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"Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Eitimi (KYS Yazlm hediyeli)"
"Akra Kalite Ynetim Sistem program ile yaplabilecekler;Dokman Ynetimi ile; Dokmanlarnz hazrlar, revizyona tabi tutar, datm listesi oluturarak ilgililerle paylaabilirsiniz. Ayrca Kalite Ynetim Sisteminiz iindeki belgelerin geerlilik sreleri ve ariv sreleri programa girilerek sorumlu personel atamasnn yaplmasna olanak salar.Daha nce hazrlanm olan herhangi bir formattaki belgeyi veya dijital ortamda altnz bir dosyay harici dokman olarak saklama, gerektiinde ama, istenmediinde silme imkan salar.DF (Dzenleyici nleyici Faaliyet) ynetimi ile; Dzeltici ve nleyici faaliyetler kayt altna alnarak kolay takip edebilme, snrsz sayda kk neden, sre ve sonu tanmlama yapmanza imkan salar. Kapatlan D..F.rin ve ilemi devam eden D..Frin listesini istediinizde almanz, denetim esnasnda da D..F. ama imkann sunar. Denetim Ynetimi ile; Tetkik ve denetim planlanabilir, denetim sorularn hazrlanabilir ve denetimler gerekletirebilir. Denetim sonu listesi alabilir ve excele gndererek dijital platformda da paylamanza imkan salar.Bakm Ynetimi ile; Makine, tehizat kaytlarnz yapabilir, resimlerini ekleyebilir, bakm periyotlar tanmlanabilir, yllk bakm planlamas yapmanza imkan salar.Kalibrasyon Ynetimi ile; letmenizde kullanlan Kalite Ynetim sistemi iinde tanmlanm olan her trl alet edavat ve cihazn kalibrasyon takibi yaplabilir, Alet edavat ve cihazlarla ilgili teknik bilgileri, resimleri, kalibrasyon periyotlar kayt altna alnr, program sonraki kalibrasyon tarihini hesaplar ve raporlama mensnden tarih aralna gre kalibrasyon zaman gelen cihazlar raporlanr. zet bilgi ekrannda programa ilk girite kalibrasyon zaman yaklaan alet edavat ve cihazlar listelenir. Kalibrasyon tamamlandktan sonra gerekirse tutanak dzenlendiinde yazdrlabilir.Personel Ynetimi ile; Personelinize ait bilgiler girebilir, departmann seebilir ve personelin resmi programa eklenebilir. Eitim planlama, eitim deerlendirme yaplabilir ve bu blmlere ait rapor ve tutanak kts alnabilir.Hizmet Ynetimi ile; Dardan salanan hizmetleri tanmlayabilir, raporlayabilir ve program ierisinde ilgili yerlerde kullanabilir.Toplant Ynetimi ile; Toplantlarnz kayt altna alnabilir, toplant listeleri ve toplantya ait tutanaklar alnabilir, toplant bilgileri, gndem, katlanlar, toplantda alnan kararlar ve yaplacak ilemler kayt altna alnabilir.Bilgi Bankas ile; Kalite Ynetim Sistemi hakknda hazrlanm, kiisel ve akademik dokmanlar da eklenebilir. Gerektiinde Dokmanlara pdf ve power point sunum dosyalaryla ek yaplmasna olanak salar.Not : Bu eitimi alan her kese Akra (Small) Kalite Ynetim Sistemi yazlm hediye edilecektir."
Price: 259.99

"GUITARE - Russir ses barrs... Dfinitivement !"
"La guitare et ses barrs ? Que ce soit la guitare lectrique, acoustique (folk ou classique), les accords majeurs et mineurs barrs posent toujours problme.Peut-tre avez-vous dj refus de jouer un morceau de guitare mme dbutant parce qu'il y a un accord barr la guitare ?Peut-tre avez-vous essay d'apprendre ces diffrents accords en jouant des morceaux connus.Ce n'est pas la bonne mthode.Ce que je vous propose, c'est un vritable entranement ""sportif"". Une mthodologie o nous allons solliciter les bons muscles et tendons (beurk) de l'ensemble de votre bras ! La russite des barrs repose sur 3 piliers essentiels  :La prcision de vos doigtsL'indpendance de votre mainLa force de l'ensemble de votre avant-bras (la poigne)Si vous essayez d'apprendre dsesprment les barrs en jouant des morceaux que vous aimez et que vous n'y arrivez toujours pas, si vous avez toujours des accords barrs qui vous bloquent...Alors, dcouvrez dans ce cours trs court (une heure) mais ULTRA-efficace pour en finir avec les barrs !Vous aurez les exercices prcis pour russir les barrs :-) et je vous assure que ce n'est absolument pas ceux qu'on penserait faire avec des morceaux connus ! tout de suite pour mettre la misre aux barrs !Le cours se veut ultra-efficace, court, vous aurez une vritable routine et les bons exercices pour russir jouer vos barrs, pratiquer chaque jour !"
Price: 24.99

"Compliance do Jurdico ao Contbil."
"O curso apresentado voltado para interessados em conhecer o Compliance e suas aplicaes conforme suas exigncias, foi desenvolvido por empresas ligadas e ministrados por especialistas da rea do Direito, Contbil e Psicolgica nos Recursos Humanos. O Curso foi desenvolvido pelo Grupo WGM, gestora das empresas participantes, que reforando, convidou empresas da rea contbil, psicolgica e de direito civil para ministrarem o curso."
Price: 39.99

"fiverr secrets :"
", 1) : ( )2) : 3) : 4) : 5) : 6) : 100 7) : . 3 , , ( fba+ ) , ."
Price: 19.99

"Dominando a Comunicao Escrita no Ambiente de Trabalho"
"Seja muito bem vindo ou bem vinda ao curso Dominando a Comunicao Escrita no Ambiente de Trabalho.""Em apenas 60 minutos, voc vai mudar a forma que voc escreve!Voc vai se comunicar de forma mais clara, efetiva e positiva. Ao mesmo tempo, voc vai diminuir o retrabalho, falhas de comunicao e aumentar a satisfao do cliente. Voc vai aprender como a comunicao profissional difere em situaes positivas e negativas. Em situaes positivas, voc vai entender a importncia de escrever de forma simples e direta. Em situaes delicadas, voc vai aprender estratgias de como amenizar a tenso e transform-las em situaes positivas. Aproveite!"
Price: 39.99

"digital : 5 , 2- . ,  , digital , . ,  ."
Price: 24.99

"Mind Mapping Guru"
"Cosa il Mind Mapping e quali vantaggi avrai imparandolo?Il Mind Mapping ti facilita la memorizzazione e l'aggregazione di idee, per gli studenti questo significa ridurre il tempo dedicato allo studio migliorandone l'efficaciaIl Mind Mapping intuitivo perch asseconda le logiche ed il funzionamento del nostro cervello, questo significa che la tua creativit migliorer.Il Mind Mapping utilissimo a tutte le et, sia per lo studio che per il lavoro: le mappe mentali sono graficamente colorate e divertenti da realizzare, quindi mentre le disegni ti divertirai!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a realizar live streaming en Twitch con OBS."
"En este curso el alumno aprender a realizar un live streaming a twitch, con la mejor calidad posible, asi como configurar alertas, como donaciones, follows, entre otras cosas. Tambin podr grabar la pantalla para realizar gameplays de sus juegos favoritos.Al final del curso el estudiante podr ser capaz de realizar su transmisin en vivo sin ningn problema y estar listo para su primer stream!"
Price: 270.00

"Digital collage Floral Portrait made easy"
"In this class we will make a floral portrait using digital collage techniques in Adobe Photoshop. We will start from the empty photoshop canvas until we get a finished exported illustration. I will explain the process of making it step by step. You can download and use the same images that I use or work with your own."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to make a retro digital collage"
"In this class you will learn how to make a retro / vintage digital collage with Adobe Photoshop. I will guide you through the whole process and give you the images that I will use so you can follow along.I analyse the style, so we understand what and how we want to do it before we start. Once we have decoded the visual language of this technique, we go from the blank Photoshop canvas until we have a finished illustration.We will also learn where to find old books illustrations and nice images.This class requires a minimum knowledge of Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan ileri dzeye kadar en basit yaplardan balayp kendinizi en iyi seviyelere getirebileceiniz bir kurs imkan salyorum sizlere , her dersin ierisinde uygulamalar ile beraber ilerleyerek  ileri dzeyde SASS, SCSS, FLEXBOX, GRID, ANMATON derslerini almanz salyorum.  hayatndaki uygulamalar rneklendirerek sizleri i hayatna hazrlyorum. Derslerimin bir ok ksm ak bir ekilde sunarak sizlerin beenisine sunuyorum. imdi den beni dinlendiiniz teekkrler."
Price: 49.99

"Excel, matrisez les comptences cls pour devenir expert !"
"Maitriser Excel de A Z Ce cours a t cr pour rpondre trois objectifs principaux :1.Vous accompagner dans la prise en main dExcel en vous donnant un socle de bases solides2.Vous faire gagner en efficacit et en temps dans votre travail en vous faisant dcouvrir et manipuler tout un panel de fonctions et de fonctionnalits3.Vous rendre autonome dans lutilisation dExcel en vous faisant comprendre la logique dExcel Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons ax ce cours sur la pratique ! Pour chaque notion aborde, vous aurez une vido d'introduction, un exercice d'application et une vido de correction. Pour vous accompagner, des classeurs Excel et un guide sont tlchargeables.Ce cours est compos de diffrentes niveaux vous permettant d'acqurir les fondamentaux dans Excel et de construire une base solide. Ces niveaux vous permettent d'aborder de manire progressive de nouvelles fonctionnalits et fonctions afin de pouvoir traiter et grer des donnes mais aussi de les visualiser, les analyser et les communiquer de manire efficace et professionnelle.Pour consolider les notions apprises, vous aurez une tude de cas tire d'une situation relle la fin de chaque niveau.Le cours a t dvelopp sous Excel 2016. Cependant, toutes les fonctionnalits prsentes fonctionnent sur Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 et Mac 2016. La plupart fonctionne sur Excel 2007.A la fin de ce cours, vous serez autonome et comprendrez la logique d'Excel afin de gagner du temps et en efficacit dans votre utilisation de l'outil. Les points suivants ne vous seront plus trangers et vous les maitriserez:Fonctions logiques pour effectuer des tests Fonctions Date permettant d'extraire et d'effectuer des oprations sur les datesFonctions texte permettant d'harmoniser des cellules, de modifier le contenu ou d'extraire des informations souhaitesLes fonctionnalits du filtreFonctions conditionnelles pour effectuer des oprations mathmatiques en fonction de vos conditionsLa mise en forme graphiqueLa recherchev et la combinaison Index - EquivLes tableaux croiss dynamiquesN'attendez plus, inscrivez-vous pour devenir une experte ou un expert dans Excel !"
Price: 89.99

"Complete And Ultimate C Programming Course"
"Hi There!Want to become a SOFTWARE DEVELOPER? Don't worry, I have made it easy for you. Learning C programming is now made easy for EVERYONE, whether you are a beginner or intermediate. This course contains ALL CONCEPTS of C, right from scratch to advance level and from ZERO to HERO.You will be a software developer at the end of this course, believe me! Because we will be developing a product(.exe file) called BOOK STORE MANAGEMENT in our course project, it's amazing. BONUS 1 - you will learn the SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PHASES that every IT company follows, right from ""requirement collection"" to ""releasing the product"". BONUS 2 - you will be learning ""preprocessor"". BONUS 3 - diving into the standard C libraries and getting familiar with it. Just check the titles of every assignment, you will get to know the level of programs that we'll be leveraging.In this course, you will be guided with 10 assignments of real-time problems and a quiz for each section to self-assess yourself. with over 200+ example programs you will be mastering each and every concept in C. Every concept is neatly explained with step by step process. NO matter who you are, you will be an excellent programmer at the end of this course, believe me! you will be diving deep into every concept with the best examples. This course will not be stagnant, it will always get updated!At the end of this course, you will be having a great foundation for your career path and strong knowledge with awesome skills to unlock other programming languages. You will be having a good skill set to achieve your every dream of a career as a developer. Lastly, you will be standing out as THE BEST PROGRAMMER and may get into your dream company.SO, what you are waiting for? Buy this course and achieve your dreams. See you on the course. Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Adobe Illustrator CC"
"Learn basic & advanced skills you need to create a vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator CC. Learn the techniques to draw a vector art in adobe illustrator & with help of gradients make the artwork look very professional . with the first two episode I'm covering the basic tools used in this artwork & how to use the most important tool in any graphic software which is the pen tool. with this you can start from as a basic level designer to become a pro. Seasoned adobe Illustrator users can start jump into 3rd video to leverage their vector illustration skill to the next level. Most courses will walk your through all the tools and demonstrate them, but in this tutorial you really learn from hands on experience. Getting in there and illustrating.Please Note  I'll be adding more videos & more advance topic  in this course in the future as well. We will learn about drawing Basic shapes & Modifying them to any shape we wantedWe will learn about lines, strokes  and how to use the pen tool We will learn about gradients and transparency & use them for advance shading of the artworkWe will learn about the Proper layering practices and with the help of laying how to enhance the artwork"
Price: 19.99

"How To Draw a Realistic Glass in Adobe Illustrator CC"
"Learn advanced skills you need to create a realistic vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator CC. Learn the techniques to draw a vector art in adobe illustrator & with help of Gradients , Blending Modes & Filters make the artwork look realistic as possible . We will learn How to draw a realistic artwork in adobe illustrator We will learn about using basic shapes & strokes to create shapes we wantedWe will learn how to enhance a vector artwork with Gradients , Blending Modes & Filters in adobe illustrator"
Price: 19.99

"How to Use Dynamic Data with Variables in illustrator"
"This Free Tutorial I shows  you guys  step by step how to use the Variable data from a CSV file and import and use Dynamic external Data in Adobe Illustrator. Also I show you how to create simple actions and automate the process. Also You will be learning How to Design a Simple Business Cards & Office ID in Adobe illustrator as well What You will be Learning : Importing Dynamic Data From Microsoft Excel in to Adobe IllustratorCreating Office Name Cards with Dynamic DataHow to Create a CSV file with Excel & connect it with Adobe Illustrator VariablesUsing Automated Actions in Adobe IllustratorControlling visibility inside illustrator with CSV filesImporting Image links in to illustrator with CSV filesCreating Dynamic Graphs in illustrator with CSV Data"
Price: 19.99

"Flat Landscape Design in Illustrator (Perfect For Beginners)"
"Learn basic & advanced skills you need to create a flat design illustrations using Adobe Illustrator CC. Learn the techniques to draw a vector art in adobe illustrator & with help of basic tools & yet look very professional . We will learn Basics of Adobe Illustrator interfaceWe will learn how to use Basic shapes to create objectsWe will learn to create a stunning flat design artworkWe will learn about the Proper layering practices We will also learn to enhance the Artwork with Recoloring & Strokes"
Price: 19.99

"The only key to success"
"This course is for anyone who believe they are worth more than their presence value and want to take a bold step to learn how they can be more and do more. In this course, I share deep secrets guiding the success of high achievers like myself, Bill Gate, John Maxwell, Mark Zuckerberg and many others.  This course will help you understand what might have been holding you back from being a high achiever and also help you know exactly what you need to do to become very successful."
Price: 19.99

"What is law : ."
"? ? , , , ! , , - . . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Hooponopono: O caminho para o Amor"
"Ao final do curso voc ter fortalecido seu amor prprio, sua autoconfiana, gratido, auto responsabilidade e muito mais!O meu propsito neste curso levar o Hooponopono at voc de forma leve e de fcil compreenso, onde apresento a origem da tcnica, a filosofia e suas formas de utilizao.Com embasamento na fsica quntica, vamos entender como o Hooponopono proporciona liberao e purificao de sentimentos, pensamentos, emoes, padres e programas de maneira consciente, permitindo a voc viver uma vida mais feliz e em harmonia."
Price: 54.99

"Learn To Teach Music"
"Do you want to make more money and create lucrative passive income streams, all while impacting your community? Thats exactly what teaching music lessons can do and I'd love to help make it happen for you!In this course, I give you all the tools you need to start teaching your own music lessons and build a successful business from how to create a website, to setting price points, taking payments, and everything in between. I also walk you through how to teach the lessons themselves, structure your business, and market your services. All you need is a little bit of experience playing an instrument or singing, and you're good to go! Over my 15+ years of teaching music, I've learned a few things. And everything I've learned through trial and error, I'm sharing with you to speed up your journey. Are you ready to change your life? Let's get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Estrategias de negociacin intradia para contratos de futuro"
"En el seminario de estrategias de negociacin intrada se introduce al participante desde el nivel ms bsico de comprensin de los factores que determinan el funcionamiento del proceso de formacin de precios en los mercados globales. Se explican las fuerzas fundamentales que mueven los precios, a saber, la codicia y el miedo de los participantes. Todo enmarcado y conceptualizado de forma que al concluir el seminario, el participante cuente con el conocimiento y los recursos necesarios para disear su propio sistema de negociacin basado en la gestin de riesgo de su cuenta, definiendo entre otras importantes variables, la prdida mxima por da y por negociacin, los instrumentos a negociar, los criterios de posicionamiento y tamao de lote ms idneos, as como la seleccin de las estrategias de negociacin a aplicar al mercado o mercados de su preferencia. Adicionalmente, se ofrece con el seminario un bono de 30 das de acceso gratuito al rea de miembros de Satoshi Trading Club, en el que podr interactuar diariamente con DrBitcoinVe y todo el grupo de traders que forman parte de nuestra comunidad, permitiendo de esta forma un proceso de aprendizaje dinmico y ameno."
Price: 99.99

"Mastering Social Media: A Beginners Guide"
"*Learn the basics of social media marketing for your business fast*Get to grips with how you can see success for your business through social media marketing on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn*Understand the jargon used in social media so you'll be speaking the language*Never worry about how to create a Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram Ad again with easy to follow tipsheets*Save time and effort with the step by step slides which will make social media easy and fun*Learn how to harness the power of social media marketing for your business so you can reap the rewards and see results*Get the secrets sensational social media marketers use to grow their clients following and use them to boost your own"
Price: 34.99

"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Gesundheit"
"Ich zeige dir auf, wie du mit den 5 Erfolgssulen Gesundheit, Persnlichkeit, Menschen, Karriere und Finanzen ein ausgeglichenes und erfolgreiches Leben fhren kannst.In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen meines Konzeptes, d.h. deine 5 Erfolgssulen und die Sule Gesundheit kennen. Dieser Kurs soll dir Appetit machen auf die weiteren Sulen.Alle weiteren Sulen wie Persnlichkeit, Menschen, Karriere und Finanzen sind separate kostenpflichtige Kurse. Um das Gesamtkonzept zu verstehen, empfehle ich, sich fr alle 5 Kurse einzuschreiben. Dies ist aber nicht zwingend erforderlich. Du kannst auch nur bestimmte Kurse buchen.In diesem Kurs machst du einen Quantensprung bei deiner Gesundheit, wenn du bereit bist, das geballte Wissen und die Herausforderungen, die dir dieser Kurs liefert, anzunehmen, anzuwenden und das dauerhaft und nachhaltig.Ich zeige dir, wie du das Beste aus deinem Leben machen kannst mit Hilfe deiner eigenen 5 Sulen des Erfolgs. Jede Erfolgssule wird detailliert in einem separaten Kurs betrachtet. Du wirst schon bald verstehen, was es mit den 5 Erfolgssulen auf sich hat und wie du das in deinen Alltag mglichst schmerzfrei integrieren kannst.Wichtig zu wissen ist, dass diese 5 Kurse mit cleverer Arbeit und Selbstdisziplin verbunden sind. Auch ist dieser Kurs nicht ganz schmerzfrei im bertragenen Sinne.Freu dich auf ein Abenteuer und wachse mit deinen Herausforderungen und verlasse deine Komfortzone! Du wirst es nicht bereuen.In  dieser Reihe biete ich dir in 5 Kursen auf humorvolle Weise: Inspiration, Motivation und eine Menge erprobter Lebensweisheiten. Natrlich kommt die Praxis nicht zu kurz.Kurs: Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Gesundheit (dieser Kurs)Kurs: Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule PersnlichkeitKurs: Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule MenschenKurs: Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule KarriereKurs: Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen"
Price: 49.99

"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Persnlichkeit"
"Was zeichnet starke und herausragende Persnlichkeiten aus?Lass dich durch 3 starke, deutsche Persnlichkeiten wie Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein und Steffi Graf inspirieren und motivieren.Wie ist dein Status Quo deiner Persnlichkeitsentwicklung auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10?Wie du dich selbst zu einer starken und einzigartigen Persnlichkeit fortentwickelst.Nur durch das Verlassen deiner Komfortzone kannst du wirklich wachsen! Ja, das ist manchmal schmerzhaft. Aber es lohnt sich!Smarte Ziele schriftlich formulieren und umsetzen, um deiner Persnlichkeitsentwicklung auf die Sprnge zu verhelfen.Wie du jeden Tag etwas fr deine Persnlichkeitsentwicklung tun kannst."
Price: 29.99

"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Menschen"
"Dieser Kurs ist aus der Reihe Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben. Es ist 1 separater Kurs von insgesamt 5 Kursen.In dem Kurs Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben -  Die Sule Menschen geht es darum:Woran du echte Freunde erkennt?Wie du nachhaltig soziale Kontakte knpfst und die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt, dass daraus echte Freunde werden.Wie du ein wahrer Menschenfreund wirst und was dir das bringt.Warum du jeden Tag etwas Gutes fr dich und die Menschen in deiner Umgebung tun solltest.Bewhrte Praxis-Tipps, die es dir leichter machen, auf Menschheit loszugehen - im positiven Sinne.Aus dieser Reihe Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben sind auch folgende Kurse erschienen:Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Gesundheit (kostenlos)Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Persnlichkeit (kostenpflichtig)Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Karriere (kostenpflichtig)Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen (kostenpflichtig)"
Price: 29.99

"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Karriere"
"Dies ist 1 von 5 Kursen aus der Reihe Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben.In diesem Kurs Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Karriere lernst du:Warum Karriere ber die klassische Definition heutzutage hinaus geht. D.h. du schaust ber deinen Tellerrand!Nach dem aktiven Durcharbeiten des Kurses bist du in der Lage, deine Karriere als Angestellter und/oder Selbststndiger smart zu planen und umzusetzen.Du wirst sensibilisiert im Hinblick auf Selbstverwirklichung.Du verlsst deine Komfortzone und holst dir das, was dir zusteht. D.h. du bist nach dem Kurs bereit, einen Quantensprung zu machen.Du lernst an dich selbst zu glauben und verbesserst somit deine Karriereaussichten fast automatisch.Achtung: Dieser Kurs ist mit cleverer Arbeit verbunden und schmerzfrei ist er auch nicht im bertragenen Sinn. Dafr wirst du aber inspiriert, motiviert und begeistert, deine Karriere selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.Motto des Kurses ist:""Der Erfolgreiche macht da weiter, wo der Erfolglose aufhrt. Wer stehenbleibt, der fllt zurck. Wo bin ich stehengeblieben?""Verfasser unbekannt"
Price: 19.99

"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen"
"Dies ist 1 von 5 Kursen aus der Reihe Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben.In diesem Kurs Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen lernst du:Wie du deine Finanzen besser im Griff und unter Kontrolle hast.Wie du deine finanziellen Transaktionen managst und kategorisierst.Wie du mehr Spa im Umgang mit Geld, Sparen und Vermgensaufbau hast.Wie du kostenbewusster und sparsamer durchs Leben gehst.Wie du eine positive Einstellung zu Geld bekommst."
Price: 19.99

"7 Simple Breathing Techniques for Busy People"
"If you are busy, then this course is for you!In this course, you will be learn 7 simple yet highly effective breathing techniques (pranayama) that help you to relax instantly and deeply. Thereby, relieving you from stress, anxiety, headaches or nervousness. Apart from this, they have several health benefits too including glowing skin and weight loss.These pranayama exercises are ideal for people with hectic schedules as they dont take up so much of time to do. As you proceed in the course, you will experience a sense of calm and peace with greater amounts of rejuvenating energy. It is totally worth your time and energy.I welcome you to learn these powerful breathing techniques to heal yourself naturally with minimum effort in a smart way to create a healthy, vibrant and peaceful life for yourself."
Price: 19.99

"ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality Exam - 2019"
"Are you ready to pass the ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality certification exam?  Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of  the practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of  questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with  the confidence youll need to take your ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality Exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking  more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test  youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered  correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also  be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test  to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam.  Are  you ready to prep for your future?175 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 85 - 90 % in the real exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 125 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 29.99