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"Workplace Wellness: Office Desk Exercises - Relax & Energize"
"Learn how to release tension and stress throughout your body in minutes as you improve your posture, energy, wellness, and inner calm.Sitting is the new smoking; sitting too long drains the health, vitality, and energy from our bodies. Improper posture at your desk can lead to tension, tightness, and pain in the shoulders, hips, and back. Enroll in this course to add movement into your work day that you can do at your desk in your professional clothing.Boost your well-being at work with the workplace wellness habits.Get inspired to eat mood and performance enhancing foods, learn how to quickly come back to calm, and how to end your day with more energy and joy."
Price: 99.99

"30-Day Uplifting Yoga Program with Heather"
"This 30-Day Yoga course, by yoga instructor Heather Lenz, will guide you to uplift your emotions as you build strength, flexibility, balance, and serenity.Youll discover your potential to raise your vibration, as well as your capacity to experience powerful positive emotions in your daily life.You will be building not only physical but internal strength as you build your mind-body connection.In other words, youll develop a yoga practice that starts to shift your consciousness and your well-being to new levels.Commit to a Daily Yoga Practice to Build Strength, Stamina, SerenityEstablish and Deepen a Daily Yoga Practice for Body and MindTrain Your Focus on the Positive for Emotional and Energetic WellnessIgnite Your Wellness as you Open to JoyUse Yoga to Raise your Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Vibration :)There is a short vinyasa or yin practice of 10-15 minutes followed by a 5-minute meditation aimed at workdays Monday-Friday. The vinyasa flows link breathing and movement to wake up, strengthen, and energize your body while releasing tension and energy blocks. In yin yoga, you will settle into poses for 2-5 minutes to increase flexibility, open to healing on an energetic level, and access deep relaxation.There are longer vinyasa, yin, and meditation sessions for Saturday and Sunday when there is more time to access the benefits of your yoga practice. Towards the end of the program, you will have the opportunity to follow an advanced vinyasa practice to build your courage, strength, and stamina.Included in the course is the 30-Day UPlifting Yoga Journal for daily inspiration.Who this course is for:Anyone who wishes to establish a daily yoga practice and uplift their emotions and vibration.Anyone who wants to go beyond the physical practice of yoga to learn and commit to daily meditation."
Price: 99.99

"Pacote Gerente de Projetos p/ PMO - 5 Cursos"
"Saber como utilizar o Microsoft Project j no lhe torna mais um gerente de projetos completo, o mercado exige cada vez mais de seus profissionais e para se garantir, voc precisa:saber como planejar e gerenciar portflio de projetos, para selecionar e filtrar somente as propostas que trazem retorno;ter conhecimentos de como gerenciar e otimizar a contratao e utilizao dos recursos empresariais;colaborar em equipes;criar e acompanhar indicadores de desempenho dos projetos para reportar s equipes, departamentos e superiores;gerenciar e medir, de forma eficiente e precisa, os projetos geis que so realizados dentro da sua empresa.Rubens do Carmo j ensinou mais de 30mil alunos na Udemy a se tornarem melhores gerentes de projetos, dominando as ferramentas mais exigidas e utilizadas no mercado. E neste pacote especial que ele preparou, voc encontrar 5 cursos focados em transformar sua carreira de GP, subindo um novo degrau de conhecimento para que possa atuar em qualquer escritrio de projetos, de qualquer empresa!01 - PROJECT RPIDOO objetivo deste mini curso servir como base de referncia e de consulta rpida das funcionalidades bsicas, alm de apresentar o Ms Project queles que se interessam, mas no serve como base para aprendizado profundo, portanto recomendado realizar o curso completo, Ms Project 2019 - do bsico ao avanado, presente aqui na Udemy e ministrado por este mesmo instrutor.02 - GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS E PMBOK PARA LEIGOSCurso introdutrio e didtico para queles que pretendem iniciar os estudos na rea mas no sabem por onde comear. Abordado de forma resumida, possui exemplos do instrutor em sua empresa de eventos para conceituar o aluno sobre as principais reas de gerenciamento do PMBOK 5 edio.03 - PROJECT KPI - CRIE FARIS E INDICADORES NO MS PROJECTAprenda a criar frmulas e indicadores personalizados no Ms Project utilizando exemplos prticos, que podero ser executados imediatamente. Alm disso, crie um dashboard para realizar o acompanhamento do que se passa em seus projetos, auxiliando nas tomadas de deciso.04 - PROJECT SCRUM - GERENCIE PROJETOS GEIS NO MS PROJECTNovas recursos foram lanados no Project para planejar Sprints, gerir Kanbans e outros. Neste curso iremos explorar todos estes benefcios, utilizando tcnicas e novos campos para trabalhar projetos geis, como converso de esforo em Story Points, painel de relatrios, status do kanban e do sprint, burndown e mto mais!05 - PROJECT ONLINE - ANLISE DE PPM (GESTO DE PORTFLIO DE PROJETOS)O Project Online uma ferramenta de PPM que expande os recursos do Ms Project. Presente em grandes corporaes como Intel, Tesla, Amazon, Netflix, Toyota, 3M etc, voc gerenciar o portflio da empresa, priorizando somente projetos de resultados, e gerir recursos empresariais com colaborao das equipes, funes no encontrados na verso tradicional do Project."
Price: 174.99

"ASP.NET MVC le Admin Panelli Blog Sitesi Kodlama Eitimi"
"Bu Kursun erdii Konular...CSharp Alt Yaps Kullanlarak Web Projesi GelitirmeAspNet Mvc le Ynetim Panelli Blog Sitesi MS SQL SERVER Veritaban SorgularEntity Framework Kullanarak Veritaban Sorgular YazmaEntity Framework Code First Mimarisi Admin Panel Makale Ekleme, Gncelleme, Grntleme Ve SilmeAdmin Panel Kategori Ekleme, Gncelleme, Grntleme Ve SilmeAdmin Panel ye Ekleme Ve SilmeAdmin Panel Ynetici Ve Admin Dndaki Herkezin Eriiminin EngellenmesiAnasayfada Makaleleri Listeleme Popler (En ok Okunan) 3 Makaleyi ListelemeAnasayfada Tm Kategorileri ListelemeAnasayfada Tm Etiketleri ListelemeVe Herbir Kategoriye Veya Etikete Tklandnda lgili Makaleyi GrntlemeKullanc Hesap Oluturma Ve Giri YapabilmeSosyal Medya Tarz Profil Resmi Ykleme, Gncelleme Ve Silme Sadece Resim in lemlerKullanc Kendi Bilgilerini Gncellemeifre Deitirmede Mail Onayl ifre DeitirmePaged List Ktphanesi Kullanlarak Sayfalama Makaleye yelerin Yorum YapabilmesiYaplan Yorumlar Yl, Ay, Gn, Saat, Dakika, Saniye Cinsinden GstermeHer Kullanc Kendi Yorumunu Silme lemleriWeb Sitesi inde Makale Aramas Yapma Ve Bulunan Sonular Grid Mvc Yaps le ListelemeProjeyi Hostingde Yaynlama"
Price: 409.99

"C.T.B Win Big In The Games of Chance At Live Casinos"
"FORWORDIf you were with me on the 20th of January 2009, just before noon, we would be standing at the arrival of Kennedy Airport on my way to Nashville to meet an important man in the gambling world.This man gave his entire life to researching the odds in one's favour in a casino, notably the game of Baccarat and Roulette.I had come to know of his work by chance or should I rather say by divine intervention. The reason for saying the latter, is because as soon as I met him at the airport our hearts connected in a divine way and we became soul brothers since then.You see, for the then past decade (before our meeting) I had got acquainted with the game of roulette and had never heard about baccarat. Like many other people before me, I too was hooked on the game of roulette and had been seeking for ways to beat the game so that I could finally make a passive income from it.However, again I am sure like many of you this would become a struggle between the game itself, let alone the casino authorities who were there for one purpose and one purpose alone - to drain you of all your money (bank-roll) once you stepped inside their premises.It finally took one brave, intelligent and dedicated man to break the code of the casino games and share with us his secrets to receiving a slight edge above the bosses of the world of big money and give us our share of their money for our day-to-day living.I spent a week with Donny and learnt as much as I could from him. Moreover, as part of my learning with him, I would get the chance to play alongside him a privilege not every person/client gets to do... and believe me what a privilege that is... I repeated this feat of magic in 2018 when I sat alongside him in Singapore with a client of his and witness them win Singapore $108,000+ in a few hours.Of course you would like to know of my achievements and for that I will say... After coming back home and playing at the local casino in mycountry, one night I won SR45,000 ($4,500) and was asked to leave by the manager. Since then I was told I can win only a limited amount of $500 if I want to play but then I would need to stop!I did not go back again. Today I play my games internationally when I travel to places like Mauritius, Srilanka, Kenya and Singapore. There they even have the game of baccarat which is even better for me.So maybe you are like I was before, looking for a system in baccarat or roulette that can win. We all know that there isn't a system on this planet that can make you win 100% of the time. But if there is a system that can give you the edge over the casino, then you would like to know... right?To this effect, then you have picked up the right book. Never has there been a system that decodes the chops and streaks in both the roulette and baccarat. Here though we will be looking more into the one for breaking the baccarat patterns in a way that will make you smile more often at the baccarat table rather than clenching your fists in anger because your every move on the table is a losing one.You will not believe when with your own eyes you see how the system beats the streaks whilst targeting only the chops in a shoe and likewise vice versa when you decide to target only the streaks in a shoe. The system bypass the chops leaving them to the side of the table so to speak... not treading on them, not crashing upon them but rather floating above the cards and looking down on them with awe :)With this system once understood, you can coach a partner to play alongside you... meaning that when you target the chops, he targets the streaks in a shoe. But then why share your profits with someone else when you can have your cake and eat it too, by targeting both the chops and the streaks at the same time. Want to know how? Follow the system in the next following chapters as I decode live recorded casino results to see how this all works out best. Good luck with your venture and may you grow your wealth day-by-day with ease and joy whereby you truly live the Lazy Mans Way To Riches!Dr. Henry Naiken.Msc.D"
Price: 19.99

"Posicionamento nas Mdias Sociais"
"Para quem quer deixar sua marca nas redes sociaisNeste curso online, voc encontrar as tcnicas, tticas, estratgias e ferramentas que utilizei (e utilizo) para criar a presena digital de diversos clientes, assim como a minha.De A a Z, passo a passo, tudo que voc precisa saber, sem rodeios, explicado diretamente por mim mesmo que junto com minha equipe gerencio as mdias sociais de mais de 20 clientes. Agora voc pode aprender como tudo isso feito.O curso no tem frmulas secretas (elas no existem, me desculpe!) Mas rene toda minha experincia nos ltimos 6 anos como o proprietrio e social media media a frente de minha agncia de marketing digital e mdias sociais.Um caminho feito de estudos, erros, testes, experimentos e atualizaes contnuas para manter meus clientes em constante crescimento nas redes sociais."
Price: 279.99

"Introduction to Intercession"
"This self-paced online course, will teach you what an intercessor is, what it takes to be an intercessor, how to aim your prayers, and much more. Learn how powerful of a privilege it is to partner up with the God who created all things in prayer. If you already have understanding the power of prayer, this course serves as a refresher."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de aquarela para iniciantes"
"A aquarela uma tinta que, alm de ter vida prpria, tem uma transparncia que nenhuma outra tem. Com ela possvel fazer texturas e manchas incrveis, intencionais ou espontneas, j que no conseguimos control-la muito bem.Falando assim, parece at um pouco intimidador, mas na verdade bem fcil trabalhar com a aquarela se voc seguir algumas tcnicas bsicas. E essas tcnicas sero ensinadas aqui no CURSO DE AQUARELA PARA INICIANTES.Meu nome Valria Araujo e sou apaixonada por Artes.Neste curso voc vai aprender tudo sobre  tintas, pincis, papis, mistura de cores, vrias tcnicas e composies com folhas, flores, lettering e para finalizar faremos uma paisagem e um lindo conjunto de cactos.Vou dar dicas e contar segredos da aquarela que ningum conta.Neste curso vou lhe pegar pela mo e provar que a pgina em branco no mais um bicho de sete cabeas. Voc embarcar em uma jornada sem volta e viajar em um mundo de cores e alegria.Venha! Voc no vai se arrepender de embarcar nessa aventura.Deixe fluir o artista que mora dentro de voc!"
Price: 189.99

"Curso de Criao de Mandalas"
"No curso de criao de mandalas voc vai aprender a desenhar, pintar e entender um pouquinho sobre a simbologia das mandalas e das coresNo necessrio saber desenhar ou ter experincia artstica. Com este curso voc aprender do zero e desenvolver de forma natural o dom da criatividade que j  est dentro de voc.O ato de desenhar e colorir mandalas proporcionam um aumento no nvel de concentrao, foco, espiritualidade e bem-estar."
Price: 69.99

"Daoist Physical Training"
"This course presents the Daoist approach for achieving the balance between relaxation, strength and rooting. These qualities are the primary source of all the aspects trained nowadays in our quest for healthier and more efficient bodies. Our goal here is to build natural, core qualities, which will nourish the practitioner's health and help him perform better in any physical activity."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Psychology"
"This introductory course in psychology is designed to give students a basic understanding of human behaviour.Students will learn the major psychological theories that will allow them to explain and predict human behaviour.The emphasis will be on examining their own behaviour and the behaviour of other behaviors within an organizational context.It is important to understand human behaviour not only from the perspective of a worker interacting with an organization but from the individual perspective as well.A comprehensive introduction to psychology will equip students with the basic tools needed to understand and appropriately respond to human behaviour.What youll learnKnow the basic origins of psychology and what psychologists doKnow the basics of the research process and the many ways in which psychology is studiedCritically evaluate conflicting ideas in psychology, interesting psychological phenomenon, widely accepted truths in our society, their own personal beliefsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoWho this course is for:For Beginners"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Business Administration"
"This course introduces participants to the fundamental principles of Business Administration. It examines the factors that lead towards successful administration of a business, and the leadership skills and behaviors necessary for achieving organizational goals and objectives. It is designed to examine modern management challenges organizations face and provides an explanation of various types of planning and decision-making tools that can aid in attaining success. The course will cover both the traditional and current thinking relating to management concepts and theories.  Additionally, the course is structured to increase participants knowledge of the fundamentals of organizing, influencing, communication, motivation and human resource management. What youll learnDemonstrate an understanding of the nature of managementIdentify and explain management functions, roles and responsibilitiesExplain human behavior and the elements that influence employee behaviorIdentify and explain the theories of motivation and establish strategies to motivate and build staff morale in the organization Discuss the impact of specific leadership styles and their effect on morale. Explain the communication process in the workplace, the barriers to this process and how to communicate more effectively with colleagues and subordinates Explain the steps of decision making and the benefits of group decision making versus individual decision making. Develop and implement successful people management strategies relating to firms culture and change, decision making, objective setting, organizational efficiency and effectiveness  Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoWho this course is for:For Beginners"
Price: 19.99

"Public Speaking"
"The course is designed to integrate theory and practice in preparing professionals for public speaking assignments. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to develop skills in the preparation and delivery of speeches for specific types of professional occasions. Public speaking emphasizes the practical skill of public speaking, including techniques to lessen speaker anxiety, and the use of visual aids to enhance speaker presentations.What youll learn Understand the requirements for effective public speaking Learn the factors involved in listening to a speech Be sensitive to the inter-relatedness of speaking and active listening Understand how to analyze and adapt style, materials and mode to an audience or occasion Demonstrate effective planning and presenting of specific speeches Develop confidence in professional public speaking  Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Yes, Academic Writing 1Who this course is for:BeginnersIntermediateExpert Level Speakers"
Price: 19.99

"Academic Writing 2"
"Academic Writing 2- This class is an introduction to the analysis of critical thinking. The class aims to impart both a skill and some factual knowledge. The skill is an ability to recognize and also to construct in a structured and written way, common types of cogent and non-cogent reasoning. What will you learn:Demonstrate skills in reasoning, analysis and the use of logical arguments Appreciate how to interpret and evaluate reading material Understand and appreciate different viewpoints Understand how to see arguments from both sides of an issueUnderstand how to effectively present their own ideas Summarize accurately an argument  Locate the thesis of an argument Construct an argument Evaluate the assumptions, examples, evidence and inferences used to support an argument Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Yes, Academic Writing 1Who this course is for:For Intermediate or Expert Level"
Price: 19.99

"Academics Writing 1"
"This is a writing course focusing on expository writings. Basic editing principles are covered and applied to all writing. Selected essays are read and examined as examples of the expository styles to improve critical reading skills, grammar skills, and essay writing. As well, research techniques and documentation are emphasized as methods to enhance writing. What you will learn:Understand the basic structures and practices in English required at the tertiary level Develop the ability to analyze and correct their errorsDevelop an awareness and appreciation for the language used in academic writing. Apply a variety of expository styles to writing Write correctly structured college-level essays  Support ideas in writing using approved sources   Write a formal research paper using APA format.  Who is this course for:For Beginners"
Price: 19.99

"Core Mathematics"
"The course sets out the basics of mathematical principles and moves into more advanced applications which will equip students to effectively cope with other mathematics courses they will encounter throughout their programme. Topics include arithmetic operations, and basic statistics, trigonometry, and graphs. Core Mathematics is delivered along the principles of competency- based teaching and learning."
Price: 19.99

"College Algebra"
"This course will expose students to the principles of algebra for the college level. Students will get an understanding of numerical and algebraic relationships and be able to formulate problems into mathematical terms, select, apply and communicate appropriate techniques of solution and interpret the solutions in terms of the problem."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Como Aumentar as Suas Vendas Agora"
"Ol, Sou Felipe Guimares, Gestor de empresas desde 2016 e criador deste MTODO V3 -  J pude ajudar mais de 1200 empresas a se reorganizarem e terem melhor desempenho! Nesse mundo dos negcios, temos muitas dificuldades todos os dias! Dentre elas, uma das maiores dores dos empreendedores da atualidade realizar novas vendas dirias, para que seu fluxo de caixa possa estar tendo mais flego. O que acaba trazendo atraso de pagamentos, perca de oportunidades, falta de gesto positiva, conta bancaria quase sempre no vermelho o que em muitas vezes com muitas empresas acabam tendo falncia. Pensando nesse problema, resolvi criar uma metodologia que vai ajudar de uma vez por todas a resoluo deste problema! Mostrando como possvel atacar novas vias de oportunidades atravs de estratgias simples e muito eficientes."
Price: 189.99

"Writing Dynamic Characters"
"What is interiority, and why is it such a crucial tool in your writing toolbox? Character is crucial to hooking a reader, so how do you create one that leaps off the page, fully alive? I have spent ten years working in publishing and teaching the creative writing craft to thousands of writers. The more I work with writers of all skill levels, the more Im convinced that learning to dive deeper into character and develop reader connection to your protagonist via interiority is the key skill that separates aspiring writers from successful authors. In this class, Ill discuss what interiority is, as well as where, when, and how to use it in your manuscript. This is a nuanced, living concept that you will, I hope, use for the rest of your writing life and apply to every manuscript you create. This webinar is for fiction and creative nonfiction writers of all skill levels, and in all categories. Even picture book writers are welcome! This class is just the beginning!"
Price: 19.99

"Writing Irresistible Picture Books"
"The average picture book is only 600 words. How hard can that be to write?! This question leads a lot of aspiring authors down the road of the picture book. While picture books are easy and fun to readthey can be extremely challenging to write well! Join me on an exploration of this amazing, engaging, and colorful category of childrens books. I edit hundreds of picture book projects each year, and have insights on them from a craft perspective, as well as my time as a childrens book literary agent."
Price: 19.99

"Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: Part I"
"Most of writing happens in revision. Terry Pratchett once said, The first draft is just you telling yourself the story. What happens afterhow you shape that first draft into a story for othersis what determines your success. But its common knowledge that writers have a very hard time seeing their work objectively. Ive been working in an editorial capacity with writers for over ten years, first as a literary agent, and now as a full time freelance editor. In this webinar, Ill cover the most common writing issues in the categories of character, plot, and voice, and how you can teach yourself to recognize them and attack them in your own writing. Work smarter, not harder, on your next revision.This class is for fiction and creative nonfiction writers of all skill levels, and in all categories. Even picture book writers are welcome! This exploration is just the beginning of what I hope will be a lifelong relationship between you and your editorial pen."
Price: 19.99

"Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: Part II"
"Most of writing happens in revision. Terry Pratchett once said, The first draft is just you telling yourself the story. What happens afterhow you shape that first draft into a story for othersis what determines your success. But its common knowledge that writers have a very hard time seeing their work objectively. Ive been working in an editorial capacity with writers for over ten years, first as a literary agent, and now as a full time freelance editor. In this webinar, Ill cover the most common writing issues in the categories of character, plot, and voice, and how you can teach yourself to recognize them and attack them in your own writing. Work smarter, not harder, on your next revision.This class is for fiction and creative nonfiction writers of all skill levels, and in all categories. Even picture book writers are welcome! This exploration is just the beginning of what I hope will be a lifelong relationship between you and your editorial pen. This is the second installment in a series of two classes."
Price: 19.99

"Writing Irresistible First Pages: Part I"
"Theres a lot of pressure on those opening novel pages. Heres how to start your story in a compelling way, avoid common mistakes, and catch the attention of an agent or publisher in the slush. In this presentation, you will hear a wealth of information about how to write successful, eye-catching first pages. This course is geared to novel and memoir writers of all categories, from middle grade to fantasy. This is the first part of the two-part First Pages course."
Price: 19.99

"Kaliteli Render Almann Kurallar (3DS MAX, LUMION, C4D. vb)"
"Kaliteli render almak iin bilinmesi elzem olan btn anahtar kavramlar tek derste... 3D Studio Max, Lumion, Cinema 4D, SketchUp gibi programlarn hangisini kullanyor olursanz olun, anahtar kavramlar bilmeden iyi render almanz mmkn olmayacaktr. Kritik birka ayarlama ile almalarnz ok daha etkili hale gelecektir. Detayl anlatm ile A'dan Z'ye temel bir baucu kayna. Bu dersi aldktan sonra almalarnza farkl bir gzle bakacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

", . HTML CSS JavaScript"
Price: 199.99

"Parenting: From Burnout to Chill"
"Do you struggle balancing family life and nurturing yourself?Are you interested in brand new ways of working with and connecting with your children?This course sets up lots of parenting turnarounds that can take you from borderline burnout to chilled - without overthinking or over trying. There is no magic wand of course and these methods will take practice but they are simple and cut through without judgement or analysis: two things that can really kill flow in the family home.Sarah works with primitive movement and a modern, secular spiritual approach which focuses on taking a step back and checking in with yourself before the kids.....yes, really. Build an incredible relationship with yourself and the rest will follow!"
Price: 99.99

"Exam Stress: Work the Inner Core and Chill"
"Do you find the harder you study the more stressed you get?Is the thought of taking exams making you run for the hills?Sleepless nights, overthinking and other uncomfortable emotional responses.This course takes a totally different approach to the challenges of exams by teaching self-care methods to help you through these tough times. It isn't just theory or commentary - it is jam packed with exercises for you to learn that really help dial down the inner noise and bring you into an easier way of being.Each course section is broken up into:Short explanation and introductionBreathwork exercisesCalming movements and body work - when the head is busy, the body likes attention!Tapping rounds to get your worries out in the openMicro meditations to connect your inner worldThis is all about you feeling better! With minimum effort of course."
Price: 99.99

"Voice Health for Singers and Performers"
"Do you experience any anxiety about your voice?Are you looking for support and solutions beyond steaming and hot honey water?You have come to the right place!Sarah's course offers whole person support for the times when you need to reduce the stress load, heal and recover. She has developed a very thorough protocol as part of her professional singing and therapeutic practice - no stone left unturned here!This course includes:Voice focused meditationsBody work to connect and destress - when the mind is busy, go to the bodyTapping for all your vocal worries - express and clear with energy workBreathwork for inner connectionSarah is a professional singer and therapeutic coach who works with many people in the performance industries. Her training background is in primitive reflex therapy and mindfulness/energy healing - these three modalities combined pack a powerful punch for whole person wellbeing. She maintains exceptional vocal health despite having had a small cyst on her left vocal fold which has now shrunk! Her aim is to have crystal clear, relaxed vocals at all times of year and in this course she shows you her entire protocol."
Price: 99.99

"Cocina Fcil, Sana y Econmica. Guacamole Casero GRATIS"
"Con este primer curso he querido que puedas elaborar (en un tiempo rcord de 1 hora y media) un Men Completo para una ocasin especial, donde no falten un entrante, un primer plato, segundo plato y postre. Elaboraremos:Bodegn de Mariscos CocidosSopa de Pollo y Verduras con ""Gnoqui"" (oqui) de 2 smolasAsado de Cordero con su salsa Arroz ""Thai"" para acompaar el corderoMousse de Membrillo Artesano con Crema de Yogur y Crujiente de GarrapiadasEl secreto de este curso estriba en su elaboracin.                                                                                                                                    En y 1 hora y media, siempre que sigas los procesos, tendrs preparado TODO EL MEN.Para ello no nos complicamos, evitamos pesos, medidas complejas, procesos reservados a profesionales; en definitiva una cocina ideada para personas que no estn familiarizadas con los fogones, que no disponen de tiempo para preparar platos con estilo y que adems, por ello, no disponen de instrumentos especiales en su cocina.En futuros cursos nos deleitaremos con los platos ms arraigados de la gastronoma espaola, buscando rutas y trucos para acortar los procesos y los tiempos de elaboracin.Otro de los objetivos que nos hemos marcado es ""perderle miedo a los fogones"". Comer bien, sano, rpido y sin costes excesivos es... MUY FCIL.Mi experiencia como periodista -donde el tiempo para uno mismo no existe-, me ha hecho investigar en aquellos procesos que facilitan que comamos de forma sana y natural sin dedicar largas horas de trabajo y lo en nuestra cocina.                          Estaremos de acuerdo que llegar a casa es sinnimo de relax pero no por ello debemos comer sin alicientes gastronmicos que nos hagan disfrutar de la mesa.Te sorprender como se puede elaborar -por ejemplo- un ""Potaje de Garbanzos"" en apenas 20 minutos, un arroz en 7 minutos, o un postre en 10 minuto sin perder el sabor y el gusto de los guisos y los platos de nuestras abuelas.                      Aunque parezca imposible... se puede hacer.Espaa es uno de los pases que ms exporta su gastronoma.                                                                                              Millones de personas en el mundo han probado platos tan tpicos de nuestros fogones como la Tortilla de Patatas, las Tapas, la Paella, los asados de Cordero y Lechn, el Gazpacho Andaluz, la Fabada o el Cocido Madrileo... Para poder disfrutar de ello en casa es tan fcil como participar de mis cursos.Dedicando tan solo una hora, aprenders cinco platos que, sin duda te sorprendern a ti y a los tuyos, dejndote tiempo para relajarte y disfrutar de esa reunin familiar en la que t eres el anfitrin y por ello quieres lucirte."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Intermediate Algebra in a Few Hours"
"This course is the Linear Equations portion of the Intermediate Algebra curriculum. You will learn everything included in the Solving Linear Equations section of Intermediate Algebra.-Using basic strategies to solve Linear Equations -Using our problem-solving strategy-Solving a formula for a specific variable-Solving Mixture application problems-Solving Uniform Motion application problems-Solving Linear Inequalities, Compound inequalities, and Absolute Value inequalitiesIncludes:* 88 Practice problems (w/ solutions)* Final Test (w/ solutions)"
Price: 24.99