"MTA 98-365 Server Administrator Fundamentals Practice Test" |
"Included is a set of real test questions with the Udemy test engine that enables you to practice and identify your weaknesses until you are ready to take the test. Take as many times as you need and read over the supplementary details to better understand what the test question is asking. If you have questions feel free to reach out and I will promptly respond to you to make sure you are prepared for this exam. Purchasing this also gives you access to me to help mentor and coach you through your preparation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprenda a criar texturas e materiais realistas para games" |
"Este o treinamento que ir capacitar voc a criar e editar texturas e materiais complexos de forma simples utilizando apenas ferramentas gratuitas como Blender e Gimp. Voc ir descobrir como funcionam os mapas de texturas, shaders, nodes no blender, criar e editar texturas com Gimp de forma simples e prtica e com resultados incrveis.E eu quero ainda lhe mostrar:Como voc pode ir em minutos de amador para profissional com as tcnicas de mscaras.O que segura a maioria das pessoas na hora de texturizar objetos Um jeito rpido de fazer uvA coisa mais importante a ser evitada quando se trata de criar texturasEntre outros....Alm disso aprender a ganhar tempo, utilizando ferramentas que agilizaro ainda mais o nosso trabalho.Seja um desenvolvedor de games diferenciado, d vida a seus projetos e v para o outro nvel."
Price: 39.99 |
"Forgiveness Inside Out" |
"Have you wanted to forgive someone but can't? Or, perhaps you've decided that you have forgiven, but still feel negative around that person or just by thinking of them. There is a reason why you're attempts at forgiveness have failed. In this class, you will learn why you can't simply ""choose"" to forgive someone and it be effective. More importantly, you will learn how to forgive through the power of mindful, self-regulation, which intern can allow you not to feel negative towards that person any longer. The great lie is that the other person is the problem. The problem is no longer with the other person, but rather the reaction that the body and mind have when we encounter them, whether that be in person or in thought. In this course you will learn mindfulness techniques that work directly with forgiveness and move towards healing. Joins us today and FORGIVE."
Price: 24.99 |
"PHP 7 ve PDO ile Sfrdan CV / Z GEM Sitesi Yapm-2020" |
"TEK VE ZEL CANLI DESTEK BU KURSTA ! Projede Takldgnz yerde direk eitmen ile uzaktan balant yapp hatalarnz gsteren ve yardmc olan bir eitmene mi ihiyacnz var ? te Aradgn KURS GELD !Temel dzeyde PHP bilgisi olan veya PHP ile nasl bir web sitesi gerekletigini renmek veya proje yapmak isteyen herkes bu kursa katlabilir ! Sfrdan kendimize zel bir CV / Z GEM Scripti Kodlayacaz ! STELK EN GNCEL HAL OLAN PHP 7 ve PDO le Sfrdan bir web sitesi nasl yapldn en gncel formatta size aktaracam.""Hzl anlatm tarz , hzl yazm tarz hibiri yok."" ok yava bir ekilde baz yerleri neyin ne olduunu anlatarak ilerleyeceiz .Yava dzeyde anlatacam iin hznz siz ayarlabiliyeceksiniz.ok gzel bir serven olup kendi cv sitenizi kodlam olacaksnz, ek olarak bir web sitesi nasl srelerden geer onlarda grm olucaksnz , dier tasarmlara giydirmeniz daha kolay olucak , 1 ka saat iinde birden fazla tasarma entegre edebileceksiniz , Daha ne bekliyorsunuz, hemen kursumuza katlarak projemizi beraber gelitirelim !"
Price: 409.99 |
"Sucesso profissional com tcnicas de poker" |
"O mundo dos negcios se torna cada vez mais competitivo e dinmico. Desta forma, baseando-se num esporte da mente, estas aulas tem como objetivo ensinar aos alunos as regras e dinmicas envolvidas no jogo de poker e sua ligao com o mundo dos negcios atravs de equiparaes. Sendo assim, os alunos aprendero sobre o jogo de poker e sua relaes com padres comportamentais, planejamento financeiro, investimentos e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 |
"Impresso 3D: Aprenda tudo sobre est tecnologia" |
"O mundo da tecnologia est em constantes transformaes. Um destas transformaes diz respeito a tecnologia de impresso 3D. Desta forma, as aulas tem por objetivo apresentar de forma completa como est tecnologia est transformando o mundo e qual o seu impacto na sociedade. Voc aprender de forma rpida porm objetiva, sobre os principais temas que envolvem a tecnologia de impresso 3D de forma que, possa comear um empreendimento, implantar a tecnologia na empresa que trabalha ou produzir peas para uso prprio. No fique de forma desta grande transformao."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Essential Liver Cleanse Program" |
"It will help you to:Boosts your immune systemUse fiber-rich foods and supplements to help remove toxins, chemicals and heavy metals from your bodyHelp you lose a few pounds and inches especially around the hard to lose belly area!Balance your hormones including your sex hormones and thyroid,Help reset your digestive system to be more efficientGet clearer skin, brighter eyes and better night visionand curbs cravings for unhealthy foods!"
Price: 19.99 |
"8 Ways to Infinite Productivity (Finding Time)" |
"Don't set another New Years Resolution or Goal until you do this!Need to find the time for your New Years Resolution or Goals? You need to boost your productivity!Modern day people faces many challenges where we are constantly racing time. For us to achieve success, we must make use of our time effectively. This course will give you 8 simple, effective productivity tools that will boost your productivity, help you become successful while also reducing your stress and help you become happier."
Price: 19.99 |
"Zabbix od podstaw - Monitoring IT" |
"Zabbix to popularne oprogramowanie monitoringu zasobw informatycznych. Potrafi monitorowa systemy operacyjne, sieci komputerowe, urzdzenia, aplikacje, bazy danych, witryny, itdp. Rozwijamy jest od ponad dwudziestu lat. Co wane, jest w peni darmowy (open source). W tym kursie poznasz podstawy systemu Zabbix i skonfigurujesz monitoring swoich zasobw IT, tak by widzie i widzie wicej."
Price: 69.99 |
"Learn Cinema 4D : Creating a Low Poly Floating Islands" |
"In this class i will take you through creating a low poly floating islands ,using Cinema 4d . you will learn how to model the islands , the trees , the clouds and the smoke , then we add the textures , lights and we render . you will learn basic modelling , deformers , texturing & rendering in C4D .Content- Low Poly 3d modelling techniques.- Add details ( smokes , waterfalls )- Add lightning & Texturing , then rendering.- Post Production & Composition."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 5400.00 |
"Smart Contract Legality" |
"Students will gain an understanding of smart contracts, how they work, use cases, the potential areas and industries smart contracts contribute towards efficiency etc., the benefits of smart contracts, smart contracts legality and conclusion. There are 5 video lectures with a total duration of 30 minutes. A 34 page pdf eBook will be provided as reading material and a Final Main Quiz will be given. Upon successful completion, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded."
Price: 49.99 |
"Instagram Influencer Marketing for Shopify Dropshipping" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you how to effectively use Instagram Influencers to market your products! In this course I show you my exact strategy that I have used to sell products on my own Shopify dropshipping stores.My names Harrison (Harry) Swales and I am a student and online entrepreneur. I am in charge of digital advertising for several large companies (some make multiple millions of dollars per year) and a lot of the companies I work with use Instagram as a large part of their digital strategy. So, what are you going to learn in this course? Youll be getting live on-demand video demonstrations for each of them throughout this course:Introduction to working with Instagram InfluencersHow to find the best Instagram Influencers to promote YOUR productsLive demonstration of how I find profitable Influencer pagesThe best way to contact large Influencers on InstagramExactly what to expect when advertising with Instagram Influencer pagesThe best negotiating strategies to get the cheapest Influencer promotionsIf youre an entrepreneur, own a business or just want to learn how to advertise with the best Instagram Influencer pages, this course has everything you need to know. These methods are proven to effectively promote Shopify dropshipping products and make sales.If you don't learn anything useful from this course, you can get a full refund, no questions asked!Anyone who enrolls in this course will also have direct access to me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform. Cheers,Harry"
Price: 19.99 |
"Databricks Apache Spark and Cloudera Hadoop Practice Exams" |
"Big Data ecosystem comprehends a extends amount of technologies like Apache Hadoop, Kafka, Druid, HBase, Spark, Airflow, Hive, Presto, Impala, Kudu, Sqoop, Parquet, Avro, Flume, Flink, etc. and companies need qualified people with a good understanding and experience of some of this technologies so one of the best opportunities for you is to demonstrate your skills with a certification. This course will help you to get practice with more than 50 questions from the two main companies in Big Data: Databricks (recently acquired by Microsoft) and Cloudera (recently merged with Hortonworks) the questions were developed by two of our staff of instructors who successfully passed this year the CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer from Cloudera and Databricks Developer for Apache Spark.Exams coveredCRT020: Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 2.4 with Python 3CRT020: Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 2.4 with Scala 2.11CCA Spark and Hadoop DeveloperCCA Data AnalystInvesting in this course you will get:More than 50 questions developed from our certified instructors.Questions are organized in topics following the curriculum from Databricks and Cloudera.All questions have a practical or theoretical explanation to complement the answers.A resume with information about how to schedule your certification exam.Support for all your questions directly from our instructors, just ask and our team we'll give you an answer as soon as possible. Promise!Tips and suggestions not only for the exam also to learn more about these technologiesTambin hablamos espaol ;)Make a grow in your career! This is the first step. InstructorsJesus Mendez GalvezCCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Certified (2019) Antonio Cachuan Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark (2019)Important! We are ready and glad to receive your feedback =) we will include the CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Questions before December 23."
Price: 24.99 |
"ConnectE Social Media App in Android Studio - JAVA Firebase" |
"Become a professional Android Application Developer in 2020 by learning the most in demand Android skills such as Animations, Firebase, Adapters, Recycler Views, Customized UIs. This is the course which you are looking to become fully professional Android Application Developer after getting bored from lengthy courses and basic concepts in 2020. This course covers all the major concepts that you need to develop a professional application for Android Operating System in order to get hired in industry or to complete your university projects. I update the course on regular basis so that if some new library or dependency come into market I will update the course accordingly. I have not concentrated on explaining the basic concepts through slides or with small examples but I have implemented all those concepts here in single project so that you guys can learn how things actually work in real life. In this course, I have taken the best coding practices, tools, terminologies to develop the project that I have learned over the years from my industry and academic experience.I have design this course to give you employable skills that you will be needing in order to get hired in any professional company or organization. Think of this course like a Android Developer Bootcamp. By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:Customized User Interface DesignCustomized Text Views, Button Views, Image ViewsCustomized Dialog BoxesCustomized Styling in Android StudioCreating Menus in Android StudioCustomized Bottom Navigation ViewsCustomized Recycler ViewsCustomized Drawer Navigation ViewCircular Image ViewsImage Picker Dialog BoxesDate Picker Dialog BoxesWorking with Dependencies in Android Gradle Firebase DependenciesCircular Image DependencyAndroid X Material Dependency Arc Navigator DependencyGlide DependencyFirebase UI DependencyWorking with String in String XML fileCreating Customized Colors in Color XML file using hexadecimal valuesAnimationsZoom in Animations for Splash ScreenLeft to right Animations for Login ScreenGradient Changing Animations for Sceen BackgroundGoogle FirebaseFirebase AuthenticationsCreating login with Firebase AuthenticationLogin to Application through Firebase AuthenticatioFirebase Firestore Creating Collection, documents in Firebase FirestoreUploading data to Firebase Firestore collection at real timeRetrieving data from the Firebase Firestore collection at real timeUpdating and Deleting data in and from Firebase Firestore collection at real timeRetrieving single and multiple records from Firebase Firestore collection at real timeFirebase StorageUploading images to Firebase Storage at real timeRetrieve images from Firebase Storage at real timeUpdate and Delete images from Firebase Storage at real timeBatch WritingWorking with Firebase Batch class to update information in bulk at run timeAndroid AdaptersRecyler View AdaptersRecyler View Adapters for Firebase FirestoreTab Adapters for Tab LayoutModel ClassesCreating Model Java classes for retrieving the data from the Firebase Firestore.Creating default, parameterized constructor in model classesWorking with commands to creating setter and getter methods for model classesFragmentsFragmentsChild FragmentsFragment ManagersChild Fragment MangersChanging Fragment with AdaptersIntentsSimple IntentsIntent to pass data Intent to get images from the SD-CardCustomized fonts in JavaAdding Assets folder in ResourcesAdding Font folder in AssetsCustomized DrawablesCreating customized circular and rectangular shapes with XMLUsing Built-in Image and Vector AssetsMenusCreating customized menus for the Toolbar LayoutCreating customized menus for the Drawer Navigation Layoutand Much More....You will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:Build complex application for your CV.Go into a job interview confident that you understand the fundamental building blocks of android application development and the developer trends in 2020.Be able to go off on your own and grow your skills as a developer, having built a solid foundationLearn how Frontend, Firebase, communicate and how they all fit together in a single ApplicationBuild your own application just like your will learn in this courseGo off and work remotely by being a freelance developer that can bid on projectsIn this project you will be working on following functional requirements:Design and Develop Splash Screen.Design and Develop Login and Register PageDesign and Develop Main Content Page Where logged-in user will be able toupdate text and images statues.user can add emotions such as love, sad, haha to any other user's postuser can comment on any post of other users.user can delete his/her postsuser can add text and image status to favorite listuser can remove text and image status from favorite listuser can see who have commented and shared emotions on his/her post using notification pageuser can clear previous notifications. user will be able to see the link of other page such as profile, setting pages in drawer navigation viewuser can move between different pages by using the bottom navigation viewDesign and Develop a professional Profile Page whereuser can see and update his bio information using the Profile and Setting PageSo get all the above mentioned skills, get enrolled and see you inside the course..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Securing Networks with CISCO Umbrella" |
"Learn about the Installation, Configuration and the Management of CISCO Umbrella, to protect networks from advanced threats. Understand the whole paradigm shift in IT to the cloud, controlling shadow IT, blocking unauthorised applications and protecting roaming users the way other internal assets are protected from advanced threats. CISCO Umbrella protects organisations from advanced threats through a cloud delivery model. The protection is applied through multiple layers of security, which includes content inspection, and control, intelligent proxy, security blocking, IP based control and much more."
Price: 2560.00 |
"Stock Market for Beginners in Hindi (20 Hours)" |
"Certification in Online Stock Market for Beginners course is a perfectly designed stock market basics course, with techniques required to understand the functioning of capital markets. It gives a basic insight of What is Stock Market?Regulation of indian stock market, How to be champion in stock Market and the likes of it. It is a perfect blend of Fundamental Analysis of stocks, which shall help the learner to pick the right company and Technical Analysis which will provide the correct entry and exit timing and prices through study of charts. Stock Market for Beginners is the course to provide that knowledge."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Tally ERP9 GST Enabled (in Hindi)" |
"Are you looking for a course that teaches Tally in right manner?Don't just learn how to use Tally, but also understand the right workflow while using Tally.By enrolling in this course you will learn Tally in concise manner, saving your precious time and also not missing out on in depth discussion on each topic, which makes this course not too short, not too lengthy.With this course, you would be equipped with enough knowledge to make use of Tally in variety of situations demanded by your business or by your employer.You will learn:Basics of AccountingIt's required to have basic knowledge of accounting to learn Tally. That will help you feel confident while using Tally.Switch from manual Book-keeping to adding existing accounts information in Tally.Then you'll go through Tally's environment as to how to record entries and what options to use. Then you will learn how to Add Stock Information in Tally, Categorize stock by its features.In the section that follows, you will learn how to record purchase of stock that you learned to create in previous section. You will record those entries with GST - Interstate and Intrastate. And learn about GST Reports and GST - Set Off Entries.In between, you will learn about customizing invoice numbering to suit your requirements and many other essential tricks.Topics like ITC, TDS and GST are also included.Topics on Tally features like GST Set - Off, Voucher Classes, Price List, TDS are included in the course.This course is structured in such a way that you don't have to connect the dots as to how to use a feature after knowing its use.NoteIt is advised to the students to learn about laws/compliance related to Accounting/Corporate Laws after completion or while learning from this course. That will increase your knowledge with regard to accounting standards and compliance. This course is meant for learning and don't serve as an advise with regard to accounting/corporate compliance.I hope you benefit from the knowledge which you gain from this course.Have a Happy Learning."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Aprenda de maneira prtica e objetiva as competncias e habilidades do ENEM.Questes aplicadas em provas anteriores analisadas a partir de suas competncias e habilidades.Vire um ""expert"" na prova do ENEM verificando seus conhecimentos de maneira mais do que objetiva.Comentrios e anlises de questes passo a passo com o professor Daniel Marques."
Price: 39.99 |
"Como Criar e Multiplicar Riquezas com 7 Leis do Rei Salomo" |
"Salomo foi o homem mais rico e mais sbio que existiu segundo a bblia. Hoje sua fortuna passaria de centenas de bilhes de reais. Ele multiplicou sua fortuna em 16x levando Israel prosperidade em abundncia. Neste curso voc vai aprender em detalhes as exatas sete leis da prosperidade de Salomo que mesmo hoje em dia so atuais e fundamentais para criar e multiplicar riquezas. Ao longo da histria muita coisa mudou no mundo: tecnologia, cincia, crenas, mas uma coisa continua igual: a importncia do dinheiro. Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar e multiplicar riquezas para viver uma vida plena.Observao: Trata-se de um curso baseado na vida e nos feitos de um personagem da bblia, mas no um curso religioso. No h referncias a classes religiosas, igrejas, mtodos religiosos. Trata-se de um estudo profundo sobre as sete leis de prosperidade de Salomo, o rei mais empreendedor da histria da humanidade."
Price: 39.99 |
"Java Programming for School Students" |
"Absolute Beginner in Java Programming irrespective of your profession? No Problem.You have landed at right place, yes this course is for you! Are you ready to start? You are just a step away from new beginning.Please do take a look on course content which I will be covering in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Master Anger Management" |
"Learn how to manage your anger in a healthy manner. Learn several proven strategies that help you have a more peace of mind. Several examples will be given to demonstarte the teachings in this course Learn how to control your own actions, set boundaries and enjoy more peace of mind. How to stop fighting against your personal reality and embrace it, regardless of the difficulties involved"
Price: 19.99 |
"Practical Meditation For Beginners" |
"Are you lost in thought and looking for a practical, non-spiritual, guide to mediation? I'm a meditation teacher from the U.K. and i'm here to tell you meditation is very simple but difficult to do. Here's the theory:Step 1- Realising you are lost in thought.What does it mean to be ""lost"" in thought? It means you lack a clear direction, or the mind lacks a clear direction. This is the first step, you are ""lost"" in thought.Step 2 - Choosing an Object to concentrate on.To stop the mind being ""lost"" we give it a direction to go in, the direction itself is unimportant, it is merely the fact that it has a direction which is of benefit. We give it a direction by choosing an object to concentrate on such as the flame of a candle. What we do in meditation is notice each time our awareness is distracted away from the object by some thought about our day then bring our awareness back to the object we are concentrating on. In practice, this normally looks like this: first you focus your attention on the flame of a candle, then after some time you would start having some inner conversation with yourself, when you realise this you would turn your attention away from your thoughts and back to the candle, then you would simply repeat this process throughout the meditation session. This is the second step - Choosing an object to concentrate on. Step 3 - Noticing the whole of something, rather than specific bad things.Your mind likes to loop on specific points over and over again. To solve this, we practice focussing on an object that has many parts, say the sounds we can hear around us. When noticing the sounds, your mind may focus more on one sound than another, but the trick is to get it to start noticing the total. This is similar to when you listen to an orchestra play, you don't listen to one sound more than another, you notice the total of all the sounds you can here. This is important because it gets your brain to begin to see the bigger picture, rather than looping endlessly on one specific bad thing, you will begin to see the bad for what it is, which is part of a greater total of events, or things, that are happening to you on a daily basis. Step 4 - Becoming less reactive.Meditation is very hard if you are an ultra reactive person. How could you expect to concentrate if every emotion, sensation and annoying sound throws you off. However, the good thing is you can train your reactivity, (and don't worry i'm not talking about becoming some cold heartless person), actually quite the opposite. By really focusing on how the body feels moment by moment, or on how an emotion feels you can become less reactive and live a more peaceful life. Step 5 - Make Meditation Easier.You may have realised that meditation is about noticing when you are distracted so you can live more in the moment. So why not make it easier by removing some of these distractions. For example, if you are unhealthy you will struggle to meditate because it will be difficult to sit for long periods of time without pain. Here i give the common obstacles to meditation and how to remove them.Bonus Step - Realise Meditation is part of a healthy life, not the purpose of it. I am a practical person and my goal is not to get everyone to convert to being some kind of monk. My aim is to share with you the simple and easily followable meditation techniques I have learnt so you can live a happier and more fulfilling life. So why not sign up now!.This course is for People who are lost in their thoughts and wish to become more presentPeople who want a practical guide to meditationPeople who are going to put in the work to practice meditation going forwardPeople who are not ultra spiritualDisclaimer: Meditation is not a solution to psychiatric problems, in fact, meditation makes you more self-aware so you may become more aware of your problems/issues. If you have a psychological issue such as depression or anxiety it is advisable that you seek out a psychologist or therapist."
Price: 199.99 |
"Supporting Children With Counting in the Early Years" |
"New to working with children in the early years? Perhaps you're a new parent wanting to actively engage in your child's learning. Perhaps you want to look at new ways of integrating counting into everyday life. Perhaps you home educate your child and would prefer to teach in a more natural, hands-on based way of learning. Whatever has brought you to this page you will find ideas and suggestions to help with all of these in this easy-to-access course. I will cut through the jargon, skip through the philosophy and straight to the practical so that you finish each section with some ready-to-use tips to help your little ones thrive in your number rich environment! We will cover things such as identifying resources you already have, open-ended resources, how to spot learning and how to plan targeted activities based on your child's interests. You will have plenty of templates to download, links to resources and access to an online social community to share ideas for activities based on your child's next steps. My experience is drawn from years of teaching early years and key stage 1, before becoming a childminder and delivering early years education in my own home to dozens of children. I have three children of my own and home educate as well as offering private tuition to children right through to secondary age so you can be guaranteed that you are joining a course with someone using these skills every day, and developing them further every day!Looking forward to seeing you in our community!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso completo de Italiano para brasileiros - PontoItaliano" |
"Curso completo de Italiano - Aprender Italiano com Ponto Italiano.Aprenda italiano com explicaes em Portugus (auto-aprendizagem).Um curso importante de Italiano em ordem que voc rapidamente aprenda e fale fluentemente o italiano com qualquer interlocutor em cada situao.As explicaes fornecidas, chaves fundamentais para abrir este idioma, so os pilares da aprendizagem e permitiro que voc construa o seu dicionrio pessoal, apoiando a gramtica italiana em cada situao.Com este curso, voc adquirir habilidades que lhe permitiro usar Italiano para trabalho, comrcio exterior, turismo etc.Dois idiomas so falados nos vdeos: Italiano e Portugus (Brasil).O curso desenvolvido atravs do mtodo presente nos livros da srie Io Parlo Italiano (por Ponto Italiano), os livros de Italiano mais vendidos na loja Amazon Brasil."
Price: 169.99 |
"Information Technology 101 (Update 2020)" |
"This course aimed at the audience of interdisciplinary backgrounds like people running their businesses, undergrad students, technology enthusiasts, job seekers and etc. This course includes Evolution, fundamental concepts, state of the art and Future of Information Technology.We are looking forward to alleviating your knowledge and thirst to learn IT through this interactive course."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Officiate an Amazing Wedding Ceremony" |
"Get proven methods from a pro.I've officiated over 300 weddings in 4 languages on 2 continents. You'll get my proven tips for creating an amazing wedding ceremony!Craft a unique ceremony message with writing tips.Googled ceremonies aren't personal, unique, or interesting, but writing a ceremony from the heart is. I'll share years worth of experience in writing to help you make your ceremony text come alive as well as my go-to tips for adding personality into the wedding.Understand the structure of a ceremony.With so much information online, how do you know what is actually needed for a wedding? I'll share the basic components that most weddings include and how to adjust them to your needs. While the legalities of this course are focused on weddings in the United States, the content will apply to symbolic ceremonies anywhere in the world."
Price: 34.99 |
"Criao de grficos no R" |
"O objetivo do curso desenvolver a habilidade de produzir grficos para apresentao de dados e informaes usando recursos da linguagem R. A linguagem R, eminentemente uma linguagem de programao voltada para cincia de dados, big data e principalmente processamento estatstico de dados, possui tambm poderosos pacotes para explorao grfica de dados. Dentre esses pacotes o principal o ggplot2 que fundamentado num conceito de gramtica de grficos, onde o usurio cria uma plotagem escrevendo o grfico em um cdigo com poucas linhas e adicionando quantos elementos queira ao grfico (linhas, equaes, pontos, mapas, polgonos, textos, cores, etc.). Assim, ao decorrer do curso, subdivido em 7 sees, o aluno ser capaz de criar os prprios grficos conhecendo a gramtica de grficos da linguagem R, trabalhando no software RStudio."
Price: 114.99 |
"Igbo Language Course - Beginner One" |
"Welcome to this unique approach to Igbo language instruction. In the next series of lessons, you will be introduced to the structure of the Igbo language. You will see the core position of the verb and how other expressions, vocabularies and parts of speech can combine with the verb to form sentences. This is a beginner course, but it will provide you with the basis and a good understanding of the structure of the Igbo verb, which you will need in the more advanced courses. With this foundation, you will soon find yourself speaking Igbo by combining various elements of the language as you go. All I ask for is that you follow the lessons the way I have arranged them and try to complete everything within six weeks. I hope that you will take advantage of this unique and functional approach to Igbo language instruction to learn and speak Igbo.Below is a general description of the contents of each of the video lessons.LESSON 1: Igbo Alphabet and parts of the human bodyIn this lesson, you will learn the letters of the Igbo alphabet. You will see how the letters are written and hear how they are pronounced. The letters which are also phonetic sounds are used in words and expressions covering mostly parts of the human body.LESSON 2: Subject Pronouns in Igbo languageIn this lesson, you will be introduced to grammar and subject pronouns in Igbo language. A noun is any name you can think of, such as Chidi, book, Toronto, USA, market, etc. Pronouns are used to replace nouns and reduce the repetition of the nouns in sentences. You will begin to understand the structure of the Igbo language and learn the different forms of subject pronouns in Igbo so that you can begin to combine the expressions and start speaking by making your own sentences.LESSON 3: How to use the verb ""ibu (to be)"" to say your professionIn this lesson, you will be introduced to verb conjugation in Igbo language. Conjugation means breaking down a verb and identifying the correct forms to use depending on the noun, pronoun and tense (present, future, past, etc.). You will learn how to conjugate the verb ""ibu"" (to be) in the present tense. You will learn a bunch of vocabularies and professions to be able to tell what you do for a living. You will begin to understand the structure of the Igbo language and learn how to combine the verb with the vocabularies to start speaking Igbo by making your own sentences.LESSON 4: More about telling your professionIn this lesson, you will build on your knowledge of verb conjugation in the present tense in Igbo language. You will learn how to form certain questions to find out what people do for a living. You will learn how to answer the questions using the verb ""ibu"" and the list of professions you have already learned.LESSON 5: Conjugation of the verbs ""ibi"" and ""idi"" in the present tenseIn this lesson, you are going to learn how to use the verbs ""ibi"" (to live) and ""idi"" (to be/stay) in the present tense. You will learn the use of impersonal pronouns ""A"" and ""E"" in the first person's singular and how to group verbs in the present tense based on those impersonal pronouns.LESSON 6: Learn how to introduce yourself and your friendsIn this lesson, you will read a conversation between two people. Through that dialogue, you will learn how to introduce yourself to people in Igbo language. You will learn how to form basic questions such as how are you? what is your name? where do you live? where are you from? what do you do? You will also learn how to answer such questions, describing yourself and giving people your name, where you come from, where you live, etc.LESSON 7: Learn how to describe yourself, brother and sisterIn this lesson, you will be introduced to writing short compositions about yourself, your brother and sister. You will learn how to tell people your name, where you live, where you come from, your nationality, and what you do for a living or your profession, in Igbo language. You will be able to speak about a third person and provide the same information about a brother or sister. You will learn a bunch of vocabularies such as friend, uncle, brother, sister and be able to describe them in the same way.LESSON 8: Using the verb ""iwu"" to talk about yourself and othersIn this lesson, you will learn how different words may be used in Igbo language depending on the dialect and what part of Igbo land people may come from. You will continue to see the verb ""ibu"" in the present tense. You will see how to use either ""ibu"" or ""iwu"", depending on your dialect, and how to combine the verbs with professions to describe yourself and others by telling what they do.LESSON 9: Learn vocabularies and how to greet various people - Part 1In this lesson, you will learn different titles and salutations such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc. You will learn family relationships such as father, mother, brother, sister, auntie, uncle, neighbour, son, daughter, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. You will learn the different periods of the day such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. You will learn how to greet people during the different periods. You will learn how to say things such as good bye, see you tomorrow, see you soon, etc.LESSON 10: Learn vocabularies and how to greet people in different situations - Part 2It is important to know how to greet people or respond to various forms of greeting in various situations at various periods of the day, such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. In this lesson, you will learn more vocabularies relating to greeting. You will learn expressions to use when you meet people or are leaving them. You will learn a traveler's song as welll as proverbs relating to coming and going. You will learn how to begin speeches and public addresses in Igbo language.LESSON 11: Learn vocabularies and how to greet people in different situations - Part 3In this lesson, you will learn many new words, expressions and family/extended family relationships in Igbo language, such as brother, sister, kingsmen, union, meeting, community, etc. You will continue to learn about how to greet people in different situations and learn authentic ways to find out how people are doing in Igbo. You will also learn how to respond to questions and tell how you are.LESSON 12: Learn to express your wants and wishes using the verb ""icho""In this lesson, you will understand the verb as the core of the Igbo language. You will learn conjugation of verbs in the simple present tense in Igbo. You will learn how to conjugate the verb ""icho"" (to want/look for). You will see the different forms and how they combine with subject pronouns. You will see the two different options in the first person's singular.LESSON 13: Learn to express what you want/are looking for/want to be, using ""icho"" and ""ibu""Verb conjugation is the process of breaking down a verb and using its different forms depending on the noun or pronoun as well as verb tenses such as present, future or past. In this lesson, you will continue to see the simple present tense in Igbo language. You will learn the different forms of the verb ""icho"" (to want/look for) in the present. You will learn how to form questions to find out what people want. You will learn new vocabularies, expressions and professions such as banker, student, black smith, pilot, doctor, etc. You will learn how to ask questions to find out what people want to become. You will see how to combine the verb ""icho"", ""ibu"" and other parts of speech to tell what you want to become.LESSON 14: Learn to express what you want/looking to have or do with ""icho"", ""inwe"" and other verbsIn this lesson, you will learn more vocabularies, words and expressions. You will learn the names of certain everyday objects such as life, money, shoes, airplane, ship, house, etc. You will learn have to combine the vocabularies with the verbs ""icho"" (to want/look for) and ""inwe"" (to have). You will learn a bunch of other verbs such as to drink, to eat, to read, to play, to dance, to sleep, to watch, etc. You will learn how to contruct questions to find out what people want to have or do. You will understand the structure of the Igbo language and will be able to start telling the various things you want to have or do.LESSON 15: Learn to use to verb ""icho"" (to want/look for) in the progressive tenseIn this lesson, you will learn new vocabularies, words and expressions relating to the things or places you may be looking for. You will be introduced to the progressive or present continuous tense in Igbo language. You will learn how to construct questions to find out what people are looking for. You will also learn how to respond to such questions to tell what you are looking for.LESSON 16: Learn some Igbo proverbs using the verb ""icho"" (to want/look for)In Igbo language, proverbs and idiomatic expressions are like ""the palm oil with which words are eaten."" You cannot be considered a proficient Igbo speaker if you do not use the right proverbs in the appropriate situations. In this lesson, you will learn the importance of proverbs and adages in Igbo. You will learn a few proverbs relating to the verb ""icho"" (to want/look for) in Igbo language.LESSON 17: Learn how to count from 1 to 50In this lesson, you are introduced to counting in Igbo language. You will learn how to could from 0 to 50. Attention is focused on a simple counting technique whereby you understand a few numbers and see how they combine to achieve many other numbers.LESSON 18: Learn how to read the clock and tell the timeIn this lesson, you will learn vocabularies and expressions relating to the clock and time. You will learn the different periods of the day, such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. You will see how those expressions are combined with numbers to read the clock and tell the time in Igbo language. You will be able to practice and do those combinations by yourself.LESSON 19: Learn to express your Christmas, Easter, New Year and other festival wishesIn this lesson, you will learn a bunch of common vocabularies and expressions around major festivals in Igbo language, such as Christmas, Easter, New Year, New Yam Festivals and more. You will be exposed to various ways of combining language elements and vocabularies so that you are able to express festival wishes to people you love, family and friends, during festival periods. You will be able to express your Christmas, Easter and New Year wishes in Igbo language.PROBLEM WITH THE COURSE?Contact me on Udemy if you have any problem with this course.Chidi Igwe"
Price: 24.99 |
"Crea Fotos Increbles" |
"En este curso te ayudaremos a que obtengas las herramientas necesarias para comprender las tcnicas y recursos que necesitas para poder aprender y mejorar tu tcnica fotogrfica desde cero. No importa si no tienes experiencia con la fotografa o ya tienes ciertos cimientos, este curso abordar los principios bsicos de la fotografa antes de tocar tcnicas ms especficas y avanzadas. Te voy a apoyar a dominar todos estos nuevos conceptos de la fotografa. El mundo est cambiando muy rpido y te ensearemos los conceptos que puedes aplicar en el mundo real.En las primeras dos secciones del curso vamos a estar cubriendo las bases y los cimientos de la fotografa digital. Estas dos secciones son sumamente importantes en todo el curso y si no las dominas, vas a tener problemas en el futuro. Es como si trataras de construir una casa con malos cimientos. No importa qu tan buena sea la decoracin y los acabados. Si los cimientos son malos, se va a caer. Va a colapsar. No va a funcionar.Eso mismo pasa con la fotografa. Si tienes las mejores ubicaciones, los mejores modelos, la mejor edicin... no importa. Si no tienes unos buenos cimientos, nada de eso va a funcionar.Y no importa si ya tienes cierta experiencia con cmaras y ya has tomado un montn de fotografas. Yo te recomiendo que refresques todos estos conceptos con las primeras dos secciones de este curso.A partir de la tercera seccin nos adentraremos en temas ms especficos como la edicin de tus fotografas en el programa Adobe Lightroom. Tambin aprenderemos tcnicas de fotografa con flash, HDR, astrofotografa, fotografa nocturna y de larga exposicin, fotografa con celular y cmaras compactas y timelapse. Este ser un curso sumamente completo que te aseguro amars, ya que est diseado para que cualquier persona, sin importar su experiencia con la fotografa, pueda entenderlo."
Price: 59.99 |