"OnPage SEO Anleitung" |
"In diesem Kurs fhre ich dich durch die Tools und Taktiken, die du bentigst, um dein OnPage SEO zu perfektionieren.Wenn du neu im SEO bist oder Schwierigkeiten damit hast, deine Webseite in Google hher zu positionieren, fragstdu dich vielleicht, was die Grnde dafr sind und wann du endlich anfngst nach oben zu steigen. SEO wird oft sehr verkompliziert. Die Wahrheit ist aber, dass es eigentlich sehr einfach ist. Dein OnPage SEO muss auf die richtigen Keywords in der richtigen Formulierung ausgerichtet sein und du musst eine hohe Autoritt durch dein OffPage SEO aufbauen. In diesem Kurs lernst du das richtige OnPage SEO. Wenn du das OnPage SEO erstmal gemeistert hast, wirst du genug freie Zeit fr das Aufbauen deiner Domain Autoritt haben und endlich besser ranken.Welche Arten von Unternehmen knnen mit den Marketing-Strategien in diesem SEO Kurs verbessert werden?Mit den Marketing-Strategien in diesem OnPage SEO Kurs, kann einer breiten Palette von Unternehmen geholfen werden. Beispiele sind ein Restaurant oder Imbiss, ein Caf, ein Friseursalon, ein Nachtclub, ein lokales Event, ein Geschft, dasT-Shirtsverkauft, die meisten Arten von Geschften von Boutiquen bis zu Lebensmittelgeschften, Rasenpflege oder Landschaftsbetriebe, Umzugsbetriebe, Fitnessstudio, Tiefkhljoghurt oder Eisdiele, ein Feinkostgeschft, ein Spirituosenladen oder ein Sandwichladen, ein Schnheitssalon oder ein Friseursalon, ein Spa, eine Babysitter, ein Baumarkt, eine gewerbliche Reinigung oder Hausreinigung, Autowaschanlage, Hundepflege oder Haustiersitter, Kampfsportstudio oder ein Tanzstudio.Und hier eine Liste von mglichen online Business Modellen, die mit den Strategien dieses Kurses beworben werden knnen. Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, E-Learning, YouTube-Channel, Kindle oder Freelancer Geld-Zurck-Garantie Dieser Kurs hat eine bedingungslose, von Udemy organisierte, 30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie. Du kannst diesen Kurs risikolos testen. Das ist nicht nur eine Garantie, sondern auch mein persnliches Versprechen, dass du Erfolg haben wirst, genau wie die Tausend anderen meiner Studenten."
Price: 99.99 |
"Nail Every Job Interview and Land Your Dream Job+FREE E-Book" |
"Are you struggling to get promoted and land your dream job?Are you missing out on job opportunities because interviewing and selling yourself is not your strength? Well, guess what? Research has shown that it is the best interviewers - not the best employees - who get the best jobs. Its not how hard you work its how well you sell yourself during the interview. After completing this course, you will be able to:Become more confident in your self-presentation; easily calm nerves or fear and avoid self-sabotageYou will be able to package your work experience to match the jobAble to answer confidently the most difficult and tricky interview questionsHow to use professional words and metrics to communicate your value and how to convince using non-verbal communication.Identify your career direction and clarify your purpose, amplify your personal brand and bolster your self-knowledgeGet the best questions for you to ask the interviewers to show them you're smart and engagedDevelop your own unique winning strategy to nail every job interview"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende Italiano con Daria" |
"Si te gustan los idiomas, eres una persona curiosa, y tienes ganas de aprender, este curso es para ti. El italiano es una lengua muy parecida al castellano tanto por la gramtica cmo por la pronunciacin. Sin embargo, existen algunas diferencias que es importante conozcas y sepas reconocer para poder expresarte correctamente en este idioma. Conocer un idioma nuevo no es solo estudiar la gramtica, sino tambin conocer la cultura del lugar, las costumbres, la manera de hablar, de viajar, de comer de los autctonos... Solo despus haber sacado un poco de tu lado italiano podrs expresarte correctamente en este idioma y lograr lo que necesitas aprovechando este conocimiento. As que, adelante, y a pasarlo bien Piensa en italiano!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Tinkercad Sitesi le Arduino Programlama" |
"Bu kursu am iseniz byk ihtimalle arduinoyu biliyorsunuzdur. Bu kart sayesinde bir ok almay yapabilirsiniz. Ancak bu almalar yapmak iin ok fazla para harcamanz gerekmektedir.Eer paranz yoksa ve biraz reneyim bana uygun deil mi bakaym diyorsanz ite bu kurs tam size gre diyebiliriz. nk tinkercad sitesi ile arduino kart ve sensrleri almanza gerek yok. nk tinkercad sitesi bir simlasyon programdr. Bu program hemde cretsiz. AAncak kod ksmnn detayl olarak anlatlmas gerekiyor. Bunu renmenin en ksa yolu bilenlerden renmektir. ekmi olduum 106 videoyu izler ve sizde benim anlattklarm yaparsanz artk arduino hakknda bilmediini kalmayacak demektir. 14 saate yakn ve 106 video ile dolu dolu arduino eitimi sizlerle."
Price: 59.99 |
"Learn Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Application Beginner" |
"Have you always wondered how the mobile application works when people use them at the warehouse?Is this something you always wondered about and nobody taught you in detail?If your answer is yes then this is the right place where you can learn and master about Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Application (MSCA) offered within Oracle EBS even if you are a newbie. This is a short and concise course to teach the purpose and intricacies of MSCA and its usage in day to day business. Use this course to enhance your knowledge and chances of landing projects or growth in your career. This course is meant to enable a beginner into extensive learning in Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Application. After finishing this course the student can consider themselves as an advanced learner in this application. The idea is to not just teach about the software but its practical application in the real world. Most of the demo and screenshots provided here are from the real industry.I will continue to add value based on the feedback I receive from the students. Feel free to check out the free preview video for the sneak peek."
Price: 19.99 |
"Blockchain and Healthcare" |
"Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the healthcare industry. People in the healthcare sector, however, need comprehensive tools to guide them through a functional and technical understanding of blockchain. This course will give an overview of what blockchain is, how it works, and how it is impacting the healthcare industry, so professionals can be empowered as the field continues to evolve. Music in promotional video by Bensound"
Price: 199.99 |
"Customer service is a crucial aspect in any organization which is why organizations strive on a day to day basis to employ skilled customer service professionals to handle the ever demanding customer service-related challenges.This course is definitely going to expose you to the fundamental basics of customer service and how you can stand out as a pro in customer service delivery,helping your organization to deliver optimum customer service to its internal and external customers .In the long run,building customer loyalty and increasing organization's brand awareness.And if you are taking this course as a trainer or facilitator,be sure to have a worthwhile (re)training which will help you to deliver incredible customer service training to your students.It is going to be an engaging course and as a student,it will help you to fully comprehend and appreciate what customer service is. So,be ready for an interesting and impactful time .The course structure is in simplified format and language usage is not verbose.At the end of the course,you will take on practical and real-life lesson worksheets to aid your understanding of the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Impara a sviluppare in C#" |
"Questo corso ha un taglio pratico e scorrevole, l'obiettivo quello di fornire tutte le nozioni per poter maneggiare il linguaggio e produrre codice completo di ogni sua parte. E' rivolto a chi per la prima volta di affaccia al mondo della programmazione ad oggetti e a chi non ha mai visto C# in azione.C# nella Top 10 mondiale dei linguaggi pi popolari secondo GitHub, quindi un ottimo investimento di tempo in quanto c' un'alta probabilit di impiego nel mondo lavorativo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Revit Curtain Wall Panel Families 101" |
"This course is designed to take you straight to family creation and will explore the depths of creating parametric content for Revit. We will start from a simple Curtain Panel geometry with the opportunity to further dive deeper into gradually increasing the complexity of geometry relationship and parametric data involved. In the course I'll be using Revit 2019, it is however applicable to any version, as the content accesses a fundamental potential of working with Revit.Featuring:No exercise files or additional materials necessary - we follow through the course of the family creation process in a consistent manner, from an empty default Revit template.Tips and tricks on problematics that I found people often struggle with, including key concepts that lack among most online tutoringSuggestion on future tutorials as a continuation on the same topic, but higher complexity (immediate/expert)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Unfortunately, most digital marketers never learn how to market something. Many of them took some courses or watched some videos or even join some webinars, But they didn't learn how to market, because most instructors do not teach marketing. Most of them teach something I call it ""Clicks technician"", which means - where the button is and when you should click on it,But most don't teach you why you should click it, why it is a better option (in marketing there is no best option, only better...)Well, not me :)I do not teach my student where to click, I teach my student how to think, and where to look.I teach my student how to find better way to accomplish their marketing's goals, And in this course - I teach you some of the things you probably never stop to think about. Things like:What is the purpose of the image (hint: not grabbing attention)What is the difference between ""Download now"" and ""Get access now"", and why using the wrong CTA can spoil your campaigns? Why you must spend most of the time on the headlineAnd many more. You will also find many tips and tricks about copywriting, understanding your audience and how to get better results.Even so most of the tips and tricks in this course related to Facebook ads, those tips will make your marketing life easier,Because you will be able to use those tips in many other aspects of your marketing actions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Portrait Drawing Fast and Easy" |
"With fun and easy-to-follow instructions, master one of the hardest things to draw: the human face. In this class, learn the tricks that will help you think and see things differently when you draw. Proportions, skull structure, and the planes of the face will be taught in both profile and front views. Learn to draw each facial feature in three mediums using pencil, charcoal, and colored pencil. A variety of hair types will also be taught. Throughout the course, students will add what they've learned, cumulatively, into one portrait called the Progressive Portrait. Multiple portrait projects will be assigned in different materials and styles. Learn to capture likeness through a fun and easy project. For the Final Project, students will draw a portrait in a medium of their choice with simple tricks to make it as accurate as possible!"
Price: 79.99 |
"ExcelFIT Curso de Excel para Personal Trainers" |
"CURSO de Excel Aplicado ao Personal Trainer tem o objetivo de proporcionar aos Profissionais e Educao Fsica ou aos alunos do curso de graduao de Educao Fsica informaes de como utilizar ferramenta para auxiliar no seu trabalho.Alguns tpicos que sero apresentados no curso:- Introduo a Planilha Excel;- Conhecendo o Ambiente de trabalho;- Barras de Menus e Ferramentas;- Inserir e editar os dados em uma planilha;- Trabalhar com pastas de trabalho- Escrevendo Frmulas- Operadores matemticos- Fazer o total de linhas e colunas automaticamente.- Exerccios diversos.- Trabalhando com Funes- Criando planilha de Aluno- Vo2Max- Frequncias de Treino- Gasto calrico- % de Gordura corporal- Trabalhando com Condies- Construindo Grficos de Seus Dados- Modificar, acrescentar e excluir dados do grfico.- Mudar os tipos de grficos para ter certeza de que o grfico se ajusta a seus dados.- Exemplos de Planilha Macro, Meso e MicrocicloA relevncia da utilizao desta ferramenta como forma de acompanhamento de clientes de extrema importncia pois temos uma aplicao de fcil utilizao e de fcil personalizao com possibilidades de acompanhamento para cada cliente de forma exclusiva.A utilizao desta ferramenta permitir uma evoluo nos treinamentos dos clientes, ganho de tempo, personalizao facilitada."
Price: 69.99 |
"Forex Trading made easy as ABC - With LIVE Examples - Part 1" |
"Trading Forex can be an ultimately rewarding experience, but you must learn the ins and outs first. Invest time to work on your education by building a solid foundation - its the most important aspect of Forex trading. This Foundation or Beginners Course (Introduction to Forex Trading) was created to help novice traders understand the basics of Forex Trading in a non-boring way. To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of building a solid foundation in the basics of Forex education. This foundation course will help beginners, novice or amateurs to become professional Forex traders in no time. This course is intended to train ordinary people to become extraordinary Forex traders. Experience traders will also benefit from my 10+ years experiences and my rich teaching skills.In this course, you will learn how the Forex market works, as well as the many different ways to profit from Forex trading. The purpose of this course is to help you build the solid foundation needed to maximize your profit while you minimize your loss."
Price: 199.99 |
"Ingls na prtica: Aprenda ingls com vocabulrio e frases" |
"Este curso foi criado pensando nos alunos que possuem um nvel muito bsico de ingls. Comece do zero e aprenda vocabulrio e frases bsicas para voc comear a se comunicar em ingls. A partir deste curso voc poder iniciar uma conversao e iniciar em cursos de nveis mais avanados em ingls."
Price: 39.99 |
"Healing Sounds Qi Gong Meditation" |
"Do you feel physically stiff and run down? Do you feel tired and stressed out? Are you looking for a way to boost your health and vitality? If so, this course is just what you are looking for, in it, you will learn everything you need to get started practicing a unique form of healing Qigong Meditation called ""Healing Sounds."" This gentle method of exercise is simple to learn and can be practiced at home. Qigong has many proven health benefits. These benefits include: stress hormone reduction, improved sleep quality, increased range of motion and reduced muscle stiffness, better circulation and much more! These statements are not simply backed by centuries of tradition, in this course we support the practice of Qigong with published scientific evidence.What is Qigong? Qigong is a mind-body practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, sound, and focused intent. There are many qigong styles, each with unique practical applications. The mission of this course is to help people develop a strong foundational practice in this fantastic energetic science. In this course, you will develop skills that can enhance any meditation practice, various yogic disciplines, and even martial arts!What is Healing Sounds Qigong? The Six Healing Sounds or Liu Zi Jue () is a method of Chinese qigong, and involves the coordination of movement and breathing patterns with specific sounds. The sounds combined with the postures releases trapped fasciae from around your organs. In this course you will learn two distinct lineages of Healing Sounds Qigong, one from Hua Tuo and the other from the Immortal Li Qingyun. This is a very unique opportunity.This course is an in-depth study that will take you from the most fundamental elements of Qigong practice to the more advanced. If you have never practiced Qigong in your life, I designed this course for you. That said, you can also gain value from this program if you are a seasoned practitioner of things like Meditation, Yoga and the Martial arts."
Price: 24.99 |
"Genetics and Next Generation Sequencing for Bioinformatics" |
"Do you want to enter the field of Bioinformatics, but don't know enough about DNA, RNA, and Genetics?Are you curious about the recent advances in DNA sequencing technology, and how it can be applied to Personalized Cancer Therapy and Disease Research?Do you want to use Bioinformatics tools to analyze data generated by Next Generation Sequencing?By the end of this course:You will have a strong foundation in DNA, RNA, and GeneticsYou will have a thorough understanding of Next Generation DNA Sequencing AnalysisYou will use a cloud-based platform called Galaxy for the analysis of large datasetsYou will assess the quality of raw dataYou will use FastQC and Trimmomatic to improve data qualityProject:This course includes a step-by-step guided project.This project will assess the quality of raw data from an Illumina sequencer.You will then use FastQC and Trimmomatic to improve the quality of this data.Prerequisites:Biology and Chemistry at high school 10th grade levelElementary Statistics such as interpreting charts, histograms, and box-and-whisker plotsYou must enjoy BiologyThis is an introductory course ideal for those with no prior experience in Next Generation Sequencing Analysis.Enroll today, and launch your career in Bioinformatics."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn Hindi - Complete Beginners Course" |
"This is a comprehensive course in Hindi language for beginners/ advance beginners level. It explains the concepts of Hindi grammar with suitable examples and worksheets with solutions. The medium of instruction is English with Romanised Hindi used for those who are not versed with Devanagri.It includes step-by-step guide for Hindi script 'Devanagri', starting from pronunciation and strokes for all vowels & consonants to making 2/3 letter words."
Price: 29.99 |
"Speedy English Vocabulary" |
"Do you want to learn new words in English? Are you a student preparing for competitive exams in English? Or do you want to improve your speaking and comprehension skills so that you can perform better in your school or career? If your answer is YES, then there is a shortcut. Studying the root words in English is the best and easiest way to build your vocabulary. In this course we will show you how by learning about just ten root words you can add about a hundred words to your word stock."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Practical Leadership Certification for Career Success" |
"You WILL be asked about your leadership credentials at your next job interview.At your next job interview for a leadership role, you will be asked about your knowledge and track record in leadership. Simply saying that you have team meetings and treat people fairly is not enough to compete against other candidates. If you can answer that question credibly, showing that you have obtained certifications, applied cutting edge leadership strategies and that you have a track record of consistency in professional leadership, you will get the job. What would that certification be worth to your career?Invest in your career now.This course is designed for you. I will bring my 20 years of leadership development expertise for multinational brands to you in this certified course.Remember that leaders are not born, leadership is a learnable skillset. You will learn about power, how to influence, 4 of the current cutting edge leadership frameworks and an exclusive strategy we use with our global clients to create leadership professionals. Join us, Get Certified!The lessons are practical with breakthrough exercises that will significantly impact your career."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Media Crash Course" |
"Sometimes when being a solopreneur or a community organization you don't have the means or know how to reach the audience you need to reach your goal. This course is a media toolbox. In this course you will learn how to define your message, how to use several media outlets, the best way to create your own content and create plan your own media plan. When you finish this course, you will be able to structure and package your message to reach that audience, client or community you want to communicate to."
Price: 54.99 |
"The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Teaching/Training Online" |
"Everything you need to know to teach online high school, vo-tech, college, or corporate courses. We will address creating instructor presence and instructional effectiveness using:announcements and discussion forumsproactive outreach effective grading feedbackWe will introduce important practical theories that help you make effective choices in the classroom and provide great talking points for interviews:Adult Learning TheoryCognitivismBehavioralismConstructivismWe will share tips for writing successful:resumescover letters teaching philosophy statements"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sortir de la Dpression et du Burn Out" |
"Vous avez perdu l'enthousiasme de sortir du lit, de parler aux autres et au travail vous faites le strict minimum ?Vous avez l'impression d'tre constamment vide et que personne ne vous comprend ?Vous faites surement une dpression ou un burnout !Je suis pass par l pendant de nombreux mois et j'ai russi en sortir ! Je comprends votre mal-tre, laissez-moi vous guider pour vous en sortir vous aussi ! COMMENT ?En appliquant une mthode que j'ai mis en place et qui combine de multiples exercices et pratiques utilises par de nombreux spcialistes et patients !Vous n'aurez pas besoin de plus d'une heure par jour et d'un mois pour constater les changements !Alors qu'attendez-vous pour reprendre got la vie ?L'achat de cette formation est le premier dclic pour vous en sortir ! ALORS GO !"
Price: 19.99 |
UX() |
Price: 10200.00 |
"einfach & entspannt malen" |
"Du wolltest schon immer gerne malen - aber du dachtest, du hast kein Talent?Du bist bereits knstlerisch ttig, aber du bist hufig frustriert von den Ergebnissen oder in deiner Kreativitt blockiert?Du wnschst dir ganz einfach mehr Farbe und Kreativitt im Alltag?In diesem Kurs geht es nicht darum, perfekte Ergebnisse zu erzielen oder Erwartungen zu erfllen, sondern im Vordergrund steht der Spa am Malen, die Entfaltung deiner Kreativitt. Du lernst, wie du mit ganz einfachen Techniken, ganz entspannt malst und deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf lsst. Es spielt hier keine Rolle, ob du bereits knstlerische Vorerfahrungen hast, oder du noch nie einen Pinsel in der Hand hattest. Ich zeige dir, wie du richtig tolle Bilder zu malst - und zwar ganz ohne dich anstrengen zu mssen oder erst komplizierte Techniken lernen zu mssen. Im Vordergrund steht hier nicht das fertige Bild oder das Ergebnis, sondern der kreative Prozess.Du schaltest deinen Kopf aus und bist mit der Aufmerksamkeit ganz bei dem, was auf dem Papier passiert. Dabei entstehen die einzigartigen abstrakten Bilder wie von selbst und knnen Schritt fr Schritt solange weiterentwickelt werden, bis du vollkommen zufrieden bist.Lass dich berraschen, was alles in dir steckt - wie kreativ du bist!Ich bin berzeugt davon, dass du voller ungeahnter kreativer Fhigkeiten und Potenziale bist, die nur darauf warten, von dir entdeckt und entfaltet zu werden - und dass eine wahre Knstlerin / Knstler in dir steckt! "
Price: 24.99 |
"Inteligncia Emocional" |
"O mundo moderno nos impulsiona a desenvolver cada dia mais novas competncias. E como lidar com tantas presses de maneira a no perder o foco e permanecer em equilbrio?Neste cenrio surge o estudo da inteligncia emocional, que vai te proporcionar uma nova maneira de lidar com os constantes desafios da vida moderna."
Price: 189.99 |
"Unity'da O'yin Yaratish - !" |
"Mobil Jihozlar uchun oyin yaratish. Boshlovchilar uchun kurs.Kompyuter (Mac, Windows, Linux) va mobil telefonlar (iOS, Android) uchun oyin yaratishni xoxlaysizmi? Unda bu video siz uchun.------- , , . , , . . , () , . , . , , . , . . A , , .-------Kompyuter uchun oyin yaratish hammaning hayollaridagi orzu, kompyuter bilan tanishgan har bir bola, boshlanishida kompyuterlarning bir oyin oynash jihozi deb oylaydi va ularni ish uchun ishlatish xayoliga ham kelmaydi. Bu fikr ular oynagan oyinlarning qiziqligi bilan birlashib ketadi va bu oyinlar qanday qilinadi, men ham shunday oyinlar yarata olamanmi degan savollar bilan qorishib ketadi, natijada shu savolni oziga bera boshlaydi. Hozirgi kunimizda internet olamida bir qancha oyin yaratish saytlari bor va bir qancha odam Hudoni bergan kuni bu orzu orqasidan osha saytlarni ziyorat qiladi. Kimningdir orzulari chippakka chiqadi, kimdir esa notogri joydan (boshlaydi) kirish qismi qiladi, yana kimdir yanglish saytga murojaat qilib bu orzusidan voz kechadi. Bizning bu kursimiz sizning ushbu orzuyingizni yana ham kuchaytirib, sizlarni bir qancha variantlar bilan tanishtiradi. Bu kursda, oyin yaratishingiz uchun bilishingiz kerak bolgan hamma boshlangich malumotlar tilga olinadi, qadam ba qadam sizga oyin yaratish usul va dasturlari tanishtiriladi. Hozirgi kunda oyin yaratish oldingi davrlardagidek qiyin emas, bu ishga ozgina sabr va ozgina qiziqish bolsa yetarli deb oylaymiz.Biz bu videoda va kelasi videolarimizda sizlarga aynan mana shular haqida tanishtirib otamiz. Agar oyin qilishga yoki komyuter dasturlari yaratishga qiziqishingiz bolsa, keyingi videolarimizni otkazib yubormaslik uchun, ushbu kursdan foydalanishingiz mumkin."
Price: 19.99 |
"Selenium From Basic to Advance for SDET" |
"Have a Passion of learning Selenium but have no coding knowledge ? I will fulfill your wish with my easy teachingThis is a full length series which will teach you each and everything you needed in Selenium.After going through this series you will able to write any code in Selenium and can write from very basic to advance program in Selenium.You can also go through the interview series which will help you to crack the interview.This Course includes real time projects with practical Solutions for the Robust Selenium Framework buildingWe assume that students have no experience in automation / coding and start every topic from scratch and basics.Examples are taken from REAL TIME HOSTED WEB APPLICATIONS to understand how different components can be automated.Other courses i offer on udemy1.Selenium - > selenium-advance2.API Interview - > appium-api-interview3.Selenium Interview -> selenium-interview3.Devops->devops-basics4.Jmeter- >jmeterbasics5.API - >api-restassured-httpclient6.Appium->appium-automation7.Git and Maven -> gitmavenbasics8.TestNG -> testng-advance"
Price: 99.99 |
"Matrisez la mthode du pitch Silicon Valley" |
"""Les franais ne savent pas pitcher""... mais ce n'est pas de leur faute. C'est culturel!Saviez-vous qu'aux Etats-Unis,les TV ralits mettent en scne des comptitions d'entrepreneurs qui pitchent? Que ds la petite cole, les enfants apprennent pitcher leurs camarades? Les amricains ont intgr cette comptence depuis longtemps et excellent cet exercice. Storytelling et pitch sont une partie intgrante de la culture outre-atlantique. Bien maitriss et adapts, ils peuvent vous aider amliorer votre manire de vous prsenter et de vendre vos projets et vos ides.Dans ce cours, nous aborderons 3 types de pitchs:1) Le pitch long2) Le pitch de type Demo day3) L'elevator pitch ou le ""pitch ascenceur""De la pratique, de lapratique et encore de la pratique!Tout au long de ce cours, nous vous ferons pratiquer des exercices interactifs pour vous entraner sur ces trois de types de pitchs. Avec ces exercices, vous pourrez partager vos rponses avec d'autres participants et ainsi avoir leur retour.Nous vous avons aussi prvu des exercices intermdiaires pour aiguiser vos comptences en vous faisant travailler sur les 4 lments cls d'un pitch russi: 1) la rgle du 80/202) la rgle de trois3) le storytelling avec l'exemple du pitch Pixar4) K.I.S.S. (ou Keep It Simple Stupid)Ces exercices seront aussi raliss par Olivier et Loc, qui prendront en exemple 2 projets ""fil rouge"" compltement diffrents : Loc fera les exercices avec un projet de Paraplone, un produit imaginaire combinant drone et parapluie tandis qu'Olivier pitchera le projet de recrutement de formateurs et de formatrices pour enseigner sur Udemy!Qui seront vos formateurs et formatrices?Aprs plusieurs annes passes dans la Silicon Valley, berceau du storytelling et du pitch, Olivier, Loic et Hlne ont acquis des comptences et les bons rflexes pour vous restituer ici la mthodologie du pitch. Nous avons galement mobilis notre rseau ici San Francisco pour faire intervenir 3 experts franais dans ce domaine, aux expriences complmentaires:Reza Malekzadeh, Partner chez Partech, un fonds d'investissement global tabli en 1982 San Francisco;Clmence Vincent-Le Priol, Manager de la French Tech San Francisco;Benjamin Abdi, Co-fondateur de la startup Lalilo et pitcheur plein temps! A trs vite!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Learn Adobe Spark Page and Spark Video on the iPad" |
"As an educator you will learn how to engage the students in your class by using Adobe Spark Video and Adobe Spark Page on the iPad. You will learn how to create engaging digital materials for the children, plus develop skills to allow the pupils to share their understanding by producing inspiring digital content. Whether you have one iPad or a class set the skills you acquire during this course using Spark Video and Spark Page will transform learning in your classroom. You will be amazed how quickly content can be made using these two iPad apps."
Price: 19.99 |
"Black Belt Confidence" |
"This programme will give you the confidence to achieve your goals and be the success you dream of, whatever your situation or your current circumstances. The confidence to do new things, to express yourself, to be successful in business. The confidence to take on anything, to overcome setbacks and ultimately become the person that you are destined to be.If you think that life is slipping away, passing you by, now is the time to give yourself a lifetime of confidence.WHAT YOU GET:40 short videos in eight modules. Each module has a clear theme and is easy to follow.PDFs which make a workbook that you can use as your very own reference tool.Interactive quizzes to test and help you embed your new knowledge!You will learn:- How to be more present and more connected with what is around you- How to take full personal responsibility, so that you create your own destiny- How to have a system that you control, to achieve any goal you set- How to replace negative limiting beliefs with positive empowering ones- How to know your strengths and maximise them- How to be resilient and maintain a positive attitude at all times- How to commit 100% in everything you do something, to ensure you are successful- How to use the power of humility to empower yourself and othersPeople who have gone through the programme have said afterwards:""There is nothing in this world I can't handle""""I'm the happiest I have ever been.""""I feel a lot stronger.""""I believe I am good enough.""""I am more willing to go for new ideas and develop my business.""""I have more confidence in myself.""This programme is based on the 59 successful strategies that Black Belts use to be successful in their daily lives and are covered in my book Black Belt Thinking. The tools and techniques in this programme took me 20 years to master; you can have this level of confidence NOW.You can start having the confidence of a Black Belt today!"
Price: 64.99 |