"Produo Musical e Sonora" |
"Este um curso essencial e complementar a todos os cursos de produo musical, instrumento e composio na atualidade. Aqui voc ter a oportunidade de posicionar-se nos conhecimentos de uma forma que a sua personalidade artstica possa florescer e evoluir, e assim ficar mais vontade neste universo de saber e elementos tecnolgicos que tornou-se a produo sonora e musical hoje em dia.Abordaremos conceitos que encaminhem ao entendimento das origens e do desenvolvimento da atividade da criao musical e sonora. Vamos refletir sobre qual o verdadeiro objetivo de criar e produzir msica.Estaremos em busca das formas de conduzir seu trabalho a um resultado artstico a partir do conhecimento dos fundamentos da origem do som, das sonoridades e suas implicaes na produo do seu contedo musical.Como transmitir sua arte a partir do espelho da sua personalidade. Ser o promotor da sua vontade criativa. Imaginar e perceber as conexes de sua histria e da sua essncia criadora.Abordaremos aspectos da criao musical, composio e performance, que faro com que busquemos uma reflexo esttica para conduzir nossos objetivosInteragirmos com os fundamentos do udio e das novas tecnologias da msica para obter melhores resultados em gravaes e fonogramas com o que nos oferecido pelos desenvolvedores de equipamentos virtuais e digitais, que hoje se tornaram referncia na rea da produo musical.Vamos estudar aspectos da Produo Sonora e Musical, que possam ser utilizados em qualquer tipo de produo, desde a performance e apresentao ao pblico, quanto na utilizao de softwares de gravao e trabalhos em estdio. Criaremos uma atmosfera de interao e indagao sobre as formas de desenvolver um trabalho musical que tenha coerncia e possa ser a assinatura de sua maneira de comunicar-se com o seu pblico. sempre bom lembrar, que a Udemy uma plataforma sob demanda, portanto o acesso ao material ser vitalcio, e o planejamento deste curso inclui a postagem de novos vdeos e contedos, assim bom garantir e aproveitar o valor de lanamento do curso, pois este poder ser majorado assim que novos materiais estejam sendo postados.Aulas em Elaborao:- Aulas em Ambiente de DAW (Anlise de Projetos)- Equalizao- Microfones II- Alto Falantes II- Gravao - Mixagem- MasterizaoO curso conta com vrias aulas em planejamento, e deveremos chegar em breve a 2 horas de vdeos com informaes relevantes para suas produes.Se voc for inscrito, poder sugerir algum tema, ou tirar todas suas dvidas atravs do canal do aluno.Youtube - Cinematic Electro Channel IndieSound - Gerson KorninSongtradr - Gerson Kornin"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso Design de Social Media para Black Friday" |
"Um curso criando por um profissional capacitado que h mais de 10 anos vem desenvolvendo projetos para vrias empresas do Brasil. Com este curso voc ter a capacidade de desenvolver de formas simples e descomplica projetos do zera para redes sociais, alm de aprender vrios macetes excrescenciais que muitos designer no ensinam no YouTube."
Price: 264.99 |
"Ace AWS Solution Architect Associate Examination 2020" |
"What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Examination is set up . No time of studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continously and you will ace the exam Who this course is for:AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessaryNo Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Solution Architect Associate Examination (Part 2) 2020" |
"What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Solution Architect Associate Examination (Part 3) 2020" |
"Want to ace the AWS Solutions Architect Exam and become an AWS Certified (Part 3)What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Practice Exam (Part 2)" |
"Want to Ace CISSP ? What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CISSP is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or PowerPoint . Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior CISSP experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace ITIL Foundation Examination (Part 1)" |
"Want to Ace Ace ITIL Foundation Examination What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Ace ITIL Foundation Examinationis set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior ITIL experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Practice Exam (Part 3)" |
"Want to Ace CISSP Examination ? What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CISSP is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or PowerPoint . Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior CISSP experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Sys Ops Examination ( Part 1 )" |
"Want to Ace AWS Sys Ops Examination What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Sys Ops Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS Sys Ops experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace AWS Solutions Architect Professional Examination 2020" |
"Want to ace the AWS Solutions Architect Professional Exam and become an AWS Certified Professional What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Professional Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Practice Exam (Part 1)" |
"Want to Ace CISSP Examination What you'll learn : Tired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CISSP Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior CISSP Examination experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Examination 2020" |
"Want to Ace AWS Cloud Practitioner Examination for this 2020What you'll learn : Tired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Cloud Practitioner is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. AWS Cloud no experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Practice Examination (Part 5 )" |
"Want to Ace CISSP Examination ?What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CISSP is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or PowerPoint . Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior CISSP experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace Certified Information Security Professional (Part 4 )" |
"Want to ace the Certified Information Security Professional Examination and become Certified What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CISSP Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: CISSP Absolute Beginners. No prior CISSP experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace AWS Solution Architect Professional Examination (Part 3)" |
"Tired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Examination is set up . No time of studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam Who this course is for:AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessaryNo Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace AWS Solution Architect Professional 2020 (Part 2)" |
"What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Professional Examination is set up . No time of studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam Who this course is for:AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessaryNo Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace AWS Dev Ops Engineer Professional DOP C01" |
"Want to Ace the AWS Dev Ops Engineer Professional Examination Examination DOP-C01What you'll learn : Tired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Ace AWS Dev Ops Professional Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Absolute Beginners. No prior experience in AWS Dev Ops Professional Examination experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice."
Price: 19.99 |
uskorsya |
"- , , , , , . , . , , . . !"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Keto Lifestyle Guide" |
"As the title suggest, this course will show you how to make the ketogenic diet a sustainable lifestyle in a way that is easy, healthy and enjoyable. This is the only course you'll need on the ketogenic diet and I have done the hard work in making sense of the crazy amount of information available out there. This course was created by a normal individual who suffered from a ray of health- and food related issues and seeing the amazing results with this way of living, has inspired me to help others understand how to implement this way of living as a lifestyle so they too can reap the amazing benefits of great health and vitality!"
Price: 199.99 |
"3DS MAX create Oreo Commercial VFX shot from start to finish" |
"Learn how to create the Oreo shot that was inspired by real TV Commercial . We do it from start to finish using a couple of tools : 3DS max ,Vray , Tyflow , Phoenix FD ; and AE . A lot of tips and tricks will be provided in this course ; Starting by the first part :Discussing the different ways of modeling the ""Oreo"" and pick the one that I see is the most suitable . We learn the fundamentals of the ""unavoidable"" software which is Zbrush . Then after that we jump to creating ""procedurally"" the Material for the cookie using VrayMat and VrayBlend which is very helpful for any late tweaking . We finish this section but creating the still shot that you see on the course cover .In the second part :Dedicated to Dynamics ; We will spend enough time introducing and working with TYflow and PhoenixFD ; We explain everything needed to complete this course and also we give extra tools and tips for your future projects . At the section before the last , we mix everything learnt so far to create the final shot before jumping to the final section that will be dedicated to rendering and composing in AE ."
Price: 39.99 |
"Prospect to Prosper in 90 Days!" |
"Dominate your ideal customers in 90 days! This comprehensive Facebook Advertising funnel will have new customers engaged, while re-target customers who have seen your ads in the past, whether they acted on them or not! Remember the key to crushing it is through consistency! Your customer needs to see you on average 17x before they decide to ""trust"" you....! So what are you waiting for? Your customers are looking for you NOW!Learn what it take to gain a massive amount of customers in only 90 days! No website needed but does show you how you can add to your website conversions. TOOLS Provided: Easy to follow video tutorialsDownload of written version of funnel for all learning styles. LIVE! and Pre Recorded Ideas to use in your business with useful APPs for recording right from your phone!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Instagram for Influencer's is an online training program for small business owners who: Operate a small business selling products or services to consumers OR businesses. YES, this program helps expose you or your brand or service to your ideal customer starting on the very first video! Need measurable results from Instagram, but are short on time? Want a clear path to getting new customers quickly? Need someone to break it down for you, step-by-step, to show you how to get more new customers from Instagram in 2020?Need 1000 followers this week? How about 10,000 in the next 30 days?!These FREE and FAST tips and steps will guide you to the secrets of how the top brands built their audiences by influence and FREE.This course is for you. Dominate IG in 2020!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Introduction to Mridanga + Kartals" |
"This course will teach you to play Mridanga in Kirtan. You will learn 7 hand practice rhythms, 8 basic Kirtan rhythms, and 21 more advanced variations of those basic Kirtan rhythms + all the fundamental Kartal rhythms played in Kirtan. By the end of the course you will be more than just beginner. This is a live recorded class that I taught to one of my beginner students. We will start from the beginning and you will learn along with her, and be able to ask questions in the Q&A section. It is fun and interactive--just like being in a live classroom!"
Price: 124.99 |
"Curso Django de bsico a profesional - desarrollo web python" |
"Hola Bienvenido a este curso profesional de Django y Django rest framework. Seguro que antes de invertir en el curso necesitas saber si es este el curso que realmente deseas.El curso parte desde un nivel muy bsico, sin duda si eres programador te ser muy sencillo comprender los conceptos, pero tambin si no lo eres; ya que en cada clase intent explicar los conceptos siempre pensando en que el curso no solo lo cursarn programadores. A medida que avances cada seccin del curso ni siquiera te dars cuenta en qu momento es que pasas a un nivel avanzado ya que se dise el curso de una forma sencilla y prctica, para cuando hayas completado el curso o tan solo la primera mitad del curso vers que ya puedes desarrollar aplicaciones web de buen nivel por tu cuenta.Otra tema que deseo recalcar en esta presentacin es que, cada nuevo tema no est vinculadas al desarrollo de un proyecto, es decir no ser necesario que hayas completado todo un proyecto para poder probar un nuevo concepto, ya que trato de explicar cada nuevo concepto de forma independiente, si ya tenas una bases en django, puedes ir directamente a un nuevo tema y comprenderlo con facilidad, ya que no est sujeta a como se haya estado desarrollado un proyecto; esto no quiere decir que no se har proyectos en el curso.En el desarrollo del curso se aprendern siempre nuevos temas de forma independiente a un proyecto, pero luego como parte prctica y de afianzamiento se aplicara estos nuevos conocimientos obtenidos en los proyectos del curso. El curso cuenta con dos proyectos, uno de nivel bsico-intermedio y otro de nivel profesional.El alcance del curso llegar hasta desarrollar servicios rest que consumiremos con vue.js debo aclarar que la parte de vue.js ser bastante simple ya que lo importante es construir los servicios con Django rest framework (DRF).Si lo que te interesa es saber si existe deploy(subir el proyecto a un servidor), pues si existe y ser incluso desde el primer proyecto. Haremos clases donde estamos subiendo al servidor cada proyecto. Como dije antes incluso en la primera mitad del curso ya habrs visto muchos temas de Django e incluso seguro que ya te animas a desarrollar tus proyectos.No se diga mas y te animo a que inviertas en conocimiento y te aseguro que no te arrepentirs comprando este curso.NOTA: si deseas alguna clase de descuento tal vez puedas conseguirlo en siguindome en mis redes sociales, con frecuencia regalare cupones y descuentos. twitter: @cscthian Youtube: Neunapp"
Price: 19.99 |
"Quick & Easy Stop-Motion (iPhone + Android)" |
"Stop-motion may seem tricky, tedious & expensive, but after this course you'll be able to create your very own videos straight from your phone and have everyone asking ""How did you make that?!"" Throughout this course, I'm going to be showing lots of examples of stop-motions, live demos & screen recordings from the phone app that I use.This course is designed for anybody looking to put out really creative video content for their social media channels and digital assets such as, content creators, social media managers, influencers, marketers or entrepreneurs, without having to spend thousands of dollars on cameras or software.Stop-motion can be used to showcase food, clothing, people products and pretty much anything you can think of! Here's what we're going to cover:Concepting: Laying out your idea and planning how you're going to shoot itPhone Settings: How to optimize them specifically for stop-motion video creationStability: Why having a tripod can make or break your stop-motion video (I give hacks if you don't own a tripod!)Lighting: How to properly light your video, no fancy equipment neededDIY Pro Studio: How to create the look of a professional studio without breaking the bankEdit: How to edit your videosExport: How to export for different social media channelsThis is a workshop style course, you're going to be creating right along side me as I guide you through how to create a stop-motion video step by step. All you need is your phone, curiosity and a child-like imagination."
Price: 49.99 |
mvqvgabb |
" 17 3000 . . . . . "
Price: 19.99 |
"PMP E-Learning (Based on Guide to PMBOK 6th Edition)" |
"Based on latest PMBOK Guide SIXTH EDITIONAssessing Participant's Profile and Advising on How PMP Certification Can Add ValueBest-in-Class Program DeliverablesMore than 97% Success Rate for First Time Exam TakersProven Learning Model based on Bloom's TaxonomyStrategy to Clear the PMP Certification Exam at First AttemptMock Tests with Graphical Reports to Assess your Preparation LevelDedicated & Toll-Free Customer Support for PMI Membership, PMP Application Submission, and Exam BookingComprehensive Participant Feedback MechanismQuery Handling Facility over E-mail and Phone"
Price: 29.99 |
"Redhat linux administration - Part 1 - Novice" |
"Join me to learn the basics and fundamentals of Redhat Linux Administration on a version 7 server. As part of this course, I will demonstrate all the topics we discuss on a RHEL 7 system. You are encouraged to follow through and practice every command and more discussed in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"CISCO . I." |
", - . , OSI TCP/IP, , ACL, NAT, , Ethernet, 2 3, , , Cisco, . Cisco. CCNA ICND1, ICND2, DESGN, CCNP ROUTE SWITCH, . , , , CCNA CCNP."
Price: 8799.00 |
"Finding Your Own Drawing Style" |
"Hello, My name is Ana Daniela Im from Mxico and Im an Illustrator.The manifestation of each artist reflects his unique and unrepeatable personality in his work.In this class I will guide you through the exciting process of discovering your own drawing style.Through different techniques, you can exercise your creativity which is the starting point to find your personal style."
Price: 19.99 |