"Mindful Planning" |
"Want to FINALLY achieve your dreams? When it is time to use mindful planning, the combination of mindfulness and planning. In this course, we will discuss stopping beliefs, powerful habits and touch 5 steps to success roadmap. Together with methods, tools and various exercises to get you step into practice and START achieving what you want.This is a beginner's level course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Email Marketing: 3 Pasos Para Vender" |
"Quieres Conseguir Ms Clientes Para TU Negocio?Entonces aplica la estrategia de 3 pasos que te enseo en este curso.MiraEl Email Marketing es tan sencillo como: Activar tu plataforma de Email Marketing Crear una pgina que Capture Clientes Potenciales por ti Pre-configurar un par de Emails usando mi plantilla ""Copia-&-Pega"" Lanzar un Anuncio en Facebook (por $1 dlar diarios) Ver Clientes Potenciales nuevos cada da, a quienes tu puedes Ofrecer tus Productos o ServiciosAl comprender lo fcil que es,Enviars Emails a toda hora.& tendrs la gua paso-por-paso para obtener los resultados que buscas.Adems el curso funciona porque se apoya en la psicologa invariable de los humanos...Qu Principio De Psicologa Hace Funcionar Esta Estrategia?La ley de la ReciprocidadEsta ley dice que debemos retribuir lo que nos dan otras personas.Si te hacen un favor,Devolvers ese favor...Recuerdas la ltima vez que alguien hizo algo por ti?Probablemente sentiste una deuda con esa persona.Por lo tanto devolviste el favor.No es cierto?As mismo funciona esta estrategia:Ofreces tanto contenido valioso a tus clientes potenciales,Que se sentirn culpables si no compran cuando hagas tu oferta.(Sin manipular& de manera tica)Pero ""La Ley de La Reciprocidad"" es solo un beneficio...Aqu Tienes 10 BENEFICIOS Que TU Obtienes Cuando Compres Este Curso:[El Email de 3 Partes] Plantilla Tipo""Copia & Pega""Usa Esto Para EscribirTodos Los Emails de Tu CampaaCmo Invertir $1 Dlar al Da enUn Anuncio de Facebook Para ConseguirClientes PotencialesHoy MismoCrea Una Pgina de Captura QueCumpla Su Objetivo: Obtener El MayorNmero de Emails Al Menor CostoEste Mapa Curioso Te Revela TodosLos Pasos Que Tus Clientes PotencialesDeben Tomar Para ComprarAcceso Exclusivo: Grupo CreadoPara TiTe Ayudo Personalmente aMoldear La Estrategia a Tu Negocio[3 Pasos Para Vender] Analic Ms de10,000 EmailsTodos Siguen EstosTres Pasos (Son Fciles de Copiar)Cultiva La Relacin Con Tu Listade Email Marketing En Piloto-AutomticoUsando Un Autorespondedor4 Tipos De Contenidos Valiosos(Que Generan Ventas)Escoge El QueMs Te Convenga, o salos Todos!Recibe 30 Das Gratis del Softwarede Email Marketing Que Gan un""Stevie Award"" de Oro en el 2018Cmo Saber Cunto Cuesta UnCliente Potencial en Facebook?Aqu Te Muestro Compra El Curso Por Qu Es Diferente Este Curso?Muchos cursos son como vdeos en Youtube. Bsicamente, te dicen: ""Haz clic aqu. Haz clic all""Aqu seguiremos una estrategia comprobada por compaas exitosas, limitndonos a las funciones clave para aplicarla en tu negocio.No se excluye a nadie: Cualquier negocio puede construir una lista y enviar EmailsFunciona independientemente de la versin actual del softwareEvitas confusiones logrando 1 resultado por cada vdeo-entrenamientoObtn una conclusin: Este curso no es como una ""pelcula sin final""...Comenzamos activando tu cuenta gratis por 30 das, y terminamos lanzando un anuncio que te permite conseguir clientes potenciales para aplicarles Email Marketing.Cul Es La Desventaja De Este Curso?Te hablar con la verdad.En el vdeo sobre ""Cmo lanzar un anuncio para construir tu lista de clientes potenciales"",Improvis un poco.Ya que llevaba algunos meses sin usar Facebook Ads cuando lo grab.Pero en mi defensa:El vdeo cumple su objetivo. Te ensea a lanzar un anuncio.& el vdeo que le sigue, te muestra los resultados de ese anuncio.(Para que TU puedas ver exactamente qu esperar cuando lances tu propio anuncio.)Escucha, tienes una decisin importante en frente de ti.Puedes ignorar por completo este curso y seguir tu camino,o puedes comprar el curso ahora mismo y...Aprovecharlo Durante 30 Das SIN RIESGO(Dame una oportunidad, y obtn un reembolso si no te convenzo)Lo nico que tienes que hacer es clic en el botn a la derecha ""Comprar Ahora"".Te veo adentro!(Para ayudarte desde el primer da con cualquier cosa que necesites)P.D. Recuerda que este curso se basa en una estrategia prctica y comprobada por compaas exitosas. No se trata de hacer clic aqu, y all, o de conocer cada detalle del softwareSino de seguir pasos precisos con un resultado en mente. P.P.D. Adems el nivel de ayuda que te ofrezco es superior. Me puedes contactar personalmente cuando tu quieras, esperar una respuesta rpida y recibir un grado alto de inters por tu negocio (... Me gustara saber qu vendes, a quin, y que has intentado o te gustara intentar para generar ventas por Internet )"
Price: 49.99 |
"Competitive strategy for board members and executives" |
"As a credit union board member, executive or aspiring leader, you play a key role in defining the potential of your organization. This course presents a complete competitive strategy model, focusing on providing a working knowledge of the most critical concepts. Clients find that this material helps facilitate far more strategic conversations, because it arms each leader with the frameworks they need to shift focus from overly operational conversations.This course is different than most, in that it neither focuses on your governance responsibilities or on facilitating processes. Rather, this course ties together what is otherwise a nebulous and expansive topic into a clear methodology leaders can apply immediately. It integrates concepts from top management experts and the world's best strategy and leadership professors. Take your own leadership contributions to a significantly higher level of sophistication with what you'll learn here."
Price: 29.99 |
"Les bases de Symfony 4" |
"Durant ce cours vous allez dcouvrir le framework Symfony 4.Le cours aura comme ligne directrice la construction d'un portfolio dynamique, ce qui nous permettra de voir plusieurs notions fondamentales de Symfony (telles que Doctrine, Twig etc..) ainsi que la cration d'un CRUD, l'authentification, la cration d'un dashboard admin, les entits. Avec en prime un portfolio en ligne fonctionnel et dployable."
Price: 19.99 |
"Symfony 4 : projet complet par la pratique" |
"Dans cette formation sur Symfony 4, vous apprendrez crer et automatiser des commandes au travers de la construction d'un outil de monitoring de site web.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de construire et scuriser votre propre site web, via un systme d'authentification.Vous apprendrez les notions essentielles de Symfony 4, telles que le routing, l'utilisation d'annotations, la cration d'entits, l'utilisation d'un moteur de template etc..Nous aborderons aussi comment grer les relations entre entits, la cration de commandes personnalises, la gnration simplifie de donnes, l'enregistrements de message flash et l'automatisation de tche.Nous aborderons aussi l'envoi d'email avec l'intgration d'un serveur HTTP et d'un webmail simplifi.Bon apprentissage !"
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Espanhol para pessoas que falam portugus: 1 de 2" |
"O curso est preparado por pessoas cuja lngua nativa o espanhol para pessoas que falam portugus . bastante amplo, inclui tanto a parte gramatical quanto a pronncia e a diferena entre espanhol e portugus. Tambm contm dilogos e frases de uso diario e mais de 400 oraes que ajudaro voc a conhecer mais de 1000 substantivos. Voc tambm ver como tratamos com pessoas conhecidas e desconhecidas e boas costumes. Contm conjugaes de verbos comuns no modo indicativo que permitir voc desenvolver frases nos tempos presente, pretrito (passado), e futuro.O curso tambm adiciona parcialmente o espanhol argentino para que voc tenha conhecimento da diferena entre o espanhol latinoamericano e o argentino. Durante as aulas, voc pode participar nas leituras e pronuncias mediante o mtodo de repetio."
Price: 564.99 |
"Photoshop Masterclass for Landscape and Nature Photography" |
"In this class you will learn all the Photoshop techniques you need to bump your own images to the next level. I will show you in seven different chapters how I edit one of my favourite images from start to finish. I think its really helpful to see which techniques are used to process a file from the beginning to the end. All the steps can be used to imrove your landscape photography. RAW files are included. You also get 3 hours of bonus material - editing from start to finish.Video No. 1:Here I will show you how I prepare my RAW files in Adobe Lightroom for furter Adjustments in Adobe Photoshop.Video No. 2:In this chapter you will learn how I use Adobe Photoshop to create one big panoramic image out of six RAW files and how I further enhance the perspective using the warp tool.Video No. 3:Did you ever wonder why some images have this special look which makes them ""glow""? In this chapter you will learn three ways how to create a dreamy and moody look on your photos using the Orton Effect.Video No. 4:Here I will show you how to enhance details in your image and how to use the Nik Collection to improve contrast and colors.Video No. 5:In this chapter you will learn my advanced steps to imrove contrast using luminosity masks. I will show you how to create those masks and how to work locally on your images.Video No. 6:Color is one of the most important parts of an image and thats the reason why I dedicated to spend a whole chapter in this tutorial. You will learn everything about color contrast and how you make local color adjustments.Video No. 7:In this final video you will my special web sharpening technique so your images look the best in any web browser for your audience worldwide.Bonus Video No. 1 - Editing from start to finishBonus Video No. 2 - Editing from start to finishBonus Video No. 3 - Editing from start to finish"
Price: 69.99 |
"Photo Editing - Color Adjustments for Landscape Photography" |
"In this course you will learn everything about my favourite color adjustments in Adobe Photoshop. If you're a landscape or nature photographer and you always wondered why some images on the web look better than others then this tutorial is the right for you.I will show you the tools I love to use so you're able to enhance the colors in your own images in an advanced and really precised way. You will learn my three favourite colors spaces and also which adjustments I like to use the most. We will work on three sample photos so you will learn how certain techniques work on different files. Matching colors are the most imporant part of a photograph in my opinion. If the colors are wrong then the image itself isn't pleasant to look at.After watching this class you will know everything to bump your own images to a whole new level. All you need is a current version of Adobe Photoshop CC.You will also learn a complete photo editing workflow from start to finish. After watching my two bonus videos you will be able to process your own photos in a professional and advanced way."
Price: 59.99 |
"Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and Mindfulness for Self-Healing" |
"Trauma sensitive yoga is a form of yoga as therapy, adapted from modern postural yoga. Its a very gentle practice and differs from postural yoga in a few ways. Instead of achieving specific postures, students are guided to bring awareness to internal sensations in the body (interception) and to develop feelings of safety and self-acceptance. The student is always in control of their movements and are invited to freely explore various shapes. Students learn to make choices in the moment and decide whats right for their body.Mind-body approaches help traumatized individuals increase awareness of, and attention to, bodily sensations while maintaining present-moment experience. This can be helpful to counteract dissociative responses. It can also help in nurturing the body. When we connect to our bodies on a deeper level, we can regain ownership of our internal responses. Current research shows that yoga can help reduce pain, anxiety, depression, a greater sense of interconnectedness with others, enhanced self-efficacy, self-esteem, and feelings of empowerment.Trauma can trigger a chronic stress response in the body (hyperarousal, hyper vigilance, and fear). This throws the whole nervous system out of balance. Yoga helps regulate the nervous system by activating the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system). Some breathing techniques are also used to tone the vagus nerve, which activates the PNS.This practice is not a cure, but rather, a tool for your self-healing toolbox. Recovering from trauma is a process, and with a well-developed strategy and strong medical team behind us, we can eventually come to a place of healing. If you havent already, find a good trauma specialist to work with as they are up to date on the latest research. Trauma research has grown quite a bit over the last few years and its good to have someone on your team who is caught up.Please consult your physician or psychotherapist before beginning this practice. Even though this course is appropriate for any level, and created with possible triggers in mind, I recommend you approach gently and slowly. Try 10 minutes at a time. You can also practice with your therapists guidance or support, if youd like.**This is not a traditional yoga class. Its very different and very gentle. Those who follow a regular yoga program should try not to have any expectations before beginning this practice.**Also, Im not a medical doctor and not claiming any kind of cure. Im a trauma survivor like you, and this is simply an offering to share what modalities I use on my own healing journey."
Price: 24.99 |
"Turbo Eq - Curso de Equalizao" |
"Nada mais FRUSTRANTE do que gravar uma msica e ela soar xxa, sem graa. Aquela sensao horrvel de que existe um abismo que separa seu som das grandes produes.Afinal, o que explica as msicas do mercado soarem to melhores? S pode ser o equipamento, a estrutura do estdio, a qualidade dos instrumentos... Certo?ERRADO! Mesmo tracks gravadas em um estdio pequeno, sem grande oramento envolvido, podem soar absolutamente profissionais. O ""segredo"" o conhecimento e o ouvido do tcnico que faz aquela mix. Para ter o mesmo resultado, basta ter a receita certa a seguir. Eu sou o Guilherme Cysne, trabalho com didtica de udio h quase 10 anos, atualmente minha plataforma online possui mais de 800 alunos e eu ajudo essa galera a chegar num resultado realmente PR! Umas ferramentas principais, que mais vo salvar sua mixagem a EQUALIZAO. Eu sou autor do Turbo EQ, este curso que voc est prestes a entrar e nele eu vou revelar os ""pulos do gato"" que todo grande profissional aplica para fazer uma msica soar poderosa! Acredite, ao concluir este curso voc ter entendido o equalizador, todas suas manipulaes de parmetros, as tcnicas matadoras, ter treinado o seu ouvido para perceber o que voc nem imagina que consegue. Ver tambm a equalizao na ntegra de cada elemento de uma msica. Resumindo, da teoria prtica, do bsico ao avanado, voc ir TURBINAR sua habilidade de equalizao. Prepare-se para se impressionar com velocidade que suas msicas vo melhorar.Realize sua compra agora mesmo. Ela rpida, segura e em instantes voc j estar transformando seu resultado. "
Price: 99.99 |
"Power System MATLAB Simulation for Electrical Engineers" |
"This course is mainly focused on building a Power System Simulation models. From scratch, you will learn important things.This will help you to improve theoretically studied/studying subjects in college and also for further education. What I mean to say is, if you are pursuing or completed your Bachelor's degree, for next Masters or to do a Ph.D. for your thesis work & definitely it is very easy to enhance your presentation at conferences as well as helping to publish your work in journals."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Marketing y Desarrollo de Programas de Salud Privados" |
"Diseado para mdicos con ideas innovadoras y pasin por mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pacientesProfesionales de la salud que deseen empoderar a sus pacientes a travs de un modelo de promocin y educacin en saludDirigido a profesionales y organizaciones que deseen preservar la salud de su poblacin de influenciaPara mdicos que deseen ayudar a que sus pacientes se integren a los programas de salud inteligentes, ayudndoles a prevenir mltiples patologas, lo que mejora su calidad de vida, economa y relaciones familiares e interpersonales."
Price: 174.99 |
"Awaken your true spiritual power and psychic skills" |
"Hello everyone! My name is Maria Aurelia Baydar and I invite you to participate in ''Awaken your true spiritual power and psychic skills'' course on Udemy. I have been helping people with my spiritual gifts and knowledge almost my whole life and the course that I am introducing you right now has been taken place already 8 years. I have been guiding groups of people from all over the world and gathered a lot of experience in spiritual self-development. A lot of people have unlocked their true spiritual and psychological potential through this course and many of them work nowadays with people, giving their contribution to better world. This course is for you if you are ready to dig deeper in your emotional, energetical and spiritual world and focus on finding your lasting inner peace, balance and strength."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Complete Web Design Business Course" |
"This course teaches you all you need to know about creating a successful web design business. At the end of the course, you will have a complete knowledge about creating a web design business from scratch. You will be able to market your business and get new clients for your Web Design Business.You will also be able to negotiate with the clients and price your services professionally. You will have all the knowledge you need to plan for profitable web sites. If you're someone who is a web designer or if you're an entrepreneur who wants create a successful Web Design Business, this course arms you with the necessary tools to succeed."
Price: 149.99 |
"Surviving Scrum - Learn Scrum in Under 2 Hours" |
"A complete Scrum course in under 2 hours.This course is broken up into multiple modules with each key module ending with a quiz that helps reinforce important concepts.This course covers the complete Scrum framework including: The Definition and Uses of Scrum Scrum Values Scrum Theory Scrum Team Roles Scrum Artifacts Scrum Events Use Stories EstimationIn addition to the above the course provides real world case studies on how organizations have implemented Scrum.Also, if you are looking for a Scrum Master certification (Scrum Master, Product Owner etc.) this course outlines the ways in which you can achieve it.Disclaimer:This course is no way affiliated or connected to Scrum(.)org or any other Scrum training organization."
Price: 109.99 |
"In 7 Schritten zum XING Akquise Profi (kompakt)" |
"Auch wenn viele Auftragsbcher noch voll sind, sollte man die Akquise auf keinen Fall vernachlssigen. In diesem Kurs zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie in XING mit wenig Aufwand kontinuierlich jede Woche hoch qualifizierte Leads fr Ihr (IT-)Unternehmen generieren knnen.Kursbersicht:Einleitung: ber XING und die Akquise in Social NetworksSchritt 1: Zielkunden definierenSchritt 2: Ein wirksames Profil erstellenSchritt 3: Akquise - Strategie festlegenSchritt 4: Unique Personal Proposal ausarbeitenSchritt 5: Direktakquise in XINGSchritt 6: Projektmanagement, Reporting und ControllingSchritt 7: Content-MarketingZusammenfassung: Dos und DontsIn diesem Kurs zeige ich Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt, wie Sie eine erfolgreiche XING Akquise Kampagne planen, vorbereiten und in der Praxis durchfhren."
Price: 99.99 |
Swift |
", Swift. iOS macOS. Swift - , , , ."
Price: 19.99 |
"SEO OnPage para Prestashop 1.7" |
"El SEO OnSite es una de las partes ms importantes para un ecommerce. Debe ser perfecto para conseguir los mejores resultados.La mayora de las plantillas del mercado tienen muchas deficiencias en cuanto a SEO OnSite. Existen muchas incidencias tcnicas, e incluso hay algunos mdulos que vienen nativos en Prestashop que tienen mucho margen de mejora. Con este curso conocers todas las tcnicas aprendidas a lo largo de los aos y que aplicamos en todos nuestros desarrollos en Prestashop. En este curso trabajaremos con la plantilla por defecto de Prestashop pero podrs aplicarlo igualmente a la plantilla que ests utilizando.Optimiza tu web ahora, no dejes pasar ms tiempo!Este no es un curso de SEO terico donde se dice lo que habra que hacer, aqu se explica cmo se hace. Es por ello que el curso es completamente prctico, por lo que podrs seguirlo paso a paso hacindolo en tu tienda Prestashop.Cumplir con la jerarqua de encabezadosReduccin del nmero de enlaces en listados de productosURLs en SILO y eliminacin de IDsMejora de paginacin con meta etiquetas canonical, rel=prev y rel=nextMejora de enlazado de categorasOfuscacin de enlacesDatos estructurados con schemaDeteccin y correccin de incidencias con 404 y 301WPO4 mdulos de regalo!Para completar algunos de los apartados que se indican en el curso, podis hacer uso de 4 mdulos desarrollados por Winamic valorados en ms de 75!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Nursing Leadership The Basics" |
"Nursing Leadership THE BASICS: A ""How-to"" on Being An Empowered Nurse LeaderIf you've found yourself in charge of nursing shifts or a team, yet felt like you've had little or no training or support, then stress follows. You can expect a comprehensive guide covering everything from the top 10 ""roles"" you play as a nursing leader, the soft skills you need, delegation skills, negotiation skills, leverage initiative in team members, demystify power and much, much more. This course is a hands-on guide for exactly what you need to do and the roles you'll fulfil. It's the fastest way to becoming an empowered nursing leader.I've been a nurse educator for nearly two decades and bring an extensive background in clinical nursing as well as nursing leadership. I've lead tertiary referral, acute care hospitals with thousands of staff. But like most new nursing leaders, I started out cloaked in self-doubt feeling like a raging fraud. But now I've mastered how to be a leader that matches my integrity. I could never be an autocratic leader, so why on earth was I trying to be one?! After a lot of trial, error and heartache, I've found the keys to authentic nursing leadership and I share some of my key learnings in this 5 lesson course. !After taking this course you will:Explore styles of negotiation to identify strategies that sit well with your valuesDefine the essential gates of negotiation to ensure that youre prepared for the terrain aheadIdentify the top 10 mistakes new team leaders make during negotiationsUse a model for negotiation broadly in all aspects of your lifeUnderstand the power of delegationDiscover symptoms of pseudo-delegation and what it means for youApply changes to your thinking to alleviate clinical workload challengesUse proven models to structure your delegation tacticsExplore styles of negotiation to identify strategies that sit well with your valuesDefine the essential gates of negotiation to ensure that youre prepared for the terrain aheadIdentify the top 10 mistakes new team leaders make during negotiationsUse a model for negotiation broadly in all aspects of your lifeArticulate your teams goals and microgoalsIdentify the advantages of leveraging initiativeExplore how to develop competence in a team that changes every shiftExplore how to empower confidence in a team that is diverse and sometimes a mismatch to the work requirementsUnderstand the six bases of power that we see in everyday livesExplore ways to use each of the bases effectively and safelyApply knowledge to know when to use power for good and never evilInvestigate A ""How-To"" on building expert powerWho this course is for:Nurses who are in leadership roles - in-charge, nurse manager, nurse educator, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist.Especially suitable for those looking for some support to nursing leadership when they're new to the role and feeling that they've not had the training right for the roleNurses who are looking for apply for their next step in their career and feel they need some more knowledge in nursing leadership"
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Assess the Shoulder for Therapists" |
"The course demonstrates the skills you need to assess the shoulder. Watching the videos will show you how to position the patient, how to position yourself and how to perform accurate assessment techniques. These are the exact same techniques I use as a Team GB Physio and when working in my private physiotherapy clinic."
Price: 59.99 |
"Contabilidad para principiantes" |
"Con un lenguaje fcil de entender podrs seguir este curso sin ningn inconveniente. Desde la teora bsica necesaria hasta la tcnica y prctica contable. Al finalizar sers capaz de hacer asientos contables, mayores, balances de saldos, balance general y estado de resultados. Comprenders cmo funciona el proceso contable y podrs interpretar la informacin contenida en el mismo. Tendrs una base terica y prctica sobre la cual podrs seguir afianzando tus conocimientos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kurs JAVA od podstaw - sta si programist Java +zadania" |
"Chcesz przebranowi si i sta si programist?Moe szukasz kursu, ktry rozszerzy Twoje umiejtnoci w programowaniu w Javie?Zapraszam Ciebie serdecznie do mojego kursu, gdzie rozpoczniemy od kompletnych podstaw i stopniowo bdziemy przechodzi do coraz to bardziej zaawansowanych zagadnie, a w kocu sam bdzie w stanie pisa wasne aplikacje!Poznasz:- skadnie jzyka Java- zmienne, operatory, tablice- instrukcje warunkowe, ptle- klasy, klasy abstrakcyjne, klasy anonimowe, klasy wewntrzne, interfejsy- paradygmaty programowania obiektowego, czyli dobry praktyki- wyjtki, wtki, wczytywanie/zapisywanie danych- oraz wiele innych, gdy kurs bdzie na bieco rozszerzany o kolejne zagadnienia, a pokryje wszystkie zagadnienia z JavyZatem zapraszam i docz do poznawania programowania w sposb przyjemny i po prostu ludzki! ;)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Detox for Weight Loss" |
"Are you tired of suffering through cleanses and detox diets that have you losing a few pounds but then gaining them right back afterward?You Are Not AloneEvery year, millions of people go on some sort of detox program. They try juice cleanses, detox pill cleanses, or liquid cleanses. In the end, they often feel worse, regain the weight they lost only to repeat the cycle over and over again.Introducing the Detox for Weight Loss CourseThis course uses a simple, step-by-step method that focuses on the mind, body, and soul so that you can lose weight, get your health back, and fit into your favorite clothes again. What You Will LearnWhich foods to eat and which foods to avoid during this detoxHow to eat the right portion sizes tailor-made to your bodyHealthy snacks to support detoxHow to eat out at restaurants during this cleanseOrganic versus Non-Organic FoodThe best supplements to enhance your detoxEverything you need to know about protein powders, probiotics, and multivitaminsHow to choose the best supplement brandsHow to tune into your body's hunger cues and avoid overeatingThe best way to meal plan so that you always have healthy delicious meals during this cleanseHow to follow this detox while travelingWhat detoxification is and why it's important for living a healthy lifeHow to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins for goodHow to cut back on your alcohol intake while still going out and socializing with friendsThe best meal kit delivery service for detoxThe best types of exercise during a detoxHow to eat mindfullyStrategies to transform the way you think and improve your mindsetHow to feed your soul and improve your mind-body connectionHow to increase positivity in all aspects of your lifeWays to detox your mind for optimal healthHow to detoxify your body through your skinWhat's Included in this CourseVideo LessonsPDF Guides and Handouts21-Day Meal Plan eBookletRecipes eBookThis is Your TimeIt normally takes people 3 private coaching sessions with me to learn the information taught in this course for a cost of $800.However, because I'm so passionate about teaching people body detoxification, I chose to put all of my information in a simple, easy-to-understand program with easy-to-read PDF guides for much less.This course will teach you how to detox your body the right way and result in health-boosting benefits and permanent change.I'll see you inside!"
Price: 94.99 |
"IIBA ECBA Proficiency based Mock test" |
"Do you know? Most of the students have taken 2 attempts to clear the ECBA exam. The main reasoning for that is the lack of exposure to the actual model exam.This course covers model questions for the Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) - IIBA certification exam with 3 levels of difficulty (Easy, Medium and Complex). These 75 questions bring more close to the exam and provide you a decent experience before attending the exam. Most of the Questions in these sets are likely to appear in the exam since these were taken out of the topics in accordance with the weightage specified by IIBA.It is always advisable to take a model exam before such a competitive exam like ECBA, especially for people with limited Business Analyst experience."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creativity 101: How a Successful Innovator Lives and Works" |
"BREAK THROUGH YOUR CREATIVE BLOCKS AND REACH YOUR HIGHEST LEVELS OF POTENTIAL & PERFORMANCEHave you always wanted to MAKE something good with your life -- and more than good, something truly great and noble? Maybe even potentially world-changing?But you don't know how. Or even what the next step ought to be....Do you admire the HEROIC CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS that human beings have accomplished in the arts, sciences, business, technology -- and do you have the desire and drive to make your own worthy contribution... but are feeling stuck in the process?Do you know deep inside that you have so much potential to be, do, and create more -- but you're not yet fully living it?Would you benefit from a systematic method that will help you to think differently, generate your own unique & valuable ideas, put them into practice and tangible form -- so you can live a life that is FULL, MEANINGFUL, and UNIQUELY YOUR OWN?Watch Video Trainings and Get Access to Unique Self-Assessment Tools and Exercises that can help you to:Put in Place a System that Will Enable You to Discover New Valuable Ideas, Beliefs, Tools, and Practices You need to break through the obstacles that have been holding back your creative success, and feel primed to continuously produce new, good work.Reclaim & Amplify a Child-Like Sense of Wonder About the World and its Possibilities - to Fuel Your Creative Development Because you want to experience that youthful sense of joy and excitement, but charged up by your adult knowledge and wisdom.Go Deeper with Your Life's Purpose - Or, Perhaps, Create a New and Better Strategic Purpose It's up to you to build the best-possible life, but first you need to get clarity on your deepest motivations and figure out a reality-based roadmap to achievement that will work for you.Generate Mind-Body Energy On-Demand In order to be your best self and live your best life, you need the physical, mental, and emotional stamina that will make it possible for you to produce your life's work and experience all that life has to offer you.Sharpen Your Creativity & Innovation Skills to Reach the Next Level of Achievement It often happens that the skills that got you to where you're at now won't be enough to get you the next level of transformation -- you need new skills if you will continue to grow."
Price: 174.99 |
"Anlise da conjuntura atual brasileira, gerando uma reflexo de uma viso de longo prazo: como ser minha vida na velhice? Terei rendimentos suficientes para manter o meu padro de vida? Terei sade? Terei um imvel? Darei conforto a minha famlia? O meu benefcio da previdncia social ser bom? Terei liberdade financeira?"
Price: 54.99 |
"Inversiones Automticas para Personas sin Tiempo" |
"En este curso te ayudare a iniciarte en el apasionante mundo del trading Automtico. Este curso esta diseado para gente como yo que no posee mucho tiempo para operar en los mercados de valores y no puede permanecer mirando una pantalla cazando oportunidades ni tampoco tiene ningn conocimiento del mundo financiero.Aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber para poder hacer esto con solo 15 minutos de tu da (sin importar la hora) . Te enseare las enormes ventajas del trading automtico y como te puedes beneficiar obteniendo los mismo resultados y con la misma eficacia de inversionistas que llevan operando varios aos y que son auditados por un tercero donde no pueden falsificar ni presumir de resultados falsos.Te enseare como elegir buenos inversionistas y como usar la tecnologa actual para copiar sus operaciones automticamente sin que tengas que estar pendiente de cuando estn operando. Te enseare como anticipar cuando un sistema de inversin automtica esta empezando a a fallar y cuando reciclarlo."
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn Everything About Essential Oils" |
"This course is designed for anyone who wants to be exposed to, or wants to learn more about Essential Oils and to start living a healthy lifestyle. In this course, the student will be learning about the definition of Essential Oils, their history, different methods of productions, the variety of uses of the oils and how to use them safely, and lastly, the student will also learn about the most commonly used Essential Oils."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduo a Programao" |
"O objetivo principal deste Curso fazer com que o aluno aprenda o contedo, e no apenas conclua o curso.Estude todo o contedo do Curso com ateno, no tenha pressa.Quanto mais aprofundar seus conhecimentos, maior ser o seu aprendizado.O seu aprendizado e aproveitamento nos estudos o que far de voc um ""aluno capacitado"", e no somente um ""aluno certificado"".Faa pesquisas complementares fora do ambiente virtual do Site, a fim de enriquecer seus conhecimentos e buscar novas informaes. E sempre que necessrio, procure executar atividades prticas que no podem ser realizadas durante o Curso.A aprendizagem um processo contnuo, que no acontece somente no decorrer do Curso, pois acontece tambm em outros momentos do cotidiano. Ento, esteja atento a tudo que est ao seu redor, para identificar informaes para reforar aquilo que foi aprendido.Seja crtico em relao ao contedo que est aprendendo, procurando sempre aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos no dia-a-dia, pois o aprendizado somente tem sentido quando aplicado na prtica."
Price: 99.99 |
"Dbuter en trading de manire simple et efficace" |
"Bonjour toutes et tous, Dans ce cours divis en 7 chapitres, vous apprendrez les bases du trading, en passant du fonctionnement de la bourse, au vocabulaire indispensable, l'analyse fondamentale et technique. Je vous indiquerai aussi les lments importants mettre en oeuvre afin de perdurer sur les marchs financiers.Je vous enseignerai galement le plan de trading que j'utilise au quotidien et qui me permet de manire simple, efficace et sans aucun stress."
Price: 84.99 |