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"Yoga per Principianti ed Esperti"
"Il videocorso prevede lezioni di Hatha e Vinyasa Yoga adatte a principianti ed esperti.  composto da sette lezioni, una per ogni giorno della settimana, della durata di circa mezz'ora ognuna. In ogni lezione l' insegnante guider l' allievo in una pratica che agisce su corpo, mente e interiorit.Verranno presentate pratiche per il risveglio mattutino, pratiche per la centratura, pratiche per innalzare la propria energia, pratiche per trovare la propria forza fisica ed interiore, pratiche di equilibrio, pratiche in torsione e molto altro ancora. Le lezioni introdurranno anche diversi pranayama, cio tecniche yogiche di respiro consapevole. Un videocorso completo per agire su te stesso a 360 gradi e per tenerti in forma."
Price: 24.99

Price: 49.99

"Communication Equity"
"Finding the right balance between speaking and listening is critical to get the best results from the conversation. It can increase the connection, engagement and trust between speakers. It increases the chances of getting to the desired outcome and builds healthy relationships. This is a core skill of assertiveness. Do you experience these challenges? Ive been there and its not fun.Listener most of the time?Get bored in conversations because you dont talk about what you want?Afraid of being disliked if you display authority?Find it difficult to share your ideas and feelings?Find men annoying and women submissive at work?This course is designed to give you the fundamental skills to speak up and listen effectively in conversations. To be more assertive.My name is Ivna, Ive been in the corporate world for more than 10 years across 3 continents.This is what you will get in the course:Differences between how women and men communicate at workPractical tips to listen and speak effectivelyEasy to implement speaking and listening communication strategiesExample dialogues45 min of condensed knowledge in engaging videoQuizzes to solidify your learningA summary PDF guide to review learnings at the end of the courseA worksheetTake a proactive step towards better social, communication and assertive skills now by signing up for the course. Feel more engaged at work, stop others from yawning when you talk, say what you want to say.Enroll now! Ill see you on the other side. Not sure yet? Watch the free preview lectures to see if you like them."
Price: 74.99

"How to Be Assertive and Speak up with Confidence"
"Be more assertive.Do you feel STUCK in your job? Do you ever feel UNDER-APPRECIATED by your boss after working hard? Do you feel UNDER-VALUED? Do you get LESS RECOGNITION than you deserve? Learn assertiveness! Most of us who dedicate our sweat and blood to companies experience those feelings. Guess what!? The problem is not you. The problem is that most managers are terrible with managing people, and most companies have bad company cultures.However there is a SECRET to make your manager get better at managing you. There is a way to get unstuck and be appreciated for your hard work. It all starts with acting and communicating ASSERTIVELY!!! That is why I am so passionate about Assertiveness.That is what this course is about.What is assertiveness? How can it help you get unstuck, receive appreciation and recognition at work?What is the definition of assertive? What does assertive mean?  How to be assertive in order to have effective business communication?Assertiveness is key for effective communication, career success, authentic and low stress life. When you don't speak up, you give your power away to others, feel less confident and are exploited by others. Learn to be assertive.Does this happen to you?Your boss never says thank you?You feel guilty taking time off from work?You work like crazy and never get a raise?They take advantage of you at work?You feel overwhelmed with too much work!?You are quiet in situations where you wish you had said something? You keep ruminating and replaying responses over and over in your mind? You afraid of sounding mean, aggressive or rude when you stand up for yourself? They dont notice you? You find it hard to ask for what you want? You are in the right place.Speaking up was a challenge for me for many years. Assertiveness was the answer to my biggest problems and it changed my life.I've done extensive research to learn and apply assertiveness into my life. Now I want to help you learn it.This is what you will accomplish in this course:Learn what assertiveness isCreate a plan to reduce stressIdentify your emotional and work challenges related to speaking upRecognize 4 communication styles, their strengths and weaknessesSpot manipulationRecognize the feelings, thinking, speaking and body language of assertive communicationIn addition, this course will help you learn more about your personal challenges and preferences through many self-discovery activities.By the end of the course, you will:Feel more confident to stand up for yourself through assertive communicationFeel in control of your careerBetter manage your thoughts and emotionsI will also support you by answering any relevant question you may have about the course, because my mission is to help you become more assertive!Enroll now! I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 94.99

"Technical Analysis Master Course"
"The ultimate guide to Technical Analysis - Complete with 15 video lessons and more, this course will give you the tools you need to be able to read graphs, use indicators, spot market trends, and know when to buy in, or sell out of positions. It is the only Technical Analysis course you'll ever need.Years of knowledge, experience, and success all at your fingertips - Learn from The Right Trader, a Technical Analysis expert with years of knowledge, experience, and success under his belt. The Right Trader knows what works - That's why, starting today, you can get your hands on tried and true trading principles & strategies that are likely to help you in your journey to becoming a profitable trader. Tired of trial and error and looking at countless tutorials online, only to find that the videos are outdated and the strategies are obsolete? Look no further, because you've just found the modern guide on how to use Technical Analysis to trade profitably.We know how frustrating it can be to take loss after loss, we've been there - We've put in the time and effort to figure out what works so you don't have to. Skip the research and start learning instantly when you grab this course today. All the information you need is waiting for you inside.If you don't like it, we don't like it - We're confident that you'll benefit from the lessons and tools taught in this course. So sure in fact, that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee! If for whatever reason you're unsatisfied with your purchase, all you have to do is send our support team an email within 30 days of purchase and we'll give you 100% of your money back. We're not satisfied unless you are!Invaluable information - The information in this course is completely invaluable. This is because the use of the indicators and techniques taught in these lessons have yielded returns time and time again. This said, we always strive to be fair and provide the best value to our students, which is why we decided to price this course at the lowest possible price point that we felt was fair."
Price: 19.99

"Become a professional Actor with Celebrity guest"
"During this 9 weeks course, we will walk you through everything you need to know to become a working actor. This course will give you the tools you need to be a professional in the industry. We will walk you through everything from teaching you the difference from theater and film to submitting yourself to talent agencies and everything in between. Also, you will get amazing advice and tips from your celebrity mentor David Mann. If you have any questions or concern please feel free to message us. This course is simple and easy to follow, we hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99

"Udemy0Part1Part210002001000UdemyOK14 4"
Price: 24000.00

"UdemySNSLINEZOOMYoutube0Part2Part11000web2001000webUdemyOK14 4"
Price: 24000.00

Price: 18000.00

Price: 3000.00

"Curso Bsico de Administracin de Proyectos."
"En este curso aprenders los temas bsicos de la administracin de proyectos que podrs aplicar en la operacin diaria de tu empresa sin importar el tamao de la misma o bien podrs aplicarlo en tu trabajo. El curso se basa en el estndar del PMI (Project Management Institute).Revisaremos de forma rpida cada una de las reas de conocimiento que deben ser consideradas en la administracin de un proyecto de acuerdo al PMI (Project Management Institute).El curso es impartido por un instructor con 10 aos de experiencia en la gestin de proyectos, certificado en como PMP por el PMI y como Scrum Master por Scrum Alliance."
Price: 2070.00

"SEO Eitimi 2020 - 0'dan leri Seviyeye Uzmanndan SEO Kursu"
"10 yllk mesleki deneyimim, 4 yllk eitmen deneyim ile size SEO'yu retmek istiyorum. Bugn arama hacmi yksek bir kelimede google arama sonularnda ilk sayfada yer almak, merkezi bir konumda dkkan amaktan daha deerli. Arama motoru optimizasyonu sayesinde potensiyel mterilerimiz veya ziyaretilerimize kolayca ve bedava ulaabiliyoruz.Eitim ieriinde adm adm bir projenin SEO almalarn yrtebileceiniz sralamay iledim. Takldnz noktalarda bana danmay unutmayn. Eitim srekli gncellenecektir."
Price: 399.99

"Yeni balayanlar iin Procreate"
"Procreate Nedir?dll bir izim, eskiz ve resim uygulamasdr. Ipad ile izim yapmamza yarar. Procreate ile eskizden ocuk kitab illstrasyonuna ,karakter tasarmndan realistlik izime kadar pek ok alanda izim yapabilirsiniz.Kullanm olduka kolay ve zahmetsizdir. Procreate in keyfini aldktan sonra birok ilem iin Photoshop'u bir kenara brakacaksnz. Bu derste sizlere Procreate'i en basit haliyle anlatmaya alacam. Akas bu program renirken hibir Trke kaynak bulamadm. Bu dersi zellikle Trke hazrlamak istedim ki kaynak bulmakta zorluk ekenlere de yardmc olsun.Eer daha nce dijital ortamda hi izim yapmadysanz procreate basit kullanmyla size olduka yardmc olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Design de Produtos 3ds Max V-Ray - Volume 01 Frascos 3D"
"Neste treinamento voc aprender a modelar os frascos de produtos usando o software Autodesk 3ds Max.  As aulas so completamente prticas onde o aluno(a) acompanha todo o passo-a-passo detalhado. Alm da modelagem, vamos aprender a configurar o mapeamento e otimizar as texturas atravs do Photoshop.Ao final, aprenderemos como fazer renderizaes como iluminao fisicamente correta e com alta resoluo usando o V-Ray. Junto ao curso, esto os arquivos como texturas e referncias para facilitar a compreenso das aulas."
Price: 129.99

"Design de Produtos 3ds Max e V-Ray Volume 02 Frasco 3D"
"Este curso voltado a modelagem avanada de produtos comerciais. O tema deste volume um frasco de bebida energtica. Trata-se de um modelo rico em detalhes e efeitos de superfcie. Com este estudo vamos aprender novos conceitos de modelagem avanada alm de mapeamento, iluminao e render.O software utilizado nas vdeo aulas o 3Ds Max 2015, porm o curso pode ser acompanhado a partir da verso 2009. As aulas so realizadas em perodos curtos e as instrues divididas em etapas visando facilitar o aprendizado do aluno. As etapas principais dos mdulos so: Configurao da referncia, modelagem, mapeamento, texturizao, aplicao de materiais e renderizao.A didtica adotada no curso simplificada e ilustrativa. Isso possibilita ao estudante um maior aprofundamento na matria discutida alm de reteno de novos conhecimentos relativos a Computao Grfica."
Price: 129.99

"Design de Produtos 3ds Max e V-Ray Volume 03 Calado 3D"
"Nossos cursos Design de Produtos abordam de forma clara e objetiva todos os tpicos importantes para modelagem e produo de objetos diversos. O volume 03 dedicado ao desenvolvimento de um calado feminino de salto que tem como objetivo esclarecer todas as partes do desenvolvimento deste objeto como; modelagem topolgica, mapeamentos orgnicos, texturizao,iluminao, renderizao entre outros assuntos. (Tudo isso passo a passo)O contedo do curso passado ao estudante de forma clara e direta. Isso significa que as aulas so curtas e dinmicas onde a ateno do aluno voltada para exemplificaes e comparaes. Esta metodologia faz do aprendizado algo mais prazeroso e as informaes so  absorvidas mais facilmente.Seguindo a metodologia dos cursos anteriores (Design de Produtos Volume 01 e 02), vamos trabalhar com um dos principais motores de Render do mercado, V-Ray. Se voc usa outro renderizador tambm est poder acompanhar este curso pois a renderizao representa apenas 5% do contedo programtico."
Price: 129.99

"Python Coder un Dashboard"
"Dans cette formation vous apprendrez coder un dashboard sous Python, qui selon la ville choisie (parmi toutes les villes de France) mettra jour la prsentation des donnes dmographique, sant et social, catgories socio-professionnelles et bien d'autres...Vous apprendrez l'issue de cette formation:Les bases de PythonCollecter les donnes sur des sites web via BeautifulSoup et SeleniumLe datacleaning ou la prparation des donnes via Pandas et NumpyGnrer des cartes et le positionnement de la ville via FoliumGnrer des graphes, camemberts, histogrammes via DASH et PLOTLY"
Price: 199.99

"How To Make An Android App Without Any Background in Coding"
"Appgeyser is a free web application (online without software installation).Appgeyser simplifies the development of Android applications and makes it accessible even for novices and those unfamiliar with programming languages. Thanks to its fully graphical interface and the total absence of a line of code, Appgeyser is particularly suitable for people with no programming knowledge.Even though the interface and its use are very simple, the fact remains that you can create very powerful applications in a few minutes.Do you think that creating an application that uses voice recognition, GPS location, camera, the camera of your mobile device is not at your fingertips? I can guarantee that with Appgeyser not only will you get there but in a few minutes!This course covers all the features of the application.Your learning will be done step by step and no prerequisites are necessary!At the end of this course you will be able to realize many other types of applications or games:Video playerMusic playerGames (quiz, or graphic app)Drawing applicationCalculatorEtc.So if you want to create your own application for android you just have to join me in this course.Who is this course for?Beginner with no knowledge of Android development."
Price: 19.99

"Gezonde voeding & leven"
"Waarom deze cursus?Er was een tijd dat ik (Veroniek) echt niet lekker in mijn vel zat. Ik voelde mij futloos, te zwaar en zat niet goed in mijn vel. Ik probeerde verschillende diten. Allemaal resulteerde zij in hetzelfde effect: jojo-en, mijzelf dingen ontzeggen en je een mislukkeling voelen. Toen besloot ik het over een andere boeg te gooien. Ik besloot mij te verdiepen in gezonde voeding. Ik stopte met diten en leerde te luisteren naar mijn lichaam en te voeden in plaats van vullen. Zonder veel moeite ben ik 20 kilo afgevallen. Ik voel mij nu superfit en zit goed in mijn vel.Om mij heen zie ik ontzettend veel mensen die ook veel problemen hebben met hun gewicht of zich niet fit voelen of niet lekker in hun vel zitten. Ik wil deze mensen graag helpen. Daarvoor heb ik mijn kennis uitgebreid door een opleiding tot gewichtsconsulente te volgen. Ik besloot mijn kennis niet alleen te gebruiken voor reguliere coaching als gewichtsconsulente maar het in een online training te verwerken. Zo kan ik meer mensen bereiken en aangezien je het gewoon op de bank kan doen is weinig tijd ook geen excuus. Met deze online training geef ik jou de kennis die ik nu heb en leer ik je om gemakkelijk gezond te eten.Mijn droom is om zoveel mogelijk mensen weer lekker in hun vel te laten zitten en een eind te maken aan de lange lijdensweg door verschillende diten.Wat ga je leren?Allereerst leer je de basiskennis over de verschillende voedingsstoffen: koolhydraten, vetten, eiwitten, vitamines & mineralen en water. Hier leer je wat de verschillende voedingsstoffen doen in jouw lichaam. Daarna gaan we in op de verschillende producten; van groentes tot pasta. Hier leer je welke producten de betere keuzes zijn en hoe je met hele kleine aanpassingen in jouw voedingspatroon een groot effect kunt behalen. Na deze eerste twee hoofdstukken heb je heel veel geleerd over welke voedingsstoffen en producten goed voor je zijn. In het derde hoofdstuk gaan we in op je motivatie voor een gezonde levensstijl & op afvallen. Ook leer je etiketten lezen. Als laatste gaan we in op beweging. Zo krijg je alle handvatten en coaching de nodig zijn voor een gezondere levensstijl."
Price: 89.99

". . (True Self). . . . . . . 1. (chakras) .2. .3. :a. : .b. : .c. : .d. : .e. : .f. : .g. : .4. .5. affirmation . :1. (Detox).2. .3. .4. .5. .6. .7. .8. .9. ."
Price: 19.99

"die Welt der Promotionjobs"
"gewerbliche, rechtliche sowie steuerliche Voraussetzungen vom klassischen Flyerverteiler bis zum Teamleiter bzw. ChefhostessWelche Arten von Promotionjobs gibt es berhaupt und was kann man mit ihnen verdienen?Wie helfen mir Promotionjobs fr meine weitere Karriere bzw. nach der Ausbildung/Studium Schwerpunkt SoftskillsWas ist mein persnlicher Mehrwert fr die Agenturen fr den KundenWie vermarkte ich mich selbst am Besten online & offline"
Price: 39.99

"Learn to Draw - BEGINNER to ADVANCED Sketching Course"
"Drawing and Sketching seem like magic, It is often associated with talent and many people get demotivated for this reason. Truth be told, drawing is not a Talent, It's a skill that can be learnt and mastered by anyone, I'm a self-taught Artist myself and If I can learn this skill by helping myself out then an ordinary person who is taking a step-by-step course, will definitely learn this skill.Just like anything and everything you have learned you had to know the very basics. You can't do math without knowing how to count and you can't drive without knowing what the key looks like. This course is your ""key"". All drawing starts with lines, some are straight, some are curved and rough but all are lines.  Lines are used to make shapes and shapes become volumes (3d shapes) and everything in the world is made from shapes. I will teach you the basics to lay a really good foundation for art. You'll learn the introductory concepts of art such as elements of art, compositions, measurements, proportions etc. along with certain practice exercises that help you improve your observation and gain confidence in your hand movements. These practice exercises are the keys to becoming really good at drawing. If you join today, you will have a life time access to this course and whenever I'll provide a bonus tutorial or practice exercise, It'll be available to you free of cost.This course also has a dedicated Q&A section where you can post your questions. Ask for some feedback. Or share your results from the course. I am active most days of the week and ALWAYS reply to questions within this course. Which we all know is vital to anyone looking to learn how to draw!So, Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it!"
Price: 149.99

"Sfrdan PaintTool Sai le Dijital izim Yapn"
"Bu Kursta Painttool Sai i renip Balang Seviyesinde izim Yapyor Olabileceksiniz.rendiiniz Bilgiler Size ok Yardmc Olacaktr.Kurs Her Zaman Gncel Kalacaktr.Yapabileceklerinizin Farkna Varacaksnz Bu ten Gelir Elde Edebileceksiniz.Bu te Bir Yerlere Gelip Tannabileceksiniz.Eer Dijital izim Yapmak Ve Bu Konuda Yeteneinizin Olduunu Dnyorsanz Bu Kurs Tam Size Gre.Baarlar Dilerim.Eminim Bu te ok yi Yerlere Gelebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Completo de Educao Financeira"
"O Curso Online de Finanas Pessoais um treinamento em vdeo onde ensino o aluno a organizar suas finanas para que possa ser bem-sucedido com sua renda atual. Eu mostro o passo a passo desde como trabalhar suas emoes at montar junto do aluno as melhores estratgias para diviso da renda, temos um mdulo voltado a negociao de dvidas, aplicaes e reservar financeiras em renda fixa e o grande diferencial dos demais curso de finanas pessoais que aqui ensino estratgias para que o aluno tenha uma renda complementar para aumentar seu ganhos financeiros.So estratgias aplicveis a vida de qualquer pessoa e com resultados garantidos em curto prazo.Aproveite o contedo e mude de vez sua vida financeira."
Price: 69.99

"De Principiante a Experto con Facebook/Instagram Ads"
"Facebook/Instagram es el mayor recolector de datos del mundo. Contiene hasta 98 puntos de data por cada usuario. Lo que significa que puedes alcanzar exactamente a la persona que necesites.Cada minuto que pasas en Facebook le da ms informacin sobre tus gustos e intereses y mejora su sistema de segmentacin. Esto lo hace la plataforma publicitaria ms poderosa del mundo.Ahora tu puedes aprovechar la plataforma ms poderosa del mundo para vender tu producto o servicio.De Principiante a Experto con Facebook/Instagram en 8 horas. Es un curso que te ensea todo sobre la publicidad en Facebook. Los secretos del algoritmo de Facebook, subir anuncios y optimizarlos, medir resultados, alcanzar a las personas que te van a comprar, mostrar anuncios a los que ya visitaron tu pgina web, cmo saber cuanto invertir.Vas a aprender las mejores prcticas para que no tengas que estar preguntndote si lo estas haciendo bien.Muchos principiantes se enredan porque no se saben los fundamentos. Aprenden un poquito ac, un poquito all, y se terminan confundiendo. Aqu aprenders todo lo que necesites saber.Adicional aprenders sobre conceptos bsicos de publicidad, estrategia de marketing digital y cmo influenciar el comportamiento de tus prospectos para que tus anuncios generen resultados."
Price: 79.99

"Cuntame tu vida: Curso Prctico de Escritura Autobiogrfica"
"En este laboratorio de escritura creativa las emociones son el punto de partida: cada participante tomar como base sus propias experiencias para convertirlas en relatos y familiarizarse al mismo tiempo con mltiples tcnicas narrativas que le servirn para emprender un proyecto literario, sea autobiogrfico o no. Se ha impartido con xito en numerosas instituciones culturales en Mxico y Espaa."
Price: 495.00

"Develop Ionic 4 Angular iOS Android Apps for WooCommerce"
"Do you know WordPresss Powers 34% of all website in our planet and according to WordPress Plugin Directory statistics, WooCommerce, the Plugin, that adds E-Commerce functionality to WordPress, has 5 millions + active installs. Beside these, WooCommerce itself Powers 28% of all online storesWooCommerce is one of the best Plugin created with WordPress that has largest developer community support with awesome official documentations.Responsive ecommerce websites are not that user friendly that an app can be for shopping.Have you ever thought of building a hybrid App for this robust WooCommerce Plugin that runs in Android and iOS devices as well as on all modern browser?Give shoppers an outstanding shopping experiences with WooCommerce based online stores?Taking your web development career to the next level?Welcome, I am M A Hasan, full time freelance web developer. I have 8 years working experience with various web technologies, now offering you a great course Develop Android iOS app using Ionic 4 and Angular for WooCommerce online stores.There are several courses, tutorials, official documentations you may find helpful to build your Android and iOS app for WooCommerce but the problem is, most of them are not designed in an optimized and well maintained way that can help a beginner to understand everything perfectly. So I have broken this course into different parts to prepare you at first, then dive into real app development.In this course, we will use WordPress and Woocommerce as backend with Version 3 API and develop a full featured WebStore app that can be integrated with any Woocommerce online store and will help user to buy products online directly from Android and iOS devices.Okay if you are not feeling confident enough to take this course then No worries, If you have minimum knowledge in developing website using WordPress and WooCommerce, then you are welcome on board. I have discussed all basics of Modern JavaScript, Ionic 4 and Angular topics those are required to build and understand this app perfectly.Starting from registering as a new customer through our app to place an order successfully in the store, every bit of code of this WebStore App we gonna develop is well explained.At the end of the course, you are going to get a full featured WebStore app with source code that you coded from scratch which is ready to integrate with any WooCommerce online store. Most interestingly, from one code base, your WebStore app will be ready to submit to Play Store, App Store as well as an excellent working experiences with beautiful and most popular Ionic 4 framework and Modern Angular.So no matter if you are a beginner or intermediate level developer, this course is going to take your career to the next level. So you will be a hybrid apps developer in a matter of times. Millions of clients are waiting for an efficient programmer like you who can code a secure, more maintainable and expandable WebStore App for their WooCommerce based online store..I hope to see you in this course very soon. This course comes with 30 days money back guarantee. So take the course, watch the videos and if you are not happy, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back, no questions asked.Then why are you waiting for? Let's grab the course and start exploring this great adventure."
Price: 199.99

"TikTok Marketing 2020 Grow Followers & Create Viral Content"
"Why me?I have worked with Fortune 500 brands such as Adidas, LOreal, Danone and Pfizer on multiple digital marketing projects. I aim to leverage my experience and know-how to help you launch and grow your brand on TikTok while maintaining brand professionalism, consistency and performance delivery.Why You Should Take This Course?Learn the latest tactics to grow a TikTok accountSave time, become more efficient and double the resultsUnderstand how to use TikTok's algorithm to your advantageAdvanced Hashtag StrategiesNot only increase likes, followers and engagement, but also leads and salesRun an account that looks professional, attractive and engaging for prospectsTransferable skills that you can use across any marketing roles or social media platforms such as content creation, influencer outreach and more!Learn all the hidden strategies that will set yourself apart from other accounts, and grow your followers and convert your successful Instagram statistics into followers, loyal fans and customers, and sales!"
Price: 19.99

"Der ultimative Excel VBA Einsteiger-Kurs"
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Excel Nutzer die den nchsten Schritt zur Automatisierung gehen mchten. Lerne wie du Daten automatisiert verarbeiten kannst, Benutzerfreundliche Abfragen direkt in der Tabelle erstellst und die wichtigsten Funktionen um deine eigenen Projekte umzusetzen.Als Bonus bekommst du eine Nachbetreuung deiner eigenen Projekte in meiner exklusiven Facebook Gruppe.Und als extra-Bonus gibt es noch Mobility bungen um dich auch gesundheitlich besser durch den Broalltag zu begleiten. Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich dir nur ans Herz legen dich tglich zu mobilisieren. Ich fhle mich mittlerweile wie eingerostet, wenn ich mal 2-3 Tage keine Mobility gemacht habe."
Price: 49.99

"This is Excel VBA: Die Masterclass"
"In diesem Kurs wird anhand eines praktischen Beispiels ein Bestellsystem entwickelt und dabei die wichtigsten Funktionen abgehandelt.Folgende Funktionalitten werden dabei bearbeitet: Daten aus einer anderen Excel-Mappe oder CSV Datei einlesen Arbeiten mit Arrays (befllen, filtern, mehrdimensional) Messageboxen ausgeben Einen Ladebalken um eine Schleife legen Tabelleninhalte als PDF exportieren Excel mit Outlook: eMails aus Excel heraus verschicken (auch mit PDF Anhang) Fehler abfangen und umleiten Eigene Benutzeroberflchen erstellen Bonus: zeitgesteuert Excel Mappen starten lassenBonus ab 100 Teilnehmer:KlassenelementeCollectionsBonus ab 1000 Teilnehmer:Eigene Ribbon Addins (Eigene Funktionen in das Excel Menband integrieren)Diagramme programmieren"
Price: 199.99