"Asana Masterclass: Exacts Templates to Manage Your Business" |
"ARE YOU READY TO STREAMLINE & ORGANIZE YOUR BUSINESS?I Want to Give You My Exact Template that I PERSONALLY Created In Asana To Manage All Of Our Clients and Projects That Our Team Uses Daily. This Template Will Help You Organize Your Projects, Stay On Track With Timelines and Better Manage Your Team!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Excelde ustalk yeteneklerine sahip olacaksnz. Teknik detaylaryla birlikte Microsoft Exceli etkin kullanmak; gelimi fonksiyonlar kullanmak, kurumsal zmler yapabilmek, sorun giderebilmek iin Exceli gelimi zellikleriyle kullanmak anlamna gelir.Excelde ustalk size i yaamnda Microsoft Exceli daha etkin kullanmay; gelimi formller oluturmay, daha iyi hesap tablolar ve raporlama yapmanz salar.Arama fonksiyonlar i hayatnda ska kullanlan; bir verinin ilikili olduu dier bir veriyi arayp bulmay salar. Tipik olarak DEYARA (VLOOKUP), NDS (INDEX), KAINCI (MATCH) ve benzeri dier fonksiyonlarla yaplr. ndis (Index) fonksiyonu, Excelde arama bulma ve getirme ileminde kullanlabilecek ok nemli bir fonksiyondur. Kursun sonunda yer alan bitirme snavn doru olarak yapan katlmclara dijital ortamda baar belgesi gnderilecektir."
Price: 99.99 |
"Vulvete ESCRITOR y lcrate con ello" |
"Con mi experiencia como escritora, he hecho este curso a medida para que os lucris con vuestro sueo. Este, es un curso que no solamente os ensea a escribir un libro, si no, que os dicta nombres de editoriales y emails para poder mandar vuestro manuscrito una vez acabado. Explica la diferencia que existe entre la auto-publicacin o editorial, los tipos de porcentajes que se le quedan al autor, y por si fuera poco, cmo acabar siendo reconocido en el sector y poder vivir de ello.Muy completo, muchas horas de trabajo, pero estoy segura que valdr la pena.Paso a paso y buena letra alumnos!"
Price: 44.99 |
"How To Make EPIC YouTube Thumbnails - And Get More Views" |
"Something often overlooked by most content creators and YouTubers are THUMBNAILS. They're one of the single most important things that determine whether or not a video gets views and attention or not.You want your video to be the one that catches the eye on the home page or sub feed, don't you?Imagine all those missed views and attention your videos COULD be getting, only if you had a decent thumbnail made to entice them.That's why I made this course.I've helped millions of people over the years create colorful, eye catching thumbnail designs that stand out among the crowd. Now I'm taking what I know and putting it into a quick and easy video course here on Udemy.In this series of videos, I'm going to take you from wherever you're currently at (newbie, advanced, etc) to a complete and utter thumbnail WIZARD.__________________________________________________________________________________________Things that a professional looking thumbnail will do for your videos and channel:Drive more viewsEncourage more engagementEarn more $$$Create brand authority__________________________________________________________________________________________Sit back, crack open a nice refreshing beverage, and learn a skill that will undoubtedly boost your YouTube game.Cheers,Jhori"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn To Make Money Buying and Selling Diabetic Test Strips" |
"This course allows you the opportunity to make additional income and grow your own business. Why diabetic test strips sell so quicklyHow to get ready for buying, selling, shipping and getting paid.The ethics, legalities, rules, and procedures of the industryHow to determine the current pricing Tools needed and moreI will show you how to be a broker of the transaction and earn money fast"
Price: 99.99 |
"Side Hustle Engineer" |
"WHAT YOU NEED AND WHAT YOU DONTThere are very few prerequisites to side hustling. To be successful in using thismodel, mostly you need:The right frame of mind.Specifically, you need a willingness to learn and experiment. The willingness to act.Even though Ive tried to write a very practical book, merely reading itwont do much for you. You dont need much money.Put away your credit cards (at least the ones with high limits) and dontworry about needing to raise capital or ask someone for a loan. You dont need much time.To be fair, youll need some time. But the time required to start a hustleshould be minimal. You dont need a business degree or any kind of specializededucation.Most business education teaches people how to be a corporate manager,which is fine if thats what you do for your day job. You dont need employees, assistants, or business partners.You may want to get help at some point, but not right away.You dont need experience starting a business.You dont need to be an entrepreneur to start a side hustle."
Price: 19.99 |
"Les bases du dessin" |
"Vous avez toujours voulu apprendre dessiner mais...Vous abandonnez en cours de route car jamais satisfait de vos rsultatsVous ne savez pas par o commencerDe quel matriel aie-je besoin au dbutSans vritables bases vous esprez que vos mains ralisent des miraclesOn vous fait croire que pour dessiner il faut tre n avec un ""don"" ou un ""talent"" innALORS vous tes au bon endroit!Grce cette formation vous pourrez:Dbuter en dessin avec de bonnes basesRussir combler vos lacunes grce aux exercices propossApprendre votre rythme et sans pression Suivre 8 heures de cours pour un total de 29 vidos o je partage avec vous mon exprience en dessin Dessiner en mme temps que moi et en temps rel."
Price: 94.99 |
"Terraform Crash Course" |
"If you've heard of Terraform and ""Infrastructure As Code"", but have no idea how-to get started, then I've created a course for you.Together we'll start creating everything we need to interact with an AWS account. From there we will build a basic network, add in an SSH public key (AWS Keypair), and then start fetching data from the AWS Marketplace. Once that's done we will create an EC2 Instance and then finally we can blow it all away with a Terraform Destroy command.Sound like fun? It is!Let's get started..."
Price: 19.99 |
"YOLO-V3 using Darknet Framework On NVIDIA GPU Without Coding" |
"Hello all students this the the course designed for practical implementations of YOLO-v3 using Darknet Framework. This Framework helps YOLO to detect custom objects, in Videos and Images. Many students are doing their PHD and degrees in Machine learning this course will help them to complete their projects it's like performance boosting in their field .. Some Industries required object detection in their surveillance cameras."
Price: 1600.00 |
"Art of Inking: The Fundamentals" |
"WHAT IS THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT?Are you finding it difficult to master pen control? Are jittery line works giving you nightmares? Then this course is the answer to your troubles.I will equip you with all the fundamentals required for making amazing line art. I've been practicing inking seriously for years now and this course is a culmination of the best knowledge and practices that have helped me the most in honing my skills. It's the FUNDAMENTALS.This course covers inking using different tools such as ballpoint pens, fineliners and brush pens.You will learn the vital aspects that make your inking professional like line weight variation, hatching, tones, textures, gradients, inking contour and form lines and a lot more!Contains insightful, detailed demos showing how to make finished pieces through tools lying around the house like ballpoint pens or professional inking supplies like brush pens.TOPICS COVEREDTools for InkingVarious Styles of InkingPractices for Inking MasteryLearning Pen ControlUnderstanding Line Weight VariationHatching TechniquesHow to ink Tones and TexturesIdentifying Contour and Form linesApplying Gradients through inking Inking Demo with Ballpoint Pens and Brush Pens"
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Spearfish while Freediving for Beginners" |
"This 6 part course breaks breaks down spearfishing into the basics. The following parts are taught in depth-1. Safety2. The Proper Gear Needed3. How to find the fish4. Technique on how to freedive deeper5. How to hunt the fish6. Sharks and other predatorsThis course will teach even the most seasoned divers a few tricks! Follow me and my dive buddy on Instagram for spearfishing videos and pictures! @seacraftsalem@cole_manman"
Price: 99.99 |
"Build your Private Parity PoA Ethereum Blockchain Network" |
"Have you heard of Parity Ethereum? How about Etherscan? Infura? Coinbase? They all use Parity Ethereum.Parity Ethereum is the fastest and most advanced Ethereum client and full-node implementation written in Rust programming language.Parity is built for Miners, service providers, and exchanges for the fastest synchronization and maximum uptime.Clean, modular codebase for easy customizationAdvanced CLI-based clientMinimal memory and storage footprintSynchronize in hours, not days with Warp SyncYou can build your highly customizable blockchains for private use, enterprise environments, and research and development experimentation.It has Multiple consensus mechanisms with Pluggable ConsensusExclusive privacy and access control featuresVariety of deployment solutionsFast transaction processingSupports shared key generation and managementWhy you should build on Parity Ethereum (avoiding Geth / Go-Ethereum)High PerformanceEasy to useUltra-ReliableTested from Day 1In this course, we have explained each and everything you needed for building your own Private Parity PoA (Proof-of-Authority) Blockchain Ethereum Network."
Price: 99.99 |
"Build your Private Ethereum Geth PoA Blockchain Network" |
"Geth is a multipurpose command line tool that runs a full Ethereum node implemented in Go Language. You don't need to learn Go language to take this course, We are going to walk through you everything you need.Not all the enterprises likes keeping their data in public Blockchain network, the main aim of creating this course is to create Private Ehtereum PoA Blockchain network and deploy smart contracts for building production-ready applications.In this course, we are going to use Geth and build Private Ethereum Proof of Authority (PoA) Blockchain Network. We are going to discuss right from creating Virtual machine till the deployment and adding the validators and remove validators to the network, No slides. Just implementation. Why choosing geth?73% of Ethereum Nodes in Ethereum Mainnet uses GethGeth is ready for building production-ready applicationsGeth can handle 100's and 1000's of nodesMost advanced Blockchain framework Truffle also uses Geth implementationMost secure, tested multiple timesCapable of handling multiple transactionsHere are the topics which we are going to cover this course.Creating VMInstalling GethCreate First NodeLaunching the NetworkCreating Genesis file from scratchCustomizing Genesis FileLaunching the NetworkTesting our NetworkAdd another Node to network and lot morePlease exclude this course, if you are not comfortable working with terminals. We are going to do everything from scratch, step by step, no powerpoint slides."
Price: 99.99 |
"Elektrik Kumanda Devreleri ve PLC Programlama Temelleri-2020" |
"NDRM FIRSATI ! => HER AYIN 13' ve 18'i aras eitimi KUMANDAPLC2020 PROMOSYON KODU ile EN DK FYATTAN 24.99 TL'ye ALABLRSNZ. (*Bu indirim frsat sadece ayn belirtilen gnleri geerlidir. rn: 13 Ocak-18 Ocak)Eitim srekli olarak gncellenerek gelitirilmektedir.Eitime kaytl olan renciler de sonradan eklenerek gncellenmi eitim ieriklerinden mr boyu eriim frsat ile yararlanabilirler.Deiikliklerden haberdar olmak iin duyurular takip edebilirsiniz.nstagram: @muhendisblog - letiime geebilirsiniz ! Ksa srede; kaliteli ses kayd ile, sade, akc ve anlaml bir ilerleme iin 1000'den fazla aktif rencinin kayt olduu bu eitimi tamamlayn.Bu kaynak Udemy platformundaki en sade ve tek kaynak.En temelden alarak ilerleyeceimiz bu eitimde, temel kumanda devrelerinden ileri kumanda devrelerine kadar 20 soruyu inceleyip, izip, simle ederek zeceiz.Ayrca kontrol mant ve otomasyona giri niteliindeki bu eitimde kontrol yetenei ile ilgili konumaktan geri durmayacaz.Ksa srede; kaliteli ses kayd ile, sade, akc ve anlaml bir ilerleme iin bu eitimi tamamlayn."
Price: 69.99 |
"Introduo fotografia" |
"Ol, bem vindx ao nosso curso Introduo fotografia online.Somos o Instituto Candela e acreditamos que o aprender e fazer fotografia - independente do uso que dar a ela em tua vida - plural e se faz vendo e estudando outros assuntos que no s fotografia. Fotografia e uma arte feita com cada clula do corpo. Com tudo que te compe. Te forma. Nutre.Partindo desta certeza, te convidamos a visitar e aprender a tcnica fotogrfica bsica e tambm se deixar tocar por outras histrias, imagens e artes para entender como a fotografia reverbera em voc... e como voc reverbera em sua fotografia.Nosso curso comea passeando pela histria da fotografia e os tipos de cmera, mergulha no equipamento e como seus componentes e usos interferem na imagem e fecha em aspectos que so construdos para alm do mquina - como composio e luz."
Price: 354.99 |
"The Blog Creator: How to set up a blogging home business" |
"Do you want to start blogging but don't know where to start? Are you unsure how to set up a blog so that you can start earning money with it? Do you know what exactly you want to blog about? This course will show you how to set up a blog, step-by-step, in the correct way, so that you can make it into a business and earn money. It will walk you through the technical side from setting up WordPress to creating a logo and even how to structure your blog posts so that they rank well on Google. It is tailored for beginners, for anybody who is still very unfamiliar with blogging and the technical set-up.No idea what to blog about? I have you covered with my niche finding strategy that will help you find YOUR perfect niche that will be profitable as well as something that you love.This course is for anyone who has a basic understanding of blogging and is overwhelmed by the technical set-up and unsure of their chosen niche. This course is not so much for people who already have a blog and it's not about how to make money with it, although it will include a lesson on how this will be possible later on once everything is set up correctly. The money making possibilities of your blog will be covered in a separate course, so that the courses are more tailored to suit the individual needs of the students. This course will get you ready to start your business in the correct way and explains every lesson step-by-step so that it is easy for a beginning blogger."
Price: 99.99 |
"Get paid on time - the secrets to transform your business" |
"Imagine how it would feel to never have to worry about overdue invoices ever again. Imagine if your invoices were always paid on time and often early!One of the greatest fears of small businesses and freelancers is not getting paid - you can have as many invoices open for payment as you like, but until they are actually paid, you cant pay your own bills, and can find yourself relying on credit cards or overdrafts. This can be incredibly stressful, not to mention expensive.There is a key mistake here that people accept this as an inevitable and normal part of business! The reality is that when you have overdue invoices, the reasons for non payment are almost always preventable. This is part of the reason why it is so incredibly frustrating - you find out the reason for non payment was so simple, often tedious!Besides the fact that it is frustrating, its actually a really serious issue - in fact cash flow problems are the most common cause of failed businesses. On top of that, when you are spending all of your time worrying about cash flow it holds you back by distracting you from the strategic and long term decisions for the business.THE GOOD NEWS:YOU DONT HAVE TO BE PAID LATE, AND YOU DONT HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON CHASING AND WORRYING ABOUT UNPAID INVOICESThats why we have shared the secrets of getting paid on time and consolidated into an easy to follow process that you can implement today. Get Paid On Time shows you exactly why you arent being paid, and focuses on a simple four step strategy to get your cash flow under control. The course includes templates, checklists, monthly schedules, reports, and more for you to get started immediately.After the course you will:Start seeing benefits immediately - within days!Know exactly when you will be paidImprove relationships with clientsSpend less time worrying about and chasing invoicesGet paid on time!THE TRUTH:Most people think that you need to start chasing your overdue invoices the day they become overdue - this is wrong! The reality is that you can be far more effective putting your effort into preventing unpaid invoices. When you follow the right process, you should very rarely have to chase your clients for payment at all.This is not a course based on complicated theories or technical definitions - it is a simple and easy to follow program for real businesses to get results fast.Thats why we developed the PAID system - to condense what you need to do into an easy to follow four step system that actually gets you paid on time.ONCE YOU IMPLEMENT THE PAID SYSTEM, YOU WILL TRANSFORM YOUR CASH FLOW AND YOUR BUSINESS - FOREVERIf you are sick of chasing invoices, worrying about cash flow, and fed up with overdue invoices sucking up all of your time - you need to take action now to change. You now have a choice to transform your business and implement a system that has guaranteed results."
Price: 54.99 |
"Learn HubSpot CRM From Scratch" |
"Learn the basics of the HubSpot CRM platform! I walk you through the free version of HubSpot, explaining the tools that HubSpot offers and how to utilize them. Additionally, I include a caste study where I analyze the sales funnel of a startup company, and utilize HubSpot as a software solution to optimize their funnel. This course is perfect for anyone going into a job where HubSpot knowledge is required!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Alarm Management - Introduction" |
"Alarm Management. :1- Alarm Management System.2- .3- .4- .5- ISA 18.2 ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Alarms Ident. & Rat." |
". . .... ... ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Design para Iniciantes" |
"Aprenda a ter sua prpria identidade e acreditar na sua viso recebida atravs de tanta informao. Ganhe tempo com algum que j vasculhou a internet por muito tempo e sabe quais so as dicas e ferramentas mais rpidas para te dar uma independncia na criao de Designs. Trago a experincia de um Programador/Front Ender e Designer. Veja os vdeos iniciais, neles falo sobre minhas experincias.Entendendo o real problema, passar informao.Inspirao e motivao para gritar com a Arte.No entendeu? Vou desenhar pra voc.Recursos, a internet est lotada, mas quais so os mais baratos em todo sentido afinal tempo dinheiro.Tudo vem de uma copia da arquiteta Terra a verdadeira me, ela Deu tudo e podemos copiar.Como Agir.Quer trabalhar comigo?Em meio a um caos de informao a simplicidade a maior das belezas pois o foco est na base de ser entendido.Aprenderemos a utilizar todos os recursos no Software Figma mas importante frisar que outros software como Illustrator/PhotoShop/CorelDraw/AdobeXD ou Sketch tem a mesma heuristica"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Start And Maintain A Career As A Real Estate Agent" |
"This course is designed to give those considering a career in Real Estate a guide to what is needed to start the business and to survive the competition. The perception the general public has of Real Estate Agents has been distorted by reality TV shows and social media. I designed this ensure those entering the profession have a more realistic view of what is needed to begin and stay in the Real Estate business."
Price: 19.99 |
"MBA Marketing Management MasterClass by David Ho, Navigator" |
"Your WHAT doesn't matter if your WHY is lacking. Your WHY or your value proposition - which clearly defines what makes your offering unique, and motivates prospects to buy and remain loyal - is one of the most crucial components of your marketing. In this online course, join David Ho from Navigator Digital Academy as he walks through how to craft a great value proposition. David first discusses the importance of the value proposition and helps you determine how your prospects perceive the features and benefits of your product or service. He also showcases the components of a great value proposition by defining its tangible features and showing examples of how to use intangible benefit tactics to drive your growth marketing. Plus, he goes into the importance of understanding price, cost, and the power of free."
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Calisthenics & Bodyweight Training with Carlito" |
"Welcome to Introduction To Calisthenics & Bodyweight Training.! In this course, your coach Carlito will walk you through all the basics and everything you need to know in starting your calisthenics journey. This is an amazing way to get going with fitness and even adding something new into your fitness routines.In this 30 minute course, you'll learn what calisthenics is, what the basic moves are and how to perform them and even how to apply all the knowledge in your personal workout routines to actually reach your fitness goals.What you'll learn:What is calisthenics: an overview of what calisthenics is, where it came from and what is used for the most.Different styles of calisthenics: we will establish differences between freestyle and strength and power and give you insight on what would be the best way for you to train for these specific modalities.Main exercises: we will go over the foundation exercises of calisthenics (plank, push ups, pull ups, dips and squats) and show you the common mistakes that can help you get to the next level once mastered.Tips & tricks: my personal tips and tricks to ensure that you are making progress in your calisthenics journey.Application: practical ways to apply the knowledge from this course to your training programYou can get more information about coach Carlito by checking out his Instagram @carlito"
Price: 19.99 |
"Design grfico utilizando a ferramenta gratuita INKSCAPE" |
"O curso voltado para quem deseja tornar-se um web designer, utilizando uma ferramenta de manipulao e criao de imagens vetoriais totalmente gratuita. Aprendendo a vetorizar imagens, importar e exportar em formatos corretos, padres de cores a serem utilizados. E aprenda a criar: cartes de visita, convites, banners, papis timbrados, divulgaes para web e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 |
"Desenvolvimento front-end com Laravel, utilizando bootstrap" |
"O curso voltado para quem deseja desenvolver aplicaes web, desenvolvedores iniciantes. Sendo o curso voltado para o front-end, mas tambm ser trabalhado o back-end. Mostrar as aplicaes no framework php: Laravel, alm de utilizar recursos do bootstrap, em que essa ferramenta disponibiliza algumas interfaces pr-definidas para serem colocadas nos cdigos de uma maneira bem prtica."
Price: 54.99 |
"Underwater Modeling & Photography Concept Design" |
"This is a course for those who wish to understand how to safely and most creatively explore:Underwater performance, modeling & mermaid-ing;Designing underwater photography concepts.Whether youre a mermaid performer, a studio photographer, model or just booked your first underwater shoot and want to look great in your photos, this course show you how to create and perform underwater.As an underwater performer and art director, for the past 3 years, my work has embodied the idea that ocean conservation is a human issue. My ARTivism campaigns have been featured by National Geographic, KQED, FStoppers and more.This eCourse is the synthesis of everything I know now and wished Id known when I was first starting out.I would love for you to come with me to through my underwater photography process. Learn how I message for conservation campaigns and conceptualize for underwater shoots.You'll also learn my 3 step underwater performance framework of 'Center,' 'Surrender' and 'Flow,' that will allow you to access deep meditative flow states through underwater movement.If you have a message, a story to tell, then come dive in with me to the realm of creating ethereal otherworldly art through underwater imagery."
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende Magia con Cartas de Poker" |
"Es un curso de Magia con cartas (Naipes) no se necesita experiencia previa.Solamente se utiliza una baraja normal.Se aprender a adivinar cartas elegidas por los espectadores.A transformar una carta por otra.A predecir el pensamiento de un espectadorA que las cartas rojas y negras se separen ellas solas sin tocarlasA encontrar un pker de ases"
Price: 19.99 |
"Aromaterapia para purificar y armonizar el ambiente" |
"Qu es la aromaterapia? Qu son los aceites esenciales? Cmo utilizarlos para promover el balance y la salud de nuestro cuerpo, mente y espritu? Este curso parte de conceptos fundamentales de aromaterapia y propone crear diferentes combinaciones aromticas y armonizadoras. Descubre los beneficios de los aceites de tea tree, limn, lavanda, menta, hierbabuena, tea tree y romero.Crea tus atomizadores naturales y renueva la energa de tu entorno, armoniza las emociones, aromatiza los espacios y promueve tu salud y la de tu familia.Descubre la tcnica del macerados y crea tus preparaciones a partir de las plantas aromticas. Conecta con la naturaleza. Encuentra tu Esencia."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn the Basics of AutoCAD & Pro Architectural Home Design" |
"This is an excellent course for all students at an Advanced Elementary, Secondary, College/University level student wanting to pursue a career to become an Architect, Structural or Civil Engineer, Home Builder, Contractor, Interior Decorator, Renovator, Property Investor. This program will allow you to be architecturally inclined upon completion. FREE AutoCAD Educational download from Autodesk.This is an EASY 2 PART course with approximately 2hr 40min of instructional video to assist in a series of practical assignments to give you the confidence to design a FULL set of professional Architectural Design Drawings. Divided into two sections titled AutoCAD Manual and Design Drawings.In this course you will:1. Learn the AutoCAD Program, no experience required.2. Learn how to complete professional Architectural Design Plans for permit submission , construction, pricing, room layout, etc... no experience required."
Price: 39.99 |