the course on How to Teach Drawing for Kids and BeginnersEncouraging a child to draw is generally an issue of watching their advancement and offering them new strategies for investigation. For the initial five years of a youngster's life, your training will be constrained to giving space, time, devices, and encouragement.In later years, you may offer to show a kid new abilities, for example, drawing from perception, rehearsing points of view, and drawing right extents. Teaching drawing can be fun and fulfilling, but at the same time it's a test. To be an effective illustration instructor, you should be tolerant and empowering. Do whatever it takes not to call attention to understudies botches or be judgmental. Keep in mind, everybody needs to begin somewhere!Drawing is a charming masterful ability to learn and makes for an extraordinary interest. When you are first beginning, the nature of your illustrations can feel like a noteworthy obstacle. You may believe that you require proficient exercises to make something great, yet this isn't valid. By basically drawing for entertainment only, you can set aside extra cash and enhance your skills."
Price: 59.99 |
"End-to-End with Ionic4 & Parse/MongoDB on NodeJS/Express" |
"Welcome to the first tutorial in the Works-Like-A-Charm series - the goal of this course is to enable you to get a better understanding of the End-to-End FullStack puzzle. The course is short and concise, and is more about architecture than about code. You will learn how to make it happen using an Ionic/Angular Frontend & Parse/Redis/MongoDB on NodeJS/Express Backend, and you will discover the benefits that can be gained with this technology stack: One code base - for both Frontend and Backend; The Power of RxJS - to enable realtime, live, responsive data; The Power of Memory Caching - a simple technique that you can implement on your own; Take Control - create a viable alternative from dependency on cloud-only solutions like Firebase. You will go into the important aspects of the code so you should have some experience with web development, preferably with Javascript frameworks like Angular or Ionic. The course emphasizes the practical side of setting up a real-world environment:creating your own client and server virtual machines; implementing advanced techniques like Observables, memory caching and generic data services; and leveraging the Frontend and Backend components together to create a simple yet powerful architecture that you can rely on to deliver performant and realtime applications."
Price: 19.99 |