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"Como vencer o luto e a dor de perder algum querido"
"A morte faz parte do ciclo da vida, mas nem por isso um acontecimento fcil de superar. Aps a morte de um ente querido , voc precisa entrar no poo do luto. No entanto, s vezes ficamos presos dentro desse poo e parece impossvel sair! Opoo, na realidade, um tnel! Deve ser percorrido, entramos e temos que sair. No entanto, o nosso medo de sentir, de experimentar e aceitar a realidade, a nossa falta de esperana, nos fazem perceb-lo como um poo onde nada tem sentido.Aceitar no esquecer: significa continuar vivendo, buscando novos caminhos e novos sonhos.Ningum est preparado para essa perda to grande e irrecupervel! O luto faz parte e um processo de cura interior e aceitao! Neste curso vai encontrar passo por passo as etapas que vai enfrentar e como lidar com a dor e vencer essa batalha e recuperar sua alegria de viver!"
Price: 19.99

"Edicin de imgenes con Gimp 2.10 Principiante a Avanzado."
"Si ests involucrado en diseo grfico, fotografa, Ilustracin o las ciencias, y requieres otras opciones para manejar grficos, este curso es para ti. GIMP es una herramienta para retoque, composicin y autora de imgenes. Creado por integrantes de la Universidad de Berkeley bajo el compromiso de que siempre sea de distribucin libre. 20 aos despus. Su muy esperada y ahora aclamada versin 10.8, se ha convertido en una aplicacin muy potente y sofisticada, adems de funcionar en mltiples plataformas. Es un perfecto reemplazo con todas las caractersticas de calidad frente a opciones comerciales, como Photoshop o Photo-paint. Despus de la inversin en la capacitacin para usar esas herramientas, -y adems tener que cubrir el costo de adquisicin de las licencias- es complicado moverse a una nueva opcin, por mucho que se desee. He estructurado este curso en una serie de secciones con un aproximado de 5 horas de videos y tutoriales. Adems de ejercicios prcticos y material til. Recorreremos desde cero las grandes posibilidades de esta herramienta y que al terminar puedas usarla con completa comodidad para hacer tu trabajo de edicin digital con la calidad que deseas, o ms."
Price: 1320.00

"Create a basic options menu with Unity and Playmaker"
"This course will teach you how to make a basic options menu using playmaker. With what you learn here you will be able to set your own resolutions of any size, languages and sound volumes as well as other options. You will be able to set your view distance, clipping distance as well as set HDR and MSAA for your games. With what you learn from here you can make variations of these options for your game as well as learn in depth about playmaker and it's unique coding."
Price: 19.99

"The Easiest Way To Make Money Online: Asking Questions"
"Quora is a question and answer website that has recently created a Partner Program so that people who ask questions can get paid for doing so. This course shows you the types of questions you should ask to make thousands of dollars through the program. There are several lectures that are separated by different techniques/methodologies that can be applied to make a lot of money through the program. The videos show one of the Top Partners in the program."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda SOA do zero - Curso essencial de ESB"
"V direto ao ponto, ganhe tempo! No perca dezenas de horas com detalhes do SOA que voc encontra facilmente na documentao do fabricante.  Aprenda os principais conceitos do BUS; casos de uso reais, os principais fornecedores, quando usar e quando no usar o ESB. Se voc tem dvidas de qual produto utilizar para integrar os sistemas da sua empresa, esse curso vai ter ajudar com isso!A idia apresentar os conceitos bsicos do ESB com foco no que realmente utilizado no mercado.Detalhes da soluo de dois dos principais fornecedores de ESB: Oracle OSB v12 e Mule ESB v3.E por ltimo, vrios tutoriais que ensinam a desenvolver servios corporativos reutilizveis com SOAP e REST.Todos os fontes das solues dos labs esto disponveis no github!ATENO: o Mule ESB (anypoint studio) tem uma nova verso 4.X e tem mudanas significativas em relao a apresentada nesse curso v3.8. O conceito parecido, mas para quem quer aprender especificamente a ltima verso do mule ESB, esse curso no recomendado!"
Price: 249.99

"Essencial - Lei da Atrao na prtica"
"A proposta que tenho para lhe oferecer simples e objetiva: pare essa busca por frmulas mgicas da transformao pessoal ou das manifestaes instantneas e comece a praticar! Porque de teoria com certeza todos ns j estamos cheios. Cheios de muita informao e pouco conhecimento. Porque, como j diziam os Abraham, palavras no ensinam, experincias de vida sim. E a, pronta(o) para praticar? E ainda, ser o seu prprio guia?"
Price: 189.99

"Japanese Course for Absolute Beginners (Letters, Alphabet)"
"(The price of this course will increase to $89.99 from the end of November. COME AND GET ENROLLED ASAP!!!)""Japanese Course for Beginners (Alphabet)"" is designed for Japanese beginners to master Hiragana and Katakana (Japanese Letter), the most essential and fundamental part of Japanese language. With a strong foundation of Hiragana and Katakana, students can go further learning of Japanese (N5 level to N1 level).Distinct from the traditional teaching method, this course not only enables you to master how to pronounce and write each Japanese letters, but also provides you with various supplementary knowledge:English-based instruction creating a totally foreigner- friendly environment especially for beginners;the proper ways to do self-practice after class;the downloadable PDF learning material of each section with corresponding writing practice;culture note session that explains aspects of the culture and everyday life of japan, and deepens your understanding of Japanese culture;vocabulary builder that enables you to practice pronunciation and acquire a basic level of Japanese words on completing the whole lectures;the learning of daily phrases that are frequently used in daily life in Japancomprehensive guidance that helps you to avoid common mistakes students tend to make to each Hiragana and Katakana.Each of your comments and questions will be carefully handled and students are totally welcome to discuss anything related to the course.The upcoming N5 and N4 course is being recorded and will be available soon! N3, N2 and N1 courses are also scheduled."
Price: 79.99

"Electrical Engineering Design for MEGA Construction Projects"
"Dear student i make this course in order of ten years experience i put it in your hand in 10 hours video i hope you enjoy it,with end of this course you will able to understand and design the electrical drawing for any project and you will take an idea for the correct way of installation this is the first version of my course ""Electrical Design & Installation for MEGA Construction Projects"" and i hope you enjoy it"
Price: 199.99

"Quick Guide to Laravel Framework 6 for Absolute Beginners"
"Hello and welcome to this course.This course is an introduction to laravel, we are breaking down all of the basics of Laravel to get you start doing projects with confidence.If you are looking to get started with laravel then this course is for you.the course has practical examples that are quick & easy to follow.RequirementsNo programming experience needed - Knowledge of basic HTML , CSS and PHP an added advantage. step-by-step on how to get all the software installed and set upWho this course is for:Any one interested in starting his journey in doing project with laravel.Web developer who has never done project with laravel before.By the end of the course youll be able to build laravel projects with confidence.The Finished Course Project is Available on Github"
Price: 24.99

"An Introduction to Stata"
"This is an introductory course to Stata. The course assumed to previous knowledge of the software nor any statistical knowledge. The course does not teach statistics. The goal of the course is to teach students about the basic functionality of Stata and how it can be used to analyze large data sets. The course contains two projects for students to work on. It also provides a step-by-step approach in covering all of the material where I go through the commands one by one. In addition to the video lectures, I have included the scripts of the lectures so that students can also study and revise the material without having to watch videos. Although Stata comes with many data sets, this course utilizes my own data sets in order to explain to students the thought process involved in collecting data."
Price: 24.99

"Konfliktmanagement fr Fhrungskrfte und Unternehmer"
"Jeder kennt Konflikte, Konflikte sind allgegenwrtig. Sie gab es schon immer und sie wird es immer geben. Kennst du jemanden der keine Konflikte hat? Ich nicht. Und wenn es so ist, dass Konflikte sowieso da sind, warum nicht lernen, damit professionell umzugehen. Es wird dir dein Leben erleichtern, sowohl geschftlich als auch privat. Dein Team wird produktiver werden. Wusstest du, dass Konfliktkosten mehr als 20% der Personalkosten eines Unternehmens ausmachen? Gemeinsam ndern wir das! In diesem Kurs lernst du: Wie gehe ich als Fhrungskraft mit Konflikten um? Welche Mglichkeiten gibt es, gesundes und produktives Arbeiten zu frdern? Wie entstehen Konflikte? Welche Konfliktstufen gibt es? Wie nehme ich festgefahrene Dialoge wieder auf? Wie kann ich Geld sparen durch Konfliktlsung? Wie kann ich stressfreier durch den Alltag gehen? Wie kann ich als Fhrungskraft souverner und zufriedener sein?"
Price: 89.99

"Understanding the complexity of the gut and how to fix it"
"Did you knew that your gut health is related to all other nowadays diseases? Almost 80% of general health comes down to optimal gut health. However, most of us becoming sicker and sicker and our immune systems become weaker and weaker. We are currently facing an epidemic where most young people seem to deal with headaches, menstrual cramps, anxiety, acne, bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, cancer and many more like gluten and lactose sensitivity or even worse. The main cause is often overlooked, resulting in more trouble until the body is at a certain moment that nothing seem to work anymore. Gut health is the most overlooked topic when it comes down to health and illnesses and needs to be addressed."
Price: 19.99

"Descubre los secretos del Retoque Fotogrfico con Photoshop"
"Ese curso est dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieran obtener conocimientos profesionales sobre el retoque fotogrfico utilizando Photoshop.Los alumnos sern capaces de aplicar las tcnicas necesarias para retocar imgenes y fotografas digitales de manera profesional.Al finalizar este curso sers capaz de aplicar varios mtodos para el tratamiento de imgenes y adaptarlas a las necesidades especificas de cada una de ellas."
Price: 199.99

"Gen Basketbolcular iin Fiziksel Geliim"
"Gen bir sporcusunuz ve yksek hedefleriniz var veya olunuzun,kznzn,rencinizin en iyi ekilde profesyonel bir hayata hazrlanmasn istiyorsunuz. Geen zaman sizin en byk dmannz. Gen sporcularn gelecek yllarndaki fiziksel kapasitesinin temelleri uan atlyor ve siz tam olarak ne yapmanz gerektiini bilmiyorsunuz. Hadi sizde gen sporcularda fiziksel geliim konusuna gncel ve bilimsel kantlara dayal yaklaan aileye katln. reneceiniz yntemler,kazanacanz bak alar ve uygulayacanz egzersizler sayesinde gelecee daha emin admlar atn. Neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz?ncelikle lkemizde antrenman bilimi dahilinde trke kaynak skntsn hepimiz yayoruz. Bana en ok sorulan sorulardan iki tanesi ""trke kaynaklar"" ve ""altyap oyuncular iin uygulamalar"" idi. Bu iki sorunun karln herkese ayr ayr yazmaktansa bu eitim kursunu hazrlamak istedim ve sizlere gen basketbolcularn profesyonel seviyeye ulaana kadar almalar gereken fiziksel yetileri tanm, aamalar ve rnekler eklinde aktarmaya altm. Peki neden gerek hayatta bir kursa katlmaktansa bu online kursu satn almalsnz?Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz bulunuyor.Bana her konuda danabilecek, destek alabiliyor olacaksnz.Bu kurs hi bir zaman ""hazrlanp bitti"" durumunda kalmayacak, hep gncel ve canl kalacaktr. Balangtan bu yana eklenen ders saati (1 saat 30 dk) - 24.04.2019Daha iyi renebilmeniz iin size baz tavsiyelerim var: ncelikle bu kurstaki her blm uzmanlama gerektirir. Her gn bir blm ile yetinin ve o blm hakknda uygulama yapmadan bir sonraki blme gemeyin. rnek egzersizlerin hepsini uygulatmadan nce kendi zerinizde deneyin. Hem kendi seviyenizibelirlemek iin, hemde sporcunun nasl hissetmesi gerektii hakknda bir fikir verecektir.Kurstaki her bir blmn tanmn ve aamalarn iyi anlamaya aln. rnek videolarla yetinmeyin. Konular ve aamalar sindirmeniz sizi zgr klar ve kendi egzersizlerinizi dizayn etmeye balayabilirsiniz.Konular hakknda tartmaya ekinmeyin, rendikleriniz ancak sorguland zaman inandnz kuramlara dnr."
Price: 149.99

"Project Management Tips for the DIY Artist"
"This class is designed to equip artists with tips and skills to successfully manage complex creative projects from start to finish. Objectives for the Course: Clarify what artists want to achieve and what they need to do in order to make it happenEstablish a framework for how to make and evaluate project decisionsDevelop a plan for marketing that supports consistent attention for your work over time.Understanding how to mitigate project weaknesses and utilize personal strengths.Gain an understanding of time management and organizational infrastructure that can support Artist will:Establish a clear vision for the project they wish to achieve with goals that can become project objectives. Brainstorm Key Performance Indicators and benchmarks for decision making and success.Explore common project management tools and structures for efficient time and resource management Identify marketing tactics to incorporate into their own project plans for increased engagementIdentify personal weaknesses and strengthsRecognize potential teaming arrangements that could strengthen the project"
Price: 24.99

"First steps to Personal Female Leadership"
"This course empowers women around the world to live a new way of life. One in which they believe in themselves and their talents, in which they can be authentically themselves, express what they need and desire while leaving their victimhood behind. Leadership start with leading yourself. Leadership starts with you. Become the leader and change-maker you are supposed to be. This course gives you the first steps to take."
Price: 144.99

"Aprenda LibreOffice Calc, o concorrente gratuito do Excel"
"Este curso de LibreOffice feito para  pessoas iniciantes, focando no essencial (bsico) para uso em empresas/escritrios e trabalhos escolares.No curso o aluno aprender a usar o mdulo Calc da suite LibreOffice, que se assemelha ao Excel do Microsoft Office, com a vantagem do mesmo ser gratuito em relao ao seu concorrente."
Price: 39.99

"Product Roadmap 101 - For Enterprise Products"
"Why a course on Product Roadmap so important?In an era where technological advancements have been rapidly changing customer behaviors, the role of Product Management is becoming crucial to building right products to address right problems embracing right technology and not the least, delivering right outcomes as desired by customers.Such products are always built through ensuring commonality of product vision, strategy, and objective among stakeholders, maniacal focus on a few things while saying NO to lots of things, realigning investments and investing on right technology. To accomplish them, the role of a product roadmap is inevitable.The product roadmap is not just a tactical tool. It is a strategic tool. The course will outline how product roadmap can be used an effective tool to put the product on the right trajectory by consistently making rational decisions for accomplishing Organizational goals and objectives aligning with product strategy and within the framework of product vision.What does the course teach?The course is the most comprehensive and exhaustive course on Product Roadmap covering a wide range of topics. The course is also accompanied by an eBook Pragmatic Approach to Building Great Product Roadmap Translating Product Strategy into Product Roadmap. The course also contains templates required for drafting product roadmap.The course covers a wide variety of topics including1. Introduction to Product RoadmapThis section outlines why product roadmap is essential, what is a product roadmap, what is not a product roadmap and finally, what is the purpose of a product roadmap. This section will also outline the difference between an internal product roadmap and an external product roadmap.2. Product Vision, Strategy, and Product Roadmap.This section outlines why it is essential to building a product roadmap on a foundation of product vision and strategy3. Product DiscoveryThis section outlines how to build a product backlog through understanding and discovering customer needs. Why it is essential to both understand and discover customer needs. How to gather needs through a collaboration with various stakeholders such as i) Support Team, ii) Sales Team, iii) Business Development Team, and iv) Engineering Team. We will also introduce to tools to gather appropriate requirements.4. Product Prioritization ProcessIt is the most critical section of this course that focuses on how to formulate strategy and objectives. Later, Identifying the right customer value which when delivered by the product can help accomplish product objectives. Identifying product attributes that can tangibly measure the ability of each feature to deliver chosen customer value and prioritizing features that have a higher ability to deliver the right customer value. We will use scorecard methodology to elaborate prioritization process while the section concludes talking about the right prioritization model.5. Beating Inflection PointIn this section, we will talk about categorizing requirements into i) Tactical, ii) Strategic and iii) Disruptor. What is the purpose behind categorizing requirements and how to categorize requirements? Additionally elaborate, how to conceptualize and validate the right outcomes that have the potential to disrupt the market.6. Measuring the Efficacy of Product RoadmapThis section focuses on identifying techniques to measure the efficacy of product roadmap, i.e., whether we have prioritized the right featuresRegister this course to become experts in managing product roadmap and using it as an appropriate communication tool to provide the direction of the product to Sr. Executives. The course offers something for Product Manager with varying experience and expertise levels. For certain complicated topics like ranking features, the course provides detailed articles elaborating the process.For whom did I design this courseAspiring Product Managers - They learn the entire fundamentals and the art of building products roadmap.Experienced Product Manager - How product roadmap can be used a strategic tool to outline a clear path to run the business, grow the business and transform the business in the short term, near-long term and long term respectively.Product Line Manager - How product roadmap can be used effectively for product or technologies transitions with out impacting revenues.Engineers. - What is the rationale behind prioritizing features, so they can better understand why a Product Manager says 'NO' to certain features. Comprehending the roadmap can also help understand the strategic direction of the product."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Beginners Guide to Autodesk Revit Architecture"
"Over the course of 18 hours of narrated video tutorials, let Ian Nichols (an Autodesk Expert Elite) teach you all the fundamentals of Autodesk's BIM Software. Everything you need to know to be productive with Revit is covered step-by-step. Not only are all the main tools explained and demonstrated, the fundamental concepts behind them are discussed."
Price: 19.99

"Verkufer (IHK), Lernfeld 1"
"Du hast die IHK-Prfung vor Dir, aber nur noch relativ wenig Zeit. Der Berg des scheinbar notwendigen Wissens wird immer grer. Was musst Du als Verkufer unbedingt wissen, was kannst Du als Verkuferin weglassen, was will die IHK?In den Videos werden alle Inhalte ausfhrlich aber komprimiert erklrt. Im zur Verfgung stehenden Praxishandbuch bt Ihr die Inhalte anhand von Aufgaben im Stil der Prfungsaufgaben.Warum insgesamt 600 Seiten Lehrbuch vor der Prfung durchblttern?Hier hast du nicht nur alles einfach und so kurz wie mglich zusammengefasst.Du hast auerdem sowohl mobil, als auch am PC Zugriff und lernst exakt das, was auch in der Prfung kommen kann.Das Lernfeld 1 deckt folgende Bereiche ab:Modell des einfachen WirtschaftskreislaufsFunktion des Einzelhandels in der WirtschaftAufgaben des Einzelhandels zur Erfllung der FunktionZiele und die Forderung nach Kundenorientierung im EinzelhandelVerkaufs- und Betriebsformen im EinzelhandelOrganisation im EinzelhandelPrinzip des Warenwirtschaftssystems und wie die Steuerung damit erfolgtDer Auszubildende im Betrieb: Rechte und PflichtenRechte und Pflichten der Arbeitnehmer: Mitbestimmung und TarifautonomieSozialer und gesundheitlicher Arbeitsschutz"
Price: 24.99

"How to open a Successful 6 Figure Lash Business"
"The lucrative eyelash industry is taking the world by storm. With this course you will learn all of the do's and don'ts to be successful in the Eyelash Industry. Including location selection, What services to offer, staffing, Suppliers and more!Start earning 6 figures in no time with this step by step course."
Price: 49.99

"I will teach you how to play chess!"
"You always wanted to learn chess, but never had the time, or need to do it? You thought,youdon't like those thinking games and were never interested?Well, those days are over now. Everybody can learn chess, just like anybody can learn to swim or ride a bicycle!With this chess course, you will learn all basics of how to play chess and be prepared to use those learned skills forreal life!May it be problem solving, thinking ahead, getting creative or training your memory. There are loads of more things you can develop, just by sticking to this course and learn something new.Chess is actually super fun, motivating and deep. And the more you learn the basics, the more you understand why.All you have to do now is enroll this course and learn chess together with me.Thank you for your trust,Arne"
Price: 79.99

"Learn JavaScript from Scratch- Beginner Tutorial"
"What you'll learnGo from a total beginner to an advanced JavaScript developerJavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, Basic Animation Using JS Arrays etc.IDE Understanding, Setup of Development Environment Complex features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, inheritance, functions, closuresA true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenesGet friendly and fast support in the course Q&ADownloadable lectures, code and design assets for all projectsRequirementsNo coding experience is necessary to take this course! I take you from beginner to expert!Any computer and OS will work Windows, macOS or Linux. We will set up your text editor the course.A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is a plus, but not a must!"
Price: 24.99

"Der groe Arduino-Lehrgang: Vom Anfnger zum Profi"
"Der Kurs richtet sich vornehmlich an Einsteiger im Bereich Arduino, deckt aber auch alle fortgeschrittenen Bereiche ab. Da sowohl das Arduino-Konzept stndigen Neuerungen unterzogen ist, aber auch immer wieder neue Grundlagenbereiche integriert werden sollen, ist der Kurs dynamisch aufgebaut und wird laufend weiterentwickelt. Neben den speziellen Kapiteln, die sich auf den Arduino selbst konzentrieren, werden auch allgemeine Themen aus dem Bereich Mikrocontroller und Programmierung, wie Sensorik, Antriebstechnik und Vernetzung behandelt.Da bei einer derart komplexen Materie nie alle Fragen innerhalb der Videos beantwortet werden knnen, stehe ich allen Teilnehmern mit meinem ganzen Wissen untersttzend zur Verfgung. Diese Untersttzung biete ich sowohl fr alle Fragen zum konkreten Unterrichtsmaterial, als auch bei Problemen mit eigenen Projekten."
Price: 149.99

"Korepetycje z matematyki klasa 4"
"Kurs odbywa si online.Kurs skada si z nagranych lekcji z klasy 4 Wszystkie lekcje s jak najbardziej praktyczne, zawieraj wszystkie informacje potrzebne w klasie 4 i pokazuj jak rozwiza zadania.Kurs oparty jest na nowej, aktualnej podstawie programowej.Kurs oparty jest na tematach, ktre znajduj si w podrcznikach wydawnictw: Nowa Era, Operon i WSiP."
Price: 249.99

"Accounting Guidance"
"This course is for small retail/service business owners, retail store managers, department managers, ecommerce entrepreneurs, accounting students, or for anyone wanting to learn basic accounting. In this course, you will learn:You will learn basic accounting in order to record and analyze business transactions through the three major financial statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow. You will learn what debits and credits are, how to create journal entries, learn what normal account balances are, and what permanent and temporary accounts are.You will learn what the all important accounting equation is and learn why every business transaction affects this equation. You will learn what adjusting entries are during the accounting period close process.You will learn long-term asset cost allocation through depreciation. You will learn inventory systems and inventory costing methods.You will learn how to record uncollectible receivables. You will learn the accounts payable process and invoicing payment terms.You will learn financial ratios that every business owner and manager need to know in order to operate their business effectively.You will learn how to reconcile your business bank account.You will learn what the chart of accounts is and why you should tailor it to your specific business needs."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende magia que Impacte!!"
"En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para comenzar tu camino mgico, quiero compartir en este gran curso, ms de 50 clases completamente en espaol, que llevarn tu magia al siguiente nivel, Ac encontrars efectos como la carta ambiciosa, los 4 taures, magia con esponjas, celulares, elsticos, sin nada incluso Quieres conseguir el nmero de cualquier persona? Quieres armar un cubo rubix en 4 movimientos ? Ganar dinero con tu Arte ? llegar a mas personas? con este curso logrars esto y mucho ms, 5 horas y media de contenido con los mejores efectos que me han llevado a monetizar esta gran pasin, no esperes ms, ests a un paso de cambiar la historia de tu magia.Adrian Panay."
Price: 19.99

"Belly Dance! - A Total Body Workout for Beginners"
"This course is organized in three major sections:In the first section, you will increase your strength, tone, posture and coordination, while gaining a repertoire of basic belly dance movementsBy the end of the second section, you will be dancing 8 different traveling combinationsOnce you are dancing the first two section moves with relative ease, you will graduate to the third and final, Cardio Section of the workout. Here you will belly dance non-stop to gain cardio endurance By the end of this course, you will gain in fitness through a great belly dance CardioWorkout, while gaining artful skills in the beautiful, time-honored art of the belly dance"
Price: 29.99

"Official 2K19 Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Master Class"
"                                                                              Become a Crypto Mastermind!Stop.  Wasting.  Time.  ...watching hours of filler ""how-to"" videos on setting up wallets and which coins to buy. LOL!!! Give me a break...These will all change by next year (if not faster!) Crypto and Blockchain Tech is advancing at breakneck speed...THIS is an in-depth course that guides YOU through the new, exciting, and sometimes dangerous space of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. We cover TIMELESS PRINCIPLES in this course. This means - ONCE you understand and APPLY the fundamental concepts taught here - you will be able to make the most intelligent decisions BY YOURSELF!Understand the Fundamental Principles (Cryptography, the Blockchain protocol, Distributed Networks, +)Master Comprehensive Set of the concepts (Proof of Work/Stake, Mining, Airdrops, Lightening Network, +) Learn the History and current state of Bitcoin (Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto)Foresee the Future Impact of the Blockchain in various industries (Real Estate, Gaming, Finance, Supply Chain, +)Apply Actionable Investment Strategies! (Trading Concepts, Algorithmic Bots, Passive Investment Techniques, +) ICOs, Exchanges, Ethereum (the World Computer), and more!YOU WILL KNOW the major terms, players, and tools necessary to become a crypto connoisseur. If you wanted to get into cryptocurrencies, but didn't know where to start - This course is for you!WHY do we teach this course? BECAUSE - Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain will change the world.We genuinely believe that. We KNOW that. ""An investment in knowledge pays the best interest""  - Benjamin Franklin We created this course because we believe everyone should be aware and able to benefit from the advent of cryptocurrencies. Not just those ""in the know"". We realize the vast implications that blockchain and cryptocurrencies will have in the future on our daily lives,  and on existing & emerging markets so...We decided to create THIS AWESOME COURSE that we are very proud of to share with you!We realized EVERYONE shared similar concerns when it came to cryptocurrencies.They wanted to learn what it was AND... How to invest BUT..They were hesitant about how to get started BECAUSE...There was too much misinformation! This course changes that! and covers everything you need to get started and achieve mastery.                                                                                                                                   ENROLL TODAY & GET STARTED!ABOUT US -Chris Wong DeJesus - got his start into the blockchain revolution back in 2015 as a research analyst for tech, he theorized the potential for distributed consensus to completely upend the very market that he was in, and many other markets that were plagued with inefficiency. A futurist by heart, he's always was looking for the next tech regime that will take the public by storm. After completing Applied Mathematics and Advanced Calculus during his tenure as a graduate, he became fascinated with the innovations in peer to peer trustless digital cash systems. He saw beyond the singular use case scenarios of the early days of cryptocurrencies and envisioned future industries with completely decentralized infrastructures; creating a free, trust-less, and faster world.Szi Gbor - Szi was an early investor in cryptocurrencies when he first heard about them in 2014. He views cryptocurrencies and tokens as a novel asset class that will be traded with valuations alongside more traditional asset classes such as Stocks, Bonds, Commodities and Real Estate while disrupting them in the process. He is a tech enthusiast with a passion for Education, Blockchain, and IoT. Self taught in programming and computer science principles he spent his subsequent graduate years immersed in the tech world. In the corporate space -  first as a sales executive then as a software engineer, then as a product manager, and back into sales. During the interim he consulted on a number of projects and established entrepreneurial pursuits in everything from mobile gaming to enterprise software. He loves the transparent nature of the crypto community, disruptive open source software, and believes that blockchain technology will dis-intermediate almost every industry in the near future."
Price: 199.99

"Heart Hope Transformation"
"Get clarity. Get confidence. Get your life back.When it comes to talking about their inner life, many people are so close to it, they cant put their worries into words or dont know where to start. Reaching the core depth of who you are so that you can be who you are and people will leave you alone with it, Heart Hope Transformation helps sensitive people begin to recover their inner beauty so they can help others find theirs. Is this you? Do you feel everyone elses stress travels around your body? Do you feel permanently exhausted then have a burst of energy late at night? Do other people regard you as wise but you struggle to accept you have any wisdom? Do you assume its your fault when things go wrong? Do people count on you emotionally? Do you wish you could find people who understand you like you understand them?If so youre not aloneI know how you feelI know what it feels like to be overwhelmed, exhausted and called""Too sensitive.""***********Since 1996 Heidi Sawyer has worked with more than 74,409 sensitive people from over 121 countries guiding their transformation. Heidi uses an integrated approach to help sensitive people overcome emotional wounds, using the power of the unconscious. Heidis courses have a thriving community. We are actively involved here answering your questions and responding to your comments within 24 hours.Because Heidi is committed to her students growth, Heidi has Course Concierge, Chere Hughes to further support your experience, a longtime student and fellow intuitive sensitive with decades of experience in successful course development and facilitation.***********For years, I too, struggled to make sense of why I wanted something deeper from life, when everyone else seemed fine with a surface meaning. I found myself surrounded by people but felt lonely, exhausted and doing everything to people please to avoid feeling pain.I wanted to feel OK with my sensitivity, my weirdly spontaneous intuitive insights and feeling overwhelmed with emotions I often wondered whether they were my own or someone elses.All you need is a helping handI provide what I would have liked to have received, simple as that. When youve been hard-wired for hyper-vigilance, its happened since birth.Life experience happens on top of it and you spend your life trying to manage overwhelm and the desire to recover whilst at the same time, feeling pressured to pretend all is normal.I am a helping hand, helping you to navigate the sensitivities you were born with. Theyre never going away, however much you wish them to. Best to transform who you are naturally, into your greatest asset.Life can be differentThis course is forIntuitive-Sensitivepeople looking to develop their inner world in a straight forward, how it is manner. This course is designed for you: Know exactly how to calm when you are in a state of stress Understand where your sensitivity came from Practice supporting your gift of sensitivity instead of pushing it down Find out a Sensitives biggest fear and how to resolve it Worry less what others think Access your emotions with neutrality Discover and practice how to cope with others insecurities without people pleasing Feel more empowered engaging with others with Heidis real life examples on how to communicate from a position of authenticityWe'd love for you to join us on a journey to transformation that leads to a place of clarity, confidence, and calm where you can spread your wings as you feel safe and secure living your life from the perspective of within.So, are you ready to discover more about your sensitivity and how it is your greatest asset? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in Heart Hope Transformation. Begin your journey today! Guarantee: We are certain you will love how stress-free Heidis course is to integrate into your life. However, we offer Heidis 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee if for any reason you are not satisfied.Who is Heidi Sawyer Group:The Heidi Sawyer Group are worldwide leaders in helping Intuitive-Sensitive Peoplerealise sensitivity is their greatest asset. We provide life training for Intuitive-Sensitive People who want to increase their inner awareness and solve emotional patterns of the past. We believe intuition is the heightened ability to see truth. To see truth, life must first be cleared of untruths, many of which are hidden in the unconscious. Since 1996 weve built our global business with 74,409 Intuitive-Sensitive People having connected with us. Are you asking yourself if you are a sensitive? You wouldnt have read this far if you we not. Join us, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Who benefits from this course: Do you experience anxiety or worry? Are there things going on in your life that youd like to find out how to change? Have you even been called too sensitive feeling like you dont have a voice? Do you feel other peoples emotions intensely? Do you seem to know how others are doing or what their motivations are without being told? Do you feel the environment you grew up in wasnt quite right? Have you sensed that theres something more to life? Do you want to think more clearly, connect with people in healthy ways and look forward to a bright future?"
Price: 19.99