"Aprenda PHP y SQLite" |
"SQLite tiene actualmente muchos seguidores gracias a que cumple cabalmente con su lema: es una base de datos ligera, rpida y confiable (las tres cosas). SQLite se integra con muchos lenguajes, pero es verdaderamente potente cuando juntamos a esta base de datos con PHP, el lenguaje de servidor ms utilizado en Internet en el mundo.En este curso ya debes tener los conocimientos bsicos de PHP, pues no explicaremos lo que son las variables, las estructurascondicionales olos ciclos. Es deseable que tengas conocimientos en el manejo de las bases de datos, pero no es necesario, ya que explicaremos los tres pasos fundamentales en el diseo de una base de datos: el diseo conceptual, el diseo lgico y el diseo fsico, lo cual le ayudar a disear cualquier base de datos, independientemente de la plataforma de su eleccin.Este curso est dirigido a desarrolladores web con experiencia en PHP deseosos de una base de datos ligera, potente y segura. Dentro del curso abordaremos los tres `principales temas de cualquier lenguaje SQL estndar: El lenguaje de definicin de datos o ""Data Definition language"" (DDL) donde analizaremos la construccin de tablas y los tipos de columnas. Posteriormente revisaremos el lenguaje de manipulacin de datos o Data Manipultation Language (DML) donde realizaremos un sistema de altas, bajas y cambios (ABC) o CRUD, por sus siglas en ingls, donde insertaremos, modificaremos y borraremos informacin de una sencilla tabla.En la siguiente unidad estudiaremos el lenguaje de seleccin de datos o Data Query Language (DQL) donde veremos la enorme potencia de la sentencia SELECT y aprovecharemos para revisar las funciones de agregacin.En las siguientes secciones abordaremos temas que son generales a las bases de datos, sobre todo al diseo de las bases de datos, sin importar la plataforma: el diseo conceptual y el diseo lgico, donde obtendremos un modelo entidad-relacin de la primera fase y un modelo de tablas de la segunda.Por ltimo implantaremos nuestros modelos en una base de datos real, lo cual lo conoceremos como ""diseo fsico"", as como las formas normales de nuestra informacin. Tambin aprenderemos a ""unir"" diferentes tablas por medio de la sentencia JOIN o por medio de los alias."
Price: 270.00 |
"Aprende el API WebSQL database de HTML5" |
"El API WebSQL Database de HTML5 nos permitir utilizar toda la potencia de una base de datos relacin con el lenguaje SQL sin necesidad de acceder a un servidor. Esta API est basado en la popular base de datos SQLite, con lo cual le ser muy sencillo en convertirlo en una aplicacin para dispositivos mviles.Este curso est enfocado a desarrolladores web con conocimientos de JavaScript que deseen desarrollar aplicaciones web y tambin aquellos desarrolladores que deseen aprovechar sus conocimientos de HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript para crear aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles.En la primera seccin veremos los trminos generales de la base de datos y sus limitaciones. En la segunda seccin analizaremos lo que se conoce como DDL o Data Definition Language (Lenguaje de definicin de datos) en donde aprenderemos a crear una base de datos.En la tercer seccin revisaremos el lenguaje de modificacin de datos o DML (Data modification Language) en el cual revisaremos las cuatro principales instrucciones de una base de datos como son el Select, Insert, Update y Delete.En la cuarta seccin realizaremos una sencilla aplicacin para realizar las altas, bajas y cambios de una tabla que contiene informacin sobre libros. En la quinta seccin analizaremos el lenguaje de consulta de datos o DQL (Data Query Languaje), con lo cual revisaremos a profundidad la instruccin SELECT. Realizaremos un ejercicio para paginar una consulta con las clusulas LIMIT y OFFSET.En la seccin 6 estudiaremos las funciones de agregado, como COUNT(), SUM() o AVG(), entre otras, con las cuales realizaremos una pgina para obtener las estadsticas sobre la tabla de la seccin anterior. En la sptima seccin veremos la forma de entrelazar las tablas, por medio del ALIAS, como por las clusulas JOIN: CROSS, INNER y OUTER.Por ltimo desarrollaremos una sencilla aplicacin de Control de gastos y las herramientas necesarias para convertirlas en una aplicacin para dispositivos mviles.Para poder obtener el mayor beneficio de este curso, es necesario que usted ya tenga conocimientos previos de JavaScript, HTML y CSS, ya que no veremos ninguno de los principios bsicos de estos lenguajes. Es deseable que tenga conocimientos de bases de datos, pero si no los tiene, no hay problema, los revisaremos paso a paso."
Price: 270.00 |
"Aprender expresiones regulares para el desarrollo web" |
"Las expresiones regulares son fundamentales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en cualquier plataforma. En el desarrollo web, en particular, nos sern de enorme utilidad parala validacin, remplazo y bsqueda de informacin. En este curso iniciaremos el estudio de las expresiones regulares desde ""cero"", es decir, analizaremos cada elemento poco a poco, hasta tener un conocimiento claro de las mismas.En la segunda parte del curso desarrollaremos, tomamoscomo punto de partida lo aprendido, diez expresiones regulares fundamentales para el desarrollo web, as como analizaremos algunas expresiones desarrolladas por terceros.En la tercera parte del curso tomaremos las expresiones regulares vistas en la seccin anterior y las aplicaremos en los principales lenguajes de desarrollo web: HTML5, JavaScript y PHP.Este no es un curso de programacin. Necesitas tener una base mnima en el desarrollo web, pero no necesitas ser un experto, en este curso estudiaremos las expresiones regulares desde lo ms bsico.Este curso est dirigido a:Desarrolladores web quedeseen construir aplicaciones con la validacin de datos con HTML5, JavaScript y PHP por medio de las expresiones regulares. Desarrolladores que deseen dominar las expresiones regulares."
Price: 270.00 |
"Domina el DOM con JavaScript" |
"JavaScriptse ha convertido rpidamente en uno de los lenguajes ms utilizados para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Internet es incluso es utilizado para el desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles. Una rea de suma importancia para el completo aprovechamiento de este lenguaje es el dominio de las instrucciones, propiedades y eventos que se encuentran al rededor del DOM o Document Object Model.Este curso no es un curso bsico de JavaScript. Usted debe tener conocimientos bsicos del mismo, pues no se explicarn cosas esenciales como lo ciclos, las variables o estructuras condicionales, as como conocer las etiquetas y las reglas de estilo, sin necesidad de ser un experto.Elobjetivo de este curso es aprender los mtodos, propiedades y eventos relacionados con el DOM, y algunos ejemplos, comoel desarrollo de un sencillo juego de cajita de nmeros o una pgina en parallax.Para poder sacarle mayor provecho a este curso, usted debe tener algn editor de cdigo como Aptana, SublimeText o Brackets, pero puede seguirnos con cualquier otro.. Los objetivos generales son:El alumno revisar la historia, las bases y las herramientas para el estudio del DOM.El alumno conocer los arreglos y mtodos del DOM original.El alumno conocer y aplicar los mtodos del DOM para acceder a los nodos de su documento HTML.El alumno conocer las propiedades de los nodos y la forma de modificarlos.El alumno aprender a crear, modificar y eliminar los nodos de un documento con las instrucciones DOM.El alumno aprender a utilizar las propiedades DOM para navegar en el documento.El alumno aprender los diferentes modelos de captura de eventos y su forma de aplicarlos.El alumno aplicar los eventos del DOM desde JavaScript para realizar aplicaciones.El alumno aprender a utilizar los eventos DOM de un formulario.Cuenta con lo apuntes en formato PDF y los ejercicios del curso al final del mismo."
Price: 270.00 |
"Create Mobile-Friendly Web Apps With HTML" |
"Ever wonder what makes a mobile Web experience really positive?This course shows you how to build mobile Web apps that draw users into your content on their smartphones and tablets.Don't worry about high level coding. You won't need it for this course. You can build excellent, inviting, interactiveWeb appswith HTML, CSS and JavaScript with verylittle coding at all. The JavaScript we use in this classcomes in pre-packaged widgets and there is nocoding involved. Instead we use jQuerywidgetswhich are included in jQuery Mobile.Here are key skills you're acquire in this classHTML5, and especially new elements in HTML5 that enhance mobile designCSS3 -- again with a focus on mobile designjQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile is built on jQuery, and allows you to create Web apps that have all the features of native apps which are much more expensive and complicated to create.The course covers both technique, and design, so that you can build mobile Web apps that are as appealing as they are functional. It consists ofsix sessions, each withvideo lectures, detailed notes, and sample code."
Price: 19.99 |
"Circle 2.0 - Your App Business in a Box" |
"Update (15.09.2016): All source codes in this course are now updated to iOS10, Swift 3 and Xcode8!Update: now you geta total of 12 source codes with this course!!! (see lecture 18 for extra codes)Have you ever wished that you could just set your eye on an iOS source code, reskinit and in 5 daysthe app would be live onyourApp StorePortfolio? Yes? Than today is your lucky day.Because all of us have busy lives I have created this course to be easily followed if you have at most 1 hour a day. Each day you complete a lesson and you'll be on your way to App Store success. Of course if you wish you can complete the course in one take. It all depends on the amount of time you have for this activity.A few of the many reasons why you want tojoin Circle 2.0 today:1. Get from Zero to the App Store in just 5 days.Learn everything you need to do to put your app on the App Store in 5 days.2. Youll get your hands on 12source codes (worth $179 each).In Circle 1.0 a total of 14 reskins were featured by Apple. You will get the exact same source codes:Whack Till You CanGathererColor ChallengeCloud Avoiding Find the Pair Flappy Pet Group Them One Color Pop Me Sky Diving Slide to Me Throw the BallYou will get a Multiple App License: you will be allowed to create as many reskins as you like/can.3.Learn exactly how to reskin in a Step By Step Video Course (worth $899).Once you purchase you are not left on your own wondering what to do with these source codes! These videos will guide you every step of the way from zero to App Store.4. Getthe best support on the marketplace. Ianswer to all of your questions within 24 hours, but mostly after 3-4 hours.That's $3047 worth of source codes and tutorials for only $200!!!Building your app portfolio was never so easy! You will not find a deal close to this anywhere on the internet.These games are money-making machines with AdMob banner, Chartboost and SupersonicAds interstitial and 33 levels of stickiness and activity. They can be set up in under 15 minutes.No Coding Skill Required.Start your own app business today.Source code and step by step video tutorialsareprovided.The course is structured in 3 modules. The first module takes you through 10 days and teaches you step by step what you need to do to set up and put yourfirst appon the App Store. The second module repeats the process in under 5 days. This way you will learn how to do it faster. The last module has some tips and tricks and gives you the third source code that you can add to your App Empire. All you will have to do next is repeat the steps with severalmore designs.This coursetakes you by hand and shows you how you can build a sustainable App Business. I have been an iOS App Developer for more than 7 years now. I have done these exact steps hundreds of times and I have thought these steps tothousands of students. Now it's your time to learn how you too cantake your App Empire to the next level!"
Price: 199.99 |
"DIY iOS Games: A Developer Guide - Anti Candy Crunch" |
"Update - The source code is now updated to iOS12, Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10!NEWFEATURE in v.12.0.0 - (18.10.2018)Updated to iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 4.2Updated Rebeloper Store to 4.0.0 ( files changed: RebeloperStoreSetup.swift, RebeloperStoreConfig.plist, Info.plist, AppDelegate.swift, Gameplay.swift, Shop.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift, Podfile )Updated Firebase/Core; Firebase/AdMob podsFixed Tiles not found on board - big red X image being displayed instead (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 365, 375)NEWFEATURE inv.2.3.0.(20.08.2017): LocalizationUpdate (15.09.2016) - The source code is now updated to support iOS10, Swift 3 and Xcode 8!--------------------Luca Petrucci is enrolled in this course and on 25 October 2016his app ""Jungle Smash Mania"" was featured in the Italian App Store under ""New and Noteworthy""!!!--------------------Are you tired of reskinning the same old MATCH-3 source codes?Do you want to leverage the awesome features of a game like Candy Crush Saga, but do not want to be a copycat?Are you looking for a revolutionary MATCH-4 gameplay?You are in good place! In this course you will get your hands on our latest source code ""Anti Candy Crunch"" and you will learn how to set it up and submit it to the App Store. In this course I will submit a reskin called Anti Cookie Crunch. Anti Cookie Crunch is already available on the App Store! Download it to take a look at what the source code can offer.We wanted to create a game that will turn heads. While researching the market I've found that there are a LOT (some good, some bad) of MATCH-3 source codes.What will make a bang is a new gameplay:Match 4 candies or more! Do not match 3!This course takes you by hand and shows you how you can reskin and submit your very own version of Anti Candy Crunch to the App Store.Features of the Anti Candy Crunch source code include:Revolutionary MATCH-4gameplayFacebook LoginFacebook App InvitesFacebook Share3 Virtual Currency Pack In-app Purchases -This is where you will make moneyNo Ads In-app Purchase-This is whereyou will make moneyAds from AdMob (banner) and Chartboost (interstitial)-This is whereyou will make moneyRate My AppSystemMore Apps PageGame Center LeaderboardAchievements108 Levels2 types of gameplay: timed or with movesUserdatais saved into Firebase (user data is easily restored)Facebook Friends and their scores are shown in the Map SceneRandom Level Modemany moreYou will get your hands on the Anti Candy Crunch source code and hands on video tutorials how to put your own reskin of it on the App Store. Take a look at the free Introduction video to find out more.Enrich your app portfolio with this delightful, addicting, fun and money maker source code! Enroll now!CHANGELOG12.0.0 - (18.10.2018)Updated to iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 4.2Updated Rebeloper Store to 4.0.0 ( files changed: RebeloperStoreSetup.swift, RebeloperStoreConfig.plist, Info.plist, AppDelegate.swift, Gameplay.swift, Shop.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift, Podfile )Updated Firebase/Core; Firebase/AdMob podsFixed Tiles not found on board - big red X image being displayed instead (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 365, 375)11.0.12 - (16.07.2018)Fixed Game Center Leaderboard not sending correct data (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 936, 937)11.0.11 - (01.07.2018)Fixed Launch Screen bottom white border on iPhoneX (file changed: LaunchScreen.stroyboard)Added option to reset stars count for level upon replay (file changed: Setup.swift, GameOver.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift)11.0.10 - (10.05.2018)Fixed crash after buying No Ads IAP (file changed: Levels.swift)11.0.9 - (09.05.2018)Fixed Rate Button not opening app Review Page (file changed: Settings.swift, Setup.swift)11.0.8 - (03.05.2018)Fixed misplaced cookies when swiping really fast continuously (file changed: Gameplay.swift)11.0.7 - (15.04.2018)Fixed background music issue when presenting an AdMob Interstitial ad (file changed: SmartAdMob.swift)Fixed interstitial issue delaying gameplay presentation (file changed: Setup.swift, Levels.swift, AppDelegate.swift)11.0.6 - (05.04.2018)Fixed PlayerStats crash (file changed: GameViewController.swift)11.0.5 - (30.03.2018)Added support for AdMob Interstitials (file changed: Levels.swift, GameViewController.swift, SmartAdMobConstants.swift, SmartAdMob.swift)11.0.4 - (24.01.2018)Fixed Sound on/off button scaling infinitely down when tapped fast for several times (file changed: BDButton.swift)Fixed one png file not opening in Photoshop in the Resources folderUpdated Resources folder with new assets11.0.3 - (12.01.2018)Added option to animate matched cookies with png circles (file changed: Gameplay.swift, Setup.swift, Assets.xcassets)11.0.2 - (05.01.2018)Added Localization11.0.1 - (27.12.2017)Fixed minor background music bug (file changed: GameViewController.swift)11.0.0 - (21.12.2017)Rebuilt whole app; removed unnecessary features, images; made ui flow smoother10.0.5 - (06.12.2017)Fixed Crash due to no internet connection in fetching localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apples new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.4 - (01.12.2017)Removed unnecessary UIActivityTypes from share (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.3 - (01.12.2017)Added localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apples new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.2 - (27.10.2017)Removed App Invites functionality because with the release of the Facebook SDK version 4.28.0, App Links Hosting is deprecated. It will be supported until February 5, 2018.10.0.1 - (23.09.2017)Added SmartReviewController.10.0.0 - (20.09.2017)Updated code to Swift4 / Xcode9 / iOS11 / iPhone8 / iPhone8 Plus / iPhone X. This is a brand new project! You will need to start from scratch. Besides the obvious code changes one resource has been modified (TopPanel.png) and one new resource has been added (TopPaneliPhoneXExtension.png) - waiting for Facebook to fix the warnings in their SDKs (but they are only warnings - the code works fine with them)2.3.1 - (08.09.2017)Fixed Facebook Friend profile images sometimes not showing up (files changed: WorldMapScene.swift).2.3.0 - (20.08.2017)Added Localization - this is a BRAND NEW version of the code; almost all files have been changed - To update you will need to start to set up your app with this version.2.2.1 - (04.08.2017)Fixed the following issue: When a user completes a level and at the same time completes an achievement, then first the achievement pops up (and sometimes also and ad). This leads to a conflict, because it cause the 'You win' popup to NOT show and the user goes back in a game that is already won....This is annoying for a user, because the user has to make another move to complete the already completed level. (Thank you GamingV1 for the bug report) - (file changed: GameScene.swift)2.2.0 - (10.07.2017)Updated PodsFixed all warnings2.1.1 - (22.12.2016)Updated code to fix Valid Facebook App Invites coins to give ( file changed: GameViewController.swift - line 604 )2.1.0 - (10.11.2016)Fixed issues with SwiftKeychainWrapper ( file changed: Podfile; GameViewController.swift; PlayerStats.swift; SettingsScene.swift )Made the Star (that is after the counter of stars label) in the Gameplay to be a button that goes to the Shop. Thanks for the feature request phillip kidd ( files changed: GameScene.sks; GameScene.swift )Added button to Game Over Panel that goes to Main Menu. Thanks for the feature request simpleapps ( files changed: GameScene.sks )2.0.4 - (06.11.2016)Improvement: AdMob banner now spans to the sides of the screen on all devices ( file changed: Main.storyboard )Updated project to automatic recommended settings2.0.3 - (02.10.2016)Fixed Screen being cut in iPad Landscape Orientation ( for a quick patch all you need to do is: select your Target; go to General and in Deployment Info check Requires Full Screen)2.0.2 - (15.09.2016)Updated Info.Plist file to avoid Invalid Build when uploading to the App Store because of Facebook. Basically added the following:<key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Facebook would like to access your photo library.</string>2.0.1 - (15.09.2016)Updated Info.Plist file to avoid Invalid Build when uploading to the App Store. Basically added the following:<key>NSCalendarsUsageDescription</key><string>Advertisement would like to create a calendar event.</string><key>NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription</key><string>Advertisement would like to use bluetooth.</string>2.0.0 - (08.09.2016)Updated to iOS 10 and Swift 3 - this version will run only in Xcode 8+1.0.2 - (05.09.2016)Added Documentation file with link to Udemy1.0.1 - (01.09.2016)Added Alert showing Facebook App Invite progress and how much stars are given for the action1.0.0 - (26.08.2016)Initial Release"
Price: 194.99 |
"The Ultimate In-app Purchases Guide for iOS13 and Swift 5.1" |
"5.0.2 - (27.01.2020)Fixed bug in local subscription verification; file changed: RebeloperStorePro.swift5.0.1 - (14.01.2020)Added TPInAppReceipt for local subscription receipt verification; make sure you add it to your pod file!Update 5.0.0 - (02.08.2019)Completely rewritten for Swift 5.1, iOS 12, Xcode 10Update 4.0.0: NOW WORKS in Objective-C projects too!Updated to iOS 12 and Swift 4.2!Apples Subscription-based Pricing is a Game-changer! And YOU can benefit from it.Subscription-based Pricing is a HUGE deal! Till recently it was limited to only a few categories, but yet again Apple will shake the App Industry by allowing any apps to use the subscription business model. You should use it immediately!Okay, but implementing In-app Purchases can be a huge pain. And now that Swift 4.2 is out there are no real tutorials, wrappers or solutions out there. This is why I have created RebeloperStore, a powerful In-app Purchases Helper that will help you add any kind of IAP with just a fraction of the time and effort it usually takes.With RebeloperStore you will be able to add in-app purchases to your app with ONE LINE OF CODE. Here's the code you need to add to buy an auto-renewable subscription with RebeloperStore:RebeloperStore.shared.purchaseRenewable(.autoRenewableSubscription1)And here's how you can check if an auto-renewable subscription has expired or not:RebeloperStore.shared.verifyNonRenewablePurchase(.nonRenewableSubscription1) { (result, resultString) in if result { // Content Unlocked } }It's just too easy!RebeloperStore supports all In-app purchase types:consumablesnon-consumablesauto-renewable subscriptionsnon-renewable subscriptionsAll of them have the same one-line approach!And the best part is that it is written in Swift 4.2! You can rest assured that it will compile with the latest version of Swift.But the fun doesn't stop there. As a BONUS I have included a Virtual Currency System right into RebeloperStore so you may handle coins, gems, coin-packs, swords, bombs and helmets with ease! Here's how to buy 50 gems (secondary Virtual Currency) with 70 coins (primary Virtual Currency):RebeloperStore.shared.purchaseVirtualCurrency(50, ofVirtualCurrencyType: .secondaryVirtualCurrency, forPayableVirtualCurrencyAmount: 70, ofPayableVirtualCurrencyType: .primaryVirtualCurrency)You may add as many Virtual Currencies as you like!How awesome is that! And the features don't end here. RebeloperStore is truly all you need to add any kind of In-app Purchase into your app. RebeloperStore is the ultimate In-app Purchase helper.Besides all these cool features, the reason why I truly love RebeloperStore is the reason I've started this description: auto-renewable subscriptions. In our opinion here at Rebeloper Subscription-based Pricing has been the Announcement of the Year! But before we dive into the details lets talk about the current status of the App Industry. Free to Play rules everything. While this is a good way of earning money from apps it had some serious side effects on the developer community. The problem with Free to Play is that it cannot work for all kind of apps. It really works mainly on games and it mainly works only when implemented on a complicated and huge scale.Free to Play was eating up the Middle Class of the developer community. It seemed that nothing will save us and well be pushed out by the giants of the elite 1%. But the going for the subscription business model may give us a second chance. I personally have been waiting for this day for years. Why? Because the Subscription Based Business Model is the Holy Grail of Cash Flow.The only one problem with subscriptions was that people didnt necessarily wanted to subscribe to services or apps. Now that Apple is taking this model to the masses by introducing it on the App Store, we will see a massive adoption rate among users. It will no longer be weird to subscribe and pay each and every month. This time it will be something normal.Be the first who changes his business model to adopt the Subscription Pricing and profit from being an early adopter.Take a look at the free preview lectures below, and I will see you inside the course!Change Log4.0.0 - (15.10.2018)Completely rewritten for Swift 4.2, iOS 12, Xcode 10Removed SwiftyStoreKit, KeychainAccessAdded MerchantKit, KeychainSwiftCreated a completely new example project3.0.0 - (09.12.2017)Added objective-c version2.0.0 - (11.11.2017)Updated to iOS 11 (SwiftyStoreKit v.0.11.0)1.0.4 - (18.02.2017)Updated Documentation1.0.3 - (07.01.2017)Fixed ""Restore Purchases"" (RebeloperStore.shared.restorePurchases()) not storing retrieved purchases data into Keychain (files changed: RebeloperStore.swift - lines added: 949-951)1.0.2 - (22.11.2016)Added Documentation.pdf with link to the video documentation1.0.1 - (31.10.2016)Added ""Cancel Auto-renewable Subscriptions"" button (files changed: Main.storyboard; RebeloperStore.swift; RenewableShopViewController.swift)1.0.0 - (26.09.2016)Initial Release"
Price: 199.99 |
"Microsoft Project: The Five Keys - Key 4 Project Calendars" |
"The Calendar feature in MS Project is a very important function to understand as your project tasks always obey the calendar. In these videos important concepts such as the Calendar's dialog box is explored, and the functionality found there is explained. At the end of the lectures you will understand how to create holidays and special working time schedules. Important features to understand if you are going to be able to create effective schedules."
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook Ads Marketing Masterclass - Build Raving Fans!" |
"Why Sign Up This CourseRisk FREE 30 Days money back guaranteeProven Experienced Trainer in Online Marketing Since 2006Get Real Examples & Case Studies To Walk You Through What To DoMany Proven Examples to followand so much more.What Will You LearnHow To Find Hot Audience That Wants To Buy!Discover Hidden Gems On FacebooksHow To Create A High Converting Facebook Ad ImageBuild a Strong Foundation in Facebook MarketingHow to Setup a Professional Fan Page on Facebook in a Short TimeCreate Hot Viral Content That People Want to Share on FacebookSecrets to Grow Your Online BusinessSetup Your Own Lead Machine To Generate More SalesCase Study How To Build Fansand so much more...===========================================""I enjoyed the course. Its easy to follow with lots of insights and practical advice and resources. Each step was shown with examples easy to follow. Definitely One of the Best Course in Udemy !"" By Chris Wong - Rated 5 Stars""Great Course! Instructor gave very easy lessons to follow and I enjoyed learning what he taught.""by Matt West - Rated 5 Stars============================================This course is a very unique program where I challenge myself and also show you every tactic , keywords, ad swipe copies I use to grow a targeted buyer audience on Facebook.The course is structured with detailed step by step instructions and is design to help anyone from newbies to experts in Facebook Marketing to create engaging hot buyers on their Facebook Fan Pages."
Price: 194.99 |
"Shopify Masterclass : Proven Ecommerce Business For Newbies" |
"Updated With LatestProven Tactics That Works!LearnRisk FREE With30 Days Money Back Guarantee!Over 32,500 Followers on Social Media & BlogOver 5,100+ Students from 140 countries enrolled in my coursesand so much moreWhat Others Say About This Course""Really great stuff there, i was scared to get a basic course but there is a really great value, a lot of teaching about all the needed steps, the best course i bought online so far, many thanks!"" -Fredy - 5/5 stars""The attention to step by step detail makes it very easy to understand. Pictures, charts and videos simplify the entire process!"" - Robert - 5/5 stars""Of all the courses I've attended on the Ecommerce topic, this is by far the best. Even if you have zero experience on how to setup an online store or already have such a store but wish to bring it up to the next level.."" - Chris Wong - 5/5 starsLooking For Ways To Start An Online Business or Ways To Get More Sales Online?Shopify is the answer for you as you can setup your store up and running in just a day. Populate your store with products with our easy to follow step by step tutorials and start getting sales through using proven methods to advertise on Facebook for traffic.Turn $1Ads To $5or Even $20 Sales Using Simple Proven Facebook TacticsYou can start for as little as $1 per day per AD and slowly grow your store with more traffic and sales. Every detail of the process from setting up the ADS to research will be covered in this course.Design For Newbies To Experts LevelsUnlike other Shopify courses, this will be the most comprehensive easy to follow course that cover all aspects to setup a successful profitable Shopify store."
Price: 199.99 |
"Get Productive - How To Achieve Goals In 30 Days Handbook" |
"Why Take This CourseLaunchSale 1st 1000 Students 50% OFF (Usual US$40)Over 3,160+ Students from 120 countries enrolled in my UdemycoursesIncluded 6powerful printable worksheets (worth $97)Includes a 30 day plan how to set goals that will work for youYou learn more through easy step by step hands on tutorialsWhat Others Say About This Course""It is as awesome course i love it.. The contents of this course will help to achieve my goals in life..""Siddiq -5/5 starsWhat Do You BenefitYou are going to discover how to set goals that actually will make you happierI will show you simple steps how to set goals effectivelyExpert great results after you have taken actionTake advantage of your failures and turn them to lessons and improve in your lifeWhat Is This Course AboutThis course is all about helping you to achieve your goals within 30 days. Using proven exercise worksheets that had helped many others just like you to achieve their own goals to grow in their life.At the end of this course, you will experience more joy, success & freedom!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook Marketing For Newbies with Traffic Case Study" |
"Updated With Latest Proven Tactics That Works!LearnRisk FREE With30 Days Money Back Guarantee!Over 4,100+ Students from 120 countries enrolled in my coursesand so much moreAre You Tired of Spending Money To Advertise On Facebook?In this course, I am going to show you a hidden powerful tactic that got my over 1057 just from one post on Facebook.Ialso walk you through how I did it step by step and even show you the complete case study of the post I have written and how I promote it on Facebook without spending a single cent.Design For Newbies To Experts LevelsUnlike other Facebookcourses, this will be the most comprehensive easy to follow course that cover all aspects to get free targeted FREE traffic on Facebook."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Mobile Game Development Course with Phaser" |
"Update October 2017 - Added new videos on Phonegap!The Complete Mobile Game Development Course is a comprehensive video tutorial that teaches you how to create mobile games using JavaScript + the Phaser library (version 2.x).Learn by Making Real-World ProjectsThis course has been our most ambitious project up to date, and it incorporates all the feedback and experience gained over the years teaching game development.This course is built around the concept of learning by creating Real-World projects. The ultimate goal is that all the skills you gain in the course are really valuable for your career in an industry you love.Games includedFarm animal toddlers gameVirtual pet gamePlatformer Super Mario gameMulti-level spaceship gameCandy Match-3 gameBesides making games youll also gain valuable app and web development skillsBecome a proficient JavaScript and HTML5 developer.Understand the hybrid app development process.Learn to use Phonegap and publish apps to the Play Store and the App Store"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn real world API design in PHP using Apigility" |
"Learn how to build a robust API for your projects using the actively developed and frequently contributed to API framework, Apigility. This course is designed to jumpstart your API development and clear up many of the potentially confusing parts on how to get started using Apigility.At the end of this course you will have a working API that provides user registration, forgotten password resets, and email notifications. You will gain some working experience with Doctrine ORM and oauth2. Finally, you'll be confident that your API's backing logic will reliably perform how you expect it to because your domain models will be unit tested."
Price: 19.99 |
"Portrait Photography & In Depth Photoshop Retouching" |
"Easy Workflow and Great For those who want to retouch portraits! Complete Planning, Photography & Photoshop process is shownAll Photoshop work materials are provided & ready for you to downloadFull lifetime access to the complete courseMy approach is:One thing I have learned through all the years of working in the studio photography field is that knowing & understanding the ground concepts of photography, lighting & retouching are essential when trying to execute this image.This in-depth course is multifaceted. We start by going through the basics!A step-by-step guide on studio portrait photography and Lighting lectures. The shooting process involves working with up to six strobes and this course includes complete sections on understanding how to accurately set up the lights in order to achieve the light. The lessons that follow provide a wide focus on photoshop retouching techniques. Techniques such as working with textures & building backgrounds, advanced masking & merging subjects, color grading, light fixes & corrections, as well as creating a realistic feel & light look.The idea behind the course is not only to familiarise people with the techniques but also to help them understand the reason for using certain methods and how to improve on their retouching techniques.Lesson 1 Photography PartLesson 2 Light Setup & DiagramLesson 3 Preparations & Raw ConversionsLesson 4 Help Layers & NotesLesson 5 Basic Retouching & CleaningLesson 6 Fixes & Light BoostLesson 7 Building background & Merging SubjectLesson 8 Color Grading, Eyes, ContrastLesson 9 Dodge & BurnLesson 10 Sharpness & Final AdjustmentIncluded working filesRAW Source FilePSD Photoshop FileTwo Texture FilesWhat sets this course apart:I will teach you how to get into Photography & Photoshop, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience. We start slow and then build our way up.Receive all work material (Raw's & PSD files) from the start and work along.Many techniques, exercises, and work challenges.The idea is to make photography & photoshop fun and easy! ""Great to work along""Instructor support within 24 Hours. ""I do my best to answer every question""One final note: My goal is to teach you to become a better photographer, so don't stress about not having worked in this filed before. ""I do my best to make it simple & fun""Thank you!"
Price: 49.99 |
"SECRETS of a Freelance Artist!" |
"This is an insightful course about how you too canbecome afreelanceartist or designer online, recorded by an industry expert that works in the field. Through a series of video interviews, which you can view in one day, students are given resources (in the form of attachments)along the way and guidance on how to succeed. Such as: what to include in your portfolio,how much to charge,how to get paid, how to deal with difficult clients, and how much money you can make on average (starting out). This is a fun course as a social study or for someone that is interested in starting a new career in the arts, to learn the inner-workings of the art business online and to start winning paid commissions."
Price: 74.99 |
"Drawing Fun Caricatures! :) -The Best Method!" |
"In this fun and engaging course, you will learn the best method for drawing caricatures! You can do commissions, draw at parties, entertain your friends, with these exiting, cute, and funny caricatures! You need to have some basic drawing skills or have taken my Udemy ""learn-to-draw"" course if you don't already know how to draw heads or facial features.Take this quick and easy video course and learn how to draw caricatures from artist extraordinaire Cristian S. Aluas! Grab your pencil, marker, paper, a photo reference or get a friend to sit for you! It's quick to draw a caricature and it is just as much fun for the artist as it is for the sitter! Take this course if you want to learn the best method for drawing caricatures and have fun while you're drawing too!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Spend Your Gap Year Sailing the World" |
"Are You Looking For a Low Cost Adventurous Lifestyle in paradise?Are you looking for an adventure during your college Gap Year? Or do you hate your job or parts of your life? Are you living paycheck to paycheck and tired of making ends meet? Are you looking for a simpler, lower-cost adventurous life? If you are, you are not alone. It seems the more money you make the higher costs become and can result in a life of simply getting by.Learn How EASY Change Can Be People are leaving the rat race in record numbers, searching for a more meaningful, cheaper, and simpler way to live and many have chosen tropical blue water sailing.That is exactly what Captain George did 20 years ago when he left his job to be a sailboat crew member. Since then he has logged over 25,000 sea miles sailing across the South Pacific sailing to remote tropical beaches, uninhabited islands, visiting foreign cultures, and more. He started out as a new crew member and now, is a licensed Captain and this course will show you how to you can become a crew member. Sound appealing? If so, this course is perfect for you. We created it to show you just how easy it is to fill your gap year, put the rat race on hold and fulfill your dream of an adventurous, lower-cost lifestyle, all in paradise.In this course you will learn: How to become a crew member, even with no experience.How you can travel to paradise almost for free.What a crew members job is.An overview of a boats inner workings.An introduction to weather and navigation.What to pack and take with you.How you can communicate with family & friends, even from the middle of the the ocean.How to stay safe at sea and on land.What you need to visit foreign lands. Ways to make money.and more.You might be surprised to know..That you can sail and explore tropical paradise for almost nothing? Captain George once enjoyed 3 months sailing in an absolute true PARADISE: along Australias Great Barrier Reef, and his total out-of-pocket costs were $300! Yes, $300 for 3 months! Did you know you can make money while cruising? Captain George had a job as Captain of a tour boat at a luxury resort in the South Pacific and his salary was $65,000 per year. There are many ways to make money as a blue water cruiser and well show you how we and other cruisers do it. So if you do not have a lot of money, dont worry, this course covers many ways to earn some income to further your adventures in paradise. This course IS NOT so much about how to sail but instead, how to make life-changing decisions and create that simpler, lower-cost life you seek. This course also provides you information on where you can get your own Captains certifications for higher-paying opportunities.Are you wondering if you have to give up your current life to do this? No, we cover ways you can leave for the short term or the long term, and have a dream adventure, or the dream life.What are the course requirements?Absolutely nothing! Oh, except a sense of adventure. A desire for life change, or at least a short adventure.No experience or knowledge is required. We show you in the course where you can get all the experience you need. What will you get from the course?Unlimited access FOREVER!Udemy's 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and that is also our guarantee.All future lectures are included in the course.Over 25 lectures, 2.5 hours of content. An understanding of life at sea. An introduction to boats and features. Learn what you need to take with you.Learn how to find paid crew member positions.Who is the target audience?Anyone who understands the idea that You will never know, if you never go!Anyone looking to try something new, no matter short term or long termAnyone who has spent a lot of time daydreaming, and now wants to take action It is also IMPORTANT to understand that to be crew you do NOT need:A sailboat or any boat.Lots of experience!A lot of money!A license or certification of any kind.This course provides many of the important details and removes that Fear of the Unknown by showing how safe the oceans are in our modern world and will help you get started on planning a single adventure or a change in lifestyle.So don't wait! Life is too short! Signup and take a test drive and understand if it is not for you can take advantage of that 30 day refund policy. No questions asked. And no feelings hurt!Remember: You will never know if you never go!"
Price: 34.99 |
"A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming" |
"OverviewPython is a programming language that can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from simple user scripts to web servers and complex APIs. It has a simple, highly readable syntax which makes it a suitable language for people who want to learn how to write programs.What you will learn We will begin the course by installing the Python 3 interpreter. We will look at how to run the interpreter in the command line, as well as how to execute our Python source files.After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how use Python to do simple arithmetic. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the "string". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language. Then we will move on to more complex types. First we will look at how we can organize data into a list. We will look at how to create lists, how to access elements inside them, and how to modify the contents of a list. Then, we will look at the dictionary type, which allows us to create mappings. For example, a dictionary could map account numbers to client names.We will then move on to control flow. Control flow refers to the sequence in which a program'sstatements are executed. We will look at the if statement, which allows the script to decide whether or not to execute a block of code based on some condition. We will also look at looping. Looping refers to repeatedly executing a block of code until some condition is met. Functions will also be covered, which will allow us to organize code into simple, reusable pieces. Then, we will learn about errors, and how to handle them properly so that they do not halt execution of the script.Finally, we will end the course with three practical coding exercises. These exercises will ask for user input, validate the user input, and display a result in the command line. In cases of invalid input,meaningful error messages will always be displayed to the user. The first exercise will involve asking the user for the length, width and height for a rectangular box. The program will then calculate and display the box's volume. The second exercise will calculate the sum of all multiples of a list of numbers up to 1000. The last exercise will ask the user for a length and a width, and display a multiplication table with the given dimensions.Prerequisites Using the command line: In order to execute our coding examples, we will need to use the command line. In Windows, this is the Command Prompt and in MacOS this is the Terminal. For the purposes of this course, students only need to know how to change directories inside the command line. Everything else can be learned by watching the videos.Python 3: This courses uses Python 3, which has some significant differences from Python 2. The first video of the course will demonstrate how to install Python 3, and how to run it in the command line.Notepad++ ( Recommended ) : Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete."
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn Essential Javascript Fundamentals" |
"OverviewJavaScript is a programming language that can be run by all modern web browsers. It is downloaded alongside the HTML code of a webpage. Unlike HTML, which can only be used to display content, JavaScript allows web designers to add functionality and interactivity to their websites.What you will learn We will begin the course by learning where to write JavaScript. We will look at writing JavaScript directly inside an HTML tag, then inside of a <script> tag, and then finally in a file separate from the HTML document. We will discuss some of the reasons for using each method.After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how to do simple arithmetic, and also look at some of JavaScript's built-in mathematical capabilities. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the "string". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.Then we will move on to more complex types. We will learn about the array, which is essentially a list. We will look at how to create arrays, how to access elements inside them, and how to modify the contents of an array. Functions will also be covered, which will allow us to organize code into simple, reusable pieces. We will also learn about objects, which are a way of grouping together data and behaviors.We will then move on to control flow. We will look at the "if" statement, which allows the script to decide whether or not to execute a block of code based on some condition. We will also look at looping. Looping refers to repeatedly executing a block of code until some condition is met. Then, we will learn about errors, and how to handle them properly so that they do not halt execution of the script.Next, we will look at the Document Object Model ( DOM ). This is what allows JavaScript to interact with the HTML code of a webpage. We will look at several ways of finding any particular HTML element on the page. Then we will see what information we can extract from that element (tag name, attributes,etc.). We will learn about adding and removing elements from a page. Finally, we will learn about events, which allows JavaScript to react to things like mouse clicks, mouse movement, key presses, and many others.We will end the course with a practical exercise, in which we will build a simple JavaScript-based webpage. We will put to use most of the concepts covered in the course. We will look at how to validate user input, how to display results, and how to display meaningful error message to the user.Prerequisites HTML: The student must know how to use HTML tags and attributes. Only a very basic understanding of HTML is assumed.Google Chrome (Recommended): Google Chrome is a free web browser and it will beused to execute all the examples in this course. Although all browsers can run JavaScript, Chrome has extensive built-in developer tools. In the course, we will be using Chrome's JavaScript console, which will allow us to run quick little examples without the need to create and edit files.Notepad++ (Recommended): Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete."
Price: 34.99 |
"PhoneGap Development for Absolute Beginners" |
"In software development, PhoneGap is a mobile development framework created by Nitobi. It enables software programmers to build applications for mobile devices using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, instead of relying on platform-specific APIs like those in iOS, Windows Phone, or Android. It enables wrapping up of HTML, CSS and Javascript code depending upon the platform of the device. It extends the features of HTML and Javascript to work with the device. The resulting applications are hybrid, meaning that they are neither truly native mobile application nor purely web-based.The core of PhoneGap applications use HTML5 and CSS3 for their rendering, and JavaScript for their logic.PrerequisitHTML : The student must know how to use HTML tags and attributes. Only a very basic understanding of HTML is assumed.Programming: If you have some basic programming knowledge then it will be helpful. Knowledge of programming such as in Xcode, Core Java etc.Notepad++ (Recommended): Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete.What You will Learn in this Course -Using PhoneGap to build an Application -Understand the Basic concepts of PhoneGap Application Course Outline Setting Up the Development Environment Course Introduction Install Native Tool sets Install Phonegap/Cordova Build Your First Application Hello world app for iOS and Android Simulator Testing And Basic HTML5 Elements Tags AttributesCome Join Us"
Price: 19.99 |
"Javascript and jQuery Basics for Beginners" |
"OverviewJavaScript is a programming language that can be run by all modern web browsers. It is downloaded alongside the HTML code of a webpage. Unlike HTML, which can only be used to display content, JavaScript allows web designers to add functionality and interactivity to their websites.JQuery is a popular JavaScript library that is used extensively in modern websites. This library facilitates common JavaScript tasks such as animations, event handling, manipulating HTML content, and communication with external servers. In addition to its easy-to-use features, JQuery also takes care of many cross-browser compatibility issues automatically. What you will learnJavascrtipt Modules...We will begin the course by learning where to write JavaScript. We will look at writing JavaScript directly inside an HTML tag, then inside of a <script> tag, and then finally in a file separate from the HTML document. We will discuss some of the reasons for using each method.After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how to do simple arithmetic, and also look at some of JavaScript's built-in mathematical capabilities. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the "string". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.Then we will move on to more complex types. We will learn about the array, which is essentially a list. We will look at how to create arrays, how to access elements inside them, and how to modify the contents of an array. Functions will also be covered, which will allow us to organize code into simple, reusable pieces. We will also learn about objects, which are a way of grouping together data and behaviors.We will then move on to control flow. We will look at the "if" statement, which allows the script to decide whether or not to execute a block of code based on some condition. We will also look at looping. Looping refers to repeatedly executing a block of code until some condition is met. Then, we will learn about errors, and how to handle them properly so that they do not halt execution of the script.Next, we will look at the Document Object Model ( DOM ). This is what allows JavaScript to interact with the HTML code of a webpage. We will look at several ways of finding any particular HTML element on the page. Then we will see what information we can extract from that element (tag name, attributes,etc.). We will learn about adding and removing elements from a page. Finally, we will learn about events, which allows JavaScript to react to things like mouse clicks, mouse movement, key presses, and many others.We will end the course with a practical exercise, in which we will build a simple JavaScript-based webpage. We will put to use most of the concepts covered in the course. We will look at how to validate user input, how to display results, and how to display meaningful error message to the user.jQuery Modules...We will begin the course by learning about selectors. Selectors are strings that are used to target specific HTML elements on the page. The selector syntax is highly intuitive and easy to read and understand.We will then move on to events. The student will learn how to write code that reacts to things like mouse clicks, key presses, when the page is done loading, and a few others. These events allow programmers to create interactive user interfaces.After that, we will move on to effects and animations. Effects are used to hide and show elements. An example would be a menu that slides open when the mouse hovers over it. JQuery has a few built-in effects that can be implemented with minimal coding. For further customization, we will look at animations, which allow programmers to animate most of the visual properties of HTML elements.Then we will learn about changing the HTML content of a webpage. This includes adding and removing entire HTML elements, as well as modifying text and other HTML attributes programmatically. We will also learn about how to navigate the tree-like structure of an HTML document using the concept of parent-, sibling-, and child-elements.Finally, we will end the course by looking at AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX allows programmers to interact with external servers. To serve as our example, we will read airport data from a public web service. We will learn how to request data, how to handle the response, and how to handle errors.PrerequisitesHTML: The student must know how to use HTML tags and attributes. Only a very basic understanding of HTML is assumed.Google Chrome (Recommended): Google Chrome is a free web browser and it will beused to execute all the examples in this course. Although all browsers can run JavaScript, Chrome has extensive built-in developer tools. In the course, we will be using Chrome's JavaScript console, which will allow us to run quick little examples without the need to create and edit files.Notepad++ (Recommended): Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete."
Price: 194.99 |
"Real iOS Apps with Source Code - Power Workshop Series" |
"In these sessions, we'll cover the techniques of app development, starting with some simple apps and working our way up to more complex techniques.In each session, we'll focus on a specific area of mobile app design and development by coding our way through a single example application. Some of the topics we'll cover:- Using tables and tabs correctly- managing storyboards- Saving data to plists and external sources- Handling multiple controls with single functions- Sprite based animation techniques- much more.We'll build several apps together, including a simple note taker, a few different kinds of calculator, a couple of games, a simple memo systems with voice recording and playback, etc.We'll even look at how to develop code for the Apple Watch.This is the next logical step after an introduction to iPhone development.Insight on some of our Exciting ApplicationsNotetaker: Keep track of important information in this simple table view application.Calculator part 1: It adds! It subtracts! It's an arithmetical genius! Learn about simple state management while taking the square root of 2!Watch calculator: Just what you've been waiting for a calculator on your wrist! How to translate the calculator concept to the Apple Watch.Memory game: It has flashy lights and hideous sound, but can you remember the order to push the buttons? We'll learn how to keep track of a sequence of events, and compare it to the user's memory.English metric conversion: Just because the rest of the world has moved on, doesn't mean you have to! Simple conversions in a tab-based app.Calculator, part 2: keeps tracks of expressions as they're entered, then solves them. We might even do some math here! Learn a bit about expression parsing with this algebraic calculator.Mini pong: A one player pong. That's right you don't need an Atari or even a TV just an iPhone! We'll explore SpriteKit in this bast from the past.Join us for the course, and unlock your full potential!"
Price: 94.99 |
"C Programming for Beginners - Go from Zero to Hero!" |
"The C programming language has spurred many language developments since its invention by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s. Many modern programming languages owe their syntax to C: learning C first makes learning other languages such as Java, php, and Swift much easier. C is still a very popular programming language after over 40 yearsIn this course, we'll explore the C programming language in a different way than is usually taught. We'll start with data types (of course), then quickly dispel the mystery (and fright) that surrounds C's most powerful element, the pointer. Understanding pointers first allows us to grasp the underlying nature of arrays and structs, parameters passed by reference, and many other things hidden by other languages but exposed in C. The course contains five units that teach the foundations of C. Here's what you'll learn:- Data types and operators- Pointers and arrays- Input and output - Command line arguments- Decisions and loops- Functions- Value and reference parameter passing- Structures- The stack vs. the heap, and dynamic allocation- Working with linked listsSo why wait sign up today!"
Price: 94.99 |
"MySQL Database Development for Beginners" |
"MySQL is a general purpose relational database management system (RDBMS) used mainly to provide a back-end database for web applications. In this course, we'll introduce the concepts of relational database management systems in general, and how they relate to MySQL in particular.Unlike traditional courses that concentrate mainly on theory, we'll take a practical how-to approach to working with data. Here's what yyou'll learn: Creating databases and tablesAdding data to a table with INSERT Reading a table with SELECTHow to use WHERE to filter dataUsing ORDER BY to sort dataJOINs and how to use them to read from multiple tablesChanging data in a table with UPDATEThe DELETE query: removing one or more rows of data from a tableUsing a text file to load a database schemaThese topics and many more will be covered. The concentration in this course is on MySQL itself not on how to use it to for any particular purpose. But this course makes a great introduction to our upcoming course about web databases using php and MySQL. So why wait sign up today!"
Price: 94.99 |
"jQuery for Absolute Beginners" |
"OverviewJQuery is a popular JavaScript library that is used extensively in modern websites. This library facilitates common JavaScript tasks such as animations, event handling, manipulating HTML content, and communication with external servers. In addition to its easy-to-use features, JQuery also takes care of many cross-browser compatibility issues automatically.Prerequisites HTML: The student must know how to use HTML tags and attributes. Only a very basic understanding of HTML is assumed.JavaScript: Since JQuery is a JavaScript library, the student must know how to write JavaScript. JQuery makes extensive use of functions and objects, so the student must be familiar with these concepts.Notepad++ (Recommended): Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete.JavaScript-enabled browser: In order to run JavaScript, the student must have access to a JavaScript-enabled browser. Although Google Chrome is used throughout the tutorial, any modern web browser will work as long as JavaScript has not been disabled by an administrator.What you will learn We will begin the course by learning about selectors. Selectors are strings that are used to target specific HTML elements on the page. The selector syntax is highly intuitive and easy to read and understand.We will then move on to events. The student will learn how to write code that reacts to things like mouse clicks, key presses, when the page is done loading, and a few others. These events allow programmers to create interactive user interfaces.After that, we will move on to effects and animations. Effects are used to hide and show elements. An example would be a menu that slides open when the mouse hovers over it. JQuery has a few built-in effects that can be implemented with minimal coding. For further customization, we will look at animations, which allow programmers to animate most of the visual properties of HTML elements.Then we will learn about changing the HTML content of a webpage. This includes adding and removing entire HTML elements, as well as modifying text and other HTML attributes programmatically. We will also learn about how to navigate the tree-like structure of an HTML document using the concept of parent-, sibling-, and child-elements.Finally, we will end the course by looking at AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX allows programmers to interact with external servers. To serve as our example, we will read airport data from a public web service. We will learn how to request data, how to handle the response, and how to handle errors."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn to Make iPhone Apps - for Absolute Beginners" |
"iOS 8 offers amazing new possibilities for iPhone and iPad developers. However, you will need to learn entirely new design and development techniques in order to take full advantage of the new system and APIs.In our brand new iOS 8 and Swift Programming Course our Head Tutor, Rick "the iGuru" - will teach you ALL these new techniques, in a complete step by step system.This iOS8 with Swift App Programming Course is designed to involve you in a high degree of training. You will be provided with source codes and assignments along with the lectures so that you get a sound understanding and grip of the concepts you will be learning.This course introduces you to the basics of iOS8 and Swift App development and is a course is for beginners and advanced level coders.This course is designed by seasoned experts and tutors who know exactly how to present the course subjects in a systematic step by step manner.All topics are easy to learn and presented in digestible short 10 to 15 minute videos with real world examples, demos and exercises.This is the lite version of our main core course.This is by far the best and most high quality iPhone Programming Training Video Course that we have released.High Quality Video Training, Source Code, Workbooks and Exercises"
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn to Make Android Apps - for Absolute Beginners" |
"Android Kit Kat 4.4 is both Beautiful & Immersive. It has a more polished design, improved performance, and a TON of new features. In fact, this latest Android Update from Google is all set to match Apple's iOS 8In our Android Programming Course, we will walk you through the fundamentals of Android app development in Java.You will learn ALL the skills needed to develop exciting and powerful Android mobile apps using the latest versions of the SDK and the new Android Studio development environment.If you are truly interested in learning mobile app development for the Android platform, then this is the course for you.What You Will LearnWe'll start with the basics: activities and layouts. You'll learn how to create user interfaces and how to drive them from activities, and how to harness the power of intents to link activities into a compelling user experience.Of course, an app is nothing without its data, and Android has some pretty powerful tools to store that data.We'll talk about SQLite, the mobile version of the popular SQL relational database management system. You'll learn how to store data in SQLite databases, and how to retrieve that data later and use it to populate several different types of user interface controls. You'll learn some basic animation techniques to use with any view in the course, but you'll also learn how to animate any object that is, to change its properties over time! This is a powerful technique that can be used not just for traditional animation, but for any time-bound task.This is the lite version of our main core course.Pretty much anything a developer can do to an Android mobile device is covered in this course."
Price: 34.99 |
"Make Android Apps with Source Code - Power Workshop Series" |
"This course teaches Android development by example, beginning with very simple applications using only activities, then gradually adding layers of complexity.Each app in the course is a guided tour of the development process, starting with the basic layouts and finishing up with a working app that you can modify and use as a starting point to develop your own ideas.Android takes a different approach that app development for other platforms: an Android app is really a loose collection of components that communicate amongst themselves and even with components from other applications.In this series, you'll gain insight by watching over Rick's shoulder as he brings separate components together and assembles them into ten different applications that explore the Android system and how to apply it to real-world problems.Source code is included, and you may feel free to modify it in any way and use it in your own applications!Some of the 10 App Projects you will take on are -- A note taker application- A single player version of Pong" :)- A simple adventure game- A couple of different types of calculator- A conversion utility that allows the user to save their own conversions- And, another 5 more exciting apps that will be announced and released every week.Along the way, we'll make use of Android components such as Activities and Services, and learn best practices and strategies for building successful applications. So click that button, and let's get started!You need to sign up now to gain Access to ALL the TEN Apps Training with Source Code that are part of this workshop series."
Price: 94.99 |