"Setting up and Starting up your Business" |
"This course is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to - Set up and start-up their first business, - Identify seed funding for it, - Learn the art of business negotiation, and - Increase their chance of securing business or trading opportunities.Each lecture offers short tutorial with clear learning objectives, explains the theoretical framework and provides useful examples, practical case studies and additional resources.Whether your business is at a conceptual stage, piloting, is fully operational or whether it is considering an expansion phase, this course will help you gain confidence, knowledge and understanding to establish and register your business, and set up an action plan for achieving your main business development goals.The course consists of five lectures that will help you develop both strategic and operational plans for making your business more sustainable.Even though they address complex and comprehensive topics, each lecture covers contents that are easy to follow and understand (both in terms of language and visuals), and are designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles and abilities. Furthermore, you will have the option to pause and rewind the videos at any time, as well as slowing down the delivery speed.youll also be able to pick and choose subjects that are relevant and important to you at a specific stage of your business development, and learn in your own time and pace; youll be able to pause and rewind the video as often as you need to, and pick up from where you previously left off."
Price: 114.99 |
"Basic Financial Management for First-time Entrepreneurs" |
"This course is designed for busy entrepreneurs who want to learn basic finance management skills, knowledge and understanding or improve their existing ones.Each lecture offers short tutorial with clear learning objectives, explains the theoretical framework and provides useful examples, practical case studies and additional resources.Whether your business is at a conceptual stage, piloting, is fully operational or whether it is considering an expansion phase, this course will help you gain confidence, knowledge and understanding to develop sound financial systems and procedures, as well as using them as practical tools for planning, decision-making, monitoring and control, and managing your business efficiently.The course consists of five lectures and it will help you think about the various systems, procedures and tools youll need to put in place to develop simple yet sound financial management practices.Even though they address complex and comprehensive topics, each lecture offers contents that are easy to follow and understand (both in terms of language and visuals), and designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles and abilities.Furthermore, you will have the option to pause and rewind the videos at any time, slow down the delivery speed, and pick up from where you previously left off.youll also be able to pick and choose subjects that are relevant and important to you at a specific stage of your business development, and learn in your own time and pace."
Price: 124.99 |
"Financing your Start-up Business" |
"This course is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to finance their start-up or expanding an existing business. The course is very useful: it will enable entrepreneurs to identify seed funding for their start-up costs, learn the art of business negotiation, and increase their chance of securing business or trading opportunities.Each lecture offers short tutorial with clear learning objectives, explains the theoretical framework and provides useful examples, practical case studies and additional resources.Whether your business is at a conceptual stage, piloting, is fully operational or whether it is considering an expansion phase, this course will help you gain confidence, knowledge and understanding to achieve your main business development goals, become effectively operational and increase your chances of running a viable business.The course consists of four lectures and it will help you develop both strategic and operational plans for making your business more sustainable.Even though they include complex and comprehensive topics, each lecture covers contents that are easy to follow and understand (both in terms of language and visuals), and are designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles and abilities. Furthermore, you will have the option to pause and rewind the videos at any time, slow down the delivery speed and pick up from where you previously left off. Youll also be able to pick and choose subjects that are relevant and important to you at a specific stage of your business development."
Price: 124.99 |
"Il mio Facebook Marketing" |
"""Il mio Facebook Marketing"" un video corso che ti aiuta a creare una strategia efficace utilizzando il social blu in modo semplice, chiaro e soprattutto concreto, parlando una lingua che comprendi.Il corso di primo livello, per conoscere il mondo di Facebook, averne maggiore consapevolezza e costruire una propria strategia di comunicazione.Se hai aperto la pagina Facebook della tua associazione ma ti sembra di perdere tempo, non capendo come mai non arrivano dei risultati oppure se sei ancora indeciso/a se usare Facebook per la tua comunicazione, questo corso adatto a te.Si tratta, infatti, di un manuale di istruzioni per chi opera nel mondo dellassociazionismo e del Terzo Settore.Se dirigi unassociazione o un ente (piccolo o grande che sia, sportivo, culturale o di volontariato) hai forse la curiosit di capire come funziona il mondo del social blu: probabilmente coltivi il desiderio di dare una voce ed un riscontro allimpegno tuo e di chi ti sta a fianco.Lobiettivo de Il mio Facebook Marketing rendere accessibile e comprensibile questo social cos ampio e variegato, ai non addetti ai lavori, a chi tutti i giorni ""non mastica web"".Se sei un professionista o un imprenditore e la comunicazione ti appassiona, non temere puoi tranquillamente prendere spunto da ci che leggerai: adatto anche a te!"
Price: 99.99 |
toshihiko-abacus |
Price: 24.99 |
"Marketing fr Startups" |
"In den letzten Jahren ist das Marketing immer relevanter geworden. Eine Flut an Informationen prasselt tglich auf uns ein. Umso wichtiger ist es, als junges Unternehmen in dieser Informationsflut nicht unterzugehen. Da die Aufmerksamkeit deiner Kunden ein begrenztes Gut ist, musst du als Startupper dringend eine gut durchdachte Marketingstrategie aufstellen.Doch wo fngst du hier am besten an und woher weit du, welche Marketingbausteine und Werkzeuge fr dich am sinnvollsten sind?In diesem Kurs gebe ich dir einen Rundumblick zu den relevanten Bereichen, damit auch du eine gut durchdachte Marketingstrategie in der online- und Offlinewelt fahren kannst. Gemeinsam werden wir uns die Grundlagen des Marketings anschauen. Wir werden eine Marktsegmentierung und deine persnliche Zielgruppendefinition vornehmen. Nachdem wir das getan haben, schauen wir uns das Thema Branding und Markenaufbau genauer an. Auerdem besprechen wir die Tools, mit denen du die Marke deines Unternehmens und deiner Produkte aufbauen und langfristig in dem Gedchtnis deiner Wunschkunden verankern kannst.Wir betrachten den Kaufentscheidungsprozess, den dein Kunde durchluft, bevor er sich entscheidet, dein Produkt zu kaufen. In jeder der Phasen hast du aus marketingstrategischer Sicht eine Vielzahl an Optionen, wie du deinen Wunschkunden in die richtige Richtung lenken kannst. Im Marketing-Mix schauen wir uns jedes der sogenannten 4 P gesondert an. Ich gebe dir Hinweise und Strategien auf den Weg, wie du deine Produkt- und Programmpolitik, deine Vertriebswege, deine Preispolitik und natrlich deine strategische Kommunikation richtig fhrst.Ich gebe dir einen berblick ber diverse Online- und Offline Werbemglichkeiten und wir werden uns ebenfalls einen berblick zum allgemeinen Onlinemarketing verschaffen. Wir schauen uns Social Media Marketing an, Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), Affiliate Marketing ebenso wie ffentlichkeitsarbeit und klassische Werbung.Welche dieser Kommunikationsmanahmen ist fr dich und dein Startup am besten geeignet? Finden wir es gemeinsam heraus!Natrlich drfen auch die strategische Marktanalyse in einer Chancen-Risiken-Matrix und eine Beschftigung mit den Strken und Schwchen deiner Unternehmung nicht fehlen. In diesem Kurs lernst du auerdem die Grundlagen der Marktforschung. Du wirst zum Ende der Lektion in der Lage sein, eine eigene SWOT-Analyse herzustellen und in deine Marktorientierung einflieen zu lassen. Zum Abschluss werden wir deinen persnlichen Marketingplan und deine Strategie aufstellen. Mit diversen Zusatzmaterialien werden wir die Gestaltung deiner Marketingmanahmen in die Wege leiten.Hier noch einmal ein Kurzer berblick zum Inhalt des KursesGrundlagen MarketingMarktsegmentierungZielgruppendefinitionBuying ProcessMarke und BrandingMarketing-MixProdukt- und ProgrammstrategiePreisgestaltung, Preisuntergrenze und ToolsVertriebsgestaltungWerkzeuge der klassischen WerbungOnline-MarketingSocial Media MarketingPublic Relations und PressearbeitMarktanalyse und MarktforschungAufstellen deiner persnlichen Strategie"
Price: 49.99 |
Personalmarketing |
"Das Personalmarketing ist vor allem in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in den Vordergrund gerckt. Es reicht mittlerweile nicht mehr aus, eine bloe Stellenanzeige zu verffentlichen und dann aus den besten Bewerbungen auszuwhlen. Leider treffen immer weniger Bewerbungen ein und Unternehmen mssen einstellen, was sie finden oder einen erheblichen Aufwand betreiben, um gute Mitarbeiter zu finden.In diesem Kurs beschftigen wir uns damit, welche Werkzeuge und Strategien dir zur Verfgung stehen, damit du ein erfolgreiches Personalmarketing betreiben und aus eintreffenden Bewerbungen deine Wunschmitarbeiter heraussuchen kannst. Das Finden ist die eine Seite der Medaille, das Halten die andere. Aus diesem Grund beschftigen wir uns auch damit, wie du deine Prozesse erfolgreich gestalten kannst, um deine Mitarbeiter auch langfristig an dein Unternehmen zu binden.Wir besprechen Themen wie Employer Branding, Active Sourcing, Passive Sourcing, Prozessoptimierung, Onboarding und Kommunikation im Unternehmen. Des Weiteren beschftigen wir uns auch mit ein paar grundlegenden Informationen ber Knigge und gesetzliche Bestimmungen fr die Auwahl an Personal. Darber hinaus werde ich dir auch einen kurzen berblick ber Dienstleistungen von externen Partnern wie Personalvermittlungen oder Arbeitnehmerberlassungen geben.Der Kurs wird in der kommenden Zeit weiter aus- und aufgebaut, daher freue ich mich auf dein Feedback mit Themenwnschen fr ergnzende Lektionen."
Price: 59.99 |
"Key Account Management, Dvelopper les grands comptes" |
"L'objectif du cours est de dvelopper la fois une comprhension approfondie du processus de gestion des comptes cls et transmettre une solide comprhension du processus d'appel d'offres de part en part; donneur d'ordre et soumissionnaire.Dans le but de: Scuriser un appel doffres par un plan daction de pntration de compte appropri Matriser le processus de gestion des offres des deux cts Acqurir les diffrents outils utiliss lors du processus de gestion des propositions Organiser la clture de la transaction et la monte en puissance de la livraison"
Price: 79.99 |
"Position trading: Curso completo para aprender a invertir" |
"Aprenders a iniciarte en el mundo del position trading invirtiendo en empresas de la bolsa de valores americana. Te ensear como invierten los grandes position traders de wallstreet, con un sistema probado por ms de 50 aos. Te ser muy honesto con lo que enseo, no busco dar falsas esperanzas, hacer trading es complejo, debes aprender a controlarte."
Price: 2970.00 |
"Entenda a importncia de um bom atendimento" |
"Este curso ir tratar de itens bsicos para o sucesso profissional, seja voc um profissional ou algum que ir se tornar um.Quando falamos de atendimento, logo imaginamos, ""mas no quero ser vendedor de shopping ou loja de rua"", atender no significa em uma loja, mas sim em qualquer lugar que haja pessoas, seja atender um funcionrio, um empresrio ou at mesmo um cliente. Neste momento entra em questo o item, comportamento, pois, se voc no sabe se comportar o seu atendimento ser um fiasco e isso pode lhe custar o emprego ou seu dinheiro. Ligado a tudo isso temos a postura, se no tiver postura, nenhum dos itens acima ter importncia ou relevncia. Para tanto este curso ir lhe trazer novos horizontes e conhecimento para se tornar um profissional bem sucedido e com grandes chances no mercado de trabalho e profissional."
Price: 54.99 |
"Bouw een Shopify Webshop in 1 uur" |
"In deze Shopify-cursus geef ik je een stapsgewijze handleiding voor het maken van een Shopify Webshop in 1 uur met absoluut nul codering vereist!Shopify is een geweldig e-commerceplatform en na deze Shopify-cursus zul je zien waarom.Deze Shopify-cursus is bedoeld voor iedereen die zelf krachtige eCommerce Shopify-Webshop wil maken. Ik ga je laten zien hoe je een Shopify Webshop bouwt, dus zelfs als je Shopify nog nooit in je leven hebt gebruikt, kun je er snel in springen."
Price: 19.99 |
"Shopify University - Create a Shopify store under 1 hour" |
"In this Shopify course, I will be providing you with a step by step guide on how to create a Shopify eCommerce store under 1 hour with absolutely zero coding required!Shopify is an amazing eCommerce platform, and after this Shopify course, you will see why.This Shopify course is aimed at anyone who wants to create powerful eCommerce Shopify stores on their own. I cover everything, so even if you've never used Shopify in your life, you will be able to quickly jump in.We will learn how toSetup a FREE Shopify AccountDownload a FREE Shopify ThemeCustomize our Shopify ThemeCreate a Navigation MenuAdd Products to ShopifySetup Pages on our Shopify StoreSetup Payment MethodsSetup Shipping ZonesCreate Refund PolicySetup Custom Domain NameAnd moreWhy you will love this Shopify course (2019)!TIME-SAVINGI made this Shopify course with speed & simplicity in mind. I will show you how to create an eCommerce store in within 1 hour using Shopify.AMAZING SAVINGSEcommerce can be tricky, but with Shopify and a little creativity you can build a profitable Shopify eCommerce store for very little money.FOR BEGINNERSThis Shopify course is completely beginner-friendly. You dont need to know anything about Shopify, coding or programming (but make sure you have basic computer skills).FREE SHOPIFY SUPPORTI am here to help you with any Shopify problems you may come across. Post your questions & I will respond to your Shopify queries ASAP.FLEXIBILITYThis course teaches you how to make ANY Shopify store. You are not restricted to a specific style or Shopify theme. You are free to create anything you want using the tools used in this Shopify course.I look forward to seeing you in this Shopify course!Cheers,Wael Bachir"
Price: 19.99 |
"Gesto financeira para o crescimento" |
"Curso bsico de gesto financeira, para aqueles que possuem interesse no assunto e buscam saber como funciona essa gesto. O que a gesto financeira, as decises que involvem essa gesto, a importncia e as aes necessrias para uma boa gesto financeira empresarial ou pessoal, o gestor financeiro e o seu papel, dentre outros tpicos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Sell Low Content Books On Amazon. Passive Income. No Writing" |
"NOTEBOOKS, PLANNERS (LOW CONTENT BOOKS) ARE HOT ON AMAZON!Just the the top gratitude journals alone on Amazon are making OVER $39,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!You Want A Piece Of This Pie! Just Like Me!THE MORE NO CONTENT BOOKS YOU LIST, The More Passive Income Will Come In.. MONTH AFTER MONTH!You do not need a list or to know how to build it.You do not need traffic. No money spent on ads.You do not need to be an expert on blogging, SEO etc.You do not need a lot of money to join.You do not need to spend a lot of time.THE COMPLETE SYSTEM TO BUILD YOUR OWN EMPIRE ON AMAZON!The Definition Of Passive Income. Books Created Once, Sell Forever.No Risk. No Stock Needed. Amazon Prints Your Book Once Sold.Each Book Created Easily. We Show You How Step By Step.FREE TRAFFIC - Rely On Amazon!No Expert Tech Skills Required.You Just Need To Create Each Book Once And Let It Sell Forever!If You Can Follow Simple Instructions, You Will StartCreating Your Own Publishing Empire..TODAY!You Need To Know Exactly What Kind Of Books To Create, How To Publish Them And How To Make Sure ThatThey Are Successful Over And Over,Otherwise You Will Never Get Ahead With This Method.STEP 1Steal Our Best Book Ideas!STEP 2Publish The Book On AmazonSTEP 3Collect the profits and then repeat the process.All the secrets and strategies are included and step-by-step presented.You will be selling notebooks, planners and other low content books on Amazon! The demand is pretty high and consistent. This is not a technique which is going to fade out!"
Price: 19.99 |
"iPhone Photography for Beginners" |
"In this technical day and age, everyone and their dog has an iPhone or smartphone of some sorts and chances are you will have it on you all day, every day.Thats why that the smartphones are some of the best cameras out there. Wait what?! Yes, the best cameras as they are with us All. The. Time. No they arent the best quality compared to proper cameras, but they are fantastic to document every day life.Is that every day life for your business? Are you trying to take photographs of products and not getting high enough quality results? Or are you struggling with focus on small items?Perhaps its photographing the kids as every photo of them is the back of their heads, blurry and the phone not doing what you want it to do!I hear you, I used to be so frustrated with what I saw as a vision and what I was getting as the result. Sometimes it is an easy peasy fix with a bit of lighting, change in composition or even editing your images all of which you can do in minutes!If this sounds like you, then keep reading"
Price: 49.99 |
"How to Photograph Fireworks" |
"Included in this course -- A 73 page slideshow, split into 6 easy to digest modules to understand Firework photography- A 5 page handy quick reference guide that you can print or save to your phone for the big fireworks night!- Lifetime access to our courses- Bonus videos on shutter speed, ISO and White Balance"
Price: 29.99 |
"Photography Foundation" |
"The Photography Foundation is for absolute beginners and consists of 3 different modules ranging from absolutely easy peasy tips, to setting up your camera and understanding Automatic. This might be something you have dabbled with before, but you may be looking for more official learning and guidance.Introduction & Preparing your CameraGetting started and set up with your cameraUnderstanding AutomaticBasic Automatic Creative ModesAdvancing away from AutomaticProgram ModeISO and White Balance* Please note this is part of our bigger course ""The On-line Complete Photography Experience"" and is the same first 3 modules from that course."
Price: 39.99 |
"Understanding Shutter Speed" |
"Understanding shutter speed is perfect for those that need a photography refresher on movement photography from fast shutter speeds for sports, capturing children moving right down to slow shutter speeds for soft flowing water and long exposures. If you have trouble creating images of the little ones that are in focus, then perhaps your shutter speed is too slow. This course will give you the ability to select the desired shutter speed for the correct effect."
Price: 39.99 |
"Understanding Aperture and Depth of Field" |
"This is the Understanding Aperture and Depth of Field course. It is 10% of the On-line Complete Photography Experience - meaning it has 1 out of the 10 modules that are on the big course. If you wanted to learn fully up to manual control, then we would recommend purchasing the full On-line Complete Photography Experience when you are ready."
Price: 39.99 |
"Prcticas para abrir los canales del sustento y prosperidad" |
"Bienvenido al Centro de la Kabbalah Aplicada; el objetivo principal de nuestra escuela es ayudar a nuestros alumnos a alcanzar la felicidad real y satisfaccin de vida, bendiciones que nos otorga el estudio kabbalistico aplicado en nuestra vida. Es necesario entender antes de proseguir que este curso no tienen como objetivo el hacerte rico de manera rpida y fcil como muchos cursos o libros a lo largo del mundo ofrecen de manera milagrosa, no, el objetivo de este curso es el entender qu es la prosperidad? y como es que nuestras acciones, pensamientos y conciencia son las que nos bloquean de obtener la luz constante e infinita del creado. As como lo menciona el maestro Roger Castellanos""El mayor nivel de egosmo del ser humano, es evitar que el Creador cumpla con su nico objetivo... impartir toda su beneficencia""y por ello su objetivo es el modificar nuestra conciencia de pobreza, por una conciencia permanente de recepcin con la luzComo abrir los canales del la abundancia, el sustento y la prosperidad, nos presenta una serie de prcticas que nos ayudan a desbloquear la luz que nos corresponde y mejorar as no solo el aspecto econmico en nuestras vidas, sino evitar todas esas dificultades que nos creamos con nuestras acciones conducidas por niveles de conciencia conectadas al egosmo. Estas practicas son enseadas a travs del conocimiento que nos entrega la Tor y Zohar que vienen cifrados en el rbol de la vida (pilar fundamental en el estudio kabbalistico) y en el poder que nos entregan las letras hebreas, pero explicado para ser llevado a la prctica en el da a da.Te deseamos mucho xito en este sendero, el maestro pondr el 50% y te corresponde a ti poner en prctica estas enseanzas y cambiar tu vida. Suerte y animo, Shalom Shalom"
Price: 49.99 |
"Ressignifique seu Sono" |
"O intuito desse curso ressignificar a forma como voc enxerga o sono e entender o por que voc fica cansado durante o dia e a proposta atravs de conceitos prticos aplicar o que for passado no curso na sua realidade e mudar a forma com que voc tem dormido, logo mudando sua qualidade de vida."
Price: 99.99 |
"Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike preparation & planning" |
"The Pacific Crest Trail spans over more than 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. Many Dream of successfully thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, but dont know where to start this incredible adventure.This course is a helping hand for all ambitious future PCT Thru-Hikers and provides detailed information on the trail, its challenges and on how to plan and prepare a thru-hike. Course Details:Trail overview and sectionsChallenges and Hazards on the TrailPlanning (i.e. Start Date & Direction, Permits, Training, Finances)Equipment (insights into my Equipment)Lessons Learned (Navigation, Water, Food, Hitchhiking, Mishaps)Course improvement:I plan to continuously improve this Course and would like to implement your Feedback to provide the best possible support for all future thru-hikers.All the best and happy hiking!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Vorbereitung und Planung" |
"Der Pacific Crest Trail, von Mexiko nach Kanada ber 4.279 km. Viele trumen davon diesen Trail eines Tages zu laufen. Doch die schier unendliche Distanz und die Herausforderungen entlang des Trails scheinen immens und schrecken von der Planung ab. Dieser Kurs nimmt angehende Wanderer an die Hand, zeigt Herausforderungen und Risiken in den einzelnen Etappen auf und gibt Tipps zur Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchfhrung. Hierbei werden sowohl organisatorische Aspekte, wie Visa, Finanzen und sonstige Genehmigungen, wie auch persnliche Vorbereitungen und die notwendige Ausrstung und Verpflegung besprochen. Konkrete Ratschlge fr die erste nehmen die Angst vor dem Unbekannten und erleichtern den Start vor Ort. Kursinhalte:Trail berblick und einzelne SektionenHerausforderungen und GefahrenPlanung (u.a. Startdatum, Richtung, Finanzen, Visa, Genehmigungen, Training)Vorstellung meiner vollstndigen AusrstungErfahrungen auf dem Trail (u.a. Tagesablauf, Wasser, Nahrung, Zeltplatzauswahl, Navigation, Hitchhiking, Missgeschicke)Weiterentwicklung des KursesIch mchte diesen Kurs gerne kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und ausbauen und freue mich daher ber Anmerkungen und Feedback, damit auch andere Hiker von den Inhalten profitieren knnen.Fr Fragen rund um den Pacific Crest Trail stehe ich natrlich gerne zur Verfgung!Alles Gute und viel Spa bei der Planung!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Adwords Case Study - How I Reduced CPC by 92% in One Month" |
"I will discuss case study of AWIP. AWIP one of the leading wall panels manufacturer in USA desired a new adwords strategy to increase their online sales as company was already running its PPC campaigns but results were not satisfying. I discuss in detail how i reduced the CPC by 92% by applying simple but smart things on company's adwords account."
Price: 19.99 |
"Rejuvenescimento Milenar com Yoga" |
"Um momento somente seu, de reencontro, de reenergizao, de despertar. Reconectar com seu tempo, sua histria, seu corpo para transformar a mente. O YOGA oferece inmeras ferramentas para autocuidado, fortalecimento, relaxamento e sade integral do corpo, mente e alma.As aulas tm um enfoque especial na criao e percepo necessria para construo progressiva das posturas psicofsicas, incluindo exerccios de respirao e relaxamento conduzido.As dicas bsicas para voc treinar sempre que praticar so: - Estmago vazio (pelo menos 2h aps uma refeio completa);- Respirao consciente pelo nariz, induzindo a aquietar os pensamentos;- Observar quando a exalao fica tensa e reduzir a intensidade da carga de esforo; - Observar quando a inalao estiver deteriorada e os nveis de concentrao mental, estabilizao fsica e postura estiverem comprometidos;- Focar a viso em um nico ponto, ativar os msculos abdominais, msculos que sustentam a coluna, protegendo e tracionando;- Trazer a ateno pra dentro do corpo. No performance, conexo com o sentir, compreender melhor os limites;- Manter a atitude de auto-observao;- Realizar com segurana e qualidade toda a prtica;- Mulheres devem evitar a prtica no perodo menstrual.O Yoga uma longa jornada de transformao, aproveite o processo! tima prtica!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4 : Criando um jogo TPS do Zero" |
"Aprenda a criar jogos legais e em terceira pessoa com a poderosa Engine, Unreal Engine 4, Voc aprender a criar jogos em terceira pessoa ou ate mesmo em primeira, sistema de itens e armas, sem contar o cenrio e tudo mais, deixe sua criatividade fluir, a partir desse curso voc ser capaz de imaginar e criar qualquer coisa que voc quiser!!!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Modern Astrology - An Introduction To Natal Astrology" |
"Welcome To Modern AstrologyDespite thousands of years of history, Astrology has transitioned smoothly into the modern world and still remains one of the most immersive and intuitive tools for self-understanding and insight into how we impact and interact with the world around us.Natal Astrology asserts that valuable insight can be determined based on the date, time and physical geography of any beginning, whether it be a birth date, the beginning or a business or venture, a wedding and so forth. A natal chart provides a blueprint of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that a person may be presented with. You can find answers to specific questions on topics such as career, romance, health, travel or education. Natal Astrology also provides a valuable framework that allows you to look at personality - how strengths and weaknesses interact with one another, our coping mechanisms, the parts of us that attract opportunity and luck and the parts of us that keep leading us back into trouble.What You'll LearnAstrology is a broad topic with an array of specializations and schools of thought. This course won't focus on history, mythology or the biases of particular Astrology forms. The goal of this course is to build up your Astrology literacy to a point where you can begin practical interpretation and join the modern dialogue on this fascinating topic.This course will ground you in the fundamentals - the core elements that are present in most forms of western Astrology. It will also give you the knowledge and tools to begin your journey into interpretive natal Astrology.Upon course completion, you'll be able to:Develop a working and practical understanding of the core fundamentals of Astrology, including the 12 signs, the houses, the planets and aspectsCreate and interpret a natal Astrology birth chart using the ""Big 3"" (Sun, Moon and Ascendant), the houses, planets and aspects and how to ""score up the weighting"" of a natal chart by elements and modalitiesGain insight into personality traitsLook for and interpret specific criteria from a chart including career, romance, health etcUnderstand and participate in Astrology conversations and discussions - both in the real world and social mediaHave enough understanding of Astrology to make educated choices about where to focus to develop your own knowledge or specialized interest in Astrology, including predictive (transits & progressions), relationships (synastry), soul-centered (esoteric/karmic) and divination (horary).Course StructureEffort has been made to cater to different learning styles and to anchor what you're learning as you progress. Strong audio/visual content is supported with printable content such as flash cards, catering to audio, visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Exams will be included throughout this course as a tool to challenge the knowledge you're building as you progress.A section is included that will show you how to generate and print your own natal Astrology chart using web resources, and will introduce you to some of the best apps and software available on today's market.Months of work and considerable resources have gone into providing a course that will give you a solid, practical mastery of the basics of Astrology and it's my sincere wish that this course ignites the passion in you to travel further down the rabbit hole and forward into the next age of this timeless art.Welcome to Modern Astrology."
Price: 99.99 |
"How to self-publish your book for FREE" |
"Learn how to self publish your book for free using Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. This course will take though a step by step guide of the Kindle Direct Publishing process. Learn a brief history of Kindle Direct Publishing and how it differs from traditional publishing. This course will also highlight specific publishing dos and don'ts."
Price: 19.99 |
vxgoicko |
"2020/1 EmpirePowershell - -ITNWNWCTFIT12Webmetasploit"
Price: 5400.00 |
"Office 365 Advanced Course" |
"This course has each and every step for you to configure your Office 365 tenant with multiple domains. You will learn how to buy domains from a 3rd party. How to Add domains to Office 365 Tenant. What are the steps to perform domain verification and validation. How to setup your tenant. And setup your mailboxes with different email addresses and multiple aliases. This course also cover how to configure different Outlook profilesThis course you will see fully qualified domain name (FQDN) just like your company's domain for for complete production ready email setup."
Price: 19.99 |