"The Ultimate Go (Golang) Programming Challenge" |
"Become an instant expert in Golang by exposing your self to well-curated, expert compiled Go programming question and quizzes.When learning to code, most people get stuck on the ""bridge"" between memorizing syntax and understanding the logic that makes it all work. We believe the most effective way to learn a programming language is to break the process into three phases:Memorize syntaxSolve problemsMake stuffThis course was created to bridge this gap, while also making the process fun and addictive. Explore the uniqueness of the Go programming language. Achieve code mastery through the Golang challenge"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn How Entrepreneurship Creates Retirement Solution" |
"Introduction: Retirement planning is currently the worlds top financial concern, even among many young workers.Objective: To provide a clear path to consider a business venture as a viable option to retirement solutionAudience: Any interested person who wish to learn and consider starting and improving his business as an option to plan for their retirement ageCourse Outline:Why is retirement planning becoming a hot concern?What are the options available for retirement planningWhy Entrepreneurship is a better solution?Debunked the Entrepreneurship mythKey lessons that will save you thousands of dollarsPlanning ConsiderationsThe 4 Pillars of PlanningExpected outcome: You will have a clear understanding as to how to evaluate from a decision matrix on entrepreneurship for your retirement solution"
Price: 119.99 |
"Introduction to Salesforce Administration" |
"This Beginners Salesforce Administrator's course will introduce you to some of the day-to-day duties of the Salesforce Administrator. It covers core subjects, such as creating apps and objects which is essential to meet your enterprise's app requirements. You'll also learn how to create Reports and Dashboards which is important for the Sales team and management team, to assess their Sales pipeline, and opportunities (with their final disposition), along with workflows in your own Salesforce Developer environment."
Price: 19.99 |
"Formula Tnis Online" |
"O Frmula Tnis foi criado para formar profissionais de sucesso em curto espao de tempo, mesmo que no seja praticante de tnis. Para isso, voc contar com 37 mdulos e 243 aulas. Voc ser direcionado a ser um empresrio de tnis, de forma fcil e, praticamente, sem custo nenhum. A seguir, alguns dos principais tpicos desse curso:- Altssimo nvel tcnico- Mdulo de Mindset, para que configure sua mente para o sucesso- Mdulo de marketing digital simplificado- Orientao sobre diversos tipos de carreira que poder seguir dentro do tnis, ou agregando-o em suas atividades atuais, como: personal trainer, treinador de qualquer esporte, professor escolar, etc.- Aula de como montar suas mini academias sem custo de locao- voc receber muitos bnus, sendo que, os dois principais so: 1. Uma coleo de e-books de sucesso, para que possa vender, livre de meus direitos autorais, para que pague o curso e compre seus materiais de aula. 2. Essa mesma coleo, editvel, para que j inicie sua brilhante carreira como autor e autoridade no mercado. Eu ensino e dou os materiais para que edite a coleo, com facilidade. Receber tambm meu modelo de trabalho, o ""Tnis 10"" que tambm foi uma criao minha e de muito sucesso.E, na minha opinio, o melhor do curso, que te ensinarei a minha metodologia, o ""Tennis Mind"", que tem suas bases em PNL ( Programao Neurolingustica). Voc ensinar a seus alunos, um tnis de altssima performance de forma rpida e fcil. Essa metodologia foi testada em todos os tipos de jogadores, iniciantes a profissionais, com sucesso."
Price: 579.99 |
"3 Pilares do Sucesso Financeiro Empresarial" |
"ESTA SUA CHANCE PARA APRENDER COMO ORGANIZAR AS FINANAS DO SEU NEGCIO E COMEAR A TER AS CONTAS EM DIA.Um treinamento intensivo sobre organizao financeira empresarial para quem busca RESULTADOS.Um curso voltado para micro e pequenos empresrios que querem organizar a gesto financeira.SE VOC: Est com o financeiro totalmente desorganizado; No sabe se sua empresa est tendo lucro ou prejuzo; No tem ideia de como controlar o financeiro do seu negcio; No sabe o quanto sobra no final do ms; No tem ideia de como reverter sua situao financeira?ESTA SUA OPORTUNIDADEDados do Sebrae apontam que quase metade das empresas fecham as portas antes de completarem 5 anos de existncia.Entre os principais motivos apontados pelos empresrios esto a falta de planejamento prvio, dificuldades com a gesto do negcio e a falta de preparo para tocar o negcio.Muitos empresrios possuem a capacidade e conhecimentos tcnicos sobre a sua rea de atuao, porm no conseguem bons resultados por no terem conhecimento em GESTO FINANCEIRA.Ter as contas desorganizadas causa diversos problemas para o empreendedor, que no tem uma noo clara de quanto entra e quanto sai do caixa da empresa, no sabe qual seu lucro e acaba entrando em DVIDAS que viram uma bola de neve com o passar do tempo.Se este seu caso, no se preocupe, voc no est sozinho. As escolas no preparam para o mundo do empreendedorismo. preciso buscar cada vez mais CONHECIMENTO.O curso 3 PILARES DO SUCESSO FINANCEIRO EMPRESARIAL vm para te auxiliar a ter mais controle sobre as finanas da sua empresa.Sero quatro aulas que vo te ensinar na prtica:1 - Plano de Contas 2 - Controle Dirio 3 - Fluxo de Caixa 4 - Anlise Financeira"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to build a strong BRAND?" |
"Branding doesn't belong to companies only, they belong to each and every one of us! Join me to learn:- The importance of building a strong brand.- How to build a brand in 6 detailed steps.- How to define your target audience and brand promise. - The importance of design in building your brand.- Why it is important to keep your brand promise. Build a strong brand to help you grow your business and keep your clients / customers with you for the long run."
Price: 1200.00 |
"How to build a marketing and strategy plan" |
"When starting your own business planning is very important, there is a reason why they say planning it key for success. Join me to learn how to build a marketing and strategy plan, how to define your business strategy, set up goals and objectives and which marketing activities you should go for. By planning right you will develop the best products and services to suit your target audience needs (customers / clients needs), good marketing plan will help your customers to see what are you giving them that your competitors are not, what separate you from the competition. By having a plan and following your marketing strategy you can grow the business the right way. After preparing so many marketing plans for big global companies and every time you work on it for months until one day I decided no more and created a plan for one of the segments in 1 hours! That's cause I know my target audience, I know my products and I follow the simple steps I am sharing in this course. I Invite you to follow my steps and you can build a marketing and strategy plan by yourself for your business, a plan which going to help you take your business to where you want it to be."
Price: 1100.00 |
"Create and win business opportunities" |
"Looking on growing your business? Increase sales? Join my course on how to create and win business opportunities in 3 simple detailed steps.Learn how it's up to you to create the business opportunity and if you not going to someone else will do it instead and you don't want to miss it out, especially as a small business owner were each opportunity is important for your business growth. You will learn how to define your target audience, understand them, where to find them and tailor the correct message.Following all 7 steps you will get to step number 8: close the deal. And if you follow all the steps and complete them all one by one you will definitely going to win the opportunity and close the deal, move from potential to actual clients/ customer and your business will start growing.This course is good for sales people and business owners."
Price: 1200.00 |
housecleaning-kigyo-1 |
Price: 19.99 |
"Programao Quntica de Pedras e Cristais - Nvel Bsico" |
"Saiba COMO os cristais funcionam cientificamente (estamos falando de fsica, geologia e muito mais).Esse curso fornecer a base para entender a energia de cura dos cristais e estabelecer as bases para sua prtica de cura de cristais. Ter esse conhecimento o preparar para o sucesso, para que voc se sinta vontade para compartilhar seu conhecimento de cristal enraizado na fsica e na metafsica. Depois de fazer essa aula, voc poder explicar facilmente a cincia dos cristais para seus amigos, familiares e clientes. Este novo conhecimento de cristal encontrado lhe dar um enorme impulso na confiana, para que voc possa caminhar sem medo em seu novo caminho de cura de cristal!IntuioAprenda a confiar em sua intuio e orientao interna ao trabalhar com suas pedras. Desperte completamente sua intuio com estratgias de autocuidado de cristal para que voc possa se nutrir e ser um melhor curador para os outros.ConfianaReceba uma educao aprofundada e a confiana de que voc precisa para proporcionar uma cura transformadora dos cristais para voc ou para os outros. Domine novas habilidades para adaptar seu trabalho de cura a cada indivduo e se tornar parte do crescente movimento global de cura de cristais.AbundnciaAprenda a chamar em abundncia do universo com grades de cristal, meditao e trabalho mental. Descubra como aplicar seu novo conhecimento sobre cristal como curandeiro parcial ou em tempo integral, se assim o desejar."
Price: 99.99 |
"Youtube Eitim Seti - imdi Sizde Youtube'dan Para Kazann" |
"Merhaba , sende imdi bu kursu satn alarak bilgi servenine kabilir ve kurs sonuna geldiinde kaliteli ieriklerinle youtube dan para kazanmaman iin hibir engel kalmayacak.Youtube zerinden gelir elde edebiliyorsun bunu hobi olarak yada bir gelir elde etmek iinde yapabilirsin kesinlikle balamaman iin bir sebebin yok ve bu kursda sana nasl hzl ve bilgili bir ekilde youtube kariyerine balayabilecein basamaklar seninle birlikte ina ediyoruz hedefimiz para deil iinde ki cevheri ortaya kararak bilgini yada eleneni ortaya koyman istiyoruz"
Price: 49.99 |
"Dispositif Facebook Ads 2020" |
"Un seul objectif : Gnrer des ventes en mode ""PILOTE AUTOMATIQUE"" sur Facebook AdsMise en application de la Stratgie G.P.N (Gagnante Profiteuse et Novatrice 2020)Matriser la puissance du ciblage (Stratgie avance 3.0)Gnrer des revenus en mode pilote automatiqueOptimiser et interprter les bons chiffres pour gnrer plusStratgies Avances SCALING 3.0Rgles d'OrVeille hebdomadaire (en accord avec nos contacts chez Facebook Ireland)Les Tips & erreurs viterMindset BOOSTERRE-TARGETING BOOSTERPaypal Stratgie Zro Litige!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Earn Your TEFL Certification Online" |
"This course was designed to give the student (soon to be teacher!) the most important aspects about becoming an ESL teacher abroad. Some of the features that you will learn are:*Classroom management*Teaching skills*English grammar*Lesson planning*Real activities that can be used in the class*Special TOEFL training*Cultural appreciation*What it takes to be a ""good"" teacherThe downloadable course material is bursting with information that the teacher can learn from and even take with her to the classroom. The videos included complement the written material to engage the teacher more profoundly.After the teacher receives proper scores on the tests included, she is free to download her TEFL certificate of completion and can immediately take it with her to begin her career as an ESL teacher!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Sfrdan YouTube Kanal Gelitirme ve Youtube Para Kazanma!" |
"Youtube'da milyonlarca aboneye sahip kanallarn videolar nasl optimize ettiini merak ediyor musun?. nemli olan byk bir kitlenizin olmas deil, doru ayarlar ile doru yollar izlemek. Bu eitim setinde bana sorular sorup cevap alabilirsiniz.Yllardr onlarca youtube kanal ynettim ve altn deerinde tecrbelere sahibim. Tecrbelerimi bu eitim setinde sizlere aktaracam.5 Yldr milyonlarca insan youtube eitimlerimden yararland. u an yaklak 200.000 aboneye ve +15.000.000 izlenmeye sahip aylk dzenli gelir elde ettiim bir kanalm var.Bu eitim setinde ki videolar kafanz kartrmamak adna sade bir dil kullanarak hazrladm. Ayrca gereksiz bilgilerle zaman doldurmak yerine videolar olabildiince ksa tutmaya zen gsterdim.Sizde kendi tutkunuzu paraya dntrmek ve kendi iinizin patronu olmak istiyorsanz bu eitim tam size gre. Youtube sayesinde yzlerce insann hayat nemli lde deiti. Hibir bilginiz olmadan sadece bu eitim setinde ki videolar izleyerek kanalnz profesyonel bir ekilde dzenleyebilir ve o yzlerce insandan biride siz olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Oculus Quest and Unity" |
"If you ever wanted to create your own VR game, now is the best time! The Oculus Quest is the first All-In-One VR headset with no wires and total freedom. With basic knowledge of Unity 3D you are able to create and test your game ideas directly on the Oculus Quest. In this class I will show you how to setup Unity and the Oculus Quest headset to take your first steps in VR game development."
Price: 19.99 |
"Elite Scrum Master Training" |
"JOIN THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS IN UDEMY'S BESTSELLER AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE SCRUM COURSE!THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO SAVE YOU HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON SCRUM TRAINING AND SCRUM CERTIFICATION.""Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org.""Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!The unique reasons for taking this course are:Complete, Concise, Confident Overview of Scrum - You will be confident that you have learned Scrum as the founders intended because I only teach accurately from the rule-book of Scrum.Confidence in completing a Scrum Certification - I teach you everything you need to gain confidence in the exam and then guide you on how to get certified online without going into a class room or spending $1000. I send you to the Scrum Open Assessment so you can practice before taking the final certification (Exam purchased separately - I will give you links directly to it).You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!Includes Narration from Ted R. BrownWhat is Scrum?Agile Scrum is a simple method for managing and completing even the most complex project. Based on my experience, it has also been the number one reason why projects have delivered on time!Who should take is course?Anyone who wants to become a scrum master and earn six-figuresWhat will I learn?In this class you will learn: Preparation for the Scrum Master exam, which includes,Concise overview of Scrum - The exact events, roles, rules and artefacts used to deliver a project using scrum along with the history of Scrum. This includes lectures on the fundamentals of Sprint Planning, The Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum Artefacts and more.The facts based on the Scrum Guide - The correct terminology and use of Scrum is essential to mastering it. The Scrum Guide is the rule book on Scrum and many do not use it or know it.Scrum Certification Preparation - A summary of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and frequently misunderstood points around Scrum that have been in past Open Assessment exams.Scrum Certification - I then tell you how to prepare for Scrum Certification and how to sit it online saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.The course is video based with no supporting document necessary. I go through key gotchas from the scrum guide.How is the course structured?Each section features an overview of a particular aspect of Scrum such as Scrum Roles, Events, or Artefacts, followed by a summary of key exam points and frequent misunderstandings in industry. All is based on the scrum guide so you know that you are learning the facts.Perfect if you are interested in Scrum Master Certification, Scrum Master Jobs, increasing your Scrum Master Salary, gaining a Scrum Master Role, furthering your Scrum Master Training or meeting a Scrum Master job description.Inspired by God, the Bible, Ken Schwaber, Jeff SutherlandWho this course is for:Anyone who wants a complete overview of Scrum and certainty that they are getting the factsA candidate preparing for a Scrum certificationA candidate who wants answers to frequently misunderstood points within ScrumAn expert candidate who wants a concise, quick refresher in scru"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to go Viral on YouTube/ Successful YouTube marketing" |
"You're here because you want to create a popular YouTube Channel, right?Maybe you're brand new to YouTube, or maybe you have some experience but need help growing your existing channel.YouTube is the perfect place to grow your own brand, drive traffic to your website, and earn money from YouTube ads and your product and service promotions. And this is the perfect course for you to jumpstart your YouTube Channel.If you're looking to grow your own brand, GET MORE VIEWS AND SUBSCRIBERS, or start a channel from scratch, this is the perfect course for you!Whatever your motivation to start a YouTube channel, youve come to the right place."
Price: 19.99 |
"Body Language for Sales Professionals" |
"Have you ever tried the same scripts as other salespeople but not had the same results? It's likely because of your lack of understanding of body language. Both your own and your prospect's. Unfortunately, there are courses that are taught by others who have little to no real life experience and often teach misinformation. This course is taught by a former Federal Intelligence Officer who spent 20 years in the intelligence field including 10 years in the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) field. The instructor for this course has used body language in real life situations both where lives were on the line and in sales. Students will learn how to recognize and understand body language that they can apply to their sales careers. Consider the following benefits:Benefit: Learn body language to help you sell more products and services.Benefit: Learn body language to get promoted faster and get a better employee review.Benefit: Learn body language to become a master at negotiations.Benefit: Learn body language to avoid emotional pain by recognizing when people are lying to you.Benefit: Learn body language to better understand your spouse or other loved ones and to build a stronger bond with them.Benefit: Learn body language to increase your popularity and social status.Just Think About How Many Lies Have Hurt You In Life...If you could DO something to avoid that pain and frustration, would you?SPOUSES, GIRLFRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS AND SIGNIFICANT OTHERSHave you had to deal with cheating spouses, manipulating lovers and others that you gave your heart to, only to have them tear it apart later?FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERSWhat about that sibling that talked you into loaning them money and they never intended to pay it back?COWORKERS AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATESHave you ever had a boss or co-worker that you thought was a friend, only to have them stab you in the back and hurt your career?SALESPEOPLEWhat about that car you bought when the salesman ""can't go any lower"" on the price but your gut always wondered if you got ripped off?Or maybe the prospect that says ""The price is too high"" when they could actually still pay more or the REAL reason they won't buy is another objection you haven't addressed.It's not your fault...our society relies too much on words.The thing is, it doesn't have to be a mystery whether you're being told the truth or not.Even the best poker players won't be able to lie to you.You will have an unfair advantage in business and in life.These very skills are used by the CIA, DIA, and law enforcement.Heres A Recap Of EVERYTHING You'll Get When You Purchase The AMAZING Offer:Module 1: Getting Started. Learn the science behind body language, the Cardinal Rules to decipher body language, the body language congruency model and how to detect lies.Module 2: The Body. Learn what parts of the body are the most honest and explore body language cues from head to toe.Module 3: The Face. Learn how to detect, analyze and understand micro-expressions of the face. Module 4: Language. Learn how the use of distancing language, qualifying language and the chronology of a story helps you identify lies. BONUS: 10 Types of Seducers. Learn the different ways that seducers work their magic. How they seduce you, and how you seduce others.BUT WAIT! This course includes a SUPER SECRET BONUS to help Sales Professionals with Lead Generation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creating a Simple Newsletter Signup Using PHP and MySQL" |
"Hi, In this course we are going to add a newsletter sign up form that will save our new subscribers to a database.To do this we are going to be using a backend programming language called PHP and a MySQL database.Dont worry if that doesnt make any sense to you, we will be going over all of the basics and walking you through it step by step.This course does however assume you have a basic understanding of html and css, and that you know how to push any updates up to a server and make them live.If you dont have that experience then I can recommend this course by Daniel Scott, it starts at the very beginning and will easy get you up to speed so you can start taking the next steps like working with PHP and databases.So if youre ready to get started with our PHP database project then sign up to the course and lets get started :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Forest education based on outdoor nursery and kindergarten" |
"This online course is based on a danish outdoor education program with evidence from Scandinavia and the rest of the world.Learn how nature has an impact on child development, brain development and all the benefits of nature. Furthermore this online education is practical and useful to get inspired for all school programs, teachers and families. Get inspired to create an environment and an awareness about nature and how to bring nature to the child, even if you live in the city.We will go through 8 modules covering everything you need to know!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop cc course from A-Z Beginner to Master" |
"Photoshop cc 2019 for beginners level to professional levelIn this course you learn each and every tool one by one with using complete control options.Just follow the guideline in each exercises.This course will make you perfect in each tools and at the end you will be get ready to work on your projects.This course have also used shortcut keys that for MAC and PC.Don't worry if you are using older version of Photoshop cc, you can use older version like cs5 or cs6 etc...This course is all for new students that having no knowledge or want to increase knowledge.What will you learn:How to remove backgrounds.How to change colors of any subject in images.How to cutout hairs.How to make selections.How to use new curvature tool.How to make images blurry.How remove red eye.How to remove blemishes.How to adjust skin tone.How to adjust images color.Layer style effects.Golden text effects.Ruler and guideline.How to mask and selection option.How to duplicate subject in images.How to crop images.How to make black and white image.And so much more...Why this course is best?This course is have slow speed exercise so that easy to understand.Each exercise will have each tool knowledge and will learn how to use and implement it.If student have any question i will response in mean time within 24 hours.Exercise images are attached for practice.Quality video and proper guidelines.Shortcut keys for both PC or MAC.This course is easy to learn because it is based on To-The-Point exercises. Requirements for this course:Just require PC / Laptop.Photoshop cc software or older version. Your precious time.And thats it...This course is for Everyone:This course is suitable for those who have zero knowledge or anyone want to improve it.This course will cover each tools one by one with basic knowledge and using of full control of each tool options. 1. Students2. Science3. Engineers4. Business5. Job holders6. Freelancers7. Job less8. commercePhotoshop is amazing useful software to use it, By using it you can adjust your images/photos and create professional graphics easily.After getting this course you will be ready to start working on your projects as freelancer to earn money or want to do work for your own business without hiring freelancers. Just prepare your self and start learning today! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop course Shoe rendering from sketch" |
"In this course you will learn how to design shoe from drawing / sketch from start to finish, and at the end of this course you will be able to design shoe techniques, Creating of shadow and highlights techniques to create it realistic effect then you can apply these techniques to any design or concept to make professional and realistic.Requirements:Just require Photoshop cc latest version 2019 or any previous version PC or Laptop Your precious time almost one hourThat's it!!!Lets start learning today and increase your knowledge and implement skills in professional way.Who can join this course?This course for everyone1. Students ( who want to learn to increase knowledge and skills )2. Own Business 3. As freelancer to increase skills to earn money 4. Part time job holders"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ketose Kickstarter" |
"In diesem Kurs stelle ich dir die Ketose Dit vor. Die ketogene Dit ist eine Art der Low Carb Ernhrung und zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass der Krper eine neue Art der Energiegewinnung durch Nahrung lernt. Durch den Verzehr von viele gesunden Fetten und sehr wenig Kohlenhydraten gelangt der Krper in den Zustand der sogenannten Ketose."
Price: 19.99 |
"Start online Income [ 4- 5 Figures] by Sending Emails" |
"This course is developed keeping in mind that students don't need to have any kind of skills and they are not required to invest any money rather than their time.The course will show you how you can in real life start generating online income whether you want to work part-time or maybe do this full timeThis is not a rich quick scheme, you have work hard to start making and running an online business.This is not affiliate marketing or product selling or another shitty system out there. By the end of this course you will how you can just send an email and close deals and make income."
Price: 19.99 |
(PMP) |
"(PMBOK). . ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Impara a creare le grafiche per la tua Pagina Facebook" |
"Grazie a questo corso, imparerai a creare grafiche accattivanti per i tuoi profili personali o professionali sui Social Network. Se sei un libero professionista, un consulente, un piccolo imprenditore e sei stanco di pagare agenzie grafiche per le tue promozioni sui social network, allora questo il corso che fa per te. In pochi passi imparerai a utilizzare ""CANVA"", un software gratuito e alla portata di tutti. Imparerai a creare grafiche per i tuoi social, loghi, locandine, volantini e tantissimo altro."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Become a Software Tester" |
"This course is your first way on QA. This course is for you if: you want to meet with QA process in real life you want to come to Information Technologies world you search ways to start QA learning you are self-motivated and can learn by yourselfPlease dont waste of money and time and dont buy this course: if you cant learn by yourself if you dont know your goals"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to become TikTok famous with Ayla Prince" |
"In this course about Tiktok with content produced and explained by Ayla Prince and tecnical production by Mamezona project and Sobieski Productions, you will learn how to leverage your Tiktok based on Ayla Prince's experiences as one of the biggest tiktoker.She will explain all the techniques she uses to leverage her tiktok and you can adapt it to your social networks as a person or a brand.We try to be objective in training so you will not find basic information like: how to create your account or how to post the videos, we hope you already have this knowledge, we suggest you have already downloaded your tiktok on your device and have already created your account.If you have always wondered what these great influers do to get to where they are, this is a great opportunity where Ayla explains all her tiktok skills. Don't expect too much choncate as contact with aliens or occult practices, it is a course that explains how it grows in her experience and you can adapt to your type of content or understanding."
Price: 69.99 |
"Boost Your Productivity" |
"Unlock Strategies to Increase Your Productivity While Working less and Building Better Habits to Achieve Your Goals.Included in this course:Boost Your Productivity WorkbookFREE Boost Your Productivity 30 Day ChallengeFREE 2019 Productivity PlannerFREE eBook - The 5 minute Guide to Boosting Your ProductivityFinally! A Comprehensive Course on Boosting Your Productivity. Productivity is often a misunderstood concept. Most people believe that in order to be productive, they have to work harder and longer. However, productivity isn't about accomplishing more, but instead about investing your time and attention in a more strategic way to add value to your life, relationships, and career.If you often find yourself wishing you could get more done, youre not alone. Whether you want to do more in the same amount of time, need more motivation for getting stuff done, or are looking to reduce the amount of time you waste in a day, these course help you improve your productivity.Lets have a look at the exciting sections we will be covering throughout the course. This course is composed of 10 main sections:Procrastination (Why You Procrastinate and How to Manage it?)Planning & Defining Your GoalsCreating Smart To-Do ListsImproving Your Focus (Building Your Focus Muscle)Learning To Say NoDelegating and Dividing TasksDeveloping Productivity HabitsTime ManagementAutomation and Productivity HacksTo help you boost your productivity, you need to develop strategies and techniques that help you select, edit, and curate the actions that you'll take all day long. This course will help to make sure that you aren't just doing more work, but the right work to boost your productivity and make progress toward achieving your goals.*Important to note*This course includes a Workbook you can use to answer questions from the activity sections. This will help you apply what you actually learn. It's not so much about the knowledge as it is about the application. Even if you apply one principle from this course, and see it through to the end, I guarantee, that alone will have the ability to change your productivity habits.Enjoy the course!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Instagram Marketing: How I Grew To 2 Million Followers 2020" |
"Hey! In this course I will tell you everything I did to grow to over 2.5 million followers. I will give you insider tips gained over my years on social media and tricks employees directly at Instagram shared with me. Will be showing you all this from a brand and influencer perspective. Been in both the shoes of an influencer and brand so know what both parties need to do to grow."
Price: 204.99 |