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"Write Song Lyrics Like a Pro"
"One way to learn how to become a better songwriter is by mastering the art of lyric writing. It may seem like a huge challenge to write compelling song lyrics, especially if you have no background in poetry or any form of creative writing.  This course will point you in the right direction, and you don't even have to be able to play an instrument!  You'll find pro tips here to get you well on your way to writing song lyrics that artists will want to pay for!  Not sure where to begin?  Well, let's go!"
Price: 99.99

"HACCP (ISO 22000+ )"
"99 , ISO 22000/HACCP. : 5 37 ,"
Price: 199.99

"Materials Science and Engineering : Crystallography"
"Materials Science and Engineering  ,An important field of science that has always had a strong effect on the evolution of civilizations and how advanced they were . Being a measure of humanity's capability, knowledge of materials was used to mark ages , we say ""stone age""... . As time passes, our knowledge became more comprehensive and accurate about the different types of materials and their properties ,So advanced that we can now produce new materials, which is what we call materials engineering. And That's why I present this course to you . One of the fields that I study passionately is materials science, because it is a crucial prerequisite for designing any structure or machine . This course ""Crystallography"" is an introductory course for materials science, starting from the very basics ,designed for high school students or college students in early years , who are interested to know how do solid materials look like at the deepest levels of the atomic scale . how are atoms oriented together, and how could we describe this orientation. In this course we'll not follow the traditional way of teaching . It is meant to be a comprehensive course covering a large group of topics regarding crystalline solids , especially steels ceramics and polymers . As they are the most commonly used materials in manufacturing.  We will study these topics in full detail ,and move slowly but surely towards building a strong foundation for future studies in engineering fields .This is the first batch of the course covering the following topics : - Crystal structure and its different levels - 2d & 3d Lattices -unit cells - symmetry in 2d &3d ,  - Square lattice as an example of 2d lattices  - Cubic lattice as an example of 3d lattices .  Special illustration methods are used to make sure the information is properly delivered . This course consists of : 4:47 hours , 31 videos, average 8.7 minutes per video .And remember that you have a 30 day money back guarantee, if you are not totally satisfied with the course.   Looking forward to your suggestions and Support and,See you in the course."
Price: 29.99

"Mastering The Art Of Quitting - Success Through Quitting"
"If you have a lot things you do but you unable to manage it all and as a result everything fall apart - you are in the right place. I help people to focus the one thing, the important thing and through this one thing you become GREAT in what to do instead of being unsuccessful average.You may think that if you manage your time right so you'll be able to make everything work, so I'll tell you a secret - IT'S NOT.You can take another course of ""How to manage your time to get 10X more in less time.But the truth is you'll get the same in less time, that's it. You can't be awesome in everything if you work on it in the same time.You must quit other things, other projects you have in order to focus the one thing that really important and to be honest - this is the real deal about how you become master in what you do.You can ask Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and much more successful entrepreneur because all of them have this in common - They focus the important thing and quit the other.The question I'll be answer in course is how you manage your quits right because if you mismanaged it you'll fail - you can ask the third man in Apple company which lost 95 billions dollars! (I'll talk on him in the course).This course is the real truth of how to be GREAT in what you do.In this course you will learn:How to be GREAT in what you do.How to manage your quits right.Applying the mindset behind the ""quitting strategy"".How to get the successful you desire in MUCH LESS time.How to identify the important things.And much, much more."
Price: 99.99

"Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts"
"Do Your Friends & Family Members Tell You to ""Just Get Over"" Your Anxiety Problems?Are Your Medications And Supplements Not Helping Cure Your Anxiety?Then You are in the right place!Are You Trapped in Uncontrollable & Excessive Worries?Obviously, everybody worries from time to time. This is normal. But what happens when worry becomes a problem? Especially when it happens almost every day, and becomes excessive and uncontrollable?  Do you find it hard to relax after a long day because of your anxieties? If so then you are not alone, and the Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts Program will give you your old life back, and more.By the end of this course you will know how to:Have Much Deeper Understanding Of Your AnxietyKnow How Thoughts Influence Your MoodIdentify Your Hidden MoodsSet Personal Goals and Notice ImprovementDevelop new ways of thinking Through 'Thought Record'Use Helpful Thinking MethodsUse Proven Formula For Facing Fears: ExposurePrevent Relapse Whenever we experience a mood, there is a thought connected to it that helps define the mood. That's why in this course I focus a lot on identifying certain thoughts, to change your mood._On a daily basis, we all have automatic thoughts that influence our behavior. These are the words and images that pop into our heads throughout the day.Automatic thoughts are thoughts that come into our minds spontaneously throughout the day. Whenever we have strong moods, there are also automatic thoughts present that provide clues to understanding our emotional reactions._Identifying specific moods also help you set goals and track progress._Setting personal goals for mood or behavior change helps you know where you are headed and can help you track your progress._The Thought Record is a tool that can help you develop new ways of thinking in order to feel better._The purpose of the Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts is to show You how to desensitize yourself from your fears, by creating and building your confidence towards anxiety. Equipping You with PROVEN TOOLS to help stop your worry chain effect.But here's the best part of all our programs: Our course is built with the 1# Best Anxiety Support which will help You on your road to recovery & show You exactly how to implement the Proven Steps in the program.Through this program you really are getting the BEST VALUE and guidance in the most valuable package available.No more searching on google for answers on how to cope with your anxiety symptoms,No more feeling vulnerable and unease due to uncertainty."
Price: 19.99

"Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace is accredited and registered on the CPD database #1003214You can collect 16 CPD Credits for completing the course. Mind Strategies Limited will provide you with a beautiful CPD Certificate on request, once you finish. There is a small administrative fee of 10 for sending the CPD certificate to you.Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace is mainly for Middle Level Managers and Team Leaders, as well as anyone else who might want to study or review this material. There are no prior qualifications required to take this course.This course is at the intermediate level and is suitable for all current and emerging leaders, empowering them to utilise Emotional Intelligence for their personal and organisational development. Prior learning and experience is not essential.On completion, Participants will be able to understand and apply principles and practice of EI, evaluate some EI options in the workplace and apply the principles learned to their job/role"
Price: 19.99

"Conceitos de Rede e TCPIP"
"Um curso indicado aos iniciantes da rea que querem conhecer os conceitos por trs das redes e do TCP/IP.Este curso tem como principal objetivo apresentar aos iniciantes da rea ou a quem quiser conhecer um pouco mais sobre os conceitos de rede e TCP/IP o que acontece por trs das ferramentas, evoluindo do N, N, F (next, next, finish, quem trabalha com Microsoft vai entender!), para comear a entender o porqu das coisas. Um dos objetivos transformar nossa rea de atuao que muitos acreditam ser esotrica, para o seu devido lugar que o de exatas. Ao entendemos como o nosso ambiente funciona deixamos de simplesmente sermos meros operadores de ferramentas, que muitas vezes no tem a mnima ideia do que est acontecendo por trs da ferramenta, para nos tornarmos pessoas que sabem se adaptar as evolues ou as novas ferramentas.Um curso com uma linguagem simples e descontrada, pois acredito que no precisamos de mais um curso que fique escovando bits e falando com termos que nem mesmo o cara que o criou entende. Afinal de contas se ningum entende o que o instrutor fala, a culpa do instrutor e no dos alunos."
Price: 54.99

"Django & Python: complete BUNDLE + Django real world project"
"please first look at free preview on course about Django at the bottom of this page , you will learn a lot Heres a little outline of what we are presenting to you in this course. We will be covering a number of basic topics and agendas that, by and on themselves, would be enough to get you started as a programmer, even if you may have zero to none prior acquaintance with programming.The topics include whatever you are going to need as a programmer, we cover very basic topics such as Using Linux,  and Best IDE, which are the systematic pre-requirements for your hardware, and from there we set you up on the basics of Python programming language, as the most common programming language used by professionals around the world. In our basic python programming course we use a lot of examples to make sure that all the points really hit home, topics such as variables, printing techniques, lists, various forms of loops, dictionaries, and tuple, and numerous practical and useful functions and classes are all dealt with through multiple examples that have been tested over and over again by the very best professionals in the game. To make sure that you have totally mastered the topics, in due course you are going to be presented with entertaining exercises such as designing an rpg game, whose fulfilment is going to require all that you have been taught during the course, in the most involved and practical format possible, to make you thoroughly prepared for the real life projects ahead of you. On the second level we are going to deal with the more advanced topics on python, with more practically-designed details and examples. We further elaborate the topic of files, Json, and try and except . we use tkinter as a platform for our UI course. Tkinter being universally viewed as the best UI library for python available on the market, will be where we base our further instructions. We will show you how to install tkinter, and how to apply its various and multilayered components in detail, with topics such as title , label , button , textbox , combo-box , radio button, scroll text, file menu , message box  and many more thoroughly elaborated through lots and lots of examples. With the basic and more advanced topics of python out of the way, now we will be able to enter the practical realms of professional programming, in which we will learn how to make a webpage using the most common and powerful framework available for web-designing, Django. After being done with its installation manual and set up, we will provide you with a forty hour course, in which we cover all the details on often elaborate topics for starting, improving and creating the ultimate website that would be just as interactive as any that you have ever come across in real life. So, if you have made up your mind about taking up this course, I need to reassure you again about the wonderful journey that lies ahead of you, through which you are going to walk the path of an ordinary beginner who becomes a professional web-designer."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Introdutrio de Programao Utilizando LUA"
"O nosso curso se prope a apresentar os conceitos iniciais de programao ao mesmo tempo em que introduz a estrutura e instrues iniciais da linguagem Lua. Dessa maneira,ele se presta tanto ao iniciantes da programao quanto aos que possuam alguma habilidade e experincia em outras linguagens e que queiram expandir sua cultura de programao com mais uma ferramenta.Assim, o nosso objetivo introduzir os conceitos bsicos de programao atravs da linguagem Lua, permitindo o aprofundamento em programao e na linguagem em si. Para isso, sero apresentados exemplos e aplicaes da Linguagem Lua para soluo de problemas simpes e para familiarizao com a linguagem.Ao final deste curso, espera-se que voc:Tenha absorvido os fundamentos tericos e prticos sobre lgica de programao, que permitiro que voc se aprofunde posteriormente;Seja capaz de criar programas que lidem com tomadas de deciso simples, operaes lgicas, operaes matemticas bsicas e intermedirias e operaes de manipulao simples de textos; eDomine os conceitos bsicos relacionados linguagem Lua, dando incio sua jornada em Lua.O curso est organizado em 10 Aulas, contendo de 15 a 40 minutos de vdeoaulas explicativas. As aulas abordam desde tpicos mais simples, como a instalao da ferramenta a ser utilizada durante o curso, passando por operaes aritmticas, funes, entrada e sada, repetio, e tpicos mais sofisticados como tomadas de deciso e operaes com vetores, tabelas, matrizes, mdulos e tratamento de erros.Todas as aulas possuem ao menos um exerccio prtico, que permite ao aluno exercitar os conceitos expostos."
Price: 39.99

"SAP Activate Project Management-Tests and Complete Material"
"Enroll in this course and get complete material for learning SAP Activate project management methodologyFollowing material will be sharedACT100 materialACT200 material  Four PDF question papers with 80 questions eachQuizzes to test your knowledgeFor course material, Quiz, Handouts reach out to me on e-mail : issreddy64@gmail.comFull Money back guaranteeFor your convenience, I have split one Full test of 80 questions(180 Minutes) into Four tests of 20 questions each(45 Minutes)Material and Mock Tests cover below topicsIntroduce SAP Activate innovation adoption frameworkDiscuss the key characteristics of SAP Activate methodologyExplain how users access the SAP Activate content in SAP Jam, Road-map Viewer tool and SAP Solution ManagerDescribe SAP Solution Manager and how it relates to SAP Activate.Explain how the SAP Activate methodology guides project teams:Implementing cloud solutionsHow the implementation approach differs from on-premise deploymentsImplementing on-premise solutionsDuring System Conversion to S/4HANA.During Landscape Transformation to S/4HANA.Outline how the SAP Activate methodology compares to SAP Launch methodology and ASAP 8.Questions are added from the previous actual exams. You will be provided with instructor support through out your journey of certification preparation. In the exam you will be asked questions on below subject areas:The Fundamentals of SAP Activate Methodology, New Implementation On-Premise, New Implementation in the Cloud, Agile Project Delivery, SAP Activate Methodology content access, Agile Project Planning, System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA, What is SAP Activate, Components of SAP Activate, Landscape Transformation to SAP S/4HANA."
Price: 199.99

"SAP Extended Warehouse Management - Tests and Full Material"
"Enroll in this course and get complete material for learning SAP Extended Warehouse ManagementFollowing material will be sharedEWM 100EWM 110  EWM 120 EWM 125EWM 130PDF question paper with 158 questionsFor course material, pdf question paper reach out to me on e-mail : issreddy64@gmail.comThis course covers all the warehouse processes like Inbound, Outbound, Internal and RF configuration. Upon completion of this course, you can have an advanced capability in configuring & solutioning warehouse operations with SAP EWM Consulting. This course also helps you to attempt the SAP Extended Warehouse Management C_EWM_95 certification & further your career aspiration in SAP EWM space."
Price: 199.99

"Spanish language (Basic)"
"From Mexico to the WORLD Learn Spanish from ZERO with this Spanish course made by our CAD Guides.This course was created with the main goal of doing Spanish learning a practical process. Be part of our community and don't forget to check our Social Media, you may find our posts useful and keep in touch with Spanish native speakers."
Price: 19.99

"Tasaciones Inmobiliarias de Propiedades Venta e Inversin"
"El objetivo de este curso es que quien lo lea y siga sus clculos aprenda efectivamente a realizar la tasacin de una propiedad, de la misma manera en que lo hace un tasador da a da ejerciendo su oficio. Por esta razn ataca primero la metodologa paso a paso y deja para ms adelante el anlisis de conceptos que siendo importantes se aprenden mejor despus de entender realmente como se valora una propiedad.Si usted necesita realizar la tasacin comercial de una propiedad sin ser un profesional del rea inmobiliaria, o an sindolo pero sin haberse adentrado en los detalles de la valoracin de una casa, departamento o terreno, es muy probable que se lleve la desagradable sorpresa no encontrar material prctico sobre como conocer el precio objetivo de un inmueble. Tanto en libros como en Internet encontrar solamente referencias generales, pero por lo menos al autor le ha sido imposible encontrar clculos de valoracin asequibles al pblico en general. En cambio abundan las referencias tericas de un tema sobre el que nadie quiere teorizar, su propio dinero. Por esta razn se presenta este manual que presenta ejemplos o ejercicios reales de tasacin casas o departamentos.La valoracin de una propiedad no slo es completamente necesaria a la hora de solicitar un crdito o prstamo hipotecario a un banco sino que tambin es muy til a la hora de invertir en un bien raz. A partir de la tasacin podemos maximizar nuestras ganancias, disminuir el riesgo o de plano rechazar una compra o venta manteniendo nuestro dinero a salvo y disponible para otra oportunidad. Realizar un movimiento financiero de tal magnitud sin antes haber estudiado minuciosamente los detalles del mercado sera un completo despropsito.Para que el contenido de este curso pueda ser aplicado en cualquier pas de habla hispana se ha realizado en el lenguaje ms neutro posible y usando sinnimos, que hagan entendible el lenguaje tcnico a cualquier persona que desee leerlo. Adems los clculos se hacen en una moneda neutra y con valores simplificados que fcilmente cada persona puede extrapolar a la moneda de su pas."
Price: 29.99

"WordPress 5.065PV404"
Price: 22800.00

"Fast Start Python Serverless Apps with AWS and Terraform"
"This course takes you through building Serverless applications quickly and securely on Amazon Web Services by leveraging:         - Terraform for infrastructure code        - Serverless Framework (Python) for quickly deploying and structuring our code (REST & Websockets)    We go beyond the defaults and will construct infrastructure as code and create our own VPCs, Subnets and tackle OAuth2.0 authentication.    By the end of the course, you should be able to comfortably understand how to create a REST and websocket application from scratch and leverage the boilerplate to start generating business value immediately.The course does require a high quality connection to get 1080p viewing due to font sizes in code. I've made the entire course downloadable in case you are on a slower connection so you can watch offline! Ensure that you set your quality level to ""Auto"" to get the best resolution possible."
Price: 64.99

"CI/CD Pipelines for Static Front End Web Applications"
"This mini course will give you a practical approach on how to deploy your static websites via Gitlab shared runners using Netlify.I'll go through the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, shared runners vs self managed runners,  and a couple of branching strategies.Then we will dive into code on how to create a CI/CD pipeline for a React project and have it running unit tests and deploying to different environments.There are some practical and easy to do assignments and by the end of it, you will have a template to use for future sites."
Price: 19.99

"Crea un clon de Instagram con PHP y MySql"
"La red social ms popular puedes recrearlo tu mismo con este curso que aprenders muchsimas cosas y ampliars tus habilidades en php. Vers que fcil es crear alguna red social o pagina por tu propia cuenta. Anmate para tomar este curso y ampliar tus habilidades como programador y desarrollador web!Aprenders: Desde validaciones, redimensiones de imagenes, disminuir peso de las mismas, crear avatares personalizados para tus usuarios registrados y ms"
Price: 199.99

Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"AICODER Vuemint-uiajaxapiecharts"
Price: 34.99

"BestYou. Weight Loss and Life Improvement"
"Learn how to become and keep your best self. Habits are like little bricks building you as a person. One habit may seem small, but it will eventually have a significant impact on your life, your personality and the way you think.The course will teach you tested mental strategies that will help you to adopt an active lifestyle and a healthy diet as part of your identity. The course will teach you:How to overcome your unhealthy habitsHow to make working out and healthy eating part of your daily routineWhat concrete steps you need to make to build up your healthy lifestyleLose weight not by eating less, but by eating the right foodsLearn how to make better choices at grocery shopping, snacking home cooking and more.Get a month workout plan and learn how to keep it goingLearn how to fit meal preparation and workouts into your busy schedule"
Price: 29.99

"Unity 3D Mobil Optimizasyon"
"Mobil Cihazlarmz, Masast ve Konsollara Gre Performans Konusunda Bizleri zebilmektedir. Her Geen Gn Gelien ve Byyen Teknolojinin, Kk Cihazlara Entegre Edilme abas Problemleri de Beraberinde Getirmektedir. Soutma Teknolojisinin Yeterli Gelmemesi, Harici Ekran Kart Olmamas vb. Gibi Konular, Biz Gelitiricilerin Daha ok, Daha Organize ve Titizlikle  almamz Gerektirmektedir.  zellikle Mobil Oyun Gelitiricilerinin, Ban Artan En Byk Etken Oyunlarn Verimsiz almasdr.. Her Geen Gn, Yeni zellikler Eklenen Unity3D, Son Yllarda Mobil Oyun Sektr in Byk Gelitirici Oranna Sahip Oyun Motorlarndan Biridir. Mobil Cihazlar in Verimsiz alan Tm Oyunlarn, Nasl Verimli Hale Getirilebileceini, nerileri, Alternatif Yntemleri Bu Kursumuzda Bulabilirsiniz.Ben Kimim ?Ben Mcahit Demir. 2000 Ylnda Yazlm Sektrne, JavaScript ve Html ile Web Tasarm Yaparak Giri Yaptm. Gelien Yazlm Dilleriyle Beraber Php ve Asp Dillerini renerek, Web Sektrnde Devam Ettim. lerleyen Yllarda Macromedia Flash ile Oyun Yapm Mmkn Hale Gelmeye Baladnda, Flash renip Oyun Gelitirmeye Baladm. Yaklak 2008 Ylna Kadar Oyun Gelitirdim. Kendime Ait Flash Oyun Sitemi de Bu Dnem erisinde Atm. Askerlik in Bir Sre Ara Verdim. 2010 Ylnda Unity 3D le Tantm. 2012 Ylnda Unity'i yice Tanm Oldum. Bir Sre Sonra da Oyun Gelitirmeye Baladm. Yaklak 6 Yldr Ksmen Aktif, Ksmen Pasif Oyun Gelitirmekteyim ve Bu Konuda Yardmc Olmaktaym. Artk Oyun Gelitirmekten Ziyade Edindiim Tecrbeleri, Bu Sektrde almak steyip Kendini Gelitirmek steyen Herkes le Paylamaya Karar Verdim.Bu Kursumuz Mobil Cihazlardaki Dk FPS Sorunlarnn; Tm zm Yollarn, Alternatif Yntemleri,pularn,Pf Noktalarretmeyi Amalamaktadar. Eer Sizin de Mobil Cihazlarda Performans Sorunlarnz Varsa, Bu Kursumuz Tam Size Gre."
Price: 59.99

"Iso 9001-2015 Kalite Sistemini Firmanza Kendiniz Kurun"
"Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Standart olan ISO 9001:2015 versiyonunun sfrdan kurulumunu ve  2008 versiyonundan  hzl ve hazr belgeler  ile geii salamak , mhendislere kalite  mhendisi olmak iin bir  taban  retmeyi amalar. Bu amalar ile  size  zorunlu belgeleri verip ierikleri nasl yapacanz anlatr.Her sektrde uygulanabilecek Iso 9001-2015 kalite ynetim standart, her lekte kuruluta rahatlkla siz uygulanabilirsiniz.,iso 9001 2015, iso 9001, kys nedir, zorunlu belgeler, firma, denetleme, iso 9001:2015, quality management system, ISO, 9001, 2015, ISO9001, ISO90012015, Kalite, Ynetim, Sistem, Kalite ynetim"
Price: 59.99

"Bakm Mhendislii Eitimi Ve Kestirimci Bakm"
"Endstriyel Bakm Mhendislii  ve  Kestirimci Bakm Kursu ; Kullandmz makine ve ekipmann  arza yaparak devre d kalmas, retimimizi aksatmas durumlarnn yaanmamas ve bunu salamak iin gerekli kilit bilgiler , ustalarn srlar ,  ynetimde bak as , bakmn ngrsel olarak planlanmas ile  ilgili ileri seviyeye  doru kacak bir  eitimin verilmesi amalanmaktadr.   Fabrikalarda ki problemleri nceden kestirmek ve nlem almak zere  nerilen zmlerin btn ile  ilgili olarakta bir  blmmz bulunmaktadr.  Saysal deerler ve  teknik malzemelerde  kan  en  byk sorunlarn zm ile ilgili ayrntl bilgiler verilerek , ileyite  snf  atlamanz, kiisel geliiminizde  ise  ileri seviyeye  kmanz salayacaktr.YalamaDililerKaplinlerBalant ElemanlarZincirlerHalatlarKaylarBakm Deneyim AnlatmlarFirmalarda Bakm leyii AnlatmKestirimci Bakm YntemleriBakmn Firma Yaplanmas Bakmda  Arzay Bulma Yntemleri Bakm OrganizasyonuRulmanlarBakmda  Kullanlan  MateryallerKompresrlerSzdrmazlk Elemanlar Detayl Bilgiler Bakmda Ynetici olma  YntemleriBakmda  Bilgilerin leyite Hemen Kullanlmas"
Price: 239.99

"AR-GE Mhendisliinin Ynetimi"
"(AR-GE)Aratrma, bilinmeyeni bilmeye, renmeye ynelik yaplan bilimsel-teknolojik faaliyetlerdir. Gelitirme ise, mevcut bilgiyi ya da teknolojiyi yeni dzenlemelerle daha iyiye doru ynlendirme faaliyetidir. (1)Aratrma-gelitirme bilimsel ve teknik bilgi birikimini artrmak amacyla sistematik bir temele dayal olarak yrtlen yaratc aba ve bu bilgi birikiminin yeni uygulamalarda kullanmdr. (2)Rekabet stnl salayan dnya iletmelerinin bu stnlklerinin ""g kayna"" hi phe yoktur ki ""AR-GE'ye yaptklar yatrma baldr. Bilimde ""vermeden almak"" yoktur. Ne oranda yatrm yaparsan o oranda sonu alabilirsin. lkemizin teknolojik yarta ok arkalarda kalmas istenmiyor ise sadece ""AR-GE"" almalarna nem ve ncelik verilmemesi ""ileri teknoloji aratrma"" alanlarnda alacak ""i gc""ne de ncelik ve nem verilmesi gerekmektedir."
Price: 99.99

"Akreditif ve D Ticaret , hracat"
"Akreditif, ithalatnn talebi zerine ithalatnn bankas tarafndan, akreditif artlarnda belirtilen mallarn yklendiini veya hizmetin yerine getirildiini gsteren vesaikin, belirlenen sre iinde ihracat tarafndan ibraz karlnda, bedelin deneceini taahht eden artl bir banka garantisidir.Uluslararas ticarette ihracat ve ithalat birbirlerini ok iyi tanmadndan karlkl bir gvensizlik ve risk sz konusudur. hracat, satt maln bedelini tahsil etmek isterken, alc da szlemede tanmlanan mallar zamannda almak amacndadr. Bu noktada akreditifler her iki tarafa da en yksek dzeyde gvence salayan deme tr olma zelliini tar. nk alc asndan szleme artlarna uyulmas halinde deme ykmll bulunmakta, aksi takdirde deme yaplmamaktadr. Satc asndan ise akreditif artlarnn gerekletirilmesi halinde deme banka tarafndan garanti altna alnm olmaktadr.thalatnn talimatna istinaden alan bir akreditif ihracatnn lkesindeki bir banka tarafndan ihracatya ihbar edilecektir.Teyitli AkreditiflerAmir bankalarn geri dnlemez deme ykmll baz durumlarda ihracatlar iin yeterli olmayabilir ve ihracat kendi lkesindeki bir bankadan demeyi taahht etmesini isteyebilir. Tarafnza alacak akreditiflere Banka tarafndan teyit eklenmesini salayarak demeler iin ekstra gvenlik elde edebilirsiniz.Alc asndan avantajlar : Banka akreditif artlarn yerine getirmeyen ya da eksik gerekletiren satcya deme yapmad iin alc gvence altnda olur. Mallarn szleme artlarna uygun ve vadesinde yklenmesini salar. Aksi halde, satcya deme yaplmaz.Satc asndan avantajlar : Maln sevk edilmesi ve vesaikin akreditif artlarna ve uluslararas ticaret kurallarna uygun olarak hazrlanmas durumunda; demeyi akreditifi aan banka kesin olarak taahht ettiinden alacak garanti altndadr. Akreditifte belirlenen artlar yerine getirdii anda deme yapld iin satcya finansman kolayl salar.TaraflarAmir thalat Alc :Akreditifin almas iin talepte bulunan taraftr. Akreditifin alyla ilgili tm detaylar amir bankaya iletir. Amirin ihtiyac olan tm bilgileri bankasna bir defada vermesi kendi yararnadr, aksi takdirde akreditif aldktan sonra yapaca deiiklikler ihracatnn kabul etmesine tabi olacaktr.Lehdar hracat - Satc:Akreditifin ald, akreditife konu olan maln ya da hizmetin satcs konumundaki taraftr. Akreditif artlarna uygun vesaiki hazrlayarak bankasna ibraz etmekle ykmldr. Uygun ibrazda bulunmaya lehdar akreditifin gvencesinden faydalanamaz.Amir banka:Amirin talebi zerine veya kendi adna bir akreditif aan banka anlamna gelir. Amir banka akreditifi amakla lehdara kar dnlemez bir deme taahhdne girerTeyit Bankas:Amir bankann talebi veya verdii yetki zerine akreditife teyidini ekleyen banka anlamna gelir. Teyit bankasnn bu yetkiyi kabul etmesi durumunda lehtara kar amir banka gibi dnlemez bir deme taahhdne girer.Grevli Banka:Amir banka tarafndan kendisine ibraz karlama yani uygun bir ibraz zerine deme yapma yetkisi verilen bankadr. Available with any bank olarak alan akreditiflerde grevli banka herhangi bir bankadr. Teyit bankasnn aksine grevli banka ibraz karlamakla ykml olmayp, ibraz karlad durumda bunu amir banka veya varsa teyit bankas adna yapar.hbar Bankas:Lehtara akreditif aln ihbar eden taraftr. Lehtarlar genellikle amir bankann bulunduu lkeden farkl bir lkede bulunduundan akreditifler ihbar bankas kanalyla ihbar edilirler. hbar bankasnn akreditifin gerekliini tespit etmek dnda bir sorumluluu yoktur.eitleriVesaik braznda demeli Akreditif (By Payment L/C)demenin akreditif artlarna uygun vesaikin ibraz edilmesinin ardndan yapld akreditiflerdir.Vadeli Akreditifler (By Deferred Payment L/C)Akreditifte istenen evraklarn amir banka, teyit bankas ya da grevli banka nezdinde uygun bulunmasnn ardndan demenin belirlenen bir vadede deneceinin taahht edildii akreditiflerdir.Kabul Kredili Akreditifler (By Acceptance L/C)Akreditifte istenen evraklarn ve polienin amir banka, teyit bankas ya da grevli banka nezdinde uygun bulunmasnn ardndan demenin polie vadesinde gerekletirildii akreditiflerdir.tira Akreditifleri (By Negotiation L/C)Akreditif altnda ibraz edilen uygun vesaikin akreditifte kendisine itira yetkisi verilmi bir tarafa deerinin verilerek satn alnmasdr.Kark demeli Akreditifler (By Mixed Payment L/C)demenin bir ksmnn ibraz karlnda (sight) kalan ksmlarnn da pein ya da vadeli olarak denmesine imkan veren akreditif trdr.Rotatif/Dner Akreditifler (Revolving L/C)Alc ve satcnn uzun dnemli bir ticari ilikisinin bulunduu ve srekli bir mal sevkiyatnn gerekletii durumlarda tercih edilen bir akreditif trdr. Rotatif akreditifler yeni bir akreditif almas iin bankaya bavurulmakszn, var olan akreditifin belirli artlar dahilinde kendiliinden yenilenmesine olanak salayan akreditiflerdir.Devredilebilir Akreditifler (Transferable L/C)Genellikle lehtarn akreditife konu maln reticisi olmad durumlarda tercih edilen ve lehtar tarafndan akreditiften doan hak ve ykmllklerin nc bir kiiye ya da kiilere devredilmesine olanak salayan akreditiflerdir.Karlkl Akreditifler (Back to Back L/C)Satc kendi lehine alm olan bir akreditif erevesinde temin etmek zorunda olduu mallar baka bir lkede bulunan asl satcdan alarak akreditif amirine gnderebilir. Orijinal akreditifin lehtar tarafndan asl satc lehine alan bu akreditife back to back akreditif denilmektedir.Pein demeli Akreditifler (Red Clause L/C)Bu tr akreditifler genellikle sevkiyat ncesinde satcnn finansman ihtiyacnn karlanmas amacyla kullanlr. Akreditife konu mallarn imalat iin satc, ihtiyac olan bir ksm demeyi alcdan avans niteliinde talep edebilir, alcnn bu durumu kabul edip alacak akreditife bu tutar art olarak koymas pein demeli akreditif olarak adlandrlr.Teminat Akreditifi (Standby L/C)Standby akreditifler daha ziyade uluslararas mteahhitlik ilerinde kullanlan, bir eit teminat mektubudur.Standby akreditifte, normal akreditif uygulamasnn aksine, belirli bir belgenin ibraz halinde deil, hatal ve olumsuz bir durumun ortaya kmas halinde deme yaplmaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Create Paper Art in Procreate: From Sketch to Final Piece"
"Hi! My name is Lettie and I love to create all kind of illustrations in Procreate. Pushing the limits of this awesome app is something that I really enjoy. I especially like to use it for creating realistic paintings, watercolors, animations and paper cut style illustrations.Youve been asking me for a while how I give my characters illustrations a paper-cut feel.Well, your wish has been granted, because in this class we will create exactly that, a paper cut layered illustration in Procreate!This is a step-by-step class, we will make together the sketch add color then shadows and finally, texture to our illustration.In this class we will cover things like:Symmetry tool.Customizing QuickMenu.Clipping & Layer Masks.Modifying Brush Settings.Different ways to add paper texture to our drawings.And much more!You can download all the custom brushes, palettes, drawing studies, my sketch and also the images, that you will need to draw along with me.Basic knowledge of Procreate is recommended but not required to take this class. Having said that, lets get started!"
Price: 24.99

"Masking in Procreate: Understanding Clipping and Layer Masks"
"Digital painting is a great addition to our creative repertoire. It permits us to include texture, transparency, symmetry, repetition, distortion, perfect shapes... to our artworks super quickly but, if we want to get the most of it, we must learn how to use properly the tools that it has to offer.In this class, we will learn all about two fantastic tools that will make our lives much more easier: layer masks and clipping masks. Thanks to these tools we will speed up our drawing process and stop making destructive edits to our drawings.We will start learning what masking is and the different ways we have to mask an image in Procreate. Then we will talk about layer masks and clipping mask, how to create, modify and the differences between them. And finally, I will show you when and how I use them to create illustrations, lettering effects, animations...We will learn:How clipping and layer masks work and when to use them.To create smooth transitions between textures and colors (gradients).To intertwine letters and images.To add a pattern, gradient or texture to our lettering.To composite and blend images.To animate a drawing.To make collages.To make mockups.This class is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to use Procreate to its fullest potential. I will explain everything step by step but you will make the most of this class if you have basic knowledge of Procreate.Lets stop erasing and start masking!"
Price: 29.99