kyukyokucatchcopy |
Price: 24000.00 |
OK |
Price: 3000.00 |
dmmastercourse |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Ansys Workbench 19.2 Static Structural Eitimi" |
"Static Structural Eitiminde statik analizlere detayl bir inceleme yapm olacaz. Gerekli temel dersleri grdkten sonra static structural ksmna younlaarak, ierisindeki tm kuvvet eitleri ve snr artlarn uygulayarak reneceiz.Teorik olarak grdmz her konuyu uygulamalar ile pekitirerek, konunun havada kalmasn engelleyeceiz.Eitim ierisinde sadece mouse tklamas ile analiz sonularna gitmeyi deil, hangi seenei neden kullandk aklayarak analiz sonucumuza ulaacaz. Bylelikle bir sre sonra bir ok uygulamay siz kendiniz yapabiliyor olacaksnz. Tasarmn olmazsa olmaz optimizasyon ve arlk azaltma konularna da detayl olarak yer verdik. Parametreler oluturarak tasarm iyiletirirken gerilmeleri istediimiz dzeyin altnda nasl tutacamz rendik.Statik analizin olmazsa olmaz truss sistemlerine ve yap analizlerine detayl olarak yer verdik. Balant elemanlarnn nasl analiz edileceini rendik.Statik analiz ile ilgili daha bir ok konuyu uygulamalarla beraber kurs ierisine ekledik."
Price: 119.99 |
"Voc, Ilimitado :: Yoga na Vida" |
"Este curso adequado para quem busca o autoaperfeioamento e uma vida plena. Embora use a linguagem do Yoga, aberto para todos aqueles que quiserem beneficiar-se dessa viso libertadora.A sntese do curso pode expressar-se numa nica frase: voc j a felicidade que busca. O objetivo do curso nos ajudar a sair da cilada dos condicionamentos, desfazer o feitio da identificao com os desejos e a busca incessante de experincias, para que possamos nos estabelecer firmemente na viso da paz que somos.O nome do curso, Voc, Ilimitado, uma parfrase do Grande Ensinamento da Mukyopaniad: Ayam tm Brahma. Traduzindo, esta afirmao quer dizer que voc idntico a Brahman, o Ser Ilimitado.O ser humano ao mesmo tempo autoconsciente e juiz de si mesmo: faz julgamentos sobre si sem um meio de conhecimento vlido, muitas vezes de maneira precipitada e incorreta. A partir desse julgamento a pessoa enxerga a si mesma como insignificante e desamparada.Da surge a necessidade de ser diferente do que se e comea o processo de querer se tornar o que no se , ou aquilo que se acredita no ser. Isso chamado sasra. Eu quero me tornar isto ou aquilo, quero casar, quero me divorciar, quero me libertar, quero ser diferente.Se a viso no for corrigida, arrastaremos esse problema e a lamria que vem junto com ele at o fim da vida. Mesmo se eu dizer que no quero mudar, mas pretender que o mundo seja diferente para que eu possa ser feliz, isso sasra na mesma. A maneira em que nos relacionamos com nossos gostos e averses determina a maneira como vivemos.O Yoga reconhece a realidade dessa distoro e usa um mtodo para corrig-la e nos ajudar a reconhecer a nossa prpria natureza. Esse mtodo revela que tudo o que est aqui efeito. A causa o Ilimitado. O efeito a causa. O efeito no est separado dela. atravs desse modelo que a Upaniad nos ajuda a olhar para ns mesmos e eliminar a crena de sermos insignificantes. A viso revela que voc a nica realidade significante, a causa de tudo. Na Mkyopaniat, encontramos uma afirmao muito radical e revolucionria: voc o Ilimitado."
Price: 79.99 |
"Negotiation Techniques -" |
"12 - ?-----------------1- :- - - - - - - - 2- :- - - - - 3- : 12 ?4- - - - -"
Price: 39.99 |
"Sales Psychology ( Inner World) Jordan Belfort" |
"In this course, you will learn the advance skill of sales psychology inner world with the technique of Jordan Belfort. Clear and effective method how do close the sale. he will teach you how to be a person who is good at closing in sale. (1)Look to the future(2) Identify Key Skills(3) Obsessively develop those skills"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sales Psychology (Outer World) Jordan Belfort" |
"There are many different kind of skills you will have to learn in this course. You will learn to master your sales psychology in which body posture, looping and objection, preparation and scripting and more importantly tonality are especially design to help you how you can close the deal with you potential customer. These are effective ways of making your sales improvement."
Price: 199.99 |
"Sales Psychology (Customers Attention) Jordan Belfort" |
"There are many different kind of skills you will have to learn in this course. You will learn to master your sales psychology in which body posture, looping and objection, preparation and scripting and more importantly tonality are especially design to help you how you can close the deal with you potential customer. These are effective ways of making your sales improvement."
Price: 49.99 |
"Surviving in the 4th Industrial Revolution" |
"To thrive in the 21st Century, students need more than traditional academic learning (World Economic Forum, 2016:4) Future of Failure? Change is the only constant. Everything will change in digital advanced future. What if your current environment change in the next 5 years? Will you be able to adapt to the fast ever changing technological advanced future? Analyse the 21st Century Skills, accumulating in a list of underpinning skills for the ease of practical implementation. Learn about the 21st Century Skills needed to succeed in Industry 4.0"
Price: 49.99 |
"Les Fondements, les bases du Feng Shui" |
"Que vous soyez dbutant ou que vous vouliez revoir les fondamentaux, ce cours en ligne est fait pour vous. Isabelle Astier, consultante et formatrice en Feng Shui depuis plus de 15 ans, vous accompagne travers ce cours en ligne afin de vous apprendre les fondamentaux du Feng Shui.Vous apprendrez analyser et amnager votre intrieur pour harmoniser l'nergie qui y circule avec un Feng Shui accord notre mode de vie Occidental."
Price: 49.99 |
"Feng Shui ""Attirer/Harmoniser l'Amour dans sa vie""" |
"Cette formation va vous permettre de faire une plonge dans votre intrieur habitat et votre intriorit afin d'identifier les blocages, les secteurs de l'amour et de savoir les activer afin que l'amour soit attir/harmonis dans votre vie.Cela vous permettra galement de mettre en lumire d'ventuelles penses limitantes et ainsi ouvrir le champ des possible..."
Price: 49.99 |
"Feng Shui ""Attirer la prosprit, l'abondance dans sa vie""" |
"Cette formation va vous permettre de faire une plonge dans votre intrieur habitat et votre intriorit afin d'identifier les blocages, les secteurs de la prosprit et de savoir les activer afin que l'abondance soit attire dans votre vie.Cela vous permettra galement de mettre en lumire d'ventuelles penses limitantes et ainsi ouvrir le champ des possible..."
Price: 49.99 |
"Use Magic Tricks to Teach the Bible - Course #1" |
"We live in a visually-driven age. The greatest teacher of all time, Jesus, used objects like bread, wine, fish, loaves, coins, and children themselves to teach the masses memorable truths. In this course, Pastor and Magician, Brian Smith will show you how to use simple but amazing magic tricks to teach the Scriptures. Smith has been pastoring for over 30 years and performing magic for over 50 years. What you learn can be used for teaching Sunday School, preaching, assemblies, classrooms, or even TV."
Price: 19.99 |
"Use Magic Tricks to Teach the Bible - Course #2" |
"This is the second courses on this topic (please see Course #1). We live in a visually-driven age. The greatest teacher of all time, Jesus, used objects like bread, wine, fish, loaves, coins, and children themselves to teach the masses memorable truths. In this course, Pastor and Magician, Brian Smith will show you how to use simple but amazing magic tricks to teach the Scriptures. Smith has been pastoring for over 30 years and performing magic for over 50 years. What you learn can be used for teaching Sunday School, preaching, assemblies, classrooms, or even TV."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprenda a proteger seus cdigos Excel VBA com segurana" |
"Com o curso ""Aprenda a proteger seus cdigos Excel VBA com segurana"" voc estar apto a criar planilhas que sero inquebrveis. Voc dever utilizar a verso do Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 ou 2019 e tambm utilizar o Microsoft Windows, visto que o objetivo do curso transformar a planilha em um EXE (Caso utilize Mac, ser necessrio virtualizar para o ambiente Windows). Caso utilize a verso 2019, o mtodo de converso ser possvel somente com o Delphi.Neste curso voc aprender a criar as macros necessrias para desabilitar atalhos;Verificar hardware do computador;Criar chave Serial nica;Consultar banco de dados online para validao de chaves;Criar chave serial trial;Transformar sua planilha xlsm em um arquivo exe."
Price: 399.99 |
"Excel do bsico ao Dashboard" |
"O curso ""Excel do Bsico ao Dashboard"" ideal para voc que tem dificuldade no Excel, sem nenhum ou pouco conhecimento. Voc que tambm j tem conhecimento, poder aprimorar-se com este curso que tem na grade mais de 60 funes em vdeo aulas.As aulas so divididas em vdeo aulas curtas, em sees especificas por assunto, sendo que o aluno poder pular facilmente as aulas que j tiver conhecimento.Com exerccios prticos, voc poder acompanhar, ainda durante o andamento do curso, sua evoluo com exerccios em formatos de desafio.Alm de mais de 60 funes, voc tambm aprender recursos iniciais do Microsoft Excel, como salvar, abrir, exportar, configurar impresses, frmulas bsicas, grficos, tabela dinmica, grfico dinmico, Dashboards e muito mais! Veja abaixo mais detalhes no contedo do curso:ATENO: ideal que voc utilize as verses mais atuais do Microsoft Excel. Muitas funes utilizadas neste curso tem apenas a partir das verses do Microsoft Office 2013."
Price: 99.99 |
", . , , . , . , , . , . , , . , , . , . , . , . . . , . () Q&A ( ). , . ."
Price: 139.99 |
"Como Mixar Sua Locuo" |
"Neste curso vou lhe ensinar a como mixar a sua locuo da forma correta , com dicas , tcnicas , como aplicar por exemplo um reverb da forma correta , ou at mesmo pra que ele serve , Dicas sobre Delay na mixagem , Dicas sobre compressor atuando no seu vocal , Como dar peso na mixagem , Como Dar um Brilho diferente na sua voz , Como Chegar em uma Mixagem Profissional apenas usando um Software e Alguns Equipamentos baratos que toda pessoal que quer comear no ramo de locuo ou de produo musical deve ter , este curso vai abrir sua mente de uma forma simples objetiva , e clara sem enrolao , garanto isso , Trabalho j a mais de 8 anos no mercado da msica tenho produo Com mais de 10 mil visualizaes , ento venha comigo que vou te ensinar a como Mixar sua Locuo de uma forma diferente e Profissional ."
Price: 54.99 |
"ABC dell'alimentazione e dell'allenamento" |
"Molte persone oggi desiderano alimentarsi in modo corretto per mantenere uno stato di SALUTE ottimale e vantare un ASPETTO FISICO di cui poter andare orgogliosi, tuttavia difficilmente raggiungono l'obiettivo.Il corso molto utile a chi vuole intraprendere un percorso di BENESSERE, fondato su una DIETA sana e una corretta attivit fisica.Diete estreme e sbilanciate rischiano di compromettere la salute, allontanando sempre di pi il TRAGUARDO desiderato.Imparare a mangiare bene un REGALO che fai a te stesso e questo corso ti fornisce le basi per comprendere FACILMENTE i meccanismi che guidano la salute e il benessere fisico.Il te stesso del futuro te ne sar grato."
Price: 29.99 |
"Dieta per lo sport e la forma fisica" |
"Molte persone oggi desiderano alimentarsi in modo corretto per mantenere uno stato di SALUTE ottimale e vantare un ASPETTO FISICO di cui poter andare orgogliosi, tuttavia difficilmente raggiungono l'obiettivo.Il corso molto utile a chi vuole intraprendere un percorso di BENESSERE, fondato su una DIETA sana e una corretta attivit fisica.Diete estreme e sbilanciate rischiano di compromettere la salute, allontanando sempre di pi il TRAGUARDO desiderato.Questo corso focalizza l'attenzione sui temi del DIMAGRIMENTO, dell'aumento della MASSA MUSCOLARE e della RICOMPOSIZIONE CORPOREA. Verranno illustrate le strategie alimentari per gli sport da combattimento e per il bodybuilding.Sar trattato ampiamente l'argomento ALLENAMENTO FEMMINILE, puntualizzando la correlazione tra sport e ciclo mestruale."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Marketing Digital para Meios de Hospedagens" |
"Voc est procurando um curso de marketing digital para entender melhor o que vai precisar para o seu meio de hospedagem? Voc encontrou o curso certo!Com as estratgias que vai aprender de marketing digital, voc pode:AUMENTAR A VISIBILIDADE do seu meio de hospedagem;CONSEGUIR mais seguidores para as redes socais;ATRAIR novos hspedes.Quero te ajudar entender melhor a sua estratgia de marketing digital para usar nas redes sociais, nos contedos e ferramentas hoteleiras. Como:Introduo ao Marketing Digital;Identidade da Marca;Estratgias de Visibilidade Digital;Facebook;Instagram;LinkedIn (Marketing Profissional e Digital);Website e Blog;Ferramentas Google;Ferramentas Hoteleiras.A maioria das ferramentas que que sero apresentadas no curso, so gratuitas. O QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO?Acesso vitalcio ao curso;Certificado de concluso Udemy;Download do Material disponvel."
Price: 219.99 |
"A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners" |
"A bank is launching a new credit card and wants to identify prospects it can target in its marketing campaign.It has received prospect data from various internal and 3rd party sources. The data has various issues such as missing or unknown values in certain fields.The data needs to be cleansed before any kind of analysis can be done.Since the data is in huge volume with billions of records, the bank has asked you to use Big Data Hadoop and Spark technology to cleanse, transform and analyze this data.What you will learn :Big Data, Hadoop conceptsHow to create a free Hadoop and Spark cluster using Google DataprocHadoop hands-on - HDFS, HiveWhy there was a need for SparkPython basicsPySpark RDD - hands-onPySpark SQL, DataFrame - hands-onProject work using PySpark and HiveScala basicsSpark Scala DataFrameProject working using Spark ScalaGoogle Colab environmentBonus project - Applying spark transformation on data stored in AWS S3 using Glue and viewing data using AthenaBonus project - Build your first Machine Learning model using Python, Scikit-learn to predict whether a customer will buy or not.Prerequisites :Some basic programming skillsSome knowledge of SQL queries"
Price: 19.99 |
"Solo Tantra & Beyond: Intro to Tantra Exercises" |
"This course will give you an introduction to real Tantra exercises. Please read all of the description below as this is different than the misinformation of Tantra being just sex techniques. In this course, you will finish with a well-rounded base of knowledge and experience. It covers all of the main aspects of Tantra which have been divided into nine segments- the 9 B's. Tantra is far more than only the sex lessons that American schools sell. That being said- there are lessons that can be used in partner sex, self-touch, or even celibacy. It is beyond just Tantric sex or solo sexuality courses. It is also more than philosophy or history in books that become boring.This course is mostly about solo Tantra which is what Debra specializes in. A few partner practice options are added.Key exercises you will learn: Meditations, yantra, mantra, mudra, bandha, a multi-orgasmic tantric sexual solo exercise, gazing, breathing exercises, yoga asanas, energy balance, chakra sound healing, self-initiation meditation, and more. Even if you walk away wanting to only continue one segment then the course will be far more than worth trying.It would take thousands of hours of video or written pages in books to learn all of Tantra. This course is an Intro. This course is designed to be easy to follow without being overly time-consuming. After completion, you will be able to decide which of the practices (or all) are right for you to continue weekly and daily. This is for everyone: singles, coupled, LGBTQ+, and even those on celibate break.****If you are just looking for Tantric sex tips then this is probably not the course for you according to reviews. Tantra does not mean sex- that is a western way to make money teaching far simpler exercises than real Tantra. Any course teaching that way does a disservice because real Tantra offers far more. However, the lesson in this course on sexual practice is rarely taught anywhere, and it is very worth the time enrolling. The men's lesson is like NoFap advanced/ big draw orgasm. All 9 lessons help sexuality or in sexual healing for men and women. The PDF resource lesson includes a section on how to do with a partner and solo.Many people will need to do the course lessons multiple times to feel the full benefits of energy practices. You should feel explosive energy in the spine or hands or whole body- much like some qi gong. The bate multi-orgasm exercise takes dozens of times to master. This is a course to view many times not just once through.About the teacher:Debra has been a Tantra teacher for 10 plus years first trained in India. She is honored to be able to teach here online so that she can share the benefits of Tantra with more people."
Price: 39.99 |
"Storytelling en Espaol" |
"Domina el arte de contar historias, sin importar que ests preparando una campaa de marketing o tu siguiente presentacin de negocios, el Storytelling te ayudar a contar con estructuras y metodologas que te ayudarn a conectar mejor con tu pblico.Como ejecutivo de Recursos Humanos he observado que este es uno de los puntos ms importantes para poder crecer dentro y fuera de las organizaciones. Es por eso que me di a la tarea de hacer el curso ms completo y accesible posible."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cure Your Pain, Ease Your Stress" |
"Separating patterns which we regularly use frees the entire system to re-configure scope in multiple ways, improving range of motion and brain ability and flexibility.This lesson includes a short movement experimentation, followed by demonstrations and explanations, in which you learn to separate genetically wired-in patterns.You will experience, understand and learn how to apply this principle, de-linking fused patterns enabling each part to regain its full ability, thus re-programming body and brain."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende a manejar Facebook desde cero" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender cmo dominar algunas funciones y conceptos bsicos de Facebook. Vamos a aprender como crear y hacer crecer una pgina de Facebook, la diferencia entre un grupo y una pgina, cmo funciona la plataforma de anuncios de Facebook, como se crean anuncios, como poder segmentar audiencias y en definitiva, vamos a aprender como Facebook puede hacer que nuestro negocio pueda llegar a ser bsico para nuestro crecimiento online del negocio."
Price: 24.99 |
"Deploy Office 365 For Your Family" |
"Have you ever wanted a custom email address (like Have you ever wanted to get your kids an email address, but are too nervous about who they might email (or maybe worse...who might email them)? Do you wish there was a seamless platform you could use to backup and store your files online while still maintaining a very high level of privacy? If any of those questions rang any bells or piqued any interest, this course is for you. My family has been using Office 365's 'Business' plan for several years for our online communication and file storage needs, and there are a ton of great reasons why this platform makes a lot of sense for today's busy and connected families. This course is all about demystifying the Office 365 platform, and giving practical and useful tips on how it can be used to serve families with children of all ages. This course is designed so that you do NOT have to be an IT professional to set it up. We'll walk through every concept step by step, and we'll cover only what you need to know to get the job done. There are hands-on demo videos, assignment guides, and a private Facebook group where you can connect with your fellow students (and me!) to ask any questions or get any help you may need. We'll make it easy, and we'll help you get your family up and running with Office 365 in no time. We'll go over a ton of concepts in this course, but some highlights include: Registering a domain name and establishing your own identitySetting up your own Office 365 tenant (and yes, we talk about what a tenant is!)Creating users and groupsDiscussing what types of Office 365 licenses you do (and don't) needIntroduction and 'how to' videos on installing and using all of the common Microsoft Office applications, including PC, Mac, and mobile clientsNot only that, but there's also a ton of bonus content included (more being added as the course grows) that helps you learn specific ways to protect and enhance your family's online experiences. Bonus content available as of now includes: Streamline Your Family Finances: Learn how to effectively use groups, shared calendars, and Teams to make bill payment a breeze for couples and families to keep track ofEmail Security for Kids: Learn how to easily limit and monitor the email communication to and from your kids accounts. Learn how to easily set up whitelists for who they can and cannot email, and also learn how to be copied on their communications. Learn how to easily modify these lists in the future, and how to have great conversations with your kids about online security and the importance of being safe online. Add Multiple Domains: Maybe you'd like each of your family members to have their own domain name (,, maybe you want to include some extended family into your Office 365 setup, or maybe you're a consultant and want to mesh your personal and professional online identities in one email inbox. We'll talk about how to do this, why it might be useful, and what limitations might exist. I look forward to meeting you through the course, and look forward to learning together!"
Price: 99.99 |
zazenmeditation |
"This course is not about psychological trainings and travel meditations. This is a step-by-step algorithm that will allow you to understand first hand what real meditation is and how powerful it can transform you and your life.These video tutorials are ideal for people who are striving for spiritual development, for self-realization, and simply for those who want to improve their lives.This course is based on the author's 10-year experience in techniques such as zazen, tai chi chuan, atma-vicara, shamatha, vipashyana, etc., which led to different experiences (samadhi and not only). Natalya studied specialized literature in such areas as Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Kashmir Shaivism, etc., applied her knowledge on her own experience, and therefore only speaks of what really works. She also cites her own developments."
Price: 19.99 |
"Comment Rdiger Un Bon CV" |
"Vous tes prsentement la recherche dun emploi ou dun stage? Vous appliquez sans cesse dans les entreprises mais vous galrez avoir un retour dappel, un courriel ou tout simplement une confirmation dentrevue? Sinon, vous dsirez vous lancer dans le march du travail mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer? Vous navez pas assez dexprience ou vous avez trop dexprience? Vous ne croyez pas que votre CV est conforme?Ne craignez plus! Que vous soyez la personne du premier ou du dernier scnario, ''Comment rdiger un bon CV est le cours ultilme suivre pour vous.L'ensemble du processus de recherche demploi peut devenir trs stressant et dstabilisant, surtout si vous n'tes pas bien prpar ou pire encore, si votre CV vous fait dfaut.Cest pourquoi ce cours pratique incroyable vous enseigne tape par tape:Comment rdiger tape par tape un CV de haute qualit selon les standards des recruteurs et des managers en ressources humaines.Comment cerner les erreurs les plus courantes.Comment attirer lattention du recruteur en moins de 15 secondesComment formuler vos phrases.Comment implanter les bons mots-cls.Comment structurer et designer votre CV.Comment purer votre CV pour le rendre simple, bref et concis.Comment mettre de lavant vos comptences et votre expertise.Comment viter les piges et les erreurs.Etc.Et vous apprendrez tout cela, en rdigeant le CV avec une vraie spcialiste certifie en ressources humaines!"
Price: 29.99 |