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"Certificado SSL WordPress: de HTTP a HTTPS para siempre"
"SSL WordPress, es un curso corto y prctico para que puedas instalar un certificado SSL 2048 Bits en tu sitio web totalmente gratis y por siempre. Si usas Cpanel, y WordPress este curso es 100% ideal para ti, y tambin si deseas instalar un certificado usando otras plataformas, lo podrs hacer usando Cloudflare como emisor de tu certificado.Hemos aadido algunos temas importantes para mejorar la seguridad de tu sitio web, y usar las mejores prcticas para no ser hackeado, y penalizado por Google. Cada tema y subtema contiene teora 100% prctica y con demostraciones bien explicadas al detalle para que no quede ninguna duda o proceso no entendido.Aade wordpress https de manera segura y sin complicaciones y obtn un certificado SSL para tu sitio sin la preocupacin de renovar cada ao por uno. Caractersticas:Certificado ssl Wordpress 2048 bits para tu sitio web por siempre sin renovar.Woocommerce ssl, si deseas vender o tener un sitio web de comercio electrnico.SSL cloudflare wordpress, usa la plataforma de Cloudflare como emisor.ssl gratis para tu sitio web de WordPress o usando otro gestor de contenido.certificado ssl godaddy, usaremos este registrador de dominio web como ejemplo; pero es el mismo procedimiento para cualquier otro registrador de dominio web.wordpress https, aprenda a redirigir de HTTP a HTTPS de manera segura y sin complicaciones.certificado ssl barato, de hecho ser 100% gratis.Este curso esta dividido en 6 lecciones, y cada leccin tiene la teora y ejemplos prcticos para poder seguir, y aprender a cmo hacerlo. Por favor, siempre mire los ejemplos con demostraciones en vivo. Le animamos a ser parte de este curso y aprender a instalar un certificado SSL!"
Price: 24.99

"Autodesk Advance Steel -Essential"
"WELCOMEAutodesk Advance Steel, Learning From Zero to Professional Autodesk Advance Steel is a great BIM program for Steel structural detailingAfter this Training you Can Make : General Overview and Interface Familiarization A 3D BIM Modeling For Steel structural Buildings Easily and Quickly Template Selection and Project Setup Create a Grid , foundation , Columns, Beams (standard, Welded, Folded) ( - - - )Using a automatic macro for Frames,Truess,Bracing,Purlin,Handrails,Staircase) Create a automatic connection and custom connection Create a Drawings (GA, single part, Assembly) ,Document Manger, Revision control Checking of Model and Numbering Create a list and CNC Date fills Course Objectives - what you can Do after this course   ?1-Modeling - in Advance Steel many difference projects Such as ( PEB-Stairs-Multistories Building Factory Plates works Silos - ( - - -- - 2-Creating Steel Shop Drawing GA Drawing - Make a single part Drawing Assembly Drawings with necessary Data with revision control 3-Make an inventory of the project Creating By BOM Lists - Make a( Shipping-Material Assembly Bolt Anchor Drawing- Plates-Beam Approved Drawing ) Lists4-Creating DStV-files ( Cnc-Dxf) Make a A Cnc Dxf to send the plates and beam to machine to fabrication and cutting"
Price: 19.99

"Matemtica para Ensino Fundamental I"
"Este material vai ajudar pais e alunos no reforo escolar. Crianas em fase escolar precisam de treino para assimilar o contedo aprendido em sala de aula. Muitos pais buscam apoio para esse reforo. Criamos este curso buscando oferecer um contedo simples e de fcil compreenso para pais e alunos. Neste simulado apresentaremos diversos ""probleminhas"", situaes do dia a dia da criana, em formato de histria, para melhor compreenso por parte dos alunos."
Price: 39.99

"Podcasting 101"
"When I first started my podcast I wish I would have had a course like this to run down the basics of getting started. This is podcasting 101. When you complete this course you will have a better understanding of what equipment you'll need for your podcast, how to brand it, how to get it hosted, how to obtain guests, and how to have the proper mindset to make it successful."
Price: 24.99

"HTML5 : Pure HTML code for Beginner to Expert"
"This course is designed for those curious student who want to  gain basic to intermediate knowledge of HTML.Course is of 1:30 hour so within this short duration student will have clear concept how HTML works and how contents are displayed in Web browser.This course will act as backbone for understanding  programming language like javascript and using Cascading Style Sheets."
Price: 199.99

"Inteligncia nos Negcios"
"Assim como cada indivduo, os negcios tambm tem sua prpria personalidade. Esse o grande diferencial, pois uma boa cultura organizacional pode transformar uma empresa. Uma cultura corporativa forte, estruturada acaba gerando satisfao e engajamento tanto dos colaboradores, como dos consumidores. Mas isso s ser possvel se tiver uma liderana motivadora, propagadora e disciplinada. Para assim fazer uma gesto de pessoas eficiente. A partir desse curso voc ter base para escolher se deseja se destacar no mercado ou no.O que voc aprender?Entender a importncia da Cultura OrganizacionalEstabelecer objetivos e metasEstabelecer indicadores de resultadoSaber formar uma equipe de Alta PerformanceManter uma equipe disciplinadaSaber delegar tarefasAvaliar o desempenho e dar Feedback adequado.H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?Ter vontade de aprender e aplicar para ir rumo ao Prximo Nvel.Para quem esse curso:Empreendedores iniciantesLderes de equipe que desejam melhorar os resultados do seu departamentoExecutivos, CEO'sProfissionais LiberaisGerentes de ProjetoGerentes de DepartamentoSupervisoresCoordenadoresAcadmicos"
Price: 84.99

"Basics of echocardiography Diploma"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced, internationally awarded researcher and clinician with global reputation and European board certified. He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and > 15 years of cardiology.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, echocardiography, evaluation, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly . The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you willbe eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 49.99

"Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology Certificate Course"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 84.99

"Coronary Angiography Certificate Course"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and European board certification. He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 39.99

"Diploma in Pacemaker, ICD,CRT & His pacing"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 84.99

"UK Dr/Nurse skill Diploma-ABG,ACLS,BLS,X ray, ECG"
"Just the PLAB exam is never sufficient but a doctor must have different courses on their CV. That's why there are detailed lectures with practical examples about ABG, ACLS, BLS, X ray, ECG. The nurses are also expected learn and be proficient with such skills rather than just having a degree. There is already separate module for ECG having more than 10 lectures, if you want to study in detail about same.After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 89.99

"Basic ECG/EKG Certificate course"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.   We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 49.99

"Heart Failure: Fundamentals & therapy Course"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 49.99

"Hypertension, Diabetes and Diet Course"
"The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format for management of details about hypertension and diabetes. Some video focus on tips and tricks for treatment  to make it really efficient and user friendly . At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life."
Price: 24.99

"Diploma in Complex Cardiac Electrophysiology"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format. After enrolment, you will be eligible for free question and answer session with your tutor and a certificate copy.  At the end of program, you may opt for a MCQ test on the basis of which, you will be given a certificate which may be helpful for your future professional life. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 99.99

"Anticoagulants (including NOACs) Certificate Course"
"The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about anticoagulants their Indications, tips and tricks regarding usage etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly . Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist) and > 15 years of cardiology experience . He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university. We wish you a happy learning."
Price: 39.99

"Diploma in Academic research, publications & Medical writing"
"The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even scholars and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the academic writing in medical field etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 44.99

"Diploma in Emergency medicine (Cardiac)"
"The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the Cardiac emergency medicine. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 74.99

"Diploma in Clinical Cardiology"
"Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly.  The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 94.99

"Diploma in Advance & Complex ECG/EKG"
"Heartfelt congratulations for being the smartest one by choosing this Certificate Course. Like other course, it will add value add to your professional life, when you gain KNOWLEDGE. ""Knowledge is power"". So, please make the best of the videos and opportunity to interact with faculty. I would really want you to at least go through 3-4 times each video, till it gets into your permanent memory."
Price: 49.99

"Certificate course in Cardiac anatomy and physiology"
"Congratulations for previewing the program.Heartfelt welcome for being the smartest one by choosing this Certificate Course. Like other course, it will add value add to your professional life, when you gain KNOWLEDGE. ""Knowledge is power"". So, please make the best of the videos and opportunity to interact with faculty. I would really want you to at least go through 3-4 times each video, till it gets into your permanent memory."
Price: 44.99

"FL Studio 20 Desde Cero Produccin Musical Profesional"
"Con ste curso aprenders los fundamentos de la produccin musical utilizando FL Studio 20. No importa si nunca has usado software de creacin, si no sabes tocar ningn instrumento o si jams escuchaste hablar del programa. Lo nico que necesitas son las ganas de materializar tus ideas en msica y siguiendo ste curso podrs lograrlo.ste curso es para ti sin importar el tipo de msica que quieras producir, pues las herramientas son las mismas, aprenders a usarlas y con ese conocimiento a tu disposicin podrs crear lo que tu imaginacin te dicte."
Price: 149.99

"Cmo Volver a Dormir Rpido y Profundo Sin Usar Medicamentos"
"Ests sufriendo por no poder dormir bien y pagando el precio en la maana?De acuerdo con la Academia Americana de la Medicina del Sueo un 30% de los adultos experimentan sntomas de insomnio. Ya basta de mirar el reloj cada hora y pasarla mal por el insomnioEs desesperante tener este problema y aun peor es no saber qu hacer. No encontrar algo que funcione y que no sea caer en la dependencia de usar medicamentos para dormir.La falta de sueo, tarde o temprano, empieza a afectar otras reas de la vida como:Cambios de humor, como estar irritable. Puedes llegar a sentir ganas de llorar, mal humor, desesperacin, etc.Aumento del estrs y la ansiedad.Efectos negativos en el peso corporal.Deterioro en las relaciones de pareja.El desempeo en el trabajo, como rendir menos, y puede llegar a comprometer tu estabilidad laboral y profesional, lo que puede incluso causar depresin y angustia.Disminucin de tu claridad mental.En algunos casos, el insomnio se vuelve tan fuerte que las personas pueden pasar toda la noche en vela, estar las horas del da durmiendo y por las noches estar despierto.La falta de sueo a menudo afecta tambin en los quehaceres, lo que obliga muchas veces a las personas a dejar todo para despus por falta de energa.Son muchos los efectos negativos de no dormir lo suficiente.Complicaciones del Insomnio SEGN MAYO CLINIC (ESTADOS UNIDOS)GENERA PROBLEMAS DE SALUD MENTAL COMO DEPRESIN, ANSIEDAD O ABUSO DE SUSTANCIAS.AUMENTA EL RIESGO Y SEVERIDAD DE ENFERMEDADES COMO HIPERTENSIN ARTERIAL Y ENFERMEDADES DEL CORAZN.REDUCE NUESTRO DESEMPEO EN EL TRABAJO O LA ESCUELA.REDUCE NUESTRO TIEMPO DE REACCIN AL CONDUCIR Y AUMENTA EL RIESGO DE SUFRIR ACCIDENTES.OTRAS COMPLICACIONESEs muy importante tomar accin para evitar complicacionesYa basta de estar despierto (a) en medio de la noche, cuando todos duermen.No tienes por qu pasar el da sintindote pesado (a), apagado (a) y cansado (a).Seguramente has intentado varias cosas, pero nada te funciona y no sabes qu hacer, y hasta habrs llegado a pensar que nunca vas a poder superar esto.No tienes que seguir as por el resto de tu vida!Porque existe una solucin...Te Presento el programa:Cmo Combatir El Insomnio y Volver a Dormir Bien Sin Usar MedicamentosUn mtodo comprobado, que te lleva paso a paso a volver a dormir rpido y profundo.He creado este curso, que incluye un mtodo paso a paso que puedes seguir y poner en prctica, para superar el problema del insomnio y los trastornos del sueo para siempre.En este curso descubrirs tcnicas que te ayudarn a:Volver a dormir como un (a) nio (a)Conseguir soluciones naturales y efectivas para conciliar el sueoSaber qu hacer para vencer el insomnio y cmo cambiar los malos patrones del sueoSentirte feliz y en paz de poder dormirDescansar profundamente otra vezSuperar el insomnio para tener una vida normal y disfrutar de la vidaAplicar soluciones que no involucren pasarte el resto de tu vida tomando pastillas para dormirNecesitas Ms Informacin Sobre esta Oferta Especial?Una vez que te inscribas en el curso tendrs acceso inmediato al material,con  las lecciones para llevarte pasos a paso a vencer el insomnio y dormir profundamente.He aqu un poco de lo que descubrirs en el programa:Mdulo 1:DESCUBRE LOS FACTORES QUE REGULAN EL SUEO Y CMO MEJORARLOSCMO CREAR NUEVOS HBITOS QUE FACILITAN EL SUEODESCUBRE CMO ACTIVAR LAS HORMONAS QUE TE AYUDAN A CONCILIAR EL SUEO DE MANERA NATURALIDENTIFICA Y CONTROLA LOS PATRONES DE PENSAMIENTOS QUE NO TE DEJAN DORMIRCMO CALCULAR Y AUMENTAR LA EFICIENCIA DEL SUEOMdulo 2:CMO CONTROLAR LOS ESTMULOS QUE AFECTAN TU CALIDAD DEL SUEODESCUBRE CMO ELIMINAR LOS HBITOS QUE NO TE PERMITEN DORMIR RPIDAMENTECMO ROMPER EL CRCLO VICIOSO DEL INSOMNIOAPRENDE A MANEJAR LOS PENSAMIENTOS DE PREOCUPACIN QUE TE VIENEN EN MEDIO DE LA NOCHEMdulo 3:DESCUBRE LA TCNICA QUE TE AYUDAR A DORMIR PROFUNDAMENTE (LA GRAN MAYORA DE LAS PERSONAS SE ASOMBRAN AL CONOCERLA)CMO REPROGRAMAR TU SISTEMA NERVIOSO PARA QUE PUEDAS DORMIR BIEN (ES MS SENCILLO DE LO QUE IMAGINAS)LA TCNICA COMPROBADA CLNICAMENTE QUE TE AYUDAR A DORMIR (Y QUE NO INVOLUCRA EL USO DE MEDICAMENTOS)ROMPE CON ESTE FALSO MITO SOBRE EL INSOMNIO (MUCHA GENTE EST CONVENCIDA QUE ES REAL)CMO CALCULAR Y AUMENTAR LA EFICIENCIA DEL SUEOMdulo 4:DESCUBRE CMO DESPERTARTE MOTIVADO (A) EN LUGAR DE CASADO (A) Y TRASNOCHADO (A).CMO RELAJARTE A LA HORA DE IRTE A LA CAMACORRIGE ESTE ERROR (MUY COMN) QUE LAS PERSONAS QUE SUFREN DE INSOMNIO COMENTEN3 FACTORES QUE PUEDES CONTROLAR PARA DORMIRTE MS RPIDAMENTECMO ASEGURARTE QUE EL PROBLEMA DEL INSOMNIO NO REGRESEY mucho ms!Inscribete ya(No es un mtodo que invent yo)Yo tambin tuve insomnio y despus consultar de todo, encontr personas que haban sido exitosas superando el insomnio con tcnicas novedosas implementadas en Australia.AL OBTENER EL PROGRAMA HOY, TE VOY A INCLUIR LOS SIGUIENTES EXTRAS (TOTALMENTE GRATIS)[VIDEO] CMO APAGAR LOS PENSAMIENTOS DE ESTRS ANTES DE DORMIRUna de las razones por las que las personas sufren insomnio es por los constantes y agobiantes pensamientos de preocupacin que tienen a la hora de dormir. En este video te explicar una tcnica sencilla para solucionar ese problema (que la gran mayora de los mdicos especialistas no conocen)[VIDEO] ADIS IMGENES DE ESTRSDile adis a las agobiantes imgenes o pelculas que pasan por tu mente antes de dormir. Este audio est diseado para llevarte a un sueo profundo manteniendo esas molestas imgenes de estrs lejos de tu mente. [VIDEO] CMO SILENCIAR LA VOZ EN MI CABEZA ANTES DE DORMIRPara algunas personas el desafo es esa voz que no se calla en su cabeza. Es el dilogo constante e intenso que est activo en tu mente a la hora de dormir. Este audio te va a llevar paso a paso a calmar y desarmar ese dilogo interno, para que puedas tener paz mental y quedarte dormido (a).[VIDEO] RELAJACION EXTREMAEste video contiene un tcnica clsica altamente efectiva que se utiliza en pacientes que tienen ansiedad y/o estrs; con excelentes resultados para alcanzar una relajacin profunda de manera rpida y natural .[VIDEO] HIPNOSIS DEL SUEOEste video contiene te lleva de la mano a una relajacin que regula y tranquiliza tu mente y tu cuerpo hasta llevarte a dormir profundamente, para que puedas tener un sueo reparador.Recibe acceso instantneo a los videos que te ensearn a superar el insomnio."
Price: 49.99

"Easy Cooking: Best recipes of all time"
"Welcome to my kitchen of flavors! Throughout this course, you will go through some basic knife skills such as dicing an onion and properly blanching broccoli. While using basic ingredients with a few new spices, you can really learn to have some new recipes that will spice up your kitchen. We will go through on how to make sauces to pair with very common proteins that we will also learn how to cook such as salmon, short ribs and steak. Finally, you will need some amazing sides to along with proteins. Today, we are preparing Mexican street corn, cauliflower with tahini and almonds and candied bacon with Brussels sprouts. Join me for a culinary adventure!"
Price: 19.99

"21+ Chances para Trabalhar Online - Segredos Revelados"
"21+ CHANCES PARA TRABALHAR ONLINEComece a trabalhar desde sua casa ou em qualquer lugar do mundo, SEJA um home office ou freelancer em tempo recorder!*O'que seria ""21+ Chances""?Um curso e guia intensivo onde eu ""Leonam L. Cte"" os ensinarei da maneira mais prtica e dinmica a como conseguir o seu primeiro emprego Home Office ou a trabalhar como Freelancer desde qualquer lugar do MUNDO!*O nosso curso est sendo constantemente atualizado com novos materiais, vdeos, e etc...*E como funciona?Simples!Voc se qualifica na empresa terceirizada > Presta servio para empresas como Netflix, Google, Microsoft entre outras > Trabalhou bem? Voc recebe seu to querido pagamento. EM DLARES!"
Price: 54.99

"My name is Yani Olani.I am a yoga teacher and physical therapist from GermanyAfter years of studying and working with the human body I found the optimal way to feel good, stay and become healthy through movements mindset and right eating. Follow me on this journeyWe ll start with the basicsto develop the right body posture and form there well go on step by step.After the course youll defiantly will feel a massive change in your life..the way you interact with others and your overall happiness.This journey is endlessthere is so much to learn and discover in just your bodystay tuned and let magic happen!!!If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an e mail ! We are going this journey together so I'm there ! Always :)we are going to reduce your stress levelstrengthen your hole body to make sure your feeling good and confident in your daily life going to focus onto your spine, to get rid of back pain and other sensationsIncreasing your energy to be more focused and successful in all your life areasWe are going to make your mind body and soul strong ! You'll become a rock for others ! Start our journey today :)I'll see you in the video :)"
Price: 34.99

"The Arab Israeli Conflict"
"This comprehensive course explains the early causes of the Arab Israeli conflict in the Middle East throughout history. The course teaches you both sides' viewpoints and ideologies in addition to wars and negotiations and how they formed new maps several times.University students who study international relations, world history, political sciences, or Arabic language will find the course useful for them and it will enrich students' knowledge about the Middle East region.The course contains an Arabic article and Arabic videos for advanced Arabic learners, but mainly the course is designed to acquaint zero-knowledge learners and anyone interested in Middle Eastern politics with essential facts and information about the Arab-Israeli conflict."
Price: 114.99

"The Art and Science of Decision Making"
"Regain control of your life by learning how to make better decisions in everyday life and in professional settings. You will learn more about how your brain fools you most of the time and how to use effective decision-making methods to counter this. You will learn how to become more methodical in your decision-making in order to increase control in both your personal and professional life."
Price: 34.99

"SCNS: Security Certified Network Specialist Certification"
"The Security Certified Network Specialist (SCNS) certification is a must have for IT pros who are entering the world of security. The core course, Tactical Perimeter Defense (TPD), prepares students for the SC0-451 exam.As the security industry moves quickly, skills require consistent validation. The SCNS credential is valid for two years from the pass date. Recertification is required to maintain good standing.PrerequisitesSecurity+ certification or equivalent work experience is the recommended prerequisite for the SCNS program. For further information on the Security+ program, click here to visit the CompTIA website. SCP is not affiliated with, nor does it own any part of, the Security+ certification."
Price: 199.99

"LFCS: Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator"
"The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) certification is ideal for candidates early in their Linux system administration or open source career. The exam consists of performance-based items that simulate on-the-job tasks and scenarios faced by sysadmins in the real world. Obtaining certification allows individuals to validate their skills to prospective employers, which is particularly valuable if you have little on-the-job experience."
Price: 199.99