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Price: 24.99

"Barre Chord Secrets"
"This course is for you! If you want to improve your guitar playing in a big way! If you have been struggling with playing barre chords and are getting frustrated on how to play and use them, then this course is for you and everyone who wants to learn to play barre chords once and for all in an easy to use step by step format.The purpose of this course is to teach the two most commonly used barre chords. I'm not going to rush you so if you are a complete beginner don't worry! I have included lessons showing you how to play the open position chords. These open chords are the basis for the barre chords outlined in this course.You can learn anywhere, anytime on all platforms with access 24/7. If you have a question, just leave a comment and I will get back to you with a quick response.Now is the time to grab your guitar and learn to play some barre chords!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Start A Jewelry Business (Real Gold And Diamonds)"
"Welcome to the Jewelry Mentor online jewelry course. This course will teach you everything you need to know about the jewelry business. Most people think that getting into this business requires some type of connections, special education, business licenses, and permits. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Anyone can get into the jewelry business. The jewelry business is safer than ANY other business on the planet. It is easier and SAFER than businesses such as drop shipping, buying items from china and reselling them on amazon, etc. Why? because you are dealing with real gold and diamonds which is basically real currency and can be melted, reused, or sold at any time. You can make jewelry pieces for under $100 and sell them for 100-400 percent profits. You will learn everything from how jewelry is made, to where to buy diamonds, to the strategies of how to build a profitable business and much much more. I have been in this business for years and will teach you everything you need to know about this business."
Price: 24.99

"Windows server 2016"
"Administraciones y Configuracin Windows Server 2016, servicios de red avanzados, temas a tratar:Mdulo 1: Windows Server 2016 FundamentosMdulo 2: IntroduccinMdulo 3: Implementacin Servicios de DNS IMdulo 4: Implementacin Servicios de DNS IIMdulo 5: DHCP IMdulo 6: Servicios NubeMdulo 7: HYPER VMdulo 8: CONTENEDORESMdulo 9: DIRECTORIO ACTIVO IMdulo 10: DIRECTORIO ACTIVO IIMdulo 11: DISCOS DUROS VIRTUALESMdulo 12: COPIAS DE SEGURIDADMdulo 13: CONFIGURANDO ENTIDAD CERTIFICADORA - CA / ( DESCARGA MATERIAL PARA EL EXAMEN 70 - 741 )Esta capacitacin te prepara para el examen de certificacin Microsoft.En esta primera etapa preparas el servidor bsicamente, para posteriormente poder promoverlo a controlador de dominio, donde estaremos analizando los temas de Directorio Activo, WSUS, Polticas de Grupo, DFS, migracin de dominios, replicacin de dominio, Escritorio Remoto, Certificados Digitales, 13 modulos con laboratorios detallados, y material extra para preparar el examen 70-741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 -  INCLUYE MATERIAL PARA EL EXAMEN DE CERTIFICACIN."
Price: 19.99

"Curso De Francs Bsico Para Hispanohablantes (paso a paso)"
"Quieres empezar a aprender francs hoy mismo desde cualquier lugar y de la forma ms sencilla? Estudia con una profesora francesa. Aprende paso a paso y a tu propio ritmo. Lecciones cortas y concisas: aprende en el menor tiempo posible. Acceso ilimitado: desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier dispositivo. Videos, quizzes y material descargable (PDF) Mucho ms accesible que cursos o clases particulares.Te imaginas finalmente empezar a aprender este hermoso idioma por tan solo una pequea fraccin de lo que pagaras normalmente por un curso presencial?En tan solo 15 minutos al da por un mes (o a tu propio ritmo), aprenders con una profesora francesa, paso a paso las bases de gramtica, conversaciones y vocabulario del idioma francs. Este curso de francs para principiantes est especialmente diseado para hispanohablantes y cada leccin dura menos de 5 minutos. La modalidad de curso en lnea nos permite ir directo al grano para que puedas aprender en el menor tiempo posible con explicaciones claras y concisas. Todo el material de este curso est grabado en un estudio profesional para garantizarte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje. No solamente podrs escuchar francs hablado por una locutora nativa; tambin lo escuchars con grabaciones de la ms alta calidad. Ser un honor para nosotros ser tus profesores de francs!A bientt dans la premier leon ! - Nos vemos en la primera leccin!Aln & Camille,Fundadores, FRENCH ACADEMY ONLINE"
Price: 159.99

"Voc Protagonista"
"Com temtica de cinema e analogia com filmes, Protagonismo e Autoconhecimento so abordados, enfatizando a importncia do Planejamento para a realizao de sonhos. O curso tambm trata assuntos como Medo,Rotina e Futuro, utilizando tcnicas destorytellinge exerccios prticos,com o objetivo trazer reflexo e levar ao efetivamente, para trabalhar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal."
Price: 69.99

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Price: 24.99

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Price: 24.99

"Wealth Management & Family Office"
"The objectives of this course are to allow industry participants to obtain a better understanding of the emerging Family Office sector, a crucial growth area for the wealth-management industry worldwide.We will present a global landscape of Ultra-High Net Worth (UHNW) and their family offices (FOs) since the beginning of the 20th Century as well the current status of the sector, including key regional centres and their client specificities.Participants will leave with a better understanding of UHNW family dynamics and modern frameworks for family interactions. We will discuss shareholder & investor values and wealth management beliefs for entrepreneurial families as well as the structure of investment guidelines and risk vs. return targets.We will review contemporary industry standards that FOs and private funds use to set up their processes: IFRS, corporate codes, ESG, UN-PRI., as well as the use of these governance tools at the family and enterprise levels to strengthen management skills of the next generation (NextGen).Participants will learn details of family holding and family office organisational structures, their talent pool and operational platforms. We will discuss reporting packages used to monitor enterprise and portfolio risks. By the end of the course, participants will be better able to understand and address key needs and challenges of this critical client segment."
Price: 174.99

"S el mejor en Google Sheets. Rpido, prctico y til."
"Hojas de Clculo de Google (o Google Sheets), es una increble opcin al clsico Excel de Microsoft, con algunas diferencias que te harn amarlo y no dejarlo nunca.En este curso, aprenderemos la interface del programa, funciones bsicas y un par de funciones avanzadas. Al final, haremos un pequeo y prctico formulario para compartir en linea, todo de una manera prctica y amena.Vers como con Google Sheets tendrs ventajas comoNo perder ningn dato con el guardado automtico en la nubeTe olvidars de las memorias USB y de los virusPodrs acceder desde tu computadora o telfono, desde cualquier lugarTrabajar con y sin InternetUsar funciones para integrar a tu correo o calendarioHacer encuestas en lnea para clientes, empleados y colaboradoresY sobre todo, comparte al instante con amigos y compaeros de equipoPoco a poco y con dedicacin, dominaremos esta poderosa herramienta.Bienvenido."
Price: 270.00

"Aprende a crear un sitio web con WordPress CMS popular"
"Este curso da una introduccin a WordPress y cmo utilizarlo. Ofrece prctica en la edicin de contenido, gestin de medios y personalizacin de WordPress con plugins y temas.Lo que aprendersCmo Agregar y Editar ContenidoGestin de mediosPersonalizacin de WordPressPlugins y TemasSi eres un principiante de WordPress que quiere convertirse en un profesional de WordPress"
Price: 19.99

"Her ynyle Batan Sona Amazon'da Sat Eitimi"
"Dnyann en ok ziyaret edilen elektronik ticaret platformu Amazon'da profesyonel satc olmak bu kurs setiyle artk ok kolay. Profesyonel satc hesab aarak oturduunuz yerden uluslararas ticarete siz de katlabilir, trilyonlarca dolar parann dnd bu kresel ticaret pastadan paynz alabilirsiniz. Bu eitimle internetten para kazanmann en risksiz, en pratik ve en ince ayrntlarn renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 409.99

"Learn Photoshop Easily by manipulation, Retouching & Effects"
"I established this course assuming that you dont have any former familiarity with Photoshop and this is the first time that you open it, while I have new methods that I'm sure Photoshop users will enjoy.There are 5 main goals in my classes.First, you will learn Photoshop thoroughly and feel that convenient to use your creativity in your future designs.Second, during classes, I'll remind you of the formerly taught skills to mention the true usage of the tools.Third, to master all the skills that are related to portrait, from face corrections to fading the background and change its color. I even will note some clues on taking photos to make sure that if you want to have a job in portraying, then you face no obstacle.Fourth, I put a complete project of manipulation in order to make a dreamy and well-qualified photos out of unqualified ones, so you'll witness that there is no limitations in Photoshop. So, in this course, you'll learn to use any photo and any part of a photo in another one.Fifth, whether you are going to earn money by Photoshop or do it just for fun, this course is the fastest way to your goal. Because my lessons will be project-based and I used subjects that are absolutely useful and operational.Besides, I record every click and key press on keyboard;so that you just concentrate on the lessons and enjoy it untroubled.Now I should mention some points. First, Photoshop is a powerful software, which is designed to do many different things and it's used by so many people. Graphic designers, photographers, web designers, animators,...Now the question is, if someone wants to only edit their own pictures, or learn some designing skills, or even work for a firm or company, or just work as a freelancer, do they have to learn thousands of options, tools, properties, etc. completely?Absolutely not! You don't have to be a mechanic or an engineer to drive a car. to enjoy a trip and reach your destination, you only need to know how to drive and only a bit about cars. Second point is useful for all the activities in your life, and that is, if you want to learn something, it is very important to realize who you're learning it from. Do you want to learn from someone who's learnt it the hard way? And doesn't know any other way to teach you? Or do you learn from someone who's learnt things the easy way, and so they teach you the easy way? Let me go back to the driving example to clarify. Imagine you're learning how to drive for the first time. Now if your driving instructor has learnt driving the hard way, they'll make driving hard for you. What happens is you'll fear driving and you'll lose your learning ability.Now if your driving instructor has learnt driving the easy way, they'll put no pressure on you, tell you the rules and let you be creative, and they'll only guide you along the way and tell you the important points when you need them. Which method do you think best helps you learn driving? The answer is clear. If you don't have any problems with learning, you'll learn to be a good driver in a month, instead of a year. So it's important who you listen to and who you follow. I didn't tell you these to conclude that you have to listen to me. It's been my honor to have worked in different areas through the years, being graphics, photography, designing, editing...., and I've been able to do my designs with simple and easy, and at the same time powerful and professional methods, and help my students achieve their goals easily and fast. I'm sure at the end of this fantastic course, you'll be the next group of students I'll be proud of. Ok, let's do it. See you in first lecture"
Price: 29.99

"Professional logo design and sell your logos"
"Logo design=Logos are the front linethe identity of a company. They are ubiquitous, and they are vital. In this introductory online logo design course, you'll learn how to design logos that will strengthen the visual image of your own or your client's company.Students in this course can expect to learn to:1. Develop an understanding of the origins of logo design, including the original purpose of logos in conveying ownership, origin, and social rank or status.2.Manage the three stages of a professional logo design process.3. Develop an understanding of the advanced stage of a logo design: communicating with clients, pricing, researching competitors, and researching typography.4. Advanced logo designs in a specific business area.5. Deals with your client's 6.Brainstorm and write up concepts for logos.7.Create preliminary logo design concepts.8. You have created different categories logos after learns this course9. You also created a logo to intro that's provide in bonus section 10. You also selling your logo on various platform like freelance and other"
Price: 1280.00

"Ferramenta de Microssimulao de Trfego SUMO"
"Com exerccios que voc mesmo far, aprenda sobre microssimulao de trfego usando o aplicativo gratuito SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility). Neste curso voc editar sua prpria rede de simulao, criar seus fluxos de trfego, implantar intercesses semafricos, trabalhar com transporte pblico e gerar relatrios de anlise de desempenho.A ferramenta gratuita e te permitir trabalhar com uma tecnologia muito importante, especialmente para analistas de mobilidade e trnsito e urbanistas."
Price: 39.99

"Introduo ao QGIS integrado ao PostgreSQL/Postgis"
"Neste curso voc mesmo ir encontrar bases de dados espaciais, instalar os programas que usar e integrar e usar o sistema de informaes geogrficas QGIS com o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados QGIS. Acessar bases de dados remotas, far anlises topolgicas e editar mapas, usando poderosas ferramentas amplamente conhecidas no mercado e com grande potencial de expanso. um curso de introduo s ferramentas QGIS e PostgreSQL/Postgis, apresentando o bsico de cada uma e como us-las de forma integrada."
Price: 39.99

"Make A Realistic & Adorable Needle Felt Schnauzer!"
"It's time to go SchnauzerThis is the DOOZY of all needle felt dog models and Im going to show you exactly how to make it step by step, no unnecessary fluff [pun ABSOLUTELY intended], just honest tips and plenty of how to from me.Why a Schnauzer?Because who doesn't loves a Schnauzer?Its a go to dog in my needle felting workshops because theres just so much character that you can add and great techniques that take your needle felting to the next level.A few reasons you should be hot footing it to theBUY NOWbutton.its bigits hairyits weightedIts detailedIts skilfulIt's adorableIt's so realistic!Youll end up with a model that youre SO happy with, SO professional, that heck you might just take it up as a full time profession (it's not a bad job to have)When you felt along with me.Ill show you EVERY little felting move I know.Nothing is kept from you and youll be learning on the job so even if youre new to felting you just need to do what I do.There are no expectations of experience or skill. This is the same techniques I teach beginners in person who come to my own workshops - all it needs is patience and the ability to follow what I do.Each chapter is broken down into easy manageable videos.NEVER MORE than 20 minutes long. Because youre going to need to be taking regular breaks which is good for your shoulders, arms and neck (I mention this quite a bit!) and you can pick up easily where you left off.There are no secrets here!Its not difficult when you know how. And this course is full of my own tips and experience of YEARS of making detailed and lifelike needle felt dogs for happy customers and now its my turn to share that with you!Just so that we are on the same page ...THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR YOU IF YOU...Are a beginner or have some experience and are looking for a comprehensive and detailed series of tutorials that dont keep the juicy tips of 'how to' a secret from you!Have ever wondered how I get the tricky and hard to achieve but much loved character into your very own felt dog models.LOVE making needle felt dogs and are looking to take your work to the next level.Have always wanted to attend one of my dog workshops, but live too far awaySecretly think its WAY TOO SOON to try anything as complicated as a dog!Its never too soon to learn the advanced techniques which you might be putting off.Im going to show you how to do everything from start to finish, so that you can learn skills thatll help you progress your felting to the next level.Just FYI - while this is a model of a Schnauzer you can easily adapt it to make whatever breed you like. It would translate well into lots of other breeds.Dont forget that its the techniques in these videos that will help you progress.And once you have this course you can follow along and adapt it as you need.TESTIMONIALThis is what Elaine from Worcester says about my tutorialsThe tutorials are so great and easy to follow - it's like having Sophie sat next to me! My ability has improved so much and I am confident to tackle much more adventurous projects now""Thanks Elaine!WHAT YOU'LL LEARNHow I tackle 3D wire work in a REALLY EASY way so that your model can be positioned with confidence and will be sturdy and strong.Learn the basics about body shaping, proportion and how to get a realistic shape to your model what to do and what to avoid.How to add realistic character to your dogs faces, with eyebrows, cheeks and making sure its heads the right shape.Advice on choosing colours and making hair plugs out of wool to get the perfect longer look fur and professional look to your work.Basically me talking you through EVERY STEP of my process so that you can complete your own model with confidence and be SUPER HAPPY with the result!Im not going to lie. This is an investment of your time.For the love of Schnauzers - it's TEN hours long!But dont let that put you off because of the way its broken down its easy to follow and wont feel like a slog if you approach it in a sensible way (ie dont try and do it one sitting).But its worth EVERY minute even the bit when during the ear video a kids party in the house next door spills out into the street YES it IS as noisy as you can imagine but I soldier on! And fortunately its only short lived.So with all that said, and if I havent put you off completely yet then its time to step up and make this great model.If you're ready to start making dogs like a pro - then do't wait any longer.I'll see you on the inside.Happy Felting!SophieSophie WheatleyAll Things Felt & Beautiful"
Price: 39.99

"English Grammar: Subordinate and main clauses,verb pairs etc"
"A little about the tutor:I am so happy to have this opportunity to do what I love best teaching, leading and inspiring! I am a qualified teacher with over 16 years of teaching experience who sees her purpose as to lead, to teach and to inspire the masses!Do you struggle with writing clearly and effectively? Do you want to effectively communicate to your reader? Do you wish to correct errors in expression? Well, here is the tutorial you have been waiting for! In this tutorial I will take you through sentence construction, elements of grammar and how to incorporate all these different elements to write more effectively."
Price: 29.99

"Tcnica e Expresso Vocal com Alirio Netto"
"Voc que sempre quis aprender a cantar de maneira correta, sem prejudicar ou danificar a sua voz agora uma chance!O Curso Tcnica e Expresso Vocal ir transformar a forma como voc canta!Existe um arsenal de tcnicas prontas e que iro te levar para um nvel muito maior, sem sair de casa!Se voc est comprometido a cantar de uma vez por todasessa sua chance!Descubra todos os segredos que iro levar seu canto para um nvel muito maior!Este curso foi criado de forma prtica e didtica para que voc consiga atravs dos exerccios propostos uma resposta imediata, que por consequncia, poder ser sentida na sua voz.A tcnica de canto tem que facilitar o ato do canto, fornecendo s ferramentas necessrias para que o cantor tenha confiana emocionando o pblico atravs de sua jornada no palco.Lembre-se que estar no palco um privilgio que pode e deve ser acessado por todos aqueles que sintam a necessidade de se comunicar atravs dele."
Price: 279.99

"PMP By Knowledge Areas (Exams)"
"Exam Questions(Ideas) for PMPWhy this course ?1- The course is dedicated to the management of professional projects. 2 - The course covers the PMBOK 6th edition in a complete, comprehensive and professional manner in the presentation of ideas. 3. The only source of answers is pmbok 6th edition .4. The question-asking style is simple and similar to the real test questions. 5 - A clear and comprehensive understanding of all tools and techniques and understanding through the scenarios of questions. 6 - The course has a large number of questions with new ideas and not presented in any other course. 7 - Finally more success and success for all those who come to the certificate of professional project management. 8. Any inquiry or question I am fully prepared to answer all your queries. 9. The course will be regularly updated with new ideas through lessons learned. 10. I will be very happy with your success. All thanks, appreciation and respect to all trainees.Mostafa Megawer"
Price: 19.99

"Bu eitim seti, temel dzeyde teknik resim bilgisine sahip mhendisler, teknikerler, mhendislik rencileri ve teknik lise rencileri iin hazrlanmtr. lgi dzeyi sadece hobi olan kullanclar iin tavsiye edilmez!T'l mhendis adaylarnn ald eitimden artk siz de faydalanabilirsiniz.Dersler T'de en az 5 yllk tecrbeye sahip akademisyen tarafndan hazrlanm olup temel dzeyden balamakta ve ileri dzey konular bitirdikten sonra sonlanmaktadr.Eitim ierii TMakina Mhendislii ve malat Mhendislii blmlerinin mfredatna gre hazrlanm olup 2-D Autocad 2019'u batan sona retmeyi hedeflemektedir.Eitim sresince bir mekanizmann TS ve ISOstandartlarna gre imalat resminin oluturulmas (grn karma, llendirme, geme toleranslar ve geometrik toleranslar verilmesi, yzey ileme sembolleri v.b), montaj dosyasnn oluturulmas (montaj resminin oluturulmas, paralarn numaralandrlmas, malzeme listesinin oluturulmas v.b) ve dosyann sunuma hazrlanmas (leklendirme, kt alma, dosyalama vb) gibi konular ele alnacaktr.leri dzey Autocad konular olan parametrik tasarm ve dinamik blok konular ayr blmler ierisinde tm detaylar ile anlatlmakta.Autocad'in en temel zelliklerinden olan hz ve pratiklii, kalc bir ekilde aktarlabilmesi iin, zerinde nemle durulmakta ve bir ok eitim setinden farkl olarak, anlatlmadan geilen yardmc fonksiyonlar bol pratikle kalc renmeye tevik edilmekte. Temel komutlarn tm alt fonksiyonlar eitimde nemle anlatlmaktadr.Sahip olunan tecrbe nda renciler tarafndan anlalmas g konular daha basit bir dille ve youn olarak ilenmektedir. Edinilen bilginin kalc olmas iin bol pratik yapma gerekliliinden dolay konu sonlarnda farkl zorluk derecelerinde eitli uygulamalar yaptrlmaktadr.Unutmayn! Autocad bilmek sizi bir adm ne geirmez. Ancak Autocad'i iyi bilmek sizi geride kalmaktan kurtarr."
Price: 139.99

"Give me a mic , presentation skills"
".. .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. : ! .. .. .. !!*********************************************Give me a mic - - .. - - - .. , , Give me a mic .. , , .. .. Give me a mic .. .. :1- 4 ( )2- ( )3 - 8 ( )4- ( 1- 2- 3- )5-"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads (AdWords) - Guide Complet - Rseau de Recherche"
"Formation Google Ads pour le Rseau de RechercheAvant de poursuivre :Vous souhaitez dvelopper vos comptences dans la publicit en ligne et matriser lun des leviers dacquisition de trafic payant les plus importants (devant Facebook Ads)?Vous souhaitez promouvoir votre activit dans les rsultats de recherche de Google afin de gnrer davantage de leads ?Vous souhaitez optimiser vos campagnes existantes/dominer Google Ads pour baisser vos cots par conversion ?Alors cette formation Google Ads sur le rseau de recherche vous permettra de rpondre vos attentes! Voici le programme qui vous attend: Cette formation Google Ads (anciennement Google AdWords) pour le Rseau de Recherche dure plusieurs heures. Durant le cours, vous allez dvelopper vos connaissances et vos comptences dans la cration de campagnes Google Ads pour le rseau de recherche. Nous allons aborder chacun des thmes ci-dessous afin que vous matrisiez compltement Google Ads:- Paramtrez correctement vos campagnes pour le rseau de recherche- Choisissez vos bons mots cls- Rdigez des annonces impactantes- Mesurez vos performances avec le suivi des conversions- Utilisez des listes de remarketing pour cibler des audiences qualifies - Amliorez votre niveau de qualit et bnficiez dun meilleur positionnement de vos annonces la fin de cette formation:Vous serez capable de crer des campagnes ultras rentables qui rpondent vos objectifs : gnrer + de leads, augmenter vos ventes !Vous serez capable didentifier la structure dune campagne Google Ads existante et de proposer des axes doptimisation !Vous pourrez passer votre certification Google Ads pour le rseau de recherche pour confirmer vos comptences dans le domaine de la publicit au cot par clicInscrivez-vous ds maintenant!"
Price: 199.99

"Me chamo Dante Maia,sou professor de Ingls.Sou formado em Pedagogia e ps graduado em Metodologia do ensino. Trabalho com ingls corporativo em diversas empresas como Petrobrs,Odebrecht, Ford,Braskem,Fiocruz,Tecon,Ericsson e etc.Desenvolvi uma metodologia prpria de conversao para estudo da lngua inglesa,com um banco de dados de questes de diversas aras. O curso visa fomentar o uso de todas as estruturas com vocabulrio .Um modelo de ensino inovador com diversas horas de vdeos disponibilizados e com o apoio de uma metodologia de ensino direta e inovadora,o Portaltransfere todo o conhecimento dos tempos verbais, fazendo com que os alunos sejam capazes de afirmar, negar ou fazer perguntas em qualquer situao na sua rotina.O Inglestech acredita na transformao que o idioma Ingls pode fazer na sua vida profissional."
Price: 309.99

"Convert Your Video: Square & Vertical for IGTV & Facebook"
"In this course you will discover how to take your normal horizontal videos and professionally convert them into vertical and square formats, EVEN if you have un-editable text throughout the video.This format conversion is necessary to upload to Instagram's vertical IGTV format, and square formatted videos look best on Facebook and your Instagram feed.As a bonus you will also discover how to use Adobe Rush CC, the most powerful yet easy to use video editing software. As this is a beginner's course all explanations will be done with a relaxed pace.For more information on what you will discover by taking this course, please go through this message from course author Mark Hemmings:IGTV is gaining a massive user-base, but they require vertical videos . . .Square videos are FAR more viewable than horizontal videos for Facebook advertising . . .Instagram videos look great in a square format . . .15 second Instagram Stories are in vertical format . . .With all of these formats how will you succeed in posting your video content effectively?I have a brilliantly simple answer for you. In fact, you don't need to have any video editing knowledge to take your normal horizontal videos and professionaly convert them to both square and vertical formats.""But I have an app that can already do that! I upload my horizontal video and it exports in vertical and square formats automatically."" Yes, I have used those apps as well, however the big problem with them is that they export with black bars on the top and bottom of your entire square or vertical video, and it just doesn't look professional.In this course you will discover an incredibly easy method to professionally convert video formats without ever having opened a video editor. My goal in creating this course was to remove the expensive burden of having to hire a professional video editor to convert your videos. YOU will have the tools to do it yourself!Easily convert your normal horizontal videos into vertical format for Instagram's IGTVThen convert your horizontal videos into square format for Facebook advertising Professional video editors know how to convert to square and vertical video formats when their clients give them horizontal videos. These professional editors use Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Avid to get the job done. These are expensive software options that have a steep learning curve.On the other end, consumer-level editors like iMovie have no ability to create pro-level square and vertical format video exports.The sweet-spot is where you want to be . . . in the middle where you can easily master very simple video editing techniques using very easy yet powerful video editing software. And the best part . . . the video editor that you'll discover is free! This course will make use of two of three video exports that you get for free using the brilliantly easy Adobe Rush CC video editor. Now please don't feel nervous about learning new software. Trust me, I will teach in a manner that assumes that you are a COMPLETE BEGINNER at video editing. You won't get lost or overwhelmed!But what about those of you who already have video editing skills? While I teach at a pace suitable for complete beginners, the content of my video format conversion system will still greatly benefit your social media efforts.So to sum up . . . think of a horizontal video that you created, or someone created for you. No doubt the video is in an HD or 4K horizontal format, which is common for YouTube. Now, you want to take that video and repurpose it for all of the social media channels. Why? Because content repurposing is the the most cost-effective method for online advertising, marketing and general promotion to multiple media portals.Your goal should be to take your already created horizontal videos and repurpose them on as many different social channels as possible. To get maximum traction and conversions, you NEED to follow the format requirements of the specific social media channel you are uploading to.For example, the lazy method of uploading to IGTV is to rotate your horizontal video 90 degrees. This doesn't look professional however, and it requires your viewer to do an additional ""action"" (rotate their device), which reduces conversions and the overall viewer experience.IGTV and Instagram Stories need vertical video. Facebook presents square videos in a far better manner than normal horizontal videos. And your Instagram feed's 1 minute videos look fantastic in a square format.So now is the time to populate your social channels with quality content that looks fabulous!Don't let your competition out-upload you. By taking this course you'll be able to churn out square and vertical videos that look as if a professional edited them. By following the format and upload guidelines of each social media platform, you'll no doubt already be far ahead of your competitors!One final word . . . maybe you aren't into social media marketing, or selling a product or service, but perhaps you have family videos that you want to share on different social platforms. If so, this course will bring incredible benefit to you. Most of us have a MASSIVE collection of horizontal home videos taken with our iPhones or Android devices. Why not present those gems in square and vertical formats as well?There is no risk in you investing in this course! If its not working out for you, simply request a refund within 30 days and there will be no hard feelings :)My name is Mark Hemmings, and I would encourage you to do a Google search for ""Mark Hemmings Photography"" to confirm that I am legit, and well-positioned to guide you in any course instructing scenario. I love teaching photography, video, and video editing, and I hope to see YOUwithin the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Marketing para emprendedores"
"En el curso Marketing para emprendedores conocers herramientas que te permitirn analizar el entorno en el cual se desarrolla tu empresa, tambin conocers estrategias de marketing que te ayudarn a que tu negocio se ms competitivo, y qu controles puedes disear para mejorar el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados, al finalizar podrs realizar un plan de marketind para tu negocio."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Group Masterclass : 350,000 Members in 7 months"
"Facebook Group is one of the untapped money making platform in the internet...The sad news is that, only few brands and individuals use facebook group platform platform to generate income and double their influence on Facebook.I have put together a very comprehensive course on how to grow a profitable Facebook group in as little as 6 months to gain viral influence in any chosen niche and make lots of money on daily basis.Every secret in creating a profitable Facebook group is found on this e-course - THE MILLIONAIRE FACEBOOK GROUP.Do you want me to show you how I created A Facebook Group That Garnered Over 350,000 members in 7 months?Do you want me to show you 15 hot niches for facebook group you can begin with starting from NOW as well as picking the right niche?Do you want to know how to create one of the most active facebook group on earth?What about powerful facebook group growth hacking strategies?Do you want to learn how to make create viral content for your facebook group without hassle?Am I right?Then this course, The Millionaire Facebook Group: How I garnered over 350,000 members in 7 months is for you! ================================================================================.Please, click on theBuy Nowbutton to gainlifetimeaccessto this courseinstantly! WHY YOU NEED TO ENROLL FOR THISCOURSE:=> Discover all you need to know before starting your facebook group=> 15 hot niches to begin with=> Learn how to pick a profitable facebook group niche=> Setting up your group => Learn how to keeping your group active + my personal time saving tips=> Discover how to grow your facebook group organically (FREE)=> Learn how to grow your Group Growth Through Paid Advertising (FB ADS)=> How To Use The GROUP INSIGHT TOOL => Managing Conflict in Your Group => Learn how to build your team, manage conflict & how to make use of group insight tool the right way. => How To Generate Content For Your Group => How To Create Engagement In Your Group => Strategic Formula For Creating Viral Post => Discover How To Make Money With Your Group=> Strategies to making money with your group as an affiliate => Learn the tips to grow membership via Instagram and twitterEnroll for this course todayand have exclusiveaccess to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents.Are you still having second thoughts?In addition to my personal guarantee, you haveUDEMY'S 30 Days - 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you buy this course and within 30 days, ifyou feel it doesn't liveup to its promises, your money back, no questions asked.Sign up today and getINSTANTaccess to all the videos within the course.See you in the course.Your sincerely.David.Frequently Asked Questions:When does the course start and finish?The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund."
Price: 199.99

"Bases del trading, forex y criptomonedas"
"Aprender la estructura bsica de los mercados financieros y del trading, me cost mucho tiempo y dinero, al final me di cuenta que toda la informacin por la que pague no era la ms importante y poda encontrarla gratis en internet. Este curso te ayuda a conocer los verdaderos pilares del trading en poco tiempo que te permitirn comprender el mercado de manera visual y sencilla. Te dars cuenta que visualizar un grfico y comprenderlo es ms sencillo de lo que piensas y sobre todo ms sencillo de lo que te muestra la mayora con el exceso de herramientas que utilizan."
Price: 19.99

"Trade The Stock Market: Learn Stocks, Options & Algo Trading"
"This course will give you the proper foundations in trading the stock market. You will learn the skills and techniques that will ultimately give you the knowledge to be a profitable trader.When it come to stock market participants, two groups come to mind: Investors and Traders.Generally, Investors try to build wealth gradually over time through the buying and holding of stocks. Investors will hold stocks often for years or even decades. While the stock market fluctuates, investors will try to ""ride out"" the downtrends and market crashes, while hoping that prices will rebound and any losses will eventually be recovered. Unfortunately, some stocks never recover and it leaves investors with loses. Investors typically don't have plan when the market moves against them. Whereas, traders do. When it comes to trading, traders, buy and sell stocks frequently with the goal of generating returns that outperform buy and hold investing. In this course we will teach you how to approach the market like a trader. Traders try to generate a profit by buying at a lower price and selling at a higher price in a short period of time. Traders can also make money in falling markets by selling stock at a higher price and buying it back at a lower price. This concept is known as short selling. In this course you will learn all the important concepts of trading stocks.This extensive course covers trading from the ground up, starting with the basics. As you work your way through this course and become more familiar with the topics, we then move into intermediate topics and more advanced topics.We will go over topics such as chart patterns, technical analysis, risk management, indicators, trading strategies, trading platforms, putting together a trading plan and much more!Be the end of this course students will aquire all the key skills that is needed to become a successul and profitable trader."
Price: 24.99

"Hindi Blogging Course"
"Introducing the Hindi Blogging Course [Note: This is not a Hindi dubbed version of the English course. This course has been created from scratch with Hindi language. The slide decks are in English and many blogging terminologies will be in English, but the narration and training is in Hindi.]I am pretty sure this will be a game changer in the blogging world for the Hindi speaking Indian bloggers."
Price: 1280.00