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"The Chelsea Money Coach Wealth Mastery: Pillar 1: Clarity"
"Wealth Mastery: The Clarity PillarEveryone has their own money storyunderstand yours with clarity, as this system teaches, and you will be empowered to generate abundance on a different scale and build and grow your personal wealth.""I have been blessed to work directly with the author , and her Wealth Mastery teachings. She is a financial genius and her Blueprint System is a psychological masterpiece."" Simon Hinton, The Entrepreneurs Club International"
Price: 199.99

"The Diet of Common Sense"
"Welcome to the Diet of Common Sense! A common-sense approach for active people to stay healthy, improve energy and mental power! Its the nutrition of entrepreneurs, busy professionals and other active people who lack time but value their health and well-being. Do you struggle to understand the jungle of nutrition and still feel confused about its complexity? Are you an active person having to focus on many daily tasks and want a simple 5 principles model for improving your health, energy, and productivity? Do you want to reduce stress, avoid mood swings, and have better mental focus? Do you want to keep it as simple as 5 main principles to make the changes stick long term?then,Welcome to my ideal lifestyle: The Diet of Common Sense!With The Diet of Common Sense, you just need to follow 5 key principles, make smart food choices, and first, you make the habit, then the habit makes you! I believe the 5 STARS Principles of The Diet of Common Sense are at the core of what a busy person should know and apply.Why should you consider the Diet of Common Sense? Whats in it for you?Well, everything! Everything in your life starts with good health. The Diet of Common Sense should give you valuable information to help you manage your most important asset: your health. Together with managing your business, career and other priorities in your life. You win on multiple roles, right from day 1. The Diet of Common Sense is practical and action-oriented. And right from the beginning you will look great and feel amazing!So dear busy entrepreneur, professional or other active people, you only have 24 hours in a day, so you need simple and actionable advice! If you resonate with this, then congratulations! You understand that your health is important and has a powerful reason to learn more! So you are ready to enroll in this course!Lets dive deeper into The Diet of Common Sense! Start by watching the free videos!"
Price: 49.99

"POMEM Szl Mlakat Snavna Hazrlk Video Eitim Seti"
"Pomem szl mlakat snavna girecek olan polis adaylarna ynelik hazrlk ve eitim kursu. Bu eitim setinde polis adaylarna kapsaml olarak diksiyon, zgven geliimi, kendini ifade etme ve heyecan ynetimi eitimi verilmesi planlanmtr. Ayrca adaylar her yl dzenlenen polis almlar (pomem) snavlarnda bu branlarn her birinden snava tabii tutulmaktadrlar. Titizlikle hazrlanan bu eitim seti, ayrca adaylarn snava ynelik tm sorularna cevap veren ve k tutan bir rehber nitelii tamaktadr."
Price: 59.99

"Isolation thermique du btiment"
"Ce cours thorique vous permet de comprendre les lments de base de l'isolation thermique du btiment. Il est structur de faon simplifier l'acquisition des informations pour les personnes dbutantes dans l'isolation thermique.Le cours est compos de 5 parties organises comme suit :1. Introduction et ContextePour vous donner le cadre spcifique de la thmatique.2. Les isolants thermiquesPour comprendre les paramtres qui caractrisent un isolant thermique et diffrencier entre les catgories des isolants, leurs avantages et inconvnients.3. Les techniques de l'isolation thermiquePour prsenter les diffrentes techniques utilises dans lisolation thermique du btiment.4. Le calcul de lisolation thermiquePour vous apprendre comment tablir le calcul relatif lisolation thermique, incluant lpaisseur de lisolation et la rsistance thermique de la paroi isoler. 5. Conditionnement et pose de lisolant thermiquePour comprendre les types de conditionnement convenables pour les diffrentes parois du btiment ainsi que les modes de pose qui peuvent tre appliqus."
Price: 44.99

"Computer technician training course"
"++++++ Course description +++++++We offer you a complete course on how to be a good computer technician, looking at theory and in-depth practice.Titles seen in this course:1. How to become a computer technician2. Communication skills3. Difference between hosnesty and integrity4. Dependability and responsibility in a computer technician5. Adaptability & versability in a computer technician6. Sensitivity talking to customers7. Communication between PC technician and customer8. Assertive communication9. Respectful communication10. Eliciting answer11. Expectation and follow up12. Time frame with customers13. Documentation after finishing PC repair14. Follow up after repair15. Avoiding ESD electroStatic discharge16. How to mitigate problems with EMI & RFI17. Personal safety in a computer technician18. Basic tools for a computer technician19. Troubleshooting theory20. What are computers21. The computing parts22. 5 stages of the computer23. Why computer stages matter24. Connector and componnets of a computer25. 5 Common operating system function between them all - CompTIA A+26. Learning different OS graphical interfaces Windows - Linux - OS X27. File structures & patch in an operating system Windows Linux OS X28. File structures and patch in windows linux OSX29. 3 tech launch point - PC repair course CompTIA A+30. How a CPU or microprocesor works31. What is the difference between storage memory - Ram and HDD32. Different models of Microprocesors and their history33. What is a cpu multiplier34. What is the processor 64 bit35. What is CPU parallel execution36. Virtualization support in a CPU37. What is superscalar architecture & in order and out of order processing38. What is hyper-threading in a CPU processor39. What is integrated memory controller or IMC40. What is integrated graphics processing unit in a cpu41. What is the security in a CPU windows DEP42. What is multicore processing in a CPU43. Selecting & installing CPU - knowing the meaning of each model44. Installation issue and preventions in a CPU45. Class about Cooling system for CPU46. How to troubleshoot a CPU47. How memory ram works in your computer48. Different types of memory RAM49. How memory SDRAM works50. Differences between memory RAM, Rambus vs DDR vs SDR51. Differences between ddr1 ddr2 ddr3 & ddr4 and their features52. What is single & doble sided ram vs RANK single doble & quad53. What is the latency of memory RAM - CAS, RAS etc54. What is parity & ecc ram and how is works55. What is registered and buffered memory ram56. How to indentify when a PC is running low in RAM?57. Introduction to Virtual memory in an operating system Certification CompTIA a+58. What is ready boost in windows and how it works59. Getting the right RAM for your computer PC MAC Linux Certification CompTIA A+60. Mixing ram advice before installation61. How to install ram guide and advice62. How to read the SPD chip in a memory RAM63. How to install memory in a laptop and counting RAM64. How to Troubleshoot RAM real parity & phatom error CompTIA A+ class65. What is a BIOS and how does it work in a motherboard66. What is burn in in electronics67. Difference between BIOS & CMOS68. Motherboard difference between workstation vs desktopENROLL NOW and share this great course with me!"
Price: 199.99

"How to mine Cryptocurrency course, Bitcoin"
"++++++ Course description +++++++If you want to learn everything that you need to know in order to start mining and start making money, here you can watch all this link of videos that I am making almost every week to complete the full class.Titles seen in this course:1. What is the difference between BITCOIN vs FIAT currency vs Gold2. How to get debit card VISA for bitcoin and pay anywhere3. Wallet for almost all crypto currencies bitcoin etc Win/mac/ios/Android4. How to solve problem with the credit card to buy bitcoins5. Best 3 websites to buy cryptocurrency bitcoin etc6. Best places to buy bitcoin online or with paypal or cash or gift cards7. Mining with a PC VS a mining with an antminer8. Is it worth it to mine with your cellphone?9. Is it worth it to buy an used bitcoin miner or any other crypto miner10. Is Egearbit .com a scam? Bitman has no resellers11. Is pandaminer a scam? How to avoid seller that are scammer in miners12. Relation between speed and cost of bitcoin transaction13. Guide and precaution Antminer installation14. How to setup an antminer for beginners step by step (super tutorial)15. Alternative HP power supplies for Antminer Bitmain16. How to fix blinking RED LED in antminer - Troubleshooting17. Looking inside of ibelink dm22g for dash18. What are the differences in price Genesis mining Hash Flare Bitcoin pool19. Unboxing ibelink dm22g ghs for dash mining20. Unboxing introduction antminer s9 for bitcoin 14th21. What differences between antminer pool amateur vs profesional22. How to mine with f2pool with dash antminer d323. How to upgrade any antminer S9 L3 D3 etc24. Review of f2pool for dash antminer d325. Is it worth it to buy at outrageous prices antminers or mine in the Cloud26. How to fix error socket connect failed antminer27. Secure pool vs unsecure pools for mining crypto currencies28. Can you mine altcoin with your cellphone?29. Best places to buy antminers in USA30. How much $$ can you earn with minergate to mine altcoins31. How much can you make antminer s9 December 201732. How to setup a pool in an antminer L3 Bitmain for Litecoin33. How to fix heat sink of any antminer S9 L3 D334. How to replace fan's power supply antminer Bitmain35. How to replace the antminer board controller36. How to exchange crypto currency with your cellphone in few steps37. Are Antminer power supply any good?38. How to tell if the vendor is a scammer of antminers bitcoin39. Let's see Antminer with water damage or environment with high humidity40. 110v or 220v for antminer best option to savee electricity41. How to connect all the antminer to internet mini bitcoin farm42. Is Halong mining Dragon Mint a SCAM?43. What is a crypto wallet? How to use it? Tutorial (bitcoin)44. Power supply Bitmain vs Generic Chinese brand - Power consumption testing45. 3 reasons why you should NOT buy antminer A346. Comparison Whatsminer vs Bitmain Which one is the best miner47. Unboxing antminert9 miner for Bitcoin algorithm sha 25648. Super motherboard for 19 GPU ideal for mining49. How to purchase in Bitmain Antminer step by step with advice inclused50. Super compact Fire Extinguisher for miners computers and electronics51. Difference between mining in the cloud vs mining on my own52. Rig with raisers vs raiserless for mining (motherboard octominer)53. Maintenance & temperature of miners antminer54. Baikal comparisson with antminer55. How to mount in an antminer a self for PSU (power supply Bitmain)56. Computer case enclosed & PSU octominer for Riserless mining57. How to build a profesional RIG enclosed case + ETHOS tutorial58. How to build a riserless rig with enclosed computer case 8 GPU59. How to earn $1000 daily in Bitcoin Scam exposed60. How to setup Baikal bk x to mine multiple coins & unboxing61. Big mistakes sending eth RIGS via USPS or FedexENROLL NOW and share this great course with me!"
Price: 199.99

"Productivity Breakthrough"
"Learn and apply 8 basic work habits to you everyday situations do you can get more of your 'right things' done with as little effort as possible.Think productiveClarityAlignmentSlow down to speed upFocusAdaptabilityClosureLearn and improveThis is a video based course. It will be updated with more information shortly!When you apply the principles and processes in this course there is no reason you cannot dramatically improve your productivity."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to build Amazon website using Vue.js and Node.js"
"Whats this course about?Learn Vue.js and Node.js by building an Amazon Clone. The course will guide you to build the website step by step. We will go through the fundamentals of building basic API up to building a complicated Frontend!The course is unique in terms of the design because it is using the same design from Amazon. The course is aimed at people who know basic programming, especially in Javascript because that is the main language that the course is using.Javascript is the main language for modern web applications like Airbnb, Discord, Youtube Netflix and many more (to be honest every single website uses Javascript :)) Writing it in JQUERY would be overwhelming because of the spaghetti code that youll end up with.By using modern Javascript frameworks like Vue.js and Nuxt.js, it would help in terms of code management, development speed and the user experience of the Website. Your future website (Mark my word, you will have one soon) will feel like an app if using modern frameworks, smooth navigation between different pages and better experience, in return visitors of your website, will stay uses your app longer :)Whos teaching this course?My name is Naufal Yahaya and Im a CTO of a Ridesharing app built for women (blink) and also one of the instructors at Learnpal io. My passion is building great products, solving complex problems and teaching complex problems in laymans term :)Is this course for you?This course is for you if're just getting started with frontend/ JavaScript development and only got the JS basics set (no prior Vue or other framework experience is required!)'re experienced with Angular or React but want to dive into Vue.js...know the Vue.js basics but want to refresh them and/ or dive deeper...already worked quite a bit with Vue.js but want to dive deeper and see it all come together in a bigger are interested to build a production-grade website you are dreaming to build your own website.What will you learn in this course?You will learn how to build clean APIYou will learn how to properly build a complicated frontend (admin + consumer) in Vue.jsYou will learn about State management by creating an add to cart featureYou will learn about Payment integrationYou will learn about Search IntegrationYou will learn about FormsYou will learn about MongoDB databaseYou will learn about Redis - how to access fast dataYou will learn how to build your own web application by the end of the courseYou will learn how to deploy your application AWSYou will learn about AWS S3 to store imagesYou will learn about Authentication"
Price: 29.99

"Blender 2.8_ Easy Manual: Getting started"
"In this introductory course of Blender 2.8 we will focus on the fundamental aspects of the program, learning, in an intuitive and progressive way, how to use its main functionalities.You will understand how the user interface works and quickly learn the basic commands, using both the keyboard and menus.At the end of this course you will be able to navigate in the 3d space, visualize 3d models, set views and change the preset work area in no time.I've included also simple examples to make you better understand what 3D computer graphics is and how it works.This is a good course for absolute beginners, but also for people that have used or are already using 3d modelling programs and want to switch to Blender.How to use this courseThis course is structured in a way that will help you fast memorize Blender 2.8 commands without involving you in any particular project.I suggest you watch the course in full at least once.In any case, in order to optimize your time and avoid you to re-listen to the entire course if you dont remember just a part of my lectures, Ive included also short How to clips, that will go straight to the point and clearly explain  to you, how to execute certain tasks.If you are already familiar with Blender but not an expert you can use this course to refresh your skills, and most likely discover those hidden simple features of the program that sometimes are overseen in other courses."
Price: 49.99

"Blender 2.8x Manuale Facile: Operazioni preliminari"
"In questo corso introduttivo di Blender 2.8 ci concentreremo sugli aspetti fondamentali del programma, imparando, in modo intuitivo e progressivo, come utilizzare le sue funzionalit principali.Capirai come funziona l'interfaccia utente e imparerai rapidamente i comandi di base, usando sia la tastiera che i men.Alla fine di questo corso, in pochissimo tempo, sarai in grado di navigare nello spazio 3D, visualizzare modelli 3D, impostare viste e modificare l'area di lavoro preimpostata.Ho incluso anche semplici esempi per farti capire meglio cos' la computer grafica e come funziona.Questo un buon corso per principianti, ma anche per coloro che hanno usato o stanno gi utilizzando programmi di modellazione 3d e vogliono passare a Blender.Come usare questo corsoQuesto corso strutturato in un modo che ti aiuter a memorizzare velocemente i comandi di Blender 2.8x senza coinvolgerti in alcun progetto particolare.Ti suggerisco di guardare il corso per intero almeno una volta.In ogni caso, al fine di ottimizzare il tempo ed evitare di riascoltare l'intero corso se non ricordi solo una parte delle mie lezioni, ho incluso anche brevi clip ""How to"", che andranno dritte al punto per spiegarti chiaramente come eseguire determinati comandi.Se hai gi familiarit con Blender ma non sei un esperto, puoi utilizzare questo corso per aggiornare le tue abilit e scoprire quelle semplici funzioni del programma che a volte sono tralasciate in altri corsi."
Price: 49.99

"The Basic Forex Trading Course!"
"I created this course to be a journey for those who want to pursue a career in trading, whether full-time or part-time.This course is put together very meticulously and all the information in this course is made out of 3+ years of studying, analyzing, backtesing, 7 days a week to make sure I give my students the absolute best and most accurate information for trading the markets.I spent 3+ years learning and unlearning different strategies, indicators, patterns, candlestick patterns etc, you name it. Laying the foundation is the hardest and most important part of your trading career, it will make the rest of your trading journey significantly easier. This also make it much easier for you to go from a beginner to an advanced trader. Don't rush anything though, patience is the key... this I learnt the hard away. So, take your time with the course and make sure that you do all the exercises although they might be boring (don't skip anything!)Don't skip anything, if you do then you won't get the results that you want, there's no shortcut here. Do the work, put in the hours and it will be worth it!Forex trading is not easy and not for the faint-hearten. Don't take anything anyone says as is; that includes me. Test out all theories for yourself and find out what works for you.And remember, whenever you need any guidance or have any questions, I'm here.The best investment you can make, is in yourself."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Digital Forensics"
"This course seeks to introduce the field of digital forensics to beginners. The course will give you a simplified insight into the basic concepts of the field.There are illustrations and practical examples to help improve your understanding, Quizzes are also included to test understanding and you will carry out a simple practical exercise at the end."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende a leer las etiquetas de los alimentos: come mejor"
"COMPLETAMENTE ACTUALIZADO AL 2019 (Nueva Ley del Pan incluida)Tienes en frente una barra de pan que dice ser integral pero, es integral de verdad?La pechuga de pavo que sueles comprar, es realmente sana?Tu mdico te ha dicho que bajes el consumo de sal y quieres comprar queso, cmo sabes si lleva mucha o poca sal?Quieres comprar un buen aceite para ganar en salud, qu aceite deberas elegir?Entre una margarina y una mantequilla, con cul te quedas?Cmo sabes si un alimento es un producto ultraprocesado?Has odo que las grasas trans son malas para la salud pero, cmo puedes saber en qu alimentos se encuentran?Quieres bajar tu consumo de azcar pero, cmo sabes si un producto lleva azcar oculto?Con el curso ""Aprende a leer las etiquetas de los alimentos: come mejor"", sers capaz de responder a estas preguntas y muchas ms, relativas al mundo de la nutricin. As como tambin te instruirs en lo relativo al etiquetado de alimentos para que puedas ser capaz de tomar mejores decisiones con respecto a la comida que compras. Asimismo, aprenders nociones sobre alimentacin saludable y conocers ms a fondo de qu est hecha la comida que te llevas a la boca. Este curso, adems, se ir actualizando segn se vaya publicando nueva legislacin al respecto. Y es que, si te inscribes en el curso ""Aprende a leer las etiquetas de los alimentos: come mejor"" tendrs acceso todo su contenido de por vida, de tal manera que podrs hacer uso de los nuevos recursos y materiales actualizados que se vayan subiendo. De la misma manera, si te surgen dudas a lo largo del curso, me tendrs a tu disposicin para resolverlas con sumo gusto y ayudarte en todo lo que pueda.  Soy Toms Ortuo, dietista-nutricionista, enfermero y un apasionado por la salud y la nutricin. Si quieres saber ms sobre mi formacin o experiencia profesional, no dudes en visitar mi perfil.Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 29.99

"Facial Rejuvenation With Gua Sha: Look and Feel Younger"
"          PLUMP YOUR FACIAL MUSCLES, LIFT YOUR EYEBROWS, DECREASE LINES,                    STRESS AND TENSION WITH THIS NATURAL FACIAL REJUVENATION COURSELearn a natural facial rejuvenation ritual that releases stress and tension in your face and neck, plumps and activates your facial muscles and brings a youthful glow and vitality to your face naturally with Gua Sha.  This Course will:Teach you how to confidently use a Gua Sha Tool to increase circulation of blood and energy in the muscles of the face and neck.Show you how to release tension in your jaw, neck and head.Show you how to reduce lines and promote the natural production of collagen and elastin which are responsible for skin structure and elasticity.Show you how to use Acupressure on tight or tense areas and move congested lymph and sinuses.Give you the opportunity to adopt a self-care practice that will help you look and feel younger and more vibrant.Licensed Acupuncturist and Gua Sha Educator Pamela Wake has over a decade of experience helping individuals live their best life through her innovative and holistic approach to health.  With advanced training and Certification in Facial Rejuvenation, Pamela will guide you through the process of learning how to create a new ritual that will bring youth and vitality to your face and leave you feeling happy and relaxed."
Price: 54.99

"Exceptional Leadership: Leading at a Higher Level"
"Do you have ambitions to rise up in your organization to a position of broad leadership? Are you vying for a promotion, but worry you may not be ready? Or did you recently start in a bigger job leading several levels of employees, and are starting to feel overwhelmed or uncertain?This is the course for you. Based on the #1 bestselling book Rising to Power: The Journey of Exceptional Executives, co-author Ron Carucci will guide you through every step of a successful transition to a bigger role. Based on a 10-year longitudinal study of more than 2700 leaders, the research and course content will help you learn:Why more than 50% of those promoted to bigger roles fail in the first 18 months, and how to avoid those pitfallsThe common challenges leaders face at higher altitudes, and how to successfully navigate themThe four dimensions that set the most successful leaders apart, and how to develop them in your own leadershipThis course is chock full of practical insights and examples of leaders rising in organizations and sticking the landing once there. Youll assess your own experiences with the pitfalls and disorienting effects of higher leadership and plan concrete actions for successfully navigating them. Youll build your transition plan, which can help even if youve already taken the job, and youll complete a self-assessment of the four dimensions of exceptional leaders to understand where you have strengths, and where you may have blind spots.Rising to Power and the research behind it has already saved countless careers from the high failure rates of otherwise promising, aspiring leaders. Ron Carucci is a 30 year seasoned executive coach who has worked with hundreds of executives all over the world. Now you can have the benefit of his experience and research at your fingertips, fueling your leadership ambitions to success."
Price: 149.99

"Being Strategic: Thinking and Acting with Impact"
"Im sure youve heard the term strategic thinking, but what does that actually mean? An internet search reveals more definitions of it than you can count. You know you want to be recognized as someone who is strategic, have your ideas heard, and make a difference for your company, but youre not sure where to start.This course cuts through all of the mythology and mystique and gets down to the concrete focus and actions it takes to think and act strategically. With a 30+ year track record accompanying leaders on some of their most important strategic transformations, instructor Ron Carucci will walk you step by step through understanding the fundamentals of strategy, and how to focus your job on the most strategic opportunities your company cares about. Youll learn aboutWhat competitive differentiation means, and how to identify where your company sets itself apart from the competitionHow organizations separate critical work across the operating, coordinating and strategic systems of your companyThe difference between competitive work, competitive-enabling work, and business-essential work, and how to optimize your day for the greatest impact and satisfactionThis course will become your go-to resource for helping you and your team raise your game, focusing on the most important strategic activities you can to drive performance for your company. It will demystify all of the confusion about what strategy and strategic thinking does, and does not, mean. Youll walk away with concrete tools you and your team can use to redefine the focus of your work, set and keep strategic priorities, and deal with the pressures and challenges of thinking and acting more strategically."
Price: 149.99

"No Despertar da Mediunidade"
"Nesse curso voc ir compreender de forma ampla e prtica como funciona a mediunidade na prtica, pois alm das aulas tericas e tambm onde conto minha histria e experincia pessoal com a mediunidade, ser proposto pra que cada aluno se conecte com sua prpria Egrgora (Guias Espirituais) pra que tambm comece a canalizar utilizando a arte."
Price: 69.99

"Curso Tcnico de Odoo Starter Nivel 1"
"Con este curso aprenders los cimientos claves para desarrollar aplicaciones (modulos) de Odoo.Aprenders a personalizar tanto modelo como vistas de Odoo(Las personalizaciones son necesarias para adaptar Odoo  a tus necesidades o la de tus clientes) Manejo del ORM (Buscar, eliminar, campos calculados, dominios, etc)Tambin aprenders a desplegar Odoo en diferentes ambientes, desarrollo y produccin"
Price: 24.99

"Curso Tcnico Odoo 12 en Espaol Advanced Nivel 2"
"Quieres aprender Odoo desde Cero y no sabes como empezar?La informacin de Odoo esta muy desorganizada y obsoleta, incluyendo la documentacin Oficial del propio editor, es por eso que hemos creado este curso de mas de 8 horas intensivas para ayudar a profesionales como t empezar en este mundo.Con este curso te convertirs en un desarrollador completo desde cero, hemos tomado en cuenta todos los pasos fueron necesarios para que se geste el curso mas completo que puedas encontrar en la web.Todo lo que necesitas para ser un desarrollador Full, con videos tutoriales prcticos aplicables en proyectos reales, aplicables en tan solo 3 semanas intensivas. Aqui no enseamos teora,  te compartimos nuestra experiencia real para que sea aplicada desde el minuto 1y puedas trabajar y recuperar la inversion del curso, Aseguramos y te acompaamos en tu aprendizaje garantizado!"
Price: 199.99

"FL Studio 101 - Introduction to Music Production"
"In this course, you will learn the basics of music production and how to use one of the worlds most popular Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). After taking this course, you will be comfortable enough to create a complete music track (instrumental) and also be able to customize the music creating software (FL Studio) to your personal taste for maximum results."
Price: 19.99

"System design for tech interview (Coupon available)"
"Course Coupon is 7B9723BF2951BE62AA78Introduction to the system design in tech interview for software developer Important concepts that you must know to pass the system design.Pull and Push model.Pull model: read/writePush model: red/writePull vs Push model comparison.Consistent HashingLimitation of hash table.Read/Write in consistent hashing.Add/remove server in consistent hashingSharding (data partitioning)Why we need sharding?Horizontal ShardingVertical ShardingSharding criteriaChallenges in Sharding CAP theoremConsistencyAvailabilityPartition tolerance"
Price: 24.99

"Desenvolvimento Android Completo - Do Zero Ao Avanado"
"Curso Completo 11 Mdulos de ensino, mais de 100 aulas em vdeos. Vai aprender a criar Apps do Zero ao Profissional 100% passo a passo, no precisa ter conhecimentos em programao. Vai aprender a trabalhar com as melhores ferramentas de desenvolvimento do mercado internacional confira as diversas vantagens do nosso curso: Aprenda a criar Apps bsicos e Apps avanados.Trabalhar com imagens, vdeos, sons.Componentes de interface.Servidores como: Firebase do Google e o Parse.Orientao a objetos.Fundamentos da programao Java.Aulas sobre a moderna linguagem de programao Kotlin.Diferentes tipos de layout.NavigationDrawer.Listas personalizadas.Aprenda a publicar os seus Apps na loja da Google Play, e muito mais....  Voc ainda vai aprender como ganhar dinheiro com os seus aplicativos, eu mostro tudo isso pra voc na prtica. Voc quer iniciar nessa carreira de desenvolvedor de aplicativos? Venha conhecer o nosso mtodo de ensino 100% Garantido e Comprovado! Pblico alvo: Para qualquer pessoa que tem vontade de aprender a criar aplicativos."
Price: 579.99

"Shopify Dropshipping - Make 2k a day with consistent profit"
"""How To Start & Scale An Ecommerce Business To 6 Figures A Month From Scratch""99% of people fail in eCommerce, even though it's growing at an unstoppable rate all over the globe. Why? Well, its simple:#1: People spend too much time following the wrong advice, bouncing around from guru to guru without taking the time to build the right skills necessary to succeed.#2: People don't have ANYONE around them that has similar goals or aspirations, let alone anyone who could actually help them.This is what lead to the creation of the Shopify Financial Freedom Program.The Shopify Financial Freedom Program is an immersive proven and tested online course that teaches you step by step how to start and scale a profitable eCommerce business.Beginner Friendly A-Z Content:The course comes with step by step training that teaches you all the skills necessary to succeed. You will learn:The best methods to find massive winning productsHow to create a professional, high converting storeAlgorithmic Targeting RoadmapAutomatic & Manual Bidding BootcampHow to create engaging video ads that will get viewers hookedHow to launch profitable Facebook ads campaigns with consistent results - Secret Scaling StrategyHow to scale your store quickly and profitablyHow to set up back-end systems to automate your store"
Price: 199.99

"Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) 101"
"LEARN TO CRUSH MICRO STAKES MULTI TABLE TOURNAMENTS (MTTs)Online MTTs are the softest poker format going. Offering big prize pools and bad competition, they can be an absolute goldmine at least if you know what youre doing.The Good News!Even if you arent confident in tournament strategy, our MTT 101 course is here to help. Comprising of more than four hours of High Definition (HD) video content , MTT 101 will give you all of the knowledge and resources you need to capitalize upon the softness of micro stakes tournaments!Its beginner-friendly, but thats not to say that experienced players wont learn anything. The course prioritizes teaching solid, fundamental strategy that is a must-know for anyone serious about success at online MTTs . Theres also a focus on potential exploitative plays that can be made to maximally punish weaker players at the micro stakes.Whats in the Course?The course features 21 videos, split into four key sections:Early Stage StrategyMiddle Stage StrategyLate Stage StrategyThe Final Table StrategyTournament strategy is dynamic and changes drastically depending upon stack depth and blind level. These different sections allow focus on the variety of strategic adjustments required to win an MTT, from deep-stacked play in the early stages to the wildly different heads-up dynamic at the close of a tournament.What You'll Get out of This CourseOnce you complete this course, you will be a fierce adversary and feared opponent in micro stakes MTTs. You will not only win a lot more money, but you'll also be a much happier tournament player as you see your profits skyrocket throughout the year!"
Price: 29.99

"Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) 202"
"MTT STUDY TOOLS FOR INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED PLAYERS***Course Includes a Custom MTT Poker Tracker 4 HUD***Following up on our foundational MTT 101 tournament course, MTT 202 is perfect for players looking to take their game to the next level. The primary focus is on four advanced and extremely powerful study tools:PokerTracker 4ICMIZER 2SnapShovePokerRangerThese programs are a must-have for any serious tournament grinder but owning them is just the beginning. MTT 202 will show you how to harness their full power to optimize both your study time and poker game!Whats in the Course?The course features 10 videos totaling 2 hours in length, divided into four main parts;PokerTracker 4The HUD Learn how to create a custom HUD and enjoy the downloadable MTT 202 heads-up display made exclusively for MicroGrinder students.Analyzing Results Breaking down the graphs, charts, lines and stats that PT4 uses to display tournament results.Reviewing Hands Using filters, tags and hand replay features to analyze your own hand histories.ICMIZER 2The Basics Understanding ICM, chip EV, Future Game Simulations and range requirements for calculating scenarios.Running Simulations Showing ICMIZER 2 in action by importing and analyzing some real hand histories.SnapShoveNavigating the Ranges Shoving, Calling & Re-Shoving Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of Nash equilibrium models, and overviewing the ranges on offer.PokerRangerRange Construction Learn how to create custom ranges for in-depth, street-by-street range analysis.Equity Comparison Introducing the many calculative features provided by PokerRanger including equity tables, equity evolutions and two player board hits.What Youll Get out of This CourseCore understanding of the most valuable poker programs on the market today.Become a self-learner and use the tools covered in the course to identify and plug your own personal leaks."
Price: 24.99

"Strategies for Beating 30NL"
"LEARN TO CRUSH 30NLAre you struggling to beat 30nl? Are you at 10nl and ready to make the leap to higher micro stakes games? Do you want to learn how to beat 30nl? If so, this course is for you. This course will teach you brutally effective strategies for beating 30nl cash games.This course, taught by Paul ""Regitime"" Regan has won tens of thousands of dollars playing these games...and so can you!UNDERSTAND WHAT IT TAKES TO BEAT 30NLIn this course you'll learn everything you need to know to beat 30nl cash games. Paul will give you keen insight into valuable concepts and strategies you need to implement to beat these games:Using Population Reads to understand how your opponents' tendenciesPerforming effective Database Reviews to develop strong population readsBrowsing and reading through Poker Forum Posts to develop population readsUtilizing proper Game Selection techniques to sit with the fishEffective Note Taking strategies to allow you to outplay your opponentsSpotting Tells on Regulars through keen insight into the gameUsing Equity to Promote Aggressive PlayLive Play Sessions to Highlight Strategies and TacticsWHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF THIS COURSEOnce you complete this course, you'll have a strong understanding of what it takes to beat 30nl cash games. You'll be able to move up from 10nl to higher stake micro stakes cash games and beat them!WHAT IS THE TARGET AUDIENCE?This course is designed for poker players that are having difficulties beating 20nl to 30nl micro stakes NLHE cash games."
Price: 29.99

"Stock Market Investing for Beginners"
"Have you ever wanted to commence trading on the stock market but weren't sure where to start? I have encountered endless conversations with family, friends, and co-workers who are all keen to get involved in the stock market but find it confusing and don't know where to start. This course will break down common terms used within the stock market, and includes examples of how to trade (BUY/SELL) and what it means to be a shareholder."
Price: 24.99

"System Administration for Creative Studios"
"You will learn Windows and Linux command line. You will become fluent on Macs, PCs and Linux workstations. You will understand creative technologies like Adobe Phtoshop, Premiere as well as 3D applications like Autodesk Maya, which are used to create Hollywood blockbusters. As a final project we will build a Linux server in Amazon cloud."
Price: 19.99

"Simulating Power Electronic Circuits using Python"
"For a student of electrical engineering or for a practicing electrical technician, getting started with simulating electrical circuits can be challenging. Even more so in the case of power electronics where circuits are non-linear. This course introduces the process of simulation and also provides basic theory lectures to help you understand how simulations can be used to learn how power converters work.This course uses only free and open source software. The course will have lectures to show you how to download and install each software. All software are compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS and you can follow this course whatever operating system you prefer to use. The course also has a basic tutorial on Python programming to help you with writing control code for electrical circuits. The course uses the free and open source circuit simulator Python Power Electronics. You can use other simulators if you are already using them. However, all examples in this course will use Python Power Electronics as I would like all students registered for the course to be able to access a circuit simulator and not all simulators are free to use.This course is not a comprehensive course on power electronics. I will not be covering a vast number of power converters. Instead, this course focuses on depth. The lectures will have code along sessions where I will be building simulations from scratch and will be switching back and forth between theory presentations and simulation results to understand how circuits work. The course will not be heavily mathematical but on the contrary will use fundamental concepts of Physics to understand how power converter circuits.In order to successfully complete this course, a student is required to have some basic electrical knowledge. This implies basic network laws - Kirchoff's Voltage Law, Kirchoff's Current Law, Ohm's Law. These would be taught in first year of electrical engineering. Other than that, you do not need to have prior knowledge of power electronics or analog electronics. A student will also be required to have some basic knowledge of programming. This course uses Python. However, if a student has used any other high level language such as C, C++, Java etc, that would do as well. Expert knowledge of programming is not necessary. This course however, should not be a student's very first time coding."
Price: 24.99

"lgebra Paso a Paso + Teora + Demostraciones + Aplicaciones"
"EL presente curso para un adecuado aprendizaje del alumno y que se logre el objetivo de incrementar sus conocimientos, est estructurado a travs de 5 pilares fundamentales:Conocimiento Previos de cada tema acerca de sus  orgenes , sus principales investigadores Detalle de los conceptos iniciales de la parte terica y que son importantes para su aplicacin en el desarrollo del curso.Explicacin de las Demostraciones de las propiedades y las formulas de los temas utilizando la teora y conceptos previos.Acciones previas al desarrollo de un ejercicio o problema a travs del Anlisis.Seminarios propuestos para el desarrollo de cada alumno y posteriormente comparar con lo que publicar de manera personalizada.El Contenido del Curso se presenta de la siguiente manera:Introduccin al lgebra: Orgenes, Historia y su formacin.Introduccin a las Leyes de Exponentes.Propiedades de las Leyes de Exponentes: Aplicaciones y Demostraciones.Ejercicios nivel avanzado de Leyes de ExponentesSeminario propuesto de Leyes de Exponentes nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Ecuaciones de Primer Grado o Lineales, sus propiedades y Aplicaciones.Ejercicios nivel avanzado de Ecuaciones de Primer Grado o Lineales.Ecuaciones de Segundo Grado : Mtodo de Aspa Simple y sus Aplicaciones.Ecuaciones de Segundo Grado: Mtodo de la Formula General: Aplicaciones y la Demostracin de como se obtiene.Operaciones de un Binomio: Demostraciones de como se obtiene un Binomio al Cuadrado, Binomio al Cubo y Binomio a la ""n"".Triangulo de Pascal: Demostracin y Aplicaciones.Trinomio al cuadrado: DemostracinSeminario propuesto de Ecuaciones Cuadrticas nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Valor Absoluto: Introduccin, definicin y Aplicaciones.Ejercicios nivel intermedio y avanzado de Valor Absoluto.Seminario propuesto de Valor Absoluto nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Sistema de Ecuaciones: Demostracin y Aplicacin de los 3 Mtodos de Solucin.Polinomios: Introduccin Polinomios: Grado Absoluto y Grado Relativo: AplicacionesEjercicios nivel intermedio y avanzado de Grado Absoluto y Relativo de un PolinomioPolinomios: Tipos segn su estructura y caractersticas: Homogneos, Idnticos, Idnticamente Nulo, Valor Numrico y Cambio de Variable + Ejercicios nivel avanzado para cada caso."
Price: 99.99