"The Complete Supervised Machine Learning Models in Python" |
"In this course, you are going to learn all types of Supervised Machine Learning Models implemented in Python. The Math behind every model is very important. Without it, you can never become a Good Data Scientist. That is the reason, I have covered the Math behind every model in the intuition part of each Model. Implementation in Python is done in such a way so that not only you learn how to implement a specific Model in Python but you learn how to build real times templates and find the accuracy rate of Models so that you can easily test different models on a specific problem, find the accuracy rates and then choose the one which give you the highest accuracy rate.I am looking forward to see you in the course..Best"
Price: 114.99 |
"Learn the 2020 Advanced Python Programming" |
"In this course, we are going to learn only the Advance Level Programming in Python. As grabbing the main concept behind Advance Topics is not simple therefor, special attention is given to the intuition part of each concept where we gonna understand these concepts with proper animated slides.Also not only understanding these advance concepts are important but to make something real out of it is very important or else there is no reason to learn Advance Programming therefor we will also make real time Advance level Applications in Python using Advance level concepts.I believe that after taking this course, you gonna feel much more satisfied and comfortable with your programming in Python as you will then be a professional programmer who is capable to give any job interview..I wish you very best for the Course"
Price: 144.99 |
"Sortez du lot grce la rpartie et brillez socialement" |
"Dans ce cours, tu vas pouvoir te dmarquer de la moyenne et brillez socialement. Tu sortiras du lot grce ta communication, tu russiras te faire respecter sans agresser. Tu pourras t'imposer et t'affirmer sans problme si tu appliques ces 14 cls de la rpartie, de l'loquence et de la rhtorique. Communiquer s'apprend !"
Price: 54.99 |
"SAP ABAP developement associate Certification practice test" |
"Now a days, in competitive environment where there is really tough to get entry level job especially in large scale companies like SAP, the certification plays very important role in order to get good opportunity. This course will help consultants to get overall idea of kind of questions asked in certification exam. This course has multiple tests which are updated regularly. Each test contains 20 questions with 45mins. to solve. The passing percentage will be 65%. The course contains questions which as actually asked in SAP certified ABAP certification exams. The sample questions in the course are as below.There are various possibilities of creating/changing an ABAP programme. Some of these are:A. Opening programs in the Object NavigatorB. Using the ABAP EditorC. Using EEWBD. Using Forward NavigationAnswer:A, B, DWhich of the following are acceptable names of an ABAP program?A. ZQSDABAPB. YMYFIRSTABAPPROGRAMC. ZMyFirst ABAP PROGRAMD. Z==FIRSTABAPPROGRAME. THISISMYFIRSTABAPPROGRAMMEAnswer:A, B, E"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Clear Stress and Be Success: The Road To Self-Mastery" |
"Did you know? Of the near 8 billion people alive in the world today, less than 1% own up to 40% of all wealth in the world. Many people teach how to make more money and learn special skills, but few teach the most important skill of all, ""success, health and happiness.""If you could remove stress, be happy, healthy and successful everyday, how great could your life be?How to be Successful: The Road To Self-MasteryDo you wish to acquire more peace and prosperity into your life?Do you feel like there is some sort of blockage making it more difficult to reach your goals?Are you losing momentum throughout the day or feel like you are being BUSY but not PRODUCTIVE?Does your communication skills give you a lack of fulfilling relationships?Do you feel like constant disruptive thoughts or emotions keep nudging at you throughout the day? This is the work of a shadow. Nearly everyone on this planet has an inner shadow. This shadow can influence alcoholism, poor eating habits, depression, introversion, depression, lack of showing or feeling love, and sometimes deep built-up aggression. Past paradigms and beliefs can also hinder you or stop you from REACHING your goals when every time you stop or steer off course you end up MISSING or POSTPONING your DREAMS.This will hinder or stop growth in many people's lives, but what if you already have success? You CAN have success, and still NOT be happy. Famous actors, celebrities and positive influencers all have to come in contact with their shadows. They can choose to cope with it or dismiss it. When you are able to dismiss your troubles, you eliminate what is holding you back. You can then achieve a higher level of satisfaction in your life. In This Course, You Will Improve your abilities of:RAISING YOURSELF TO THE LOVE VIBRATIONMEDITATION TO REMOVE OLD PAST BELIEFS AND BONDSATTRACTING OR REMOLDING YOUR PARTNERAFFIRMATIONS AND DAILY TRIGGERS TO MAINTAIN MOMENTUMSUCCESSFUL DAILY HABITS FOR BUILDING A COMPOUND EFFECTELIMINATING BAGGAGE AND TRIUMPH THROUGH LIFE WITH A NEW PERSPECTIVESTART HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS AND DISMISS AND REPROGRAM NEW ONES*It is very important that you decide what part of yourself you want to fix, and study the material daily. Your life will improve, but you must always be dedicated toward changing yourself for the better, by giving it 21 days.**Everything from this course was given from the heart. I did everything in one-take, nothing was scripted. I let my inner self guide me through the material in the whole class. This is knowledge in its pure form and it will better you for the rest of your life if you observe and practice implementing all information.*You are NOT your thoughts, and in my course, I will explain the importance of doing shadow work and how to Eliminate it to the point that you are LIMITLESS. {Giftfor100%} Completing this course fully will also get you a free book of mines worth $9.99usd."
Price: 19.99 |
"FumeFX For Beginners" |
"Hello Everyone, This class is made for Beginners who want to learn how to get started with FumeFX. I will be using 3DS Max as my base Program but you can use Maya too.No prior 3DS Max/Maya experience is required.What you will learn?First we'll cover the fundamental stuff in 3DS MAX such as the Project Structure, Cache Setup, Preview Window, Importing, etc. Then we move on to basics of FumeFX covering topics like making a preview, changing the duration, particle setup, fire and smoke, etc. Once that is done we will take a look at some beyond the basics topics like wavelet, rendering, adding lights. At the end we will discuss some projects that will show you how to use Fume in different situationsCourse Structure.From 1st to 5th Video I will talk about the Basics of FumeFX and 3DS Max and show some things that will be useful to beginners in the upcoming videos and projects.From 6th to 10th Videos I will start teaching about FumeFX and we will learn how to create an explosion in 3DS Max with FumeFX.From 11th to 14th Video we will start breaking down projects and recreating the projects from scratch.Happy Learning! Cheers! :)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Excel Super Prtico - Do Bsico ao Avanado - Curso Completo" |
"Chegou a sua hora de aprender a utilizar os recursos do Excel. Saia do Zero ao avanado em um nico Curso capaz de te tornar usurio avanado!Com exemplos prticos neste Curso rpido e fcil voc ser capaz de criar planilhas, editar e utilizar os mais variados recursos que o Excel pode oferecer. sua hora de aprender a utilizar a maior ferramenta do mercado de trabalho de uma forma super prtica!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Membuat kue 3D Baby Husky - Edisi Natal" |
"Lynn & Ann Cake Parlour (@lynnanncakeparlour) telah berpengalaman dalam pastry terutama dekorasi buttercream dan kue 3D. Melalui video ini, kami akan menunjukkan setiap langkah proses dengan detail dan jelas. Mulai dari penyusunan struktur kue, teknik crumbcoating, penghiasan kue dengan buttercream, hingga penyusunan elemen desain untuk membuat kue Anda semakin menarik, semuanya akan diajarkan dalam 60 menit! Setelah menguasai teknik yang ditunjukkan dalam video ini, maka Anda dapat membuat berbagai bentuk kue anjing lainnya dengan mengaplikasikan teknik yang telah diajarkan."
Price: 1120000.00 |
"Curso Tarot do Amor" |
"Um curso para voc que quer melhorar o seu relacionamento e ajudar seus consulentes a terem o Melhor do Amor e do Relacionamento em suas vidas! Um curso com foco do Tarot no relacionamento, com apostilas, vdeo aulas e arquivos de udio para lhe auxiliar no aprendizado.O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NESSE CURSO?Tarot do Amor!A Fascinate jornada do TarotA Roda viva do Tarot com os Arcanos MaioresO Tarot e o meu mtodo de EstudoAs Chaves dos Arcanos MaioresConhecendo e entendendo as chaves de abertura de cada arcanoO que cada Arcano nos diz sobre o AmorMtodo pergunta e resposta (3 Cartas)Mandala das direes para o AmorOs Arcanos Menores e seu direcionamento para o Amor."
Price: 99.99 |
"Freelancer Plus" |
"Um mtodo elaborado exclusivamente para Freelancers!Cada pequeno detalhe deste curso foi pensado para trazer tona sua mxima performance como Freelancer, no que diz respeito ao seu poder de vender os seus servios!So 5 Mdulos que vo te ensinar desde como cpmpreender o seu processo, passo-a-passo, at formas de voc entender, de forma psicolgica, os seus possveis clientes e aumentar a sua taxa de converso em at 80%"
Price: 99.99 |
"Etkili Fotoraflar in Kompozisyon" |
"Grafik sanatlarda, rnein ressamlar, grafikerler bo bir sayfa ile balarlar. Eserlerini bo sayfa zerine, nesneleri belirli grafik dzenlerde yerletirerek sonuca ularlar. Oysa fotorafta bo sayfa yoktur. Fotoraf olarak bizler zaten dolu olan bir kadrajn iinden ayklama yaparak fotorafmz ekeriz. Bu noktada da belirli kayglar gderek ve belirli aralar kullanarak bunu yapmaya alrz. Bu kayglar ve aralar topluluu ""fotorafta kompozisyon""u iaret eder. Bu kursta, kompozisyon kurallarn, nasl ve nerede kullanlacaklarn, nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiini, yanl bilinen noktalar, ok bahsedilmeyen pf noktalarn ve kurallar ne zaman ykabileceinizi bulacaksnz. Kursu bitirdiinizde ve rendiklerinizi pratikler yaparak uyguladnzda, zaman iinde iselletirdiinizde; fotoraflarnzn snf atladn greceksiniz."
Price: 149.99 |
"Java Grundkentnisse" |
"Hey, in meinem Udemy Kurs wirst du die Grundlagen zur Programmierung mit der Programmiersprache Java lernen. Das einzige was du bentigst ist Motivation. Du wirst lernen, wie man eigene Programme codet und zum Schluss werden wir ein eigenes Quiz programmieren. Wenn du dich hier fr interessiert, dann melde dich fr meinen Kurs an und beginne sofort mit deinen ersten Lektionen.Viel Spa!"
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Reduce Employee Turnover" |
"In this 10 lecture course, you will learn the vital steps to reducing turnover and keeping retention at an all-time high in your organization or company. I will cover: 1) How To Hire Better2) Why Spend Money On Training3) How to Use Rewards and To Recognize4) How To Create The Perfect Culture5) Why Scheduling Matters6) How To Structure Benefits7) The Importance Of Systems8) Why Knowing Your Staff Matters9) The Importance of Empowering Your Staff10) The Importance of Authenticity"
Price: 49.99 |
"Basics for New Business Owners" |
"New business owners are excited to get their ideas off the ground. With that excitement comes some of the realities of paperwork, accounting and marketing required for success. In some cases not knowing these basics can slow down the momentum of success. This course explains even the most complex business concepts in a fun and exciting way."
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Lose Weight, THE RIGHT WAY" |
"This course was made with the consumer in mind. I will break down exactly what you will need to lose weight and get the body you want. Also, you don't have to worry about breaking the bank buying tons of supplements and equipment. I will tell you ways to get the body you want on a budget. That a double win for sure. Come check out the course and get started on your journey to a happier, healthier you."
Price: 114.99 |
"Stop Being Tone-Deaf - Learn to sing on pitch" |
"After this course:You will be able to sing along with your favourite songs on the radio and sing on pitch.You will be confident to get up and sing a song at karaoke knowing you can sing in tune.You won't have anxiety regarding being off-pitch.This course takes a radically different approach than most other courses by using technology to bridge the gap between the pitches you hear and being able to reproduce those pitch with your voice"
Price: 99.99 |
"Editing Skills for Clear Writing" |
"Clear writing is hard to come by because we are taught to write eloquently using lots of fancy and smart words. But good writing is the kind that's easy to read. As a seasoned copy editor with over a decade of experience in the field, I help writers cut the crap so that their core idea can shine. This course is a quick overview of the issues of clarity I see most.In this course:Learn the copy editing skills you need to make yours or your clients' content clear, concise, and readable without sacrificing yours or the author's voice and style. Fix subject-verb agreement issues.*Eliminate wordy sentences and unnecessary elements.Strive for active voice over passive voice.Use descriptive words instead of empty adjectives.Elegantly break up long paragraphs.Make every word count.*UPDATE: Usage is yet evolving as language always is and more so in these times of rapid information exchange and communication. Many style manuals and house guidelines now accept they to refer to singular subjects whose gender identity is not known, in addition to those who don't identify with a particular gender. But a word of caution: Just be sure that the style guidelines youre following support such usage. If youre writing only for yourself or your own audience, go with whatever style you like. On the other hand, if you are a student or are working for a client, check with the institutions preferred style first."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mastering Essentials of Python" |
"Covering every essential lesson needed in Python and sometimes Programming as a whole with unique methods to solve complex real world problems with ease. Build Programs, Debug Programs and Handle Python in any field that you are approaching and be able to use some of the unique methods that I will be teaching here to apply in those fields."
Price: 194.99 |
"Start Oil painting seascape, sky, clouds & flying bird" |
"This course is for beginner and Intermediate artist who want to learnHow to start your first oil paintingWhich brushes should be used for which purposehow to create realistic sky with fluffy cloudshow to create a realistic seascape, sea waveshow to create stones and waves splashing on stonehow to draw and paint a flying seagull"
Price: 1280.00 |
"1Z0-068 : Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Practice Dumps" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take up all the 3 test sections or parts ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 |
"1Z0-067 - Upgrde Oracle 9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle DB 12c OCP" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this. ( Make sure take up all 3 Practice Sections ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 |
"1Z0-063 Oracle DB 12c: Advanced Admin -OCP Practice Dumps" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take all 3 test sections or parts ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Shopify : Aliexpress" |
". , , , , . , , , . ? . , ? . , ? ., , . , , -, . , , . , , Shopify , . , . !, -, ' '. , , , . , - , , . () . , - Shopify /. , seller-online . , , LLC Stripe PayPaL Business. US PayPal Business - , . . , - . , - , - . - ... - . - , ... - , , , SEO... . : . , ' ', - . - , , , , .. - , , ' '. , , . ? !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Execute Your Goals 2X Faster using Toyota's Timeless Secret" |
"If you have goals gathering dust in your shelve, then this course is for you. In this course, you will learn the Scrum method of executing goals. Scrum is based on the idea that whenever you start any project, you should pause and check if what you are doing is leading you to your goals, or to no exit sign. Most of the software companies adopted this method of executing work faster, after they got dissapointed with their old ways of working. The name Scrum comes from the rugby game. It has its roots in Toyota. Edward Deming introduced this concept of Plan,Do, Check and Act to the Toyota Production System in the year 1950's. This is secret that made Toyota to be the number one car manufacturing company in the world. At the end of this course, you will learn the history of Scrum. You will also learn some of the practices in the Planning,Doing ,Checking and Acting phases of the Deming cycle. Applications of this knowledge will enable you to execute your goals 2X faster. It will make you the ""Toyota's"" of today. I personally used this method to create this course you are about to uncover. I tracked my small daily goals and tasks using a free online tool called Trello,which you will find in the resources provided. I had my daily meetings and reflection time. The results were astonishingly good. I beat my delivery time hands down. I couldn't be more happy with Scrum-my all time companion in executing any goal. Gain this unfair advantage today. Start using the Scrum execution method, and usher your goals from the dusty shelves into the universe."
Price: 24.99 |
"10 powerful tools you can use to overcome obstacles" |
"This course will share 10 powerful tools that you can use to overcome obstacles. You will learn the stories of ordinary people who overcame extraordinary challenges.Their secrets will be covered in this course. Here are some of the stories you will learn What a young girl did, when she faced her parents killers.An Astronaut who went blind in space. How a man accused of triple homicide, walked out of jail unexpectedly better.How Isaac Newton could not control the madness of people. The secret of the Chinese farmer. The power of NOT YET and the magic ring. You will also learn the three insanely great resilience tools. This buttons are very dear to me as I have used them, and I continously use them to overcome any obstacle in my life. This is the reason that I am sharing them with you. You will find them invaluable. Remember to put this ten buttons in your mind. You will need them quite often in your life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Financial Triage - Your first step to financial wellness" |
"This is the biginners best guide to financial wellness. This course will take you through the first step of preparing your financial statement. The Personal Financial Statement is a critical tool for anyone who wants to get ahead financially. According to S&P Finlit Global Survey, only 33% of the World's adults are financial literate. By the end of this course, you will be among the 33% of the financial literate population. One more thing, you will get the information to help you make specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound goals. This information has transformed people who have taken time to learn and action the lessons in this course . Your finances will never look the same again after uncovering what is in your Personal Financial Statement (PFS)."
Price: 19.99 |
"MATLAB for Engineers and Mathematicians [URDU/HINDI]" |
"In this course, you will master the core MATLAB Programming skills through instruction and interactive exercises. I've boiled down the vast amount of information available to deliver exactly what you need to learn to get started in MATLAB. The topics were hand selected personally on the behalf of practical MATLAB experience during my engineering career. The course focuses on the top skills that enabled me to earn and can help you become a ""Local Expert"" in just a few hours. Imagine having the ability to execute MATLAB commands with ease or create you own functions at will when you're called to solve a problem. What if you could magically impress your boss with professional graphs or analyze data like a champ? Become that person that your peers call upon when they need help and develop your MATLAB skills to create amazing tools, software, or whatever your heart desires."
Price: 24.99 |
"Dermatologic Pathologies" |
"Dermatologic Pathologies will teach you the anatomy of the integumentary system and the most common pathologies affecting the skin and its various components. This course is designed around a college level course for those looking to enter into the allied medical field, as a refresher course or as a practice or preparatory course; or for an individuals own knowlege. This course will include bacterial, viral and inflammatory conditions, as well as, injuries to the skin and cancers of the skin."
Price: 29.99 |
"Balangtan Orta Seviyeye Shopify Eitimi" |
"Shopify milyonlarca maazaya ev sahiplii yapan bir e-ticaret site platformudur. Siz de kolayca bu platformda bir site hazrlayabilirsiniz. Tabii bunu yapmak iin de bilgiye ihtiyacnz olacak. te tam da bu noktada bu kurs sizin bu gereksiniminizi karlayacak ve hzlca Shopify kurulumu yapabileceksiniz. Bu kursu edinmek iin iinde alma azmi, e-ticaret yapma istei ve giriimcilik ruhu olmas yeterlidir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Temel Sal ve Gvenlii Eitimi Nasl Verilmelidir?" |
"yerlerinde mevzuata uygun konu ieriiyle alanlara ynelik baarl bir Temel SG Eitimi vermeyi istiyorsanz, bu eitime katldnzda gerekli bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlie sahip olacanza emin olabilirsiniz. Bu eitimde Temel SG Eitim sunumu eitmen tarafndan i yerindeki alanlara veriliyormu gibi sunuluyor. Bylece; renciler bu sunum ieriini renerek kendilerini uygun eitim sunumu yapmay da reniyorlar."
Price: 49.99 |